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УДК [811.111:37.016](076.

ББК 81.2Англ-922

Серія «Easy Grammar»

Р е ц е н з е н т:
О. С. Любченко, вчитель англійської мови Харківської спеціалізованої школи № 162,
вчитель вищої категорії, вчитель-методист

Павліченко О. М.
П12  Англійська мова. 9 клас : зошит з граматики / О. М. Павліченко. — Х. : Вид-во «Ранок»,
2017. — 48 с. : іл. — (Серія «Easy Grammar».)
ISBN 978-617-09-3225-9
Зошит з граматики містить різноманітні цікаві завдання і призначений для більш де-
тального опрацювання учнями навчального матеріалу на уроках і вдома. Відповідає чинній
програмі з іноземних мов, затвердженій Міністерством освіти і науки України.
Для учнів 9-х класів загальноосвітніх шкіл і вчителів англійської мови.
УДК [811.111:37.016](076.5)
ББК 81.2Англ-922

Разом дбаємо
про екологію та здоров’я
© О. М. Павліченко, 2017
© М. А. Назаренко, іл., 2017
ISBN 978-617-09-3225-9 © ТОВ Видавництво «Ранок», 2017
Навчальне видання И442013УА. Підписано до друку 27.01.2017.
Павліченко Оксана Михайлівна Формат 70×90/16. Папір офсетний.
Гарнітура Міньйон. Друк офсетний.
Ум. друк. арк. 3,5.
Серія «Easy Grammar» ТОВ Видавництво «Ранок».
Англійська мова. 9 клас Свідоцтво ДК № 5215 від 22.09.2016.
Зошит з граматики 61071 Харків, вул. Кібальчича, 27, к. 135.
Для листів: 61145 Харків, вул. Космічна, 21а
Редактор С. А. Зіміна E-mail:
Технічний редактор С. Я. Захарченко Тел. (057) 701-11-22, 719-48-65,
Художник М. А. Назаренко тел./факс (057) 719-58-67.
Коректор О. Є. Шишацький
З питань реалізації звертатися за тел.: Житомирі – (0412) 41-27-95, 44-81-82;
у Харкові – (057) 727-70-80, 727-70-77; Львові – (032) 244-14-36;
Києві – (044) 599-14-53, 377-73-23; Миколаєві й Одесі – (048) 737-46-54;
Білій Церкві – (04563) 3-38-90; Черкасах – (0472) 51-22-51, 36-72-14;
Вінниці – (0432) 55-61-10,27-70-08; Чернігові – (0462) 62-27-43.
Дніпрі – (056) 785-01-74, 789-06-24; E-mail:
«Книга поштою»: 61051 Харків, вул. Котельниківська, 5
Тел. (057) 727-70-90, (067) 546-53-73.

Папір, на якому надрукована ця книга,

безпечний для здоров’я з оптимальною білизною, вибілювався

та повністю рекомендованою без застосування
переробляється офтальмологами хлору

Разом дбаємо про екологію та здоров’я

Любий друже!

Опанування іноземними мовами стає обов’язковим у сучасному

житті, завдяки цьому ти маєш можливість розширювати свій світо-
гляд, знаходити нових друзів, спілкуватися без кордонів, досягати
нових вершин пізнання. Вивчення будь-якої іноземної мови немож-
ливе без граматики. Знання основних граматичних правил потрібне,
щоб правильно висловити свою думку, зрозуміти співрозмовника.
Наш зошит покликаний допомогти тобі у вирішенні цього питан-
ня. Кожний розділ починається з граматичних правил. Після них
подаються тренувальні вправи, які містять багато малюнків,— це
зробить виконання завдань для тебе значно цікавішим. Весь мате-
ріал посібника розподілений за двома рівнями — А та В, у кінці
зошита подані узагальнюючі вправи, виконуючи які ти зможеш
перевірити себе.
Сподіваюся, що навчання за цим зошитом буде цікавим і допо-
може тобі збагатити свої знання.

The Past Tense Forms

Level A

The Past Simple Tense The Past Continuous Tense

I/You/He/She/It/We/They + V2 (Ved). I/He/She/It + was (not) + Ving.
I/You/He/She/It/We/They + didn’t + V. We/You/They + were (not) + Ving.
Did + I/you/he/she/it/we/they + V? Was + I/he/she/it + Ving?
Were + we/you/they + Ving?
The Past Perfect Tense
I/You/He/She/It/We/They + had + V3 (Ved).
I/You/He/She/It/We/They + hadn’t +V3 (Ved).
Had + I/you/he/she/it/we/they + V3 (Ved)?

 Circle the correct item.

1) Pam ... on the phone when somebody knocked at the door.
a) spoke b) was speaking c) had spoken
2) Eddie ... the dog before we came home.
a) walked b) was walking c) had walked
3) They ... to our town three years ago.
a) moved b) were moving c) had moved
4) Mrs White was angry because her daughter ... her on time.
a) didn’t phone b) wasn’t phoning c) hadn’t phoned
5) You were peeling potatoes while I ... cheese.
a) sliced b) was slicing c) had sliced
6) Jessica ... her bag and left the room.
a) took b) was taking c) had taken
7) David had packed his suitcase before the taxi... .
a) arrived b) was arriving c) had arrived 6

 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, the Past Continuous or the Past
Perfect Tense.
Amanda and Monica were doing (1) (to do) the shopping when they         (2)

(to meet) their old friend Susan. The girls           (3)
(to agree)
that they           (4)
(not to see) each other for a long time
and           (5)
(to decide) to go to some café for a talk.
They           (6)
(to order) coffee and ice cream and           (7)

(to start) to tell their news. Susan           (8)

(to graduate) from
university and now she           (9)
(to work) for a big and well-known
corporation. Amanda           (10)
(to get) married a few years before and
now she           (11)
(to have) a baby. Monica           (12)

(still to study). In her childhood she           (13)

(to decide) to
become a doctor and now she           (14)
(to prepare) for her last
exam. Monica           (15)
(already to pass) three exams successfully
and           (16)
(to be) happy about it. The girls           (17)

(to exchange) their phone numbers and           (18)

(to promise) to be in
touch with each other. They           (19)
(to have) a wonderful time that day. 18
 Translate into English.
1) Коли вона поспішала до лікарні, вона пригадала, що залишила вдома
деякі важливі документи. When she was hurrying to the hospital, she
remembered that she had left some important documents at home.
2) Том вечеряв удома, коли зателефонував його партнер і сказав, що ще не
отримав його електронний лист. 

3) Куди він ішов, коли ви його зустріли? 

4) Я ще не дочитав статтю, коли Джейн попросила повернути їй журнал.

Твій загальний результат ___ /27

The Past Perfect

Continuous Tense
Level B

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to describe an action which

was taking place for some time in the past and finished before another
action or a stated time in the past.
I/You/He/She/It/We/They + had been + Ving.
I/You/He/She/It/We/They + hadn’t been + Ving.
Had + I/you/he/she/it/we/they + been + Ving?
Time adverbs: for, since, before, until, how long, by the time.
We had been playing for an hour before the rain started.
We hadn’t been playing for an hour before the rain started.
Had we been playing for an hour before the rain started? — Yes,
we had./No, we hadn’t.
How long had we been playing before the rain started?

 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect Continu-
ous Tense.

1 2 3

4 5 6

1) Нe had been sleeping (to sleep) for nine hours before his mother woke him up.
2) They                  (to wait) for half an hour when
the taxi arrived.
3) Paul                    (to watch) TV for two hours when
his mother came home.
4) He             (to drive) all day before he reached
5) They                    (to fish) for three hours before they
caught a fish.
6) Kate                    (to learn) French for six years
before she went to Paris. 5
 When the boss came to the office yesterday, he wanted to know what the staff
had been doing. Use the information from the table to ask and answer the
questions as in the example.

