Patient Orientation Protocol 2015

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SEPTEMBER 2015/2022
Table of Contents
WELCOME PATIENT /FAMILY!...............................................................................................................2
VISION OF THE HOSPITAL.......................................................................................................................2
MISSION OF THE HOSPITAL....................................................................................................................2
VALUES RESPECT......................................................................................................................................2
PHILOSOPHY OF CARE.............................................................................................................................3
PATIENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES..........................................................................................4
PATIENT RIGHTS.......................................................................................................................................4
PATIENT RESPONSIBILITIES...................................................................................................................6
THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITIES.....................................................................................................................6
STEPS OF PATIENT ORIENTATION........................................................................................................7
DISCHARGE PLANNING...........................................................................................................................7
FEEDBACK SYSTEM: PATIENT SATISFACTION SURVEYS.............................................................8

Welcome patient to JGH! During patient/parent stay, our qualified team of Health professionals help
them by giving appropriate care &support for them. They will assist patient/parent in meeting with
medical, surgical, gynecology, obstetrics, neonatal, pediatrics, rehabilitative and personal needs. This
protocol guides information about regulatory requirements, vision, mission, policy, values, philosophy of
patient care, patient rights and responsibilities, therapeutic activities, steps of patient orientation&
discharge planning. Within the first 24 hours of patient arrival at JGH or up on inpatient admission, we
will have an orientation to help patients better understand everything. Then a formal meeting with our
respective health professional teams by daily round for patient care. This meeting will help patient to
understand goals and how we can best support patients in achieving them.


To see healthy, productive and prosperous catchment area population and be the premier hospital in
Ethiopia recognized nationwide for the quality of health care service for all.


To reduce morbidity, mortality, disability and improve the health status of surrounding people through
providing comprehensive curative, preventive, rehabilitative health service & improve the use of patient
information standardization & evidence based care.

JGH recognizes that all persons have the fundamental right to make a decision relating to their own
medical treatment, including the right to accept, refuse, or withdraw medical care

We will treat every person with dignity and courtesy
Caring we will act with concern for the well-being of every person
Patient- and family-centred care:-
 Recognizing patients as experts in their own experience and actively partnering with them to
improve the quality, safety and experience of their care
 Partnering with patients and families to ensure their voice is part of the conversation at all levels
of the organization, from the bedside to the boardroom
Our model of Patient and Family Centred Care includes three dimensions:
 Communicating with,
 Collaborating with, and
 Responding to our patients and their families.
We aim to remove barriers and address any discrimination by healthcare providers
Build a culture of continuously improving the hospital experiences of patients and families.

 Our team works together to ensure the most comfortable and safe care for you, your baby and
 We are guided by values, beliefs and practices that have been proven to result in the best
outcomes, time and time again.
 Patient /parents Involvement in care plan, intervention, expected discharge planning, estimated
cost, and expected outcome was our major goal to increase quality of services
 Together we develop an individualized treatment program based on your unique strengths and
needs while keeping in mind what is most important to you.
 We encourage family participation and encourage you to work together with our
multidisciplinary team by doing as much as you can while still maintaining your safety.
 We strive to engage you with kindness, respect and dignity. We apply a holistic wellness based
approach that encompasses your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. We
recognize your individual story and understand that your lived experience will shape your
decisions going forward
 Your physical, psychological and emotional safety is our priority. We believe in empowerment,
communication, choice, collaboration and trust when planning your treatment and care.
 Your strengths are important and will be recognized and supported. We seek to empower you to
care for yourself and your baby. We also want to understand what healing looks like from your
unique perspective.
 A strong connection between mother and baby ensures the best health outcomes
 Nurses provide and coordinate nursing care for you and your baby. This includes management of
medications, antenatal and postnatal care, as well as links to mental health and substance use
support services. They will also help to support you with your pregnancy and the care following
the birth of you baby.
 We promote cultural and spiritual support to facilitate spiritual growth and healing in addition to
basic medical care
 Our social worker will provide support to you and your family to help you access community
resources, reduce stressors and assist you to navigate any life struggles you may be facing such
as;- accessing treatment, transportation, financial supports and legal issues..
 Physicians and Nurse Practitioners ensure that all of your medical needs are being met.
 Psychiatrists help to understand any serious mental health issues such as anxiety, depression,
trauma or any other challenges you may be experiencing. They may provide ongoing treatment
throughout your stay that may include medication and/or counselling.
 Dietitians support you to make and review nutrition goals and care plans for you
 The pharmacist optimizes and keeps track of all the medications you are prescribed to best meet
your needs.
 Health literacy unit and administrators facilitate the smooth functioning of the unit &over all
hospital care. You can ask them for support &complain handling regarding with care services by
their phone number posted on specific service delivery/direct heath literacy unit office.
 Cleaning and janitorial staff help to maintain the overall hygiene of the unit. They are not tasked
with cleaning or tidying personal items.

