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Umbrella pine- another term for stone pine and a tall Japanese

evergreen conifer related to the redwoods with leaves growing

in umbrella-like whorls.
Trunk- the main stem of a tree apart from limbs and roots.
Blotched- a spot or mark especially when large or irregular.
Pumice- a volcanic glass full of cavities and very light in weight
used especially in powder form for smoothing and polishing.
Charred- badly burnt and have become black because of fire.
Debris- scattered pieces of rubbish or remains workmen were
clearing the roads of the debris from shattered buildings.
Broad sheets of fire- a very large fire.
Leaping- to make a large jump or sudden movement, usually
from one place to another.
Flames- a hot glowing body of ignited gas that is generated by
something on fire.
Blazed- a bright flame or fire: the welcome blaze of the health a
bright, hot gleam or glow: the blaze of day.
Emphasised- to make something important, or stress it.
Violent shocks- a sudden or violent jarring blow or impact.
Swaying to the fro- move side to side and back again.
Carriages- a wheeled vehicle for conveying persons.
Level- a practically horizontal surface or area.
Stationary- materials( such as paper, pen, and ink) for writing or
Wedged- to put something into a very small or narrow space,
so that it cannot move easily.
Receded- to move further away into the distance or to become
less clear or less bright.
Forced back- cause to move back by force or influence.
Dispersed- to spread or distribute from a fixed or constant
Buried deep in ashes- when we put something in the fire it will
be ashes.

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