David Sue and Pam Bob Molly

Do crosswords/ Drink tea/ Play a computer Talk on the
50 minutes 40 minutes game/1 hour phone/30 minutes

1) David/play a computer game?

Had David been playing a computer game? — No, he hadn’t. He had
been doing crosswords for 50 minutes. 
2) Sue and Pam/discuss a new film?

3) Bob/play a computer game?

4) Molly/drink tea?

Твій загальний результат ___ / 8

The Past Perfect or the Past

Perfect Continuous Tense?
Level B

The Past Perfect Tense The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

The Past Perfect is used: The Past Perfect Continuous is used:
1) For complete past actions 1) To describe actions which were tak­
which had a visible result ing place for some time in the past
in the past. and finished before another action
She was wet because she had or a stated time in the past.
left her umbrella at home. They had been driving for two hours
when they saw the town.
2) F or past actions which hap­
pened before another action 2) F or actions which were taking place
or a stated time in the past. for some time in the past and whose
We had heard the news before result was visible in the past.
Fiona called us. He was tired because he had been
He had returned home by working all day.
6 o’clock yesterday.

 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

1 2 3

4 5 6

1) Ann had cleaned (to clean) the room by 3 o’clock yesterday.

2) Ann                 (to clean) the room for two hours
when her mother came home.
3) The children                 (to make) a snowman for
an hour by 5 o’clock yesterday.
 he children                 (to make) a snowman by
4) T
6 o’clock yesterday.
5) Lizzy                 (to read) the book for two hours
when the telephone rang.
 izzy                (to read) the book by the time the
6) L
telephone rang. 5

 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
1) — Did you write the report yesterday, Vicky? — No, I didn’t. I had been
writing (to write) for more than an hour when the lights went out.

2) — Your brother looked very happy yesterday.— Yes, he 

(to win) his first swimming competition. He 
(to train) for three years before he managed to gain a victory.

3) — Did you see Sally yesterday? — Yes, I did. Sally 

(to paint) in the park all day long. She finally 
(to finish) her picture by 6 o’clock yesterday.

4) — When I met your brother yesterday I understood that he 

       (to change) a lot.— Yes, he  (to travel)
for two years and he  (to learn) a lot of new

5) — Did you enjoy the party yesterday, Bill? — No, I didn’t. I 

     (to wait) for the bus for half an hour before it arrived. When I came
to the party, the guests  (already to eat) all
the cake. I was very upset! 9
Твій загальний результат ___ /14

The Future Simple Tense

or to Be Going to?
Level A

The Future Simple Tense To Be Going to

The Future Simple Tense is used: To be going to is used:
1) To express decisions taken at the mo­ 1) To express our intentions
ment of speaking. and plans.
I’m cold. I’ll put on my sweater. Now that we have bought
a car we’re going to travel
2) To express things we aren’t sure about or
around the country.
haven’t decided to do yet, hopes, fears, of­
fers, promises, warnings, predictions, espe­ 2) To express things we are sure
cially with the words: to think, to hope, to about or we have decided to
believe, probably, I’m afraid, I’m sure, etc. do in the near future.
I hope they will get She is going to make
to the railway station in time. a cake for you tomorrow.
3) To express actions and facts which we 3) To express things which will
cannot control and which will take place definitely happen in the fu­
in the future. ture according to the situ­
It will be Tuesday tomorrow. ation we observe.
Look at that boy! He is
To make the Future Simple we use will + V1.
going to fall from his bike!
For questions expressing suggestions and
offers we use shall + I/we.
Shall I wait for you?
Shall we have a cup of coffee?

 Circle the correct item.

1) I’m afraid we won’t / aren’t going to buy tickets for the concert.
2) Watch out! The car will / is going to crash into the tree!
3) Shall / Will you help me with the cooking?
4) I think the weather will / is going to be perfect for sailing tomorrow.
5) Shall / Will I take your bag? It is very heavy.
6) It will / is going to be Christmas in a week. 5

 Look at the page of Albert’s diary and complete the dialogue using will or to
be going to.

Tomorrow: to make the project on Geography (+)

Monday: to help Dan to repair the bike (probably)
Tuesday: to visit cousins (+)
Wednesday: to meet aunt at the railway (+)
Thursday: to go to the cinema (perhaps)
Friday: to clean the flat (+)
Saturday: ?

— Hi, Albert! Shall we go on a ride today? The weather is so nice!

— Sorry, John, I can’t. I’ve promised my mum to go shopping with her.
— Let’s go tomorrow then. It’s Sunday tomorrow and we have no homework
to do.
— Not tomorrow, John. I’m going to make the project on Geography (1)
It has to be ready by Monday.
— OK. Can you go riding on Monday?
— I’m not sure yet, but  (2)

— Well, and what about Tuesday?

— No, not Tuesday.  (3)

— It seems to me you’re really busy all the week, Albert. But I hope you’ll join us
on Wednesday.
— Sorry, but  (4)

— Are you free on Thursday, Albert?

— Well,  (5)

— And what are you going to do on Friday?

— (6)

— And of course on Saturday you’re busy, too!

— No, John. I have no plans for Saturday. I think  (7)

— OK, I’ll phone you on Saturday morning, Albert! 6

Твій загальний результат ___ /11

The Future Tense

Level B

The Future Continuous Tense is used to express actions in progress at a stated

time in future.
I/You/He/She/It/We/They + will be + Ving.
I/You/He/She/It/We/They + won’t be + Ving.
Will + I/you/he/she/it/we/they + be + Ving?
They will be flying to Rome at 5 o’clock tomorrow.
To express future actions we also use:
1) The Present Simple Tense when we speak about timetables or programmes.
The bus departs at 7 p.m. tomorrow.
The show starts at 8 p.m. next Friday.
2) The Present Continuous Tense when we speak about fixed arrangements in
the near future.
Dolly is meeting her classmates in two days.
We are having a conference next Tuesday.

 Make up sentences from the following words using the Future Continuous, the
Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.
1) We/go/to the seaside/in three days.
We are going to the seaside in three days. 
2) The train/leave/at 8 a.m./tomorrow.

3) Linda/sunbathe/at this time/next morning.

4) What time/the play/start/tomorrow?

5) They/discuss/the experiment/at 5 p.m. next Tuesday.

6) Where/we/go/for dinner/in the evening?

 Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple, the Future Continuous, the
Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense or use to be going to.
1) Rita has switched on her computer. She is going to read (to read) e-mail
letters. 2) I promise that we              (to invite) the
Petersons to our place next week. 3) They              (to drive)
towards Liverpool at this time tomorrow. 4) Do you see the lightning?
It              (to rain) heavily. 5) Don’t forget to meet
granny. The bus              (to arrive) at 4 o’clock
tomorrow. 6) Listen! She             . (to sing) her new song.
7) Frank              (to be) fifteen next month. 8) I think
I                (to have) one more piece of cake.
9) He              (to work) in the laboratory at 3 o’clock on
Wednesday. 10) The Stuarts              (to fly) to New York
in a week. They have already bought the tickets. 9
 Translate into English.
1) Це її улюблена сукня. Я думаю, вона надягне її на вечірку завтра.
This is her favourite dress. I think she will put it on to the party
2) Завтра діти йдуть до музею природи. Вчитель уже сказав їм про це.

3) Київський поїзд відходить завтра о шостій годині.

