The Dube Legacy - s3

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Chapter Forty



I woke up to my phone ringing. I was struggling to open my eyes. It was Kat I answered and placed it
on my ear.

Me: "Mosadi"

Kat: "Don't tell me you're still in bed when we have a mission"

Me: "Mission?"

Kat: "To go to church for todays' function and pray to save this family from the demon these men
said might come" oh eish. We've been going to church lately. The Dube's told us they are wanted by
bad guys. So as the women of the family we decided to be prayer warriors. Well our curiosity was
fed. They're bad guys themselves. I saw how they went all bossy on some guy who was forcefully
asking for my numbers.

Me: "Must be the wine. Let me get ready"

Kat: "OK let me tell Chris to call Q"

Me: "You are not inviting her to church"

Kat: "Do you know who she is?"

Me: "She's Chloe"

Kat: "Yes and also a journalist. She must only see the good side of the Dube's."

Me: "She wouldn't write about her boyfriend's family. Come on"

Kat: "Wake up and Smell the coffee. That woman will take your men to the front page trust me. The
service begins at 9" she hung up. I also don't feel this November girl but I don't think she would go
that far.

I dragged myself to bath.



I got off the phone with Chris and walked to the kitchen.

Me: "Morning" I kissed her cheek and sat down.

Chloe: "Hey love"

Me: "The women are going to church today"

Chloe: "Of course. Women go t church every Sunday...wait, today?"

Me: "The Dube women and yes there's a prayer"

Chloe: "And y'all?" Only God knows how much I hate that 'Y'all' shit.

Me: "We are not attending today."

Chloe: "Why?"

Me: "We have some things to take care of. Leave breakfast to me and go get ready"

Chloe: "I don't go to church but I will take this moment to get to know the ladies"

Me: "Yes. They're pretty nice people they just didn't know how to act last night"

She smiled and walked up. Bonga came down with Lamu in his arms.

Me: "When did you arrive?"

Bonga: "Last night. Cape Town is getting boring now"

Me: "Don't even think about dropping out"

Bonga: "Lamu needs his brother around. Not you boring old man"

Me: "You're not dropping out"

Bonga: "I know. Mom called, we're going to church"

Me: "Great, you'll drive with Chloe"

Bonga: "No. There's somewhere I wanna drive to after church"

Me: "Cool" I took Lamu and fed him.

"I'll come by later on. We need to talk"

A message from Khule popped up. His "We need to talk" Is the scariest.

We finished eating. They left to bath. I cleaned up. Chloe came down looking beautiful as always.

Chloe: "I did not bring anything for church. I hope this is okay"

Me: "It is. You look good, I wasn't planning on going to church but now I might as well before those
boys in bowties steal you"

She laughed

Chloe: "I don't get stolen that easily"

Me: "Really?"
I held her waist and kissed her pink painted lips.

Chloe: "Yes baby. I better get going before you tempt me into sin"

Me: "Lamu and Bonga are going to church too"

Chloe: "Oh? I'll wait for them then"

The boys came down.

Lamu: "Daddy"

Me: "Sure sarn"

Lamu: "Let's go"

Me: "Am not going"

Lamu: "Why? God will punish you"

Me: "I'll make it up to him boy."

I picked him up and we got in the lift going to the garage.

Chloe: "Tell me you kidding"

Me: "What?"

Chloe: "You own all these cars?"

Bonga: "You look like a little child getting into a candy shop. I'll use the beast"

Me: "Not over 60"

Bonga: "How could I forget" he said sarcastically.

Me: "Ey wena sarn" he laughed and punched the code to unlock the keys safe. He took his keys and
took Lamu.

Me: "The beast does not have a baby seat"

Bonga: "Eish bummer"

Me: "He'll ride with Chloe"

Chloe: "Which one am I driving?"

Me: "Q7"

They finally left. I went back to the house and took a shower. I heard music playing downstairs. I
dressed up and went down.
"Baby I....I wanna be your soul provider. Baby I.... I wanna be..." He sang along. He should've been a

Me: "You should record a song"

He laughed and decreased the volume.

Khule: "Oh please. Am too old for that. But am up for bookings if you wanna propose or when
getting married."

Me: "Yoh brika bhova"

Khule: "aibo. Kant where does miss November fit"

Me: "To boast my image as a man. I need someone beautiful beside me. Someone to take to
functions. Marriage is the last thing on my mind"

Khule: "Mmmmh" he took the last sip of the Scotch. We sat down.

Me: "I know you didn't come here to listen to music"

Khule: "True. See, I am not against your relationship with Chloe. When you're happy I get happy too.
But she's a journalist"

Me: "I know"

Khule: "And we're very private"

Me: "I don't think she'd share our private life"

Khule: "That's if you don't break her heart" he's right.

Me: "She wouldn't go that far"

Khule: "She's the journalist that wrote about Katlego" what?

Me: "Writing what?"

Khule: "Her divorce. She wrote all the nasty things. Please reprimand her."

Me: "I'll talk to her"

Khule: "Not softly. She must know you mean business"

Me: "I will" I was now stressed. If Katlego hears that its her who wrote that story. They will not get
along. Maybe I should convince her to quit and find her a good job.

Khule: "Do you love her?" I looked at him. Is he crazy?

Me: "You know I don't do that"

Khule: "Then why are you with her?"

Me: "She spends my money. She like finer things. At last someone is feeling good about being
spoiled rotten. It feels good to finally date a woman who let me be a man"

Khule: "You're insane. But then its too early to tell if you love her or not"

Me: "Not gonna happen in this life. Aren't you hungry?"

Khule: "No."

I sat there thinking about this Chloe issue.



After the service everyone went their separate ways. Pastor Chris shook hands with the new visitors.

Katlego and Khethelo were outside talking to some of the elders. Khethelo spotted Chloe getting
out. They bid the elders goodbye and walked after Chloe.

Khethelo: "Hey girl" she turned.

Chloe: "Hi"

Khethelo: "Leaving already?"

Chloe: "Yes."

Kat: "I thought you came with Lamu" she widened her eyes and rushed back inside.

Khethelo laughed her lungs out.

Khethelo: "What worse could she do?"

Kat: "I just want to grab her by that weave and punch her to death"

Khethelo: "Let's pretend"

Kat: "I can't and I won't. She called me a whore"

Bonga greeted them. They hugged him.

Kat: "When did you arrive?"

Bonga: "Last night"

Khethelo: "Before or after the dinner?"

Bonga: "Around 10pm"

Kat: "How's your mother to you guys?" Bonga looked at her puzzled. "Chloe"

Bonga: "Ohh. She's good. She makes baba happy and that's all that matters"

Kat: "Please tell Q to be careful. She has amnesia. She forgot Lamu inside" they all laughed. Lamu
ran to Khethelo.

Kat: "My poor baby almost slept on the benches"

Chloe: "He was not going to!" They all looked at. "I mean, I am not used to kids"

Khethelo: "How? Don't you have nieces?"

Kat: "Or nephews?"

Chloe: "No. I better get going"

Khethelo: "Safe journey" she pulled Lamu but he cried for Khethelo.

Kat: "You can leave him its fine. We're his family"

Bonga chuckled and looked away. She let go of baby L and walked to the car.

Kat: "Am sorry Bonga but your mother is too much"

Bonga: "Tell me something I don't know" they laughed and went to their cars and drove off.

Emi did not even begin to entertain this church function on a Saturday. Instead she went out



I went from Shop to Shop. Buying all the unnecessary things I don't need.

I went to grab something to eat afterwards.

When I had chilled enough I took my bags and made it to the parking lot. I found this guy pasting a
sticker on my car.

Me: "What are you doing?"

Him: "Am sorry sister. I am promoting insurance"

Me: "Did they say you should paste things without owner's permission? Please remove it" he tried
peeling it off to no luck. Ugh I got in my car and drove off.

'Voice message from Nathan' the Bluetooth notified.

Me: "Play"

"Hey kau. Going there during the day is risky. I'll send you the location at 10pm"
Does he understand am dying to see him? I felt tears threatening my eyes. When i got home. I found
no one. I went straight to my room. I slept.

My alarm went off. I jumped out of bed and took my phone. He had already sent the location. I took
my keys and went out. The lights were off. They were already sleeping. I got to the garage and drove
out. When I drove out the gate I realized its raining. I couldn't go back to the house to wear a Jersey.
I drove straight to Alex. The rain got worse. I arrived. I confirmed with Nathan. Why on earth would
he leave his home though. I opened the door and quickly closed it. The wind was so cold. I peeped at
the back for anything I might have left mistakenly. I saw the gift box. Maybe its about time I opened
it. I took it and unwrapped it. I opened the lid.

There was a Laptop, yet another tiny gift box and All Star sneakers. God works in mysterious way. I
had no shoes on. There was a note.

"I had them signed by 6lack" I looked inside them and I cried. I love 6lack with my whole heart. I put
them on. I did not care about the laptop I closed the box and put it back. A head gut/bracelet. Made
of ice pearls. I've seen it on a magazine. He asked if I liked it. Sigh.

I used it to tie my hair. It must have cost him fortune. My door opened I startled. He dragged me out.

Jason: "What the fuck do you want here?" He looked deadly. The cold wind and the hard rain hit my
bare skin.

Me: "I... I-" he slapped me. He slapped me, Jason laid a hand on me. But I didn't care. I still wanted
to know why he left me.

Me: "Why did you leave me?" I said crying from emotional and also physical pain.

Jason: "Because I do not love you anymore. Hell Emi get the hint and get the fuck out of my life!" He
was growling. This isn't my Jason.

Me: "Why did you lead me on? I loved you Jason"

Jason: "I only wanted sex, I got it. Now the party is over. Stop following me around"

He stormed away. I broke down.


I had to say it. As hard as it was. I had to. She was endangering her life for wanting to be with me.
My new tracker alert app beeped as I got in my house. It was on her car. I rushed back. She was
sitting on the pavement.

Me: "Emihle. If you come here ever again I'll send your brothers an unknown message telling them
you're dating" I turned on my track scanner. I found it on the window shield.

Me: "Don't leave i need to get this thing off" I went to get the spirit to remove it. When I came back
she was still in the same position. I removed it.

I squatted to her level.

Me: "Am sorry. But I truly and honestly never loved you. You need to move on. Find someone who'll
genuinely love you. Am sorry I lied about having feelings for you. Get up I'll drive you home"

She did not move. I would have left her there if my father was not into her. I called an ubber instead.
We sat there in silence. I wanted to hug her so bad and tell her how much I love her. I received an
alert of her brother's car getting closer to where we are. Shit.

I am an IT specialist. I work well with technology. It is my passion. When my dad ordered me to

follow up the Dube's I planted trackers on their cars. I had no time to be following people around.
Yes my intentions were bad at first. But following Emi around created this foreign feeling. I grew to
like her until I completely fell in love with her. That's when I started avoiding my dad and lying about

I stood up and paced up and down.

Me: "Quinton is coming here. Dammit Emihle!"

She just continued staring into space. I battled if I should run inside or stay here. But then if he finds
me here he'll probably kill me. I couldn't leave her here all alone. A car flashed bright on us. Shit!



Q couldn't even wait to turn the engine off. He got off and charged towards them.

Q: "What the hell Emihle! Yey wena you bloody shit" he threw countless punches at Jason soon as
he realized who he is. Emi was screaming trying to stop her brother.

Emi: "You gonna kill him Quinton! Stop!"

People are nowhere in sight when you need them. He finally got off him. Jason was lying there half
dead. Emi kneeled next to him shaking him to check If he's still Alive. Quinton picked her up and
carried her to the car kicking and screaming. He drove off.

Motto motto's car arrived. He rushed out when he saw his son lying there unconscious. He squatted
and left his pulse. He reached for his cellphone a called his personal Dr.

Chapter Forty-One

NB: Very short. I used the least time to type. I am very occupied. Sorry❤



I didn't want the sun to rise. I did not want to face reality. But the universe couldn't reschedule. The
sun rose, it penetrated my eyes through the balcony door. The curtain was parted. I covered my
head with a pillow and threw a pity party for myself. My phone rang. I honestly had no energy for
conversing. I got up and went to shower. I wore PJs and got back into bed.

My heart beat out of it's rib cage when I head voices getting closer. I pulled the cover over my head.

A loud knock filled my ears. The door was locked.

"If you don't open this door I'll break it down" he said firmly. He was angry and that was expected.
Couldn't Q just keep this as our little secret?

Khule: "I swear on MaNgcobo's grave if you don't open this fucking door right now I'll beat the hell
out of you" he said calmly. I battled if I should open or not. Either way he was gonna get in.

The look on his face when I opened. I swear he wanted to kill me. He pushed me out of the way and
got in.

Khule: "Close the door" he ordered.

I did. I was a minute away from a heart attack.

Khule: "Did I not tell you to let me know when you find someone?"

Me: "You did" I had no voice all of a sudden.

Khule: "You thought I was stupid for saying that? Didn't I tell you to stay the hell away from that

Me: "You did" I was at the verge of my tears but I couldn't risk to shed a tear or else I would get a
Khule: "Yazi Emihle if I let you get away with this the angels will punish me. We're doing everything
to protect you but you go and date the exact same people we're protecting you from."

Me: "Am sorry" I said facing down.

Khule: "From now on no car"

Me: "No Bhuti please I swear I will be a good girl and stay away from boys. I will not look their
direction please don't take my car away please!" I couldn't hold back the tears. I love my car!

It is my life!

I find peace of mind on it's embrace. I was on my knees begging.

Khule: "I want all the cards. No parties, no shopping, no girls days, the only time you'll leave home is
when going to your brother's houses or church. Ungijwayela amasimba"

He walked out. Lord please talk to him, not my car please.



I was at work. Serving people as usual. Nkule busy making remarks on everyone. During tea break I
was at the back eating my lunchbox.

Nkule: "Come come come" I stood up and peeped through. Quinton and Chloe walked in hand in

Nkule: "Is it Q?"

Me: "Yeah"

Nkule: "And that's his girl?"

Me: "Yes. I thought she left"

Nkule: "You know her?"

Me: "Yes Nkule" I went to sit down and continued eating.

Nkule: "How could you let that happen? You know how much I like him"

Me: "Well I don't dictate who he should date and who he shouldn't"

Nkule: "Yoh grumpy magogo. Its must be those braids, too tight neh?"

Me: "Leave me alone"

Nkule: "What's her name? I volunteer serving them"

I told her and went to the restrooms. I received a text from Khule.
"Am sorry about earlier I shouldn't have said that. I love you"

I was beyond sad. He snapped at me and said I have no idea what it feels like to have a sibling in
danger when I told him to calm down about Emi's issue. It felt as though he was attacking me about
having no one. I finished my business and went back to work.



Before baby left I decided to take her to see The Dube Construction then went to grab something to
eat at Wimpy.

Chloe: "I didn't know you came to such places"

Me: "Such places?"

Chloe: "Ordinary restaurants"

Me: "Well I do. I love this place. I used to love Spur until Khule fell in love with Khethelo"

Chloe: "You mean to tell me you love coming here because Khethelo works here?"

Me: "You look surprised"

Chloe: "That's because I am. She must be really special"

Me: "She is. She came and played the mother figure to all of us"

Chloe: "Oh"

I don't know if I read too much into her face expression or she did really look unpleasant.

Me: "Let's order"

I signaled for the Waiter.



There's no family without peace as mine. Things are always not intact. We're on the look of the
enemy boom Emi is dating the opponent's son. Yerr I couldn't deal. I ordered whiskey to my office
just as I arrived from meeting with a client. I needed something strong. That woman brutally killed
her husband and his nyatsi. I hate Maxwell for making me take over it. That woman could kill me if I
lose the case. She's a thug.

I gulped 3 glasses and leaned back on the chair. Just what I needed. The telephone rang, disturbing
my peace. I need a personal assistant.

Me: "Maxwell Law firm, Mr Dube's office good day"

Caller: "Good day Mr Dube. You're Talking to Khethiwe Dladla Mr Dube senior's PA."

Me: "How may I be of help?"

Khethiwe: "Mr Dube would like to make an appointment"

Me: "For when?" I looked at my journal.

Khethiwe: "When are you free?"

Me: "14:00 for today and 09am-12pm tomorrow" she went silent for a while.

Khethiwe: "OK. Tomorrow at 09:30"

Me: "OK. Will that be all?"

Khethiwe: "No. This is how its done. You don't just show up at someone's office" she ended the line.

I poured another glass. The phone rang again.

Me: "Maxwell law firm, Mr Dube's office good day"

Caller: "Good day Mr Dube. Its Tshidi from reception Your order has arrived."

Me: "Okay thank you"

I was starving. I walked out to take my food.



