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Preliminary Project Report




Bachelor of Engineering (Computer

Engineering) BY
Govind Guleria (3417)
Hemant Kumar Gurjar (3422)
Sahil (3449)
Yogendra Singh (3461)
Under the of
Dr. N K Bansode

Department of Computer Engineering

Army Institute of Technology, Pune -



This is to certify that the Project Entitled



Submitted by
Govind Guleria (3417)
Hemant Kumar Gurjar (3422)
Sahil (3449)
Yogendra Singh (3461)

is a bonafide work carried out by students under the guidance of Dr. N K

Bansode is submitted as part of the Bachelor of Engineering (Computer
Engineering) Project requirement.

Dr. N K Bansode Prof. (Dr.) Sunil Dhore

Internal Guide H.O.D

Dr. B P Patil
External Examiner Principal

Place : AIT, Pune

Date :

Project Stage-I Report

Personalized learning for STEM education using immersive technology

is successfully delivered

Govind Guleria (3417)

Hemant Kumar Gurjar (3422)
Sahil (3449)
Yogendra Singh (3461)


Department Of Computer Engineering

Army Institute of Technology, Pune-

Dr. N K Bansode Prof. (Dr.) Sunil Dhore

Department of Computer Engg. H.O.D
Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


In cutting-edge dynamic academic panorama, the integration of immersive technology into

STEM (technology, technology, Engineering, and mathematics) training has emerged as a
groundbreaking method. This paper offers a comprehensive evaluation of personalized STEM
education inside immersive generation-enabled environments. It explores how advanced
algorithms and immersive technologies come collectively to create tailored mastering stories
that enhance student engagement, understanding acquisition, and skill development. The key
driving force in the back of customized STEM training is its capacity to adapt mastering stories
to individual college students' desires and preferences. This survey delves into the algorithms
that accelerate personalized learning, considering factors like students' beyond performance and
cognitive profiles. It additionally explores layout elements that infuse digital worlds with
interactive capabilities and gamification strategies, making the gaining knowledge of
enjoy greater enticing. In the end, this survey paper explores the mixing of immersive
technology into STEM training, emphasizing customized learning studies. It outlines the
methodologies used to gather and examine applicable research, and it gives key findings that
shed light at the ability of immersive era in shaping the future of STEM training.

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


It gives us great pleasure to deliver the preliminary project report on ‘Personalized

Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology’.

We would like to express our gratitude to our guide Dr. N K Bansode, along
with Prof. Anup Kadam.
We would also like to express our gratitude to our HOD Prof. (Dr.) Sunil

Govind Guleria
Hemant Kumar Gurjar
Yogendra Singh
(B.E. Computer

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Acknowledgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II

1.1 Details of project work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Scope Of The Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Motivation of the project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.1 Personalized Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Immersive Learning . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . 8
2.3 Personalization in recent works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4 Proposed system . . . . .. . . .. . ….. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . 15
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.1.1Purpose and Background to Proposed Work . . . . . . 18
3.1.2 Scope .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2Description and Functions of the Product . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2.1Product Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.3Specific Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3.1Functional Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.3.3Design Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.4Future Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology




5.1 Architectural Design.......................................................................31
5.2 UML Diagrams................................................................................32
5.2.1 Sequence Diagram..................................................................33
5.2.2 Activity Diagram.................................................................34
5.2.3 Use case Diagram....................................................................35
5.2.4 State Diagram.....................................................................35



8 References 41

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

List of Figures

5.1 System Architecture........................................................................39

5.2 Sequence Diagram................................................................................40
5.3 Activity Diagram.............................................................................41
5.4 Use case Diagram.................................................................................42
5.5 State Diagram..................................................................................43

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

Chapter 1

1.1 Details of project work

The project entitled Personalized learning using the immersive technology
for STEM education that seeks to establish the system that will allow to
provide individual approach in all STEM subjects. At the commencement of
the project, a comprehensive investigation of prior work is undertaken to
discover the current research and technologies in personalized learning as
well as immersive technologies for STEM education. The major goals are to
construct and apply an elaborate apparatus which targets each learner on
stem matters, in order to increase his participation and understanding. This
system will use data analytics and personalization algorithms, enabling the
adaptation of content per user behavior and the specific learning preferences.
The reliability, usefulness, and performance of the system will be
determined by stringent tests and quality control measures.

The project will also look into how the platform fares with STEM
education. This will entail involving users, training, and gathering feedback
necessary for future improvement of the platform. Educational institutions
will be used for implementation, while the project will strictly adhere to
legal and ethical standards of data protection and educational rules. Finally,
their aspiration is to transform the current STEM education by introducing
personalized immersive learning.
This study is intended to outline the project’s features, serving as a guide
for developers as well as a software validation for a potential client.

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

1.2 Objectives

The main purpose is creating a new custom learning system for science, technology,
engineering, and math subjects using virtual and augmented reality. This includes
developing an easily navigable and interactive interface. It includes incorporating data
analytics and customized approaches in tailoring education materials specific to learner’s
strengths and learning weaknesses with regard to STEM fields. Testing rigorously,
checking quality, and doing usability evaluations will make the platform reliable and
effective. The system will have user training, feedback to refine the algorithm, and an
ethics based on data protection and education regulations. Finally, the study will address
how STEM innovations affect teaching and learning and how to improve STEM education
that supports student centered STEM engagements which involve active thinking to
address complex STEM problems.

1.3 Scope Of the Project

In STEM scope includes DSA, Higher Math’s, Physics, and AI. There is, therefore, the
need to design an individualized learning system unique to the four STEM classes. They
will adopt the use of virtual reality (VR) technology and augmented reality (AR) for
enhanced experiential learning in these fields. Consideration of using design and user-
friendly interface; implementation of Personalization techniques and Predictive analysis to
address learners’ heterogony while teaching on subjects like DSA, Higher Mathematics,
Physics and Artificial Intelligence etc. Some of the aspects of this project include testing,
quality assurance, among others like feedback processes and user trainings schemes. Ethics
in data collection, privacy issues and adherence to education laws are also going to be
covered in the project’s scope. This means redesigning STEM education in those sectors by
applying something simpler than traditional study.

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

1.4 Motivation of the project

This motivation is stemmed from the desire to acknowledge and address
changes in the realm of academic matters notably; science, technology,
engineering and math (STEM). Although such traditional teaching strategies
are very effective on a group of people, they normally fail to engage students
who learn differently, are very strong or tend to have different preferences
respectively. With growing diversity within the educational environment, the
quality of learning experience has to be intensified to accommodate for the
specificity of every child.

Among the top driving factors, the most important one is the issue that
necessitates to handle different learning styles. The capacity to grasp and
remember information differs in students. Others are those who absorb
information visually such as those who use diagrams, charts, visual aids, and
such. The others are kinesthetic learners, who have difficulty understanding
difficult concept except physically involving themselves in the activities and
processes. Also, they use listening and discussions and to have a better
understanding. This project is motivated by the aim of recognizing these
differences, and creating a supportive learning environment that caters for
such diverse learning styles.

Another crucial motivator is the possibility of immersion technologies, such

as VR and AR, to transform the education process. Such technologies can
attract students; they can feel present in their lessons which make their
lessons alive and more fun for them. With the help of VR and AR, we want
to turn education into a new breath of air that has nothing in common with
old-fashioned schools. In this regard, immersive learning is especially
important in STEM education as it has its fair share of difficult-to-
understand concepts. Immersive technologies provide a new way of
visualizing and experiencing complex concepts thereby demystifying them.

