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Lecture 3: Statistical Reasoning for Public Health: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

Lecture 3
Section A:The Standard Normal Distribution Defined

The Normal Distribution

Learning Objectives The Normal Distribution

 Upon completion of this lecture you will be able to:  The Normal Distribution is a theoretical probability distribution that
is perfectly symmetric about its mean (and median and mode), and
had a “bell” like shape

 Describe the basic properties of the normal curve

 Describe how the any normal distribution is completely defined
by it’s mean and standard deviation
 Recite the 68-96-99.7% rule for the normal distribution with
regards to standard deviations
 Feel comfortable (or be on your way to feeling comfortable)
working with standard normal tables

3 4

The Normal Distribution The Normal Distribution

 The Normal Distribution is also called the “Gaussian Distribution” in  Normal Distributions are uniquely defined by two quantities: a mean
honor of its inventor Carl Friedrich Gauss (µ), and standard deviation (σ)

 There are literally an infinite number of possible normal curves, for

every possible combination of (µ) and (σ)

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Lecture 3: Statistical Reasoning for Public Health: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

The Normal Distribution The Normal Distribution

 Normal Distributions are uniquely defined by two quantities: a mean  This function defines the normal curve for any given (µ) and (σ)
(µ), and standard deviation (σ)

 There are literally an infinite number of possible normal curves, for

every possible combination of (µ) and (σ)

7 8

The Normal Distribution The Normal Distribution

 All Normal distributions, regardless of mean and standard deviation  All Normal distributions, regardless of mean and standard deviation
values, have the same structural properties: values, have the same structural properties:

 Mean = median = mode  The entire distribution of values described by a normal

 Values are symmetrically distributed around the mean distribution can be completely specified by knowing just the
 Values “closer” to the mean are more frequent than values mean and standard deviation
“further” from the mean  Since all normal distributions have the same structural
properties, we can use a reference distribution, called the
standard normal distribution, to elaborate on some of these
 In Section B, we’ll show that any normal distribution can be
easily rescaled to this standard normal distribution

9 10

The 68-95-99.7 Rule for the Normal Distribution The 68-95-99.7 Rule for the Normal Distribution

 68% of the observations fall within one standard deviation of the  There are several ways to state this. For data whose distribution is
mean approximately normal:

 68% of the observations fall within one standard deviation of

the mean
 The probability that any randomly selected value is with one
standard deviation of the mean is 0.68 or 68%

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Lecture 3: Statistical Reasoning for Public Health: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

The 68-95-99.7 Rule for the Normal Distribution The 68-95-99.7 Rule for the Normal Distribution

 95% of the observations fall within two standard deviations of the  99.7% of the observations fall within three standard deviations of
mean (truthfully, within 1.96) the mean

13 14

The 68-95-99.7 Rule for the Normal Distribution The Normal Distribution

 95% of the observations fall within two standard deviations of the  The middle 95% of values fall between
mean (truthfully, within 1.96) : Let’s consider this for a moment

 2.5% of the values are smaller than (and hence 97.5% are greater

 97.5% of the values are smaller than (and hence 2.5% are greater

15 16

The 68-95-99.7 Rule for the Normal Distribution The 68-95-99.7 Rule for the Normal Distribution

 Again, we know that 68% of the observations in a normal distribution  What percentage of observations following a normal distribution are
are in the interval (µ-σ, µ+σ) more than 1 standard deviation above the mean?
(can also be phrased: “What is the probability that an individual
observation is more than one standard deviation above the
mean in a normal distribution?”

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Lecture 3: Statistical Reasoning for Public Health: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

The 68-95-99.7 Rule for the Normal Distribution The 68-95-99.7 Rule for the Normal Distribution

 What percentage of observations following a normal distribution are  Where did this rule come from: in other words, how do I know these
more than 1 standard deviation away from the mean in either relationships?
direction (i.e. more than 1 standard deviation above the mean or
less than 1 standard deviation below the mean?)
 What about the percentages under the curve for other standard
deviation distances from the mean?