Kids do not know what they want. You're strict they complain. You loosen up a bit they take
advantage of that. It might sound unfair I know but I have reasons for Emihle to not date, If she does
I must know her boyfriend. I can not and will never trust anyone when it comes to my siblings. Every
enemy knows that a man with family has everything to lose. I wouldn't forgive myself if anything
happened to any of them. My phone rang disturbing me from my pile of thoughts. It was Khethelo.
We had an encounter in the morning and I regret how I spoke to her.

Me: "MaMnguni"
Khethelo: "Hey. Am not feeling well. Can we settle for takeaways?"

Me: "What's wrong? Where are you?"

Khethelo: "Am home. Liam just dropped me. I think am coming down with flue"

Me: "I'll see you in a few. I love you"

Khethelo: "I love you more"

I hung up and packed my laptop and some files. Told Sizwe to stand in for me for remaining
meetings and left.



It has been 3 weeks since Babomncane got hospitalized. He was out of the ICU. There was progress.
His family was there for him but mostly his wife because she's a nurse where he was hospitalized.

The nurse walked in followed by his lady friend.

Nurse: "Please make it quick. Its way past visiting hours"

Lady Friend: "5 minutes" the nurse nodded and left them.

Babomncane: "You better have a very sharp plan"

Lady Friend: "God is working in your favor Dave"

Babomncane: "Just get into details already. I don't want my wife finding you here"

Lady Friend: "I just discovered that my daughter is dating one of those boys"

Babomncane: "Which daughter?"

Lady Friend: "Chloe. He seems to be very In love. It will be easy to play this. I just need to convince
Chloe which won't be too hard."

Babomncane's lips curved into a side smile.

Babomncane: "They won't know what hit them. She has to gain their loyalty"

Lady friend: "Exactly!" They laughed in advance of victory.

Chapter Forty-Two


Quinton was talking to Khethelo in the kitchen. Khule walked in, they immediately stopped and
avoided eye contact with him. He narrowed his eyes trying to observe their reaction and sat down
next to his brother.

Khule: "You better be not discussing throwing me a party" they laughed.

Q: "Oh please. We wouldn't waste our money like that"

Khule: "Better. Have you drank your medication?"

Khethelo: "Yes baby thank you. I am feeling much better now"

Khule: "Okay sthandwa Sam. So you're back at being a loner?"

Q: "Yes. I might even consider Bonga's request of transferring to Wits. That house is too big for
Lamu and I"

Khethelo: "Are you beginning to get used to Chloe's presence?"

Q: "Not really but it has an impact on why I find that house cold"

Khule: "Take Emi in"

Q: "In that state she's in? She needs a female figure around her"

Khethelo: "I agree"

Khule: "She must get over it. Its over between her and that boy"

Khethelo: "Try not to be hash. Let's be there for her"

Q: "She needs a hiding that's it"

Khethelo: "She's 22 she's bound to have a boyfriend"

Khule: "Of course but not that boy. Someone who goes to church"

Khethelo and Quinton chuckled. Q's phone rang. He excused himself.

Khule: "What were you talking about?"

Khethelo: "With who?"

Khule: "Quinton"

Khethelo: "Uhm... Nothing serious. He was asking some tips about how to keep a girl happy"

Khule: "Ok." He said unconvinced.

At Chloe's apartment.
She was lying on her back playing with her hair while talking to Q. She was swept off her feet.

Chloe: "But then if you showed up at my door right now I'd do some things to you"

Q: "Is it? I might show up phela baby."

Chloe: "Be my guest hun."

Q: "Did you like the earings?"

Chloe: "Like? I loved them babe. Enkosi sthandwa sam."

A knock disturbed her fantasy.

"There's someone at the door please hold on"

She went to get the door. She froze when she saw her.

Chloe: "Let me call you back"

Q: "Is everything okay?"

She nodded. She realized he couldn't see her.

Chloe: "Yep... I mean yes everything is fine"

She ended the call and made space for her mother to come in and closed the door.

Her mother: "Was that him?" Shock hit her.

Chloe: "Who?"

Her mother: "The Dube twin."

Chloe: "I don't know what you're talking about. Can I get you something to drink?"

Her mother: "Why are you so jumpy? I've made peace with you dating and I know you're dating that
boy. A friend who reside in Jo'burg saw you. And yes I would like some of Gin"

Chloe paced to the kitchen and drank water. She's scared of her mother. She's a woman not to be
messed with. She's always been strict, dating has always been the biggest sin in her books. The
water did not calm down the nerves. She drank the wine from the bottle and poured some for her
mother and walked back to the lounge. She was comfortable in Chloe's favorite couch. She did a
dramatic bend while handing her the glass of wine.

Her mother: "How are you?"

Chloe: "Am okay. How are you?"

Her mother: "Can't complain. So, tell me about the Dube boy. Does he make you happy?"

Chloe: "Depends on your idea of happy. Why is mother even asking me about him?"
Her mother: "Am just concerned. Tell me more about him. Does he drink, how big is his house, his
relationship with his family, where does he work, does he have children?"

Chloe: "Am pretty sure mother did not pass by to talk about Dube" she said faking a smile.

Her Mother: "Of course. How's work?"

Chloe: "Its great. Thank you"

Her mother: "I was in Town so I thought I might pass by and greet you. I came yesterday and you
weren't here"

Chloe: "Am sorry."

She stood up.

Her mother: "Fly home this weekend. We have something to discuss"

Chloe: "Of course"

She walked out. Chloe closed the door and sighed heavily. Her and her mother have always had that
weird relationship. Close but not so close. She obeyed her mother and loved her. She respected her,
which made it very odd when she mentioned Quinton. She gulped down the wine that her mother
hardly touched and disappeared to her bedroom and resumed the call with Q.



I realized I was alone when I went to look for Q in his room. I went to eat. I had to eat if I wanted to
get out of this situation alive. I kept trying Jason's phone hoping it will go through but no luck. I just
wanted to know if he's okay.

Why did I bother though. He beat me up for heaven's sake. He told me he doesn't love me. He never
did. That he only wanted sex. Wow am so stupid!

I took the sandwich with me to my room. I was tired of crying. My eyes hurt. I ate and lied in bed
listening to music. Hoping to forget about everything that happened between Jason and I. As hard as
it was I had to.

The following morning I got ready for lecturers. I woke up and tried to stay strong. The pity party had
to end. Jason was gone and not coming back. Saddening over our break up wasn't gonna bring him
back to my arms.
I found Q and Lamu eating at the kitchen.

Me: "Morning." I kissed Lamu.

Q: "Morning"

Me: "What time did you get back?"

Q: "Very late. You good?"

Me: "I couldn't be better. I'll pack my breakfast am running late. Plus Tim is already waiting

Q: "OK." He said kind of confused or amazed. I couldn't care less I packed my lunch and bid them
goodbye. I turned before I got out.

Me: "I'll get back a bit late. I'll attend the youth prayer"

Q: "No problem"

I got in the car and drove away.



Katlego was working on opening a new branch of her salon in Midrand. So she was a busy body. But
today both of us weren't working. I woke up to her laughing on the phone. I climbed off and went to
pee and ended up brushing my teeth. I found her still talking to the phone. I laid on top of covers
and watched her.

Kat: "Mosadi let me call you later. Someone is eating me up with their eyes" I laughed. "I will. Bye"
she put the phone down. "Khethelo sends her love. And guess what?"

Me: "You won lotto?"

Kat: "How did you know?" She covered her mouth dramatically. I laughed. "The divorce is finalised.
Finally am free"

I did not know how to act. I was happy but also worried that she sacrificed so much.

I kissed her shoulder.

Me: "Am glad. Now the burden is with me"

Kat: "Am pretty sure you guys can reach some sort of agreement"

Me: "She's made up her mind about what she wants babe. I'd give it to her but that's my mother's
Kat: "She's human. Reason with her. She can't demand something that she knows hold a
sentimental value."

Me: "I wish it was that easy"

My phone rang. She passed it to me.

Me: "Mbuyazi"

Khule: "Mtakababa. Get your laptop the elders are about to do a conference call"

Me: "Okay. No problem"

I took my note pad.



Whoever told the Dube elders about video calling, Shaka Zulu will deal with him/her.

I Waited with my note pad on my hand. It connected. Yerrr half of them were still in PJs.

Bab Gede: "Is everyone good?"

We all agreed. "I know some of you are getting ready for work or school. Some are already there so
I won't take long. I wanted us to pick a suitable date for Umemulo"

Khanyisani: "Mamkhulu suggested the 16th of December"

Bab Ndoda: "Will you all be available that day?"

Khule: "I will be"

Q: "Me too"

Nathi: "Me 3"

So did everyone.

Bab Ndoda: "December 16 it is then. Amanda and Emihle must come home right after the exams"

Khule: "No problem"

Bab Gede: "Bye bye"

They all said their goodbye's. I put the damn pad away and walked to Maxwell's office. I need a PA,
a very hot one.
The door swung open as I stood up. I looked at my watch 09:35.

Quinton: "Morning"

Me: "Yebo Quinton what do you want so early in the morning"

He made himself comfortable on the visitor's chair.

Q: "You're a lawyer and we have an appointment" oh yeah. I sat down. "I would like you to
represent one of my employees. Thembi. She was assaulted by her boyfriend. I want you to make
sure he gets his 15 years in prison"

Me: "Have you spoken to Maxwell?"

Q: "Yes."

Me: "OK. Iwould like to meet with her then"

Q: "Thank you"

Me: "Just so we clear I charge 5K for each consultation"

Q: "I don't care. Is Phumla still demanding?"

Me: "Yes. Weren't you supposed to have visited her by now?"

Q: "Am trying. But you know she's under Motto Motto's care so she's not easy to access but I will
sure make a plan"

Me: "You better be fast because that woman is after everything that belongs to the Dube's"

I did research. She's never even bought herself a mere cellphone. Now she's demanding big things as
companies. Bloody chancer!



After work. I drove straight home. I wanted nothing but to sleep I had bee. Sight seeing the whole
day. There's nothing as tiring as driving.

I found Khethelo and Katlego. I loved how they were with each other.

Me: "Good Afternoon"

Khethelo: "Hey love. How was your day?"

Me: "Very exhausting. I just need to sleep"

Khethelo: "No you'll take a bath while I dish up for you."

Me: "What would I do without you?"

Katlego: "Better yet. Go join him for the soothing bath. I'll prepare food"

Khethelo warned her with eyes.

Katlego: "Go fill that tub mosadi."

I laughed and left them there. I liked her. She made Chris happy and that's all that matters. Khethelo
followed in after me. She fill the tub while I undressed.

We buried ourselves in water while talking about our wedding that I couldn't wait for. A loud scream
disturbed our precious conversation. We both jumped out of the tub and rushed out. Katlego was
crying hysterically standing before Tim on the floor. I rushed to him.

Me: "Man. What happened? Call an ambulance!" I wasn't sure where the blood was coming from
but he was losing his ability to keep the eyes open.

Tim: "E...Emi. The...y took her" his head hit the floor his eyes displayed the while part before they
fully shut down. Khethelo and Katlego screamed even louder.

Me: "Go upstairs. To my study. Lock it. Do not let anybody in" they rushed upstairs. I felt his pulse.

Me: "Don't play like that Tim" I pressed the panick button the alarm went off I rushed upstairs to
change. I called the guys Informing them. I felt like am losing my mind. I took my gun and slid it in
the back. I went to take the car out of garage and drove out. I met the police, ambulance and our
security company at the gate. I told them to go in. I had no time for explanations I just needed to
find Emi.

Q called. The Bluetooth automatically connected.

Q: "Man, where are you? There are paramedics and police at your house. Is everyone okay?"

Me: "Emi has been captured"

Q: "Fuck! Where are you"

Me: "Just trace the damn car and stop asking me stupid questions"

I, myself did not know where I was driving but I was.

Q: "Tembisa Lekaneng house number 4035. I'll meet you there in a few" I changed my direction and
sped there.
The car parked on the driveway. I opened the door, her bag was there. I closed it and Q's car flashed
lights. I jumped over the gate, so did he. There was so much noise coming from the inside. I shot the
door open. Girls in bikini's looking high, some were on the floor. Some standing against the wall. The
music went.

"Who the fuck is at my turf?"

Said one of the tsotsi's.

Me: "Where's my baby?"

Him: "Who the fuck are you?"

Q: "Hey wena sarn. You think we came here to answer questions. Where's my baby you son of a
bitch!" He had a gun pointed at his head.

Him: "Hade grootman I have no idea what you're talking about"

Me: "I will count to three. If you don't come up with the answer I need you will lose each one of
your friends here"

I took a deep breath. "One. Two. Three."



He looked at the guy. He begged with his eyes.

Him: "I have no idea what you're..." Khulekani fired shots towards the room divider. Everyone ran to
the corner.

Him: "Okay okay okay! They left the car here. I don't know who they are I swear."

Jake and Charles came in.

Khule: "Take him"

He walked out followed by Q while Jake and Charles roughed up the guy.

Khule: "Take me to the hospital where that boy is"

Q: "Ride with me"

They got in the car and sped off. They arrived in Kempton park Arwyp hospital. Just as they parked
they spotted Chris going in. They rushed after him.

They found him arguing with the reception lady.

Her: "Sir. The visiting hours are over"

Chris: "Please do not test my patience. Are you gonna say his ward number?"

Her: "Only his father is allowed to go through"

Q: "If you do not give that boy's ward you'll visit the mortuary my lady"

She looked at them and their looks frightened her.

Her: "He was discharged" she said in a little whisper.

Chris: "We wanna see for ourselves"

She showed them the discharge data.

Khule: "Is it legit?" He said to Chris. Chris nodded.

Q had his hands on his waist and walked out. His brothers followed him.

Quinton: "Am losing my mind" he said with his voice breaking. "maybe we were better off enemies.
This wouldn't have happened"

Khule: "Stop talking nonsense"

Q: "You know its true. I can't even begin to think what they are doing to her. I can't"

Chris: "The security company is very useless at this point."

Q: "Am going to Motto Motto"

Khule: "No. He's expecting us. I want his son. I want to keep him safe for him too. He loves him. He'd
be in misery as we are. He could be part of this kidnapping for all we know"

They drove to Alexandra.

Inside Jason's shack.

His phone beeped. He switched it off without opening his eyes. He felt someone's eyes heavy on
him. He turned and opened his eyes. He saw 3 tall dark men.

Jason: "How did you get in?"

Khule: "Get up"

Jason: "No Mr Dube. Just kill me lying here. And Emi is not here if that's who you are looking for"

Chris grabbed him by his collar making him stand and punched him to the floor. Jason wiped off the
blood in his mouth and got up.

Jason: "I broke up with her"

Q: "My laatie. If you know what's good for you will fucking tell me where your father took my to" he
slapped him.

Jason: "He what? Is he crazy. Can I use my computer?"

Khule looked at him shaking. He's never hated someone so much. He took out his gun.

Jason: "Dube. I am the only lead to your sister. Nobody can access my father's castle. It is bullet
proofed and also in a very secluded area. A place you wouldnt think of. I am pretty sure if he has her
that's where she's keeping her. I have to use my computer in order to find her location. If you kill me
you might never see her"

Quinton was standing in front of his computer. He moved away. Jason logged on and the tracker
locations appeared.

Khule: "Benz C63? Isn't that our car?"

Jason: "Please let's focus on Emi. You can sit on the couch."

Quinton: "Fuck off"

Jason: "Sorry"

The stood there in silence only the hitting of computer buttons was making noise.

Jason: "She's really there. Master's bedroom... What the hell" he said the last part under his breath
when his father's location showed the same room.

Khule: "Pack your shit. You're leaving with us"

Jason: "My dad will get suspicious. I will find Emi. I will fetch her. You guys need to act like you're
looking but in my father's turfs. He needs to let his guard down."

Khule: "I am not sleeping without my baby"

Jason: "If I can sleep so can you" Khule strangled him. "Am sorry" he struggled to talk. He let him go.
He coughed.

Khule: "Give me the location am going to Emi"

Jason: "Firstly. He sings to open the gate. The steps he takes. The way he turns the door knob. If you
do any of these wrong. It locks for a week."
They've never felt so defeated. They walked out without a word. Chris started jotting down his plan
on how to rescue Emi. The fact that Emi's location showed Master's bedroom drove him nuts. His
father has never let his victims inside of that room. It was his precious room because before Jason's
mother overdosed they had spent their last night there.

Jason: "He can't be attracted her... He wouldn't dare try me"

He began resurfacing his father's fraud dealings.

Jason: "You've crossed boundaries now Khayelihle. Am not your Dube friends. I will fucken kill you
and get you arrested so your spirit don't haunt me"

Chapter Forty-Three



It had been a week since I got captured.

