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1. How did society shaped science and how did science shaped society?

In my opinion, science was developed out of society's desire to better understand and explore
the natural world. Society shaped science according to the needs and demands of the society.
For instance, societal needs, such as healthcare, defense, and environmental concerns, drive
research in those areas which were funded and supported by the government, organizations
and individuals. On the other side, science influences society through educating individuals and
changing how they perceive the world. In essence, science offers solutions to society's issues.

2. How did developments in science and technology shaped human history?

It is simple to understand how science and technological advancements have fundamentally

altered the world we live in and, in turn, impacted history. Humanity has developed a wide range
of technologies and scientific discoveries that have aided in the creation and advancement of
civilizations throughout history. These advancements have also boosted economic growth,
raised living standards for the general population, promoted cultural development, and had a
significant impact on religion, thought, and a variety of other human endeavors.

3. What do you think are the major contributions of science and technology to Philippine
nation-building? Cite examples (At least 3)

Over the years, science and technology have made major contributions to the Philippines'
growth and development, including its national security, social development, and economic
growth. Among the significant contributions of science and technology to the development of the
Philippine nation are:

Agriculture. Science and technology have significantly enhanced Philippine agriculture,

enhancing crop yields, methods, and sustainable practices, leading to increased food security,
reduced poverty, and a robust industry.

Infrastructure. Science and technology significantly contribute to the development of

infrastructure in the Philippines, including roads, bridges, buildings, dams, and power plants.

Healthcare. Advancements in medical technology and healthcare delivery have significantly

improved the health and well-being of Filipinos, reducing infant mortality rates, enhancing
access to services, and combating major diseases.

4. What do you think are the major contributions of the Philippines to the field at present? Cite 3

In the present, the Philippines has made important contributions to a number of science and
technology disciplines, including:
● The Philippines boasts a skilled healthcare workforce and is a global leader in medical
research, particularly in tropical medicine, infectious diseases, and cancer.
● The Philippines is a top outsourcing destination for IT and BPO services due to its skilled
workforce, business-friendly environment, and expertise in customer service and
software development.
● The Philippines is advancing in space science and technology, establishing the
Philippine Space Agency and launching its first microsatellite, Diwata-1, in 2016.

5. What policies in STS do you want the government to implement in the near future? Cite 3

● Provide incentives for private and independent scientific initiative as a vital building block
for the growth of science.
● Boost the nation's educational system so that it will serve as a reliable source of qualified
scientists and engineers.
● formulate a comprehensive program for the development and maximum utilization of
science and technology in the country

Minimum of 3 sentences/ maximum of 5 sentences per question

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