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Chapter l



Compulsive sexual behaviors and pornography addiction affected men and women," regardless of race
or financial status. Whenever someone is depressed, angry, lonely, tired- or even just uncomfortable,
they might engage to sex and watch pornography to activate, pleasure system high that could lead
someone into deeper stages of pomography addiction.

Jim Foster said that "addiction to pornography is more difficult to break than addiction to heroin. Those
who habitually view pornography can eventually progress into frequenting strip club, seeking
prostitution, engaging in affairs, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sexual aggression, sexual harassment or
pursuing other sexual activities. Though not every user will pursue even such behaviors, pornography
trains and entices people to cross boundaries in ways that were previously inconceivable to them."

Pornography addiction is something people often kid about but is ultimately a behavior that can
seriously damage relationship and take precedence over more important to th function and
responsibilities in our lives. Pornography addiction is like substances or "things" that people can become
addicted to can be understood through principles of "operant condition". According to Psychguides, this
is where a certain behavior watching porn in this case, is "reinforced" or rewarded, which in turn makes
you want to do it again (and again). Lots of different things can be reinforcing, and thus influence our
behavior, but porn can be especially reinforcing because the reward taps into a very basic instinctual
It is very easy to become addicted to porn, it is accessing a fundamental (and very enjoyable) natural
drive. It is easier to obtain than going out and finding a "mate" to fulfill this drive, however the problem
occurs when seeking sexual pleasures becomes excessive, impulsive, or comes at the expenses of other
valued behaviors.

Objective of the study

This research study aimed to understand the reasons why Filipino male and female teenagers watch
pornography and their perceptions towards pornographic videos.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study were beneficial to Students, Teachers, Parents, and Future Researchers.
Students would be aware about the effects of watching pornography their attitude, their social
interactions to the other people, and especially in their studies. Teachers would give sufficient attention
to high school students who watch porn. Therefore, they could approach high school student properly.
Parents would guide their children better than before and just like the faculty the parents would give
more attention to their child/children. Future Researchers could use this study to their future research

Scope and Delimitation

The study focused on the reasons and perceptions of Filipino male and female teenagers in watching
pornography to the selected high school student of Maasin City National High School.
Chapter II


Effects of Watching Pornography to High School Students

Pornography is rampant within society. It is an epidemic that is damaging the lives of young people,
destroying marriages, producing of false views of sex and beauty, and degrading men and women. The
pornography industry has increased rapidly, and its increased availability has weakened moral and
public standard that have traditionally stood opposed to pornography. The widespread of pornography
in our society has changed our concepts about sex. Pornography has become extremely accessible
through technological innovations and is now virtually a mainstream form of entertainment within
eacher Farent- our culture that is willing to accept hyper sexualized images and lewd behaviors. A survey
by the Barna Group in 2003 found that nationally 38% of teenagers believe there was nothing immoral
about looking at pornography. (source:;

If a person is masturbating to porn on a regular basis and begins to prefer and/or need that kind of
stimulation to achieve sexual satisfaction, he/she is in trouble and it's time to stop and take a break and
if one significant other is uncomfortable with his/her partner watching porn, it is time to have a candid
conversation about how porn is interfering with their committed relationship and what they both want
to do about it. When someone feel like they need to sneak or hide their porn usage and they feel any
guilty or shame, it is time to seek out help in order to determine on what is going on beneath the
source: A review of
pornography use research: Methodology and results from four sources

While most researchers would agree that pornography has become more pervasive in recent decades,
the accurate measurement of the level of pornography use in the population remains an empirical
challenge for social scientists. The array of technologies used to access pornography has changed over
time, making it almost impossible to consistently measure the same metric of pornography use. High-
speed internet, which has penetrated markets gradually over the last fifteen years, enables
unprecedented affordability, anonymity, and ease of access in pornography consumption (Cooper,
1998), contributing to the apparent general rise in pornography use (Wright, 2011). Hertlein and
Stevenson (2010) also note other features particular to broadband internet pomography in contributing
to growth of the industry: closer approximation to the physical world, acceptability, ambiguity, and
accommodation between one's "real" and "ought" self.

