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Measures to Increase Construction Productivity in Japan

General Management
Besides total productivity concept, Japanese contractors also consider total quality management in
planning and executing construction work. When work is of high quality and done right the first
time, time and cost are not wasted on reworks and the productivity increases.

Construction programming
One of the big-5 construction firms in Japan, Obayashi Corporation, adopts a construction
production system known as the Obayashi Strategic Integrated Construction System (O-SICS) to help
in increasing productivity. Compared to the traditional construction process, this system commences
with planning and programming as its first activity. Productivity issues are addressed at this first
stage, and not wait until construction work commences on site. Instead of sketch design and
detailed design, O-SICS second stage which is the design stage is dominated by construction planning
and production design. As discrepancy in drawings affects productivity, a Co-ordination Drawing
Department is also set up. The system emphasises on prefabrication and thus production design and
parts manufacture are important aspects of the third stage. Unlike traditional system where site
works comprise construction planning and execution, O-SICS converts the site into an assembly
plant, assembling the parts that have been manufactured off site. O-SICS is able to shorten
construction period and total project time, as well as reduce the amount of work to be carried out
on site.

Unlike the situation in Singapore, almost all workmen in the construction sites are Japanese. They
are properly trained in vocational schools to acquire the necessary skills before they start work on
site. Many of these workmen are multi-skilled when they start their jobs on site. The Japanese
adopts a system whereby each tradesman take charge of whole units or identifiable areas of work.
For example, a carpenter may be in charge of all the timber works within an apartment designated
to him. This arrangement has two advantages. Firstly, the speed of work is easily measured and
compared with other workmen. Each workmen tries to work as fast as possible, this increasing
productivity. Secondly, the quality of work within a unit is attributable to a specific workman. This
gives him the incentive to produce high quality work, at high speed. Japanese are also well known
for not job-hopping and staying with a firm until their retirement. The absence of job-hopping means
that employers do not waste time and effort training a worker, to have him leave when he becomes
productive. On the part of workers, because they know that they are going to be with the firm for a
long time, they are more committed and work hard to achieve high productivity.

Site management
Japanese construction sites generally adopt very high safety standards. This ensures that time is not
wasted in site accidents or from stop-work orders issued by government authorities. All external
walls of projects under construction are wrapped up with netting to keep out dust. Overhead
platforms are provided to catch falling objects. All openings are barricaded or covered up. Pre-
recorded classical music is played to indicate that passenger hoists are in operation.
In terms of housekeeping, debris is not allowed to accumulate on site. Sites are neat and clean so
that the movements of workers and transportation of materials are not hampered. For construction
of high rise buildings, contractors provide temporary urinals at every floor so that workers need not
waste time going down to a centralised toilet location. These measures taken on site ensure high
construction productivity.

One of the ways to ensure high productivity is to maintain very good relationships with
subcontractors. With good relationships, the main contractors are able to influence subcontractors
on their quality of work. As workmen employed by subcontractors directly affect productivity, main
contractors find ways to increase these workmen’s morale. One of the ways is to award scholarships
to young and promising staff of subcontractors to further their studies overseas, usually in United
States. The main contractors gain in having subcontractor’s workmen with high morale and hence
higher motivation to work, leading to higher productivity. At the same time, the main contractors
establish network with these overseas scholars.

Procurement system
In japan, design-and-build procurement system is commonly used, and the proportion is about 45%
in large projects. Design-and-build projects have high productivity because contractors are involved
in the design stage and are able to incorporate buildable features into the designs.

Technology and automation

Automated Building Construction System (ABCS)
Obayashi Corporation has developed ABCS for multi-storey steel structures. This system integrates
both the hardware and software technology to reinvent the construction process. It is based on the
concept of integrating factory automation into the building site. ABCS is a self-elevating, all weather
Super Construction Factory (SCF), which allows a smooth construction process with a considerable
reduction in labour cost and an increase in the speed of construction. This move towards
robotisation and automation of the building site will ensure a great improvement in the productivity
as compared to the traditional method of construction. ABCS is a key element of the Obayashi
Strategic Integrated Construction System (O-SICS) which encompasses the entire construction
process, from planning and design through construction and finally, the maintenance of the
completed building.

