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• The Circulatory System moves blood ,

nutrients, oxygen, ca rbon dioxide

Human body works like a around the body.
complicated machine. It contains • The Digestive System consists of a
~ wide range of parts, organs series of connected organs that allow
~~4. and processes. Many functions the body to breakdown the absorbed
or process in human body keep food and remove waste.
on working w ithout a pause • The Respiratory System allows us to
throughout t he life. t ake in oxygen and expeJ carbon
• The Nervous System controls the
voluntary and involuntary actions.

Fill in the blanks with words related to human body by taking help from the help box.

1. .... ........... ....... . ............. is the coloured part of

human eye that controls the amount of light
passing through pupil.
2. The two chambers at the bottom of our heart are
also called ........................................ .

3. .. ................. ..... ................ is considered as the biggest

external organ of the human body.
4. ................. ....................... are special, tiny structures
on the tongue that help us in identifying and
feeling various tastes.
5. :he cage of bones around chest that protects
important organs is called ........- ... ,.......................... .
6. ........ ........ ... .. ........ ... ........ is the Innermost part of
our bones.
7. ....".................................... are the front teeth which
help in cutting food.
8. The hardest bone In the human body is
9. There are ...................................................,.
body of an adult.
. the smallest bonc>s of 11,e
~I I I • •,. • • I •II•• • I I

our .. ... . , t ·n our bfood wf1ich fight

human bodY-
................ _ ............ are presen 1
11. infections and disease-causing germs.
connect our muscles to our bones.

;~~ .. •~:~;· ;~:~;~;- muscle in the human bodY is found in

13. our .................................. .

rvtost of the digestion of food takes pf ace inside
is the
14. ..,................................ .
Averaging 48 cm in fength, ................................ ..
15. longest bone in our body.
.................................. help oxygen present in the air to enter
the bloodstream.
17. The heaviest internal bodY organ whose average weight is

1.6 kg is .................................. .
18. Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by blood on the walls

of .................................. .
.. ................................ is the main component of our teeth and
The main function of the
waste products from our b~;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is to remove

• calctum phosphate
• sulabh International is an
based social service organization.
Good hygiene and health • It works to promote human rights,
habits are keys to good environmental sanitation and waste
health. Do you brush twice a ~ management.
day? Brushing twice a day • The organization counts 50,000
keep your mouth and teeth volunteers.
clean. Let us know more • Since 2011, sulabh has been
about hygiene. building toilets.
• It was founded in 1970 by Dr.
Bindeshwar Pathak from Bihar.

Areas of Hygiene
Dental hygiene or oral hygiene is the practice of keeping the mouth, teeth
and breath clean. We should brush our teeth daily. This helps in removing
dental plaque and tartar. If we do not keep our teeth clean, it can create

gum diseases and tooth decay.

Personal hygiene Involves creatln1 and malntalnlna a dally aroomlna
practice to help diminish the neptlve effect of aerms, bacteria, 111,u;a;.

I tunal, etc.

1. Hand washtns: All

hands are In
around UL
4. nnthlnl~: Dirt nnd gl~rms ~
3, Fl llijl'I ll,lll~ ,llHi ft.\ 1.'t1.lll , '
t1 hnmln1r Ph t ,md l-\t'I nu, I,)\ l' ,..., 1.1ycr ot rn11 :,kin. l,1king .:1 ~
to ht111,,\\ w1dt'I' n,llh I lit'\
lJ ,1 t h r <.' t: u I .1 1 I~ ,1 n d
(\H\ (lint tit(' 11,lib \ t'll1.'\\ \H •
t'.rn~l' ~tH•,,kin~ \\ lllh' w.,~h,ni~
sri ubbinf t ht.1 skin .11 e lh0 best
hnmls. wr ~h..,uhl \\,1-.ll l) UI 11.,11.. \ h'.ll\ w.l\ s tt, KL'l'P the skin dean and &erm
tI t't',
nod h lm tt1,·m ,,•1;ul.u i11ltll \,ll~.

5• Ct, ot tu.•s WO!- hi Ill;,•. Cl· l 1t?w~ ""s t\(lll 11_<, '·c,
u l I<'' ,i,t'd I t'Nil,wl\
• ...
.1s tlw\ touch our skin.
, lW\· on tht:)m. \\hirh. in turn, can
If \V~ dl\n't w.,,h l)t11 clnttws. ~1i.1 Hb ( •m ~·1 1 . 'I__ • ·t
• t
h1f(•ct vur ~km .md ol 1Pt ~>1~:-in,. ' :, ,. . v.,t 1 hinr pnwrl~1 and dbrntect~nt s 1ould
ht usNi while w,1,hing clot hr-:.-.

Tkk the correct option.

