Rajdeep 11500221061 - State Diagram

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Draw the state chart diagram of your system

A State Chart Diagram, also known as a State Machine Diagram, is a visual

representation that depicts the various states an object or system can be in and the
transitions between those states. In the case of an Airplane reservation System , you
can create a State Chart Diagram to illustrate the different states and transitions
involved in the system. Below is a simplified State Chart Diagram for an Airplane
reservation System:
State and Transitions for Airplane Reservation System:
1. Start:
 Initial state.
 Transition to "Passenger Login" when a passenger accesses the airplane
reservation system.
2. Passenger Login:
 Represents the passenger logging into the system.
 Transition to "Home" when the passenger successfully logs in.
 Transition to "Admin Login" if the user chooses to log in as an
3. Admin Login:
 Represents the administrator logging into the system to manage flights and
 Transition to "Admin Dashboard" when the admin successfully logs in.
4. Home / Passenger Dashboard:
 The passenger can perform actions like searching for flights, making
reservations, viewing reservations, and accessing account settings.
 Transition to "Start" when the passenger logs out.
5. Admin Dashboard:
 The administrator can perform actions like managing flights, aircraft, and
viewing analytics.
 Transition to "Start" when the administrator logs out.
6. Flight Search:
 Represents the state where a passenger searches for available flights.
 Transition to "Flight Details" when the passenger selects a flight.
7. Flight Details:
 Shows details of a selected flight.
 Transition to "Reservation" when the passenger chooses to make a
8. Reservation:
 Represents the process of making a reservation, including seat selection and
 Transition to "Confirmation" when the reservation is successfully
 Transition to "Flight Search" if the passenger cancels the reservation.
9. Confirmation:
 Displays a confirmation message to the passenger after a successful
 Transition to "Home" when the passenger confirms the reservation.
 Transition to "Flight Search" if the passenger decides to make another
10.View Reservations:
 Allows the passenger to view their existing reservations.
 Transition to "Home" when the passenger finishes viewing reservations.
11.Flight Cancellation:
 Represents the process of canceling a reservation.
 Transition to "Cancellation Confirmation" after the passenger cancels a reservation.
12.Cancellation Confirmation:
 Displays a confirmation message to the passenger after a successful reservation
 Transition to "View Reservations" if the passenger confirms the cancellation.
 Transition to "Home" if the passenger decides not to cancel.
These states and transitions model the interactions and flow within an airplane
reservation system, allowing passengers and administrators to navigate through the
system's various functionalities.

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