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EBS-올림포스-독해의기본2-워크북_unit12_무관한문장찾기_학생용_아잉카아카데미················································ 5
EBS-올림포스-독해의기본2-워크북_unit13_문장삽입_학생용_아잉카아카데미··························································· 9
EBS-올림포스-독해의기본2-워크북_unit15_요약문완성_학생용_아잉카아카데미····················································· 17
EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 11 – 연결어(구) 넣기

중요도 Analysis ★★★

제목/ 한글 지도의 장단점

주제 영어 Advantages and Disadvantages of a Map

A map is a common example of a model. It is an abstract, [simplified / simplifying] representation of the

salient features of a territory; it is not the territory. Similarly, a model is not the phenomenon it
represents but only a [simplified / simplifying] representation of the data [gathering / gathered] in
어법 relation to its attributes. The map shows explicitly how various locations are [relating / related] to each
어휘 other, and it gives an [overall / specific] perspective. It can therefore be quite [worthless / useful] as a
선택 means of describing and [help / helping] one know how to navigate the territory, as well as a means of
communicating to others how to do so. It does not, however, provide reasons [why / which] the locations
are related to each other the way they are. Nor can it fully capture all thε [common / unique] details
that characterize any particular location.

A map is a common example of a model. It is an abstract, simplified representation of the salient

features of a territory; it is not the territory. Similarly, a model is not the phenomenon it represents but
only a simplified representation of the data gathered in relation to its attributes. The map shows explicitly
빈칸 how various locations are related to each other, and it gives an overall perspective. It can therefore be
넣기 quite useful as a means of describing and helping one know how to navigate the territory, as well as a
means of communicating to others how to do so. It does not, however, provide reasons why the
locations are related to each other the way they are. Nor can it fully capture all thε unique details that
characterize any particular location.

A map is a common example of a model. It is an abstract, simplified representation of the salient

features of a territory; it is not the territory. ❶ 비슷하게도, 모형은 그것이 나타내는 현상이 아니라 현상의
속성에 관해 수집된 자료의 단순화된 표상에 불과하다. The map shows explicitly how various locations are
related to each other, and it gives an overall perspective. It can therefore be quite useful as a means of
describing and helping one know how to navigate the territory, as well as a means of communicating to
others how to do so. It does not, however, provide reasons why the locations are related to each other
the way they are. ❷ 또한 지도는 특정한 지역을 특징짓는 독특한 세부 사항을 전부 완벽하게 포착하지는 못

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> represents / phenomenon / a / to / of / a / the / simplify / model / in / attribute / its

서술형 / but / data / it / similarly / gather / be / representation / the / relation / only / not

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 포함하여 조건에 맞게 영작하시오.[필요시 변형]

<보기> characterize / unique / particular / capture / location / nor

2 <조건> ‘부정어 도치문’을 사용할 것 / 관계대명사 ‘that’을 사용할 것

★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 11 – 연결어(구) 넣기

중요도 1 ★★★

제목/ 한글 부상 부위의 치료에 대한 신체의 반응

주제 영어 The Body’s Response to the Treatment of Injured Areas

As you know, many sports injuries are [treating / treated] with ice packs. The initial impact of the ice is
[to reduce / reduced] the inflammation and the resultant swelling by shrinking the blood vessels and, so,
[slowing / slow] down the rush of blood to the area. However, the body also has an opposite reaction to
어법 the cold, namely to send extra blood to the [chilling / chilled] area to warm it up. (You may [have
어휘 noticed / notice] this phenomenon yourself when you’ve had very cold hands. As soon as you came
선택 inside or otherwise [warming / warmed] your hands, they seemed to glow.) Fortunately, however, the
body sends this warming blood to the area gradually without causing reswelling. Thus, the sports
physician has given his patient the best of all worlds; reduced swelling and inflammation but [increasing /
increased] flow of curative blood.

As you know, many sports injuries are treated with ice packs. The initial impact of the ice is to reduce
the inflammation and the resultant swelling by shrinking the blood vessels and, so, slowing down the
rush of blood to the area. However, the body also has an opposite reaction to the cold, namely to send
빈칸 extra blood to the chilled area to warm it up. (You may have noticed this phenomenon yourself when
넣기 you’ve had very cold hands. As soon as you came inside or otherwise warmed your hands, they seemed
to glow.) Fortunately, however, the body sends this warming blood to the area gradually without causing
reswelling. Thus, the sports physician has given his patient the best of all worlds; reduced swelling and
inflammation but increased flow of curative blood.

As you know, many sports injuries are treated with ice packs. The initial impact of the ice is to reduce
the inflammation and the resultant swelling by shrinking the blood vessels and, so, slowing down the
rush of blood to the area. ❶ 하지만, 신체는 또한 냉기에 대한 정 반대 반응을 보이는데, 즉 그것은 냉각된
부위를 따뜻하게 하려고 그 부위로 추가적인 혈액을 보낸다. (You may have noticed this phenomenon
yourself when you’ve had very cold hands. As soon as you came inside or otherwise warmed your hands,
they seemed to glow.) ❷ 하지만, 다행히도 신체는 다시 붓는 것 없이 따뜻하게 하는 이 혈액을 천천히 그
부위로 보낸다. Thus, the sports physician has given his patient the best of all worlds; reduced swelling
and inflammation but increased flow of curative blood.

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> it / cold / to / to / however / warm / namely / send / extra / the / the / body /

서술형 opposite / area / up / has / to / the / reaction / to / also / an / chill / blood


밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> Fortunately / reswell / however / area / gradually / blood / to / without / cause / the /

this / the / send / body / warm


★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 11 – 연결어(구) 넣기

중요도 2 ★★★

제목/ 한글 창의적인 음악적 아이디어의 발전은 시간이 걸린다.

주제 영어 The Development of Creative Musical Ideas Takes Time.

The development of quality and creative musical ideas [takes / take] time. Schools are set up [so / such]
that teachers must work on a strict and limited time schedule, with [many / few] precious moments
allowed in a week for music instruction, along with the additional burden of having to produce excellent
concerts for public performance. Unfortunately, this hectic approach to [teaching / teach] may be least
어법 conducive for creative thinking. Researchers have provided evidence that when [giving / given] shorter
어휘 time to work on a creative task, subjects produced [higher / lower] scores on fluency, flexibility, and
선택 originality tests. Additionally, researchers found that students produce their most original ideas later in
creative tasks rather than earlier. My own experience of teaching composition to children [provides /
provide] anecdotal evidence to support the notion [what / that] they need a significant amount of
undisturbed time when [composed / composing]. I often have had a difficult time [convincing / to
convince] students to take a break, even after hours of working on a music composition project.