In addition, the driving forces for such endeavor are centered on practical
usage of theoretical insights. Practical application is necessary for STEM
subjects, which require theoretical understanding. Simulations of real-life
scenarios and experiments using immersive technology gives students
chance apply what they know practically. In order to prepare students
adequately for the fast-paced technology driven world, this is an essential
bridge between theory and application

Finally, it should be noted that this project aims at changing the prevailing
paradigm in STEM education. Holistic learning environment for diverse
learnings abilities, engaging, simple understandable concept with application
into practical life. This projects aim is to enable learners with competencies
that will enable them survive in increasingly dynamic STEM fields as well
as in the professional world generally through exploitation of immersive
education technologies.
Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

Chapter 2

2.1 Personalized Learning

Personalized learning is a teaching method that provides customized instruction and course
content based on specific student abilities, preferences, and preferred rates of progression. The
approach is different from the traditional one-size-fits-all approach in education, which caters
for the various learning styles, talents and preferences among students. Students have some
control over how they learn, what they cover, and when all this takes place in personalized
learning enabling them to own their learning experience.

Key features of personalized learning:

1. Individualized Learning Plans: Assessment on each students’ progress and unique learning
needs and objectives. This assessment enables to establish an individual learning program
which is adjusted for a particular student.

2. Flexible Pacing: There is an emphasis on individualized learning, through which students

can advance at their own speeds; It gives them an opportunity to concentrate much more on
topics that seem difficult for them and run faster over the areas they do well in.

3. Varied Learning Resources: Technology supplemented with textbooks, hands-on activities,

personal guidance as well as involvement of parents can be also applied in a personalized mode
of learning. This guarantees that the student will have access to learning resources that match
his or her learning style.

4. Student Choice: Some choice of students on what learns they want to acquire. This will
enable them to inquire on issues they see fit thus enhancing their understanding and meaning of
the entire process.

5. Ongoing Assessment: Continuous assessment provides feedback for teachers and learners to
monitor progress and makes adjustment where necessary.

6. Teacher as a Guide: Rather, educators act as facilitators, mentors, and guides, instead of
simple instructors. Students rely on them for support and direction so that they can accomplish
their learning goals.

In personalized learning, there is an acknowledgment that each learner is different and what
could work on one will not work in another. Its objective is to customize education for an
optimum outcome towards students’ achievement of learning objectives with high learner
participation and increased learning satisfaction.

Department of Computer Engineering, AIT, Pune

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


2.1.1 Different Personalization techniques

1. Real time object manipulation
This includes real-time object manipulation with an environment that could be virtual,
augmented or mixed, a non-virtual physical world through technology. This helps to
interact with and control virtual elements/real world items in real-time using interfaces
such as motion controllers and robots. The applications of this technology include games,
simulations, learning, designing, making, medicine and entertainment, which provide real
time interaction with objects at any instant and lead to active participation as well as
accuracy in the said areas. The papers encompass a wide range of methods, from
computer vision and machine learning to robotics and haptic feedback systems.
Abuhammad et al. [41], Antoniou et al. [47], Barrett and Hegarty [51], Bennie et al. [55],
Guzsvinecz et al. [76], Kamińska et al. [90], Liu et al. [99], Madden et al. [102], Monita
and Ikshan [118], Ou et al. [122], Porter et al. [131], Remolar et al. [135], Sanchez-
Sepulveda et al. [139], Seybold and Mantwill [142], Smit et al. [146], Triviño-Tarradas et
al. [152], Valentine et al. [155]

2. Intuitive navigation
In our comprehensive survey paper on "Personalized Learning Using Immersive
Technology," we navigate through the intricate landscape of this evolving field by
referring to a diverse array of 11 seminal papers. These key contributions span the
spectrum of immersive learning and personalized education, offering a rich tapestry of
insights and innovations that collectively illuminate the potential of immersive
technology in shaping the future of education. Bolkas et al. [58], Calvert and Abadia [61],
Jochecová et al. [87], Johnston et al. [89], Krajčovič et al. [94], Mayor et al. [111], Pirker
et al. [130], Remolar et al. [135], Tarng et al. [151], Wee et al. [160], Xu and Ke [164]

3. Personalized feedback system

A personalized feedback system in VR enhances the learning experience. Parmar et al.
[127] introduced an application for electrical circuitry education. It included a training
module with visual and audio feedback, offering a personalized learning
experience.Boetje and Van Ginkel [57] developed an application to improve oral
presentation skills. After use, it provided personalized feedback on pitch, volume, and
pauses, aiding individual improvement.Al Kork and Beyrouthy [44] created a virtual
instructor for conducting virtual experiments. Immediate feedback and instructions
allowed students to construct knowledge by interacting with virtual items at their pace.
In our survey paper on Personalized Learning using Immersive Technology, we have
extensively reviewed and analyzed a diverse range of research contributions that
address the development and implementation of personalized feedback systems. A
comprehensive understanding of this evolving field is crucial for the advancement of
personalized learning experiences. Eight notable papers have been crucial in shaping
our insights and forming the foundation of our survey. Al Kork and Beyrouthy [44],
Bendeck Soto et al. [54], Boetje and Van Ginkel [57], Parmar et al. [127], Bazargani et
al. [52], Surer et al. [150], Wee et al. [160], Zhang et al. [165]

Department of Computer Engineering, AIT, Pune

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


4. Guidance assistance
Guidance assistance is a personalized method in VR education. Pande et al. [125] used
VR to recreate a field course in environmental biology, guiding students audibly and
through text for a structured learning experience. Sagnier et al. [98] provided written
instructions for aeronautical training in a VR environment.Other personalized approaches
include gaze-based navigation [43, 85], in-app instructions [65, 138], design and
assembly according to guidelines [166], virtual object design [60], progress tracking [65],
real-time motion capture [75], feedback mechanisms [88], realistic controls [78], multiple
perspectives [73], user-designed projects [63], personalized objects [163], sketches [142],
virtual environments [135], visual hints [65], and voice guidance [43].

In the pursuit of creating a comprehensive survey paper on the transformative realm of

Personalized Learning using Immersive Technology, we have meticulously navigated through a
0multitude of scholarly works to inform and enrich our research. This survey seeks to
amalgamate insights from four key papers that have been instrumental in shaping our
understanding of this dynamic field. Al Kork and Beyrouthy [44], Pande et al. [125], Bazargani et
al. [52], Zhang et al. [165]

5. Content Based recommendation algorithm

The content-based recommendation algorithm relies on users' historical interests to
suggest relevant resources. Mohamed et al. [3] use recent navigation data for
recommendations. Chen Min et al. [4] propose a personalized model for ubiquitous
learning. Jiang Qiang et al. [5] suggest a personalized ontology learning resource system
based on user models. Khribi et al. [6] match users' navigation data to generate online
learning suggestions. Sharif et al. [7] design a framework for resource recommendations
based on key learning resources and user preferences.
However, this approach lacks recommendations for new or unavailable resources. To
address this, researchers propose collaborative filtering. User-based collaborative filtering
computes user similarity and recommends content based on similar users' preferences.
Wang Ping et al. propose a learning resource recommendation system based on the PAAS
model. Liu Xiaoxue suggests an adaptive recommendation system based on learners'
online behavior. Wang Honglei introduces a learning partner recommendation system
based on social tagging. Xu Tianwei et al. [13] propose a collaborative filtering algorithm
for university course selection. Wang Yonggu et al. [14] introduce collaborative filtering
into education. Collaborative filtering has advantages but faces issues like sparsity and
cold-start problems.
To overcome these issues, researchers combine content-based and collaborative filtering
recommendations. Ge et al. [19] suggest a hybrid recommendation system. Mou Zhijia et
al. [20] consider students' personality traits for personalized recommendations. Yang Lina
et al. [21] focus on personalized recommendations for learners with different
backgrounds and needs in digital learning communities.

6. Based on data mining

Data mining is used to extract hidden patterns in user learning behavior, with two main
goals: explanation and prediction. Explanation involves analyzing data content for
Department of Computer Engineering, AIT, Pune
Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


categorization, clustering, and association rule mining. Prediction involves using existing
data to forecast future behavior, such as sequential pattern mining and genetic algorithms.
In personalized learning algorithms, data mining methods encompass classification,
clustering, association rule mining, sequential pattern mining, genetic algorithms, and
swarm intelligence algorithms.

