Plan 5-2 Atmospheric Layers

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Unit 5 Atmosphere

Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

Lesson Plan 2
Science Learning Area
Secondary 1
Atmospheric Layers – Time 3 hours

1. Learning standards
S 2.3 Understand components and relation between
Earth’s system and the changing process within and
on the surface of the Earth, disaster, the changing
process of weather and climate, also effects on
living things and the environment
2. Indicators
S 3.2 M.1/1 Build a model showing the division of
atmospheres, and compare benefits of each layer.

3. Learning objectives
1) Be able to explain characteristics and benefits of each
atmospheric layer. (K)
2) Be able to build a model showing atmospheric layers.
3) Pay attention on doing group activities and intend to do
science experiments (A)

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

4. Compulsory Details/Summary
Compulsory Details Local Related Contents
- The Earth has the Considered according to
atmosphere encircling it. the curriculum of the
Scientists use characteristics institution.
and elements of the
atmosphere to divide it into
layers, which can be divided
in various ways, based on
different criteria. Generally,
scientists use changes of
temperature with altitude as
criteria, which divides the
atmosphere into five layers, Considered according to
troposphere, stratosphere, the curriculum of the
mesosphere, thermosphere, institution.
and exosphere.
- The Each atmospheric layer
has various benefits to living
organisms. The troposphere
has natural phenomena that
are important to living
organisms. The stratosphere
Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

Compulsory Details Local Related Contents

helps absorb ultraviolet
radiation from the Sun. The
mesosphere burns the space
objects that are attracted to
the Earth into smaller pieces,
which helps reduce
opportunity to damage living
organisms on the Earth. The
thermosphere reflects radio
waves. Also, the exosphere
suits for low circular satellites
to orbit.

5. Compulsory Details/Summary
The Earth atmosphere can be divided into five layers by
using the temperature changes with altitude as a criterion.
The five layers are troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere,
thermosphere, and exosphere. All layers have various
benefits to living organisms.

6. Learners’ key competencies

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

1. Communication capacity
2. Thinking capacity
1) Analyzing skill
2) Summarizing skill
3. Capacity of applying life skill

7. Desired Characteristics
2.Avidity for learning
3. Dedication and commitment to work

8. Important questions
1. How many layers can the atmosphere be divided into,
based on the variations in temperature with altitude?
2. Does each atmospheric layer have different
characteristics from each other or not? How?
3. What are the benefits of each atmospheric layer?

9. Learning activity
Teaching method: 5Es Instructional Model

First Hour

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

Step 1 Engage
1. The teacher asks following questions to stimulate
students’ thoughts about dividing the atmosphere.
 Does the atmosphere at various altitudes have different
elements and temperature or not? Why?
(Suggested answer: Consider students’ answers based on
teacher’s discretion, for example different because the
gravity of Earth causes different air density at various
 What criteria do we use in dividing atmospheric layers?
(Suggested answer: Consider students’ answers based on
teacher’s discretion, for example temperature, type of
matters, etc.)
2. The teacher lets students discuss criteria for dividing
atmospheric layers.


Step 2 Explore
1. Divide students into groups of five. Each group sends a
representative to get Worksheet 5.2.1 Dividing
Atmospheric Layers. Then, students study dividing
atmospheric layers by scanning Dividing Atmospheric

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

Layers’ QR code in Mastering Science Secondary 1B,

Unit 5 Atmosphere.
2. Let students do the activity Building a Model Showing
Atmospheric Layers, with the objectives to study the
features of atmospheric layers and benefits of the
atmosphere for living organisms on Earth. Then send a
representative to get tools and equipment for Building a
Model Showing Atmospheric Layers activity.
3. The teacher lets each group build a model showing
various atmospheric layers, their features, and benefits.
Then write the result in the first part of Worksheet 5.2.1
Dividing Atmospheric Layers.

Step 3 Explain
4. The teacher lets each group sends a representative to
present their work in front of the class (the first part of
Worksheet 5.2.1 Dividing Atmospheric Layers).

Step 4 Expand
5. Students and the teacher discuss and summarize the
activity by using the following questions.
 What is the troposphere?

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

(Suggested answer: This is the atmospheric layer that the

temperature decreases with altitude. It is also the layer that
thunderstorms occur.)
 What is the stratosphere?
(Suggested answer: This is the atmospheric layer that the
temperature increases with altitude. There is a large
quantity of the ozone which absorbs ultraviolet radiation
from the Sun.)
 What is the mesosphere?
(Suggested answer: This is the atmospheric layer that the
temperature decreases with the altitude. It is the last
atmospheric layer that has the same gas ratio as the first
two layer.)
 What is the thermosphere?
(Suggested answer: This is the atmospheric layer that the
temperature increases with altitude, with the temperature
about 1,700 C, it is so high that gas particles split into ions
with electrical charges. This layer can reflect radio waves.)
6. Students and the teacher summarize the result of the
activity together, to get the conclusion as follows.
 The troposphere is the atmospheric layer that the
temperature decreases with altitude. It is also the layer
that thunderstorms occur. The stratosphere is the

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

atmospheric layer that the temperature increases with

altitude. There is a large quantity of ozone which absorbs
ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.
 The mesosphere is the atmospheric layer that the
temperature decreases with the altitude. It is the last
atmospheric layer that has the same gas ratio as the first
two layers.
 The thermosphere is the atmospheric layer that the
temperature increases with altitude, with the temperature
about 1,700 C, it is so high that gas particles split into ions
with electrical charges. This layer can reflect radio waves.


