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Critical Self Analysis

For time management, I would give myself a 8 out of
10, as in media I hand work in on time and complete
projects on time. However, at home and in other
areas of college I struggle to seem interested and
concentrate enough to remember to turn my work in
on time/complete tasks.

For teamwork I would give myself an 8 out of 10. For the
most part I can work well with who I’m put with, however
sometimes when I clash with someone I can get
argumentative and not work well with them.

For communication I’d give myself a 10 out
of 10, as I am good at vocalising when I’m
happy/upset about something, and I’m
good at presenting my ideas and thoughts.
For my organisation I’d give
myself a 6, as I often forget
equipment/homework primarily
in English and Maths.
Camera Skills
I would give myself a 10/10 for
camera skills, as I know the basic
exposure triangle well and I know
how to create different effects
with the camera.

Creativity Video Editing

I’d give myself an 7 for I’d give myself a

creativity, as I have a lot of 4/10, as although I
ideas, but I need to expand can edit a video, I
on them more and make haven’t taken the
them more coherent. time to learn any
skills or anything not
For research, I would give myself a 10/10, as I
believe I have done thorough research for all of
the projects I have worked on. I researched a
large chunk of information for the Czech
documentary and music video, such as the
target audience, the culture, the style, etc., as
well as research for my own personal projects
outside of college.

Software skills
For software skills, I would give myself a 7 out of 10, as
although I am capable of using software both in and
away from college, I need to learn more than just the

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