The classification algorithm is particularly used to extract the traits of numerous

beginners and individualize education to them. The range of tries, period, and final grades
of students in a game to educate naive Bayes classifier to determine the scholar’s learning
style. The approach of fuzzy choice tree to model students, by way of studying the
cognitive characteristics of college students’ interaction with gaining knowledge of
machine, and differentiating among online gaining knowledge of enjoy and newbie.
Natek et al. [24] use the decision tree algorithm to classify the students to get the traits of
personal statistics and teaching links of students with distinctive grades. The evaluation
unearths that the factors that have an effect on the very last rating of the path have the
getting to know type, the interest performance inside the studying system, every day test
scores and so forth. Chanchary et al. [25] use the association rule mining and decision
tree category technique to find out the relationship among the user’s use of learning
control system and the very last grade.
Clustering identifies unusual behaviors, fraud, and outliers among learners, prompting
teacher intervention. It also serves as a preprocessing step for other mining techniques,
providing deeper insights into learner characteristics. Ayers et al. [26] employ
hierarchical clustering, k-means, and model-based clustering for cognitive diagnostics.
Milos et al. [27] use k-means to categorize students into three groups based on behavior,
combining this with MBTI scale data for cognitive analysis. Araya et al. [28] study
teamwork rules in a multiplayer math game. Teng et al. [29] cluster learners, analyze
results, and provide class-specific recommendations based on learning behavior
similarity. Li Shuang et al. [30] use clustering to classify learners into five categories,
defining them by their online learning behavior patterns: low input, shallow input,
performance input, progressive, and random participation.
Association rules and sequential pattern mining uncover online learning behaviors,
facilitating personalized recommendations and learning plans. For example, Yu et al. [31]
use online time, document readings, and question counts to profile learners' behavior,
employing fuzzy association rule mining to explore relationships. Wu Qin et al. [32] use
Kolb learning styles and association rule mining to understand behavior across learning
styles. Chen et al. [33] identify knowledge misconceptions through association rule
mining. Aher et al. [34] recommend courses based on course records and K-means
clustering. Wu Shuping [35] creates a learning path network using sequence pattern
mining. Pahl et al. [36] use sequential pattern mining to compare learner paths with
expected ones, intervening when deviations occur.
7. Genetic algorithm and Swarm Intelligence set of rules
Wang et al. [37] implement a self-adaptive studying system via the use of BP neural
network technique, which can be used to endorse distinct studying substances based totally
at the learners’ gender, character and degree of mastering tension. Xiao Huimin et al. [38]
first function the learners, primarily based on the particle swarm set of rules, then make

Department of Computer Engineering, AIT, Pune

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


every learner as a particle and make the route choice within the mastering manner and
assessment fee as a consultant of the its space for customized mastering route optimization
by means of the usage of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) set of rules. Ahmad et al.
[39] introduce the idea of the usage of ant colony optimization algorithm and concept
graph to suggest suitable mastering paths for specific getting to know businesses. Cheng
Yan [40] proposes the extension and colony set of rules to clear up the advice trouble of
mastering path. The assessment of learning course and the traits of target users in expertise
stage and learning style are comprehensively referenced within the recommendation

2.2 Immersive Learning

Immersive learning, powered by Virtual Reality (VR) technology, provides engaging
educational experiences. It has gained acceptance among researchers and educators due
to technological advancements, enabling immersive Virtual Reality Learning
Environments (VRLEs). These VRLEs offer interactive and experiential learning by
simulating real-world scenarios, such as medical procedures or engineering projects. The
key advantage of VR is its advanced controller interaction, providing intuitive user
control and enhancing immersion and presence. Immersion, a fundamental aspect of VR,
depends on the system's technological capabilities and can vary across different setups.
Immersive learning has found applications in various educational fields, offering unique
opportunities for hands-on experiences and active engagement.
Over the last decade, education has shown to be a forward-thinking field actively
seeking innovative and effective methods within the traditional classroom [125].

Virtual reality (VR) offers engaging experiences by breaking through technical barriers,
making it increasingly accepted among researchers and consumers [97, 145, 149].
Immersive VR, with its technical capabilities, motivates educators to shift from Virtual
Learning Environments (VLEs) to Virtual Reality Learning Environments (VRLEs) and
from desktop computers to contemporary Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) [56, 145].
Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) have gained popularity in delivering educational
content and facilitating various teaching and learning activities, including online courses
and collaborative projects [161].
VRLEs leverage VR technology to provide immersive and interactive educational
experiences, replicating real-world events such as medical procedures or engineering
projects [143]. However, VRLEs require specific hardware and software, like VR
headsets and motion controllers, which can be costly.
VR's core advantage in education is its advanced interaction with controllers, providing
intuitive user control. Immersion is a crucial aspect of VR, enhancing the sense of
presence [121, 162].
Immersion and presence in VR have evolved with technological progress [59].
Immersion depends on the system's technological qualities, varying across different
systems [59]. Presence is the users' feeling of "being there" and can vary among users,
even with the same systems and conditions.
Department of Computer Engineering, AIT, Pune
Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


VR has been used in various educational fields, including medical sciences, architecture,
astronomy, biology, chemistry, engineering, history, mathematics, physics, psychology,
and more [72, 107, 139, 118, 73, 51, 60, 61, 43, 130, 77].

While there have been past reviews on VR in education, there is limited research on
personalization approaches in VR educational environments [64, 79, 123, 128, 159]. This
systematic review aims to bridge this gap by analyzing VR-related components and
gamification strategies in the reviewed literature.the models are computationally efficient,
making them suitable for diverse appearance datasets.

2.2.1 Recent works

This study adheres to Kitchenham's guidance [53], which outlines the steps for
conducting systematic literature reviews in software engineering. It encompasses three
main phases: review planning, execution, and reporting.
The research gap between the proposed innovative approach and conventional educational
methods is unmistakably pronounced, signifying a significant leap in personalized STEM
education using immersive technology. This project endeavors to close the gap by
pioneering the integration of dedicated algorithms for calculating the efficiency and
understanding of each learner individually. This marks a departure from the traditional one-
size-fits-all approach that has often characterized educational methods.
Conventional education, while valuable, tends to treat all learners as if they possess the same
learning pace, comprehension levels, and prior knowledge. However, this approach does not
adequately cater to the diverse needs and profiles of students. The absence of a personalized
algorithm, such as the one proposed, means that learners in traditional educational settings
may not receive content that aligns with their current level of understanding, leading to
either disengagement or frustration.
Furthermore, this project also aligns with emerging research questions and priorities in the
field of VR in education. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of VR's role in
education and its potential for personalized learning. It examines the devices and tools used
for VR education, categorizes educational subjects, and explores participant demographics.
Additionally, it assesses the extent to which VR has been adopted by educators in recent
years and its reported benefits to users.
. To refine the database and narrow down the number of articles to the desired results,
Boolean operators "AND" and "OR" were initially employed to manually search for peer-
reviewed studies using

Checa et al. [64] conducted a systematic review of VR combined with serious games for
educational or training purposes. The study focused on user immersion levels and knowledge
acquisition, including students, professionals, and the general public, yielding diverse