Past approaches to pornography use measurement have relied heavily on survey data (see Buzzell,
2005). The electronic nature of online pornography, however, increasingly makes possible a number of
alternative methods for obtaining reliable proxies of pornography use, including those gathered from
subscription or online search data. The ability to use an objective measure based on subscription or
search data is advantageous since survey-based data generally suffers from a social desirability bias:
respondents may underreport activities that violate social norms (Fisher, 1993). In addition, subscription
data does not depend on an individual's opinion about what constitutes pornography; a natural
limitation of subjective survey questions about pornography use.
Internet Pornography and Academic Performance d Early Adolescent Boys' Exposure to lotemet
Pornography, Relationships to Pubertal Timing, Sensation Seeking, and Academic Performance a
growing number of studies has demonstrated that adolescents are frequently exposed to sexually
explicit Internet content (Peter & Valkenburg, 2006; Ševčíková, Šerek, Macháčková, Šmahel, 2013;
Vandoninck, d'Haenens, & Donoso Navarrete, 2010). Because this exposure has been linked with various
types of sexual risk-taking (Atwood et al., 2012; Braun-Courville & Rojas, 2009; Brown & L'Engle, 2009;
Vandenbosch & Eggermont, 2013), scholars have stressed the importance of acquiring a more profound
understanding of young people's use JO 10 of sexually explicit Internet content. There are at least three
aspects in this literature to which little attention has been paid. First, research has only to a limited
extent addressed how the use of sexually explicit Internet content can be explained by developmental
characteristics of the adolescent. Second, what we know about consequences of exposure to sexually
explicit online content is restricted to consequences of a sexual nature and tends to be dominated by
risky behavior models. To our knowledge, sexually explicit websites have rarely been investigated in the
context of other, non-sexual and non-risky, outcomes. Third, predictors and consequences of Internet
pornography have rarely been investigated in an integrative model. Nevertheless, such explanatory
models may provide important insights in how predictors of Internet pornography are indirectly related
to potential adversarial effects of Internet pomography (Valkenburg & Peter, 2013).
Definition of Terms

Pornography-refers to the printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of
sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.

Teenagers - is another word for an adolescent. Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and
psychological development that generally occurs during the period from puberty to legal adulthood.

Reasons- the power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgments by a process of


Perception- the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
Chapter III


Research Design

This study used a case study type of qualitative research. Case study aimed to gather information and
data necessary to answer questions concerning the reasons and perceptions on watching pornography
to Senior high school student. Case study method of research is a fact-finding study with adequate and
accurate interpretation of findings. It describes with emphasis, what exist, such as current condition,
practices, situation, or any phenomena.

Research Locale

This study was conducted in Maasin City National High School. Located at Combado, Maasin, Southern
Leyte, Philippines.

Research Participants
The research participants of the study were ten (10) male and ten (10) female young adults of Combado,
Maasin, Southern Leyte with age range of 13-19 years old. Specially, these participants were male and
female young adults who committed to watch pornography five times a week.

Research Instrument

The questionnaire was the major instrument used in this study. The handling of questionnaire was done
personally by the researchers and facilitated by the retrieval of responses. This procedure also enabled
the researcher to conduct interview at the same time consecutively.

Research Sampling Technique

Purposive sampling technique was used in selecting the participant in this study. Purposive sampling is
non-probability sample that is selected based on characteristics of a population and the objective of the
study. The participants were chosen based on how often they watch pornography and what is their
reason and perception.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher used a self-made questionnaire in gathering the data on the effects of watching
pornography to high school students in relation to student's behavior. First, the led ten (10) target
respondents were determined. Afterwards, the sampling units was identified using choose b) out of the
table of random units. After identifying the respondents, researcher prepare the and one male They or
to com questionnaire. The questions and directions in the questionnaire will be explained by the
researcher clearly, for better understanding.

