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Paula Acosta Gonzalez

1567 Silverwood Drive

Atlanta, GA 676678
(056) 757 3773
(706) 647 648 728

Liberty Home Insurance

Mr. Jhon Mcgregor – Senior Claims
153 NW 7 Street
Atlanta, GA 534353

Re: Claim No. 35-4343K

Your insured: Oliva Smith
Claimant: Paula Acosta Gonzalez

November 27, 2023


Dear Mr. Macgregor

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally present my personal injury claim resulting
from an unfortunate incident that occurred on Tuesday, September 3, 2023. On that day, I sustained
significant personal injuries after being struck by a red vehicle with license plate 6276, driven by
Mrs. Olivia Smith, at the Woodstreet Rd intersection at around 8:20 in the morning.
While crossing the intersection to the right with the traffic signal in my favor, Mrs. Olivia Smith
negligently made a left turn against a red light, causing a collision between her vehicle and mine.
Despite my current partial stability, the initial medical diagnosis indicated a brain contusion and a
pelvic fracture. I was promptly transported to the Intensive Care Unit (UCI) of Atlanta Hospital,
GA, where I spent 30 days receiving necessary medical attention.

On the morning of September 3, 2023, as I was driving on Woodstreet Road in Atlanta, Georgia,
intending to visit Sweetspot Bakery, I made a proper stop at the intersection as the traffic signal
was displaying a red light. Once the signal turned green, I began to accelerate gradually for a right
turn. However, Mrs. Olivia Smith, your insured, who was driving in the opposite direction, made
a left turn against the red light, resulting in a collision. The impact of the accident, caused by Mrs.
Smith's negligence at a speed of 30 MPH, could have been avoided.

Due to the severity of the accident, the ambulance had to transport me urgently to Atlanta Hospital,
where I was admitted directly to the Intensive Care Unit of the Emergency Department. The
diagnoses of a brain contusion and pelvic fracture required a 30-day hospital stay and ongoing
psychological and physical therapy, which I continue to receive and will need for the rest of my
life as per medical recommendations.

As a direct consequence of the accident, I not only lost my job as an interpreter but also suffered
a complete loss of my automobile. Additionally, I am constantly plagued by panic attacks.

Damages Claimed to date:

• Ambulance: $2,500.00
• 30 Days in Intensive Care: $100,000.00
• X-rays: $5,000.00
• Medications: $7,000.00
• Loss of Wages: $20,000.00
• Emotional Distress: $10,000.00
• Psychological Therapy: $15,000.00
• Physical Therapy: $30,000.00
• Pain and Suffering: $30,000.00

Total Demand: $239,500.00

As a result of Mrs. Olivia Smith's negligence, the accident she caused on September 3, 2023 has
irrevocably altered the course of my life. The impact of this incident has inflicted both economic
and non-economic damages, totaling $239,500.00. The physical injuries, emotional distress, and
financial hardships I have endured are direct consequences of Mrs. Smith's actions. This demand
for compensation is a reflection of the medical expenses, lost wages, emotional suffering, and
ongoing therapies required for my recovery. I kindly request a thorough review of this claim and
a response within a period not exceeding 30 days. Timely attention to this matter will allow us to
pursue an amicable resolution and avoid prolonged legal proceedings. Your cooperation is
appreciated in facilitating a fair and just compensation for the damages incurred due to the
aforementioned negligence.

Please feel free to contact me or my legal representative, LegalSoft at +1 (463) 632 353 242. For
any further information or clarification.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Paula Andrea Acosta Gonzalez

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