 All of the information I quoted, and much more can be found in a

“standard normal table”

19 20

Fraction of Observations Under Standard Normal Fraction of Observations Under Standard Normal

More than Z More than Z More than Z More than Z

Within Z SDs SDs above SDs above or Within Z SDs SDs above SDs above or
of the mean the mean below the mean of the mean the mean below the mean

1.0 68.27% 15.87% 31.73% 1.0 68.27% 15.87% 31.73%

2.0 95.45% 2.28% 4.55% 2.0 95.45% 2.28% 4.55%
2.5 98.76% 0.62% 1.24% 2.5 98.76% 0.62% 1.24%
3.0 99.73% 0.13% 0.27% 3.0 99.73% 0.13% 0.27%

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Standard Normal Tables Standard Normal Tables

 Exhibit A1  Exhibit A


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Lecture 3: Statistical Reasoning for Public Health: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

Standard Normal Tables Standard Normal Tables

 Exhibit A  Exhibit B2


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Standard Normal Tables Standard Normal Tables

 Exhibit B  Exhibit B

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Section B: Applying the Principles of the Normal Distribution to

Sample Data to Estimate Characteristics of Population Data

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Lecture 3: Statistical Reasoning for Public Health: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

Learning Objectives The Normal Distribution

 Upon completion of this lecture you will be able to:  The normal distribution is a theoretical probability distribution: no
real data is perfectly described by this distribution
 Create ranges containing a certain percentage of observations
in an (approximately normal) distribution using only an estimate  For example, in a true normal distribution, the tails go onto to
of the mean and standard deviation negative and positive infinity, respectively
 Figure out how far any individual data point is from the mean of
its distribution in standardized units (compute a z-score)
 Convert z-scores to statements about relative
proportions/probabilities for values that have an
(approximately) normal distribution

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The Normal Distribution Example 1

 However, the distributions of some data will be well approximated  Example 1: Blood pressure measurements from a random sample of
by a normal distribution: in such situations we can use the 113 adult men taken from a clinical population
properties of the normal curve to characterize aspects of the data
Estimate of µ: ; Estimate of σ:

33 34

Example 1: Blood Pressure Data Example 1: Blood Pressure Data

 Example 1: Systolic blood pressure (SBP) measurements from a  Example 1: Systolic blood pressure (SBP) measurements from a
random sample of 113 adult men taken from a clinical population random sample of 113 adult men taken from a clinical population

Estimate of µ: ; Estimate of σ: Estimate of µ: ; Estimate of σ:

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Lecture 3: Statistical Reasoning for Public Health: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

Example 1 Example 1

 Using only the sample mean and standard deviation, and assuming  Suppose you want to use the results from this sample of 113 men
normality, let’s estimate the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles SBP in this from a clinic to evaluate individual male patients relative to the
population population of all such patients.

2.5th %ile: = 123.6 –(2×12.9) = 97.8 mmHg For example, suppose a patient in your clinic has a SBP measurement
of 130 mmHg. What proportion of men at the clinic have SBP
measurements greater than this patient?
97.5th %ile: = 123.6 +(2×12.9) = 149.4 mmHg

Based on this sample data, we estimate that most (95%) of the men in
this clinical population have systolic blood pressures between 97.8
and 149.4 mmHg.

(Note: the observed 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of the 113 sample
value are 100.7 mmHg and 151.2 mmHg respectively)

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Example 1 Example 1

 We can use the sample mean and SD, and the assumption of  If we translate this measurement of 130 mmHg to units of standard
normality to estimate this percentage: deviation, we can find out how many standard deviations this
person’s SBP is above the sample mean. To do this:

 Take

 Now the same question can be rephrased as “What percentage of

observations in a normal curve are more than 0.5 SD above it’s

39 40

Example 1 Example 1

 “What percentage of observations in a normal curve are greater  “What percentage of observations in a normal curve are greater
than 0.5 SD above it’s mean?” than 0.5 SD above it’s mean?”

