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Brain & Language 211 (2020) 104879

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Thinking outside the box: The brain-bilingualism relationship in the light of

early neurobiological variability
Nicola Del Maschio a, Simone Sulpizio a, b, Jubin Abutalebi a, c, *
Centre for Neurolinguistics and Psycholinguistics (CNPL), Faculty of Psychology, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano, Italy
Department of Psychology, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway


Keywords: Bilingualism represents a distinctive way to investigate the interplay between brain and behaviour, and an
Bilingualism elegant model to study the role of environmental factors in shaping this relationship. Past neuroimaging research
Brain-behavior relationship has mainly focused on how bilingualism influences brain structure, and how eventually the brain accommodates
a second language. In this paper, we discuss a more recent contribution to the field which views bilingualism as
Brain anatomy
Sulcal pattern
lens to understand brain-behaviour mappings from a different perspective. It has been shown, in contexts not
Language related to bilingualism, that cognitive performance across several domains can be predicted by neuroanatomical
Structural MRI variants determined prenatally and largely impervious to postnatal changes. Here, we discuss novel findings
indicating that bilingualism modulates the predictive role of these variants on domain-specific cognition. The
repercussions of these findings are potentially far-reaching on multiple levels, and highlight the need to shape
more complex questions for progress in cognitive neuroscience approaches to bilingualism.

1. Introduction relationship. The continuation of research must therefore be ensured –

we argue – in order to shed light on fundamental questions at the core of
It is well established that the ability to acquire and use more than one cognitive neuroscience. For this to happen, though, it is critical to depart
language acts as a catalyst for change in the human brain. Bilingualism- from oversimplified main-effect-type questions about whether bi­
related adaptations have been found, for example, in auditory cortical linguals outperform monolinguals on a certain task, or show structural
structures (e.g., Heschl’s gyrus), portions of the language network (e.g., differences in a given region of the brain. It is increasingly recognized,
Broca’s area), and executive systems which support language control indeed, that concrete progress in the field requires appreciating the
and code-switching (e.g., anterior cingulate cortex, dorsal striatum) (see multidirectional interactions between brain, behaviour and environ­
Abutalebi & Green, 2016; Krizman & Marian, 2015). However, despite ment over time, as well as the range of variation which inherently
the considerable amount of studies accumulated in recent years, there is characterizes second language (L2) learning and bilingualism (see
limited agreement on the specific brain areas that are structurally Birdsong, 2018; Hernandez et al., 2019; Li, 2015). Past anatomical MRI
different in bilinguals and monolinguals, and difficulties persist in research has focused on the brain’s capacity to alter its structure in order
reconciling neuroanatomical findings with (the lack of) behavioral ef­ to successfully engage with a bilingual environment. The aim of this
fects on cognitive task performance (e.g., Leivada et al., 2020). This is article is to present a parallel, more recent contribution to the field
arguably due to a combination of factors which pertain, on the one hand, which views bilingualism as a lens to understand brain-behaviour
to bilingualism as an incremental, multifactorial and non-uniform object mappings from a different angle. In particular, rather than exploring
of inquiry, and on the other hand, to the inherent limitations of the the consequences of bilingualism for mind and brain, attempting to link
correlative methods used to study it, which typically lead to under­ a specific environmental experience to neurocognitive changes, the
determined results. presently-illustrated line of research aims to investigate whether bilin­
Bilingualism represents, however, a distinctive way to investigate gualism interacts with longitudinally stable markers of early brain
how brain and behaviour affect one another, and an elegant model to development in shaping cognition. Otherwise stated, the goal is to test
study the role of environmental factors in modulating this intriguing whether a specific environmental experience such as bilingualism

* Corresponding author at: Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Via Olgettina, 58, 20132 Milan, Italy.
E-mail address: (J. Abutalebi).
Received 14 May 2020; Received in revised form 1 August 2020; Accepted 6 October 2020
Available online 17 October 2020
0093-934X/© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
N. Del Maschio et al. Brain and Language 211 (2020) 104879