The development of quality and creative musical ideas takes time. Schools are set up such that teachers
must work on a strict and limited time schedule, with few precious moments allowed in a week for music
instruction, along with the additional burden of having to produce excellent concerts for public
performance. Unfortunately, this hectic approach to teaching may be least conducive for creative thinking.
빈칸 Researchers have provided evidence that when given shorter time to work on a creative task, subjects
넣기 produced lower scores on fluency, flexibility, and originality tests. Additionally, researchers found that
students produce their most original ideas later in creative tasks rather than earlier. My own experience
of teaching composition to children provides anecdotal evidence to support the notion that they need a
significant amount of undisturbed time when composing. I often have had a difficult time convincing
students to take a break, even after hours of working on a music composition project.

❶ 양질의 창의적인 음악적 아이디어의 발전은 시간이 걸린다. Schools are set up such that teachers must
work on a strict and limited time schedule, with few precious moments allowed in a week for music
instruction, along with the additional burden of having to produce excellent concerts for public
performance. Unfortunately, this hectic approach to teaching may be least conducive for creative thinking.
Researchers have provided evidence that when given shorter time to work on a creative task, subjects
produced lower scores on fluency, flexibility, and originality tests. Additionally, researchers found that
students produce their most original ideas later in creative tasks rather than earlier. ❷ 아이들에게 작곡을
가르친 나 자신의 경험은 그들이 작곡을 할 때 상당한 양의 방해받지 않는 시간이 필요하다는 생각을 지지하
는 일화적 증거를 제공한다. I often have had a difficult time convincing students to take a break, even
after hours of working on a music composition project.

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> and / time / development / take / of / the / musical / creative / quality / ideas
대비 1

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 포함하여 조건에 맞게 영작하시오.[필요시 변형]

<보기> provide / composition / compose / significant / undisturbed / notion / anecdotal

<조건> 1개 이상의 ‘to 부정사’를 사용할 것 / 동격의 ‘that’을 사용할 것 / ‘접속사+분사구문’을 활용할 것

★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 11 – 연결어(구) 넣기

중요도 3 ★★☆

제목/ 한글 성공과 행복의 상관관계

주제 영어 The Correlation Between Success and Happiness

If you want to be successful, I [high / highly] recommend [learned / learning] to be happy first. It is
possible to become successful without first learning to be happy, but I strongly recommend against it,
because if you are unhappy before you are successful, you are likely to be [even / many] more unhappy
어법 after. For example, based on my own experience [becoming / become] financially successful and [those /
어휘 that] of other wealthy people I know, I have found wealth to be a personality multiplier. If you are cruel
선택 and unkind, then [be / being] wealthy will make you even [much / more] cruel and unkind, because you
don’t even have survival-related reasons to be nice to anyone anymore. If, instead, you are kind and
generous, then being wealthy will make you more so, because wealth provides more opportunities for
doing so.

If you want to be successful, I highly recommend learning to be happy first. It is possible to become
successful without first learning to be happy, but I strongly recommend against it, because if you are
unhappy before you are successful, you are likely to be even more unhappy after. For example, based on
빈칸 my own experience becoming financially successful and that of other wealthy people I know, I have found
넣기 wealth to be a personality multiplier. If you are cruel and unkind, then being wealthy will make you even
more cruel and unkind, because you don’t even have survival-related reasons to be nice to anyone
anymore. If, instead, you are kind and generous, then being wealthy will make you more so, because
wealth provides more opportunities for doing so.

❶ 만약 여러분이 성공하기를 원한다면 먼저 행복해지는 것을 배우기를 적극 추천합니다. It is possible to

become successful without first learning to be happy, but I strongly recommend against it, because if you
are unhappy before you are successful, you are likely to be even more unhappy after. For example,
❷ 경제적으로 성공을 거둔 저의 경험과 제가 아는 부유한 사람들의 경험을 토대로, 저는 경제적 부가 사람들
의 성격을 배가시킨다는 것을 발견했습니다. If you are cruel and unkind, then being wealthy will make you
even more cruel and unkind, because you don’t even have survival-related reasons to be nice to anyone
anymore. If, instead, you are kind and generous, then being wealthy will make you more so, because
wealth provides more opportunities for doing so.

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 포함하여 조건에 맞게 영작하시오.[필요시 변형]

<보기> successful / learn / highly / recommend / happy

대비 1 <조건> ‘if 조건절’을 활용할 거서 / 1개 이상의 동명사를 사용할 것

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> find / a / know / I / that / own / and / multiplier / of / experience / to / my /

financially / be / wealthy / personality / other / on / have / people / I / become /

2 base / wealth / successful

★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 12 – 무관한 문장 찾기

중요도 Analysis ★★☆

제목/ 한글 스포츠의 임의적인 속성

주제 영어 The Spontaneous Feature of Sports

One important way [which / in which] sport differs from other common entertainment forms [are / is]
that sport is spontaneous. A play has a script and a concert has a program, but the action that
entertains us in sport is spontaneous and uncontrolled by those who participate in the event. When we
어법 go to a comedic movie, we expect to laugh, and when we go to a horror movie, we expect nail-biting
어휘 entertainment. But the emotions we may feel when [watching / watched] a sporting event [is / are] hard
선택 to determine. If it is a close contest and our team wins, we may feel excitement and joy. But if it is a
boring event and our team loses, the entertainment benefit we receive is quite different. Because of its
spontaneous nature, sport producers face a host of challenges that are different than [those / that] [faced
/ facing] by most entertainment providers.

One important way in which sport differs from other common entertainment forms is that sport is
spontaneous. A play has a script and a concert has a program, but the action that entertains us in sport
is spontaneous and uncontrolled by those who participate in the event. When we go to a comedic
빈칸 movie, we expect to laugh, and when we go to a horror movie, we expect nail-biting entertainment. But
넣기 the emotions we may feel when watching a sporting event are hard to determine. If it is a close contest
and our team wins, we may feel excitement and joy. But if it is a boring event and our team loses, the
entertainment benefit we receive is quite different. Because of its spontaneous nature, sport producers
face a host of challenges that are different than those faced by most entertainment providers.

❶ 스포츠가 다른 일반적인 오락형태들과 다른 한 가지 중요한 면은 스포츠가 임의적이라는 것이다. A play

has a script and a concert has a program, but the action that entertains us in sport is spontaneous and
uncontrolled by those who participate in the event. When we go to a comedic movie, we expect to
laugh, and when we go to a horror movie, we expect nail-biting entertainment. But ❷ 스포츠 경기를 볼
때 우리가 느낄지 모르는 감정은 단정하기 어렵다. If it is a close contest and our team wins, we may feel
excitement and joy. But if it is a boring event and our team loses, the entertainment benefit we receive
is quite different. Because of its spontaneous nature, sport producers face a host of challenges that are
different than those faced by most entertainment providers.

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> important / spontaneous / be / one / be / way / which / that / sport / common / from /
서술형 other / forms / sport / differs / entertainment / in

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 포함하여 조건에 맞게 영작하시오.[필요시 변형]

<보기> emotion / determine / watch / when / event

2 <조건> ‘접속사 + 분사구문’을 사용할 것 / 1개 이상의 ‘to 부정사’를 사용할 것

★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 12 – 무관한 문장 찾기

중요도 1 ★☆☆

제목/ 한글 발표할 때 작은 공간을 선택하라.

