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Vocabulary Log Template

Ms. Ati
Meaningful Vocab Logbook

Dear Student,
⮚ Download the template and keep reusing it when assigned.
⮚ Follow tightly to attain the desired result.
⮚ It will do NO GOOD, if not revised on a weekly basis. So, see the wisdom in doing the
logbook, and keep a record.

Target word in Definition that fits 3 commonly 1 higher Relating a meaning of

the context the context (in used or level the target word to your
(original your own word) uncommon synonym own life
sentence or words of the
phrase with same family
the target
word in bold)
beyond repair can't be repaired The bicycle was beyond
(phrase) repair so I I gave it to the
junk buyer-seller.
chauffeur drive somebody chauffeur drive The boy was
(verb) around (noun) chauffeured by his
do business proceed to trade, He made a lot of money
(phrase) sell, or make by doing business with
money by running the infamous billionaire.
driving license a piece of paper licensed driving I received a driving
(noun) that lets the (adjective) certification license by passing a test.
owner drive
fatality (noun) the cause of bad fatal calamity There was only one
things like death (adjective) fatality that can cause
the death of that old
enforce (verb) make something enforcement impose That country enforced
like rules or laws (noun), its people by publishing
to force people to enforceable new laws.
obey and follow (adjective),
fumes (noun) a gas-type thing effluvium For me, cigarettes and
that has a strong tobacco release the
smell most
Vocabulary Log Template
Ms. Ati
hands-free can be used hands-free hands-off Phones can be used
(adjective) without hands (noun) hands-free, but only if
they are hands-free.
imminent possible to imminence impending Look at the clouds, I
(adjective) happen (noun), think the rain is
imminently imminent to happen
(adverb) soon.
impulsive done without impulsively spontaneous The work was impulsive
(adjective) planning (adverb), as she thought she was
beforehand impulsiveness going to make a totally
(noun), different piece of
impulsivity clothing.

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