affects cognitive functions in different ways depending on the neuro­ relationship to functional areas characterizes secondary and tertiary
anatomical substrata that predate this experience. This shift of perspec­ sulci (Fischl et al., 2008; Hasnain, Fox, & Woldorff, 2006), which
tive stems from a growing body of evidence which shows that cognitive develop sequentially after the 30th week of gestation. It has been pro­
performance across several higher-order functions is partly constrained posed, on these grounds, that biomechanical, environmental or sto­
by individual differences in regional patterns of cortical morphology chastic factors must play a role in the patterning of secondary and
such as gyro-sulcal patterns (e.g., Borst et al., 2016; Cachia et al., 2018; tertiary folding at later stages of corticogenesis (see Borrell, 2018;
Fornito et al., 2004). Differently from typical markers of neuroplasticity, Quezada, Castillo-Melendez, Walker, & Tolcos, 2018; White, 2019).
these patterns are determined in utero and largely impervious to post­ Conceivably emerging from the co-occurrent action of genetic and more
natal changes (Cachia et al., 2016; Tissier et al., 2018), thereby random variables, gyro-sulcal patterns have been identified as
providing the opportunity to track the directionality of brain-behaviour early-determined factors which can contribute to shape subsequent
interactions. In this article, we will present data which indicate that cognitive abilities. At the structural level, the extant evidence concerns
bilingual language background interferes with the predictive role of the cognitive effects of sulcal pattern variability in three macro-areas: a)
these markers on cognitive functioning. The general finding is that living Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC); b) Superior temporal gyrus (STG); c)
with two languages modulates the functional consequences of local Occipito-temporal cortex (OTC). In the rest of this section, we will
neuroanatomical variants, with bilinguals’ performance benefiting from succinctly review evidence for each macro-area, before moving on to
specific patterns of cortical morphology that are detrimental to mono­ discuss the modulatory effect of bilingualism on neuroanatomic trait
linguals and vice-versa. In what follows, we will first synthesize previous makers of cognition.
findings on anatomic trait markers of cognition; then, we will discuss the
interaction between some of these markers and bilingual experience in 2.1. Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)
shaping cognitive abilities, with special reference to the domain of ex­
ecutive control functions. We will conclude by emphasizing the poten­ The ACC – a key component of the executive network (Botvinick,
tial repercussions of these novel findings for bilingualism research. Braver, Barch, Carter, & Cohen, 2001; Petersen & Posner, 2012) – is
located bilaterally in the medial frontal lobe and shows high variability
2. Neuroanatomic trait markers of cognition in gyro-sulcal architecture (Vogt & Palomero-Gallagher, 2012). Rele­
vant for the present work, the cingulate sulcus (CS) may be flanked by an
A wealth of information about individuals is encoded in their brain additional secondary sulcus, known as paracingulate sulcus (PCS),
anatomy and can be studied in vivo using structural MRI. The brain’s which runs dorsal and parallel to the CS and separates the medial di­
architecture results from the dynamic interplay between genes and vision of the superior frontal gyrus from the paracingulate gyrus. The
environment, and both of these factors contribute to neurostructural PCS is present in 30–60% of the normal population, with greater prev­
variations across individuals (see Gu & Kanai, 2014). Brain imaging alence in the left hemisphere (Paus et al., 1996; Wei et al., 2017).
studies of twins and genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of imag­ Variability in the ACC sulcal pattern has been found to be associated
ing phenotypes from unrelated subjects point to a moderate-to-strong with individual differences in cognitive functions tapping executive
heritability of brain structure across gray and white matter tissue control (EC), from working memory (Fornito et al., 2004) to inhibition
(Thompson, Martin, & Wright, 2010; Strike et al., 2015). Recently, (Borst et al., 2014; Huster et al., 2009). Specifically, both children and
large-scale multivariate analyses have linked the heritability of brain adults with an asymmetrical ACC sulcal pattern (e.g., a PCS present in
structure with the heritability of general cognitive traits such as the left hemisphere only) relative to those with a symmetrical sulcal
response speed, fluid intelligence and numerical reasoning in healthy pattern (e.g., a PCS absent in both hemispheres) have been reported to
populations (e.g., Davies et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2019). These findings exhibit higher EC efficiency on tasks requiring conflict monitoring and
suggest that the heritability of a cognitive function may partly depend interference suppression (e.g., Cachia et al., 2014; Tissier et al., 2018).
on the extent to which the neural substrata of that function are influ­ For example, by using structural MRI and Stroop interference scores in a
enced by genetic factors. The same findings also hint at the possibility longitudinal design, Borst et al. (2014) found that children with an
that individual differences in a cognitive function may be partly asymmetrical ACC sulcal pattern had better EC efficiency both at age 5
explained by genetically determined variations in the function’s sub­ and age 9 than children with a symmetrical pattern. A number of non-
strata. Importantly, heritability estimates in the studies aforementioned mutually exclusive mechanistic hypotheses have been proposed to ac­
also show that a proportion of the observed variance in brain and count for this advantage, including the effects of sulcal pattern on
cognitive phenotypes is not due to genes, indicating that gene-by- functional brain activity (e.g., Amiez et al., 2013; Fedeli, Del Maschio,
environment or gene-by-age interactions contribute to individual dif­ Caprioglio, Sulpizio, & Abutalebi, 2020), and the association between
ferences in these phenotypes. differences in sulcal pattern and distinct profiles of underlying white
In addition to twin and GWAS imaging studies, a distinct line of matter architecture (e.g., Borst et al., 2014; Tissier et al., 2018; Van
research has examined the relationship between local brain morphology Essen, 1997).
and domain-specific cognition. In particular, this research aimed to test
whether cognitive differences among individuals can be partly attrib­ 2.2. Superior temporal gyrus (STG)
uted to the naturally occurring variation in gyro-sulcal patterns of spe­
cific cortical areas (e.g., Borst et al., 2016; Cachia et al., 2014, 2018; Morphologic STG variability has been extensively described across
Fornito et al., 2004). Unlike quantitative indices of cortex structure, hemispheres and brains (e.g., Galaburda, Corsiglia, Rosen, & Sherman,
gyro-sulcal patterns are determined prenatally and largely unaffected by 1987; Ochiai et al., 2004). A prime example is represented by Heschl’s
brain maturation and postnatal experiential factors (Cachia et al., 2016; gyrus (HG), which lies transversely across the superior temporal plane
Sun et al., 2012; Tissier et al., 2018). Measures of sulcal anatomy such as and hosts primary auditory areas. The HG is most frequently identified
sulcal depth or length can obviously change with age and experience (e. as a single gyrus, but HG duplications/multiplications have also been
g. Kochunov et al., 2005; Li et al., 2010), but the inter-hemispheric reported in either one or both hemispheres (e.g., Marie, Maingault,
distribution and continuity/interruption of cortical folds have been Crivello, Mazoyer, & Tzourio-Mazoyer, 2016). Distinct lines of evidence
proven to be longitudinally stable (Cachia et al., 2016; Tissier et al., point to a specific role of HG duplications/multiplications associated
2018). Gyro-sulcal patterns also vary considerably in human pop­ with advanced auditory, musical, and phonetic skills (e.g., Benner et al.,
ulations. Whereas the earlier-forming sulci are robustly conserved across 2017; Golestani, Price, & Scott, 2011; Warrier et al., 2009). For example,
individuals, thereby suggesting a deterministic imprinting (e.g. Le Guen a group of studies by Golestani and colleagues explored the relationship
et al., 2018), a greater variability in number, positioning, and between variability in the gross morphology of the auditory cortex and