주제 영어 Choose a Small Space for Presentation

[Strive / Striving] to make your presentations as [personally / personal] as possible and avoid [speaking /

to speak] in a space larger than necessary. Smaller rooms create a more intimate atmosphere, [which /

that] will heighten the energy and emotion of an audience. Speaking in a smaller space will also allow
어휘 you to make eye contact with your audience, an important personal touch. If 25 people are [expecting /
expected] to attend your presentation, [finding / find] a space with a maximum capacity of 30 instead of

100. A [crowded / crowding] room will seem more [impressively / impressive] than an empty hall and

people will be more inclined to remember a full house rather than an auditorium of empty seats.

Strive to make your presentations as personal as possible and avoid speaking in a space larger than

necessary. Smaller rooms create a more intimate atmosphere, which will heighten the energy and emotion

빈칸 of an audience. Speaking in a smaller space will also allow you to make eye contact with your audience,
넣기 an important personal touch. If 25 people are expected to attend your presentation, find a space with a

maximum capacity of 30 instead of 100. A crowded room will seem more impressive than an empty hall

and people will be more inclined to remember a full house rather than an auditorium of empty seats.

❶ 여러분의 발표를 가능하면 개인적인 것이 되도록 노력하고 필요한 것보다 더 넓은 공간에서 연설하는 것
을 피하라. Smaller rooms create a more intimate atmosphere, which will heighten the energy and emotion
of an audience. Speaking in a smaller space will also allow you to make eye contact with your audience,
an important personal touch. ❷ 만약 25명의 사람들이 여러분의 발표에 참석할 것으로 예상된다면, 최대 수
용량이 100명이 아니라 30명인 공간을 찾아라. A crowded room will seem more impressive than an empty
hall and people will be more inclined to remember a full house rather than an auditorium of empty

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 포함하여 조건에 맞게 영작하시오.[필요시 변형]

<보기> presentation / larger / necessary / avoid / strive / personal

서술형 <조건> 병렬구조를 활용할 것 / 명령문을 활용할 것 / ‘as 원급 as’구문을 사용할 것


밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> a / 100 / presentation / of / instead / your / attend / expect / to / a / find / with / of

/ capacity / 25 / space / people / if / maximum / be / 30


★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 12 – 무관한 문장 찾기

중요도 2 ★★★

제목/ 한글 아동 스포츠 분야에 종사하는 사람들이 갖추어야 할 자세

주제 영어 The Attitude of People in the Field of Children’s sports

Those in the field of children's sports need something [to guide / guided] their efforts, a guiding
philosophy so to speak. [Likewise / Otherwise] they are like sailors of long ago [who / which] sometimes
sailed about aimlessly and without confidence of their course when away from land. At times, individuals
[involving / involved] in children’s sports need to be able to “check the course” by referring to a
compass in their own minds so as to know if they are moving in the proper direction. In order to do
this, they must have a “magnetic north” [composing / composed] of a purpose and of clearly [defining /
defined] worthwhile objectives. If they have their worthy objectives in mind as they make decisions about
their programs, they will not be sailing blind.

Those in the field of children's sports need something to guide their efforts, a guiding philosophy so to
speak. Otherwise they are like sailors of long ago who sometimes sailed about aimlessly and without
confidence of their course when away from land. At times, individuals involved in children’s sports need
to be able to “check the course” by referring to a compass in their own minds so as to know if they are
moving in the proper direction. In order to do this, they must have a “magnetic north” composed of a
purpose and of clearly defined worthwhile objectives. If they have their worthy objectives in mind as they
make decisions about their programs, they will not be sailing blind.

❶ 아동 스포츠 분야에 종사하는 사람들은 그들의 노력을 지도할 어떤 것을 필요로 하는데, 말하자면 지도 철
학이다. Otherwise they are like sailors of long ago who sometimes sailed about aimlessly and without
confidence of their course when away from land. At times, individuals involved in children’s sports need
to be able to “check the course” by referring to a compass in their own minds so as to know if they are
moving in the proper direction. In order to do this, ❷ 그들은 목적과 분명하게 정의된 가치 있는 목표로
구성된 “자북”을 갖고 있어야 한다. If they have their worthy objectives in mind as they make decisions
about their programs, they will not be sailing blind.

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> children's / efforts / of / a / guide / their / something / to / field / speak / to / those

서술형 / sports / so / in / guide / the / need / philosophy


밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 포함하여 조건에 맞게 영작하시오.[필요시 변형]

<보기> compose of / worthwhile / objective / clearly / magnetic north / must

<조건> 병렬구조를 활용할 것 / 2개 이상의 ‘과거분사’를 사용할 것


★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 12 – 무관한 문장 찾기

중요도 3 ★☆☆

제목/ 한글 관점을 뒤집어 봄으로써 오래된 것에서 새로운 것을 발견할 수 있다.

주제 영어 You Can Find New Things from the Old Ones by Flipping the Viewpoint.

Artists will often physically turn their artwork upside down to view it in a new way and expose areas
[where / which] the work could be [improving / improved]. Doing so [allows / allow] them [seeing / to
see] flaws and other easy-to-overlook details they couldn’t see after [look / looking] at the artwork
어법 right-side up for so long. The same goes for your everyday lives, including your problems, ideas, and
어휘 work. You see them “right-side up” for so long [that / what] you can’t see them in any other way. By
선택 flipping your perspective upside down, you expose yourself to a new way of viewing the same old stuff.
If you can physically change your perspective – by sitting on your head, or [flipped / flipping] something
you’re looking at upside down – you’ll notice things you never did before as a result of the [altered /
altering] perspective.

Artists will often physically turn their artwork upside down to view it in a new way and expose areas
where the work could be improved. Doing so allows them to see flaws and other easy-to-overlook details
they couldn’t see after looking at the artwork right-side up for so long. The same goes for your everyday
빈칸 lives, including your problems, ideas, and work. You see them “right-side up” for so long that you can’t
넣기 see them in any other way. By flipping your perspective upside down, you expose yourself to a new way
of viewing the same old stuff. If you can physically change your perspective – by sitting on your head, or
flipping something you’re looking at upside down – you’ll notice things you never did before as a result
of the altered perspective.

Artists will often physically turn their artwork upside down to view it in a new way and expose areas
where the work could be improved. Doing so allows them to see flaws and other easy-to-overlook details
they couldn’t see after looking at the artwork right-side up for so long. ❶ 똑같은 것이 여러분의 문제, 생
각, 일을 포함한 일상생활에도 적용된다. You see them “right-side up” for so long that you can’t see them
in any other way. ❷ 여러분의 관점을 위아래로 홱 뒤집음으로써, 여러분은 스스로를 변함없는 예전 것을 새
롭게 보는 방식에 노출시킨다. If you can physically change your perspective – by sitting on your head, or
flipping something you’re looking at upside down – you’ll notice things you never did before as a result
of the altered perspective.