JGH is committed to maintaining the rights, dignity and well-being of our patients and fully supports, as a
patient, you have the right:

1. Access to Care, to be treated in a caring, safe and compassionate way regardless of race, sex,
national origin, or sources of payment for care.
2. Respect and Dignity. The patient has the right to considerate, respectful care at all times and
under all circumstances, with recognition of his personal dignity.
3. Privacy and Confidentiality. The patient has the right, within the law, to personal and
informational privacy.

4. A patient has the right to respectful care given by competent personnel.

5. A patient has the right to know the names and the jobs of the patient’s caregivers.

6. A patient has the right to privacy with respect to his or her medical condition. A patient’s care
and treatment will be discussed only with those who need to know.

7. A patient has the right to have his or her medical records treated as confidential and read only by
people with a need to know. Information about a patient will be released only with permission
from the patient or as required by law.

8. A patient has the right to request amendments to and obtain information on disclosures of his or
her health information, in accordance with law and regulation.

9. A patient has the right to know what rules apply to his or her conduct as a patient, as stated in the
Patient Responsibilities section below.

10. A patient has the right to good quality care and high professional standards that are continually
maintained and reviewed.

11. A patient has the right to make informed decisions regarding his or her care and has the right to
include family members in those decisions.

12. A patient has the right to information from his or her provider in order to make informed
decisions about his or her care. This means that patients will be given information about their
diagnosis, prognosis, and different treatment choices. This information will be given in terms that
the patient can understand.

13. A patient has the right to refuse any drugs, treatment or procedures to the extent permitted by law
after hearing the medical consequences of refusing the drug, treatment or procedure.

14. A patient has the right to have help getting another provider’s opinion at his or her request and

15. A patient has the right to care without regard to race, color, religion, disability, sex, sexual
orientation, national origin, or source of payment.

16. A patient has the right to be given information in a manner that he or she can understand. A
patient who does not speak English, or is hearing or speech impaired, has the right to an
interpreter, when possible, and/or as provided by law.

17. Upon request, a patient has the right to access all information contained in the patient’s medical
records within a reasonable timeframe. This access may be restricted by the patient’s provider
only for sound medical reasons. A patient has the right to have information in the medical record
explained to him or her.

18. A patient has the right to be free from needless duplication of medical and nursing procedures.

19. A patient has the right to treatment that avoids unnecessary discomfort.

20. A patient has the right to a copy of his or her bills. A patient also has the right to have the bill

21. A patient has the right to request help in finding ways to pay his or her medical bills.

22. A patient has the right to access people or agencies to act on the patient’s behalf or to protect the
patient’s right under law. A patient has the right to have protective services contacted when he or
she or the patient’s family members are concerned about safety.

23. A patient has the right to be informed of his or her rights at the earliest possible time in the course
of his or her treatment.

24. A patient has the right to make advance directives (such as a living will, health care power of
attorney and advance instruction for mental health treatment) and to have those directives
followed to the extent permitted by law.

25. A patient has the right to personal privacy and to receive care in a safe and secure setting.

26. A Medicare patient has the right to appeal decisions about his or her care to a local Medicare
Review Board. The Facility will provide the name, address, and phone number of the local
Medicare Review Board and information about filing an appeal.

27. A patient has the right to be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.

28. A patient has the right to be involved in resolving dilemmas about care decisions.

29. A patient has the right to have his or her complaints about care resolved.

30. A patient has the right to be free from financial exploitation by Core Life.

Children and Adolescents

1. The family/guardian of a child or adolescent patient has the right and responsibility to be
involved in decisions about the care of the child. A child or adolescent has the right to have his or
her wishes considered in the decision-making as limited by law.

2. A child or adolescent patient has the right to expect that care and the physical environment will
be appropriate to his or her age, size, and needs.

