Cardivascular Work Feb 7

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CHAPTERS 11 & 12 (108 points)
Chapter 11 – Cardiovascular System
A. Match the following terms with their meanings below: (10 Points)
coronary arteries mitral valve normal sinus rhythm deoxygenated blood murmur
pacemaker electrocardiogram myocardium pericardium endothelium
1. Double-layered membrane surrounding the heart _____ pericardium
2. Muscular, middle layer of the heart ______ myocardium
3. Positioned between the left upper and lower heart chambers ___ mitral valve
4. Innermost lining of blood vessels ____ endothelium
5. Resting rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute ___ normal sinus rhythm
6. Blood lacking in oxygen _____ deoxygenated blood
7. Blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle ______ coronary arteries
8. Abnormal heart sound ____ murmur
9. Specialized nervous tissue in the right atrium that begins the heartbeat; sinoatrial node ____
10. Record of the electricity flowing through the heart ______ electrocardiogram

B. Using the following word parts, build or complete medical terms to match the
definitions below: (10 points)
atri/o ventricul/o -genic brachi/o brady- -megaly cardi/o hyper- -osis
cholesterol/o tachy- -pathy cyan/o -al my/ -ar myx/o -emia
1. Slow heartbeat: _____________________ bradycardia
2. High levels of cholesterol in the blood: ______ hyperlipidemia
3. Circulatory failure produced by the heart: __________________________ Cardiogenic
4. Pertaining to the upper and lower chambers of the heart: _____ Atrioventricular
5. Rapid heartbeat: ______ tachycardia

6. Disease of heart muscle: ____ Cardiomyopathy

7. Artery in the upper arm: _____________ brachial artery
8. Condition of bluish discoloration of the skin: _______ cyanosis
9. Enlargement of the heart: ______ cardiomegaly
10. Benign tumor (cells embedded in mucoid tissue) of the heart: __________myxoma
C. Using the following word parts create terms or complete terms based on the following
definitions. (10 points)
coron/o thromb/o -itis ox/o valvul/o, valv/o -lysis pericardi/o vas/o -plasty
phleb/o -ary -tomy sphygm/o -centesis steth/o -ia
1. Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the space surrounding the heart: ____
2. Incision of a vein:__ venotomy
3. Arteries that surround the outside of the heart: ______________________ coronary arteries
4. Condition of deficient oxygen in tissues: hypoxia
5. Inflammation of a vein with clot formation: ____Thrombophlebitis
6. Destruction of a clot: ___ thrombolysis
7. Narrowing of a blood vessel: ____________________________vasoconstriction
8. Surgical repair of a valve: ____ annuloplasty.
9. Instrument to measure blood pressure: _____________ sphygmomanometer
10. Instrument to listen to the chest: _____________________stethoscope

D. On the line provided, give meanings for the following abbreviations, then write each
abbreviation next to its explanation below: (20 Points)
1. AAA ____ An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) refers to a bulge or swelling in the aorta,
the main blood vessel that runs from the heart down through the chest and tummy.
2. ACE inhibitor ___ Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors refer to medications
that help relax the veins and arteries to reduce the blood pressure
3. ACLS__ Advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) refer to a group of techniques and
procedures that treat immediately life-threatening conditions, such as cardiac arrest and trauma
4. ACS __ Acute coronary syndrome refers to a term used to describe different conditions
associated with sudden, reduced blood flow to the heart.

5. AED __ Automated external defibrillators (AED) refers to portable, lifesaving tools used
to treat persons who have suffered a sudden cardiac arrest.
6. AF __ Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a heart ailment in which the heart rate is erratic and often
abnormally fast.
7. AICD ___ Automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (AICD refers to a pricey but
effective treatment modality that helps prevent sudden cardiac death.
8. AMI __ Acute myocardial infarction, commonly referred to as heart attack, is a life-
threatening condition that happens when blood flow to the heart muscle is suddenly cut off,
causing tissue damage.
9. AS __ aortic stenosis —refers to the narrowing of the heart’s aortic valve.
10. ASD _ Atrial septal defect (ASD) refer to a hole in the wall (septum) between the two upper
chambers of the heart (atria).
a. ACS_____ Includes unstable angina and myocardial infarction
b. SVT___ Arrhythmia originating in the upper chambers of the heart
c. MI____ Heart attack; death of myocardial tissue
d. TAA________ Abnormal widening of the largest artery in the body
e. COA_____ Narrowing of the aorta
f. ACE inhibitor ________ Drug that is used to treat hypertension
g. ICD_____ Device that is implanted in the chest to treat arrhythmias
h. ASD_______ Congenital heart defect; hole in the wall between the atria or ventricles
i. AED___ Portable electronic device that diagnoses and treats arrhythmias
j. ACLS_____ Skills used in the treatment of cardiac failure and arrhythmias (CPR, drugs, and

CHAPTER 12 – Nervous System

A. Match the following diagnostic terms with their meanings below: (8 points)
Auscultation rhonchi percussion sputum pleural rub stridor rales wheezes
1. Material expelled from the lungs or upper respiratory tract by spitting __ sputum
2. Continuous high-pitched whistling sounds produced during breathing ____ wheezes
3. Tapping on a surface to determine the difference in density of the underlying structure ___