4) У цей час за два дні ми будемо плавати в морі.

5) Обережно! Ти зараз впадеш!

Твій загальний результат ___ /18

The Future Perfect

or the Future Perfect
Continuous Tense?
Level B

The Future Perfect Tense is used to describe actions which will be

finished before another action or a stated time in the future.
I/You/He/She/It/We/They + will have + V3 (Ved).
I/You/He/She/It/We/They + won’t have + V3 (Ved).
Will + I/you/he/she/it/we/they + have + V3 (Ved)?
Time adverbs: by, by the time, before, until.
They will have finished the project by next Monday.
They won’t have finished the project by next Monday.
Will they have finished the project by next Monday?
By what time will they have finished the project?
The Future Perfect Continuous Tense is used to describe actions
which will be going on for some time up to a certain time in the
future and will not have finished yet.
I/You/He/She/It/We/They + will have been + Ving.
I/You/He/She/It/We/They + won’t have been + Ving.
Will + I/you/he/she/it/we/they + have been + Ving?
Time adverbs: by … for.
By the end of next month she will have been working on this
project for one year.
By the end of next month she won’t have been working on
this project for one year.
Will she have been working on this project for one year by the
end of next month?

 Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
1) This artist will have opened (to open) his exhibition by next Saturday. 2) By the
end of next month Mrs Robbins               (to work) in our
hospital for twenty years. 3) By 7 p.m. we               (to fly)
over the Pacific Ocean for two hours. 4) By the end of next week

the pupils              (to pass) all the exams. 5) My

parents              (to return) from their holidays
by next Friday. 6) How many photos              
Peter               (to make) by the end of the working day?
7) How long              Ann              
(to learn) to play the piano by the end of this month? 8) By next Tuesday
Nick               (to repair) his car for five days.
9) We               (not to prepare) the performance by next
Sunday. 10) By the beginning of next week Den              
(to train) for the competitions for three months. 9
 Look at the pictures and circle the correct item.

1 2 3

4 5 6

1) By the end of the year he will have built / will have been building the house
for three months.
2) He will have built / will have been building the house by next summer.
3) She will have typed / will have been typing the documents for two hours by
4 o’clock.
4) She will have typed / will have been typing all the documents by the end of the
working day.
5) They will have climbed / will have been climbing Everest for a week by next
6) They will have climbed / will have been climbing Everest by next Sunday. 5
Твій загальний результат ___ /14

Modal Verbs Expressing

Ability, Obligation,
Level A

The modal verbs are: must, can, may, should, have to, could, might, need,
ought to, etc.
They have the same form in all persons (except the verb have to). They make
questions and negatives without the help of other auxiliary verbs. They take
an infinitive without to after them.
We must help our parents. You may watch this film.

We express ability with can, could, to be able to.

Can/to be able to = ability in the present.
I can swim very well. I’m able to swim for very long.
Could/was able to = ability in the past.
She could/was able to play the piano at the age of eight.

Was able to = ability or opportunity resulting in a particular action, something

that really happened.
She was able to sing in spite of high temperature.
Will be able to = ability in the future.
They will be able to finish the project tomorrow.

We express obligation or necessity with must and have to.

We use must when the speaker feels that something is necessary or to express
our wish.
I must see my dentist. We must cook something tasty for dinner.
We use have to when the situation makes something necessary.
We have to see the dentist twice I have to go shopping.
a year. (It’s a rule.) (My mother asked me.)

Must is used in the Present Simple form. In the past and future tenses we use
forms of have to. To form questions and negations of have to we use the
auxiliary verbs do, does, did, will.
Will you have to return the books He didn’t have to tell me about it.
next Monday?

 Complete the dialogue with can, could or to be able to in the correct form.
Emma: Can (1) you skate, Laura? We are going to the skating rink. Will you join us?
Laura: Yes, I        . I          
(2) (3)
skate when I was only
five. My father taught me.
Emma: Lucky you. I           (4)
skate very well. I’m just learning.
Laura: It’s not that hard.
Emma: You see, I tried to skate last year, but I fell and hurt my leg badly. I even
ski last year. And you know I skied very well.
Laura: Are you all right now? I mean           (6)
you ski now?
Emma: Yes, I           (7)
. And I hope I           (8)

skate as well as you           .


Laura: Sure you           ! I’ll teach you!

 Write two sentences for each situation.
1) What could you do when you were a child that you can’t do now?

2) What can you do now that you couldn’t do when you were a child?

3) What will you be able to do when you grow up that you can’t do now?

 Complete the sentences with must or have to using the correct tense.
1) The sign in the library says: «Readers have to keep silent in the reading
room». 2) My friends        decorate the classroom for the party
tomorrow. 3) Where        you        meet your uncle yesterday?
4) I        do the washing-up because my mother asked me to do it.
5) The secretary  report about every visitor in the office of the boss. 4
Твій загальний результат ___ /19

Modal Verbs Expressing

Permission and Prohibition
Level B

To ask for permission we use can, could, may or might. Can is informal, could
is used to express a more polite request than can; may and might are used
in a more formal style.
Can I take your book? Could I ask you for help, please?
May I use your pencil? Might I see your passport, please?

To give permission we use can or may, but we never use could. May is formal
and we don’t often use it in speech. Can is often used in spoken English.
Could I borrow your pen? — Certainly you can.
He can phone me any time.
You may leave your luggage here.

To express prohibition or absence of necessity we use cannot/can’t, must not/

mustn’t, needn’t, don’t need, don’t have to. Mustn’t means that something
is forbidden.
You mustn’t cross the street here.

Can’t means not allowed. We also use can’t in negative answers to questions
with may asking for permission.
May I have one more piece of cake? — I’m afraid you can’t, there is no cake left.
Staff cannot leave the office before 5 p.m.
Needn’t, don’t need, don’t have to mean not necessary.
I needn’t go shopping, my sister has already gone.
You didn’t need/have to come to school yesterday.

 Circle the correct item.

1) Mother, ... I go camping with my friends?
a) can b) could c) might
2) ... you pass me the sugar, please?
a) Can b) Could c) Can’t
3) Students ... use their notes during a test.
a) can b) can’t c) needn’t

4) You ... water the flowers. I have already watered them.

a) can’t b) mustn’t c) needn’t
5) ... I speak to Mr Reeds?
a) Could b) May c) Mustn’t
6) Visitors ... use their cameras in the museum.
a) mustn’t b) needn’t c) must
7) Sarah ... cook supper. I did it myself.
a) can’t b) mustn’t c) doesn’t need to
8) May I stay at the party a little longer? — Sorry, you... .
a) mustn’t b) needn’t c) can’t
9) ... I have one more piece of cake, please?
a) Must b) Can c) Could 8
 Complete the dialogue with can, could, need, have to, may. Sometimes two
variants are possible.
— May (1)
I speak to the manager, please?
— Sorry, you         (2)
. He is out at the moment. But if you have any
questions, you         (3) ask me.
— Thank you. I’d like to know more about the rules of your sports club.
— Sure. What are you interested in?
—         (4)
I choose the days of trainings?
— Sorry, you         (5)
. The days and the hours of trainings are fixed
for every kind of sport.
—         I         (6)
pay for every training or 
I         (7)
pay for a month beforehand?
— Well, you         (8)
pay beforehand if you don’t want it.
— OK.         (9)
I take a shower after trainings?
— Of course you         (10)
— And one more question.         (11)
you tell me the name of the foot-
ball coach, please?
— Yes. His name is Mr Blake.
— Thank you.
— You’re welcome. 10
Твій загальний результат ___ /18

Modal Verbs Expressing

Level B

To express possibility we use may, might, must, can’t, could, can smb. be?.
We use may or might to say that something is possible or that it is quite likely.
He may/might be in the hospital now.
The weather may/might be cool today.
Although might is the past form of may, it can be used for present situations,
We use could to say that something is possible.
They could know her address.
We use must when we realize that something is certainly true.
I often see them together. They must be friends.
We use can’t when we realize that something is impossible.
It can’t rain today. The sky is cloudless.
We use can smb. be? when we doubt that it is possible.
Can she be at home now? She is usually at school at this time.