Department of Computer Engineering, AIT, Pune

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


results. However, the study did not explore VR's advantages and limitations as an
educational approach.
Pellas et al. [128] examined studies on VR implementation in K-12 and higher education
settings, exploring benefits, challenges, and drawbacks. While providing information on
hardware, software, and educational topics, it lacked analysis of immersion levels,
personalization techniques, gamified features, and group sizes in the studies.
Hamilton et al. [79] published a systematic review comparing immersive HMD-based VR
educational applications with less immersive methods. The research analyzed cognitive
components and learning outcomes across subjects but missed aspects like user perceptions,
motivation, engagement, and system limitations.
Scavarelli et al. [140] explored VR and augmented reality (AR) in enhancing social learning
spaces. The study highlighted benefits like immersive experiences and collaborative learning
but also noted challenges such as high hardware costs and technical skill requirements. VR
and AR were seen as potential tools to transform traditional classrooms into dynamic
learning environments.
Radianti et al. [132] conducted an extensive analysis of immersive virtual reality (IVR) in
higher education. They discussed IVR's design elements, educational benefits, and
challenges, emphasizing its potential for engaging learning experiences, active learning, and
improved information retention. Issues like high costs and technical skills were highlighted.
The study recommended further research to harness IVR's potential in higher education.
Luo et al. [101] systematically reviewed VR's application in K-12 and higher education from
2000 to 2019. They discussed VR's advantages, including increased engagement, motivation,
and enhanced learning outcomes. Future research directions and recommendations for
integrating VR into education were provided.
Di Natale et al. [69] conducted a decade-long systematic review of IVR in K-12 and higher
education. They explored IVR's impact on learning outcomes, engagement, and motivation,
emphasizing its potential for active and experiential learning. The review suggested future
research areas and ways to incorporate IVR into education.
Loureiro et al. [100] reviewed the applications of VR and gamification in marketing higher
education. They investigated how these technologies could enhance student engagement,
enrollment, and learning outcomes. The analysis proposed a research agenda to assess their
effectiveness in marketing higher education.
Nesenbergs et al. [120] conducted a systematic review of AR and VR in remote education,
focusing on their potential to enhance distant learning experiences and outcomes. The
authors discussed the impact of AR and VR in remote education, identifying limitations and
One common point among these publications is the lack of exploration of personalization
strategies, specifically tailored to diverse learners' needs, preferences, and abilities, similar to
intelligent tutoring systems.

Department of Computer Engineering, AIT, Pune

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


2.3 Personalization in recent works

García-Bonete et al. [73] utilized VR along with the TPACK framework for biomolecular
structure education. Students could manipulate virtual components according to their
Bennie et al. [55] developed iMD-VR, enabling undergraduates to interact with molecular
dynamics models. Real-time adjustments were possible to cater to educational needs.
Monita and Ikshan [118] designed an app allowing flexible virtual item manipulation to suit
user preferences. Porter et al. [131] used cardboard VR headsets for students to manipulate
electric field vectors.
Brown et al. [60] introduced an engineering visuospatial course app for freshmen, enabling
2D to 3D shape transformations with various customization options.
Sanchez-Sepulveda et al. [139] employed VR headsets and controllers to modify urban
public spaces in real-time, providing insights into the impact of adjustments.
Madden et al. [102] used a VR solar system simulation, letting students control time,
perspective, and moon positions for learning lunar phases.
Johnston et al. [89] included touch and interaction capabilities for users to explore virtual
items, accompanied by voice-over instructions.
Bolkas et al. [58] allowed students to manipulate virtual surveying equipment, complete
tasks, and generate PDF files within the program.
Learner’s value intuitive navigation in virtual environments for a sense of freedom. Pirker et
al. [130] compared two VR approaches to the same subject: mobile VR and immersive
HMD. The immersive HMD offered students a free-roaming experience, enhancing their
comprehension. With hardware controllers enabling teleportation, navigation became more
personalized and intuitive.
To enhance motivation and engagement, VR learning experiences can incorporate
gamification elements.
Components like points, badges, and leaderboards instill a sense of competition, inspiring
learners to achieve their educational goals [65]. Additionally, game-like environments offer
a secure and enjoyable platform for skill practice, feedback, and tackling challenges.
The fusion of VR with gamification offers several advantages for students. Firstly, it
provides a safe environment for exploring complex or hazardous tasks. For example, medical
students can practice surgical procedures virtually before attempting them on real patients.
Secondly, it enhances the learning experience's dynamism and interest, leading to improved
student motivation and retention [80]. Thirdly, it offers personalized learning tailored to
individual needs and preferences, enabling students to acquire knowledge at their own pace.
This approach sparks learners' interest, fostering an engaging and exciting educational
experience [66, 165].

Department of Computer Engineering, AIT, Pune

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


However, integrating VR and gamification into education presents potential challenges and
limitations. High development and implementation costs may restrict access for some
learners and institutions. Moreover, educators may require specialized training to effectively
incorporate VR into their teaching methods. Lastly, VR experiences may not be suitable for
all learners, especially those who experience motion sickness or sensory disorders [110].

Using VR in education small sample size, no control groups[73,106], virtual content of 360°
images and videos, Limited data analyzed and presented, Limited movement within VR
Data collected for reuse had only one question [89], insight was affected by the lack of three-
dimensional vision [127], distractions by the app's features inside seemingly because of [57],
novel attention-grabbing audio [73], perspective was limited [127], gender equality Subjects
sought further research [148], unable to teleport a insensitivity to multiple locations in virtual
space [73], issues in defining virtual objects (Megat et al. [114 , lack of reality ], limited
analytical methods [137], HMD a low [ 14 ]. one area [88], none significant between VR
approach (experimental group) and traditional approach (control group) No difference [102],
only teachers attitudes are examined, not students [53], the presence of a research assistant
during practice sessions that may adversely affect the results [57], the lack of research on the
effects of PSVT: R on gender [60], censorship types (Leap). Motion) controller needs some
learning to get used to it [44], short-term testing [156], almost twice as many participants in
experimental group as in control group [60], lack of simulation there is representation of the
user's body [73], VR gyroscopic controller provides VR .environment has indirect movement
[73], indirect control and interaction interface [164], and the users have high level of
education than the target population of the application (Xu and Ke [164]).

1 Enhances content knowledge

The greatest benefit associated with didactic features is that they enhance content
knowledge, a point made sixteen times in different studies Adnan et al. [42] reported that
students use VR to practice and review foreign language lessons before tests, thereby
improving content knowledge. Parmar and so on. [127] found similar results, with students
finding the VR application interesting and effective in improving content knowledge. waves
and so on. [151] designed a VR environment for graduate students in Taiwan, simulating
research in the course "Shaping Memory Alloys", which not only improved learning
efficiency but also enhanced content knowledge

Improved content knowledge was also found in studies by Zhang et al. [165] Regarding fire
safety, Johnson-Glenberg et al. [88] and biology, Calvert and Abadia [61] and history for
university and high school students in Australia, and Brown et al. [60] Associated with
visual and spatial awareness learning. Although most research emphasizes VR as an
excellent tool for helping students understand the topic, Porter et al. [131] found little
evidence to support this claim.

2 Enhances perceived educational outcomes

Department of Computer Engineering, AIT, Pune

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


VR frequently appears as a means of enhancing perceived educational outcomes, as noted in

nine cases. For example, a VR project designed for high school students, according to [118],
helped them to understand complex planetary concepts, resulting in educational outcomes
Similar effects were found in the research of Benny et al colleagues in the field. [55] .

3 Enhances academic achievement

Academic achievement receives a boost through VR, as evident in five studies. Mariscal et
al. [108] explored the impact of VR on undergraduate students' learning and satisfaction by
integrating a virtual simulation into their course. The experimental group, using a VR
application, outperformed the control group, who received traditional instruction, indicating
improved academic performance.

4 Enhances learning experience

In a study conducted by Innocenti et al. [85], VR was utilized to enhance music learning in
primary school students, particularly those with Certified Special Education Needs. VR was
found to significantly improve the learning experience, helping students overcome
educational challenges, especially those with special needs. The combination of VR with
game-based settings was noted as particularly effective for achieving optimal learning
outcomes [137].
Table 9 summarizes several recurring advantages identified in the selected studies, including
enhancing the learning experience for students with certified special needs [85], preparing
students for real-life educational environments [58], providing a more natural learning
approach [127], offering high didactic utility [53], generating new knowledge [108],
improving understanding of academic methods [58], enhancing presentation skills [57], and
boosting oral presentation competence [57].

