UNIT 10 - Cause Effect (Liora Taya)

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J0404221056 (B1) CAUSE-EFFECTS

Learning Objectives:
1. Students will be able to identify and understand cause-and-effect relationships
in texts related to technology, internet, and computers.
2. Students will practice using language structures to describe causes and effects,
and engage in speaking activities.

1. Warm-up Discussion

How does technology impact our lives today?

What comes to your mind when you see this picture?

o Why is it possibly
o How does it affect you?

2. Identifying Cause and Effect

Cause: Something that makes something else happen.

Effect: The result or outcome of a cause.

For example: "Because of the slow internet connection, the video kept buffering."

The cause (slow internet connection)

The effect (video kept buffering).

3. Language Focus Practices
A. Fill in the blanks using either CAUSE or EFFECT to complete the sentences.

1. The cause of the data breach was a weak password.

2. Because of the email attachment, the _________ of a virus infection occurred.
3. The _________ of the slow internet connection was heavy network congestion.
4. Because of the power outage, the _________ of data loss on the unbacked-up
computer took place.
5. Due to the outdated antivirus software, the _________ of a malware attack
became a reality.
6. The _________ of the network congestion was the sudden influx of online
7. As a consequence of the hardware failure, the _________ of the server crash
8. The _________ of the system crash was a critical coding error.
9. Due to the strong encryption, the _________ of secure online transactions was
10. Because of the firewall configuration, the _________ of a cyberattack was

B. Try to identify the cause and effect in each sentence and rewrite them.

1. Because the software was outdated, the computer crashed during the update
Because the software was outdated.
Cause: __________________________________________________________
The computer crashed during the update process.
Effect: __________________________________________________________

2. Due to a weak Wi-Fi signal, the online game lagged, causing a frustrating
gaming experience.
Due to a weak Wi-Fi signal.
Cause: __________________________________________________________
The online game lagged, causing a frustrating gaming experience.
Effect: __________________________________________________________

3. Since the firewall was not properly configured, the network was vulnerable to
Since the firewall was not properly configured.
Cause: __________________________________________________________
The network was vulnerable to cyberattacks.
Effect: __________________________________________________________

4. As a result of the data breach, sensitive customer information was exposed.

As a result of the data breach.
Cause: __________________________________________________________
Sensitive customer information was exposed.
Effect: __________________________________________________________

5. Because of the hardware failure, the server went offline and disrupted access
to the company's website.
Because of the hardware failure.
Cause: __________________________________________________________
The server went offline and disrupted access to the company's website.
Effect: __________________________________________________________

6. Due to a coding error, the mobile app frequently froze on users' devices,
resulting in negative reviews.

Due to a coding error.

Cause: __________________________________________________________
The mobile app frequently froze on users' devices, resulting in negative reviews.
Effect: __________________________________________________________

7. As a consequence of the power outage, all unsaved work on the computers

was lost.
As a consequence of the power outage.
Cause: __________________________________________________________
All unsaved work on the computers was lost.
Effect: __________________________________________________________

8. Because the computer's storage was full, it couldn't save the large video file.

Because the computer's storage was full.

Cause: __________________________________________________________
It couldn't save the large video file.
Effect: __________________________________________________________

9. Since the user forgot their password, they were locked out of their email
Since the user forgot their password.
Cause: __________________________________________________________
They were locked out of their email account.
Effect: __________________________________________________________

4. Creating Cause-and-Effect Statements

1. Students work in pairs or small groups.

2. Each group can choose at least one technology-related scenario.
3. Each group comes up with at least two causes and two effects related to the

For example: A person's smartphone battery dies

during an important online meeting.

Then discuss the possible causes for the situation

(e.g., "forgot to charge the phone," "too many apps
running") and the effects (e.g., "missed important
information," "couldn't participate effectively").

4. Each group shares their scenarios and sentences with the class.

1. A student's computer crashed during an online exam.
2. A user's email account was hacked, and sensitive information was accessed.
3. An individual's computer was infected with malware after clicking on a
suspicious email link.
4. A student's online coursework was disrupted by a sudden power outage.

