Ummilbalady's Field Report

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STUDENT NUMBER: BD321054/S0342/0063/2017





JULY 2022

I am very grateful to TANESCO Energy Company for giving me an opportunity
to complete the practical training in its premises.

Special thanks to Mr. Joseph Kimboka of the ICT department, for his guidance,
co-operation and support during my practical training, his effort to provide me
with the information and knowledge that cannot be left without being

I would like to thank my Lecturers, for their guidance and support which they
have shown to me through their teaching.

Lastly, I would like to thanks my colleagues and family members for their co-
operation and support during all this period of studying.

1. TANESCO - Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited
2. ZECO - Zanzibar Electricity Corporation
3. SDM – Service Delivery Management System

DESCRIPTION/DISCUSSION ON THE TRAINING.....................................................................13

Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (TANESCO) is a Parastatal
organization established in 1964. It is wholly owned by the government of
Tanzania. The Ministry of Energy and Minerals regulates the operation of

The company generates, purchases, transmits, distributes, and sells bulk

power to the Zanzibar Electricity Corporation (ZECO), which in turn sells it to
the public in islands Unguja and Pemba. TANESCO owns most of the electricity
generating, transmitting, and distributing facilities in Tanzania Mainland with
an estimated population of over 50 million.

The company has workforce of 7,344 employees. Its main offices are located in
Ubungo west of Dar es Salaam central business district and it operates
regional offices throughout Tanzania.

• The most important products, services, and clientele

The main product available in TANESCO is Electricity. While there are

plenty of services provided to the customers, like;

a. Electricity generation
b. Electricity transmission
c. Electricity distribution

And energy sale to the mainland of Tanzania, as well as the selling of power in
bulk to the island of Zanzibar.

Electricity generation

This is the process of generating electric power from sources of primary energy.
For utilities in the electric power industry, it is the stage prior to its delivery
(transmission, distribution, etc.) to end users or its storage.

Electricity is not freely available in nature, so it must be “produced” (i.e.
transforming other forms of energy to electricity).

Capacity of Grid System Interconnection Generation

 The whole of 18 isolated mini-grids and 82 megawatts as the total

installed capacity. From these two mini-grids, 15 mini-grids with 53 total
installed capacity are diesel generators while 29 megawatts installed
capacity runs on natural gas.
 Total liquid fuel fired power plants (210 megawatts with capacity of 50
megawatts on a short term rental basis).
 Total gas fired power (554 megawatts, with 320 megawatts as the only
capacity operational).
 Total Hydro Power (561 megawatts)

TANESCO’s Generation division is responsible for all power generation
functions owned by TANESCO both National Grid connected and off-grid
stations. Other sources of generation are from independent power producers
(IPPs) and imports, which feed the National grid and isolated areas as well as

TANESCO’s own generation system consists mainly of Hydro and Thermal

based generation. Whereby hydro contributes the largest share of TANESCO’s
grid power generation. Hydro power plants comprise 50.6% of total installed
capacity while thermal plants contribute 49.4%.

The hydro-plants are all interconnected with the national grid system and their
installed capacity for each station is as follows;

 Kidatu 204 MW
 Kihansi 180 MW
 Mtera 80 MW
 Pangani 68 MW
 Hale 21 MW
 Uwemba 0.843 MW
 Nyumba ya Mungu 8 MW

Totaling to 561.84 MW.

Thermal generation totaling 470.9 MW is from Ubungo -I Gas plant (104.8

MW), Ubungo-II Gas plant (105 MW), Kinyerezi I (150 MW), Tegeta Gas plant
(73.7 MW), Dodoma Diesel 7.4 MW and Nyakato plant (63 MW).

Off-grid stations total capacity is 77.4 MW contributed by 18 isolated small

diesel plants ranging from 250kV to 2500kV and two (2) gas plants of total 25.5
MW (Somanga 7,500Kw and Mtwara 18,000kW).

Electricity transmission

Electric power transmission is the bulk movement of electrical energy from a

generating site, such as power plant, to an electrical substation. The
interconnected lines which facilitate this movement are known as a
transmission network. This is distinct from the local wiring between high –
voltage substations and customers, which is typically referred to as electric
power distribution. The combined transmission and distribution network is part
of electricity delivery, known as the electrical grid.

