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Research Methods: Ethics

Scenario 1
Student A has decided to investigate the research question:
What are the steps to perform a forensic examination of a mobile device infected
with Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS)?
To answer this question, the student will conduct a literature review and a survey of
professionals. The student will also access the darknet as part of their research.
Their product will be a model process, aimed at industry, for mobile ransomware.
The model will be evaluated by industry experts using a survey.
What professional, legal and ethical issues does student A need to consider?

Scenario 2
Student B has decided to investigate the research question:
What are the negative mental health effects of social media on young males?
To answer this question, the student will conduct an extensive review of the literature
and produce a literature review. They will investigate both the negative effects and
ways for users to protect themselves. Their product will be a guide for young males
on how to maintain good mental health when using social media. They will ask
young males to give them feedback on the usefulness of the guide they produce.
What professional, legal and ethical issues does student B need to consider?

Scenario 3
Student C has decided to investigate the research question:
Can agent-based modelling help to inform effective measures to reduce transmission
of malaria?
To answer this question the student will conduct a literature survey into how malaria
is transmitted, current methods used to prevent transmission and what environments
contribute to transmission. They will create an agent-based model and assess how
accurately the model predicts current known rates of transmission. They will then
model different methods of reducing transmission and make a final recommendation
of the best measures to put in place to prevent disease transmission.
What professional, legal and ethical issues does student B need to consider?

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