Data Analysis Procedure

Colaizzi method was used in analyzing the data in this study. Colaizzi's method of data analysis is a
rigorous and robust qualitative method that the researchers used to understand the reasons and
perception of senior high school students in watching pornography
Chapter IV


This study revealed similar perceptions of the SHS students. Majority of the participants

in the study cited that Pornography is the portrayal of sexual subject matter for the exclusive

purpose of sexual arousal. All the participants claim they watch porn because of the sexual

arousal that they needed to relieve of. Some of the participants claim that they not Czpenderi

watch porn due to the curiosity of experiencing sex and how do they do it. And other also claim

that they watch porn due to the boredom of the environment around them.

The researchers gave 5 questions to ten (10) females and ten (10) males, and their

answers were quite similar to each respondent and we have only choose two (2) out of ten (10)
responses in each question, one (1) female and one (1) male. They chose to conceal their identity

due to the awkwardness or complication of the questions.

Number of Times Teenagers Watch Pornography

"Once a month". (P2, SS2)

"Always". (P11, SS11)

According to Andrea Downey (March 2017) Watching porn has become the norm for

many who use it to spice things up in the bedroom or while away lonely nights. But new research

suggests that not all porn viewers are the same and, instead, can be split into three groups. What's

concerning, though, is that only one of those groups is considered healthy.

Teenagers' Reasons of Watching Pornography

"Para makantigo ug unsaon pag sex". (P SS2)

"Mu tan aw kog bold kung laayon ko or uwagan ko" (P_, SS11)

Cary Tennis (July 2013) said, "And naturally whether you approve of porn in theory or

not, its effect will be to displace you. Like crack, it tends to take over, to push out other hungers

that tend to nurture the human community by making us dependent to one another. Since we are
dependent on each other we must be civil and loving. If we are not dependent on each other we

needn't be civil and loving. We needn't community and family". (Salon Magazine)

Teenagers' Feeling when Watching Pornography

"Horny". (P2, SS2)

"Ahmm...murag maka huna-huna ko nga mo try og unsa ka lami". (P3, SS3)

As comedian Russell Brand said in a viral YouTube video: "There's a general feeling isn't

there, in your core if you look at pornography, that this isn't what the best thing for me to be

doing is, this isn't the best use of my time.

The articles authored by Gordon B. convey almost the same idea with what Dr. Jerry

Bergman had discussed in his article. According to him, it would be difficult for an individual to

seek out relations with appropriate persons because of usual subject matter. Changes in behavior

can be observed from a person who watches obscene items and that is what our study is all

Chapter V


This chapter presents the findings, conclusion, and recommendation of the study.


Based on our study, the researchers found out that most of the male participants are

addicted of watching pornography than female participants. Furthermore, teenagers watch

pornography because of boredom, curiosity of experiencing sex and stress reliever.


This study concluded that pornography greatly affects the attitude of the teenagers who

watch it. Teenagers often become rude and malicious to others as they habitually watched



In connection with the findings, the researchers have the following recommendations to


Constant guidance and supervision should be strengthened and practiced by parents towards their


The Philippine Government should ban all pornography sites in the country,

Sex Education should be well implemented and integrated in all subject learning areas.


Atwood, K. A., Zimmerman, R., Cupp, P. K., Fongkaew, W., Miller, B. A., Byrnes, H. F., ... & Chookhare, W.
(2012). Correlates of precoital behaviors, intentions, and sexual initiation among Thai adolescents. The
Journal of Early Adolescence, 32, 364-386. doi: 10.1177/0272431610393248

Braun-Courville, D. K. and Rojas, M. (2009). Exposure to sexually explicit web sites and adolescent sexual
attitudes and behaviors, Journal of Adolescent Health, 45, 156- 162.
Brown, J. D., & L'Engle, K. L. (2009). X-rated sexual attitudes and behaviors associated with US early
adolescents' exposure to sexually explicit media. Communication Research, 36, 129-151.

Buzzell, T. (2005). Demographic characteristics of persons using pornography in three technological

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CyberPsychology & Behavior, 1, 187-


Fisher, R. (1993). Social desirability bias and validity of indirect questioning. Journal of Consumer
Research, 20, 303-315.