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> everyday / for / ideas / your / work / and / go / same / lives / the / include / your /
대비 1 problems

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> down / expose / stuff / upside / same / of / by / you / view / old / your / way /

perspective / new / yourself / the / to / flip / a


★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 13 – 문장삽입

중요도 Analysis ★★☆

제목/ 한글 인간 두뇌 반구의 좌우 우세 성향
주제 영어 Left – Right Dominance of Human Brain Hemisphere

Recent research on brain function seems to indicate [that / what] most people have one dominant
hemisphere, that is, one side that seems more “in charge” than [other / the other]. For perhaps ninety
percent of people, this is the left hemisphere. Brain wave studies seem to indicate [that / what] the
어법 dominant hemisphere is somewhat more electrically active than the recessive one, and that the individual
어휘 somehow relies on that particular hemisphere more than on [another / the other]. The evidence does not
선택 suggest a clear-cut left-right dominance in all cases, however. For example, not all left-handers are right
brain dominant. About half of them have dominant left hemispheres just as most right-handers [do / are].
Left-handers account for about ten percent of the population, and they seem to vary in brain dominance
more than [are / do] right-handers.

Recent research on brain function seems to indicate that most people have one dominant hemisphere,
that is, one side that seems more “in charge” than the other. For perhaps ninety percent of people, this
is the left hemisphere. Brain wave studies seem to indicate that the dominant hemisphere is somewhat
빈칸 more electrically active than the recessive one, and that the individual somehow relies on that particular
넣기 hemisphere more than on the other. The evidence does not suggest a clear-cut left-right dominance in
all cases, however. For example, not all left-handers are right brain dominant. About half of them have
dominant left hemispheres just as most right-handers do. Left-handers account for about ten percent of
the population, and they seem to vary in brain dominance more than do right-handers.

Recent research on brain function seems to indicate that most people have one dominant hemisphere,
❶ 즉, 한쪽 반구가 다른 반구보다 더 많은 것을 “담당한다”는 것을 보여 주는 것 같다. For perhaps ninety
percent of people, this is the left hemisphere. Brain wave studies seem to indicate that the dominant
hemisphere is somewhat more electrically active than the recessive one, and that the individual somehow
relies on that particular hemisphere more than on the other. The evidence does not suggest a clear-cut
left-right dominance in all cases, however. For example, not all left-handers are right brain dominant.
About half of them have dominant left hemispheres just as most right-handers do. ❷ 왼손잡이는 인구의
약 10%를 차지하고 있고, 그들은 오른손잡이보다 두뇌 우세 성향에 있어서 다양한 것처럼 보인다.

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 포함하여 조건에 맞게 영작하시오.[필요시 변형]

<보기> that / in charge / seem / side / that

1 <조건> 주격관계대명사를 사용할 것 / 12단어 이내로 영작할 것

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> brain / dominance / right-handers / the / ten / account / population / seem / in / vary

/ to / for / left-handers / more / of / do / than / about / they / and / percent


★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 13 – 문장삽입

중요도 1 ★★☆

제목/ 한글 과학 기사 작성의 어려움

주제 영어 Difficulty in Writing Scientific Articles

Many of us rely [exclusive / exclusively] on the media for information on topics of current interest as,
[understandably / understandable], we do not have time to conduct our own, more thorough literature
reviews and investigations. For business and political news as [much / well] as for human-interest stories,
newspaper, radio, and television media do a good job of keeping us [informing / informed]. But, these
topics are relatively straightforward to cover as they involve familiar people, terms, and places. Stories
[involving / involved] complex science [is / are] harder to do. Journalists [covered / covering] these stories
often do not have a scientific background and, even with a scientific background, it is difficult to
condense and simplify scientific issues for viewers or readers. Finally, journalists work on tight deadlines,
often [had / having] less than a day to research and write a story. Tight deadlines also make it [tempting
/ tempted] to rely on activists who are eager to provide information and colourful quotations.

Many of us rely exclusively on the media for information on topics of current interest as, understandably,
we do not have time to conduct our own, more thorough literature reviews and investigations. For
business and political news as well as for human-interest stories, newspaper, radio, and television media
do a good job of keeping us informed. But, these topics are relatively straightforward to cover as they
involve familiar people, terms, and places. Stories involving complex science are harder to do. Journalists
covering these stories often do not have a scientific background and, even with a scientific background, it
is difficult to condense and simplify scientific issues for viewers or readers. Finally, journalists work on
tight deadlines, often having less than a day to research and write a story. Tight deadlines also make it
tempting to rely on activists who are eager to provide information and colourful quotations.

Many of us rely exclusively on the media for information on topics of current interest as, understandably,
we do not have time to conduct our own, more thorough literature reviews and investigations. For
business and political news as well as for human-interest stories, newspaper, radio, and television media
do a good job of keeping us informed. But, these topics are relatively straightforward to cover as they
involve familiar people, terms, and places. ❶ 복잡한 과학을 포함한 기사는 보도하기가 더 어렵다.
Journalists covering these stories often do not have a scientific background and, even with a scientific
background, it is difficult to condense and simplify scientific issues for viewers or readers. Finally,
journalists work on tight deadlines, often having less than a day to research and write a story. ❷ 빡빡한
기사 마감 시한은 또한 정보와 화려한 인용어구들을 제공하려고 안달이 난 운동가들에게 의존하는 것을 부추

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

서술형 <보기> science / be / harder / involve / stories / complex / do / to
대비 1

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 포함하여 조건에 맞게 영작하시오.[필요시 변형]

<보기> tempt / eager / rely / tight / quotations / activist / deadline

<조건> ‘가목적어 ~ 진목적어(to V)’를 사용할 것 / 1개 이상의 관계대명사를 사용할 것(that 사용 X)


★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 13 – 문장삽입

중요도 2 ★☆☆

제목/ 한글 물의 깊이에 따른 빛의 색 구성의 변화

주제 영어 The Change of the Color Composition of Light According to the Depth of Water

The color spectrum of daylight [is comprised / comprises] of red, orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo, and
violet. [However / But] water acts as a filter on the color spectrum of light. Consequently the color
composition of light changes progressively with the depth. Just two inches beneath the surface, all the
어법 infrared rays of the color spectrum [is / are] absorbed and [scattered / scattering] by the water. Within
어휘 twenty to thirty feet, all the reds have [been filtered / filtered] out. Orange is the next color to go. Then
선택 yellow vanishes and then, one by one, [other / the other] colors [disappear / are disappeared] until from
about one hundred feet only indigo and violet [are remained / remain]. This creates the blue-green cast
characteristic of most waters. Blue and green are simply the only two colors that exist in deeper water
depths, so everything appears [to be / being] blue-green.