I had not slept a wink in that period. Having this guy breathing near me was enough to keep me
awake. I couldn't cry anymore. Every time I'd hear footsteps or the intercom buzzing I'd get excited
thinking it is my brothers they have came for me. Maybe they had forgotten about me. Being kept in
this room was traumatic. This old creepy guy sent chills down my spine. The way sniffed on my hair
and my skin. The way he licked me. The way he declared his love. I wished he could just kill me. All
that he did was worse than being captured to be tortured. I spent hours in the bathroom. It was the
better place to be in this house. Not like I had a chance to leave this huge ass demonic bedroom.

A soft knock disturbed me from my impossible thoughts of anyone saving me. I buried my body
under the water. I did not want to see him nor him to see me naked.

"Madam the lunch is ready"

I sighed. These women were as creepy as he is. The one who makes up the bed always find me
crying but she never bothered to ask. The one who serves tea blatantly ignored me when I tried to
get her to help me. How would they feel if this happened to their own daughter.

I wrapped the towel around me and walked to the door leaving trails of water. When I opened the
door my eyes landed on him. I quickly closed the door. He terrified the shit out of me.

He knocked. I held in my breath.

Him: "You have to eat before we go. I wanna take you somewhere"
This might be my chance of escaping. Since my brothers have forgotten about me. I composed
myself and opened the door. He smiled. He took my hand and led me to the balcony where the
lunch was served. He pulled in the chair for me I sat down. The view was priceless, it gave me s piece
of mind. Looking at those green valleys, the grass so green. The vine yard with fruits looking ready to
be reaped. I'd be lying if I said I had any idea of where I was. This was the beautiful part of South

Him: "Would you like grapes or berries?"

I shifted my attention back to him.

Me: "Anything will be fine"

Him: "This is now your home. You get to call shots."

Me: "Anything would be fine really"

Him: "Eat. I want us to have a look around the house" around the house? He must be joking.

Me: "Is that where you wanted to take me?"

Him: "Yes. You complained about getting bored in this limited room"

Me: "That's because I do not have gadgets. I need-"

Him: "No!" I jumped in terror. "am sorry. It's just... I do not trust you"

Me: "Buy me an iPod at least. Music makes everything better"

Him: "I'll buy you a radio" seriously? Am I 40?

Me: "I like listening to music via earphones."

Him: "I'll take into consideration. Eat"

I had no appetite really. He stood up and left. I looked at my bracelet. That's the only thing I had of
Jason. With this situation I doubt we'll ever cross paths. I felt tears threatening my eyes.



Whoever had Emi was drowning these men in depression. They were walking corpses. We all moved
to Quinton's house for "safety reasons". They would leave at 6pm and come back in the wee ours of
the morning. Leaving the house with 4 body guards was no fun. I wanted to die. They would stick
around until I knock off. Katlego was even suggesting on moving out to her own place but the Dube's
wouldn't hear none of it. Tyler and Bonga were our bodyguards when the 3 older brothers left to
wherever they'd go to.
I was on my way from work. I asked the driver to pass by the mall. I needed to get some few things
but mostly I needed to breathe!

My phone rang as I got off the car. Sam. Haven't heard from him in a very long time.

Me: "Mtase"

Sam: "Mtase my foot. How are you?"

Me: "Am okay how are you?"

Sam: "Am okay. Dad and I were talking about your Membeso. I think it should take place sooner. His
health is not at it's best nowadays"

Me: "Uhm... There's a lot going on you know. I will speak to Khulekani and get back to you"

Sam: What's going on?"

Me: "His sister is not well."

Sam: "Speedy recovery to her."

Me: "Thank you. When you said soon, how soon?"

Sam: "The beginning of December"

Me: "Okay I'll have a word with hubby"

Sam: "Cool"

I hung up and walked to Pick n Pay. I bought all that I needed and went to pay. I spotted Chloe, Q
said nothing about her coming here. I packed my things on a trolley and walked out. I did not bother
to greet Chloe, she had company and they seemed to have a pretty intense conversation. My driver
helped me pack the groceries.

Kat took out the wine as soon as I placed the plastics on the counter.

Me: "Fill my glass please" don't judge. We were going through a crisis as a family. We needed
something to try and avoid the worst scenarios.

Kat: "I almost died when I found the castle empty"

Me: "Why didn't you down some whiskey" we laughed.

Kat: "Burn my insides? No thank you."

Me: "Did they come back today?"

Kat: "Yeah, but only Khule and Chris. They bathed and left"

Me: "Quicky nyana?"

Kat: "Quicky? He hardly kissed me."

Me: "I just want Emi to be found. Its draining them"

Kat: "They truly love her"

Me: "A lot. There's nothing I have not tried to get him to sleep but he doesn't. He twitch, toss and
turn until I wake up and become a therapist. Which does not get us anywhere"

Kat: "Don't mention it. Please pour me another glass"

Me: "We're taking advantage of this situation"

Kat: "We're sad. Wine helps us deal with this"

I chuckled and poured us wine. I gave her the potatoes and the peeler. We began cooking.



If I had no lead of where Emi is. These men would have killed me already. The challenge of working
with people who threaten you each minute. They moved me into another place in Soweto. Not eye
catching on the outside but to die for in the interior. They came everyday to check on the progress,
getting them to trust me was a mission on itself, if only they had any idea how much I loved their
sister. I was not doing this for them I was doing right by the person I love and ever loved.

Today was the day.

The plan took us about a week, I turned on the surveillance camera in the master bedroom. I
accessed their conversations. I turned it off whenever the Dube's arrived so I couldn't exactly know
what they did or spoke about but what I knew is that if he ever touches her I'll rip him apart.

I opened the last bag of Doritos. The door bell rang. I pressed the remote control to open.

Quinton: "Here are the things you wanted"

Me: "Thank you"

Quinton: "Yes. If you dare cross us you'll regret the day you were born"

Me: "Of course."

Today my father was attending a function in Sandton. Which meant he'll leave that place 3 hours
before. We had to drive there as soon as his car left the premises.

Me: "I said MAC lipstick not Revlon"

Quinton: "Isn't red?"

Me: "It is but my mother used MAC. Those dogs could tell the difference."

He made a phone call and I reread the whole thing. I was certain of getting her back.

Quinton: "Khule will bring it and we'll be on standby"

Me: "I meant it when I said no back up. I will go there on my own"

Quinton: "I don't want anything going wrong."

Me: "Nothing will"

I assured him.

He sat down and smiled at his phone. If this becomes successful, I will stay away from Emi. I will
escape the country and let her start on a new clean slate.

6pm Khule and Chris arrived. I went to the bathroom and changed. I spent about an hour and then
came back. Their eyes widened in shock.

Quinton: "What the hell man"

Me: "You might like to refrain from that. My name is Thabile, Jason's other self"



Q looked at Khule, he shrugged. He was a pure woman.

What they did not know about Jason is that he had 5 other personalities. Thabile represented his
mother. This was his way of getting to his father.

Chris: "You gonna go to Motto Motto dressed like that?"

Jason: "Of course. Along the way I'll switch to this and then boom! Emi is back"

Khule: "What do you mean switch?"

Jason: "That's a story for another day. Did you bring me the car?"

Chris: "Yes its outside."

Jason took the handbag and took the laptop. He walked out.
Q: "Is he gay?"

Khule: "He has a female personality. That's what he meant with " switch "

Quinton laughed.

Q: "Come on. That's a rare disease"

Khule: "Maybe not so rare"

Chris: "Let's go. That boy might cross us"

Khule: "I trust him"

Quinton and Chris looked at him amazed.

At Motto Motto's castle.

He was on the call with his PA.

Pa: "It is short notice Sir but I'll sure make it"

Him: "Thank you. I can't really drive to Jo'burg right now"

PA: "No problem Sir"

He put his phone down. Emi's heart sank. She was hoping to escape after he left.

Motto: "Today is going to be our special night" he kissed the back of her neck. Terror filled her
whole body. "loosen up. I will make it the best night you've ever had."

Her whole body started vibrating. She said a little yet very strong prayer.

Motto: "Emihle. I want this to be very special." He walked around to squat before her, placing his
cold big hands on her melanin smooth warm thighs. She looked away.

Motto: "I know this is probably not how you imagined your first time but I will make it special." She
shifted uncomfortably. "it's gonna be your first time right?"

Her brain revisited the day they had sex with Jason. He had made an in door picnic. She wasn't
planning on giving it to him anytime but she did and no matter how much she tried to regret it, she
did not. She had given her virginity to someone she loves deeply.

Motto Motto shook her. She departed her fantasy and came back to face her reality. The man who
thought she was still a virgin.

Emi: "Is that why you took me? Because you think am a..."
Motto: "Aren't you?" His face changed. She got scared and nodded. He smiled.

"Good girl" he kissed her forehead. Let's go to the cinema room while the ladies prepare this room
for our special night "

She smiled faintly and stood up. He picked her up in bridal style and walked out with her.

She picked animation they settled for it. They served them the snacks. Her heart wasn't even in all
this. She wanted to run away.

Emi: "Can I use the loo?"

Motto: "Sure. Third Door on your right"

She stood up and walked out. She found the bathroom, did her business and stared at her reflection
on the mirror. She looked like a mess. She walked out, she couldn't remember what direction she
came from. She went opening each room. Until he opened this one that was decorated as Jason's
room. She got in. His scent filled the room.



I don't know if I was paranoid or it really smelt like him. I walked to the dressing table. I lost the
ability to breathe. I sat on the bed and took it into my arms. This can't be. He wouldn't do that to his
son. That's if he's his son. The door swung open. I jumped to my feet.

Him: "What are you doing here?"

Me: "Are you his father?"

My voice was breaking. I had no strength to talk. I was at the verge of my tears. "how could you!
Who does this to their own child?" I was shouting. He roughly took the picture frame out of my hand
and pulled me out. I fought until he let go

Me: "You're a monster."

Him: "You're still kids. You'll forget about him eventually"

Me: "I won't. I love him."

Him: "And I love you. Please let's go back to the cinema and forget about Jason. You'll never see him
again" I couldn't stop the tears. I couldnt believe this.

"Said I loved you but I lied. This is more then how I feel inside. Said I loved you but I was wrong..."
He moved me out of his way. I've never heard such an Angelic voice. She went on and on singing.
Suddenly she appeared. She looked so beautiful. She smiled at him. He opened his arms. She threw
herself at him. Must be his wife.

I stood there looking at their heart felt moment.

My eyes met with her's. She had beautiful eyes.

Her: "Who is the lady?"

Him: "That's Jason's friend"

Her: "Where is he?"

Him: "Out of the country with work"

Her: "Cool. Hi. Am Jason's mother"

I faked a smile.

Me: "Nice to meet you ma'am"

Her: "Likewise. Love. Can we please talk? In private"

He nodded. He did not look like the man I was with the couple of minutes ago. They walked to one
of the rooms. I sighed and walked down the stairs for the first time. It was so beautiful.

"Mihle" I turned. Only Jason calls me that. It was his mother.

Her: "Come help me with something"

I followed her out. The maids were nowhere in sight.

Her: "Get in we're going out for ice cream"

I hesitantly got in the car. She started the engine and drove off. It was already dark. Very dark.

I fell asleep along the journey to the ice cream bar.


Soon as we made it to Jo'burg I switched back to myself. I parked at the garage and went to change.
The hypnosis worked very well back there. My father has always had a very soft spot for my mother.
If there was another way to get Emi out of that house, was this. Turning into the woman he loved
dearly. I came back and drove straight to Quinton's home, using GPS. I parked at gate. I pressed the
intercom informing them am outside. I woke Emi up. She jumped and hit the glass on her side. She
screamed so loud.

Me: "Calm down its me"

Emi: "No I was with your mother" she was crying.

Me: "My mother? Oh please, my mother died. You were dreaming"

Emi: "Am not crazy I know what I saw"

Me: "Get off and stay the fuck away from me" his brothers came out. She walked out and ran into
their arms

Khule: "From now on. Stay the hell away from her"

Me: "No you tell her to stay the fuck away from me."

I sped off.

Chapter Forty-Four



I soaked myself in a tub soon as I woke up and let it all out. The thought of that man touching me.
Everything he did and said gave me creeps. And now that I knew he's Jason's dad it made it all

Why did I dream about his mother? I was grateful she saved me. But I swear it was not a dream. She
walked in, I rode with her to get ice-cream. Maybe she's alive, they just don't want it to be known. If
she's really dead as Jason said. Then his father would have freaked out when she walked in. I was
running in circles trying to figure out how did Jason get hold of me.

"You've washed all the dirt. Come out, breakfast is ready" Khethelo said outside.

Me: "Am coming"

I found them all seated. If stares could kill I would've collapsed right there. I sat down and dished up
for myself.
Khule: "We're glad you're back. Are you ready for your big?" I nodded.



Quinton: "Maybe you should see someone"

Bonga laughed.

Bonga: "Oh please. That's a waste of money. This was her fate."

Khule: "Bonga" he said in a reprimanding voice.

Bonga: "Baba. Who did it have to happen to? The girl next door? No. This was planned by heavens
that aunt Emihle was ought to be captured by an old creepy man and gets saved before he he
pleasures himself with her"

Quinton: "Bonga!"

Emi: "Excuse me" she stormed outside.

Khethelo and Katlego just focused on their food.

Chris: "Go and apologize"

Bonga: "No problem" he stood up and went outside.

They ate silently.

Khethelo: "Uhm... Kat and I are going to check prices for blankets. Would you like to join us?"

Quinton: "We'll hire ladies to do that for you"

Khethelo looked at Khulekani.

Khule: "Yes. It's not safe for you ladies to be out there"

Chloe: "Why? That man wanted Emi not your girlfriends"

Quinton: "Still."

Khethelo: "Let's forget about it" she faked a smile.

Chloe: "If I stay in this house a minute longer I'll suffocate I swear. Let's go to the spa at least"

Quinton: "No one is leaving this house except for us and those going to work. And when I checked
none of you are going to work today"
Chloe frightened a little. He's never used that ordering tone.

Katlego: "Ladies let's clear the table"

They stood and took the dishes to the kitchen. Chloe followed last.

Katlego: "What do you think you're doing?"

Chloe: "What? That man wanted Emi not any of you. You let these men control you. Mna
andizukwazi shem" she walked out to fetch more dishes. Katlego and Khethelo looked at each other.



I finally found her at the garden. She was watering the flowers. I took another pipe and started
watering too.

Emi: "What are you doing here?"

Me: "Watering flowers."

We kept quiet. Only the water hitting the flowers made noise. Honestly I did not feel sorry for her.
What happened to her was meant for her. She had to woman up and take it.

Me: "So, for how long are you gonna throw yourself a pity party?"

Emi: "I thought you came here yo water flowers"

Me: "True. But right now am asking you a question"

Emi: "You have no idea how it feels! You have no idea what it's like to feel helpless. Don't come here
with your cheeseboy tendencies"

I chuckled.

Me: "Clearly you have no idea where I come from. But trust me if I had to tell you, you'd feel much
luckier that you were kidnapped but kept in a safe place with food and a comfortable bed. There are
people who get captured, gets tortured, get raped, get starved. You're lucky Emi. Feeling sorry for
yourself will delay your happiness. Go out for shopping, meet up with friends and better yet. Let's go
clubbing later"

Emi: "Excuse me" she turned the tab off and walked away.


Emi came in and passed us like we weren't there.

Katlego: "I just want this whole thing to end"

Me: "Everyone is drained"

Chloe: "I think they're dramatic. She's back, she did not die. Life should go on"

Since from last night I have realized that her brain isn't connected to her mouth.

Me: "Do you understand how much these people share connection?"

Chloe: "Every sibling does"

Me: "Then you should know how it feels to almost lose someone you truly love"

Chloe: "I would be sad but not to the extent of being depressed. They're over doing it, are you okay
with how much they love her? I mean it seems like y'all got nothing on her."

I looked at Kat and sipped on my wine.

Katlego: "We're their partners. She's their sister and we are not on competition"

Chloe: "Well am not okay with it. If Q continues acting like this we gonna have some problem"

She poured the 6th glass and gulped the half of it.



My family's drama was overwhelming for me so I left for work. I couldn't concentrate. My mind was
wilding. That motto motto guy got to my last nerve. I regret the day we made the blood pact.

Tshidi came in followed by a young beautiful lady.

Tshidi: "Good morning."

Me: "Morning"

Tshidi: "This is Luyanda Ngema. Your Personal Assistant"

Her: "Morning Sir"

Me: "Call me Tyler please"

She smiled and nodded.