5 Increase engagement
Parmar et al. [127] reported that students found the VR application satisfying and effective
in terms of engagement. Pirker et al. [130] noted that VR offers a more engaging and
exciting learning experience for university undergraduate students.

6 Rekindles Interest and Sparks Curiosity

Students also consider VR as an intriguing and curiosity-piquing mode of learning [55].
Ramansyah et al. [133] designed and tested a VR experience for primary school students,
focusing on environmental pollution. This application allowed users to explore both clean
and polluted environments, effectively contrasting the two. The study's feedback indicated
that the VR experience was not only successful and efficient but also highly engaging.
Immersive music and three-dimensional depictions of environmental elements captured
students' interest, turning a theoretical subject into an engaging and attractive learning

7 Boosts Motivation

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Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


VR technology serves as a motivational tool, as highlighted in eleven of the 69 studies.

Cheng and Tsai [67], for instance, utilized VR for immersive field trips in elementary school
social studies, leading to a significant increase in motivation, as assessed through the
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) [129].

8 Enhances Enjoyment
VR has the potential to make learning more enjoyable, a finding reflected in the literature on
numerous occasions. Pande et al. [125] compared an interactive VR condition to a passive
video-based approach for environmental biology tasks, with students favoring the VR
experience as "enjoyable." Monita and Ikshan [118] observed similar results, with students
rating a VR planetary simulation as enjoyable. However, experiences can vary, as Bendeck
Soto et al. [54] found that some students did not appreciate VR due to unfamiliarity,
indicating diverse perspectives on new learning methods.

9 Unique experience and so on

In addition to motivation and enjoyment, VR offers many other benefits to students, such as
unique experiences [148], reduced cognitive load [115], increased subject matter knowledge
[47], self-esteem a improved [44], and increased metacognitive skills 63]. , improved
concentration in cognitive preparation [156], positive attitudes toward learning modules
[151], behavioral impact [146], increased interest in learning [93], empathy increased [61],
and product acceleration

10 Increases dive and attendance

VR technology dramatically improves immersion and presence, as has been shown in
numerous studies. Pirker et al.’s (2017) research shows that VR, when combined with
controllers, provides a highly immersive and enjoyable experience, as reported by student
participants. Johnson-Glenberg et al. [88] emphasized the importance of immersion and the
high body achieved by VR headsets in enhancing students’ knowledge Passive, student-
independent learning is valued do not enter and interact with each other as a problem.

Calvert, Abadia [61] conducted a statistical study comparing VR interventions and 360
videos in history teaching among Australian university and high school students They found
that the VR environment 360 from students with high independent experience involvement
and feeling of being in the simulation Akman and Chakir [43] educational interventions that
worked better than the video environment also made students feel physically present in the
virtual environment. VR not only provides a sense of presence but also allows for increased
interaction and awareness, resulting in a rewarding and psychologically impactful
experience, however, Sagnier et al. [138] noted that although VR presence was important, it
was limited

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Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


11 Ensuring immersion in virtual reality

According to Witmer et al . [162], the key feature of the virtual environment is to separate
the learner from the physical world to achieve increased immersion, which can be achieved
with head-mounted displays (HMDs).

In 2012 and 2016, technologies such as CAVE VR [47] and stereoscopic glasses-based VR
[51] provided few immersive experiences despite being called "virtual reality"

Of the four studies that used the term "virtual reality," none use modern immersive VR
HMDs for optimal interaction and immersion. Instead, one study [78] used Powerwall
monitors, which provided minimal input due to their proximity to common displays. Another
study [51] used a customized system with Nvidia 3D Vision Wireless Glasses connected to a
desktop computer, which provides depth perception but compared to modern HMDs

Two of these four studies used the CAVE system [47, 78], which is suitable for group
interaction but lacks complete anatomy because users cannot recognize their virtual hands
CAVE requires projection more surfaces and 3D glasses and physical housing, making it
more robust and precious. While immersive, CAVE is considered more of a Mixed Reality
approach than VR.

One study [75] used the VUZIX Wrap 1200 HMD, which provides low two-dimensional or
anaglyph stereoscopic resolution. It was less immersive and lacked VR-compatible
controllers that allowed intuitive interaction with the virtual environment.

2.4 Proposed System

The proposed system seeks to transform science/ mathematics/ engineering/technology

(STEM) education through employing an interactive environment comprising VR and AR
technology with the goal of empowering students to be actively involved in achieving
educational goals. They offer considerable challenges to the students’ comprehension since
they are complex and sometimes abstract in the case of STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects. The proposed system seeks to address these
challenges through the following key components:

1.Personalized Learning Paths:

User Profiling: To start with, every student will be issued a personal profile within the
system. They will also be evaluated on their preferred learning styles, areas of strength and
weakness as well as subject specific interest. Initial questionnaires, learning style assessment
and even AI based on the previous academic performance can gather information.

Recommendation Engine: The system will make use of a machine learning-driven

recommendation engine which is based on data gathered. Such an engine will recommend
study materials, exercises, and activities compatible with each student’s personal profile. For
Department of Computer Engineering, AIT, Pune
Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


instance, a visual learner could be offered interactive virtual reality simulations and an
auditory learner could be provided with audio explanations.

2. Interactive Immersive Environments:

VR and AR Content Creation: It will provide an extensive repository with VR simulations as

well as augmented textbooks. In this respect, educators or content developers can either
generate or use 3D models, simulations as well as AR with which they can materialize
otherwise abstract STEM notions.

Immersive Labs: In these virtual worlds, students can interact with STEM concepts through
3D-modeling, performing virtual experience, and edutainment escapades. Example, during
the art lesson, the students may combine virtual compounds to view reactions.

3. Real-world Simulations:

Practical Application Modules: Students will be able to apply theoretical knowledge using
practical modules on the system. Examples include simulating realistic scientific
experiments, designing engineer prototypes, and analyzing data. As an example, in a module
on physics, pupils might make digital bridges and carry out tests that pertain structural
engineering principles.

Field Trips and Observatories: It is possible for students to visit virtual locations that are
actual sites like historical monuments, ecological regions and even space observatories in
order to deepen their understanding of the subject matters. They also help to broaden their
mindset by allowing them to learn in a fun way.

4. Adaptive Assessment and Feedback:

Adaptive Quizzes and Tests: Adaptive quizzes and tests will be generated as part of the
system’s assessment component. The difficulty of questions will depend on how well a
student has done previously. Therefore, it guarantees every student a suitable challenge.

Immediate Feedback: This will allow students receive immediate response regarding their
submitted answers, which will allow them to reflect on their mistakes and be aware of the
correct answer. Apart from that, the system will provide clues and help when students have
trouble solving a problem.

5. Collaborative Learning:

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Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


Shared Virtual Spaces: Group projects will be undertaken virtually in specially shared spaces
that promote teamwork and collaborative problem solving. It encourages communication,
co-operation and also peer learning.

Virtual Laboratories: Through the virtual labs, students can carry out collaborative online
experiments together enhancing their practical knowledge as well as developing student’s
thought processes.

6. Accessible Anytime, anywhere:

Online Accessibility: The system will be available online through which students can access
different materials for education using a computer, smartphone or even virtual reality
headset. The flexibility allows for learning in different settings including schools, homes,
and while on transit.
The essence of this system is that it should allow for developing unique learner-centered
settings. A comprehensive solution combining aspects of data-driven personalization,
immersive experience, application, adaptive assessment, collaboration, and accessibility for
STEM education. The innovative methods can be used to make the study of STEM subjects
more appealing and enjoyable, which could help create a new wave of STEM lovers and

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Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

Chapter 3

3.1 Introduction

This policy literature review examines the transformative role of virtual reality (VR) in
education, focusing on personalization and gaming especially VR to some extent for
individual learners, integrating gaming elements into VR-based educational
environments, exploring limitations potential and targeted pedagogical issues. Our
search pattern in the Scopus database from 2012 to 2022 ensures a decade of decent
growth, in line with the rapid development of VR technology. This research is a
valuable resource for educators and researchers, contributing to an ongoing dialogue
about the interface between technology and education.