The color spectrum of daylight is comprised of red, orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo, and violet. But
water acts as a filter on the color spectrum of light. Consequently the color composition of light changes
progressively with the depth. Just two inches beneath the surface, all the infrared rays of the color
빈칸 spectrum are absorbed and scattered by the water. Within twenty to thirty feet, all the reds have been
넣기 filtered out. Orange is the next color to go. Then yellow vanishes and then, one by one, the other colors
disappear until from about one hundred feet only indigo and violet remain. This creates the blue-green
cast characteristic of most waters. Blue and green are simply the only two colors that exist in deeper
water depths, so everything appears to be blue-green.

The color spectrum of daylight is comprised of red, orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo, and violet. But
water acts as a filter on the color spectrum of light. ❶ 따라서 빛의 색 구성은 깊이에 따라 계속해서 변화
한다. Just two inches beneath the surface, all the infrared rays of the color spectrum are absorbed and
scattered by the water. Within twenty to thirty feet, all the reds have been filtered out. Orange is the
next color to go. ❷ 그런 다음 노란색이 사라지고 그런 다음 하나씩 다른 색들도 사라져서 100피트 정도부
터는 남색과 보라색만 남는다. This creates the blue-green cast characteristic of most waters. Blue and
green are simply the only two colors that exist in deeper water depths, so everything appears to be

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> progressively / consequently / color / depth / the / the / change / light / of / with /
1 composition

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> vanishes / until / then / remain / yellow / and / then / disappear / colors / one by one

/ the / and / hundred / violet / only / other / about / indigo / feet / from / one

★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 13 – 문장삽입

중요도 3 ★★☆

제목/ 한글 화석 연료가 지구 환경에 미치는 영향

주제 영어 The Effect of Fossil Fuel on Global Environment

A drastic increase in the use of fossil fuels since the industrial revolution greatly increased the rate [which
/ at which] humans were and still are adding to the entropy of the planet in the form of pollutants.
Because Earth is a [closed / closing] system, these pollutants have always been [absent / present] on the
planet. The reason for negative impact of pollutants on the environment is not [because / because of]
어법 they exist, but because they have [been dispersed / dispersed] throughout the world’s ecosystem in a
어휘 very [ordered / disordered] manner. Carbon and sulphur have no impact on the environment when they
선택 are [locked / locking] up in the highly [ordered / ordering] form of coal. They become pollutants only
when the coal is [burning / burned] and the combustion products are released into the atmosphere. So,
can solar energy be used [counterbalancing / to counterbalance] increases in entropy caused by the use
of fossil fuels? Yes, as long as the rate of increase in entropy due to fossil fuels [is / are] less than the
rate of decrease in entropy from solar radiation, the net entropy on the planet will not increase.

A drastic increase in the use of fossil fuels since the industrial revolution greatly increased the rate at
which humans were and still are adding to the entropy of the planet in the form of pollutants. Because
Earth is a closed system, these pollutants have always been present on the planet. The reason for
negative impact of pollutants on the environment is not because they exist, but because they have
빈칸 dispersed throughout the world’s ecosystem in a very disordered manner. Carbon and sulphur have no
넣기 impact on the environment when they are locked up in the highly ordered form of coal. They become
pollutants only when the coal is burned and the combustion products are released into the atmosphere.
So, can solar energy be used to counterbalance increases in entropy caused by the use of fossil fuels?
Yes, as long as the rate of increase in entropy due to fossil fuels is less than the rate of decrease in
entropy from solar radiation, the net entropy on the planet will not increase.

❶ 산업 혁명 이래로 화석 연료 사용의 급격한 증가는 인간이 오염 물질의 형태로 지구에 엔트로피를 더했던,
그리고 여전히 더하고 있는 비율을 매우 증기시켰다. Because Earth is a closed system, these pollutants
have always been present on the planet. The reason for negative impact of pollutants on the
environment is ❷ 그들이 존재해서가 아니라 매우 무질서한 방식으로 세계의 생태계 도처에 흩어져 있기 때
문이다. Carbon and sulphur have no impact on the environment when they are locked up in the highly
ordered form of coal. They become pollutants only when the coal is burned and the combustion
products are released into the atmosphere. So, can solar energy be used to counterbalance increases in
entropy caused by the use of fossil fuels? Yes, as long as the rate of increase in entropy due to fossil
fuels is less than the rate of decrease in entropy from solar radiation, the net entropy on the planet will
not increase.

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> in / drastic / still / the / in / at / of / fossil / add / form / the / which / be / the /

서술형 since / and / the / of / a / increase / use / rate / pollutants / industrial / increase / of
대비 / greatly / revolution / fuels / the / entropy / were / to / humans / planet / the

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 포함하여 조건에 맞게 영작하시오.[필요시 변형]

<보기> because / disperse / disorder / throughout / ecosystem

<조건> ‘not A but B’구문을 사용하여 문장을 완성할 것 / 1개 이상의 현재완료시제를 사용할 것

★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 14 – 글의 순서 배열

중요도 Analysis ★☆☆

제목/ 한글 미국의 관용구를 배우게 된 경험

주제 영어 An Experience with Learning an American Idioms

I had an unforgettable experience with learning an American phrase when I began [teaching / taught] at
Thomas Jefferson College not long after I arrived in this country in the seventies. I had only begun
[learned / to learn] how to speak American English. My class took place in a large, windowless lecture
hall, and on the first day, I’d just started to explain my goals for the class when one of the students
yelled at me, “Watch out!” I’d never heard the phrase before and therefore had no idea [what / which]
the student meant. Instantly, my brain searched for some kind of definition. “Watch” meant “look.” “Out”
could mean outside.” Did the student want me [to look / looking] outside? I couldn’t, though, because
there were no windows in the room. Of course, all of this happened in a fraction of a second — [which
/ after which] a part of the ceiling fell on my head and I was suddenly lying on the floor bleeding and
[waited / waiting] for paramedics to arrive.

I had an unforgettable experience with learning an American phrase when I began teaching at Thomas
Jefferson College not long after I arrived in this country in the seventies. I had only begun to learn how
to speak American English. My class took place in a large, windowless lecture hall, and on the first day,
I’d just started to explain my goals for the class when one of the students yelled at me, “Watch out!” I’d
never heard the phrase before and therefore had no idea what the student meant. Instantly, my brain
searched for some kind of definition. “Watch” meant “look.” “Out” could mean outside.” Did the student
want me to look outside? I couldn’t, though, because there were no windows in the room. Of course, all
of this happened in a fraction of a second — after which a part of the ceiling fell on my head and I
was suddenly lying on the floor bleeding and waiting for paramedics to arrive.