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Lecture 3: Statistical Reasoning for Public Health: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

Example 1 Example 1

 Another way to interpret this is as an (estimated) probability: the  Another way to interpret this is as an (estimated) probability: the
probability that any males in the population has a blood pressure probability that any males in the population has a blood pressure
measurement more than .5 standard deviations above the mean is measurement more than .5 standard deviations above the mean is
.31 or 31% .31 or 31%

 So ultimately, this estimates that 31% of the males in this  So ultimately, this estimates that 31% of the males in this
population have blood pressures greater than 130 mmHg (ie: using population have blood pressures greater than 130 mmHg (ie: using
only the mean and sd, we have estimated the 69th percentile to be only the mean and sd, we have estimated the 69th percentile to be
130 mmHg 130 mmHg

Just for context/comparison: the 70% percentile of the observed

113 values is 130 mmHg

43 44

z-score z-score: parallel example

 The type of computation we did to convert the SBP value of 130 to  You are an American apartment hunting in an unnamed European
the number of SDs above (or below) the sample mean is sometime city. You wish to find an apartment within walking distance (+/- 1.5
called a z-score miles) of the large organic supermarket, which is on Main Boulevard
(E/W). You are only considering apartments on Main Blvd.
 There is nothing special about a z-score; it is simply a measure of
the relative distance (and direction) of a single observation in a The supermarket is 2 km west of the main city square. You are
data distribution relative to the mean of the distribution; this interested in 3 apartments:
distance is converted to units of standard deviation
Apt 1 is 6 km west of the city square
 This is akin to converting kilometers to miles, or dollars to rupees
Apt 2 is .75 km west of the city square

Apt 3 is 1 km east of the city square


z-score: parallel example z-score: parallel example

 Picture  Picture

Supermarke Supermarke
t t


2 km 2 km


Lecture 3: Statistical Reasoning for Public Health: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

z-score: parallel example z-score: parallel example

 How far is APT1 from Supermarket?:  How many miles is 4 km?

“raw distance” = 6- 2 = 4 km well, 1 km ≈ 1.6 miles

t So, 4 km =


2 km


z-score: parallel example z-score

 Distance for each, converted to miles  In some sense, the z-score is the “statistical mile”

Apt 1:  It allows to convert observations from different distributions with

different measurement scales to comparable units

 When dealing with data that follow an (approximately) normal

distribution these z-scores tell us everything we need to know about
Apt 2: the relative positioning of individual observations in the distribution
of all observations

 We can compute z-scores for data arising from any type of

Apt 3: distribution; however, for data from non-normal distributions, and it
will inform us about the relative position
 However, with non-normal data this may not translate into
correct percentile information


Example 2: Weight Data Example 2

 Data on 236 Nepali children one year old at the time of the NNIPS2  Data on 236 Nepali children one year old at the time of the NNIPS2
(Nepal Nutritional Intervention Project-Sarlahi) Study (Nepal Nutritional Intervention Project-Sarlahi) Study

Estimate of µ: ; Estimate of σ: Estimate of µ: ; Estimate of σ:

53 54

Lecture 3: Statistical Reasoning for Public Health: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

Example 2 Example 2

 Using only the sample mean and standard deviation, and assuming  Using only the sample mean and standard deviation, and assuming
normality, let’s estimate a range of weights for most (95%) Nepali normality, let’s estimate a range of weights for most (95%) Nepali
children who were 12 months old children who were 12 months old

2.5th %ile: = 2.5th %ile: = 7.1 –(2×1.2) = 4.7 kg

97.5th %ile: = 7.1 + (2×1.2)= 9.5 kg

97.5th %ile: = Based on this sample data, we estimate that most (95%) of Nepali
children who were 12 months had weights between 4.7 kg and 9.5

(Note: the empirical 2.5th and 97.5th percentile of the 113 sample value
are 4.4 kg and 9.7 kg respectively)

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Example 2 Example 2

 Suppose a mother brings her child to a pediatrician for the 12 check  Suppose a mother brings her child to a pediatrician for the 12 check
up, and wants to evaluate where the child’s weight is relative to the up, and wants to evaluate where the child’s weight is relative to the
population of 12 months olds in Nepal population of 12 months olds in Nepal: Her child is 5 kg

 Her child is 5 kg

How does this child compare in weight to the weight of all 12 month
olds in Nepal?

