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If I Was Your Girl


Kim Young Dae, the main male

protagonist, is a man who suffers
from guilt as a result of his tragic
experience of losing a loved one.
It was none other than his
childhood friend and first love,
Lee Na-eun.

The main female protagonist,

Kang Se-Jung, is a girl with a
cheerful and vivacious
Others are unaware of her
powers, which are different from
those of regular people. She has
the power to make the injured
The impressionable Young Jae
lacks romantic aspirations.
However, his attraction to her
grows as their lives
unintentionally become

Short and straight kinda tbh

(will make a series out of this on
wattpad 😼)

Kim Young Dae : male lead
Kang Se-Jung : female lead,
mysterious girl.

Lee Na-Eun : young dae's first

Lee Doo-Shik : nae-eun's father,
works for kim myung gyu

Kim Myung Gyu : young dae's

father, rich businessman
Kang man-seok : truck driver


Our male lead, Kim young dae, is

introduced in the first chapter. He
is a man with a heart of ice, a
strange storm of a look, and a
chillingly soothing voice. He is a
man who has endured a great
deal of suffering, and as a result,
he has lost his once-bright and
upbeat personality. His painful
history, which included losing his
only friend and first love, had a
profound impact on him. He
ultimately blamed himself for her
death and has spent the last
several decades living with
remorse, grief, and regret.

𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞
Kim Young Dae is the son of one
of the most influential and
wealthy businessmen in the
nation, and his business is well-
known for its success and is
highly regarded by all. His dark
side is still there, though.
Although little Young Dae was a
bright and intelligent child, he
often felt alone since he was not
let to play with other children.
Lee doo-shik was a mere
employee who use to work for
kim myung gyu (young dae's
father) Lee doo-shik's daughter,
Lee Nae-eun, would frequently
smuggle herself out and go to
work with her father. She comes
across a child who had harmed
himself while playing one day as
she was exploring the enormous
home of the wealthy. She
reaches out to him and gives
help before scurrying away.
Young Dae's heart skipped a
beat because he had never gone
through such a thing. Since then,
nae-eun and young dae have
grown closer and have been
secretly playing every day. They
both attended high school
together and had grown up
together. Nae-eun had always
impressed young dae with her
outgoing nature and her
willingness to be by his side even
when no one else was. Without
him even realizing it, he was in
love with her. In her early years,
Nae-eun was a happy, intelligent
girl who was adored by all. Her
presence alone had such an
influence that it could help
anyone heal. Young Dae was
madly in love, but he had trouble
expressing it. But one day, he
made the decision to tell her that
he was in love with her and
asked her to meet him at the
spot where they used to play as
kids. Although everything was
ideal, their happiness did not
last. The most sinister secrets of
Myung Gyu were revealed to Lee
Doo-Shik, who shouldn't have
known. He approached Myung
Gyu and threatened to expose
his true self and expose his
wrongdoings to the world. While
left, Myung Gyu grinned at him
and said, "Oh? do as you wish."
Anything was possible for Myung
Gyu to save his company and
reputation. To kill Doo-shik, he
hired a man by the name of Kang
man Seok. Doo-shik quickly exits
the mansion and heads out to tell
everyone the truth. Na-eun was
on her way to meet young dae
when he saw her father. Na-eun
then takes lift from her father to
see young dae. A huge truck
suddenly crashes into their car
as they were traveling, causing a
terrible collision. This accident
claimed the lives of 3 people. the
truck driver kang man seok
himself, lee nae-eun, who was
en route to meet young dae, and
lee doo-shik, who sought to bring
justice to the community by
exposing the truth of Myung Gyu.
Young Dae waited and waited for
her, but she never came. After
waiting for several hours, it
suddenly began to rain, and he
began seeking for nae-eun. He
contacting her and searching for
her everywhere, but he never got
a response. His entire world was
rocked when he saw her father's
car completely ruined by the
collision on the way to her house.
He stood there staring at the
wrecked car because he was
unable to comprehend what he
was seeing. Before he had a
chance to react, he got a call to
inform him that Doo-shik and his
daughter had passed away in a
car accident. Young Dae's entire
world seemed to have been
devastated in an instant. The
roses he brought for her were
now covered in blood and lying
on the road. He was helpless
and just continued walking
through the pouring rain since he
was unable to think, breathe, or
even weep. He was recklessly
walking on streets lined with
moving cars and had no intention
of continuing to live. He was
standing still as a car
approached at high speed. He
was saved from being struck by
the car by a girl donning a black
sweatshirt with an odd design on
it that appeared to be cursed
flung herself on him. He had
wounds all over his body as they
lay on the road, but as soon as
the mysterious girl touched him,
they vanished as id they were
never there to being with. She
smiles and says, "It's raining
hard, you should go home." She
then dashes out, leaving her
necklace behind, which young
dae had now taken hold of. He
collapses in the middle of the
road because he was so dazed
and that he couldn't even see her
After a few years

His life was drastically altered by

that one night. He had essentially
ceased expressing himself in
front of people, as if he had
turned off his emotional switch.
Everyone found him frigid, and
he never
showed enough concern to live
up to their expectations. He
never permitted himself to feel
happiness since he blamed
himself for Na-eun and her
father's passing. He kept telling
himself over and over again that
everything would have been fine
and that she would still be by his
side if he hadn't called her to
meet that day. He was never
able to smile at himself again as
a result, and he spent all those
years in immense amount of guilt
and regret.
He is now the CEO of his father's
company and is surviving his life
that has no purpose, no
meaning, whatsoever.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

For him, it was just another day.