Situation (illustration) Cause

1. Situation (Illustration): A student's computer crashed during an online exam.
- Cause: Due to outdated system software or insufficient hardware capabilities.
- Effect: The student was unable to complete the online exam, potentially affecting their academic

2. Situation (Illustration): A user's email account was hacked, and sensitive information was accessed.
- Cause: Weak password or falling victim to a phishing attempt. Effect
- Effect: Unauthorized access to the email account led to the compromise of sensitive information, risking
privacy and security.

3. Situation (Illustration): An individual's computer was infected with malware after clicking on a suspicious
email link.
- Cause: Clicking on a link in a phishing email or visiting a compromised website.
- Effect: The computer became infected with malware, potentially leading to data loss, system malfunctions,
or unauthorized access.

4. Situation (Illustration): A student's online coursework was disrupted by a sudden power outage.
- Cause: Unplanned power outage in the area or a technical issue with the student's local power supply.
103hindering progress and potentially causing
- Effect: The student lost access to online coursework,
inconvenience in meeting deadlines.
5. Language Expressions for Cause and Effect:

Cause Expressions:

Because of + [noun/noun phrase]: Because of the slow internet connection...

Due to + [noun/noun phrase]: Due to the outdated software...
Owing to + [noun/noun phrase]: Owing to a power outage...
As a result of + [noun/noun phrase]: As a result of the network congestion...

Effect Expressions:

The result was + [noun/noun phrase]: The result was a system crash.
This led to + [noun/noun phrase]: This led to data loss.
Resulted in + [noun/noun phrase]: The updates resulted in a significant improvement...
Triggered + [noun/noun phrase]: It triggered a system reboot...
Consequently / as a consequence: Consequently, the website became inaccessible.
Therefore / hence / so / thus: The system malfunctioned; therefore, the
presentation was delayed.

6. Language Expression Practice

Owing to Leading to (2x) As a result of Due to

thus Resulting in (2x) trigger Because of (2x)

Because of a critical coding error, the software crashed, ___________

1. ___________ Resulting in

data loss.

2. A strong firewall configuration can prevent unauthorized access to a network,

___________ minimizing the risk of a cyberattack.

3. ___________
Due to the outdated antivirus software, the computer's security was
Leading to
compromised, ___________ a severe malware infection.

4. Phishing emails attempt to trick individuals into revealing sensitive

Resulting in a security breach.
information, which can ___________

5. Authentication methods such as biometrics are implemented to verify the
Leading to enhanced system security.
identity of users, ___________
Owing to the intrusion detection system (IDS), the company was able to
6. ___________

detect and respond to cyberattacks swiftly.

Resulting in
7. The company's decision to invest in encryption technology is ___________

the need to protect sensitive data and reduce the risk of data breaches.
As a result of a vulnerability in the network configuration, unauthorized
8. ___________
access was gained, ___________ a cybersecurity incident.

7. Creating Cause-Effect Texts Using the Language Expressions

1. Think about common issues people face with their smartphones. Write a
sentence that explains the cause and effect of one of these issues.
Due to prolonged exposure to moisture, the smartphone's internal components
corroded, resulting in malfunction and reduced performance.
2. Consider the scenario of a computer virus infection. Write a sentence that
describes both the cause and effect of the virus infection.
Triggered by the download of an infected file, the computer virus spread rapidly,
causing system crashes and compromising sensitive data.
3. Imagine a scenario where a website experiences a sudden increase in traffic.
Write a sentence explaining why this increase happened and what effect it
had on the website.
Owing to a viral social media post, the website experienced a sudden increase in
traffic, overwhelming its servers and leading to temporary downtime.
4. Think about the consequences of using weak passwords. Write a sentence
that outlines the cause and effect of using a weak password.
Because of using a weak password, the user's online accounts became vulnerable to unauthorized
access, resulting in potential data breaches and compromised personal information.

8. Vocabulary Building: Cybersecurity

A. Match the vocabulary with the correct definitions.

Vocabulary Definition

1. Patch A. Security system that monitors and controls incoming and

outgoing traffic.
2. Antivirus B. Software or hardware that detects unauthorized access.

3. Encryption C. The process of verifying the identity of a user or system.

4. Cyberattack D. Software update designed to fix security vulnerabilities.

5. Firewall E. Weakness or flaw in a system that can be exploited.

6. Authentication F. The process of converting data into a secure code to protect it.

7. Intrusion Detection G. Software designed to detect and remove malware

System (IDS)
8. Malware H. Deliberate exploitation of computer systems or networks.