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Example 2 Example 2

 If we translate this measurement of 5 kg to units of standard  If we translate this measurement of 5 kg to units of standard
deviation, we can find how where this child’s weight compares the deviation, we can find how where this child’s weight compares the
mean of all such children mean of all such children

 Take  Take

 The original question can be asked as “What percentage of

observations in a normal curve are more than 1.75 SDs below it’s

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Lecture 3: Statistical Reasoning for Public Health: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

Example 2 Example 2

 “What percentage of observations in a normal curve are more than  “What percentage of observations in a normal curve are more than
1.75 SDs below it’s mean?” 1.75 SDs below it’s mean?”
(ie, have a z-score < -1.75) (ie, have a z-score < -1.75)

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Example 2 Example 2

 “What percentage of observations in a normal curve are more than  “What percentage of observations in a normal curve are more than
1.75 SDs below it’s mean?” 1.75 SDs below it’s mean?”
(ie, have a z-score < -1.75) (ie, have a z-score < -1.75)

Note: the observed 5th percentile of these 236 measurements is 5


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Example 2 Example 2

 We could answer a broader question about the child who weighed 5  What percentage of weights are farther than 1.75 SDs from the
kg as well: “What percentage of 12 month old Nepali children have mean in either direction (above or below: ie z < -1.75 or z > 1.75,
weights more extreme (unusual) than this child? ” sometimes expressed as |z|>1.75)

 What percentage of weights are farther than 1.75 SDs from the
mean in either direction (above or below: ie z < -1.75 or z >
1.75, sometimes expressed as |z|>1.75)

 Note: the above question can also be phrased “What is the

probability that a 12 month old Nepali child will have a weight
measurement more than 1.75 SD from the mean of all such children
(above or below)?

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Lecture 3: Statistical Reasoning for Public Health: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

Summary Summary

 The normal distribution is a theoretical probability distrbution,  When dealing with samples from populations of (approximately)
which can be completely defined by two characteristics: the mean normally distributed data, the distribution of sample values will also
and standard deviation be approximately normal. We can use the sample mean and
standard deviation estimates, to:
No real world data has a perfect normal distribution; however, some

continuous measures are reasonably approximated by a normal Create ranges containing a certain percentage of observations
distribution or in or in other words:
 Estimate the probability that an observed data point falls within
a certain range of values
 Figure out how far any individual data point is from the mean of
its distribution in standardized unit (compute a z-score)
 Convert z-scores to statements about relative
proportions/probabilities (and hence percentiles) for values
that have an (approximately) normal distribution

67 68

Learning Objectives

 Upon completion of this lecture you will be able to:

 Describe situations in which using only the mean and standard

deviation of a distribution of values to characterize the entire
distribution will not work well
 Realize that z-scores are nothing “special”; z-scores are just a
(standardized) measure of distance
 Understand the z-scores do not necessarily align with the
corresponding percentiles for a normal distribution for data
Section C : What Happens When We Apply the Properties of the that does not follow a normal distribution
Normal Distribution to Data Not Approximately Normal: A Warning  Choose the right approach to estimating ranges for individual
values, and computing percentage greater (or less) than a
specific value using non-normal data distributions

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The Normal Distribution The Normal Distribution

 The normal distribution is a theoretical probability distribution: no  However, the distributions of some data will be well approximated
real data is perfectly described by this distribution by a normal distribution: in such situations we can use the
properties of the normal curve to characterize aspects of the data
 For example, in a true normal distribution, the tails go onto to
negative and positive infinity, respectively
 But: the distributions of much data WILL NOT be well approximated
by a normal distribution: in such situations using the properties of
the normal curve to characterize aspects of the data distribution
will yield invalid results

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Lecture 3: Statistical Reasoning for Public Health: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

Example 1 Example 1

 Example 1: Length of stay claims at Heritage Health with an  Example 1: Length of stay claims at Heritage Health with an
inpatient stay of at least one day in 20111 (12,928 claims) inpatient stay of at least one day in 2011

Estimate of µ: ; Estimate of σ: Estimate of µ: ; Estimate of σ:


73 74

Example 1 Example 1

 Example 1: Length of stay claims at Heritage Health with an  Using only the sample mean and standard deviation, and assuming
inpatient stay of at least one day in 2011 normality, let’s estimate the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles length of
stay of in this population
Estimate of µ: ; Estimate of σ:
2.5th %ile: = 4.3- 2×4.9 = -5.5 days

97.5th %ile: = 4.3 +(2×4.9) = 14.1

Based on this sample data, we estimate that most (95%) of the persons
making claims in this healthcare population had length of stays
between -5.5 and 14.1 days in 2011. (???????)