TANESCO Network of Power Transmission

 Grid substations (48 with transmission interconnection)

 66 kilovolts lines (578 km)
 132 kilovolts lines (1555 km)
 220 kilovolts lines (2732 km)

TANESCO’s Transmission business unit optimally operates and maintain
transmission’s grid assets throughout their economic life; and to provide an
integrative function for the reliable maintenance, grid operations control,
operation of the grid communication network of optical fiber cable systems and
form part of the risk management of the interconnected grid power system,
owned by TANESCO in Tanzania.

The grid transmission network is wholly owned by TANESCO that has route
length totaled of 4,891km of high voltage which comprises of 2,747.4km of 220
kV;1,565.6km of 132 kV; and 578.7km of 66 kV and 43 high voltage grid
substations that interconnects the main cities, regional, townships and centers
around the country by the end of 31st December 2015. The 670km of 400 kV
backbone transmission line is still under construction.

Electricity distribution

This is the final stage in delivery of electric power; it carries electricity from the
transmission system to individual consumers. Distribution substations
connect to the transmission system and lower the transmission voltage to
medium voltage ranging between 2 kV and 35 kV with the use if transformers.
Primary distribution lines carry this medium voltage power to distribution
transformers located near the customer’s premises. Distribution transformers
again lower the voltage to the utilization voltage used by lightning, industrial
equipment and household appliances. Often several customers are supplied
from one transformer through secondary distribution lines. Commercial and
residential customers are connected to the secondary distribution lines
through service drops. Customers demanding a much larger amount of power
may be connected directly to the primary distribution level or the
subtransmission level.

TANESCO Network of Power Distribution

 Distribution transformers (11,124)

 11 kilovolts lines (5,375 km)
 33 kilovolts lines (17,021 km)

TANESCO’s distribution network system consists of 33kV supply voltage that

serves as the backbone stepped down by distribution transformers to 400/230
volts for residential, light commercial, and light industrial supply. Commercial
and heavy industries are supplied directly at 33kV and 11kV.

Import and Export

In order to meet the needs of the neighboring regions that are not connected to
the national grid, a small amount of TANESCO’s energy is supplied from the
territory of Zambia and Uganda. At present, electricity is exported by Tanzania
to Kenya close to the region of Horo, with the Isinya- Singida High voltage
power line being under construction. In light of the recently expanded Gas
Sector in the country, the corporation plans to ensure an increased state of
exports to neighboring countries.

Other services include;

a. Planning engineer (Technical) advisory

b. Legal Services
c. Financial Services
d. Management Advisory
e. Business Advisory


TANESCO customers are all those who benefit from services provided by
TANESCO and everyone who has a stake in electric supply TANESCO. They
include (individual and companies);

 Government ministries, and companies

 Financial institutions like banks
 Private sector institutions
 General public

Organizational chart and my position in it (description of roles and


The company is organized under the following business units;

i. Generation
ii. Transmission
iii. Distribution and Customer Services
iv. Investment
v. Finance
vi. Information, Communication, and Technology
vii. Human Resources and the Legal Counsel
viii. Internal Audit
ix. Procurement Management Unit
x. Company Secretary
xi. Communication and Public Relation

I will describe more on Information, Communication, and Technology Department
since it is the one was in.

The ICT Business Unit has a role of spearheading acquisitions of ICT related
assets, support ICT systems, infrastructures and ensure availability of
business systems to internal/external users and other stakeholders. It deals
with ICT research and development Networks, communications and office
automation, as well as ICT business services (operations).

ICT Unit is responsible for the following major functions;

 Implementation and managing of ICT infrastructure including

safeguarding company networks and resources from external attacks.
 Implementation and management/administration of ICT Enterprise
applications that automate business processes and ensure business
continuity by deploying best practices for data security and business
 Envisage or visualize benefit of use, acquire and utilization of
technologies to attain values in;
 Company business profit or cost reductions
 Customer services improvements and conveniences
 Maintaining IT standards so as to easily manage maintenance
issues of IT infrastructure, equipment, software and peripherals.

I joined TANESCO Energy Company as a Technician to ICT department for the

duration of one month. I have been working together with my colleagues.
Together we were making sure that if any problem occurs, we were able to fix

I was also assigned to do various tasks by my supervisor Mr. Kimboka related

to IT.

The main objective of my field training was to gain more knowledge and skills
on the things that I have studied during classes, and also learn to work alone

independently or together with my fellow employees. And to find myself on
which area I was less capable of so I could put more effort to it.

