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Soon, the vessels will be visible


“Brothers of the Stars, Children of the Light, it is with immense pleasure that I come to you.

I am your brother Korton. I have some explanations to give you in relation to our presence, and above all in relation to the liberation of
the information concerning us.

Up until now it was very difficult for us to manifest ourselves physically in your world, and I am going to give you the reasons.

First of all, there was very great opposition on the part of the unfriendly ones who absolutely did not want humans to know about their
presence in this world. We have allowed them to do this because the moment had not yet come for us to present ourselves physically to
you, our brothers of the Earth.

Now, all is precipitating, and you see it well. All is precipitating at the level of the total fall of your civilization, and everything is also
precipitating at the level of the departure of the unfriendly ones, those who have disturbed the evolution of humanity.

As you are really at the brink of the new world, we will manifest ourselves physically more and more and the information will be
transmitted. Information about the presence of our vessels in your skies will also be transmitted.

In this current era, despite your media, it is difficult to hide the information. The deep state will do everything that it can to prevent this
from circulating, but it will circulate anyway because the moment has arrived, because we really wish this for our brothers of the Earth.

Our brothers of the Earth are going to awaken en masse. They are going to understand that for years, for thousands of years, they have
been misled and manipulated. Do not forget that you have come into this world several times and you have lived here thousands of years
ago. If this was not so, your current civilization would already be in the stars. If there had not been this quarantine, you would have
polluted other worlds.

Now, everything will be purified in your civilization, and it is for this that we will manifest ourselves for two supplementary reasons:

First of all, it is the moment, as I have told you, and secondly because the vibratory frequency of your world and of you will allow this
meeting. For this meeting, we will not be obliged to considerably lower our vibratory frequency to be perceived or seen by our brothers of
the Earth.

The moment of the great reunion between the Children of the Earth and the Children of the Universe is very near; I do say “Children of the
Universe” because the Universe is immense. We can circulate well beyond your solar system, well beyond your galaxy and many galaxies;
we have this possibility.

Right now, our mission concerns the solar system of planet Earth and other solar systems that resemble yours and that we must also help
in their evolution, in their mutation, even if their evolution and their mutation will be different from yours. The help that we will bring is
the help of Love, a vibratory aid, an aid of comprehension, just simply an aid for you, Children of the Earth, but you are not aware of this.

Planet Earth was in great danger because those that you call “the unfriendly ones” really wished to take over the Earth. With the
awakening of humanity, they cannot because the vibratory frequency of humanity has changed very much and has evolved very much.
The Earth will no longer suit them, they will no longer feel at ease there.

It is for this that we could not chase them away for multiple reasons, because they also had their mission in this world. The obscure side
had one mission; that one is ending in this world. We are not going to say that we have made it so that obscurity be eradicated in your
world; we work to enlighten the obscurity. Of course, we eradicate it, but we give it the possibility of mutating and of transforming itself.

Children of the Earth, Brothers of the Earth, Children of the Stars, be reassured, be confident! For all those who are awaiting our arrival
and our manifestations, this will happen more and more frequently. Your sky, at times, will be constellated with our vessels. At the
beginning, you could see them as more or less big lights, more or less colored in the sky. Little by little, these lights will manifest
themselves in their true reality.

For the moment there are still some fears in our brothers of the Earth. They are not yet totally ready, but the diffusion of what we are will
be done slowly and not in a violent manner. The preparation has been taking place for numerous years, it is also taking place in your
films. In some of your films or your television series there are many realities, whether it is at the technical level or at the level of your
Brothers of the Universe who are very different ones from each other.

The preparation has been made, and unfortunately not always well done because there is always some aggression. Many humans think
that we have come to invade, to destroy, but we could not change the scenarios because at that time you would not have listened, you
would not have had pleasure in watching these films or these series. It was necessary to allow human beings this obscure part and this
violent part that is a part of them and that still attracts them.

Why do human beings still need to see films of war, of violence? In order to be able also to understand their own violence and to be able to
eradicate it. When human beings will say: “we no longer want to see films of war, we no longer want to see films of violence, we now want
to see beauty”, there will no longer be films of violence because these films will no longer be watched, they will no longer be appreciated
by humanity.

You are at a very important turn of events, we say, and I say: very important! It is for this, week after week, we try to prepare you to
modify yourselves within in relation to your thoughts, to your attitudes, to the Love that you can have for yourself and for life. We try to
put the emphasis on all that is important and that you must understand, notably fears.

Prepare yourself! The great contact, as we have said, is for very soon. I cannot, we cannot tell you if this will happen in eight days or in a
month, but this has never been so close for humanity.

When this contact takes place, when you see the vessels en masse in your sky, there will certainly be fear, but you will be there to explain
and above all to remove fear from beings and reassure them.

You must understand this:

If your Galactic Brothers who have been manifesting themselves since the beginning of time in your world really had been destructive
and evil for you, a long time ago you would no longer be in this world! They would have taken over your world. It would no longer have
been a planet of study and of evolution.

You, human beings, our brothers of planet Earth, you are still aggressive, you are still violent, but when you will have completed a certain
vibratory and energy passage, a passage at the level of consciousness, all violence will disappear from you, and you will no longer support
that violence. You will have only one desire, that of living in serenity, in confidence, in joy, in fraternity and in Love.

Here is what I wished to tell you, what we wished to tell you. However, do not be impatient. Everything takes place when it is supposed to,
that is to say neither too soon nor too late; the time is now the good time for this contact, for the realization of this mutation, of this
profound transformation of life in this world.

Prepare yourself because it can arrive brutally. Prepare yourself and be ready to go to other shores, to live differently, to accept others and
yourselves as you are. Be ready to see only the beauty that surrounds you, even in your brothers, because if spiritually you are perfect
beings who ignore each other, humanly you have some small imperfections that you will correct with our help, with the help of God the
Father-Mother, and all will get back in good order.

Now, from our vessel, we salute you, I salute you in the name of all my brothers, of all your brothers who are working for planet Earth. I
also salute you in the name of your Great Brother of Love Sanada who will come more and more often towards you, as he promised,
because He also has His mission to accomplish.

He has already accomplished a very great part which was the transformation of beings, the opening towards a new consciousness, the
opening in the consciousness of the Sacred, in the Spiritual and Divine consciousness.

Brothers or the Earth, I salute you in the name of all who are working for you. May our immense Love inundate you!

Be blessed.”

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