3.1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this systematic literature review is to comprehensively explore the use of
Virtual Reality (VR) in education, with a specific emphasis on personalization and
gamification aspects. It seeks to provide insights into the effectiveness of VR in tailoring
educational experiences to individual learners, incorporating gamification elements, and
addressing potential limitations. By investigating the educational subjects,
demographics, and pedagogical methods employed in relevant studies, this review aims
to offer a holistic understanding of VR's impact on education over the past decade. Its
goal is to inform educators, researchers, and stakeholders about the current state and
potential of VR in educational contexts.

3.1.2 Document Conventions

Throughout this project, we will follow a set of document conventions to guarantee

clarity and uniformity. Standardized file, function, and variable names as well as a
predetermined format for recording code, logs, and problem reports are all part of these
standards. Respecting these guidelines will make teamwork easier and enable the system
to be easily maintained and scaled up.

3.1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The intended audience for this systematic literature review includes educators,
researchers, instructional designers, policymakers, and stakeholders interested in the
intersection of Virtual Reality (VR) and education. Educators will gain insights into
innovative teaching approaches, while researchers can explore the current landscape of
VR in education. Instructional designers will find inspiration for creating personalized
and gamified learning experiences, and policymakers can assess the potential
implications for educational policies and funding. To delve deeper into this topic, we
recommend reading seminal works on VR in education, such as "Virtual Reality in
Education: A Tool for Learning in the Experience Age" by Winn and Windschitl, as
well as "Immersive Learning: Designing for Authentic Practice" by Clark and Mayer, to
understand the pedagogical foundations of immersive technologies in education.

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

Additionally, exploring recent studies and reports from organizations like the EdTech
Center at World Education can provide valuable insights into the current state of VR
adoption in educational settings.

3.1.4 Project Scope

This project’s scope includes domains of STEM i.e. physics in Science, AI in

technology, DSA in engineering and 12th mathematics. Providing thorough
documentation to help users deploy and utilize the system efficiently is another aspect
of the scope. The project’s scope is set to ensure that the system is not just accurate but
also practical for the high-stakes, dynamic environments in which law enforcement

3.1.4 References

We will make use of current resources and research on immersive system and related
systems as we work on this project. Citations will come from open-source libraries,
and pertinent periodicals to guarantee that our system is con- structed on a solid basis
of subject-matter knowledge and experience.
Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

3.2 Overall Description

3.2.1 Product Perspective

The personalized learning platform for STEM education using immersive

technologies is a standalone educational product that leverages virtual reality (VR)
and augmented reality (AR) to create an engaging and adaptable learning
environment for students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It
provides a user-friendly interface and personalized content to cater to individual
students' needs, ensuring a dynamic and effective learning experience. This platform
can be used independently with compatible VR headsets and AR devices or
integrated into existing educational systems and Learning Management Systems. Its
open architecture and APIs offer customization options and seamless adaptability to
evolving STEM curricula, making it a versatile and scalable solution for enhancing
STEM education.

3.2.2 Product Functions

The product, a STEM education Personalized system using immersive technology, has
several core functions. Some of the functions are:

Develop Customizable Learning Modules: Create a library of learning modules that

cover various STEM topics and are adaptable to different learning styles, aptitudes,
Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

and paces. These modules should be designed to accommodate personalized

learning paths for students.
Integrate Immersive Technology: Incorporate virtual reality, augmented reality, or
mixed reality elements into the learning modules to provide engaging and
interactive experiences that enhance understanding and engagement in STEM
Implement Personalization Algorithms: Develop algorithms that analyze student
performance, preferences, and progress to recommend personalized learning paths,
content, and activities. These algorithms should adapt over time based on the data
Ensure Curriculum Alignment: Ensure that the personalized learning experiences
align with established curriculum standards and learning objectives for STEM
education. Content should be accurate, comprehensive, and relevant to the
3.2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

The various user classes interacts with the system differently and has unique needs,
which should be considered during the system design and development phase to
ensure a comprehensive and efficient product. Let’s look into these in details:

Educators and Teachers: Those responsible for delivering STEM

education, including teachers, professors, and instructors, who can
integrate immersive technology for personalized learning.

Students: Learners in STEM fields across various educational levels, from

K-12 to higher education, who will directly benefit from personalized and
immersive STEM education experiences.

Educational Institutions: Schools, colleges, universities, and online

learning platforms looking to enhance their STEM programs with
personalized and immersive learning approaches.

Curriculum Developers: Professionals designing STEM curricula who

can incorporate immersive technology and personalized learning strategies
into their materials.

3.3 Specific Requirements

3.3.1 Operating Environment

The operating environment of our project is as follows: Software requirements:

Operating system: The target end-user operating system may be any of the
following platforms which support the ONNX Runtime [118]:
– Windows 10 1709
Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

– Linux distributions supported by .NET Core

– Mac 10.14+ (Mojave)
– Android 28+ (v9 “Pie”)
– iOS 12+
Web browsers: It should be accessible through popular web browsers like
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge for web-based
VR framework: A robust VR framework such as VR.js for web-based VR
experiences, should be integrated.
Database management: The project requires a database management system based
NoSQL options like Apache Cassandra can be con- sidered.
Programming languages and libraries: Development will involve lan- guages
like Python and JavaScript, and Transformers and Optimum for machine learning
Machine learning inference: A cross-platform machine learning run- time like
ONNX Runtime which supports the ONNX format, an open standard for machine
learning interoperability.
Web development stack: For web-based interfaces, a stack including HTML,
CSS, JavaScript, and backend frameworks like Node.js and Express will be
employed. Hardware requirements:
User devices: The project is intended to work on a range of user devices like
smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.
Cameras and sensors: Devices should have integrated or attachable cameras and
sensors capable of capturing user images and surroundings for the virtual feature.
CPU: Any modern multi-core processor with a clock speed of at least
2.5 GHz.
– Training requirement: A video-card with minimum 8GB VRAM for deep
learning tasks.
– End-user inference requirement: Any GPU which supports Vulkan APIs.
Internet connectivity: A stable internet connection is essential for real- time
communication with the server, image processing, and rendering of VR elements.

3.3.2 Design Philosophies

User-centric design: Our design philosophy places the user at the center of the
system. We prioritize creating an intuitive and seamless user expe rience that
accommodates users of various demographics and technological backgrounds. User
feedback will continuously inform design improvements.
Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

Personalization: The system will employ machine learning algorithms to create a

highly personalized experience. User preferences and feedback will be used to tailor
clothing recommendations and enhance the virtual try-on experience.
Scalability: The design will be modular and scalable to accommodate a
growing user base and evolving technological trends. This approach al- lows for easy
integration of new features and accommodates increased usage loads.
Security and privacy: Security and privacy will be fundamental to the design, with
strong encryption protocols for data protection. Users’ per- sonal information and
imagery will be handled with the utmost care, and adherence to data protection
regulations is a priority.

3.3.3 Implementation Philosophies State-of-the-Art AI: Implementation will involve integrating state-of-the-
art machine learning and computer vision techniques to ensure accurate clothing
recommendations and realistic - experiences. We will employ libraries and
frameworks with active development and community support. Cross-platform compatibility: The system will be developed with cross
platform compatibility in mind. Web interfaces will be developed to ensure that
users can access and utilize the system seamlessly on various devices. Continuous testing and iteration: Agile development methodologies
will be used to enable continuous testing, feedback, and iteration. This approach
allows us to respond to user needs, refine algorithms, and enhance system performance
throughout development.

