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Worksheet for Defining Objectives


Use this worksheet to define your objectives for a decision—an important component of your preparation.

1. Specify the objectives. What are you trying to achieve by making this decision? Ask those who have
a stake in solving the problem to specify their objectives. If you hear two or more substantially
different objectives, you may be facing two or more problems.

2. Define the performance level that represents success. Describe as specifically as possible what a
successful outcome looks like. Do you want a solution that boosts sales? By what percentage? For all
regions? Be precise.

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3. Describe the future. Invite all stakeholders to describe the desired future state in detail. Let
imaginations and creativity run free. If the responses diverge significantly, resolve differences by
compromise, by straight selection of one view over another, or by identifying the multiple problems at

4. Check for conflicts. Consider your objectives together with your desired outcomes to make sure they
don’t conflict. What adjustments might you make if there is any conflict?

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