9. Phishing I. Malicious software, including viruses, worms, and ransomware

10. Vulnerability J. Deceptive attempts to trick individuals into revealing sensitive


1. D 5. C
2. G 6. B
3. F 7. I
4. H 8. J
5. A 9. E

B. Vocabulary Practice: Fill in the Blanks with the appropriate Cybersecurity

Vocabulary Term.

Cyberattack Malware Firewall Patch Authentication

Phishing Antivirus Training Vulnerabilities Intrusion Detection
System (IDS)

1. The company's IT department regularly updates its software to address
_______________ and keep the systems secure.
2. Employees were warned about a potential _______________ attempt via

email, instructing them not to share sensitive information.

3. To protect sensitive customer data, the company uses strong

Authentication methods to verify user identities.
Intrusion Detection
System (IDS)
4. The company invested in an advanced _______________ to monitor network

traffic and detect any unauthorized access.

5. A recent _______________ on the organization's servers led to a data breach,

resulting in the exposure of confidential information.

6. The IT team quickly applied a _______________ to the server software to close

a known vulnerability.
7. The rise in sophisticated _______________ has made it crucial for businesses

to prioritize cybersecurity measures.

8. The company's _______________ software scanned all incoming emails for

potential threats and removed malicious attachments.

9. Users were educated about the dangers of opening suspicious emails in a

cybersecurity _______________ session.
10. A well-configured _______________ can prevent unauthorized access to a

network while allowing legitimate traffic.

9. Speaking Practice
Discuss the potential causes and effects that describe these illustrations using
appropriate vocabulary and sentence structures.

A Phishing Attempt
Potential Causes: Phishing attempts often arise
from deceptive emails, disguised as trustworthy
sources, intending to trick individuals into
revealing sensitive information such as
passwords or financial details.

Effects: The aftermath includes compromised

personal or organizational data, potential
identity theft, and unauthorized access to
accounts or systems.

A Hacker Attempting to Breach Cybersecurity

Potential Causes: Sophisticated hackers
employ various techniques, such as exploiting
vulnerabilities in software or employing social
engineering tactics, to infiltrate secure networks
and systems.

Effects: The consequences encompass data

breaches, compromised confidentiality,
financial losses, and potential disruption of
critical services.

A Computer Virus Infecting a System

Potential Causes: Computer viruses often
result from downloading infected files, visiting
compromised websites, or using infected
external devices, spreading malicious code
across a system.

Effects: The infected system may experience

data corruption, loss of functionality,
unauthorized access, and potential damage to
hardware or software components.

10. Speaking Practice: Tech Troubleshooting Role-Play

Choose one of the scenarios and plan an act-out performance using the scenario.

1. Scenario: Co-workers discussing a recent cyberattack on their company's network.

Student Roles:
a. One student plays the role of a concerned employee,
b. The other(s) play IT security experts.

Prompt: Create a dialogue where the concerned employee explains the effects of
the cyberattack on their work, and the IT experts discuss the possible causes and

2. Scenario: Students preparing for an important online presentation.

Student Roles:
a. One student plays the role of a student who didn't back up their work and lost it.
b. The other(s) are students who successfully prepared for the presentation.

Prompt: Create a dialogue where they discuss the causes and effects of their
different approaches to preparing for the presentation.

11. Prompt for Individual Activity:

Write monologues about the consequences of excessive social media use and the
causes behind it:

1. A college student reflecting on the negative impact of excessive social

media use on their academic performance.

Prompt: Write a monologue where the student discusses how spending too much time
on social media has led to procrastination, decreased focus, and falling grades. Reflect
on the underlying causes, such as stress or a desire for social connection.

2. A college student realizing the negative consequences of excessive

social media use on mental health.

Prompt: Write a monologue where the student reflects on how spending hours on
social media has contributed to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and low self-esteem.
Dive into the causes, such as peer pressure or a need for social validation.

12. Tech Trends Discussion:

Think about a current technology trend or
innovation to research.
Discuss the causes behind the trend's
emergence and predict its potential effects on
society, industries, or daily life.


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