I had an unforgettable experience with learning an American phrase when I began teaching at Thomas
Jefferson College not long after I arrived in this country in the seventies. I had only begun to learn how
to speak American English. My class took place in a large, windowless lecture hall, and on the first day,
I’d just started to explain my goals for the class when one of the students yelled at me, “Watch out!” I’d
never heard the phrase before and therefore had no idea what the student meant. Instantly, my brain
searched for some kind of definition. “Watch” meant “look.” “Out” could mean outside.” ❶ 그 학생은 내가
바깥쪽으로 보기를 원했을까? I couldn’t, though, because there were no windows in the room. Of course,
all of this happened in a fraction of a second — after which a part of the ceiling fell on my head and
❷ 나는 갑자기 피를 흘리며 구급대원들이 도착하기를 기다리면서 바닥에 누워있었다.

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

서술형 <보기> look / me / the / want / to / outside / student / do

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> floor / the / be / wait / to / on / suddenly / for / lying / and / bleed / I / arrive /

2 paramedics

★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 14 – 글의 순서 배열

중요도 1 ★★☆

제목/ 한글 개가 인간의 좋은 동반자와 구조자가 될 수 있는 이유

주제 영어 Why a Dog Can be a Good Companion and a Rescuer

The following elements — proximity to the owner, and attention-getting behavior — [is / are] by now
familiar to us as characteristic of dogs, and go into [for them / their] being such fine companions for
humans. And they are also essential for the survival of the person [whose / who] life was at risk. So are
such dogs truly heroes? They are. But did they know what they were doing? There is no evidence [that /
what] the did. And they don’t know they’re acting heroically. Dogs certainly have the potential, with
training, to be rescuers. Even the [trained / untrained] dog may come to your aid — but without
knowing exactly what to do. Their success is due instead to what they do know: that something has
happened to you, which makes them anxious. If they express that anxiety in a way that [attracts / attract]
other people — people with an understanding of emergencies — to the scene, or [allow / allows] you to
get out of a hole in the ice, it is great.

The following elements — proximity to the owner, and attention-getting behavior — are by now familiar
to us as characteristic of dogs, and go into their being such fine companions for humans. And they are
also essential for the survival of the person whose life was at risk. So are such dogs truly heroes? They
are. But did they know what they were doing? There is no evidence that the did. And they don’t know
they’re acting heroically. Dogs certainly have the potential, with training, to be rescuers. Even the
untrained dog may come to your aid — but without knowing exactly what to do. Their success is due
instead to what they do know: that something has happened to you, which makes them anxious. If they
express that anxiety in a way that attracts other people — people with an understanding of emergencies
— to the scene, or allows you to get out of a hole in the ice, it is great.

The following elements — proximity to the owner, and attention-getting behavior — are by now familiar
to us as characteristic of dogs, and ❶ 인간의 좋은 동반다로 존재할 수 있도록 해준다. And they are also
essential for the survival of the person whose life was at risk. So are such dogs truly heroes? They are.
But did they know what they were doing? There is no evidence that the did. And they don’t know
they’re acting heroically. Dogs certainly have the potential, with training, to be rescuers. ❷ 심지어 훈련되
지 않은 개들도 도움을 줄 수 잇지만, 정확하게 그들이 무엇을 하는지를 알지는 못한다. Their success is due
instead to what they do know: that something has happened to you, which makes them anxious. If they
express that anxiety in a way that attracts other people — people with an understanding of emergencies
— to the scene, or allows you to get out of a hole in the ice, it is great.

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 포함하여 조건에 맞게 영작하시오.[필요시 변형]

<보기> tempt / eager / rely / tight / quotations / activist / deadline

대비 1 <조건> ‘동명사’를 활용할 것 / ‘동명사의 의미상주어(소유격)’을 사용할 것 / 9단어로 영작할 것

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> come / — / to / even / the / dog / know / aid / do / without / your / untrained /

2 exactly / to / what / may / but

★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 14 – 글의 순서 배열

중요도 2 ★★★

제목/ 한글 웃음으로 인해 분비되는 엔도르핀의 긍정적인 효과

주제 영어 The Positive Effects of Endorphins Released by Laughter

Stephen Colbert, political satirist and host of The Colbert Report, commented [during / for] an interview
on the importance of laughter in tense times. “You can’t laugh and be afraid at the same time,” he said.
And he’d be right. Laughing actually [release / releases] endorphins. They are released to mask the pain
어법 we’re causing to ourselves as our organs are [being convulsed / convulsed]. We like laughing for the
어휘 same reason runners like running — it feels good. But we’ve all had the experience of laughing so much
선택 we want it stop because it starts to hurt. Like the runner, the hurt actually began earlier, but thanks to
the endorphins, we didn’t feel it until later. It is the high we get from endorphins, which [continues /
continue] after the laughing has ceased, that [make / makes] it hard to be, as Colbert says, afraid at the
same time.

Stephen Colbert, political satirist and host of The Colbert Report, commented during an interview on the
importance of laughter in tense times. “You can’t laugh and be afraid at the same time,” he said. And
he’d be right. Laughing actually releases endorphins. They are released to mask the pain we’re causing to
빈칸 ourselves as our organs are being convulsed. We like laughing for the same reason runners like running
넣기 — it feels good. But we’ve all had the experience of laughing so much we want it stop because it starts
to hurt. Like the runner, the hurt actually began earlier, but thanks to the endorphins, we didn’t feel it
until later. It is the high we get from endorphins, which continues after the laughing has ceased, that
makes it hard to be, as Colbert says, afraid at the same time.

Stephen Colbert, political satirist and host of The Colbert Report, commented during an interview on the
importance of laughter in tense times. “❶ 웃는 동시에 두려워할 수는 없습니다.” he said. And he’d be
right. Laughing actually releases endorphins. They are released to mask the pain we’re causing to
ourselves as our organs are being convulsed. We like laughing for the same reason runners like running
— it feels good. But we’ve all had the experience of laughing so much we want it stop because it starts
to hurt. Like the runner, the hurt actually began earlier, but thanks to the endorphins, we didn’t feel it
until later. ❷ Cobert가 말하듯이 우리가 동시에 두려워하기 어렵게 만드는 것은 웃음이 멈춘 다음에도 지속
되는 엔도르핀으로부터 얻는 행복감이다.

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> the / at / afraid / time / you / be / same / can’t / and / laugh

서술형 1

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> be / afraid / continues / be / Colbert / have / laughing / it / make / it / to / that /

high / from / get / we / after / the / as / the / at / which / cease / time / say / same

2 / hard / the / endorphins

★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 14 – 글의 순서 배열

중요도 3 ★☆☆

제목/ 한글 이야기를 이해하려는 두 가지 노력 – 인식과 반응

주제 영어 Two Efforts to Understand the Story – Recognition and Reaction

Reminding [are / is] very useful for planning and for understanding the plans of others. When someone
tells you a story, however, he is talking not only about plans, but often about beliefs. When what is to
be understood in a story is about beliefs, the kind of guidance we need [changes / change]. We do not
어법 need to know what will happen next. When we hear these kinds of stories, all we are trying to do [are /
is] understand them. If we are passively viewing a movie, for example, understanding the movie [mean /
means] being able to follow what is going on by relating what we are seeing to what we know, [learning
/ learned] something from the movie in a very weak sense of learning. In a conversation, understanding
means being able to respond to a story. In both of these cases, then, understanding means [attempted /
attempting] to extract indexes such that old stories can be related to new ones. For movies, the intent is
recognition. For conversation, the intent is to be able to respond.