 Write sentences using may, must, can’t, could, can smb. be?.
1) Dolly usually works in the garden at this time.
Dolly must work in the garden. 
2) I’m not sure if we go for a picnic.

3) I think Peter isn’t a computer programmer.

4) It’s possible that my cousin has this disc.

5) It’s likely to snow in the evening.

6) My friends usually play basketball on the playground.

 Complete the dialogue with may, might, must, can’t, can.

Den: I have decided to go climbing in summer.
Tom: Really? You must (1) be very brave. It’s rather dangerous to go to the
mountains without special trainings.
Den: You are right. But it         (2)
be very exciting, too. And
I         (3)
meet a lot of new friends there.
Tom: This kind of experience is always very useful. Life        (4) be
interesting without true friends. And what is your parents’ opinion about it?
Den: Well, my mother says that I       (5)
be crazy, and my father thinks
I        (6) learn to do a lot of things, to cook for example.
Tom: It will be good for you to learn more about first aid. Anything
       (7) happen on a travel like that.
Den: Good idea, Tom. I’ll ask Anna to give me some instructions about first aid.
Tom: Anna?        (8) she be good at it?
Den: Yes, she has been working as a nurse for two years now. I hope
she        (9) know how to make a bandage or what kind of
medicines is better to take.
Tom: Perhaps Anna        (10)
be really helpful. I wish you luck then! 9
 Translate into English.
1) Наші сусіди мають бути на роботі зараз.
Our neighbours must be at work now. 
2) Ми запізнюємось. Наш учитель може розсердитись.

3) Це не може бути її номер телефону. Вона нещодавно змінила номер.

4) Мій брат може забути про зустріч.

5) Ти можеш думати, що це питання не таке вже й важливе.

6) Хіба він водій? У нього немає машини.
Твій загальний результат ___ /19

Modal Verbs Expressing

Requests, Offers,
Suggestions, Advice
Level B
We express requests, offers, suggestions with can, could, would you like, shall, will.
We use can for requests in an informal style.
Can you help me with my homework?
We use could for polite requests or suggestions.
Could you tell me the way to the hospital, please? Could we have a talk?
We use would you like for polite offers.
Would you like a cup of tea?
We use shall with I/we for suggestions and offers.
Shall I bring this book for you? (offer) Shall we go to the river? (suggestion)
We use will for offers and requests.
She’ll make you a sandwich if you are hungry. (friendly offer)
Will you buy a loaf of bread for me? (friendly request)
We express advice with should or ought to with no difference in meaning. We
also use these verbs in questions to ask for advice.
You should/ought to be more polite to your friends.
What should I do in this case? Where ought I to put my

 Complete the dialogue with can, could, would, shall, will.

Waiter: Would (1)
you like to order something?
Frank: Yes, please. But        (2)
we have a look at the menu, please?
Waiter: Certainly, sir. Here you are.
Frank: We        (3)
like roast beef and some vegetable salad.
Waiter:        (4)
you like anything to drink?
Frank: Of course.        (5) you bring us some tomato juice, please?
Waiter: Sorry, we have no tomato juice at the moment. But we have orange juice
and apple juice. Which one        (6)
I bring for you?
Frank: Apple juice, please. And        (7)
you bring us some mustard?

Waiter: Sure, sir. What        (8)

you like for dessert?
Frank: I think we        (9)
have some ice cream.
Waiter: I        (10) recommend you strawberry ice cream. It’s very
Frank: Sure, two strawberry ice creams and two pieces of cherry cake, please.
And        (11)
you bring us the bill at once?
Waiter: Certainly, sir. I        (12)
be back in a minute. 11
 Complete the dialogue with should or ought. (Look for the word to.)
— Hello, darling. How do you feel? Has the doctor been yet?
— Yes, mum. The doctor said I’ve got a bad cold. I’ve got a terrible headache.
— What did the doctor tell you, dear?
— He said I should (1) stay in bed for three or four days. I        (2)
drink warm milk and tea with lemon.
—        (3)
you take any medicine?
— Yes, I        (4)
to take aspirin, but we haven’t got any aspirin at
— You        (5)
not worry, dear. I’ll buy aspirin on my way home. And
now you        (6) to take your temperature.
— Oh, mum, I have already taken it. It’s 38.6.
— Oh, dear. You        (7)
go to bed at once! I’ll come home in an hour.
— OK, mum. 6
Give advice to your younger sister/brother about how to be successful at school.
(Write three sentences about what they should/ought to do and three sentences
about what they shouldn’t/oughtn’t to do.)

Твій загальний результат ___ /23

The Passive Voice

Level A

The Present Simple Passive: am/is/are + V3 (Ved)

We use the Present Simple Passive when the action is regular or repeated.
The rooms in the hotel are ordered beforehand.
The rooms in the hotel aren’t ordered beforehand.
Are the rooms in the hotel ordered beforehand?
The Past Simple Passive: was/were + V3 (Ved)
We use this tense for an action completed at a stated time in the past.
The letter was delivered yesterday. The letter wasn’t
delivered yesterday. Was the letter delivered yesterday?
The Future Simple Passive: will be + V3 (Ved)
We use this tense when the action will happen at a stated time in the future.
This film will be shown tomorrow. This film won’t be shown
tomorrow. Will this film be shown tomorrow?

To change sentences from the Active into the Passive Voice we put the object
of the active verb into the place of the subject in the sentence of the Passive
object subject
She sent the letter last week. The letter was sent last week.
1) Sometimes there are two objects in the sentence. Both objects can become
subjects in the passive sentence, but it is more usual to begin a passive
sentence with a person.
object object
He will tell the news to his friends. His friends will be told
the news. The news will be told to his friends.
2) After modal verbs (can, must…) we use be + V3 (Ved) in passive sentences.
You may tell this story later. This story may be told later.
3) If the verb takes a preposition in active sentences, the same preposition is
used in passive sentences.
We sent for the doctor. The doctor was sent for.

 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense and voice.
1) The building of the theatre was built (to build) five years ago. 2) The
porter           . (to take) the luggage to the hall of the hotel
in some minutes. 3) The police           . (to arrest) the
burglar yesterday. 4) Doris always           . (to pay) her bills
in time. 5) What           . (to give) to the child yesterday?
6) Where           . the bus           . (to wait) for us
now? 7) They           . (to show) the city by a guide tomorrow morning.
8) How quickly           . dinner usually           .
(to serve)? 9) His speech           . (to listen) to with great interest at
the last meeting. 10) We always           . (to invite) a lot of friends
to the New Year party. 9
 Look at the page of a diary and make up sentences using the Passive Voice.
To water the flowers — yesterday;
to walk the dog — every day;
to do the shopping — tomorrow;
to paint the fence — next Sunday;
to return the book to the library — last Friday;
to collect the mail — every morning.

1) The flowers were watered yesterday.