The field aimed to teach work responsibilities and following rules and
regulations, management, dress code, and working under supervision. i.e., all
work done should be at the right time and place, and should be reported when

As the IT technician I was given tasks like hardware related issues, more on
network problems, and software related tasks too.


• Training provided by the company, especially for your task

Here are duties and responsibilities, new knowledge and skills gained in each
of the duties and responsibilities assigned, things enjoyed most and why,
things enjoyed least and why, problem experienced and how handled.

Tasks done

General IT support

Basically, as an IT technician should be well flexible to perform different tasks

related to IT, these kind of tasks happen often. Such tasks are;

a. Windows installation
b. Software downloading and installations
c. Network troubleshooting
d. Network cable connections
e. Minor devices maintenance
f. Printer troubleshooting

Network troubleshooting and network connections

In network troubleshooting and network connections I was able to know

various network layers as the network system administrator should be aware of

in order to perform troubleshooting easily. Layer such as layer 1 (physical
layer) that involves physical components such as cables RJ45, layer 7 that
involves applications such as web browsers.

 I learnt how to make RJ45 cable and connect it until it can finally work
on the final user’s computer.
 And how to solve network problems when it comes to web browsers’
failure to connect on the network.

Printer troubleshooting

There were times when printer wasn’t working properly. It could be either,
paper jam, or it wasn’t connected to the computer.

In this case, I learnt how solve the issue of paper jam in the printer by
following the steps needed to be taken, which are;

 Open a tray
 Remove the paper that jammed
 Close the tray and try to print

Another case was connecting the printer with the computer. You can either;

 Connect it via IP address or manually by choosing it amongst the list of

devices provided.

Devices maintenance

Due to the expenses that are accompanied by the IT technology it is very

difficult to manage purchase of the new components or devices whenever
damage occurs to the devices. As the IT personnel you should use everything in
your power to avoid it. I realized that while we were performing components or
device swapping that were able to exchanges some hardware devices which had
problems with those which were working. And later on fixing those which failed
to work until the problem is solved and are ready for use. So, for that

experience, I finally realized that there is no need to incur cost whenever a
device failure occurs.

Software downloading and Windows installations

Occasionally my colleagues and I were asked to install various software on the

used and new computers. Most of the software installed were those used at
TANESCO only, like CoyForm system, SDM system, LUKU, and others like
Anti-virus software, Operating systems (windows 10), and web browsers. I am
well good at these stuffs since I’m very familiar with them.

New knowledge and skills gained in each duty and responsibility assigned

I learnt that;

 Teamwork is what can be derived from the organization. This shows how
members are working together to achieve their targets in their
organization. Due to that it simplifies the work hence activities goes as
 Things include normal discipline which is a good conduct while expecting
to be future employee, example how to respect each other, how to
perform activities through collaboration.
 The control of activities have been made an integral part of the daily
activities. Because effective internal control system requires that an
appropriate control structure is set up, with control activities defined at
every business level then the organization has included; top level
reviews, appropriate activity controls for different departments or
division, physical controls, checking for compliance with exposure limits
and follow-up on non-compliance, a system of approvals and

 Troubleshooting peripheral devices like printers, scanners and photocopy
machines how they work and how to solve the problem of peripheral
 Uses of business application system of TANESCO how to help the
company to work efficiently and solve the problem of customers on time
(when they call customer care for service or through the control system
and trace where it shows the flow of electricity on the entire region and
its status in every area).

Things enjoyed most and why

Cooperation and unity from the staff of ICT unit as whole and RBAO
department for their contribution brought about the successfully field
attachment program. This is because most people there at TANESCO know
their responsibility and they are very flexible when needed to do things even
which are not concerning with their department. Doing things practically.

Things that I was interested in

In general, I have enjoyed every moment that I has at TANESCO during my

field training, because it was the place that helped me to realize in practice
what I learnt in the class and leave me with minor uncertainty of the concepts
that I had before. But mostly I working with other employed staffs and get the
feeling that even though I’m still a student but I can perform duties like any
other experienced staff and my efforts directly or indirectly added something in
the organization and contribute in serving in the community at large.

Things that I was not interested with

The field training was interesting but there were something that I was not
pleased with, among of those were the repetition of tasks. Since there were no
special program to arrange and perform day to day activities especially for the
students who are at field practical training, duties and tasks are performed

whenever they arise that lead to the frequently repetition of the task hence poor
of arranging of activities.

Field work has made many changes to the students including increased skills,
knowledge and how to behave in working areas. The practical training is very
important for students because it’s essential for knowledge and skills
development. Also encourages students to apply those theory obtained from the
class into practice.