Reminding is very useful for planning and for understanding the plans of others. When someone tells you
a story, however, he is talking not only about plans, but often about beliefs. When what is to be
understood in a story is about beliefs, the kind of guidance we need changes. We do not need to know
what will happen next. When we hear these kinds of stories, all we are trying to do is understand them.
빈칸 If we are passively viewing a movie, for example, understanding the movie means being able to follow
넣기 what is going on by relating what we are seeing to what we know, learning something from the movie
in a very weak sense of learning. In a conversation, understanding means being able to respond to a
story. In both of these cases, then, understanding means attempting to extract indexes such that old
stories can be related to new ones. For movies, the intent is recognition. For conversation, the intent is
to be able to respond.

❶ 상기시키는 것은 계획을 세우는 데, 그리고 다른 사람의 계획을 이해하는데 매우 유용하다. When

someone tells you a story, however, he is talking not only about plans, but often about beliefs. When
what is to be understood in a story is about beliefs, the kind of guidance we need changes. We do not
need to know what will happen next. When we hear these kinds of stories, all we are trying to do is
understand them. If we are passively viewing a movie, for example, understanding the movie means being
able to follow what is going on by relating what we are seeing to what we know, ❷ 이것은 배움에 대한
매우 약한 의미에서 영화로부터 어던 것을 배우는 것이다. In a conversation, understanding means being
able to respond to a story. In both of these cases, then, understanding means attempting to extract
indexes such that old stories can be related to new ones. For movies, the intent is recognition. For
conversation, the intent is to be able to respond.

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

서술형 <보기> understand / useful / the / for / and / plan / of / plans / remind / others / be / for / very

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 포함하여 조건에 맞게 영작하시오.[필요시 변형]

<보기> learn / sense / from / something / weak

2 <조건> ‘분사구문’을 활용할 것 / 12단어로 영작할 것

★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 15 – 요약문 완성

중요도 Analysis ★★☆

제목/ 한글 유아 행동을 모방하는 부모의 행동의 긍정적 효과

주제 영어 The Positive Effect of Parental Imitations of Infants’ Actions

Parents are generally infants’ most frequent and consistent social partners and as such their behaviors are
those that most profoundly affect infants’ [emerged / emerging] sense of self-efficacy. The responses that
are most effective in facilitating infants’ early self-knowledge [are / is] socially contingent and reflect the
infants’ own behavior. In naturally [occurred / occurring] interactions with young infants, parental
어법 responses are primarily imitations of infants’ actions. These imitations are not exact but rather match the
infants’ actions in intensity, affect, and tempo. Infants’ early perceptual capacities allow them [to recognize
/ recognizing] these imitative behaviors as mirroring their own. From the beginning of life, infants are
선택 aware of the [matching / matched] quality of their behavior and that of others. Infants may more easily
recognize the external effect of their behavior when the actions of others mirror the behavior the infants
produce. Some theorists propose that in mirroring infant behavior, which exposes infants to external
perceptual manifestations of [which / what] they are internally experiencing, parents facilitate infants’ early
understanding of their own experience.

Parents are generally infants’ most frequent and consistent social partners and as such their behaviors are
those that most profoundly affect infants’ emerging sense of self-efficacy. The responses that are most
effective in facilitating infants’ early self-knowledge are socially contingent and reflect the infants’ own
behavior. In naturally occurring interactions with young infants, parental responses are primarily imitations
빈칸 of infants’ actions. These imitations are not exact but rather match the infants’ actions in intensity, affect,
and tempo. Infants’ early perceptual capacities allow them to recognize these imitative behaviors as
넣기 mirroring their own. From the beginning of life, infants are aware of the matching quality of their
behavior and that of others. Infants may more easily recognize the external effect of their behavior when
the actions of others mirror the behavior the infants produce. Some theorists propose that in mirroring
infant behavior, which exposes infants to external perceptual manifestations of what they are internally
experiencing, parents facilitate infants’ early understanding of their own experience.

Parents are generally infants’ most frequent and consistent social partners and as such their behaviors are
those that most profoundly affect infants’ emerging sense of self-efficacy. The responses that are most
effective in facilitating infants’ early self-knowledge are socially contingent and reflect the infants’ own
behavior. ❶ 자연스럽게 발생하는 어린 유아와의 상호 작용에 있어서 부모의 반응은 주로 유아 행동의 모방
이다. These imitations are not exact but rather match the infants’ actions in intensity, affect, and tempo.
❷ 유아의 초기 인지 능력은 이러한 모방 행동이 유아 자신의 행동을 반영하는 것으로 인식하도록 한다.
From the beginning of life, infants are aware of the matching quality of their behavior and that of others.
Infants may more easily recognize the external effect of their behavior when the actions of others mirror
the behavior the infants produce. Some theorists propose that in mirroring infant behavior, which exposes
infants to external perceptual manifestations of what they are internally experiencing, parents facilitate
infants’ early understanding of their own experience.

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> in / with / interactions / parental / naturally / imitations / infants / actions / occur /

서술형 responses / primarily / young / are / infants’ / of

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> them / capacities / perceptual / infants’ / to / recognize / these / mirror / own /

imitative / early / allow / behaviors / their / as


★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 15 – 요약문 완성

중요도 1 ★★☆

제목/ 한글 대부분의 영재들은 개혁자로 성장하지 않는다.

주제 영어 Most Prodigies Do not Grow into Reformers.

Most prodigies don’t make a transition [to / from] a child who learns rapidly and effortlessly in an
[established / establishing] domain to an adult who ultimately remakes a domain. They apply their
extraordinary abilities in ordinary ways, [mastered / mastering] their jobs without questioning defaults and
without making waves. In every domain they enter, they play it safe by following the conventional paths
to success. They become doctors who heal their patients without fighting to fix the broken systems [what
/ that] prevent many patients from affording health care in the first place. They become lawyers who
defend clients for violating [outdated / outdating] laws without trying to transform the laws themselves.
They become teachers who plan [engaged / engaging] algebra lessons without questioning whether
algebra is what their students need to learn. Although we rely on them to keep the world running
smoothly, they keep us [to run / running] on a treadmill.

Most prodigies don’t make a transition from a child who learns rapidly and effortlessly in an established
domain to an adult who ultimately remakes a domain. They apply their extraordinary abilities in ordinary
ways, mastering their jobs without questioning defaults and without making waves. In every domain they
enter, they play it safe by following the conventional paths to success. They become doctors who heal
their patients without fighting to fix the broken systems that prevent many patients from affording health
care in the first place. They become lawyers who defend clients for violating outdated laws without trying
to transform the laws themselves. They become teachers who plan engaging algebra lessons without
questioning whether algebra is what their students need to learn. Although we rely on them to keep the
world running smoothly, they keep us running on a treadmill.