Hertlein, K., & Stevenson, A. (2010). The seven "As" contributing to internet-related intimacy problems:
A literature review. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 4(1), article 1.
Retrieved from

Peter, J. & Valkenburg, P.M. (2006). Adolescents' exposure to sexually explicit material on the Internet.
Communication Research, 33, 178-204. doi:10.1177/0093650205285369

Ševčíková, A., Šerek, J., Macháčková, H., & Šmahel, D. (2013). Extent matters: Exposure to sexual
material among Czech adolescents. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 33, 1048-1071, doi:

Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2013). The differential susceptibility to media effects model. Journal of
Communication, 63, 221-243. doi: 10.1111/jcom.12024
Vandenbosch, L., & Eggermont, S. (2013). Sexually explicit websites and sexual initiation: Reciprocal
relationships and the moderating role of pubertal status. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 23, 621-
634. doi:10.1111/jora.12008

Vandoninck, S., d'Haenens, L., & Donoso Navarrete, V. (2010). Digital literacy of Flemish youth: How do
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Name: Justin Julian De Guia

Home Address: Sto Niño, Macrohon, Southern Leyte

Age: 18
Date of Birth: Jan. 30, 2005

Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single

Sex : Female

Mother: Mercelin De Guia

Religion: Roman Catholic

Email Address:




Combad, Maasin City, Southern Leyte



Ichon, Macrohon, Southern Leyte



Ichon, Macrohon, Southern Leyte

Appendix A

Department of Education

Division of Southern Leyte


Combado, Maasin City, Southern Leyte



1. How often do you watch pornography?

Kapila ka motan-aw og pornograpiya?

2. What are your reasons of watching pornography?

Unsa man imong mga rason nganu mo tan-aw ka og pornograpiya?

3. What do you feel when you watch pornography?

Unsay imong bation kung mo tan-aw ka og pornograpiya?

4. What are your perceptions about pornography?

Unsa ang imong panglantaw bahin sa pornograpiya?

5. What could be the impact of watching porn in your life?

Unsa kaha ang epekto sa paglantaw sa pornograpiya sa imong kinabuhi?

Appendix A

Department of Education

Division of Southern Leyte


Combado, Maasin City, Southern Leyte

Transcribed Responses of the Participants

Question 1. How often do you watch pomography? Kapila ka motan-aw og pornograpiya?

PI "Every time mo tan-aw ahong close friends or classmates"

P2 "Once a month"

P3 "Depend era og ganahan"

P4 "Sometimes, para makahibaw unsay buhaton"

P5 "Sometimes"

P6 "Once a month"

P7 "Kanang mo tan-aw siya"

P8 "Sud sa usa ka buwan ka usa"

P9 "Once a week"

P10 "Kalima sa usa ka simana"

P11 "always"

P12 "kausa"

P13 "Three times a day"

P14 "Sometimes"

P15 "Sausa ka adlaw ka tulo ka beses buntag, udto, og hapon"

P16 "Sa una kanunay karan panagsa na"

P17 "Taga adlaw"

P18 "2 times a day"

P19 "1 times a day"

P20 "Sa usa ka simana ka duha"

Question 2. What are your reasons of watching pomography? Unsa man imong mga rason nganu mo
tan-aw ka og pornograpiya?

PI "Curiosity"

P2 "Because of boredom"

P3 "Kanang time nga laayon ko wakoy laing ma tan-aw"

P4 "Para makahibaw sad ta laung unsa na para in the end dli nata ma curious"

P5 "To clarify things based on that issue"

P6 "Influence ra sa mga barkada or classmates"

P7 "Lingaw-lingaw ra"

P8 "Nothing"

P9 "Boredom"

P10 "Para makahibaw hibaw unsaon pag jug jug ahh ahh"

P11 "Lami man gud siya nga videos"

P12 "Maka wala sa stress"

P13 "Usahay palipas oras ra og pampawala sa ka laay"

P14 "Para makakuha ng idea sa mga sex position"

P15 "Kalima sa usa ka adlaw para ganahan lamina para ganahan para dili maayo"

P18 "Kaning walay lingaw"