4. Loud, rumbling sound heard on auscultation over bronchi obstructed by sputum ____ rhonchi
5. Fine crackling sound heard on auscultation during inhalation ______ rales
6. Scratchy sound produced by pleural surfaces roughened by inflammation rubbing against each
other ___ pleural rub
7. Listening to sounds within the body ______ Auscultation
8. Strained, high-pitched sound made on inhalation; caused by obstruction in the pharynx or
larynx ____ stridor

B. Match the following respiratory disorders with their explanations below. (10 points)
Asthma cystic fibrosis atelectasis diphtheria bronchiectasis
emphysema chronic bronchitis epistaxis croup pertussis
1. Nosebleed____ epistaxis
2. Acute viral infection of infants and children with laryngeal obstruction and stridor ___ croup
3. Chronic dilation of a bronchus secondary to infection in the bronchial tree _____
4. Inherited disorder of exocrine glands resulting in thick, mucous secretions in the respiratory
tract that do not drain normally __ cystic fibrosis
5. Inflammatory disorder of bronchi and bronchioles; allergy is a common cause____ Asthma
6. Collapsed lung ___ atelectasis
7. Long-term inflammation of the lining of bronchial tubes; cigarette smoking is a common
cause ________ chronic bronchitis
8. Acute infection (membrane forms) of the throat and upper respiratory tract caused by
Corynebacterium ________ diphtheria
9. Whooping cough: highly infectious bacterial infection of the pharynx, larynx, and trachea
marked by spasms of coughing _____ pertussis
10. Hyperinflation of air sacs with destruction of alveolar walls ___ emphysema

C. On the line provided, give meanings for the following abbreviations, then write each
abbreviation next to its explanation below: (20 points)
1. ABGs ___ Arterial blood gases (ABG) refers to a test that measures the acidity (pH) and the
levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood from an artery.

2. ARDS ____ Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a condition that happens
when fluid builds up in the tiny, elastic air sacs in the lungs.
3. BAL _ Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) refers to a procedure carried out to collect
samples from lungs for testing.
4. Bronch __ Bronchoscopy refers to medical examination of the bronchial tissue using a light
instrument called a bronchoscope.
5. CF_Cystic fibrosis (CF) refers to a genetic disease that severely affects the lungs, digestive
system, and other body organs.
6. CO2 __carbon dioxide refers to a gas exhaled from the body during breathing.
7. COPD __ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) refers to a group of diseases
that cause blockage of airflow and breathing-related problems.
8. CPAP _ Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) refers to a treatment method for sleep
apnea individuals.
9. CPR ____ Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving skill used in an
emergency like a heart attack when an individual heartbeat or breathing has stopped
10. C&S ___ refers to a test carried out when one has a respiratory tract infection to determine
what is growing in the lungs.
a. Fluid is injected and withdrawn from the bronchial tubes-BAL
b. Growing and testing contents of sputum for bacterial analysis-C&S
c. Hereditary disease that causes accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract-CF
d. Gases are measured in the blood- ABG
e. Airway is opened; breathing is restored; circulation restored by external cardiac compression-
f. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are examples-COPD
g. Visual examination of the bronchi-bronch
h. Group of signs and symptoms of respiratory failure-ARDS
i. Gas that is expelled in exhalation-CO2
j. Mask and machine help to avoid obstructive sleep apnea-CPAP

D. On the line provided, give meanings for the following abbreviations, then write each
abbreviation next to its explanation below: (20 points)

1. CXR __ Chest X-ray refers to an imaging test that uses X-rays to look at the structures and
organs in your chest.
2. CTPA_ CT pulmonary angiogram (CTPA) refers to a CT scan that looks for blood clots in
the lungs.
3. DOE __Dyspnea on exertion refers to a condition where one runs out of air and is unable to
breathe deep enough during physical activity
4. DPT ___diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and tetanus, a combined vaccine, is
given to small children.
5. FVC Forced vital capacity refers to the total amount of air exhaled during the FEV test
6. The ICU intensive care unit is where patients requiring special procedures and treatment
are cared for.
7. MDI _ Metered-dose inhaler (MDI) refers to a small device that delivers a measured
amount of medication to your lungs.
8. NSCLC __ Non-small cell lung cancer refers to the most common type of lung cancer
9. O2 _oxygen refer to the inhaled gas during breathing
10. OSA __Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) refers to a breathing disorder during sleep that has
implications beyond disrupted sleep
a. Device used to deliver aerosolized medication to patients-MDI
b. Toxoids for vaccination of infants-DPT
c. Inability to breathe during sleep because of blockage in the airway-OSA
d. Gas that is inhaled and absorbed through alveoli into the bloodstream-O2
e. PA and lateral views are taken in this procedure-CXR
f. Amount of gas that can be rapidly exhaled after a full inhalation-FVC
g. Major type of malignancy originating in the lung- NSCLC
h. Seriously ill patients are treated in this area of the hospital-ICU
i. Multiple computerized x-ray views of pulmonary blood vessels are taken-CTPA
j. Difficult breathing with strong physical activity-DOE

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