Computerised control is the heart of this automated system. ABCS is controlled by two systems: the
flow control system and the equipment control system. Each has independent functions and works
on a different set of data. In the flow control system, it controls the material shipment and the
movement of material from storage to the work site according to the daily work schedule. The
identification of these materials is provided by bar coding and this ensures that the right material is
delivered to the right location at the right time. Site manager uses this system to monitor the
construction progress at the site. In addition, the information obtained from this system will assist
the manager to make decision, such as whether to proceed as scheduled or to make any changes.
The equipment control system keeps track of the operation of equipment (eg. crane), in real time.
Planning of the construction process can be done entirely by computers. Automation not only
ensures the construction site is a safer workplace but the work is more precise and efficient. The
construction process using the ABCS is as shown.

The delivery device bring components such as column, beam, floors panel, curtain wall and interior
finishes, in its proper order to the level under construction. An overhead crane in the SCF transfers
the component from the delivery device to its precise location on the floor. Robots are used to weld
the joints of the columns and beams. When the SCF completes one floor, a built-in climbing system
enables it to go up one storey to begin work on the next floor. This entire process is then repeated.

This system offers the following advantages:

a. Faster speed construction

The SCF, which is fully enclosed, allows a smooth construction process regardless of
weather. A great deal of time-saving can be achieved.
b. Lower labour cost
The automated system requires less skilled workers who are short in supply. Lower labour
cost and a shorter construction time are achieved.
c. Better and more consistent quality
The computerised system assures quality construction. Prefabricated components and
automated assembly improve precision and quality of the final product
d. Lesser impact on the environment
Since all construction work is done within the SCF, noise transmission to the external
environment is kept to the minimal. This will improve the image of the construction

Big Canopy
Obayashi Corporation has developed this Big Canopy Automation System for high-rise reinforced
concrete building. This system integrates the leading technologies such as the climbing canopy,
prefabricated components, automated assembly and computerised management for materials.

Climbing canopy

The canopy covers the whole work place. This is to protect the workers from severe weather and
provide a comfortable and safe environment. Four tower crane posts which are used as columns
support the canopy. This canopy

Prefabrication and unification

Prefabrication of construction components ensures minimal site work except for the assembly work
which can be carried out by multi-skilled workers. The unified construction component results in
simple work procedures and efficient erection. All these lead to an increase in productivity.

Parallel delivery system

This system consists of a high-speed construction lift and three hoist cranes to deliver material for
assembly. Material from the ground floor is raise to the working floor by the lift and transferred to
the hoist on the delivery girder. The hoist is moved from the delivery girder to another girder to
transport materials to other parts of the floor. The control of this system is fully automated to
improve work efficiency.

Material management system

This is a computer-based system which manages all the prefabricated and unified components. The
system is capable of planning the delivery of material to the final placement. In addition, this
material management database links with the shop drawing CAD which reduces the labour
workload. The unification of the component is made possible with the introduction of a bar code
attached to each component at the factory.

The advantages of this system are very similar to the ABCS.

Shimizu Manufacturing System by Advanced Robotics Technology (SMART)

Shimizu Corporation has developed the SMART system to meet the demand for a safer and more
pleasant working environment at the construction site. This is a drastic change from the
conventional method and image of the construction site with the implementation of this computer
integrated automated construction system for high-rise steel-frame buildings. Shimizu has
established a computer integrated construction (CIC) and applied it to this SMART system. This
advanced computer technology is not only applied to the operation and control of the equipment
but also used for overall site management. The system controls each construction process and all
construction activities and assures efficiency, reliability safety and increases productivity.

All-weather working environment

The main features of the SMART system are, namely, the all-weather working environment by using
sheets to protect the construction site from severe weather.

Control room

This is like a nerve centre where all equipment such as the lift-up system and material transportation
system are controlled by computers. The motion of each equipment is displayed in real-time on
computer monitor screens.

Lift-up system

This system consists of four posts which served as columns to support the operating platform. When
one floor is completed, the lift-up system raises the entire operating platform by another floor
height smoothly at a rate of about 90min/floor.

Material transportation system

Materials are hung from the hoist, which then moves vertically and transfer them smoothly to an
overhead travelling crane, and conveyed directly to the installation position by the crane.

Prefabrication system

Structural frames, curtain walling, finishing materials and HVAC equipment are prefabricated. These
components are assembled automatically by the Material Transportation System. The erection of all
the steel columns and beams are fully automated and welding of these sections is done by welding
robots. This will help to reduce the construction time and eliminate construction waste which leads
to increased productivity.

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