Tshidi: "Over their is your mini office. You'll find everything there. Your boss is gonna tell you how
y'all will work"
Luyanda: "Thank you"

Tshidi: "Do I still have to order you breakfast?"

Me: "No not anymore. Thank you"

She walked out.

I sat down and signalled for her to sit down.

Me: "There isn't much you will be doing except for taking in appointments, making appointments
for me, answering calls and making calls. Ordering me food is voluntary. I can do it myself but I can
never say no if you offer to." I smiled. Trying to be generous enough for her to be comfortable.

Luyanda: "Okay Sir. What do I start with?"

Me: "Logging on Facebook or Twitter and post about your new job" she chuckled and stood up to
her mini office opposite mine. "Leave the door open"

She nodded and did as per instruction.

I called Q's office.

Khethiwe: "Dube Logistics, Mr Dube's office Good morning"

Me: "Hey, its Advocate T. Dube. I wanted to inform you that from now on. You'll be making
appointments through my PA"

She sighed

Khethiwe: "I would have found out that myself if I call. Thanks for wasting your energy. Bye"

I chuckled. Jealousy on that statement. The devil is disappointed.



Quinton tagged along Chloe and Lamu to work. He had a 30 minutes meeting that he had to attend
to before they go chill at the golf court nearby. Chloe's idea of course. She complained about being
closed up in one space.

Q left them in his office and went to the boardroom. Lamu was running around as usual. Chloe was
streaming live on insta showing off around her babe's office.
Khethiwe got in. Chloe gave her a nasty look and locked her phone.

Khethiwe: "Hi. Chloe right? Is Q in?"

Chloe: "Yes am Chloe and who are you calling my man Q?"

Khethiwe: "Am his PA, Khethiwe" she smiled but Chloe have her a cold face.

Chloe: "Why are you addressing him like that? He's your boss he's Mr Dube to you"

Khethiwe: "Oh, he has no problem with me addressing him like that. I'll do as you say. It was nice
meeting you"

She walked out puzzled. Lamu was jumping on top of the couch.

Chloe: "You little rascal. Get off the couch!"

Lamu's smile faded immediately and sat still on the couch. Q came in. Lamu ran to him, he picked
him up.

Chloe: "Why are you making a fool of me Quinton?" Her eyes were glassy of tears. Q frowned.

Q: "What's going on?"

Chloe: "Your slutty PA!"

Q: "Calm down"

Chloe slapped him. He held her hand when she attempted to release the second one.

Q: "Don't ever, I mean ever do that. In front of my child. Don't test my patience woman. Don't!"

He walked out. She followed after shouting am sorry. Quinton stopped.

Q: "If you know what's good for you, you'll stop shouting in my premises and book your self an uber
and a hotel cause only Lord knows what I will do to you if I see your face a minute longer"

He walked away. She stood there shocked. She was terrified by the look on his face.

Chapter Forty-Five



I woke up to someone knocking. I looked around for a robe and got off the bed. I headed for the
door. I unlocked and opened.

Chloe: "Hi" I walked back to the bed and continued sleeping. "Can I come in?" Ignored her and kept
my eyes closed.
I felt her sit on the bed.

Chloe: "Am sorry" she went quiet. "I love you Quinton. I have grown insecurities. I don't know what
came over me. I promise you it will never happen again. Ndicel'uxolo sthandwa Sam"

I turned to face her direction. She looked away.

Me: "Have I ever given you a reason to be insecure?" She quickly shook her head no. "So why are
you insecure?"

Chloe: "I don't know"

Me: "I need you to apologize to Khethiwe. You had no right talking to her like that."

Chloe: "Anything."

Me: "I am really angry. I don't know what I would do to you if you ever do it again. I do not beat
women but I'll sure break your neck"

Chloe: "It will never happen I promise"

Me: "It better not. Come here"

She smiled and lied down. We cuddled. My worst fear is disappointing someone who genuinely loves
me. The love she had for me beat me. I wish I felt something for her. I don't know what's worse,
continuing with relationship although I know its not heading anywhere or telling her straight up that
I do not love her. Either way its gonna break her.



First thing I did when I woke up was making breakfast. I was happy am going to work. Chloe did not
even greet when she arrived. Whatever was going on between her and Q was huge because he came
back alone yesterday.

Katlego: "Today we'll swallow standing" I did not see her come in. The eggs were burning, I quickly
moved the pan off the stove.

Me: "Ugh. Am thinking about my membeso. I am not ready"

Katlego: "Why?"

Me: "Who's gonna buy all these things needed" I sat down frustrated.

Katlego: "I don't think its a good idea for you to buy all those things this side."

Me: "Where should I buy them?"

Katlego: "In Durban. December is a couple of weeks away."

Me: "I can not afford to miss work"

Katlego: "We're opening a salon soon. We gonna make loads of money you seriously don't need
that job"

Yes we were opening a salon. I was still deciding if am gonna open a spa or what. She was working
on her own salon and ours. I wasn't putting too much work on it because as a best sister that she is
she told me not to worry about anything.

Me: "I can not afford to be a housewife. Leaving my job would mean I have to stay home 24/7"

Katlego: "There's no such thing. We'll have an office"

Me: "Stop convincing me. I am not quitting my job. I will request for leave instead. I need strength
to face my family"

Katlego: "No need to torture yourself. We'll book a hotel"

Me: "That's an idea"

We laid the table. I couldn't wait to get out of this house honestly.



I was on the mirror powdering my face. I was coming good at this Make-Up thing.

"Knock knock"

What does he want?

Me: "Come in"

The door opened.

Bonga: "Hello aunty Emz, mom Khethelo sent me to tell you that breakfast is ready"

Me: "Am not hungry"

Bonga: "Really? More for myself then. Bye"

He closed the door. I exhaled. He's the most heartless person ever. I packed my books and took my
cellphone. I found everyone laughing. Must be nice. I wish I did not have nightmares about that
man's touch.

Khule: "Morning"

Me: "Morning"

Khethelo: "Sit down and eat"

Me: "Am not hungry"

Quinton: "At some point you gonna have to eat baby. Dr Wayne will be coming over for your
sessions later on"

Me: "I don't want to talk to no stranger and I am not hungry!"

I walked away.



I could not believe it. She did not just snap at us.

Quinton: "What was that?"

Bonga: "Emi snapping at you. I think you're too soft on her"

Me: "Not that again"

Bonga: "Yes she's the only girl in the family but your hand is very loose to how she should carry
herself. If something happened to you guys, she wouldn't be able to survive the outside world. As we
speak she dismissed the guards."

Me: "What?"

Bonga: "She knows you guys will let her get away with it."

Quinton: "I need to make a call" he stood up and left. Bonga has a point. We give Emi everything
and let her get away with Everything.

Emi came in.

Emi: "And why can't I drive my car?"

Me: "Because you're grounded "

Emi: "I am not comfortable with being driven around" Bhuti"

Me: "Thats not for your comfortability but for your safety. Sit down and eat. You will drive with me
to school"

Emi: "I said am-"

Quinton: "Dare raise your voice once again uzonya. Sit down"

She slowly sat down. Bongs dished up for her.

Emi: "I don't have appetite"

Me: "Do you want a hiding?" She quickly shook her head no and took a bite on her toast. Good.
Me: "Are you ladies working today?"

Khethelo: "I am"

Katlego: "Me too"

Me: "Chloe?" She was just staring into space. "Chloe?" She was far away in thoughts. Q shook her,
she jumped, the hot tea splashed on her.

Chloe: "Jesus Quinton! See what you've done. Ugh marn" she clicked her heals to the kitchen. Q
furiously attempted following her.

Me: "Don't even think about it"

Q: "She's starting to get on my nerves"

Chris came in looking like s corpse. He sat down and dished up without a word. He ate like a stray

Me: "Thats what you get for refusing to eat supper"

Chris: "Man I almost died"

Katlego whispered something to Khethelo they giggled. I've made peace with their childishness.

I walked upstairs while the ladies washed dishes.

I dressed up for work. Khethelo came in.

Khethelo: "Hey dzaddzy" she hugged me from behind as I fastened my tie.

Me: "Hey sphalaphala sami."

Khethelo: "Katlego and I were talking. She thinks buying the things for Umembeso this side will
cause lot of work"

Me: "Yes?"

Khethelo: "We were thinking of going to Durban" I turned to look at her.

Me: "For how long?"

Khethelo: "2 Weeks before December. I need to prepare for the arrival of you guys"

Me: "We're the ones who'll bringing gifts babe not you"

Khethelo: "Really? Isn't us?"

Me: "No, you'll bring gifts on our wedding day"

Khethelo: "Sam made it sound like we're the ones bringing gifts."

Me: "Well its not. You'll go home a week before we come. The elders suggested the 10 of
Khethelo: "And you didn't tell me"

Me: "I received the message early in the morning. You nothing to worry about" she sighed in relief.

Khethelo: "OK. I'll let Kat know."

I bent over to kiss her.

Me: "I'll ride with you to work"

Khethelo: "Thank you Sir" I smiled and took my case then we left.



Q roughly pushed the bedroom door open. He found Chloe naked in front of the mirror.

Q: "What has gotten to you?"

Chloe: ...

Q: "I am not talking to myself"

Chloe: "Sorry"

He chuckled in disbelief.

Q: "Seriously? How many times must I reprimand you a day? Firstly you shit on my PA, slap me now
you are disrespecting me in front of my family? Are you sane?"

Chloe: "Am sorry, my emotions always get the best of me. Please bear with me I am working on
myself" she was sobbing.

Q: "Whatever problem you have. Deal with it. And I am booking you a flight back home cause I'll end
up doing something I will regret" he walked out banging the door behind him.

Chloe sat on the bed and cried.



After breakfast I drove straight to meet my client, Q's employee.

She led me to her office. She told her story. I was ashamed of being a man at this stage. She was
crying and if I wasn't this strong I would have cried too.

Me: "I promise you. You will get justice. He'll regret the day he ever lay his filthy hand on you"

Her: "Most of all. I want my child"

Me: "You will get him back"

Her: "Would you like something to eat?"

Me: "Yes please am starving"

She stood up and went out.

I got busy on my phone. My schedule was very free today. I had a case to attend in 3 hours. The
door opened. Not this baboon.

Khethiwe: "What are you doing here?"

Me: "I came to see my-"

Zinhle came in.

Zinhle: "I didn't know what to get so I settled for these"

Me: "How did you know I like these? You're a blessing in my life" she blushed.

Khethiwe walked out. We ate over a silly conversation.

Afterwards I packed my stuff and walked out. I passed by Q's office. I knocked.

"Do you have an appointment?"

God not now. I turned.

Me: "No ma'am."

Khethiwe: "Then am afraid you can not talk to my boss"

Me: "I won't talk. I'll just wave hi and leave"

Khethiwe: "Please make an appointment"

Me: "What's wrong with you?"

Khethiwe: "Nothing's wrong with me. I am doing my Job. Mr Dube is currently with a very potential

Me: "I'll wait here"

Khethiwe: "Am afraid that's not possible."

Me: "Ay phuma kimi we sisi" (Hell. Leave me alone woman)

She walked back to her mini office and made a call. I sat down on the couch. 4 securities got off the

Sec 1: "If you walk voluntarily we won't have to drag you out"

Me: "What? You will not do that"

Khethiwe: "He threatened to kill me" she said crying. Wtf!

Me: "Why are you lying?"

Khethiwe: "He's dangerous. Please take him out" wow she deserves an Oscar for that.

Sec 1: "You're violating the company's rules. Lets go"

They pulled me to the lift.

The way they dragged me out. One of them even kicked me. Wow this woman. She's from hell I

Chapter Forty-Six



After my meeting. Thato came in.

Thato: "Sir you gonna have to talk to Khethiwe"

Me: "What did she do?"

Thato: "She had Tyler dragged out by the securities"

Me: "What?" I couldn't hold back the laughter. Thato stood there amazed.

Thato: "This is not funny Mr Dube"

Me: "Hhaibo those two are besties. You have nothing to worry about"

We heard a scream. We rushed out.

Tyler: "Nice neh?"

Khethiwe: "You bloody moron. You wet my work"

Tyler: "Re-type it. That's what you are paid to do right" he was laughing. He had an empty 20L
bucket in his hand. I looked at Thato.

Me: "This is what I was talking about."

Thato: "Remind me not to intervene next time" he said laughing.

Me: "I think they're in love"

Thato: "No, he's not her type"

Me: "Exactly. That's why she's in denial" they were busy arguing they did not even notice we were
there watching them. I walked back to my office laughing. I finished off what I was doing.



After school I waited for Bhut Khule inside the premises. I hated what they were doing to me. I called
him multiple time to no avail. I called Bhut Chris.

Chris: "Baby"

Me: "Hey, can you fetch me? Kk is not taking my calls"

Chris: "Call a cab"

Me: "I have R11 in my pocket"

Chris: "Catch a taxi then"

Me: "What?"

Chris: "Catch a taxi. Liam is busy he won't be able to fetch you. And Katlego is at work, so is

Me: "You guys! I will stop locking my self in my room. Just don't punish me like this"

Chris: "Oh Bonga is at home. Call him"

No! I don't want that spoilt brat next to me.

Me: "I'll see what I can do. Bye"

"Hi" I startled and turned.

Cebo: "I didn't mean to give you a fright. Are you okay?"

Me: "Yeah am good. You?"

Cebo: "Am okay. Wanna take a walk?"

Me: "A walk? Why?"

Cebo: "You seemed pretty distant at the D lab. I thought you might want to take a walk and have a
peace of mind. That's what I do when I am going through things"
Since I had no transport. I might as well.

Me: "So. Where to?"

Cebo: "Park. Grab some food on the way"

Me: "Ice cream included."

He smiled. Finally.

Cebo: "Yeah sure"

We left the campus. I told him about what happened.

Cebo: "It must be hard. But that was your fate" not him too.

Me: "What's up with this fate thing?"

Cebo: "When my father passed on I discovered so many things about life. Everything that happens
to you is meant for you."

Me: "But why. Why do bad things happen?"

Cebo: "To teach us lessons. But seems like you didn't learn. See you're still out here without your
bodyguards. What if that man is following you"

Me: "They crowd me. I like my own space"

Cebo: "So being kidnapped is better than being crowded?"

Me: "No its not like that"

Cebo: "Maybe you should stop being so hard headed and follow rules. Your family is on high
demand. You're the main target. Next time it will not be that man but someone who'll torture you.
Your brother's enemies"

That scared me a little. He was right. I hate guards but I can not afford to be held captive.



I looked at the big clock. 5pm on the dot. I wanted nothing but a warm long bath and my bed. I went
to the back and took off the damn uniform.

Nkule: "Its not even one past five but you're already leaving"

Me: "I am tired. I can't"

Nkule: "How's Quinton?"

Me: "He's fine."

Nkule: "Did he talk about my service the other day?"

Me: "Nkule stop it"

Nkule: "I do not love him. I just wanna fuck him"

Me: "No!" I laughed. "Jesus Chloe is gonna kill you"

Nkule: "Is she around?"

Me: "Yeah."

Nkule: "Interesting. Invite me for dinner"

Me: "Not happening"

Nkule: "Please" my phone rang.

Me: "Bye friend"

Nkule: "Tseg"

I laughed as I rushed out. I got in the car.

Me: "Hey love"

Khule: "When are you buying yourself a car?"

Me: "Are you trying to make fun of me?"

Khule: "No am asking babe. When?"

Me: "After I get married"

Khule: "So that's like 6 months away?"

Me: "Are you tired of giving me a lift?"

Khule: "Yes" he chuckled.

Me: "I'll go back into riding in taxis"

Khule: "Not happening"

Me: "What do you want from me Khulekani?"

Khule: "A blow job"

Me: "Forget it I don't wanna die"

Khule: "We'll die happy"

Me: "Jesus please intervene"

Khule: "He'll be on my side. He knows a man deserves a blow at least twice a day"

Me: "Let me sleep"

Khule: "Am not picking anyone up when we get home"

Me: "Speaking of home. When are we going back to your house?"

Khule: "Any time. Even now"

Me: "No. We'll move out tomorrow"

Khule: "Yes ma'am"

I chuckled. I like this side of him. We've been together for 8 months but he still scare the shit out of
me. I can't get used to the cold blooded him. I lowered my seat and drifted to sleep.



When I arrived home I went straight to the bedroom and slept.

I was woken up by Katlego dropping everything. I took my phone and logged on WhatsApp. She
went to the bathroom without even a simple Hi. I browsed through the social networks. I quoted
verses for Sunday. She came out.

Katlego: "How long is this going to take place?"

Me: "Ini?" "(What?)

Katlego: "Not now Christian."