3.3.4 Constraints
Data Privacy and Compliance: The project must adhere to strict data privacy
regulations. This imposes constraints on how user data is collected, stored, and
Resource Limitations: The project will operate within resource con- straints,
including budget and available hardware resources, which may af- fect the system’s
scalability and performance.
Technological Compatibility: The system must work across a wide range of
devices and platforms, which presents constraints related to compatibility and
performance optimization.
User Connectivity: User experience may be affected by the quality of the user’s
internet connection, especially when utilizing the augmented reality feature.
Ensuring a functional experience even in low-bandwidth situations is a constraint.

3.3.5 System Features

1. Personalized Learning Paths: The system employs advanced algorithms to create
personalized learning paths for each student. By considering individual proficiency,
learning style, and progress, it ensures that students receive content and assignments
Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

tailored to their unique needs. This adaptability guarantees that students don't get
overwhelmed or bored, as they can advance at a pace that suits their abilities.

2. Immersive Content: The heart of the system is its immersive content. Utilizing Virtual
Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies, it offers students an interactive
and engaging learning experience. They can explore 3D models, conduct virtual science
experiments, and engage with real-world STEM applications, significantly enhancing
their understanding and enthusiasm for these subjects.

3. Adaptive Assessments: Continuous assessment is a key feature. The system

administers adaptive quizzes and tests that respond to each student's performance. If a
student struggles with a concept, the system provides additional resources and practice
problems. If a student excels, it advances them to more challenging material.

4. Progress Tracking: For educators and students alike, progress tracking is vital. The
system generates comprehensive analytics that monitor student advancement. This data
helps teachers identify areas where a student may need extra assistance or where they can
be further challenged.

5. Collaborative Learning: The system creates virtual collaborative spaces where

students can collaborate on STEM projects and experiments. This fosters teamwork,
critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, mirroring real-world STEM work

6. Content Library: The platform includes a rich library of STEM-related content, such
as educational videos, research articles, and interactive modules. This library serves as a
supplementary resource, allowing students to explore topics in-depth.

7. Integration Capabilities: To simplify implementation within educational institutions,

the system is designed to integrate seamlessly with existing Learning Management
Systems (LMS) and educational technology ecosystems.

8. Multi-Platform Support: The system is compatible with a wide range of VR headsets

and AR devices, ensuring accessibility for students and schools using different

9. Feedback and Support: Real-time feedback and support mechanisms are integrated
into the system. When students encounter difficulties, they can access guidance and
clarification, enhancing their learning process.
Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

10. Content Authoring Tools: Educators can create, customize, and share their STEM
content and lessons using the system's integrated authoring tools. This feature encourages
teachers to tailor the curriculum to their specific classroom needs.

3.4 External Interface Requirements

3.4.1 User Interfaces

The primary user interface will be web-based and accessible via standard web
browsers. It should be compatible with popular web browsers, including but not limited
to Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari. The user interface
should be responsive, adapting to various screen sizes, including desktops, tablets, and
mobile devices.

3.4.2 Hardware Interfaces

Such interfaces are also compatible with many types of devices like virtual reality
goggles, augmented reality spectacles, smart phones, tablets and computers. The project
also incorporates hardware peripherals including motion controllers, haptic feedback
devices, and 3D sensors that allow students to engage in virtual environments and handle
objects immediately. Additionally, it is built to function with clouds so that one can learn
through several devices over great distances and together with other people. This project
uses hardware interfaces targeted at offering flexibility for students who can select their
preferred hardware, but, simultaneously ensure immersive learning opportunities are
exciting and engaging..

3.4.3 Software Interfaces

1. Development Tools and Libraries: For training and inference, the agent will leverage
machine learning frameworks such as Tensorflow (v2.6) and PyTorch (v2.x).
Furthermore, it may involve using machine libraries such as OpenCV (version 4.5) that
are necessary to process images. Communication with these libraries and tools will be
characterized by calling the API of machine learning models and image analysis
2. Database Integration: An interface is required by this system that can deal either with
getting facials on the database or storing new data.
3. APIs for Third-Party Integration: Access points or open APIs to link to their criminal
database, incident reporting system, and other spy gear available to the police.
4. Operating Systems: This is the way the system to develop will be built to run on
windows windows (10 and 11).
5. Security Protocols: Firewall connectors, IDS, as well as encryption tools will be used
for data privacy and system integrity purposes.
Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

3.5 Other Nonfunctional Requirements

3.5.1 Performance Requirements
The system should be able to read and understand the human body and be able to
parse the areas of interests, generate outfit accordingly and finally, render the subject
in real-time through augmented reality. Resource utilization

For the system to be compatible with majority devices including low powered mobiles
and tablets, the resource utilization should be kept to minimum without affecting the
quality of output. Feedback duration

As expected of the systems, the system should be able to provide feedback on the
subject in real-time. Processing time should be kept as low as possible for better
experience for user. Feedback quality

The system should generate personalized content of stem and the subject should be able
to judge the proposed style and size on itself. The process should be both convenient and
rewarding for the user.

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

3.5.2 Safety and Security Requirements

Privacy compliance: The user shouldn’t be concerned about disclosure of his/her
features to open userbase. The system should only parse the regions of interest for
building the metrics of generation and should not intent to perform any
malicious operations.

Ethics: The system should not delve into inappropriate outfit generation and
should take into account of user’s modesty. The system shouldn’t be biased
towards certain age groups, races or color.

Compliances: The system should adhere to rules and compliances stated by the
authorities and stakeholders and should limit it’s working domain to that specified
be the compliances.

3.5.3 Acceptance Criteria

Give the scenario where the user has selected certain clothes according to their
preferences and is expecting the system to generate the outfit on their body so
that they can judge the style and the overall look of the outfit, the user lets the
camera record their body. Both the subject body features and generated
recommendations are input for the system.
When the user selects generate outfit option after selection of styles recom-
mended or chosen by himself/herself. The system segments the features from the
subject and tries to wrap the outfit around them. If the system is well trained
on personalized recommendation and virtual try-on, the system successfully gen-
erates the outfit personalized to the subject and provides the rendered view in
augmented reality.

3.5.4 Software Quality Attributes Reliability: The system should be dependable, providing accurate clothing
recommendations and ensuring that the virtual try-on feature functions
consistently without errors or crashes. Usability: User interfaces should be intuitive and user-friendly, making

it easy for customers to navigate the system and obtain clothing
suggestions effortlessly. Maintainability: The codebase should be well-organized, documented,

and structured to facilitate updates, enhancements, and bug fixes. Flexibility: The system should adapt to changes in user preferences, al-
lowing for the integration of new fashion items and the modification
of recommendation algorithms.
Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology


3.5.5 Future Scope

The future of work on personalized learning in STEM education with immersive technology
is promising and has broad areas of application. Additionally, with the ability of artificial
intelligence algorithms to process and customize the program for each student going, these
programs will be specific to individual students using new generation technologies such as
5G networks and edge computing to ensure access to education in live content regardless of
location . The program could also consider partnering with schools and ed tech companies to
increase engagement and impact. Additionally, it would be helpful to see the effect of
dissolving in the students’ exhibition on the timing of the display in the student exhibit on
the timing of the display showing the student’s exhibition in the lighting and actual reality
moving ahead of the new technological sensibilities and hence the symmological demands of
symmological educational concepts. You are meant to be. This project has a strong future
outlook; Its flexible nature allows for flexibility according to changing technology as well as
the educational environment.

Department of Computer Engineering, AIT, Pune

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

Chapter 4

4.1. User Profiling and Personalization:

Algorithm: Collaborative Filtering (CF) uses historical user data to make recommendations.
User-based CF and item-based CF are common approaches. Singular Value Decomposition
(SVD) is a matrix factorization technique often used with CF.