Step 2 Explore
7. The teacher lets students search for passages or English
vocabularies that are related to atmosphere from
Mastering Science Secondary 1B, Unit 5 Atmosphere. Then,
write the words down on the second part of Worksheet
5.2.1 Dividing Atmospheric Layers.

Step 3 Explain
8. Let students from each group presents the results of
searching for passage or English vocabularies that are
Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

related to atmosphere in the second part of Worksheet

5.2.1 Dividing Atmospheric Layers.
9. The teacher gives additional information or knowledge
according to the presentation and corrects the information.


Step 2 Explore
10. Let each group searches for information about the
features of each atmospheric layer that can be utilized for
human needs. Then, write them down on the third part of
Worksheet 5.2.1 Dividing Atmospheric Layers.

Step 3 Explain
11. The teacher chooses a representative from each group
to present the features of each atmospheric layer that can
be utilized for human needs, from the third part of
Worksheet 5.2.1 Dividing Atmospheric Layers.
12. Students and the teacher discuss the features of each
atmospheric layer that can be utilized for human needs
together. Then, write the results in the third part of the

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

13. The teacher gives additional information or knowledge

about utilizing the atmospheric layers, to the group

Step 4 Expand
14. The teacher tests students’ understanding by using the
following suggested questions, for example:
 What is the troposphere?
(Suggested answer: This is the atmospheric layer that the
temperature decreases with altitude. It is also the layer that
thunderstorms occur.)
 What is the stratosphere?
(Suggested answer: This is the atmospheric layer that the
temperature increases with altitude. There is a large
quantity of ozone which absorbs ultraviolet radiation from
the Sun.)
 What is the mesosphere?
(Suggested answer: This is the atmospheric layer that the
temperature decreases with the altitude. It is the last
atmospheric layer that has the same gas ratio as the first
two layer.)
 What is the thermosphere?

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

(Suggested answer: This is the atmospheric layer that the

temperature increases with altitude, with the temperature
about 1,700 C, it is so high that gas particles split into ions
with electrical charges. This layer can reflect radio waves.)
15. Let students work on Exercise 1.1 from Mastering
Science Secondary 1B, Unit 5 Atmosphere.


Step 5 Evaluate
1. The teacher checks Exercise 1.1 from Mastering Science
Secondary 1B, Unit 5 Atmosphere.
2. The teacher evaluates Worksheet 5.2.1 Dividing
Atmospheric Layers.
3. The teacher evaluates Building a Model Showing
Atmospheric Layers activity by using Student’s Behavior When
They Work in Group Observation Form.
4. The teacher evaluates students when they answer
questions and search for information in the class by using
Student’s Behavior When They Work Individually
Observation Form.
5. The teacher evaluates the presentation of the
Atmospheric Layers Model and the worksheet by using
Workpiece Evaluation Form.

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

10. Assessment and Evaluation

Indicators list Method Tool Criteria
10.1 Evaluation
during learning
1) - Check - Worksheet - Pass at 60%
Atmospheric Worksheet 5.2.1 - Pass at 60%
Layers 5.2.1 - Exercise 1.1
- Check
Exercise 1.1
2) - Evaluate - Presentation - Pass at
Presentation the evaluation quality level 2
presentatio form
- Student’s - Pass at
3) Observe - Observe
behavior quality level 2
Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

Indicators list Method Tool Criteria

when they
students’ students’
work in group
behavior when behavior
they work in when they
group work in

4) - Evaluate - Performance - Pass at

Performance the evaluation quality level 2
performance form
5) Desired - Observe - Desired - Pass at
characteristi students’ characteristics quality level 2
cs self- evaluation
discipline, form
avidity for
learning, and
to work.

8. Instructional Media/Learning Center

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

8.1 Instructional Media

1) Mastering Science Secondary 1B, Unit 5 Atmosphere
2) Worksheet 5.2.1 Dividing Atmospheric Layers
3) Tools and equipment for Building a Model Showing
Atmospheric Layers activity
4) Dividing Atmospheric Layers’ QR code
8.2 Learning Center
1) Laboratory
2) Internet

Worksheet 5.2.1
Dividing Atmospheric Layers
Part 1: Building a Model Showing Atmospheric Layers
Tools and equipment
Science Process Skill

1. Colored paper 1. Observation

2. Cardboard
2. Summarization
3. Glue 4. Marker pens
3. Manage the action and
5. Colored pencils 6. Clay
1. Patience
2. Responsibility
Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

7. Feature board 8. Paper clips

9. Clear plastic bottle 10. Various colored stones
11. Different kind of beans 12. scissor
1. Divide into groups to study the features of atmospheric
layers from available sources of
2. Use the materials given by the teacher to build a model
showing the atmospheric layers. The model must explain
how the atmospheric layers are divided, their features, and
their benefits.
3. Present your model to the class.
4. Evaluate the models and presentations of other groups.