1. Patients are responsible for providing correct and complete information about their health and
past medical history.

2. Being open and honest with us about any perceived risks in your care .Patients are responsible for
reporting changes in their general health condition, symptoms, or allergies to the responsible

3. Patients are responsible for reporting if they do not understand the planned treatment or their part
in the plan.

4. Patients are responsible for following the recommended treatment plan they have agreed to,
including instruction from nurses and other health personnel.

5. Patients are responsible for keeping appointments.

6. Patients are responsible for treating others with respect, including other patients, Core Life
providers, and personnel.

7. Patients are responsible for following Core Life’s rules regarding smoking, noise, and use of
electrical equipment.

8. Patients are responsible for what happens if they refuse the planned treatment.

9. Hospital Charges. The patient is responsible for assuring that the financial obligations of his
health care are fulfilled as promptly as possible.

10. Patients are responsible for respecting the property and rights of others.

11. Patients are responsible for assisting in the control of noise.

12. Hospital Rules and Regulations ,Showing respect and consideration for the hospital’s personnel
and property

13. Pain Management. The patient is responsible for notifying the staff about their needs regarding
pain and/or the effectiveness of pain control.

Therapeutic activities can help create a sense of balance between the mind and body, which can in turn
support the healing process.

o Hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent infection. Please wash your hands well with
soap and water for at least 15 seconds after using the bathroom, before touching or eating food, or
after touching contaminated items or surfaces.
o Use the alcohol-based hand sanitizer to clean your hands when you leave or return to your room
to prevent the spread of infection
o Remind health care providers and visitors to sanitize their hands when entering your room and
before they treat or touch you.
o Please practice respiratory etiquette by using a tissue when coughing or sneezing or cough and
sneeze into your elbow area.

o Visitors are asked not to visit if they have signs or symptoms of illness.
o Keeping your call bell and personal items within your reach
o Responding as quickly as possible when you request assistance
o Regularly assessing your fall risk and adjusting your safety plan accordingly


1. Welcome patient to your service area, Be attentive; greet with a smile; be positive and
2. Introduce your name, position, dressing codes &responsibilities, Explain reason for
admission &diseases process/condition of patients
3. Ask patient/parent consent before any procedures& explain the importance of procedure
for them manage expectations by education about the length of time a particular procedure
or request will take
4. Discuss main ward activities with patient like, medication administration time, vital sign
time &round time etc…
5. Explain ward environment for the patients like their rooms, direction of toilet, waste
segregation bin &infection prevention practices etc…
6. Counsel on disease process, prevention, treatment mechanism, importance of follow up
&discuss discharge plan with patients/family

 An important aspect of your care& rehabilitation is planning for your discharge from hospital.
Most patients begin their rehabilitation at hospital and continue elsewhere: at a skilled nursing
facility or at home with either home care or outpatient services.
 It is likely that you will need some help at the time of your discharge. How much and whether
friends, family, and services can meet that need will determine whether home or a skilled nursing
facility is the best option.
 Your case manager coordinates your discharge plan and will begin to discuss options with you
and your family early in your stay.
 Your preference in decision making is our major concern to increase your quality of care, with
your permission, your family will be invited to both observe and participate in your care while
you are here.
 Hands-on your family involvement helps everyone better appreciate your discharge needs,
prepare your primary helper, and determine the safest comprehensive plan. Whether you
transition to a skilled nursing facility or to home with outpatient or home services, your case
manager will guide you through this process and your clinical team will provide detailed
information about your care to the receiving facility or service.

We want hear from patients/parents please inform them to write their comments, questions or concerns
regarding the service they receive, We understand how hard it is to be a patient, During hospital stay, let
us know if we can do something differently so that their experience is better. After our hospital stay with
patient /parents, please help them by sharing feedback through the following opportunities:

1. Writing their idea on our client feedback register please help them to write their message
regarding our care services, the problem happened, something need modification &best
performance to be continued
2. Post-discharge Phone Call: for confirmation of health education, to remind appointment date,
treatment &care given for patient, patient may receive a phone call shortly after leaving the
Hospital to find out if the discharge process went smoothly.
 Our client honest feedback guides as we continuously strive to improve the quality of care we

1. Patient &family orientation guide provincial health services authority 2021
2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independent Avenue, SW
Room 509F, HHH Building Washington, DC 202011-800-368-1019 1-800-537-7697 (TDD) Office for Civil Rights online complaint form

3. Student/Faculty/Resident/Fellow Orientation Guide 2021-2022

Customized by MEGERSA ALENE {BSC.N, QU}

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