Твій загальний результат ___ /14

The Passive Voice

Level B

The Present Continuous Passive is used to describe actions which are hap­
pening at the moment of speaking, but the person who is doing the action is
unknown or not important.
I + am being + V3 (Ved).
He/She/It + is being + V3 (Ved).
You/We/They + are being + V3 (Ved).
The room is being cleaned now.
The room isn’t being cleaned now.
Is the room being cleaned now?
The Past Continuous Passive is used to describe actions which were happen­
ing at the moment of speaking in the past, but the person who was doing the
action is unknown or not important.
I/He/She/It + was being + V3 (Ved).
You/We/They + were being + V3 (Ved).
The question was being discussed then.
The question wasn’t being discussed then.
Was the question being discussed then?
The Present Perfect Passive is used to describe actions which happened at an
unstated time and we can see the result of the action now. The person who
has done the action is not always important or known.
I/You/We/They + have been + V3 (Ved).
He/She/It + has been + V3 (Ved).
The book has been read.
The book hasn’t been read.
Has the book been read?

 Circle the correct item.

1) The information is being / has been looked for at the moment.
2) The documents aren’t being / haven’t been delivered yet.
3) The child is being / was being washed at nine o’clock yesterday.
4) The letters were being / have been typed by this time.

5) The tourists are being / have been driven to the airport now.
6) The wedding cake is being / was being made at that time yesterday.
7) Luckily the building of the Parliament wasn’t being / hasn’t been destroyed
by the hurricane.
8) The patient wasn’t being / hasn’t been operated on yesterday morning. 7
 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (use the Passive Voice).
1) The results of the investigation have just been reported (just to report) to the
committee. 2) The costumes for the actors           (to choose) right
now. 3) What           (to do) for the conference by now? 4) She
couldn’t answer the phone at six o’clock yesterday because she 
(to interview). 5) This film             (already to talk) about for
more than a week. 6)          the roof          (to mend)
now? 7) The concert           (to perform) in the concert hall at the
moment. 8) What         (to do) to rescue people from the flood now?
9) The witness to the accident          (to interrogate) at that time
yesterday. 10)           the article  (to finish) yet? 9
 Translate into English.
1) Кімнату зараз прибирають. The room is being cleaned now. 
2) Вчора фрукти збирали з ранку до вечора.

3) Свіжий хліб щойно привезли.

4) Подарунки вже приготували?

5) Їх ще не запросили на вечірку.

6) Що зараз готують на вечерю?

7) Ці новини вчора обговорювали весь вечір.
Твій загальний результат ___ /22

The Gerund (-ing Form)

Level A

This is the name for the verb form ending in -ing. When we use it as a noun
we can call it the gerund, and when we use it as an adjective or verb, we also
call it the present participle.
She likes dancing. Smoking is dangerous for your health.
Some verbs are followed by a to-infinitive, and some by an -ing form.

Verb + to-infinitive Verb + -ing form

1) To express purpose. 1) After to go for physical activities.
She went to meet her mother. They often go skating in winter.
2) After would love/like/prefer. 2) After to love, to like, to dislike,
I’d like to watch this film. to hate, to enjoy, to start,
to begin, to stop, to finish.
I hate washing the car.
3) After adjectives (glad, happy, 3) After to see, to hear, to feel to
angry, sorry, pleased, etc.). express an action in progress.
We’re happy to see you. She heard him entering the room.
4) After certain verbs (to advise, to 4) After certain verbs (to avoid, to
agree, to appear, to decide, to admit, to deny, to look forward
hope, to manage, to offer, to to, to mind, to object to, to pre-
promise, to refuse, to want, etc.). fer, to regret, to spend, etc.).
They decided to go for a walk. I’m looking forward to seeing you.
5) After question words (where, 5) After some expressions: I’m busy,
what, how, who, which). it’s no use, it’s worth, it’s (no)
I don’t understand how to do it. good, what’s the use of, etc.
What’s the use of buying
a computer?
6) With too or enough. 6) After prepositions.
He is too young to drive a car. They are interested in coming here.

 Circle the correct item.

1) She doesn’t feel well enough to sing / singing at the concert. 2) Den was
sorry to tell / telling me about the accident. 3) I don’t mind to lend / lending
you my car. 4) To learn / Learning foreign languages takes a lot of time and
efforts. 5) My cousin is good at to paint / painting. 4
 Make up sentences using a to-infinitive or an -ing form.
1) I/be busy/pack/things/at the moment. I’m busy packing things at the moment .
2) I/usually/avoid/speak/to strangers.

3) She/be pleased/meet/her old friend/yesterday.

4) We/go/swim/in the sea/last Friday.
 Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
Dear Amanda,
I was so happy to receive (1) (receive) your letter! I’m glad          (2) (know)
you enjoyed          (3) (go) to the mountains on your Christmas holidays.
I love          (4) (ski), too, but my parents decided          (5)
(spend) Christmas holidays in the village this year. Never­theless, we had a wonderful
time there. My grandparents were so pleased           (6) (celebrate)
Christmas with us! They prepared so many presents for us that we didn’t know
which one          (7) (open) first. The weather was frosty and there was
a lot of snow, so Tim and I enjoyed          (8) (spend) most of the days
outdoors          (9) (sledge) and          (10) (play) snowballs
with our village friends. There is no need          (11) (say) that we had
a lot of fun in the village. Now I am busy          (12) (prepare) for my
exams. My mother has promised          (13) (buy) me a new computer
if I pass them successfully. So I have to work hard. What are your plans for the
summer holidays?
I’m looking forward to          (14) (hear) from you.
Love, Sally 13
Твій загальний результат ___ /20

The Gerund (-ing Form)

Level B

We can use both a to-infinitive and an -ing form after the verbs begin,
start and continue without any difference in meaning, but we never use
two -ing forms together.
They began writing/to write the test half an hour ago.
BUT NOT: They are beginning writing the test now.
ONLY: They are beginning to write the test now.
There are some verbs after which we use the to-infinitive and the -ing
form with some difference in meaning.

to-infinitive -ing form

forget + to-infinitive (not remem­ forget + -ing form (not recall)
ber) I’ll never forget visiting your
Sorry, I forgot to take my notebook. town for the first time.
remember + to-infinitive (not remember + -ing form (recall)
forget) I remember meeting you
Remember to send this letter. here before.
stop + to-infinitive (stop for a stop + -ing form (finish, give
short time to do something else) up)
She stopped to answer the phone He stopped exercising be­
call and then continued working. cause of the injury.
go on + to-infinitive (finish doing one go on + -ing form (continue)
thing and then start doing another) She went on working with­
He read the article and went on out a break.
to write a report.
be sorry + to-infinitive (apologise be sorry for + -ing form
for a present action) (apologise for some earlier
I’m sorry to inform you about action)
such bad results. I’m sorry for being rude to you.

 Circle the correct item.

1) She said that she remembered putting / to put the keys into the bag but now
she couldn’t find them.
2) Did you remember telephoning / to telephone your grandparents?
3) I’m sorry for breaking / to break your favourite cup. Don’t be angry with
4) We are sorry informing / to inform you about this accident.
5) Please, remember walking / to walk the dog.
6) I remember reading / to read this article before.
7) Eddy sent a message to his friend and went on writing / to write an
8) Sally went on watching TV / to watch for hours.
9) Dolly stopped eating / to eat sweets as she wanted to lose weight.
10) Henry stopped buying / to buy a newspaper and hurried to the bus stop. 9

 Put the verbs in brackets into the to-infinitive form or the -ing form.
1) I don’t remember telling (tell) you this story before.

2) Don’t forget          (wash) the dishes after dinner.

3) Mr Preston stopped          (have) lunch at some café and went
on      (drive) for three more hours.