Mathematical Model: For SVD, it involves decomposing the user-item interaction matrix
into three matrices representing users, latent factors, and items. The model optimizes these
matrices through techniques like stochastic gradient descent.

4.2. Content Recommendation:

Algorithm: Matrix Factorization (MF) aims to decompose the user-item interaction matrix
into latent factors. Techniques like SVD, Alternating Least Squares (ALS), and Stochastic
Gradient Descent (SGD) are used.
Mathematical Model: Matrix factorization equations calculate the product of the latent user
and item vectors to predict ratings. Models aim to minimize the error between actual ratings
and predictions.

4.3. Adaptive Learning Path:

Algorithm: Decision trees, such as ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3), and machine learning
models, particularly reinforcement learning, help adapt learning paths.
Mathematical Model: Reinforcement learning involves Markov Decision Processes (MDPs)
to optimize decisions. Mathematical models include state-transition probabilities and

4.4. Progress Assessment:

Algorithm: Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BKT) is used to model a student's mastery of

concepts over time.
Mathematical Model: BKT uses Bayesian probabilities to update the likelihood of
knowledge acquisition based on observed student actions and correct/incorrect responses.

4.5. Cognitive Load Management:

Algorithm: Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) analyze observable variables (e.g.,

physiological data, task performance) to assess cognitive load.

Department of Computer Engineering, AIT, Pune

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

Mathematical Model: HMMs involve transition probabilities, emission probabilities, and

initial state probabilities, which are estimated from data.

4.6. Immersive Technology Interaction:

Algorithm: Natural Language Processing (NLP) models, such as Recurrent Neural Networks
(RNNs), process spoken or text-based interactions for sentiment analysis.
Mathematical Model: NLP models use recurrent layers, embeddings, and softmax functions
to understand and analyze language.

4.7. Data Analytics:

Algorithm: Clustering methods like k-means group students based on similarities in their
learning patterns.
Mathematical Model: Distances between data points are calculated using metrics like
Euclidean distance, and cluster centroids are updated iteratively.

4.8. Content Creation and Adaptation:

Algorithm: Genetic algorithms generate and optimize STEM content through the iterative
selection of genetic components.
Mathematical Model: Fitness functions determine how well content meets learning
objectives and guide the evolution of content.

4.9. Virtual Reality Simulation:

Algorithm: Physics-based models simulate real-world STEM experiments in virtual reality

Mathematical Model: Equations governing physical laws are used to simulate interactions
and reactions within the virtual environment.

4.10. Student Engagement Analysis:

Algorithm: Sentiment analysis involves Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) to analyze text
data (e.g., chat logs) for student emotions and engagement.
Mathematical Model: RNN architectures include layers for text embedding, sequential
processing, and sentiment classification.

These algorithms and mathematical models work cohesively to create a personalized

learning environment. For instance, user profiling drives content recommendation, while the
adaptation of the learning path is informed by progress assessment and cognitive load
analysis. The combination of these components optimizes the educational experience for
each student in the STEM domain using immersive technology.

Department of Computer Engineering, AIT, Pune

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

Chapter 5

5.1 Architectural Design

Department of Computer Engineering, AIT, Pune

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

5.2 UML Diagrams

5.2.1 Sequence Diagram

Figure 5.2: Sequence Diagram

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Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

5.2.2 Activity Diagram

Figure 5.3: Activity Diagram

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Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

5.2.3 Use case Diagram

Figure 5.4: Usecase Diagram

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Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

5.2.4 State Diagram

Figure 5.5: State Diagram

Department of Computer Engineering, AIT, Pune

Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

Chapter 6

6.1 Software Requirements

After literature survey and studies, the top tools that were found for our project are as

Machine learning training:

Machine learning inference:

Web backend: Express.

Web frontend: HTML, JS, CSS.

VR framework:


6.2 Hardware Requirements

In accordance to the software requirements, hardware requirements for our project are as

User devices: Smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.

Cameras and sensors: Integrated or attachable cameras and sensors.
CPU: Multi-core 2.5 GHz.
GPU: Minimum 8GB VRAM for training. Ann any Vulkan-enabled GPU
for end-user.
Internet connectivity: Stable internet connection.
Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology

6.3 Project Scope

The scope of the project is as follows:

Immersive Learning Environment: The project aims to develop an immersive learning

environment that leverages virtual reality and augmented reality technologies to create
engaging and interactive educational experiences for STEM students. This environment will
enable students to explore complex STEM concepts through immersive simulations and
interactive activities.

Customized Learning Paths; This initiative aims to implement personalized learning

algorithms and adaptive models to tailor content and pathways according to each students
needs. By analyzing students profiles and progress the system will provide learning
experiences that cater to their strengths, weaknesses and preferences.

Evaluation and Feedback; The project will incorporate assessment mechanisms, like
tracking progress and analyzing load to continuously evaluate students performance and
engagement. Real time feedback will be provided to both students and educators enabling
data driven improvements in the learning process.

Creating STEM Content; The project will focus on developing and adapting materials.
Through the use of algorithms these materials will be. Optimized to align with specific
learning objectives while adapting to students changing requirements.

Data. Research; Thorough data analysis will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of
personalized learning in STEM education. Valuable insights into student engagement,
knowledge acquisition as the impact of immersive technology on learning outcomes will be
gathered. These findings aim to contribute to the existing research body, on STEM education
and learning using immersive technology.
Personalized Learning for STEM Education using Immersive Technology
6.4 Project Timeline
Probable date of project completion is by the end of the term. A month-by-month
distribution and estimation of milestones is as follows:
Table 6.1: Project Timeline

Month Milestones

1 Team formation, guide allocation, ideation and topic finalization.

2 Literature review, feasibility study, scope finalization.
3 Requirement analysis, high-level architecture design.
4 Stage-I review.

5 Prototyping, data collection, pipeline setup.

6 Development and integration.
7 Testing, optimization, polish.
8 Stage-II review.

Future Continuous integration and deployment.

Chapter 7

This systematic review is a valuable reference for faculty, students, and practitioners
interested in VR as an educational tool with individualized approaches The research covers
various aspects of research, including people number of samples, educational issues,
usefulness of VR in education, study limitations, and software development phases

The study contrasts studies using fully immersive hardware such as HMDs and cardboard
VR headsets with studies using less invasive techniques such as CAVE VR and stereoscopic
glasses-based VR over a decade of in the past Notably, the study identifies personalization
techniques in developed VR applications, in the existing literature It addresses a gap.
Additionally, it focuses on the use of game strategies to create personalized learning

One key gap identified is the lack of adaptive teaching strategies tailored to teachers’
individual educational needs for classroom use in the reviewed courses. VR has the potential
to deliver effective motivational educational experiences based on a variety of student
content through its combination of gamified design and adaptive techniques.

The research timeline provides opportunities for researchers and educators to explore VR.
Notably, no studies from Africa were included in this systematic review.
Chemistry and engineering were the most frequently studied topics in VR-based education,
indicating their appeal to researchers. This suggests that VR is considered a practical tool for
creating educational content in these fields.

Post-implementation assessments included VR. However, many studies had notable

limitations. First, 19 studies lacked a control group, limiting the ability to compare the
experimental and control groups. Furthermore, many of the studies had small sample sizes,
which may affect the statistics of the findings.

Of the VR systems used, 35% used cardboard VR headsets with smartphones due to their
convenience and cost-effectiveness in classroom applications

An important finding of the study was the exploration of individual strategies in VR

applications, with an emphasis on the use of game elements and engagement of students
Various strategies were used such as realistic object manipulation, game scenario
manipulation and practical system integration. These strategies were intended to normalize
the learning experience, making it more engaging.
In summary, this systematic review provides insights into the use of VR in education,
focusing on personalization strategies. It highlights the potential of gamification and
personalization in VR-based learning, and paves the way for future research on methods and
numerical outcomes.
Chapter 8

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Department of Computer Engineering, AIT, Pune

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