·t 1h15 Is the mt)sl rc1mn1m1 dPntl1I global dis~{1~e.
i. tooth lu~::- ii. rt.'Ct"ding gums
ili. ginglviti~ i\'. tooth decav
2. Dental hygienti is .1lso known ,ts
i. brushln& ii. flossing
UI. oral hvalene iv. tongue ch.rnning •
3. The!se are 1erms that can only survive inside of a host. Their lire span is relati,aely ~~
but can cause a lot of damqe.
I. bacterta IL virus
m. funal iv. protozoa
~ Which of the followlne ftossina cannot do?
Ii rtmOWfood stuckbltwetl\theleeth
lt help to prevent receding autnS
nt\ ~ to P'W11i WlPllth
~ help to restore tooth enamel

SCIENCE- Pla,1t life
Act1\ tt)
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London w ~ wtth ~ of

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,1ij 14 TECHNOLOGY- Greatest Inventions

\r----- .....
Inventions that took place over
• c. V. Raman was a ys c s
Nobel Prize In 1930 for his
the centuries shaped up the Effect.
lives of humans in a great way. A • Satyendra Nath Bo
large number of things and Mathematician and
facilities, used by humans are known for hJ$
the inventions of centuries and A
their further improvements. Let
us see some major inventions of
the previous century.
A famous French chemist, he discovered that diseases are caused b
m icroorganisms and bacteria could be killed by heat. His discovery le~
doct ors to wash their hands and sterilize their instruments .

He fs a British Physicist known for his contributions in understanding space
and universe. Completely paralysed at a young age, he went on to give
many theories on astronomy and cosmology.

• I Faraday • Isaac Newton • Charles Darwin

g - Stephen Hawking • Louis Pasteur

iii. 1913
ECHNOLOGV- The World of Computers

Computer is an electronic Computer through generations.

machine that has touched every First Generation
aspect of our lives by making our • ENIAC and UNIVAC
work faster, easier and well Second Generation
• IBM 360, I.C.L 1900, C.D.C
rganized. Do you have a computer
Fourth Generation
in your house ? Let us know more
• Intel 4004, MacIntosh. IBM S10
about the world of computers. Fifth Generation
• Robots (Artlfldal lnteUJ
, __......,;.;~~
1. First Generation (19416-1958}

These computers used vacuum tubes. They were

expensive, huge and generated a lot of heat.
»a dsca,oe
page sen [l\

2.. o the r-o o -~ 5 s a "::-'W a.

web pages.,

3.. The COfflputer s Pl ocessoc consists o

\. Assember
CPU and Main "4emoly Hard D"sk and F opp\ D ·ve
«;1 ..... U11it and MU
Operating System and Application
'Retilltc:a a a, ..... wawnedusang

t, ,f I I , 1, I , 111 11 , ,f II I •NI

I tlil It,, I ,I I I I I",,, I I d• u1 th

'I ' f I II " I I ., If I I II, I
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hr•ll I''' , 11111111 I t1d
ifj llf I I I ti,f Ill

f " If it ,, tlf "u ,wJn

Origin.ated in Andhra Pradesh. this
is one of the most famous dance
.I. form s of Sou t h India. It is ~--,"' ~
performed wit h the help of flute 'W'
and t:ambura instrumen ts.

---- - -
ft s .also regarded as one of the oldest dance forms of India
Vvh1oh has its roots in Odisha. The most distinguishing features 1
of tms 'orm are Mudras and Tribhangis. The theme of this
dance form is mfinite love between Lord Kr ish na and Radha.

It is a major classical dance

form which orig1nated in the
north-eastern state of Manipur.
It is a religious dance form
which is said to be one of the
Art ancient form softest, purest and mildest
b1 fam.,• dancers T'h• 6.

malft dlelM ol tllll dlr.at
It It I
-_ ~,

?e ....

~ ~ INDIA- Music forld

,. \~ Indian playback singers have gained popularity not only in lndia 1 but outside.
o(J, Who is your favourite singer 1 Let's solve the puzzle to know a few more.

Identify the following music artists.

.. ''


\\ate" :,b ~.:-. e~ !:' .e; ~~;: e~s... e first appeared in 1 Q .:0s.
\.\hat t\ oe o• mo,. e ,j~ \<:tu ,e t.J
• The)' usua I), depict scientific stories wittl
v.atth.., The sci-ti rnO\ .es .:i '
fantastic special effects.
Ho(lywood are verv famous. Lets
see how many of the mo-. ·es given • A gallant hero. shadowy villains
below haYe watched futuristic technology and gizmos .ire an
important part of sci-ti mo-.ies.
• Often po, bay dangerous and ; ; I
Aabn of lcno~Jledge.

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