Me: "I thought you weren't coming back here today"

Katlego: "Where would I have gone to?"

Me: "I don't know"

Katlego: "Don't be ridiculous. I did the tests. They're negative" she handed them to me.

My heart sank.

Me: "Am sorry"

Katlego: "Don't. I understand. And bringing a child in this is not okay. There's so much going on"

Me: "I know love. I was convinced by your moods, your eating habits and temper. I thought you
were... "

Katlego: "Are you saying I eat a lot?"

Me: "No"

Katlego: "Then what are you saying Christian"

Me: "See what am talking about? Ay I'll sleep with Tyler tonight"

Katlego: "Ska nteka tumelo Christian. Ska leka" (Don't test my patience Christian. Do not)

Me: "Let's go sit with others cause I don't wanna see myself pinching your ears."

I got off the bed and left her crying.

I found Khethelo alone at the kitchen.

Me: "Yoh woman. Give yourself a break. We'll order in its Friday"

Khethelo: "Will your brothers agree to that?"

Me: "Whoever will not agree is gonna cook. You deserve your rest"

Khethelo: "You're the best"

Khule came down with Kat on his hand.

Khule: "Why are you making her cry?"

Me: "Only God knows what's happening with her"

Katlego: "You said I waste food"

Me: "When?"

Katlego: "Don't try and deny it"

Me: "Oh am sorry babe. It came out wrong. Come here"

She came and I hugged her.

Khethelo: "Chris said we gonna order"

Khule: "No problem. As long as it's not pizza"

Me: "Everyone will order their own preference"

Emi, Bonga and Tyler came in. We ordered. The intercom buzzed.



Khule: "Babe, its Nkule.

She must be crazy. Q and Chloe will be home any minute.

She walked in followed by Q and his PA. What the hell is going on.

Me: " What a surprise "

Nkule: "That flat is too big for my tiny self. I wish I had a boyfriend" sigh

Me: "Sorry babe. Move back to your old place"

Nkule: "Not in a million years"

Quinton: "This is Khethiwe she's my PA. Make yourself feel at home nana"

Khethiwe: "Thank you. Hello"

Us: "Hi"

Tyler: "Hhai we'll die of nightmares tonight."

We laughed.

Me: "We just ordered. What would you guys like?"

Khethiwe: "Any thing you guys are having"

Me: " Nkule?" She was drooling over Q. I touched her shoulder. She looked at me.

Me: "Please behave" I whispered.

Nkule: "He's too damn hot. Where's his girlfriend?"

Me: "I don't know." They looked at us. I smiled.

Me: "Q what will you and Chloe have?"

Q: "She left. I'll have what Khule is having" hhai so weird.

Khule: "Am having a Dog"

Q: "As long as you having it I will too"

Khule: "Tsek"

Q: "Can we talk?"

Khule: "Sure" they walked out to the lounge.

Chris: "Tyler, Bonga. Give the ladies space"

Tyler: "Sure" they walked out.

Katlego: "Bathong. Do we have wine?"

Me: "No. Today we're sleeping sober"

Nkule: "So Khethi Khethi. Are you that close to Quinton?"

Khethiwe: "Pretty much"

Nkule: "Is it the first time coming here?"

Khethiwe: "No. Second. He invited me over since my friends are going out of the country"

Me: "He's a cool boss mos"

Nkule: "Maybe he's more than her boss"

Me: "You're crossing the line now"

Khethiwe: "He's like a brother to me."

Me: "You're like his little sister. He always tell us about you and Tyler"

Katlego: "I don't know why y'all ain't dating already"

Khethiwe: "I'd rather be eaten by lions" we laughed.

Nkule: "He's hot"

Khethiwe: " And full of shit. He splashed me with water today. Even wet my paper work. I had to
start afresh"

Emi: "No!"

Khethiwe: "He's too stupid for my liking"

Me: "You'll be screaming his name soon"

We laughed.



The Dube brothers chilled at the lounge having beer.

Khule: "No you have to admit it. You like her"

Tyler: "I don't"

Bonga: "Stop being in denial baba"

Tyler: "If I liked her she would be my girl as we speak"

Quinton: "Weeeh keep lying to yourself"

They laughed.

Bonga put down his juice and closed his eyes.

Q: "Are you okay?"

Bonga: "Everybody bow down"

Khule: "What?"

Bonga kneeled and bowed his head and said the Dube clan names.

Bonga: "I said kneel!"

They got off couches and did as per instruction. 2 big snakes swirled into the lounge. Bonga began
praising the ancestors. Quinton hid behind Tyler when he saw the snakes.

The snakes positioned themselves into two big rolls. Bonga praised them, after an hour. They finally
unrolled themselves and went away. The room went dead for minutes.

Khule: "What has just happened? "

Bonga: "Someone is carrying the saviours of this family"

Tyler: "As in. Pregnant?"

Bonga: "Yes."

Khule: "Its definitely not Khethelo"

Chris: "Neither is Katlego"

They all looked at Q.

Q: "Do not look at me. She's on the pill"

Bonga: "Whoever is pregnant saw them too"

Q's phone rang. It was Chloe. He looked at his brothers before he pressed yes.

Q: "Hello"

Chloe: "I didn't know who to call I..." She was crying hysterically

Q stood up.

Q: "Calm down. What's happening?"

Chloe: "Snakes.... I found them on my bed"

Q's eyes widened.

Q: "Where are they now?"

Chloe: "When the nature people arrived they disappeared. My card is empty I need money to book
into a hotel. I can not stay in this place"

Q: "I thought you were on the pill Chloe"

Chloe: "Really!? I almost got killed by two gigantic snakes and all you're worried about. Is me being
on the pill. Nx"

She hung up.

Q: "Fuck!"

Bonga: "Is it her?"

Q: "Am fucked. I thought she was on the pill. I can not afford to have that woman in my life forever"

Khule: "She has to move this side"

Q: "But not with me. I will end up killing her"

Khule's phone rang.

Khule: "Its Bab Gede. Yebo baba"

Gede: "The saviours are finally here" he said in excitement.

Khule: "Bonga told us"

Gede: "Finally! Have you found the mother?"

Khule: "Yes. Quinton's girlfriend"

Gede: "Next weekend lets gather home and praise the Mbuyazi's. And meet this special Lady"

Khule: "Yebo baba"

Gede: "We'll keep in touch"

He hung up.

Khule: "Next week we're going home. Chloe has to be there"

Q was standing next to his parents portrait.

Q: "Am flying to Durban"

Chris: "No. You need to calm down first"

Q: "She's stupid. I can not have a child with that psycho"

Bonga: "You'll have to tolerate her until she gives birth. Because any hatred she could have towards
you will break your bond with them"
Q: "I don't even love her! You don't get it. Aren't the saviours supposed to be carried by a married

Bonga: "No"

Q punched the wall.

Q: "What have I done?"

Chapter Forty-Seven



Chloe woke up first and went to slide apart the curtains and slid the sliding door out to the balcony.
She sat on the chair and fed her eyes with the perfect view of the sea and Moses Mabhida stadium.

She got lost in a pile of thoughts. She startled when Quinton pulled a chair to sit down.

Q: "Did you order?"

Chloe: "No. But I will now since you're awake. She went inside to get her iPad and came back.

Chloe: " What would you like?"

Quinton: "I would like toasted bread, creamy Cheddar and scrambled eggs"

Chloe: "OK." She ordered and put the pad down and looked at Quinton who was looking at her with
no blinking.

Chloe: "You're worrying me"

Quinton: "Weren't you on the pill?"

Chloe: "I am on the pill."

Quinton: "I'd like us to visit the Dr after breakfast"

Chloe: "I am an employee. I am going to work"

Quinton: "After work then"

Chloe: "Aren't you flying back to Jo'burg?"

Quinton: "No."

Chloe: "What are we going to do there?"

Quinton: "I need to be sure you're on the pill"

Chloe: "I do not want a child. I wouldn't risk it. Am so disappointed you think I could do that"

Quinton: "Am sorry"

Chloe: "Hhai wethu this is serious. I would never trap you."

Quinton: "Of course"

Their breakfast arrived.



I'll never get used into waking up alone. She came in with a tray.

Khethelo: "Good morning. Since you did not eat last night"

Me: "What would I be without you?"

Khethelo: "Nothing" she giggled.

Me: "Let me go brush my teeth"

Khethelo: "I'll make the bed"

I disappeared to the bathroom. I had to call Quinton. He promised not to hurt her but I couldn't be
sure. That woman has a smart mouth. And knowing my brother, he has a temper that might lead
him to something he'll regret.

Me: "Babe. Please bring me my phone"

The door opened. I took the phone.

Me: "Thank you"

It rang for seconds unanswered.

Quinton: "Mbuyazi"

Me: "Bafo. How is it going?"

Quinton: "Very well. But she's refusing to visit the Dr."

Me: "Have you told her?"

Quinton: "Not yet. She's certain she's on the pill. And on top of it all she says she wants no child"

Me: "Tell her the truth"

Quinton: "I don't know where to start"

Me: "From the beginning"

Quinton: "But why on earth did it have to be her?"

Me: "There's no going back now. She's carrying the most precious gifts of the Dube's. The least we
could do is find common ground with her and plan the way forward"

Quinton: "I guess you're right"

Me: "I'll call you later"

Quinton: "Sure"

I walked back to the bedroom and ate. I called Khethelo to come up. In seconds she came in.

Me: "Sit down" she did.

Khethelo: "Am I in trouble?"

Me: "No babe we need to discuss something very important"

Khethelo: "O-kay?"

Me: "Chloe is pregnant"

Khethelo: "Really? Oh my that was quick" I looked at her. "I mean I did not expect it."

Me: "I hear you. And the children she's carrying are special"

Khethelo: "Children? How far is she?"

Me: "Yes children and I don't know how far she is."

Khethelo: "Okay. They are special how?"

Me: "They're the saviours of the family. We have not had that kind in 100 years, Bab Gede said.
They are going to bring luck, love, unity and protection. They'll have different abilities that normal
human beings do not have. They're here to save the nation of the Dube's. So all am asking is for you
to play the role of an elder wife. Whatever issue you have with Chloe you have to fix it. She has to
get the best treatment from everyone"

Khethelo: "Wow am out of words. I have no issues with Chloe relax and she will get that royalty

Me: "Thank you my love"

Khethelo: "Anything babe"

She joined me in bed and ate my food. Women!



As I was sleeping. My phone rang. I wanted to smash it against the wall. It was an unknown number.

Me: "Hello"
Caller: ...

Me: "Hi"

Caller: "Chris"

Me: "Phumla?"

Phumla: "Yes. It's me. Am sorry to call so early. Can we talk?"

I looked at Katlego. She was fast asleep.

Me: "Yeah sure"

Phumla: "Firstly. I would like to apologize for everything. I betrayed you while you truly loved me. I
was blinded by the fake love that I thought was genuine. Secondly, I never wanted your possessions.
Those things are you children's legacy. I had no right to claim them. You've moved on with someone
you truly love, I do not want to be what's standing on your way of happiness. I withdraw my demand
of your belongings. I know how much you value your mom's jet. I will sign the papers. Am sorry for
putting you through all this. Take care"

I was lost for words. It felt like I was dreaming. I looked at the phone. She had hung up. I looked at
Katlego, I kissed her forehead. Things were finally falling into place. I carefully got off the bed and
went to Khule's bedroom. I knocked. Khethelo opened and walked out while I got in.

Me: "Phumla is no longer claiming the jet or anything that belongs to me and she will sign the
divorce papers" he got off the bed and came to hug me.

Khule: "Finally. The only option I had was to kill her"

Me: "Well. There's no need to"

Khule: "Man am so happy"

Me: "Not more than I am. Have you called Q?"

Khule: "Yes. He's getting cold feet. Chloe says she wants no child"

Me: "Once she knows she's pregnant. All of that is going to change"

Khule: "I believe so"

We walked out to the gym



1pm she got in. Her immediately dropped when our eyes met. She threw her bags on the couch and
Chloe: "I thought I was not gonna find you here"

Me: "Well you did. I bought you something" I gave her the plastic. She opened and took it out.

Chloe: "Really Q? Pregnancy tests?"

Me: "Please test. Just to be on the safe side"

Chloe: "My pills cost R2500 and you think I could be pregnant?"

Me: "Please just do it. Prove me wrong" she stood up and stormed to the bathroom. I was rubbing
my hands together.

5 minutes passed. I went to knock. She went quiet. The door was locked.

Me: "Are you okay?"

Silence. "Chloe" silence "I'll break this door down"

The door slowly opened. She was crying. She planted the tests on my chest and walked past me.
They were all positive. A part of me wished they'd come back negative. She took her bag.

Me: "Where are you going?"

Chloe: "I need to clear my head"

Me: "Am coming with you"

Chloe: "I want to be alone!"

Me: "I don't trust you. I will not let you out of my sight in that state"

Chloe: "I do not want a child and I know you don't too"

Me: "True but that does not mean we can't have them. They're here and we have to deal with it"

Chloe: "Them? What is it that you know and I don't?"

Me: "Don't be ridiculous. Do you have any cravings?" She chuckled in disbelief.

Chloe: "You're crazier than I thought. Move out of my way"

She went to the bedroom. I texted Khule letting him know.



Chloe's mother met up with Babomncane in a secluded place. They were in disguise. They couldn't
risk being seen together.
Babomncane: "So, have you spoken to her?"

Chloe's mother: "Not yet. But from here I'll go to her place. What have you found so far?"

Babomncane: "Khule's estranged daughter. He hasn't seen her in 2 years. He last saw her when she
was 6 months. She lives in Eastern Cape She goes to St Mary's, her driver shows up 5 minutes after
the bell rang. My men are already there. Monday is the day"

They laughed and drank to that.

Chapter Forty-Eight



Babomncane arrived home. They were in the middle of dinner. He sat down and his wife dished up
for him.

Babomncane: "Thank you mama. When last did you call your sister?" He said to Sam.

Sam: "During the day"

Babomncane: "Is she prepared?"

Sam: "Yes. We'll be sending out invitations after I am done with them"

He nodded. They ate in silence. After eating they all went into their separate rooms. Mam Dino
disappeared to the bathroom. Babomncane undressed and lied in bed reading news online. Mam
Dino came out. She sat before the dressing table and started applying lotion.

Mam Dino: "I thought you were willing to marry her off and cut her off completely"

He ignored her. "Baba Ka Samkelo am talking to you"

Babomncane: "If I knew what you are talking about it would be better"

Mam Dino: "Why are you still talking to that woman?"

Babomncane: "Are you stalking me?"

Mam Dino kept quiet. Babomncane stood up from the bed and walked towards her. "How did you
know where I was?"

Mam Dino kept quiet. And continued doing her thing. "Look at me when am talking to you"

She slowly turned her head. She was greeted by a slap across the face. She tried to get up but he
pinned her back down. She couldn't believe it.

Mam Dino: "Wow. She's back in the picture then suddenly you're back at beating me up? Wow
She pushed him out of her way and turned off her side lamp. And silently cried while Babomncane
walked out to the balcony.


[The following day]

Chloe's phone rang. She panicked and sat up straight. Quinton was nowhere in sight. She cleared her
throat and answered.

Chloe: "Mama"

Her: "Sana lwami. How are you?"

Chloe: "Am good how are you?"

Her: "Better than yesterday. Where are you?"

Chloe: "My place, why do you ask?" She said sounding as convincing as possible.

Her: "Kutheni uxoka Chloe November?" (why are you lying? "

Chloe: "Am not"

Her: "I am from your apartment. The guards told me you moved out on Friday night after you
claimed to have seen a snake"

Chloe: "I didn't want to bother you. Am sorry for lying. I booked into a hotel"

Her: "Jesus Christ Chloe am your mother! I should've been the first person to call after you
encountered that. Are you okay?"

Chloe: "I am."

Her: "Let's meet up for lunch today"

Quinton came in with breakfast.

Chloe: "No problem. Bye"

She hung up.

Quinton: "Morning"

Chloe: "Hi. Thank you" he sat beside her as she started eating.

Quinton: "Can you ask for a transfer?" She looked at him.

Chloe: "For what?"

Quinton: "You need to be around me all the time. I can't be going up and down"
Chloe: "What are we talking about?"

Quinton: "The children" she moved off the tray and got off the bed and went to stand near the
window looking down at the sea and people moving up and down. Quinton went to stand next to
her. They stood there in complete silence for a while.

Chloe: "I do not want them"

Quinton: "They are important"

Chloe: "My mother is gonna kill me."

Quinton: "You're old enough to make your own decisions"

Chloe: "Not to my mother!"

