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Certainly! Let’s delve into some capital budgeting problems in the realm of commerce. These
scenarios involve evaluating investment decisions for long-term projects. I’ll provide solutions
for a couple of these problems:

1. Problem 1: Evaluating an Investment Proposal

Given: The cost of a project is $50,000, and it generates cash inflows of $20,000,
$15,000, $25,000, and $10,000 over four years.
Objective: Using the present value index method, appraise the profitability of the
proposed investment, assuming a 10% rate of discount.
Calculate the present value of each cash inflow using the discount factor at 10%:
Year 1: $20,000 × 0.909 = $18,180
Year 2: $15,000 × 0.826 = $12,390
Year 3: $25,000 × 0.751 = $18,775
Year 4: $10,000 × 0.683 = $6,830
Total present value = $56,175
Net present value (NPV) = Total present value - Initial outlay = $56,175 - $50,000 =
Profitability Index (PI) = Present value of cash inflows / Initial cash outflow =
$56,175 / $50,000 = 1.1235
Net Profitability Index (NPI) = PI - 1 = 0.1235
Conclusion: Since the PI is greater than 1.0 and NPI is positive, we can accept the

2. Problem 2: Choosing Between Two Machines

Given: Machines A and B are available for $80,000 each. Earnings after taxation for
both machines are provided.
Objective: Evaluate the two alternatives using:
(a) Payback method
(b) Rate of return on investment (ROI) method
© Net present value (NPV) method with a 10% discount rate.
(a) Payback method:
Machine A: Payback period = 2 years and 7.2 months
Machine B: Payback period = 3 1/3 years
Machine A is preferred based on payback.
(b) ROI method:
ROI for Machine A = 28%
ROI for Machine B = 32%
Machine B is preferred due to the higher ROI rate.
© NPV method:
Calculate the present value of cash flows for both machines:
Machine A NPV = $21,816 + $19,824 + $24,032 + $16,392 + $9,936 =
Machine B NPV = $7,272 + $19,872 + $32,784 = $59,928
Machine B has a higher NPV and is preferred.
Whether it’s bananas or dollars, making informed investment choices matters! 🍌💰
Remember, capital budgeting decisions play a crucial role in shaping a company’s future.

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