PETA 2 3D Construction

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Performance Task #2: 3D Construction

Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Creativity and Organization Creative and organized. Organizational strategy is present No evidence of an organizational
Exhibits usefulness. but not effective. Progression of strategy. Information is missing.
The information is complete. ideas is not always smooth; Difficult to understand.
Easy to understand. transitions are weak.

Mathematical Errors Steps and solutions have no More than 75% of the steps and All steps and solutions are
mathematical errors. solution has mathematical errors. incorrect.
Timeliness Submitted on or before the due Submitted 2 to 3 days late Submitted 4 or more days late
Task: Print this in A4!
1. Each group (of 3 members) shall create a 3D object.
2. The output can be recycled or DIY.
3. Dimensions and solutions for surface area and volume shall be present.
4. Follow the template for the submission. (sample is given below). Submit not later than Jan.15, 2024 @4pm

Group Members: Section: 8 - Darwin EMERGENCY KIT

Lyla Regina G. Antonio (Rectangle)
Roneza S. Bernasor
Yurich Anton B. Madronio Dimensions: radius: ____________, height: _____________

Surface Area:


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