Post-activity questions
1. What are criteria that are used for dividing the
atmospheric layers? How?
........................................................................................... .....................

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

2. What are the features and benefits of each atmospheric
3. What are criteria that are used for dividing the
atmospheric layers?
4. Evaluate the completeness of other groups’ models and
presentations. Write down the reasons.

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

.................. ..............................................................................................


Part 2: English vocabularies that are related to

dividing atmospheric layers.
Instruction Let each group search English vocabulary that are
related to dividing atmospheric layers, then write them
down below.

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

Part 3: Features of each atmospheric layer that can
be utilized for human needs
Instruction Let each group research about the features of each
atmospheric layer that can be utilized for human needs,
then write them down below.
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Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

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Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

Worksheet 5.2.1 Answer

Dividing Atmospheric Layers
Part 1 Building a Model Showing Atmospheric Layers activity
Tools and equipment
Science Process Skill

1. Colored paper 1. Observation

2. Cardboard
2. Summarization
3. Glue 4. Marker pens
3. Manage the action and
5. Colored pencils 6. Clay
7. Feature board 8. Paper clips
1. Patience
9. Clear plastic bottle 10. Various colored stones
2. Responsibility
11. Different kind of beans 12. scissor
3. Prudence
1. Divide into groups to study the features of atmospheric
layers from available sources of
2. Use the materials given by the teacher to build a model
showing the atmospheric layers. The model must explain
how the atmospheric layers are divided, their features, and
their benefits.

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

3. Present your model to the class.

4. Evaluate the models and presentations of other groups.

Post-experiment questions
1. What are criteria that are used for dividing the
atmospheric layers? How?
Temperature change with altitude as follow

1. The troposphere temperature decreases with altitude.

2. The stratosphere temperature increases with altitude.

3. The mesosphere temperature decreases with altitude.

4. The thermosphere temperature increases with altitude.

5. The exosphere temperature increases with altitude.

2. What are the features and benefits of each atmospheric

1. The troposphere is the atmospheric layer that the
temperature decreases with altitude. It is also the layer
that important phenomenon occurs, such as clouds, rain,

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

snow, wind, storm, etc.

2. The stratosphere is the atmospheric layer that the

temperature increases with altitude. There is a small
amount of water vapor but has a large quantity of ozone
which absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. The
weather does not change, so most commercial aircraft fly
in this layer.
3. The mesosphere is the atmospheric layer that the
temperature decreases with the altitude. Space objects
burn up in this layer.
4. The thermosphere is the atmospheric layer that
the temperature increases with altitude. This layer has
low gravity and receives lots of energy from the Sun. In
this layer, gas particles split into ions with electrical
charges which can reflect low-frequency radio waves and
the Aurora appears within this layer.
5. Exosphere is the atmospheric layer that the
temperature increases with altitude. This layer consists
of lightweight gas particles, which are in the form of
ions. These ions blend in with the ion that are between
planets. Satellites in a low circular orbit float within this

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

3. What are criteria that are used for dividing the

atmospheric layers?
criteria used in dividing the atmospheric layers are changes
of temperature with altitude.
4. Evaluate the completeness of other groups’ models and
presentations. Write down the reasons.
Depends on student’s research.


Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

From the activity, the atmosphere can be divided
into five layers based on the changes of temperature
with altitudes as follows
1. The troposphere has the highest density of air and
water vapor. Natural phenomena such as wind, rain,
snow, and storms which are important for life, in terms
of water resources, form within this layer. 2. The
stratosphere lacks water vapor, but it has ozone which
absorbs ultraviolet radiation. 3. The mesosphere has the
same type of air as the troposphere and stratosphere.
Space objects burn up in this layer. 4. The
thermosphere is the layer where gas particles split up
into ions that can reflect low-frequency radio waves.

Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

And 5. The exosphere has lightweight gases most of

which are ions. Satellites .in low circular orbit float
within this layer.

Part 2 English vocabulary that are related to dividing

atmospheric layers.
Instruction Let each group search English vocabulary that are
related to dividing atmospheric layers, then write them
down below.
Depends on student’s research.


Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

Part 3 Features of each atmospheric layer that can

be utilized for human needs
Instruction Let each group research about the features of each
atmospheric layer that can be utilized for human needs,
Depends on student’s research.
then write them down below.
12. Opinion of institution’s executive or assigned

................................ )

13. After lesson’s record

Ÿ Knowledge
Unit 5 Atmosphere
Lesson Plan 2 – Atmospheric Layers

Ÿ Learners’ Key Competencies

Ÿ Desired characteristics

Ÿ Science capabilities

Ÿ Others (Each student’s dominant behavior or problematic

behavior (if any))

Ÿ Problem

Ÿ Solution


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