4) Lucy went on          (prepare) for the exam and didn’t pay at-
tention to the noise coming from the next room.

5) Sorry, I have completely forgotten          (telephone) you and

tell you about my new timetable.

6) Brad stopped          (use) the public transport after he had got
a driving licence and bought a car. 5

Твій загальний результат ___ /14


Coordinate Sentences

Level A

Coordinate sentences include short independent sentences to make

compound ones. Independent sentences can be joined with the help
of such conjunctions as and, or, but, so, either … or, not only …
but also.
Tom went shopping and Emma cooked dinner.
We ran to the bus stop but the bus had already departed.
The children not only decorated the room but they also prepared
a performance.

 Join two sentences using the conjunctions in brackets.

1) The sky was cloudy. The wind was very strong. (and)
The sky was cloudy and the wind was very strong.
2) John worked hard. He couldn’t save enough money to buy a new computer. (but)

3) It was late. We decided to go home. (so)

4) Tony repaired his old bike. He painted it. (not only … but also)

5) Sally wasn’t at home. Her phone didn’t work. (either … or)

6) I had enough time. I had a wish to visit my old friend. (and)

7) We can make a cake. We can buy it in the shop. (or)

8) I know his address. I don’t know his phone number. (but)

9) I will take you to the hotel. I will show you our town. (not only … but also)

10) Everybody was tired. We decided to make a break. (so)
 Match two parts of the sentences and join them with the conjunctions and, but,
so, or, either … or, not only … but also.
1) Sam felt sleepy a) I have brought some souvenirs
2) We are allowed to use the Internet for you.
b) І will prepare a room for them.
3) Molly can write a report
c) we aren’t allowed to play com-
4) You will meet the guests at the station puter games.
5) I have returned from my trip to India d) they fed chickens and ducks.
6) The children watered the flowers in e) he decided to go to bed early.
the garden f) she can prepare a presentation.

1) Sam felt sleepy so he decided to go to bed early.

 Use your own ideas to complete the sentences.
1) I felt sad so 
2) My mother was very busy and 
3) I will not only tidy my room but also 
4) My friend either overslept or 
5) My parents had a day off so 
6) I had to do my homework or  6
Твій загальний результат ___ /20

Non-Defining Clauses

Level B

Non-defining clauses are the sentences that give extra information and
are not essential to the meaning of the main sentences. They are always
separated by commas.
Non-defining clauses are introduced with the following words: who,
whom, whose, which, where, when.
We use who, whom, whose when we speak about people.
Mr Green, who is a well-known person in our town, is my uncle.
Ann, whom you saw at the concert, is my classmate.
The woman, whose car you are washing, is a famous singer.
We use which when we speak about things.
The newspaper, which I have just bought,
contains an interesting article.
We use where to speak about places and when to speak about some
specific time.
«Harrods», where I bought this suit, is a famous department store.
I went to the exhibition on Monday, when
there weren’t so many people there.

 Circle the correct item.

1) The man, who / whose car was stolen yesterday, works in a bank.
2) The dress, which / whom you bought last week, looks very fashionable.
3) Edinburgh, when / where I had the conference a year ago, is a very busy city.
4) Mr Rice, whom / whose you have just talked to, is a successful politician.
5) My favourite month is May, when / where all the trees are in blossom.
6) Our festival, who / which lasted for a week, had a great success.
7) Liverpool, when / where John Lennon was born, is a big city.
8) David, who / which studies in my class, is preparing for the sports competitions
right now.
9) The bakery, which / where my mother works, sells home-made bread.
10) Monday, where / when I got your message, was a very hard day for me. 9

 Complete the sentences with who, whom, whose, which, where, when.
1) Mrs Perkins, who gave me your address, is my teacher.
2) Barcelona,  I spent my holidays last summer, is a beautiful city.
3) Paul Jason,        article was published in our local newspaper last
week, is my cousin.
4) The detective story about Sherlock Holmes,        you gave me as
a birthday present, is really very exciting.
5) Last Saturday,        you telephoned me, I was having a party.
6) Nina and Alice,        we saw in the park, are my neighbours. 5

 Join two sentences using the words who, whom, whose, which, where, when.
1) Jane is organizing her exhibition. Her pictures are famous.
Jane, whose pictures are famous, is organizing her exhibition. 
2) The hotel «Sea Lion» is very comfortable. We spent a week there last June.

3) Henry owns a café. He is my best friend.

4) We went to the mountains in August. It was very hot then.

5) Ted has won the race. He is holding a cup.

6) Mr Green is our new customer. You met him on the stairs.

7) The lecture about the history of religion was very informative. I attended it

8) Mr Roberts has just moved to our house. You saw his car in the yard half an
hour ago.
Твій загальний результат ___ /21

As … as Idioms

Level A

Idioms are fixed expressions which are used in informal speech and
comment on different spheres of our life. Some idioms are easy to
understand, others are not. There are many idioms which cannot
be understood from the meaning of their separate words but must
be learned as a whole phrase.
Similes or as … as idioms help us to describe things using comparison.
They are easy to understand.

Read and remember:

as blind as a bat — сліпий як кажан,
as strong as an ox — сильний як бик,
as quiet as a mouse — тихий як миша,
as white as snow — білий як сніг,
as white as a ghost — блідий як смерть,
as busy as a bee — працьовитий як бджола,
as sweet as honey — солодкий як мед,
as free as a bird — вільний як птах,
as hungry as a bear — голодний як вовк,
as old as the hills — старий як світ,
as easy as ABC — простий як двічі по два — чотири,
as proud as a peacock — пихатий як павич,
as scared as a rabbit — наляканий як заєць,
as sly as a fox — хитрий як лис,
as dry as a bone — сухий як камінь.

It hadn’t rained for weeks and the ground was as dry as a bone.
This juice is as sweet as honey.
The bride was wearing a beautiful dress which was as white
as snow.

 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

as sly   as sweet   as an ox   as a peacock   as easy  
as old   as a bone   as a bat   as quiet   as free

1) Tom is as strong as an ox because he exercises a lot. 2) This story is

        as the hills. 3) I don’t like dealing with Vicky because she
is       as a fox. 4) We are happy because we are       as birds.
5) Look, little Betty is       as a mouse. 6) This task is      
as ABC. 7) Unfortunately, my granny is as blind       . 8) Nobody
likes Fred because he is as proud       . 9) This bread isn’t fresh, it is as
dry       . 10) The apples from this tree are       as honey. 9
 Match the words to make up idioms.
1) as busy 9 a) the hills
2) as white b) as a rabbit
3) as hungry c) as ABC
4) as scared d) as an ox
5) as strong e) as a bat
6) as sly f) as a bee
7) as easy g) as a bear
8) as sweet h) as a fox
9) as old as i) as a ghost
10) as blind j) as honey 9
 Use the idioms from ex. 2 to complete the sentences as in the example.
1) It was completely dark outdoors and I could see nothing. I was as blind as a bat .
2) Tim has won a cup in weightlifting. You know he is  .
3) Dolly is a hard-working girl. She is  .
4) Have you got anything to eat? I am  .
5) This grammar rule is not difficult. It is  . 4
Твій загальний результат ___ /22

Idioms. Traits of People

Level B

There are a lot of idioms which describe positive and negative traits of people.
Read and remember.
Positive meaning:
a heart of gold — золоте серце (дуже добра й гарна людина),
to be nobody’s fool — бути дуже розумним,
to know what’s what — бути експертом, добре розумітись на якійсь темі,
to be the top of the class — бути найкращим учнем у класі,
to be a man of his word — дотримуватись свого слова.
Helen is nobody’s fool because she understands the situation
very well.
Ask Tony to help you. He really knows what’s what about

Negative meaning:
to be a teacher’s pet — бути улюбленцем учителя,
to be a know-all — бути всезнайкою й демонструвати це,
to be a lazy-bones — бути ледарем,
to have nothing between the ears — бути дурним,
to be a black sheep of the family — бути паршивою вівцею (ганьбити
свою родину вчинками чи способом життя),
to be behind the time — не сприймати нове, бути старомодним,
a cheapskate — скнара.
Don’t ask Nick for money. He is a cheapskate.
My granny can’t use the computer, she is behind the time.

