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Before settling?

Then most ladies hear about love, the chemical reaction within shuts the
door to think wisely and consider why. Love is a pleasant gift planted within
our hearts if it does not provide selfish motives. The moment you attach
conditions to satisfy yourself, it alters everything. The bible speaks about two
people having an appointment before they embark on a journey.

An agreement is a way of securing yourself from the problems that might

arise ahead between two or more parties while the agreement stands. If we
decide to a relationship because of your education and that one should sit at
home while you work, it’s fine. If we agree to a relationship because you have
pleasant looks, it’s marvellous, and it is good to agree to a relationship
because your family is wealthy.

The problem round these agreements arises if they break before the period
lapse or if you decided without comprehension. They can get broken because
of personal, economic, natural, and many other factors, for example. We are
living in a world under a pandemic of the Coronavirus, and many people have
lost their jobs. In this scenario, the agreement made on education will no
longer hold when your partner is unemployed. Knowledge alone is no longer
critical because of no jobs caused by the natural disaster. When you agreed
to be the partner, did you clarify what needs to happen when you lose your
job due to natural causes?

You have been together for many years, and after having children, he leaves
because you have put on some weight and change. You are still Lisa, but now
you are a size, 52 Lisa and he intended to remain with a size 36 Lisa and
nothing more. You have agreed to stay with him because you believed you
would stay a size 36 forever. Now it looks as if he is wrong, but he is not
because you have disadvantaged the content of your agreement. Who is to
blame; food, nature for giving you beautiful children or yourself?

You did not know that to remain in the relationship came with a lifetime
gymnasium membership condition. Before agreeing to be his partner, did you
ask him to clarify beauty because people have diverse views of the term?
Perhaps he was referring to your beautiful walk. You now walk like a duck
because you are large and easy for people to notice. Did you know
appearance in your fifties will differ from the looks in your twenties
regardless of whether you are petite or large?

Let’s consider the children you have. You have not pictured your children
grow with a single parent because you believed he would be by your side
through thick and thin. Even if you get him to pay costs to maintain your
children, they will experience single parenthood for as long as you remain
single. Your agreement has created a wild condition, not only affecting you
but your children. Your relationship is a travel and tourism club for your
children when they want to visit their father.

I do not know all the impact stress has on people, but I know that one way or
another it will affect you negatively if you loved him. It is worse if you cannot
let go even after he has left you. What about the bond that your children had
with him and mostly the relationship you had as a family? Remember,
excellent and negative memories don’t fade away. When your children know
you caused the problem because you gained more weight, should they be
happy or more distressed?

He is leaving you because now your family lives like ordinary people. You
might not be the cause of their poverty, but it is a situation you have created
to dissolve your relationship. A common reality about life is that life it’s
uncertain. Today you are rich, and two years down the line you are broke as a
church mouse. You banked the survival of your relationship on wealth,
forgetting that its existence revolves around the steadiness of the
agreement. How many people were millionaires do you know who are now
broke? When she leaves we label them forgetting its part of the agreement.

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