Quinton: "Well she'll have to adjust"

Chloe: "You wouldn't understand. I have made up my mind I will termina-"

Quinton: "I dare you! I dare you to try. I will kill you. Hhei Chloe ungangihlanyisi please"

Chloe: "Scare me all you want. I am not changing my mind"

Quinton: "Am not scaring you. I will seriously kill you, a minute after you do it. Nx bloody hell don't
test my patience woman"

She was terrified by the look on his face but she stayed strong and went to the shower then cried.



The unusual happened today. On a big ass Sunday the Investors who terminated their contracts with
immediate effect were asking to renew the contracts. And I had to be at the office. I called Glade to
meet me there. I was happy but also tired.

I was from signing a new deal with the Nzinga's. We were building them a school in Limpopo. I sat
on my chair, Glade came in with my Nandos and Coca Cola.

Me: "I want to retire"

She laughed.

Glade: "I'd be glad. Its not even 3pm yet but all I am longing for is a bath and my bed"

Me: "That makes the both of us."

Glade: "Let me go eat before I collapse. You owe me"

Me: "R10 000 extra on your monthly salary. We just signed back the big dogs" she did the victory
I chuckled as she left. I took out my food and ate. My phone rang, disturbing me.

Me: "Twinny" he chuckled.

Q: "What hell dude"

Me: "Aren't you twinny?"

Q: "I am. Please intervene before I chop this woman's head off"

Me: "Whoa brika. What has she done?"

Q: "She wants to terminate them"

Me: "What! Is she crazy?"

Quinton: "I just can't beg her anymore"

Me: "I'll talk to Bab Gede."

Quinton: "Please do cause I can't stand this"

Me: "Ease up with the threats. Beg her"

Quinton: "Am tired. She's full of shit"

Me: "I'll call you later when I knock off"

Quinton: "Knock off? Are you working on a Sunday?"

Me: "Yes. Its a long story"

Quinton: "OK. Call baba. I am tired of begging Chloe"

Me: "Sure" I hung up.

What's wrong with this woman. I called Baba.



The salon was halfway to being done. It was gonna be a surprise to the men. They all think its
Katlego's, little do they know we're co owners on this one. If I had told Khule, he'd have taken over
and it would be done by now. We needn't their hand in this.

Me: "Its amazing Katlego. But why two offices"

Katlego: "Because you'll be quitting your job and the salon will be your full time job"

Me: "While you're at the other salon?"

Katlego: "Yes baby. Have you decided on the name yet?"

Me: "No. I am blank"

Katlego: "The Dube Wives"

Never! She laughed.

Katlego: "You should've seen your face. Am messing with you"

Me: "Hhai suka marn Katlego."

Katlego: "Are we done looking around? Let's go grab something to eat"

Me: "Yeah we done. Let's go"

The guards opened the door for us. We climbed on and we drove off.

Katlego: "Please stop at the Kelly's we wanna grab something to eat"

Liam: "Yes ma'am"

Me: "Are you adjusting to this life of being driven around?"

Katlego: "Pretty well. I don't think I'll ever be able to drive myself anymore" I laughed. Honestly
speaking I was also starting to enjoy it. We reached our stop. This was a very quiet place. We got off
and walked inside. We sat down and the waitress came to give us menus

Her: "Would you like something to drink so long?"

Me: "Yes. Cranberry juice please"

Katlego: "Water please"

She nodded and walked away.

Me: "Did Chris tell you about Chloe?" She rolled her eyes.

Katlego: "I don't know why God has forsaken us"

I laughed.

Me: "Why are you like this?"

Katlego: "I foresee a very dramatic and nauseating 9 months. Cause it sounds like she'll be moving

Me: "Just forgive her already"

Katlego: "Aowa. She tarnished my name. She did not even once apologize. Instead she gave me the
" I was doing my job" crap. She irritates me. I wish she was in hospital as we speak, giving birth cause
the royalty treatment that she has to get I am not participating. Am sorry"

Me: "You have a heart of a stone"

Katlego: "She irritates the hell out of me."

Me: "As long as the Royal treatment doesn't require us to wash her feet. Its all good"
Katlego: "I will look for a place to stay I'll visit"

Me: "Don't start mosadi. I wouldn't survive a day with her alone."

Katlego: "If she could stop behaving like the first daughter maybe I might learn to tolerate her"

Me: "You will. And we're going to Escort next weekend"

Katlego: "Will she survive those smart mouths? MaXaba and MaCele are on their own level of petty"
we laughed.

Me: "She will not survive"

Katlego: "I can't wait to meet them"

Me: "Am sure they have not heard of this miracle. Cause our phones would be buzzing"

Katlego's phone rang.

Katlego: "Its MaXaba. Speaking of a devil" we laughed. She answered and put it on loud speaker.

Katlego: "Mama Dube"

MaXaba: "Shut up. The journalist is carrying the Diamonds?"

Kat: "So they say"

MaXaba: "The whole yard is going crazy because she wanna abort them" I gasped.

Me: "Hhaibo. Is she crazy?"

Katlego: "She just wants attention"

MaXaba: "Of course she is. So the elders are going to Durban. Today is our anniversary but Nathi is
gone to attend to this crazy woman"

Katlego: "So we are baeless for the next 9 months"

My phone beeped.

"Baby we're flying to Durban. We'll talk when we get there"

Me: "Khule just sent a message"

Katlego: "Yoh modimo wa kgotso. Now they're not afraid we gonna be out of their sight?"

MaXaba: "Bafazi. I wasted my money for this lingerie. Please cry with me"

MaCele: "Bitches you better drive here"

Me: "So late?"

MaCele: "Never mind. But this has a positivity"

Katlego: "Which is?"

Macele: "We get to drink wine in peace"

MaXaba: "Really?"

MaCele: "Yes. I have 3 litre in the garage. Come. Bye Jo'burg wives"

They hung up.

Katlego: "she's crazy I swear" we laughed. Our orders came. We devoured in.



By the sun set. The Dube elders arrived in Durban. The sons who live in Jo'burg took the jet down to
Durban. They arrived first. The elders called Khanyisani asking their whereabouts. They were outside
the hotel Where Chloe and Quinton were in. They had booked the boardroom. The elders arrived at
the hotel. They exchanged greetings then went inside. They all took seats and waited for Quinton to
arrive with Chloe.

Gede: "Wasn't he planing the future with her?"

Khule: "He says he wasn't"

Bab Ndoda: "See this sleeping around you boys like? Impregnating someone you were just having
fun with"

Khanyisani: "I think she's overwhelmed by all this she won't really terminate them" he said ignoring
what Bab Ndoda said.

The door opened. Quinton got in followed by Chloe. She had a doek wrapped around her head and a
maxi dress then a scarf around her shoulders. She went to sit on a couch.

Bab Gede: "Sawubona Nkosazana"

Chloe: "Yebo tata"

Bab Gede: "We are the Dube's. Am your boyfriend's father and these are my brothers. We drove all
the way from Escort to address your matter. I am Bab Gede."

She nodded.

Bab Gede: "I know you're young and have big dreams. This pregnancy has came unprepared for but
that does not mean you should kill the future and light of our family. If it was possible we'd take
them out of your womb and give them to one of your sister wives but we can't. You're the chosen
one, there's a purpose for that. We will do right by you and your family and pay damages. We're
pleading with you to give us 9 months of your life. We'll make it worthwhile."
Chloe: "I will. Am sorry you had to drive all this way. Quinton has not been good to me. The only
thing he's said since he arrived is how did I get pregnant. He sounded like he did not want children.
That's why I considered doing that"

Bab Gede looked at Quinton. Quinton looked down at his keys.

Bab Ndoda: "We're very grateful nkosazana. Thank you."

She nodded.

Bab Gede: "You may be excused my dear. I want to have a word with these boys"

She nodded and walked out.

Bab Gede: "Its about time you got married"

Quinton looked at him and laughed.

Bab Ndoda: "Please share the funny part"

Quinton: "The getting married part."

Bab Gede: "They have to be born in marriage"

Quinton: "They should've been given to any of the married wives at home if it was like that"

Bab Gede: "It wasn't a request"

Quinton: "I do not love her"

Bab Ndoda: "You'll learn to"

Quinton looked at his brothers for back up. They all just stared at him.

Bab Gede: "After MaMnguni's membeso. We're going to the November's to ask for her hand in

Quinton felt his walls closing in. Nobody understood his resentment for love and marriage

Chapter Forty-Nine



I was woken up by his cold arms wrapping around me. It was still dark.

Khule: "Sleep"
Me: "What time is it?"

Khule: "3am, sleep" he said kissing the back of my neck. I felt the blood rushing down to my
sensitive areas. He squeezed me. I turned to face him.

Me: "How did it go?"

Khule: "She will keep them"

Me: "That's better babe. I hope you're relieved" he sighed and brought me closer to kiss my

Khule: "They're forcing him to marry her"

Me: "What? That's crazy"

Khule: "I know right. But a decision has been made "

Me: "How is he taking it?"

Khule: "Very bad but he'll be fine"

Me: "This isn't right. Getting married had to be his choice"

He made me face him. I couldn't see him clearly but a bit of light from the CBD made it clear enough
to see him getting close to my lips. We kissed. Slowly. Passionately. I felt the blood sending electrical
currents to every cell in my body. Every kiss we shared felt like the first time. His hands ran all over
my sensitive body parts. He made me face the ceiling and climbed on top. I assisted him in taking off
our underwears.

He planted kisses all the way down to my forbidden fruit.



I swear if I had any idea of what's going on in my family I'd be glad. I was slowly getting there with
the healing process. My main worry these days was my outfit for Umembeso then for Umemulo. The
year end exams were beginning today. Blue Monday!

I took a bath and prepared for my test. My phone rang as I browsed through my notes.

Me: "Ntwana"

Cebo: "Hey, I was calling to wake you up"

Me: "You dragged feet." He chuckled.

Cebo: "Pity. Are you studying?"

Me: "Yes I am"

Cebo: "Great. Let me not disturb you any further. See you at school"

Me: "Sure thing" he hung up and I continued reading.



My fear of commitment is real. I do not foresee my future having a huge family and a wife. That
doesn't exist in my world. Discovering Lamu was a surprise itself, now that there were yet another
unplanned kids coming. On top of it all, I have to marry their mother. I was drained. I sat on the bed
going through my pile of thoughts. I had to find a way of going against this crazy idea.

Chloe: "Are you sure you okay?" She said standing before me. I did not even see her come out of the

Me: "I'll be fine"

Chloe: "Is it because of what I said to your father?"

Me: "No, not at all. Have considered transferring to Jo'burg?"

Chloe: "I'll talk to my boss"

Me: "Thank you. I am going back to jozi today"

Her face dropped.

Chloe: "I thought you didn't want to do up and downs"

Me: "Yes. That's why you have to move to Jo'burg"

Chloe: "Why don't you move with me here?"

Me: "I run businesses you know that"

She Walked out without a word and then the elders think I will marry someone who acts so
childishly. They better think again. I went to shower.



She climbed on top of me and kissed my face all over.

Me: "What's the occasion?"

Kat: "I love you"

Me: "I know"

Kat: "Of course. So, are you ready?"

Me: "Like I've never been before"

Kat: "I've filled the tub for you"

Me: "Am I not the lucky man alive?"

Kat: "Indeed you are"

Me: "We're moving back to my house today"

Kat: "Really? Well I'll pack our things while you go to court"

Me: "You should fix things with Chloe" her face changed to annoyed and got off me.

Kat: "I think you guys are trying to make us her slaves"

Me: "For the sake of peace. I do not want anything going wrong with her and you become
responsible. Pretend if you have to"

Kat: "I will try but she must not test my patience"

Me: "You're so hot headed. To think I once thought you're sweet" she chuckled.

Kat: "Am very sweet. I strike when provoked. Go bath the water is getting cold. I'll be making

I got off and walked to the bathroom. Today I was finally going to break free. The Lord we serve
never fails.



Family indeed comes first. But as to why we all had to fly to Durban. I don't know. They could've
possibly call her and ask her nicely not to do the abortion. Because it wasn't even that hard to get
her to agree to keep the children. Bonga came in.

Bonga: "Good morning"

Me: "Eita. When are you going back to school?"

Bonga: "Wednesday. Bab Chris said you'll meet in court he had to rush to hospital"

Me: "No problem" I continued buttoning my shirt. "Anything else?"

Bonga: "Have you told her?"

Me: "No and I won't. It's better this way. I'll probably break her heart in a week into it"

Bonga: "Maybe you won't"

Me: "She's too beautiful to have her heart broken like that"

We walked out to have breakfast.


[🌸6 weeks later🌸]

The yard was going crazy. The Mnguni's had all gone to their home Enquthu for Khethelo's
Membeso. It was not much of a village, it was spacious enough though. They could not host the
Dubes in Durban as per custom. There were two tents. One for the community members and the
other for the honourable Dubes. The theme was traditional. The calabashes as flower pots in the
middle of every table. The tent was designed in the modern way. They had chosen color black and
white for their special day. The Mr and Mrs Dube in their table topped the whole decoration. Their
chairs were royalty ones. Khethelo came in for 200th time to check if everything is in order. The
nerves were getting the best of her. She had came with Nkule and Katlego.

Nkule held her hand.

Nkule: "Stop worrying. I made sure everything is perfect. They gonna arrive anytime soon. We have
to go bath"

Khethelo: "I just can't help the nerves"

Nkule: "I have some Hennessey in my bag" Khethelo laughed.

Khethelo: "You're a bad friend you know that"

Katlego came to them.

Katlego: "You better come and bath. They're almost here"

They walked to the main house to bath. Everybody was moving up and down getting ready.

After an hour. The Dubes were singing at the gate.

Khethelo: "I need that Hennessey"

Katlego: "No. You're not about to get sloshed on your big day"

Khethelo: "Am nervous"

Nkule: "I wish could help"

Katlego: "Shut up you devil's daughter"

They laughed.

Khethelo: "Am I okay?"

Katlego: "You're perfect babe"

Khethelo: "Nkule please go check the progress they've stopped singing"

Nkule nodded and walked out. The ululation began as the Dube's spoke women started giving out
gifts. Which were blankets and pinafores for the mothers. Everyone received their gifts that were
requested. Babomncane as the father of the bride received a new suit tailored from Italy, specially
made for him, a hat and a walking stick.

And now it was the time to gift the bride. Nkule went inside to fetch her.

They came back with her. The Dube's started singing for her. They laid a grass mat for her and put
the blanket on top. She sat down. MaChili put a blanket around her shoulders. It was decorated with
clothes. The Mnguni's began ululating . Then Each one of her in-laws came to pin money on the
blanket. Quinton and Chris came in a pair.

Quinton: "You're wasting our money" he whispered. Khethelo giggled.

Khule was nowhere in sight. She hurt a little. After they were done she stood up, struggling to walk
with the heavy blanket. They ululated till she finally made it to the house.

She put the heavy blanket on top of the bed. Nkule and Katlego came in.

Kat: "Your in-laws like show off"

Khethelo: "Tell me about it. There was no use for all this money"

Nkule: "They so crazy. Jesus. Can I have R2000?"

Khethelo: "Yes. After we've counted it. Have you led them inside the tent.?"

Nkule: "Your aunt did"

Khethelo: "Okay great"

Khethelo's phone rang. Kae handed it to her.

Katlego: "let me go check on the catering ladies"

Nkule: "I'll go make sure that everything is fine in the tent"

Khethelo nodded and answered.

Khethelo: "Hey"

Khule: "Will ever make it to the 'Hey hubby' stage?"

She giggled.

Khethelo: "You will....hubby" he chuckled.

Khule: "Thank you wifey. You look beautiful"

Khethelo: "I wish I could say the same"

Khule: "Am here waiting for your family to sign me in with a goat"

Me: "Really? I doubt they even know that"

Khule: "They do. This was their instruction"

Me: "I can't wait to see you"

Khule: "I can't wait for you to sit on my face"

Khethelo: "Khulekani!"

Khule: "What? Its been 2 weeks have you realized that"

Khethelo: "Oh God. Bye baby"

Khule: "Or just come out and give me a quickie" she laughed even harder.

Khethelo: "I am just gonna pretend as if I did not hear that"

Khule: "The elders are coming. I love you"

Khethelo: "I love you more"

He hung up. Khethelo sat on the bed and unclipped the money. She put it in her luggage and locked.
Katlego came in.

Katlego: "I finally got myself a kiss"

Khethelo: "In front of the in-laws?"

Katlego: "No. Khule is already in a tent. Come"

They held hands and walked out. Soon as they appeared. Perfect started playing. All eyes were on
them. Katlego went to sit next to Chris. Leaving Khethelo to walk alone all the way to table. She
finally reached the table and sat down. Khule couldn't hold himself and just kissed her. Everyone

The program director opened with prayer. Afterwards she called in the people for speeches. They
were given advises.
Khule: "Am hungry" he whispered to her. She chuckled trying to ignore him.