N. Del Maschio et al. Brain and Language 211 (2020) 104879

phonetic learning in phoneticians and non-experts (e.g., Golestani & this hypothesis by investigating whether the gyro-sulcal architecture of
Pallier, 2007; Golestani, Molko, Dehaene, LeBihan, & Pallier, 2007; the ACC predicts EC performance differently when individuals have
Golestani et al., 2011). Among non-experts, faster phonetic learners had variable linguistic experience.
a larger left HG than slower phonetic learners, and more frequently
exhibited multiple or split left transverse gyri (Golestani & Pallier, 3. Bilingualism modulates neuroanatomic trait markers of
2007). When comparing phoneticians with non-experts, the former cognition
more frequently displayed multiple or split left transverse gyri, and the
degree of left transverse gyrus splitting within the phoneticians group To investigate a potential modulatory role of bilingualism on brain-
was not predicted by the amount of phonetic training (Golestani et al., behaviour relationships, we collected structural MRI data from bilingual
2011). When interpreting this latter finding, the authors suggested that and monolingual groups, and compared their performance on a classic
neuroanatomical predispositions might have biased career choices. measure of conflict monitoring (i.e., the Flanker task). In bilinguals,
Studies on musical aptitude and professional musicianship provide activation of the ACC (and, in particular, of the dACC/pre-SMA com­
complementary evidence that HG morphotypes are more likely to have plex) is typically observed during resolution of conflict in both verbal
their origin in predisposition and early neurodevelopmental processes and non-verbal contexts (for reviews: Abutalebi & Green, 2016; Cala­
rather than training-related plasticity (e.g., Benner et al., 2017; Zatorre, bria, Costa, Green, & Abutalebi, 2018; Sulpizio, Del Maschio, Fedeli, &
2013). Abutalebi, 2020). In a first exploratory study on young adults, Cachia
et al. (2017) found differential effects of ACC sulcal pattern on bilinguals
2.3. Occipito-temporal cortex (OTC) and monolinguals’ EC performance, suggesting that bilingual experience
modulates the effects of local morphologic variants on cognitive effi­
The left ventral OTC – a critical part of the reading circuitry (Lochy ciency. In particular, a reversed pattern of structure-function relation­
et al., 2018; Price, 2012) – shows extensive anatomical variability in ship between ACC sulcation and conflict effect induced by the Flanker
normal populations. The left lateral occipito-temporal sulcus (OTS), in task was reported for bilingual and monolingual groups. Asymmetrical
particular, which runs horizontally on the inferior surface of the tem­ versus symmetrical sulcal patterns were associated with a performance
poral lobe, may appear as continuous or interrupted (e.g., Alves, Ribas, advantage in monolinguals and a performance detriment to bilinguals
Parraga, & de Oliveira, 2012). The posterior part of the left lateral OTS and vice versa. This preliminary result was replicated by Del Maschio,
hosts the “visual word form area” (VWFA) (Cohen et al., 2000), a region Sulpizio, Fedeli, et al. (2019) with a larger sample varying on age,
which displays selective activation to written forms of words modulated gender and ethnicity. In this study, a paracingulate sulcus (PCS) on the
by reading experience (e.g., Dehaene & Cohen, 2011; Dehaene, Cohen, medial surface of the ACC was detected in ~50% of participants, with a
Morais, & Kolinsky, 2015). Morphologic variability of the left OTS may proportionally higher occurrence in the left hemisphere. The inter-
possibly affect the organization of the VWFA, with repercussions on hemispheric distribution of the ACC sulcal pattern was not affected by
reading skills. This hypothesis has been recently tested on healthy adults gender or ethnicity. We found that EC deterioration with increasing age
by Cachia et al. (2018), who also explored whether the effect of sulcal was modulated by language group, with monolinguals outperforming
variability might be modulated by the age of reading acquisition. Results bilinguals at a young age, and bilinguals being more resistant to decline
indicated that the variability of the left posterior OTS predicted reading at an old age. Independent of language group membership, the conflict
