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Once upon a time, there was a simple and beautiful girl named Cinderella.

She lived with her

evil stepmother and two stepsisters. The stepmother did not like her and made her do all the
household work. Her stepsisters just never had to work, they just roamed around the house in
their fancy dresses. They always made fun of Cinderella because of her plain dressing.

One day, a letter from the king came to their house which said that the king is having a ball
tonight and his son ‘The Prince’ would be choosing a wife; every girl in the kingdom must be
aware. Everyone got excited about reading this, Cinderella too wanted to go to the ball. Her
stepmother told her that she can go if she completes all her work on time and also helps her
stepsisters with their dresses for the ball. Cinderella worked as fast as she could to get
everything done but there was always something left. At last, she was left at home

She was so sad that she ran to the garden and said, “Wishes never come true.”

“Never my dear?” said a voice, as Cinderella looked up a little woman with a wand and a
kind smile stood in front of her. She was her fairy godmother.

She wanted to help Cinderella go to the ball. With a wave of her hand, she made Cinderella
look like a princess. She gave her a beautiful new gown, glass slippers, and shiny black
horses to reach the ball. Before leaving, the fairy godmother said “this magic will only last
until midnight! You must reach back home by then!”.

When Cinderella entered the palace, everybody was awestruck by her beauty, she was the
prettiest girl at the ball. Even her stepsisters didn’t recognize her. The handsome prince also
saw her and fell in love with her. All the other girls were very jealous of her because the
prince danced with her the whole night. She enjoyed herself so much that she almost forgot
what the fairy godmother had told her about her magic. However, when she saw the time and
remembered the godmother’s words she quickly left the palace and ran away. In all the
hurry, one glass slipper which she was wearing was left on the castle steps.

The prince had fallen in love with her and wanted to find out who she was as he wanted to
marry her. The next day, he ordered his king’s men to go to every house in the land and find
the girl whose foot fits in the glass slipper. When they reached Cinderella’s house, the two
stepsisters tried their best to squeeze their big feet into the slippers, but they could not make
it. Finally, when Cinderella tried the slipper, her foot fit perfectly into the glass slipper. The
prince recognized her from the ball night. He married Cinderella soon in a grand ceremony
and they lived happily ever after.


Pada suatu ketika, ada seorang gadis sederhana dan cantik bernama Cinderella. Dia tinggal
bersama ibu tirinya yang jahat dan dua saudara tirinya. Ibu tirinya tidak menyukainya dan
memaksanya melakukan semua pekerjaan rumah tangga. Saudara tirinya tidak pernah
bekerja, mereka hanya berkeliaran di sekitar rumah dengan pakaian mewah. Mereka selalu
mengolok-olok Cinderella karena pakaiannya yang polos. Suatu hari, sepucuk surat dari raja
datang ke rumah mereka yang mengatakan bahwa raja akan mengadakan pesta malam ini
dan putranya 'Pangeran' akan memilih seorang istri; setiap gadis di kerajaan harus sadar.
Semua orang bersemangat membaca ini, Cinderella juga ingin pergi ke pesta dansa. Ibu
tirinya memberitahunya bahwa dia boleh pergi jika dia menyelesaikan semua pekerjaannya
tepat waktu dan juga membantu saudara tirinya menyiapkan pakaian untuk pesta dansa.
Cinderella bekerja secepat yang dia bisa untuk menyelesaikan semuanya tetapi selalu ada
sesuatu yang tersisa. Akhirnya, dia ditinggalkan di rumah dengan kecewa.

Dia sangat sedih sehingga dia berlari ke taman dan berkata, “Keinginan tidak pernah

“Tidak pernah sayangku?” kata sebuah suara, saat Cinderella mendongak, seorang wanita
kecil dengan tongkat dan senyum ramah berdiri di depannya. Dia adalah ibu perinya.

Dia ingin membantu Cinderella pergi ke pesta dansa. Dengan lambaian tangannya, dia
membuat Cinderella terlihat seperti seorang putri. Dia memberinya gaun baru yang indah,
sandal kaca, dan kuda hitam mengkilat untuk mencapai bola. Sebelum berangkat, ibu peri
berkata “sihir ini hanya akan bertahan sampai tengah malam! Anda harus sampai kembali
ke rumah saat itu!

Ketika Cinderella memasuki istana, semua orang terpesona oleh kecantikannya, dia adalah
gadis tercantik di pesta dansa. Bahkan saudara tirinya tidak mengenalinya. Pangeran
tampan itu pun melihatnya dan jatuh cinta padanya. Semua gadis lain sangat iri padanya
karena sang pangeran berdansa dengannya sepanjang malam. Dia sangat menikmati dirinya
sendiri sehingga dia hampir lupa apa yang ibu peri katakan padanya tentang sihirnya.
Namun, ketika dia melihat waktu dan mengingat kata-kata ibu baptisnya, dia segera
meninggalkan istana dan melarikan diri. Karena terburu-buru, satu sepatu kaca yang dia
kenakan tertinggal di tangga kastil.

Sang pangeran telah jatuh cinta padanya dan ingin mengetahui siapa dia karena dia ingin
menikahinya. Keesokan harinya, ia memerintahkan anak buah rajanya untuk pergi ke setiap
rumah di negeri itu dan menemukan gadis yang kakinya cocok dengan sepatu kaca. Ketika
mereka sampai di rumah Cinderella, kedua saudara tirinya berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk
memasukkan kaki besar mereka ke dalam sandal, tetapi mereka tidak berhasil. Akhirnya,
ketika Cinderella mencoba sepatu tersebut, kakinya pas dengan sepatu kaca tersebut.
Pangeran mengenalinya dari pesta dansa malam. Dia segera menikah dengan Cinderella
dalam sebuah upacara akbar dan mereka hidup bahagia selamanya.

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