Just another day that he was aliv
e and breathing.
On his way to work, a young girl
stopped and
handed him a chocolate
while grinning and said, "You're v
handsome so here's a gift for you
." In response, he squats
down to her
and says, "I think you're prettier t
hough, so you should have it."
Young Dae was still a man with a
warm heart
regardless of how much he blam
ed himself for things he wasn't to
fault for and regardless
of how cold
he appeared on the outside
He still had a slight desire to live
an ordinary life just like others.
After saying goodbye and
walking away, the little girl was
standing across the street when
a motorcyclist struck her as she
ran across the street without
stopping. It happened just as it
did back then and he witnessed it
too. His senses became numb,
and he was unable to hear or
see clearly. Strange voices in his
head kept
telling him that it was his fault
that he had killed yet another
innocent person, and that
someone else had died as a
result of his actions. His eyes
began to turn redder, and he
continued covering his ears while
yelling and looking like he had
lost his mind. Although he
wanted to save her, his trauma
prevented him from doing so.
A sizable crowd gathered nearby
the scene of the collision, yet
nobody cared to offer assistance
or call for assistance.
A girl suddenly walks forward,
picks up the little girl in her arms
who was covered in blood, then
she removes her scarf from her
neck while her hair flutters
gracefully in the breeze, and
binds the scarf around her
wounds. Young Dae, who was
standing behind unable to do
anything was relieved when saw
someone helping the kid. When
he starts getting back to his
senses and looked at the person
helping the little girl he felt a bit
strange as if he had previously
seen her. Uncertain of the
feeling, he dismissed it. Shortly
after she called, an ambulance
arrived, and the youngster
received rapid medical attention.
He was relieved to learn that the
kid was okay however his hatred
for himself grew.
Later that day, he learned which
hospital the young girl was
admitted to thanks to his
connections, so he made the
decision to see her. He believed
that he was unlucky and that
those in his inner circle often
experience bad luck. One of the
causes is that he never allows
people to get close to him. Yet he
made the decision to see her to
accept responsibility for what he
believes he did. Before entering
inside her room, he takes a deep
breath. As soon as he enters, he
greets her parents, and the child
starts bouncing on her bed and
exclaiming, "It's the handsome
man from earlier!" He couldn't
believe what he saw.
A few hours prior, the girl who
was covered
in blood and appeared to have
broken bones was jumping on
her bed as if nothing had
occurred. When he asked her
parents what had happened,
they replied that she had been in
an accident but had miraculously
survived despite losing a lot of
blood. Doctors asserted that it
was absolutely a marvel that
anyone survived after losing so
much blood. He thought it was
strange—very strange—and
experienced déjà vu. Although he
wasn't certain if it had, he had
the impression that something
similar to this had occurred in the
And it was actually a miracle.
The girl who could heal the injure
d, Kang Se-
Jung, saved the child's life.

Chapter 3
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐎𝐧𝐞

Kang Se-jung is a 26-year-old

She is the daughter of Kang Jae-
seok who runs a small business.
Despite her lack of wealth, she
has a great heart. She always
placed others before herself
when she was younger. She
believed that happiness came
from making others happy and
intended to live her life being
useful to others. When Se-jung,
who was then 7 years old,
tragically lost her mother, she
began experiencing
hallucinations concerning sounds
and sights she had never before
heard or seen. It was her
previous life. She frequently had
brief flashbacks to her former life,
which she found to be rather
Jae-seok would frequently arrive
home inebriated after his wife
passed away. Every night, he
would shut himself in his room,
cry scream in pain, and consume
more alcohol. He would put on a
phoney grin in front of se-jung,
promising her that everything will
be alright in due time,
because he never wanted her to
see him broken. Jae-seok then
decided that he'd not let his
daughter suffer more and
promised her that he'd give her
the best life he could.
After few years, when she was
about 10 years old,
she came across a small dog
near a large tree as she was
returning from school, and when
she approached it, she could see
that it was severely injured. She
seized it and took off running to
find an adult who could help her
treat the puppy. When she saw a
woman walking by, she asked
her if she could assist the
bleeding puppy. The woman
knelt down to her, grinned, and
said "but the puppy seems good
to me" as she left. Se-jung wasn't
sure what she was saying until
she caught sight of the dog in her
arms, which was grinning at her.
She was too startled to see that
the dog wasn't bleeding any
longer and that it appeared
as though it never did. She was
definitely bewildered after this
incident, but she didn't mind
because she thought she was
hallucinating once more until her
father returned home one day
with a high fever and the moment
she touch him, his fever was
gone and he became totally
alright. She recognised then that
she could treat those who were
Since then, she has offered
assistance to everybody in need
she comes across. But she
always acted in a suspicious
manner. She would always do
her best to avoid being
discovered whenever she used
her heavenly powers since she
knew that people would be
startled whenever they saw her
healing them. But she would
constantly ponder why her. Why
did she get this ability,
specifically? What her motive is
supposed to be? and what skills
does she actually possess?
Behind every one of those
questions, there was always a
question mark and was left

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