❶ 대부분의 영재들은 한 확립된 영역에서 빠르고 손수비게 학습하는 아이로부터 어떤 영역을 궁극적으로 개
조하는 성인으로의 변화를 이뤄 내지 않는다. They apply their extraordinary abilities in ordinary ways,
mastering their jobs without questioning defaults and without making waves. In every domain they enter,
they play it safe by following the conventional paths to success. They become doctors who heal their
patients without fighting to fix the broken systems that prevent many patients from affording health care
in the first place. They become lawyers who defend clients for violating outdated laws without trying to
transform the laws themselves. They become teachers who plan engaging algebra lessons without
questioning whether algebra is what their students need to learn. ❷ 우리는 세상이 순조롭게 굴러가도록
유지하기 위해 그들에게 의존하지만, 그들은 우리가 계속해서 단조로운 반복을 하도록 만든다.

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> an / most / an / transition / learn / a / who / effortlessly / in / establish / domain /

prodigies / who / and / don’t / ultimately / rapidly / from / a / make / domain /

대비 1 remakes / child / adult / to / a

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> us / a / keep / on / although / on / to / keep / treadmill / they / them / run /

smoothly / rely / the / world / run / we


★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 15 – 요약문 완성

중요도 2 ★☆☆

제목/ 한글 몸짓 언어 능력을 통해 얻어지는 카리스마

주제 영어 Charisma Gained by Gestural Ability

As with all aspects of body language, developing your gestural ability [starts / start] with learning how to
[accurately / accurate] read other people’s signals. Confidence and natural gestures go hand in hand
because insecurity and nervousness can lead to jerky movements. One of the best ways to quiet your
어법 own anxiety is to [be learned / learn] as much as possible about [whatever / what] situation you’re about
to enter. When you know how to read people’s body language, you have a great source of inside
information [constant / constantly] available to you. The body is a [much / many] better indicator of true
선택 emotions and feelings, simply because most people don’t try to mask their body’s [revealing / revealed]
signals ─ they don’t even realize those signals are happening. This allows you to more easily understand
people’s true feelings and respond in a way that makes people feel really good, so they want to please
you in return ─ [that / which] is another way of saying, you’ll have some serious charisma.

As with all aspects of body language, developing your gestural ability starts with learning how to
accurately read other people’s signals. Confidence and natural gestures go hand in hand because
insecurity and nervousness can lead to jerky movements. One of the best ways to quiet your own anxiety
is to learn as much as possible about whatever situation you’re about to enter. When you know how to
빈칸 read people’s body language, you have a great source of inside information constantly available to you.
넣기 The body is a much better indicator of true emotions and feelings, simply because most people don’t try
to mask their body’s revealing signals ─ they don’t even realize those signals are happening. This allows
you to more easily understand people’s true feelings and respond in a way that makes people feel really
good, so they want to please you in return ─ which is another way of saying, you’ll have some serious

As with all aspects of body language, ❶ 여러분의 몸짓의 능력을 개발하는 것은 다른 사람들의 신호를 정확
하게 읽는 방법을 배우는 것으로 시작한다. Confidence and natural gestures go hand in hand because
insecurity and nervousness can lead to jerky movements. One of the best ways to quiet your own anxiety
is to learn as much as possible about whatever situation you’re about to enter. When you know how to
read people’s body language, you have a great source of inside information constantly available to you.
The body is a much better indicator of true emotions and feelings, simply because most people don’t try
to mask their body’s revealing signals ─ they don’t even realize those signals are happening. This allows
you to more easily understand people’s true feelings and respond in a way that makes people feel really
good, so they want to please you in return ─ ❷ 또 다른 방식으로 얘기하면, 여러분이 어느 정도 진지한
카리스마를 가질 것이다.
밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> with / how / develop / your / read / other / people’s / gestural / accurately / to /

ability / learn / starts / signals

서술형 1

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> which / of / you’ll / serious / say / charisma / some / have / be / way / another

★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

EBS 올림포스 – 독해의 기본 (2) Unit 15 – 요약문 완성

중요도 3 ★☆☆

제목/ 한글 위약 효과 [효능이 없는 약을 복용자가 효능이 있을 것이라는 믿을 가지고 복용했을 대 병이 호전되는 효과]

주제 영어 The Placebo Effect

My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in those days, many people used to [go / going] to the
pharmacist for every illness, just like going to the doctor. My father was like a medicine man; he had a
good reputation. He always carried a little box in his pocket [contained / containing] a few vitamin
어법 tablets and when people came to see him [sought / seeking] his help, he used to put his hand into his
어휘 pocket, take out the little box and [say / saying], ‘These are very special tablets and cost £1 each,’ [that /
선택 which] was equivalent to £30 or more each in today’s money, but he only sold one or two at a time.
The [fascinating / fascinated] thing was that all of these people recovered very quickly. I asked my father
why he was lying to people and he replied, ‘If people think that this is the best and most expensive
medicine, they will recover all by themselves.’

My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in those days, many people used to go to the pharmacist for
every illness, just like going to the doctor. My father was like a medicine man; he had a good reputation.
He always carried a little box in his pocket containing a few vitamin tablets and when people came to
빈칸 see him seeking his help, he used to put his hand into his pocket, take out the little box and say, ‘These
넣기 are very special tablets and cost £1 each,’ which was equivalent to £30 or more each in today’s money,
but he only sold one or two at a time. The fascinating thing was that all of these people recovered very
quickly. I asked my father why he was lying to people and he replied, ‘If people think that this is the
best and most expensive medicine, they will recover all by themselves.’

My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in those days, many people used to go to the pharmacist for
every illness, just like going to the doctor. My father was like a medicine man; he had a good reputation.
He always carried a little box in his pocket containing a few vitamin tablets and ❶ 사람들이 그의 도움을
구하면서 그를 만나러 왔을 때, he used to put his hand into his pocket, take out the little box and say,
‘These are very special tablets and cost £1 each,’ which was equivalent to £30 or more each in today’s
money, but he only sold one or two at a time. ❷ 매혹적인 일은 이 사람들 모두가 아주 빠르게 회복되었
다는 사실이었다. I asked my father why he was lying to people and he replied, ‘If people think that this
is the best and most expensive medicine, they will recover all by themselves.’

밑줄 친 ❶의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 포함하여 조건에 맞게 영작하시오.[필요시 변형]

<보기> people / seek / come
1 <조건> ‘분사구문’을 활용할 것 / 9단어로 영작할 것

밑줄 친 ❷의 우리말과 같도록 아래 단어들을 문맥과 어법에 맞게 배열하시오. (필요시 변형)

<보기> the / quickly / people / all / recover / be / thing / fascinate / these / very / of / that

★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

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