Khule: "Ai khona. Am really hungry. What do visitors do in order to get food around here?"

Khethelo: "They wait for the last speaker to finish"

Khule: "By the look of things. She will not finish anytime soon"

It was aunt Nomsa. Khethelo was irritated. She called her cousin Mpilo which is the program director
to tell her Khule is hungry. She nodded and went back to her stand and whispered to aunt Nomsa.

The catering ladies f came in with their notebooks to get orders. The menus were in each table.

Khule: "You're so dramatic"

Khethelo: "I know babe"

6 ladies came in with Trays. Each served The father in-laws. They came for round two to serve the

Khule: "But I am the one who's hungry. Not them"

Khethelo: "They're more important"

Khule: "Imagine collapsing because am hungry"

The food arrived for everyone.

After eating the love birds made the speech thanking their families for making their day a success.

Khule: "If I had to confess how much I love and cherish this woman. We'd need a week. Its not
everyday you find someone so young but yet to sophisticated enough to keep the house warm with
love and support. I do not have enough words to thank you enough. Ngiyabonga Mamnguni"

She was in tears. He took out a box, knelt down and opened it. Khethelo looked the other way. The
elders ululated while the youth screamed.

Khule: "I heard you telling Katlego you want a ring with a bigger rock. So I got you one" she slid out
the one she had and gave him her hand. He slid it on. The camera men captured everything. He
stood up and they hugged.

Khethelo: "I love you"

Khule: "I love you more"

They kissed.
Tyler: "There are elders in presence!"

He shouted. Everyone laughed.


Chapter Fifty



Babomncane was on the call with Chloe's mother. Their conversation wasn't friendly.

Babomncane: "What do you think am working on?" He said low yet firmly. Avoiding being head.

Chloe's mother: "Nothing obviously. Because if you were working on something. You would've
abducted that damn child already! My time is running out. The goal was for them not to see
Christmas but by the look of things they'll make it to the following year"

Babomncane: "Hhey don't piss me off. That child has tight security. The cars are bullet proofed. She
does not leave class until the body guards and her nanny come to take her"

Chloe's mother: "If you were really keen about abducting her it would've happened already. She's a
minor for Christ's sake"

Babomncane: "Am tired of explaining myself"

Chloe's mother: "I'll just go ahead with asking Chloe to find dirt in that man"

Babomncane: "Are you crazy? She could tell them"

Chloe's mother: "There's nothing Chloe wouldn't for money I know her"

Mam Dino came in with a washing basket.

Babomncane: "Okay man. I'll see if I still have them. Bye" he hung up. "I don't know why you're still
bothering yourself with my laundry. We have helpers for a reason"

Mam Dino: "A husband's laundry is done by his wife. Have you called Sam?"

Babomncane: "Yes I have. He said he'll come with it. I don't know why but he's glued in that place. I
just don't see myself spending over a week there"

Mam Dino: "Its quite a nice place. Trees, grass, river. It soothes a soul. Unlike here. Too quiet. All
you see is flowers"

Babomncane: "Well am not nature friendly"

Mam Dino chuckled.

Mam Dino: "Rose was laying the table. Let's go eat so you can take your medication"

They followed each other out.



Katlego isn't friendly to the human species. Who wakes such a tired and wanting to die human being
so early in the morning.

Kat: "I've packed the bags. The only thing left is for you to bath"

I just looked at her with my sore eyes, leaning on the headboard wanting to die.

Kat: "Nkule is coming with your hangover remedy"

Me: "Why are we even awake this early"

Kat: "Because we're leaving to see our men"

Me: "Where do you get all this energy"

Kat: "I had 2 glasses of wine last night while you drank the whole bottle and Hennessey on top of

Me: "Why did you let me?"

Nkule came in.

Kat: "Oh here you are." I smelled it first. Ewww!

Nkule: "Its sort of revolting, just close your eyes then all will be well"

I gulped it down. They cheered for me.

Me: "Y'all are bad influence"

Nkule: "Really? Like you did not suggested we go to the bar" they chuckled.

Me: "What?"

Nkule: "Just go bath already"

I wasn't really up for this journey. Going to Escourt will mean I have to wake up at 5 to prepare
breakfast for the elders and our "Husbands" oh Lord I need strength.
I dragged myself to an outside bathroom.



After eating breakfast with the gents. I went to my house. I found missed calls from Chloe. Since the
marriage issue was brought up, it has not been exciting being with her plus she always has
something to fight about. I like and care for her but she's making it all hard to maintain. I called her

Chloe: "Hey, been calling you"

Me: "I went to eat. Is everything okay?"

Chloe: "Yes. I'll be driving there today"

Me: "Khule will not allow that. We'll send someone to fetch you"

Chloe: "Khule? What about you? You don't care if I drive myself or not?"

Me: "That's not what I meant"

Chloe: "I'll drive. No need to tell him"

Me: "No. Liam is in Durban am sure he wouldn't mind"

Chloe: "No thank you. That man's cologne does not sit well with my babies"

Me: "I'll tell him not to use it"

Chloe: "Okay. I love you"

Me: "I love you more"

She hung up. Bonga came in with Lamu.

Me: "Huh Super man!" I picked him up.

Lamu: "The goat was chasing me"

Me: "That's because you ate it's brother last night"

Lamu: "I'll never eat him"

Me: "Good boy."

Lamu: "I want mama"

Me: "Mama is not home but is coming today"

Bonga: "Can't wait for her to arrive. I miss her cooking" I laughed.
Me: "That makes the both of us. I have no idea why Kedibone was our appointed chef for festive. "

Bonga laughed.

Bonga: "Mam Macele and MaXaba are so chilled."

Me: "Tonight I'll eat at MaCele's because mamkhulu isn't cooking. They're letting us suffer. Am tired
of greens"

Bonga: "I packed myself some food yesterday"

I laughed. Who does that.

Me: "You're crazy. Travelling with food all the way here"

Bonga: "I had decent breakfast. Unlike you"

Me: "Get lost. Chloe is coming"

Bonga: "Oh, should we move out?"

Me: "No"

Bonga: "We don't wanna hear your ... You know"

Me: "Hhey wena" he laughed and went to his room.



The heat that we had to endure in this rondavel was driving me nuts. It had not even been a day but
I already wished it was the 16th.

Amanda: "So, have you sent out invitations?"

Me: "The elders sure did"

Amanda: "No, for your funeral"

Zipho: "Is she dead?"

Lihle: "Shut up virgin Mary"

Zipho: "Don't tell me you no longer virgins"

Me: "Are you?"

Zipho: "Of course. Am not having sex until I get married"

Amanda: "Hhai suka. You haven't found a man Worth giving your gold to"

Us: "Amen sister!"

Zipho: "If I were you I wouldn't be this excited because the granny who tests is gonna be here any

Us: "What!'

Zipho: "Didn't you know? Oh it must be the wine you drank Enquthu. Because MaChili told us to be
ready by 10 o'clock"

Me: "Wow"

I thought we dodged the bullet. But we're 22, we're old enough to have sex. Mamkhulu opened the
door disturbing me from my thoughts.

Mamkhulu: "Are you ladies ready? Gogo Mbatha has arrived"

Zipho: "Yes. We've bathed"

I looked at Amanda.

Mamkhulu: "OK she will be with you shortly"

Zipho: "Okay ma"

She pulled the door as she went out.

Amanda: "Mama!"

Me: "What are you doing?" I whispered.

Mamkhulu: "Yes?"

Amanda: "We're... Promise not to get mad"

Mamkhulu: "Okay. What's going on?"

Amanda: "Our mines have started working" not now Amanda!

Mamkhulu: "What's that?"

Amanda: "Talk Emi"

Me: "Say what?"

The urge to urinate!

Lihle: "We no longer virgins"

Mamkhulu: "What? And you agreed to have umemulo? Hhai tell that to your Fathers. Haw ninjani

Me: "No mama please don't. They'll kill us"

I heard Bab Gede talking outside. I just wanted the earth to just swallow me right there.
Mamkhulu went out.

Me: "What are you guys doing!"

Lihle: "It would have been worse if they found out through that gogo"

Me: "Oh God."

We sat there in complete silence for a good 30 minutes.

The door swung open. Khule and Khanyisani came in.

Khule: "Where are those boys?"

Zipho: "Am still a virgin" she said hiding herself with a blanket.

Khanyisani: "Where are they? Are you deaf? Call them"

Where the hell am I gonna get Jason father Lord.

Khule: " What are you waiting for?"

We startled and took out our phones. Why are they mad though? Its not like we're 15.

Khanyisani: "We thought you were different. The next thing we know you'll be pregnant with big
headed kids whom you do not know the fathers of."

Amanda: "We on the pill"

Khule and Khanyisani: "Shut up!"

Really Amanda.

Lihle: "He's not answering"

Mamkhulu came in with other mothers.

Mamkhulu: "Can we have a word with them?"

Khanyisani: "Give me your phones"

We did. The mothers sat down.

Machili: "I can't say am not disappointed. But you're old. We should've done this last year. Your
Fathers are disappointed too but they will not cancel. You deserve it. You're the eldest without any
children and there's never been a saga of sleeping out."
God is great!

Mamkhulu: "Though your boyfriends have to come and cleanse the the fault of taking your

Me: "I don't know where he is"

Machili: "They'll find him"

Amanda: "Bhut Khanyisani took our phones"

Mamkhulu: "Those two are crazy. I'll tell him to bring them back"

Us: "Thank you"

I felt lighter. The burden was taken off my shoulders. Amen!



We were approaching the huge ass homestead of the Dube's.

Nkule: "Wow. This is bigger than i have pictured. Are they crazy?"

Katlego: "I told Chris. They're extreme. Imagine walking 15 minutes from my house to Mamkhulu's
house. Its crazy"

Nkule: "I'll use the car traveling from one house to another"

Me: "I will never forget my first time here. I wanted to run away"

Nkule: "They're really loaded. Even their cars scream expensive"

Katlego: "You have not seen anything. They have a parking lot at the far end"

Nkule: "Get outta here"

I laughed.

Katlego: "Am telling you"

Nkule: "Is that Q?"

Me: "Really?"

Nkule: "Okay sorry. But he's just too hot. If I go back home without getting a piece of him I'll just
have to forget it"

Me: "He has a girlfriend"

Nkule: "I'll show you what I do to men with girlfriends"

Me: "Ai let me get off."

We were parked in front of Chris's house. He came out.

Nkule: "Pastor bae"

Chris: "Hi Nonku"

Nkule: "Nkule. Ai you have amnesia"

Chris: "Hi babe" he hugged and kissed Katlego.

Katlego: "I missed you. I brought you Peaches"

Chris: "And you blame me for loving you this much" they giggled and went inside the house.

Nkule: "Where am I gonna go then? Where's Q's house?"

Me: "Please remind me to never bring you here. You'll sleep in the main house"

Nkule: "With who?"

Me: "Alone, but you'll surely find a friend"

Nkule: "You're such a bad friend. I wanna sleep at your house"

Me: "No. My husband and I will be doing a lot of screaming. You don't deserve that trauma"

Nkule: "Fuck off"

We laughed and went to the main house. I was allowed to go in now. I showed her the room she'll
be using and went to my house. I found hubby laying on a couch watching TV. He smiled when I got

Khule: "I thought you weren't coming back"

Me: "I wasn't. Katlego forced me"

Khule: "Wow. You killed me with hunger. Come here" I took off the scarf around my shoulders and
locked the door.

Khule: "Why are you locking? Its hot"

I stripped my clothes off and got on top on him. I kissed him.

Me: "I missed you"

Khule: "Really? Why did you deny me a quickie then?"

Me: "We would've been caught. But now I am going to make it up to you"

He curved his lips into a side smile. He pulled me into his lips and we kissed. I could feel his king
poking my sacred palace. He firmly grabbed my sexy ironing board. He ran his hands over my panty.
A moan escaped my lips. He slid his hand inside. My taps were opening. He had his own way of
taking me to cloud 9 without much.
His fingers were as magical as his magic stick. I moaned uncontrollably as he blessed me with his
finger. If there were awards for fingering I'd give it to him. He kept on kissing me.

I held him too tight as the wave hit me.

He kissed my forehead.

Me: "I won't be able to ride you now"

He chuckled and kissed my lips.

Khule: "Sometimes it beats me how much I love you"

Me: "My love potion works baby"

Khule: "My imagination becomes blank when I try to imagine life without you"

Me: "I love you as much"

Khule: "We gonna get married on our first year anniversary"

Me: "You rushed me, you know that?"

Khule: "Does it feel wrong?"

Me: "Not at all. Nothing feels wrong with you. Even when I let you hit it on the first date, it felt

He laughed.

Khule: "I proposed that night"

Me: "And tried to kill me the following day"

We laughed.

Khule: "Its been a great 10 months and looking forward to more great things"

Me: "Yeah." I kissed him and we get on it again. But deeper this time.



Nkule was in the kitchen peeling potatoes while dancing listening to earphones. Tyler waved at her
and passed to the lounge.

She stirred her rough pap. She startled when she felt someone touching her shoulder.

Quinton: "Been calling your name for the past ten minutes"
Nkule: "Sorry, they're too loud"

Quinton: "I figured. Need a hand?"

She just stared at him, his lips mostly and started reminiscing about the kiss they had 4 weeks back
at the club.

Quinton waved his hand in her face. She came back to life.

Nkule: "Sorry, you were saying?"

Quinton: "You okay?"

Nkule: "Yeah...Yes, am perfectly fine. Just got caught in a pile of thoughts. How's Chloe?"

Quinton: "She's great. How are you?"

Nkule: "Getting there. You?"

Quinton: "Surviving"

Nkule: "Wanna talk about it?"

Quinton: "I'd rather not. I'll slice the cheese for you"

Nkule laughed.

Nkule: "Haw OK thank you"

He sat opposite her and did their business. Nkule kept stealing glances. She wanted no relationship
but just to be under his body or the other way around.

Quinton: "We should go clubbing again"

Nkule: "And kiss me? No thank you"

He laughed.

Quinton: "You're too hot to resist but I wouldn't take advantage of you like that"

'I wouldn't mind honestly' she said in her mind.

Nkule: "Of course."

Quinton: "If I wasn't taken you'd be my girl"

'I don't wanna be your girl. I wanna be your fuck buddy' her mind bugged. She laughed at that

Nkule: "Too bad. Wine?"

Quinton: "No thank you. I like my alcohol bitter" she laughed and poured herself a glass.

They talked and laughed as Nkule shared her university experience.

"This looks cosy"

They turned to the door.

Quinton: "Babe, hey" he smiled. "I'll see you later when I come to eat"

Nkule: "Sure thing. I'll keep it warm for you"

He smirked and walked out to Chloe.

Nkule gulped down her wine and continued cooking.



Chloe: "Why couldn't I get in?"

Me: "Because you're not allowed to"

Chloe: "Oh? But your hoe is allowed in? Are you trying to kill me and my babies with stress?"

Me: "You came all the way from Durban to kill my mood? Wow"

Chloe: "Why can't I go in that house?"

Me: "Because it's my parent's house. No girlfriend goes in there until she's paid lobola for"

Chloe: "Am hungry"

Me: "Nkule is half way to being done"

Chloe: "I won't eat her food. I want wors"

Me: "I'll ask Khethelo to make it for you"

Chloe: "And pap"

Me: "OK"

She took off her shoes and sat on the couch. I sat beside her.

Me: "How are you?"

Chloe: "Am fine"

Me: "You should try teaching yourself some respect"

Chloe: "What are you saying about me?"

Me: "You should know that am your man. You can not speak to me like you're falling from the tree
or else you and I will have a huge problem"

Chloe: "sorry"

Me: "And stop guilt tripping me with my kids. I'd appreciate it if we fought without you mentioning

Chloe: "I just feel neglected"

Me: "That's why you always picking up fights?"

Chloe: "Yes, that's the only time you give me attention" what?

Me: "How many times do I call you a day?"

Chloe: "A lot"

Me: "Texting?"

Chloe: "A lot"

Me: "Don't you show up at my door anytime you want?"

Chloe: "I do"

Me: "Don't I cancel my plans to be with you?"

Chloe: "You do...*cries* I don't know what is happening with me. I just feel like to be with you all
the time and since you told me about kissing that girl, you contributed into my insecurities"

Me: "Nothing is happening between us. We were drunk. I may be a lot of things but am not a

Chloe: "Am sorry for getting into your nerves"

Me: "Maybe you should consider moving to Jo'burg"

Chloe: "I will."

