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ACE Online Boot Camp Curriculum

Day 1 (6th Jan 2024 | 4:30 pm to 9:00 pm)

Deep dive into Foundation Concepts - 1hr

1. Foundations of Machine Learning

● Introduction to Machine Learning
● Python in Data Science and IDEs
● Fundamentals: Data Set, Features, Label, Data Points
● Hands-on Sessions

Advance Concepts Part - 1 – 2hrs

1. Data Analysis and Data Pre-processing

● Understanding the Importance of Data Analysis
● Central Tendency and Spread (3Ms)
● Understanding variability in data (standard deviation and Coefficient of
● Summary Techniques: Five Number Summary, Box Plot
● Pre-Processing Essentials
● Handling Missing Values and Outliers
● Hands-on Sessions
2. K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) classification algorithm
● Geometric intuition of KNN
● Different distance metrics in KNN
● Hands-on exercises with KNN
3. Model Fitting – Overfitting and Underfitting
● Overfitting in KNN (k = 1)
● Underfitting in KNN (k = n)
● Finding the optimum value of k (Explain and implement cross-

Open Q&A Session - 30 mins

Day 2 (7th Jan 2024 | 10:00 am to 4:00 pm)

Advanced Concepts Part - 2 - 3hr

1. Curse of Dimensionality
● Challenges in High-Dimensional Data
● Introduction to Dimensionality Reduction
2. Principal component analysis (PCA)
● Essentials of vectors
● Eigen values and Eigen vectors in covariance matrix
● PCA Algorithm and Applications
● Advantages & Disadvantages of PCA
● Hands-on Application of PCA
3. Handling with categorical columns
● Understanding are categorical columns
● Label encoding and One-Hot encoding
4. Recommendation Systems
● Overview of recommendation systems
● Popularity-based recommendation systems
● Content-based recommendation systems
● Collaborative filtering
● Hands-on Sessions

Career Insights - 1hr

Open Q&A Session - 30 mins

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