As stated earlier, I’ve done my field training for a month. i.e., 1 st July 2022 to
29th July 2022. And the following are the experiences that I’ve gained;

 Working as a team
 Valuable work experience
 How to solve IT related problems
 Solving problems individually
 Great understanding of network infrastructure
 Monitoring the company’s facilities

During the field training I got learn plenty of new things. It made me
understand areas where I’m very good at and where my weaknesses were. I
also gained some skills during my training period which are;

 Communication skills (having proper communication and understanding

with my fellow teammates).

So the problems can be fixed easily. Through this, I met many different people
and exchanged ideas on various matters, hence, it helped me expand my
knowledge and knew more where I lack, retain strength where I was weak.

 How to approach and solve an IT problem if ever come across to.

I picked up some few techniques from my supervisor on how to start solving
various IT problems, whether I’m still as a student or when I start working at a
certain place.

 Listening skills (working as a team needs people to listen to one another,

listening to your fellow if he/she provides any suggestions. And follow
what the supervisor has instructed).
 Leadership skills

i.e., there were times when the supervisor would select us into groups and pick
a leader amongst us to lead others in solving a certain problem. I’ve had that
chance a couple of times and learnt more on how a leader is supposed to act,
and how to treat those he/she leads especially in the working areas (company).

The company I was trained in was very safe and secure. There were no health
issues nor security issues that I faced. Rules and regulations were provided to
be followed, and I did as I was told to avoid any problem that might have
occurred later during my stay there.

It has made me realize which IT career I’m more capable of and I enjoy a lot.
Because we were given different IT tasks to perform, that’s what helped me
understand which career to pick when I’m done with my studies, because I’m
confident in it.

In the end, TANESCO is a very good company for students to take their
training because it covers the entire country up to the district level. Though my
training time was very limited but I enjoyed a lot because you’re participating
directly as one of the company staff and you’re able to integrate between theory
and practical by getting knowledge and experience of doing work. Hence field
practical training is the vital tool in developing students’ skills, knowledge and


In the future during my studies or during my next training period I would prefer
learning more on networking. Because during my field training, I have discovered that
networking part has a lot of things to learn from and more practical to take than I
could ever imagine. Networking has various branches to focus on as IT member,
whether it’s on hardware part or software.

1. (2022). Retrieved from
2. (2022). Retrieved from
3. Hatibu, H. (2016). Retrieved from
4. Juma, S. (2022). Retrieved from
5. Log Book

APPENDIX A: Abstract
TANESCO is a Parastatal organization established in 1964, owned by the
government of Tanzania. The Ministry of Energy and Minerals regulates the
operation of TANESCO.

The company generates, purchases, transmits, distributes, and sells bulk

power ZECO, which in turn sells it to the public in islands Unguja and Pemba.
TANESCO owns most of the electricity generating, transmitting, and
distributing facilities in Tanzania Mainland with an estimated population of
over 50 million.

The company has workforce of 7,344 employees. It operates regional offices

throughout Tanzania.

APPENDIX B: Services
The following diagrams illustrate services provided in TANESCO in stages.

Figure B1: Shows how electricity is generated before being transmitted to the

Figure A2: Shows how electricity is transmitted to the users after being

Figure A3: Shows the last stage on how the electricity is being distributed to their
final destinations.

APPENDIX C: Customers
Customers of TANESCO
 Government ministries, and companies
 Financial institutions like banks
 Private sector institutions
 General public

APPENDIX D: Business units

 Generation
 Transmission
 Distribution and Customer Services
 Investment
 Finance
 Information, Communication, and Technology
 Human Resources and the Legal Counsel
 Internal Audit

 Procurement Management Unit
 Company Secretary
 Communication and Public Relation


 Windows installation
 Software downloading and installations
 Network troubleshooting
 Network cable connections
 Minor devices maintenance
 Printer troubleshooting

APPENDIX F: Conclusion

The practical training is very important for students because it’s essential for
knowledge and skills development. During the field training I got learn plenty of
new things. It made me understand areas where I’m very good at and where my
weaknesses were.

It has made me realize which IT career I’m more capable of and I enjoy a lot.
Because we were given different IT tasks to perform, that’s what helped me
understand which career to pick when I’m done with my studies, because I’m
confident in it.

APPENDIX G: Reference

For more details concerning TANESCO energy company;


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