(Note: the empirical 2.5th and 97.5th percentile of the 12,298 sample
values are 1 day and 20 days respectively)

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Example 1 Example 1

 In this example, using the properties of the normal curve to  Suppose we wish to use these data to estimate the proportion of the
estimate an interval containing the “middle 95%” of length of stay claims population with total length of stay of greater than 5 days.
values for the claims population yields useless results

 Better to take the observed 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of the

sample data and report these as an estimate of the “middle 95%”

“Based on this sample data, we estimate that most (95%) of the

persons making claims in this healthcare population had length of
stays between 1 and 21 days in 2011.”

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Lecture 3: Statistical Reasoning for Public Health: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

Example 1 Example 1

 If we translate this measurement of 5 days to units of standard  If we translate this measurement of 5 days to units of standard
deviation, we can find where 5 days is relative to the sample mean deviation, we can find where 5 days is relative to the sample mean
length of stay. To do this, first find the “z-score”: length of stay. To do this, first find the “z-score”:

 Take  Take

I’ll let you verify that the probability that an of getting an observation
that is greater than 0.14 SD above the mean of a normal distribution
is 0.44 or 44%.

79 80

Example 1 Example 1

 However, if we look at some percentiles of the sample data:  However, if we look at some percentiles of the sample data:

Percentile Value Percentile Value

2.5th 1 day 2.5th 1 day
10th 1 day 10th 1 day
25th 1 day 25th 1 day
50th 2 days 50th 2 days
75th 5 days 75th 5 days
90th 10 days 90th 10 days
97.5th 20 days 97.5th 20 days

81 82

Example 1 Example 1

 To get more clarity, let’s add in the 60th and 70th, and 80th  Based on these analyses, we estimate that approximately 25% of the
percentiles claims had total length of stay greater than 5 days

Percentile Value  This percentage is a lot smaller than the estimate of 44% we got
2.5th 1 day using the mean and standard deviation to compute a z-score
10th 1 day
25th 1 day
50th 2 days
60th 4 days
70th 4 days
75th 5 days
80th 6 days
90th 10 days
97.5th 20 days

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Lecture 3: Statistical Reasoning for Public Health: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

Example 2 Example 2

 Example 2: CD4 counts for a random sample of 1,000 HIV+ positive  Example 2: CD4 counts for a random sample of 1,000 HIV+ positive
patients from a citywide clinical population2 patients from a citywide clinical population

Estimate of µ: ; Estimate of σ: Estimate of µ: ; Estimate of σ:


85 86

Example 2 Example 2

 Example 2: CD4 counts for a random sample of 1,000 HIV+ positive  Using only the sample mean and standard deviation, and assuming
patients from a citywide clinical population normality, let’s estimate the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of CD4
counts in this population
Estimate of µ: ; Estimate of σ:
2.5th %ile: = 280- (2×198) = -116 cells/mm3

97.5th %ile: = 280 +(2×198) = 676 cells/mm3

Based on this sample data, we estimate that most (95%) of population

of HIV+ persons had CD4 counts between -116 and 676 cells/mm3.

(Note: the empirical 2.5th and 97.5th percentile of the 12,298 sample
value are 11 and 722 cells/mm3 respectively)

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Example 2 Example 2

 Historically, guidelines about when to start Anti-retroviral therapy  If we translate 350 cells/mm3 to units of standard deviation, we can
(ART) have changed as a function of CD4 count (and have varied by find where this value is relative to the sample mean CD4 count. To
country) do this, first find the “z-score”:

 At one point, it was recommended that ART be initiated for those  Take
with CD4 counts < 350 cells/mm3

 Based on our sample of 1,000 let’s estimate the proportion of HIV+

subjects in the population with CD4 count < 350 cells/mm3

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Lecture 3: Statistical Reasoning for Public Health: Estimation, Inference, & Interpretation

Example 2 Example 2

 If we translate 350 cells/mm3 to units of standard deviation, we can  If we examine the empirical percentiles of the CD4 data, 350
find where this value is relative to the sample mean CD4 count. To corresponds to the 70th percentile. So if we used the properties of
do this, first find the “z-score”: the normal distribution with these data, we would underestimate
the proportion of persons qualifying for ART (using the cutoff of 350)
by roughly 6%.
 Take

I’ll let you verify that the proportion of observations that are less than
0.35 standard deviation (z < 0.35) in a normal curve is
approximately 0.64 or 64%.

91 92


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