 What do we call these people?

1) A person who is kind and helpful — a heart of gold.
2) A person who doesn’t want to spend money — 
3) The best pupil in the class —

4) A very lazy person — 

5) A person who knows everything and shows off his/her knowledge —

6) A person who keeps his word — 
7) A person who doesn’t like new modern things and can’t use them —
 Match the sentences.
1) My granny is kind and helpful. 5 a) He has got nothing be-
2) Sally demonstrates her knowledge in every tween the ears.
situation and this fact irritates everybody. b) He is a lazy-bones.
3) D en never helps his parents about the c) Everybody says that she
house. has a heart of gold.
4) Paul always does what he promises to do. d) You are a black sheep of
5) I can’t see the point of discussing this ques- the family!
tion with Mike as he is very stupid. e) He is a man of his word.
6) All the members of our family work hard f) She is a know-all in our
but you don’t want to find a job! class. 5
 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
what’s   sheep   heart   behind  
nobody’s   pet   nothing   word

1) Mr Brown is behind the time because he doesn’t know how to send e-mails.
2) Everybody thinks that Ella is the teacher’s       because our teacher
always praises her and gives her good marks. 3) In my opinion Dolly has
a       of gold as she helps elderly people. 4) You should ask my mother
for a piece of advice. She has been working as a doctor for twenty years and she
knows       what. 5) If Max has promised to telephone you, he will do
it because he is a man of his       . 6) Helen is       fool and she
won’t believe your silly story. 7) I don’t want to ask Bob for help because he has
got       between the ears. 8) Rosy is a black       of the family
because she doesn’t want to communicate with her parents and relatives. 7
Твій загальний результат ___ /18

Idioms. People’s Feelings

or Mood
Level B

There are idioms that describe people’s feelings or mood. They also have
both positive and negative meanings. Read and remember.
Positive meaning:
to be on cloud nine — бути на сьомому небі від щастя,
to keep one’s chin up — не занепадати духом незважаючи на
to fall in love with — закохатись по вуха,
to keep one’s fingers crossed — сподіватись на краще,
to have the time of one’s life — переживати захопливі події, що
трапляються раз у житті,
to be full of beans — бути енергійним.
She was on cloud nine because of her victory.
Henry keeps his chin up in spite of the fact that he
has lost all the money.

Negative meaning:
to have a face as long as a fiddle — виглядати сумним та пригні­
to be in a black mood — перебувати в поганому настрої,
to want to curl up and die — почуватися збентеженим і присо­
to be at loss for words — не знати, що казати,
to lose one’s temper – розізлитись, втратити терпець,
to go bananas — збожеволіти,
to be at death’s door — дуже погано почуватись через хворобу,
to shake in one’s shoes — тремтіти від жаху.
Mother was at loss for words when she saw dirty children.
Don’t talk to him because he is in a black mood.
Her daughter didn’t telephone in the evening
and the poor woman went bananas.

 Circle the correct item.

1) Mary keeps her chin up despite the health problems.
a) Mary expects something bad to happen.
b) Mary hopes for the better.
2) Tom is full of beans and wants to work hard.
a) Tom is full of energy.
b) Tom is exhausted.
3) Mrs Johnson lost her temper and shouted at the boys.
a) Mrs Johnson was pleased.
b) Mrs Johnson got angry.
4) When I saw Nick he had a face as long as a fiddle.
a) Nick was sad.
b) Nick was serious.
5) Lizzy was on cloud nine because she had passed all her exams successfully.
a) Lizzy was disappointed.
b) Lizzy was very happy.
6) Sally was shaking in her shoes because of the sounds of thunder.
a) Sally was frightened.
b) Sally was embarrassed. 5
 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
temper   black   bananas   time  
fingers   curl up   fiddle   words

1) Leave him alone. He is in a black mood today. 2) The children were very
happy because they had the       of their life in the theme park. 3) We
were at loss for       when we heard the news. 4) A little boy hit the ball
hard and broke the window. He wanted to       and die because of that
accident. 5) When mum saw the mess in the room she lost her       .
6) On my way to the office for a job interview I kept my       crossed.
7) Something bad had happened to Ron. He had a face as long as a      
when I met him last Tuesday. 8) Mr Samuels went       when his son told
him that he had broken their new car. 7
Твій загальний результат ___ /12

Idioms. Different Meanings

Level B

There are more idioms which can be used in different situations.

Read and remember:
to be in charge of — бути відповідальним за щось,
to be up to somebody — на чийсь розсуд,
to catch one’s eye — привернути увагу,
to do one’s best — робити все можливе,
to give someone a hand — допомогти,
to be in someone’s shoes — бути на чийомусь місці (особливо коли
йдеться про щось погане),
(just) in case — на випадок, про всяк випадок,
to make a living — заробляти на життя,
to make up one’s mind — вирішити, прийняти рішення,
to make a long story short — коротше кажучи,
a piece of cake — дуже легка справа, завдання,
when pigs fly — ніколи.
Who is in charge of the concert?
He did his best to repair the car in time.
The weather was nice but we took the umbrellas just in case.
What shall I cook for dinner? — It’s up to you, I will eat everything
you cook.
Have you made up your mind about the holidays yet?
When is Fred going to prepare his project? — I’m afraid when pigs fly.

 Rewrite the sentences using the idioms from the box.

to make a living   gave her a hand   when pigs fly   in charge  
made up your mind   it’s up to you   to make a long story short   in case

1) — What dress should I wear to the party? — You should decide on it yourself.
You will look beautiful in any dress.
It’s up to you. You will look beautiful in any dress.

2) I’m not going to talk for a long time but it was the most interesting film I have
ever seen.

3) It’s not easy to earn money for life as an artist.

4) Have you already decided on a birthday present for your mum?

5) When will you buy a new flat? — I think never.

6) The girls were responsible for the food for our picnic.

7) I had a driving licence if I needed to hire a car.

8) Alice didn’t have much time to cook supper, but Fred helped her.

 Match the sentences.

1) I was responsible for making 4 a) The sign at the entrance caught
a presentation for the conference. our eye.
2) This task is very easy for me. b) It’s up to you what books to
3) Betty helped Mike to prepare for the
exams. c) This task is just a piece of cake
for me.
4) We paid attention to the sign at the
d) We are doing our best to prepare
a surprise party for Sally.
5) You have to decide yourself what e) I was in charge of a presentation
books to read. for the conference.
6) We are doing everything possible to f) Betty gave Mike a hand with the
prepare a surprise party for Sally. preparations for the exams. 5

Твій загальний результат ___ /12


Idioms with and, or

Level B

There are idioms which consist of two words joined by and and or. The
order of the words in such expressions is usually fixed. Read and remember:
(every) now and again — час від часу,
once and for all — раз й назавжди,
safe and sound — живий та здоровий (неушкоджений),
wine and dine — розважати,
first and foremost — перше й найважливіше,
here and there — повсюди, тут і там,
to leave somebody high and dry — залишити когось без допомоги
або без необхідних речей,
to fight tooth and nail — боротися до останнього,
sink or swim — пан або пропав (зазнати невдачі або перемогти),
sooner or later — рано чи пізно,
more or less — більш-менш, майже,
by hook or by crook — будь-якими можливими шляхами, за будь-
яку ціну,
take it or leave it — на ваш розсуд.
She visits me every now and again.
I have to wine and dine my relatives who are visiting us.
We fought tooth and nail to get the loan from the bank.
Tina was more or less ready to perform at the concert.
This is all the information I can give you; take it or leave it.