fluency in literate adults (i.e., participants who learned to read during resolution capacity of participants across age was modulated by ACC
childhood). Furthermore, reading fluency was significantly better in sulcal pattern, with a performance advantage associated with an
literate adults with a posterior interruption in the left OTS compared to asymmetrical sulcal pattern (a PCS present in the left hemisphere only),
literate adults with a continuous posterior left OTS, while no significant and a detriment to performance associated with a symmetrical pattern (a
difference was detected between ex-illiterates (i.e., adult participants PCS absent in both hemispheres). Independent of age, asymmetrical and
who learned to read during adulthood) with or without interruption in symmetrical sulcal patterns were associated – respectively – with higher
the posterior part of the left OTS. Note that the distribution of the sulcal and poorer EC efficiency in monolinguals, whereas the reverse was true
interruption of the left posterior OTS did not differ between groups. In for bilinguals. The reversed pattern of structure-function relationship
mechanistic terms, the relationship between left OTS variability and between ACC sulcal pattern and EC efficiency for bilinguals and
reading fluency has been proposed to be mediated by differences in monolinguals is represented in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 represents, for illustrative
structural connectivity between VWFA and the anterior and medial purposes, a 3D rendering of a cingulate sulcus surmounted by a para­
temporal lobe (Cachia et al., 2018). Crucially, these findings also suggest cingulate sulcus on the medial surface of the ACC.
that morphologic variants per se do not necessarily contribute to shape The key finding of the two studies aforementioned is represented by
cognitive differences. Indeed, an effect of OTS variability was detected the reversed pattern of structure-function relationship between ACC
only when coupled with a relevant environmental input within a specific sulcal pattern and EC efficiency for bilinguals and monolinguals. This
time-window. finding suggests that the long-term exposure to an L2 may overcome the
Overall, albeit still scattered, the experimental evidence reviewed in known correlation between sulcal asymmetry and better conflict reso­
this section is interesting in many respects. Previous understanding of lution capacity, pointing to a compensatory effect of bilingualism over
brain-behaviour relationships within a structure-leading-function early and invariant neurodevelopmental factors. As a tentative mecha­
perspective was mainly related to neuropathological conditions. It was nistic explanation, one may speculate that bilinguals would rely more
well established, for instance, that pathological alterations in brain size extensively on a bilateral recruitment of the EC network relative to
or folding lead to gross defects in cognitive development and perfor­ monolinguals, with a greater contribution of inter-hemispheric activity
mance (for review: Fernández, Llinares-Benadero, & Borrell, 2016). The to executive functioning, which could account for the positive associa­
findings presented herein suggest that cognitive functions can also be tion between ACC symmetrical patterns and EC efficiency in bilinguals.
constrained by neuroanatomical variants in non-clinical populations, as Support to this interpretation comes from functional MRI studies
exemplified by the effect of regional gyro-sulcal patterns on domain- reporting a bilateral recruitment of the ACC in bilinguals engaged in
specific cognition. On the other hand, it is worth remarking that non-verbal EC tasks (e.g., Abutalebi et al., 2012; De Baene, Duyck, Brass,
neuroanatomic trait markers of cognition should not be interpreted & Carreiras, 2015) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies showing
within a strong deterministic framework. Normal morphologic variants enhanced structural connectivity in a bilateral cluster of cingulo-frontal
may predict, at least in part, cognitive development and performance, regions as a result of L2 training (e.g., Schlegel, Rudelson, & Tse, 2012)
but multiple other variables are expected to intersect with patterns of or associated with L2 usage and immersion (Del Maschio, Sulpizio, Toti,
brain structure in shaping cognitive and behavioral outcomes. We tested et al., 2019; Pliatsikas, Moschopoulou, & Saddy, 2015). Further