P17 "Wa ra gusto ra gusto ra naho maka mao"

P18 "Pang pagana ahong tulog kay manginit ako ang lawas"

P19 "Kay mo ulog ag aho "penis"

P20 "Kanang pam pa was kalaay og ka mingaw"

Question 3. What do you feel when you watch pornography? Unsay imong bation kung mo tan-aw ka og

PI "Nothing"

P2 "Horny"

P3 "Ahmm.murag maka huna-Inma ko nga mo try og unsa ka lami"

P4 "I feel horny"

P5 "Nothing"

P6 "Dili ko mahiluna"

P7 "Hilasa"

P8 "Ngil-ngig"

P9 "Pleasures and horniness"

P10 "Para mo guwa ang ka uwag"

P11 "Lamian ko"

P12 "Lami kaayo"

P13 "Mo gaan ako huna-huna"

P14 "Ganahan k okay maka laski"

P15 "Depende naay usa sa usa ka simana nag iyot ming duha nag tan-aw kog lami-an sa paminaw
makakuha og idea ma manyak naka"

P16 "Kauwaw og kalam acara p

P17 "Mag ulog ako "penis" kung ma uwagan

P18 "Feeling right"

P19 "Murag dili ko mahilana"

P20 "kanang mawala ako stress"


kinat Art

Question 4. What are your perceptions about pornography? Unsa

ang imong panglantaw bahin sa pornograpiya?

P1 "Usa ni sija ka way para ma buksan ang isip sa usa ka motan-aw about intercourse" P2 "Hilasan ko

P3 "kanang klasi-klasi ka nga sex position"

P4 "Some of the children right now know how to do sexo da even if

PS "Some of the issues of our country is all about sex porn inde

P6 "Maka daot samot sa mga bata"

P7 "Dili maayo"

P8 "Dili good sija para naho

P9 "It helps us relieve front stress"?

P10 "Bad siya pero lami"

P11 "Okay raman kung dili nimo I sud sa huna-huna ni sija"

P12 "Usa ni maka tabang naho"

P13 "Okay ni sija edaran dili pwede sa mga batan-on"

P14 "Okay ra para naho"

P15" Kausa sa usa ka adlaw laay ma uwagan lami tan-awon nag gamitay man list sa stress"

P16 "Bad influence'

P17 "Diman stya ingin bad because I's namiral for the males"

P18 "Para maka experience about sex"

P19 "Medyo sayop saon taman lami man gud kaayo"

P20 "Bad og good"

Question 5. What could be the impact of watching porn in your life? Unsa kaha ang epekto sa paglantaw
sa pornograpiya sa imong kinabuhi?

P1 "Para ma aware mi about sa sex education"

P2 "Nothing"

P3 "Maka tabang sa time nga laayon murag makuntento nako ug maka kita ko og porn"

P4 "In the right time we can apply it in our future"

P5 "The impact of watching porn in my life is that I know what pornography is even if I am not in the
right age, to watch pornography but also I want to know what's the inside of it as a teenager I have the
right to know what is pornography or what is sex" P6 "Para naho dili maayo

P7 "Kalami og kasakit

P8 "Ang effect sas akong kinabuhi maka tilaw og lami"

P9 "Made me addicted into porn secretly"

P10 "Ang akong pagka virgin"

P11 "Wala"
P12 "Wala kay kuan man wala man ko hilig ani gud"

P13 "Para naho dako ug impact sa life tungod kay maka adjust nako"

P14 "Dili ko maka ingon nga dakog impact sa ako life kay huna-huma raning aho"

P15 "Para makantigo ko unsaon pag iyot"

P16 "kasakit og kalami"

P17 "Kanang maka mao nako unja maka share pud kung unsaon pag sex namo kung kami duha mao
among buhaton sa aming duha mao maka tabang sa akong kinabuhi"

P18 "Medyo labag sa pagtoo sa ginoo saon man lami man ang ginadili"

P19 "Para naa nakoy experience about sex"

P20 "Arong maka hibaw unsaon pag sex"

P stands for participant.

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