Circle the correct item.

1) I hear from my cousin every now and then.
a) often b) from time to time
2) We could hear music here and there.
a) everywhere b) nowhere
3) The children were found safe and sound in a distant part of the forest.
a) alive but not healthy b) alive and healthy

4) After the shipwreck the people were left high and dry on the island.
a) without help and necessary things
b) with some necessary things to survive
5) Sooner or later you will understand that I was right.
a) never b) one day
6) Your boss won’t help you, you will sink or swim.
a) survive or fail b) first fail then succeed 5
Match the words to make up idioms.
1) safe 7 a) leave it
2) once b) less
3) more c) by crook
4) first d) for all
5) by hook or e) nail
6) to fight tooth f) sound
7) take it g) dine
8) wine h) foremost 7
3 Use the idioms from ex. 12 to complete the sentences.
1) Finally we managed to find a place which was more or less suitable for the
2) Unfortunately this is the only thing I can offer you;  .
3) The climbers were happy to return to the camp  after
such a snowstorm.
4) You have to decide  whether you move
to Australia or stay in this country.
5) Our team had to  to win this competition.
6) The police are going to catch the burglars  .
7)    we must prepare the accommodation
for all the participants of the conference.
8) Mark had to  his elderly aunt while she was staying with him. 7
Твій загальний результат ___ /19


 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect
or Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
1) Sue took a shower and went (to go) to bed. 2) I           (to speak)
on the phone when the doorbell rang. 3) The hikers           
(to walk) for three hours before they came to the river. 4) I           
(to receive) an invitation to the wedding ceremony from my cousin yesterday.
5) Tom            (to break) his leg so he couldn’t walk for
a month. 6) What            you           
(to do) at six o’clock yesterday evening? 7) How long           
Linda            (to learn German) before she entered university
in Berlin? 6
 Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple Tense or use be going to.
1) — Why have you bought so many apples?
— Because I am going to make (to make) an apple pie.
2) — How old is your daughter?
— She             (to be) five in a week.
3) — I have already decided what present to buy for my father.
— Really? What           you           (to give)
him for his birthday?
4) — I think I             (to cook) a chicken for supper.
— Good idea! You haven’t cooked a chicken for a long time.
5) — Look at that cat!
— Oh, it               (to catch) a bird!
6) — It’s very hot in here.
— You are right. I          (to open) the window. 5

 Circle the correct item.

1) Ann … her work by five o’clock tomorrow.
a) will finish b) will have finished c) will have been finishing
2) By the time Frank is thirty years old, he … as a manager for eight years.
a) will be working b) will work c) will have been working
3) This time next week we … on the beach of Florida.
a) will be sunbathing b) will have sunbathed c) will have been sunbathing
4) I promise I … the clothes tomorrow.
a) will iron b) will have ironed c) will be ironing
5) At four o’clock tomorrow the children … a music lesson.
a) will have b) will be having c) will have had
6) By the end of this year we … our cottage house for seven months.
a) will be building b) will have built c) will have been building 5
 Circle the correct item.
1) Colin can / could talk very well at the age of three.
2) My tooth aches. I may / must see a dentist.
3) We must / might hurry if we don’t want to be late for the show.
4) The policeman came up to us and said: «You ought / can’t leave your car here».
5) You will / should be more patient with the children.
6) The waiter came up and said, «What can / would you like for dessert?»
7) We can’t / may be late for the train. We have got plenty of time.
8) It should / might be cool tomorrow. The wind is getting stronger.
9) You must / ought to be hungry. You haven’t eaten all day. 8
 Rewrite the sentences using the Passive Voice.
1) People of our town plant a lot of flowers every spring.
A lot of flowers are planted in our town every spring.
2) They will pay the bill in the hotel.

3) They are discussing this project at the moment.

4) Where did they put my papers?

5) We can send the invitations to the party to our friends.

6) A big dog has frightened two little girls in the park.

7) You must give me instructions.

8) The scientists of this Institution have invented new sources of energy.

9) What picture have you prepared for the exhibition?

10) He was washing the car at two o’clock yesterday.
 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1) I’m afraid I forgot to switch (switch) off the light in the room. 2) The roof of
the house needs       (paint). 3) We are looking forward to      
(receive) good news from you. 4) I’m pleased       (meet) you again.
5) The workers have managed       (repair) the road by noon. 6) Pam
stopped       (buy) some magazines as she wanted to read something
during her trip. 7) Mike can remember       (tell) you about the
changes in our timetable. He told you about it two days ago. 8) I still don’t know
where       (to hang) this picture. 9) Can you stop       (play)
music so loudly? I can’t hear the news on TV. 10) Nigel made some notes and
went on       (read) the report. 9
 Join two sentences using the words in brackets.
1) Adriano is from Italy. He is the chef of this restaurant. (who)
Adriano, who is the chef of this restaurant, is from Italy.
2) My favourite day of the week is Saturday. I don’t have to go to work. (when)

3) It was getting cold. I decided to put on a warm sweater. (so)

4) Everybody took their places. The meeting started. (and)

5) This college has a very good reputation. My brother studied there. (where)

6) Cindy has already booked a room in the hotel. She hasn’t bought a ticket for
the train yet. (but)

7) Mr Roberts is Diana’s father. He is standing at the bus stop. (who)

8) It was a hot day. We stayed in and watched TV. (so)
 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
mouse   shoes   love   temper   time  
piece   hand   hungry   long   black

1) Mr Lane has got a very modern mobile phone but he can’t use it because he is
behind the time . 2) It was very nice of Susan to give me a       with
choosing the furniture for our new flat. 3) The child was as quiet as a       .
4) Roger doesn’t want to talk to anybody because he is in a       mood.
5) I wouldn’t like to be in Sam’s       when his parents find out about
his bad mark for the exam. 6) The man lost his       and punished the
naughty boy. 7) To make a       story short, this restaurant is worth
visiting. 8) I must make some sandwiches for Jack because he is as       as
a bear. 9) You know, Phil has fallen in       with Julia and they are going
to the cinema tonight. 10) This exercise is a       of cake for Sandra as
she knows grammar very well. 9

Твій загальний результат ___ /58

The Past Tense Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous Tense? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
The Future Simple Tense or to Be Going to? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
The Future Tense Forms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
The Future Perfect or the Future Perfect Continuous Tense?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Modal Verbs Expressing Ability, Obligation, Necessity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Modal Verbs Expressing Permission and Prohibition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Modal Verbs Expressing Possibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Modal Verbs Expressing Requests, Offers, Suggestions, Advice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
The Passive Voice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
The Passive Voice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
The Gerund (-ing Form). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
The Gerund (-ing Form). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Coordinate Sentences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Non-Defining Clauses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
As … as Idioms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Idioms. Traits of People. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Idioms. People’s Feelings or Mood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Idioms. Different Meanings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Idioms with and, or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Revision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Англійська мова. 9 клас: Англійська мова. 9 клас: Майстер-клас нового
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