N. Del Maschio et al. Brain and Language 211 (2020) 104879

Fig. 1. Sulcal asymmetry of the anterior cingulate

cortex (ACC) and cognitive control efficiency in
bilinguals and monolinguals. Top: ACC sulcal
patterns. The cingulate sulci (aquamarine) and
paracingulate sulci (red) are represented on the
medial cortical surface. L = Left Hemisphere; R =
Right Hemisphere. Middle: Flanker task condi­
tions and procedure. Bottom: Conflict effect
scores (differential RTs: Incongruent minus
Congruent trials) in bilinguals and monolinguals
with different ACC morphology (adapted from
Cachia et al., 2017). (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this

N. Del Maschio et al. Brain and Language 211 (2020) 104879

cortical development, structural brain asymmetry, and functional

hemispheric specialization are active areas of research in system
neuroscience, and yet thus far critically understudied in bilingualism
research. We suggest that neurocognitively plausible theories of bilin­
gual language processing might benefit from an increased attention to
these topics, possibly as a result of multi- and cross-disciplinary efforts.

4. Conclusions

Predominantly informed by a function-leading-structure perspective,

past structural MRI research in bilingualism has mainly focused on the
brain’s capacity to change in order to adapt to an enriched communi­
cative environment. In this paper, we discussed novel findings according
to which bilingual experience modulates neuroanatomic trait markers of
cognition, sketching a non-deterministic scenario wherein both neuro­
anatomical predispositions and experiential factors contribute to shape
behaviour. The data here presented add to an increasing body of
research which require simultaneously asking about patterns of brain
structure and patterns of behaviour at different time-scales, and possibly
provide new opportunities to begin to understand the neural basis of
Fig. 2. 3D rendering of a right hemisphere’s brain showing a cingulate sulcus behavioural differences in ways that exceed mere correlations. The
(red) and a paracingulate sulcus (blue) on the medial surface of the anterior implications of these findings appear to go beyond the domain of
cingulate cortex (ACC). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this bilingualism, extending to other forms of experience-based plasticity
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) which may modulate the effect of neuroanatomical predispositions on
cognitive functions. Future research should test to what extent the
experimental indication is needed to substantiate this interpretation, but modulatory role of bilingual experience on brain-behaviour relation­
the repercussions of the findings presented in this section are potentially ships may be replicated by other cognitively stimulating factors or
far-reaching. experiential demands more in general.
In general, these findings contribute to an increasing body of work in
the cognitive neuroscience of bilingualism which underlines the
Declaration of Competing Interest
importance of appreciating both the complexity of neural development
and the interactions that take place between patterns of brain structure
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
and patterns of behaviour at different time-scales. Preconditions related
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
to normal variation in brain structure and morphology are not usually
the work reported in this paper.
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