I wiped her tears and let her lie her head in my lap.

Me: "What do you wanna watch?"

Chloe: "Anything you feel like watching"

Me: "I watch news and soccer"

She laughed.

Chloe: "What's your Netflix password"

Me: "Hhey baby am not familiar with these things. Call Emi. She created it"

She went to take her phone in the bedroom.



The aroma coming from the kitchen was too much to resist. My phone rang. Hha my Lucifer.

Me: "Hey my Alex mouse"

Khethiwe: "Hey Garfield. You good?"

Me: "Yes babe, how are you. I miss you"

And yes. We were now an item. I loved her, me, Casanova, in love and blind to any other woman. It
was still our little secret though. She put me on probation, 6 months probation.

Khethiwe: "Too bad cause you'll see me in January. Am going to Escort"

Me: "Who do you know there?"

Khethiwe: "My grandmother, wait. Is the Dube's your Dube?"

Me: "Near the water tank?"

Khethiwe: "Yes! God then that was really you. My goodness Tyler why were you peeping on us

Me: "What?"

Khethiwe: "I can't believe this. You're such a pervert" she laughed. I've never felt so embarrassed.

Me: "You should visit me when you come"

Khethiwe: "Don't change the subject. Why were you-"

Me: "Yoh bye baby I love you"

She chuckled.

Khethiwe: "Bye pervert I love you more"

I hung up. I need a strong drink for this.

Chapter Fifty-One


Khethelo: "I don't think this is really fair at all" she says pissed while they wash dishes with Nkule.

Nkule: "No its not, you shouldn't allow it"

Khethelo: "Tonight was the last bit of it. I'll tell the husbands. Yes she deserves good treatment but
it shouldn't include me being her slave"

Nkule: "Or maybe you should go and have a word with her"

Me: "No. I'll talk to Khulekani"

Nkule: "Okay."

Khethelo: "I'll see you tomorrow"

Nkule: "okay. Goodnight"

She walked out, Nkule locked the door and switched off the lights. Then went to sleep.

The following day

Khethelo woke up before anyone else. She bathed and dressed up then went for the main house.

Nkule came to open for her. Looking all grumpy.

Khethelo: "Good morning"

Nkule: "Hhai fustek"

She yawned and walked back to sleep. Khethelo began preparing breakfast.

By 8am she was done. Everyone gathered by the counter and waited for their plates. She had
prepared some for in the girls in the rondavel.

Khule: "When are you guys getting married?" He said as Khethelo dished up for them.

Tyler: "You wanna be a groomsman?"

Khule: "No you're-"

He was disturbed by the commotion outside. They followed each other out. It was Kedibone and
Macele fighting, their husbands trying to stop them so were the elders. Khule went to MaCele. She
was so angry she was even crying. .

Khule: "What's going on?"

Khanyisani: "She fed Esethu bread"

Esethu is their 7 year old daughter who's allergic to yeast and wheat.

Khule: "These women have serious issues. They always trying to get to someone. I'll talk to Nkazi.
Please go inside."

Khanyisani pulled MaCele to their house.

Khule went to Nkazi.

Khule: "Can I have a word with you?"

Kedibone walked away.

Khule: "When is this going to end?"

Nkazi: "Am sorry about this. I don't know what got into her"

Khule: "No you do. You guys are the reason your wives treat this home as a circus. Who does not
know that Esethu is allergic to wheat?"

Nkazi: "I'll talk to her"

Khule: "You better. Cause once she steps on any of my wives again. We'll have a problem. I want her
to take Esethu to the Dr"

Nkazi: "Am really sorry about this. The Dr is on the way"

Khule: "Good"

He left him standing there. Nkazi is MaButhelezi's second born. Younger than Khule.



I fail to understand the drama these women always create. Since they wedded into this family there
has never been piece. I can not blame them though. MaButhelezi contributed into this animal
behavior. They act like they were raised in a bush.

Nkule came in followed by Khule.

Nkule: "If you do not hire your girlfriend a personal maid, everyone will eventually get tired of her
fat ass"
Me: "Why?"

Tyler: "Why are you interfering with the Dube affairs?"

Nkule: "Because miss pregnant just made me clean that house"

Khule: "What?"

Me: "That's crazy. Am sorry, I'll talk to her"

Khule: "Please do. She's not even 3 months"

Me: "Excuse me"

I walked out to my house.

I found her eating.

Me: "Now you can't sweep?"

She chuckled.

Chloe: "I knew she'd tell you. Why is she even here?"

Me: "She's here to help Khethelo out. Since you and Katlego can't. Jesus Christ Chloe can you act
like a grown adult for once?"

Chloe: "Okay fine I'll apologize. But she only swept. She did not vacuum or mop the floor. I don't
know why you're making such a big fuss"

I don't have time for this. I walked out. I need a smoke. I went to my car, that's where I keep it. This
woman is gonna be the death of me.



Katlego: "Can't I like sweep the yard at least?"

Me: "If you want Mamkhulu and Machili to cut my head off you will" she laughed.

Katlego: "Am bored. This house is boring. I miss Khethelo and Nkule"

Me: "Maybe you miss wine"

Katlego: "Aowa baby. I had enough alcohol after the ceremony. Can't I like go greet MaCele and

Me: "You can. The guys and I are going out anyway"
Katlego: "Please bring me peaches, nectarines, and tomato"

Me: "O-kay. I love you"

Katlego: "Thank you babe. It feels good to be loved. Experiencing love at 26 isn't so bad after all.
You've made it worth it. I can't wait to give you babies"

I kissed her.

Me: "How many?"

Katlego: "As much as you want."

Me: "Mmmh. Can we start making them now?"

She chuckled and nodded.

We kissed. I could have this woman all day everyday. I love her. And honestly can not wait to make
her my wife.

"Christopher, we're leaving"

She giggled.

Me: "Am coming" I shouted back and continued kissing her. She pushed me off.

Katlego: "Tsamaya, bathong this guys"

I fastened my belt soon as I stood up.

Me: "We could've made it though"

Katlego: "Not while your brothers are waiting for you. They'll think am controlling"

Me: "Now I'll have to face the world with Mbuyazi standing. Bye baby"

Katlego: "Bye bye"

She's not even sad am leaving. Smh.



We gathered in Macele's house. It is a 6 roomed house excluding the garage. 3 bedrooms all en-
suite, lounge, kitchen and the dining room. It is big but not as big as the main houses who belong to
the fathers.
MaXaba: "Yoh bafazi Nathi threw away my wine. I have a severe headache. I need a drink"

Chloe: "Why do you let these men control you this much?"

MaCele: "Wait until Quinton marry you"

Chloe: "Nobody will ever separate me and dry red"

Katlego: "I had enough alcohol in Encuthu so no am cool."

Me: "Enquthu"

Katlego: "Whatever" we laughed.

Me: "Well I did not ask you ladies to gather here and discuss wine"

MaXaba: "Am hurt. I needed to share"

Me: "No problem. See, I don't mind looking after someone and all. But Chloe, I think you're taking
advantage now"

Chloe: "About what?"

Me: "Last night Nkule cooked, you said you wanted Wors and pap. Nkule was not going to cook
twice so as tired as I was I had to cook. 7pm, where I was supposed to be seated and enjoying my
supper, I was on my feet making you food."

Chloe: "Am sorry"

MaCele: "And this thing of looking down on us. Its not ayoba. Yes you're carrying the most
important children of this clan but how you treat people is not on"

Me: "Yes. And to make Nkule to sweep and make the bed where you and your man were sleeping
on. Is pure disrespect"

MaXaba: "You what? Aibo Chloe"

Chloe: "I apologized."

Me: "You claim she's sleeping with Q yet again you let her into your bedroom. You're disrespecting
your relationship"

MaCele: "And we're not ganging up on you. We're trying to get you on the right path."

Chloe: "I see"

Me: "Your attitude towards Q is gonna be the reason he finds comfort in another woman's arms.
Respect your man. This thing of you drinking wine in front of him, talking to him however, even in
front of his brothers is a turn off for a Dube man who's in demand of respect."

Chloe: "He's not planning of marrying me anyway. Why should I bother?"

MaCele: "Who wants to marry a psycho? Someone who doesn't respect you? In order to get that
ring in your finger you have to be submissive. Forget about loving him. Focus on respecting him. Men
love being respected. You're the reason he doesn't want to marry you. Change mfazi. Change"

Chloe: "Really? I never thought of it that way. I will"

Me: "When he gets back. Make his night better, ask him how was it with the boys, keep his beers in
a fridge. Don't pick up a fight."

MaCele: "And keep his vagina tight and hot"

We laughed.

Chloe: "His what?"

Me: "There you go" we laughed. Honestly I was really angry. So to make it less awkward I asked the
ladies to gather and address this matter. MaCele had an idea of why I called a meeting. If I had told
Khule I don't like how things are going with Chloe. He would've sugar coated it and not say how
much I hate it and will never cook for her.

Chloe: "Thank you all for this. But sometimes I lose control of my emotions"

Katlego was quiet and I think it was for the best. Because she's not willing to get over the fact that
she called her a hoe. Of Which I think she's dramatic to be still mad about it.

MaXaba: "That's what the bathrooms are for. Once you feel like you can't stand him. Go the
bathroom. Spend 4 hours there. Guaranteed you'll come out feeling better"

Me: "Or lock him inside the bedroom and go watch your favorite show with a glass of wine in your
hand, well juice in your case"

We laughed. MaCele went to her bedroom and came back with a bottle of 4th street. This woman!

MaXaba: "She's sent by the devil. She's trying to ruin your marriages"

Katlego: "Well am not married. Please pour me a glass"

MaCele: "A whole mam Mfundisi" we laughed.

Katlego: "No am kidding. I'll have juice"

MaXaba: "I cooked. Would you like some?"

Chloe: "If it's the beans you cooked me last time yes please"

Me: "Me too"

Katlego: "Me three"

MaCele: "Its with steamed bread this time"

Me: "You should share recipes mfazi. Your beans is to die for"

MaXaba: "I'll give it to you when you get married"

Me: "The way y'all force us into marriage in this home."

Katlego: "Imagine getting married just because you wanna sweep the yard and cook. Hhai its too
Chloe: "The part of having limited access to some houses. Andiqondi tu"

Macele: "I wish I was still a girlfriend. Hhai this wife thing is too much."

Me: "Am not wife yet but already tired. Especially tomorrow it is my turn to make breakfast for the

Katlego: "I wish I could help"

MaXaba: "We'll help you baby don't worry"

Me: "You're the best"



The Dube brothers arrived in the famous private pub in Estcourt. They had booked the whole VIP
section for today. They had to gather heads on some issue. They arrived in different groups. All 15 of
them. Their walk screamed powerful, their clothes screamed expensive, their walk demanded
respect. The ladies were drooling. Their resemblance was what amused the ladies the most.

They took their seats and waiters brought their pre-ordered drinks. Expensive whiskey, worth most
people's salaries or more. And castle lite.

Khanyisani: "Is the meat ready?"

Waiter: "Not yet. It will be served in 30 minutes"

Khanyisani: "We'd like it with pap"

Waiter: "Yes Sir"

He left. They drank over small silly talk.

Tyler: "Can this meat arrive already?"

Nathi: "But we ate at home"

Tyler: "Yes. That's why am hungry. This is not home"

Khule: "Please behave. Did you find that guy?"

Khanyisani: "I've found someone else. That snitch is dead"

Nathi: "Bloody swine. He went ahead and told Mhlongo that Phila is the target"

Phila is Khule's daughter.

Khanyisani: "Given a chance. I'd shoot him again"

Nathi: "How did you meet Chloe?"

Quinton: "At the mall. I bumped into her, why?"

Khanyisani: "The findings say she's the daughter of a woman working with Mnguni"

Quinton: "Are you sure?"

Khule: "We not sure yet. We're still trying to confirm"

Quinton: "Why am I hearing about this now?" He was now on his feet shouting.

Khule: "Because you would've reacted"

Quinton: "When did you find this out?"

Nathi: "That does not matter"

Quinton: "Of course it does. How could you let me still share a bed with her?"

Khule: "She's pregnant. With your kids and she's your girlfriend"

Quinton: "What if this was all a plan? She has to leave."

Khanyisani: "We're not sure If she's really her mother"

Quinton: "I need some air"

He walked out.

Nathi: "Follow him Tyler"

Tyler: "Doesn't he have a twin?"

Khule walked out too.


Khule stood next to him. He took out his cigarettes and lighter. He gave Q one. He lit for him and
himself. They smoked in silence.

Khule: "You need to calm down" he said as he squashing the end of cigarette.

Quinton: "I'll kill her"

Khule: "You don't mean that"

Quinton: "I do. This is no coincidence. She's with me to milk information. She'll regret the day we
met. Nobody messes with my kids. We've failed Phila enough. I will not fail her this time"
He marched to his car. Khule stood there like he was glued to the ground. He's failed his daughter. It
sank it.

[At the Dube residence]

Quinton's car sped in. He parked in front of his house. He got out. Chloe was not inside. He came out
and saw kids playing. He asked where are the ladies.

He furiously marched to MaCele's house. He found them laughing. They kept quiet as soon as their
eyes landed on his ready to kill expression.

Quinton: "Follow me"

She swiftly stood up and followed him. MaCele looked at Khethelo.

Khethelo: "Am following them"

She stood up and followed.



The door was locked but I could hear the beating. He was beating her. I went to the window...

Sweet Jesus! What are you making me witness

Me: "Quinton! Stop! Help!"

She was not even crying. Is she crazy? He had his knee on her throat. My tap of tears was opened. I
kept screaming for him to stop. Where's Khulekani when you need him.

Me: "Quinton! Look at me. Please Mbuyazi, I am begging you Dube elimthende. Please. You're going
to kill her." He had not stopped beating her up. He looked like he was possessed. The elders weren't
here, they were taking too long to arrive. She's gonna die. It was me and MaXaba begging him. His
brothers finally arrived. Khule shot the door down. He moved him off her and punched him. I
couldn't care less about them punching each other to death, I rushed to Chloe. She was unconscious.

Me: "Somebody please call an ambulance! Chloe? Can you hear me? Don't do this to us, am sorry,
stay with me, Lord Jesus what have you done Quinton!" I was screaming uncontrollably.
I rested her head on my lap. Bonga came in, he was sweating and panting. He kneeled next to me.

Bonga: "I need to be alone with her. If she goes to the hospital she won't make it."

Me: "She's bleeding"

My started beating out of it's rib cage.

Bonga: "We gonna need a miracle to save the babies, please give us space." I gently moved her off
me. I couldn't see, everything went blurry. I used the wall for balance. I got out, no one was in sight.
The weather had immediately changed, the lightning alone was enough to make me rush to the
main house.

I silently prayed. She can not die.

Chapter Fifty-Two



Khethelo had Lamu in her arms. The thunder was rumbling so loud. The lightning flashed, leaving
everyone semi blind. Everyone had moved off the chairs and couches to sit down on the floor.

It was also raining. Everyone was terrified.

Chris came in dripping wet. He was panting. He had been running.

Chris: "It's Katlego she... She's" he couldn't talk. His breath was getting short from the running.

Khule: "Where is she?"

Chris: "She's dying. She's losing her breath"

They ran out to Chris's house.

Katlego was curled up on a couch crying. Her eyes were losing vision. Her breath was getting shorter.
The pain was severe. Her body couldn't take it anymore.

Khule: "Where does it hurt?" He said feeling her temperature.

She couldn't talk. Her voice wasn't coming out. She closed her eyes slowly. A tear fell off her left eye.

Chris shook her to wake up. Her hand fell off from her stomach.

Chris: "Don't do this to me babe please. Katlego?" He lightly slapped her face. She did not respond.
He looked at Khule.

Chris: "What's going on?" The tears made their way down on his cheeks.



I prayed. I prayed harder. I kept seeing one child. Which meant, the other one was in danger. I
prayed even Harder till I blacked out.

She was standing next to her Mango tree in her garden.

Gogo: "You've disappointed me Sbongakonke"

Me: "I was not home am sorry"

Gogo: "Save them. Or this thunder is far from over. I'll erase this girl's memory about this
encounter, otherwise his own children will hate him. Make sure you keep him away from that her.
He's gonna kill her. And the whole Dube clan would be punished. Find a place. A place far away.
Where only you knows. A place where not even a bird will have access to."

Me: "But I hardly know any places here"

Gogo: "If her mother finds her before you find the place to keep her. All this hard work your fathers
has put in this life will be vanished. She will turn the saviours against this family. She's the woman I
told you about. She's the woman who plotted our death. The woman who ordered those men to kill
Khule's wife."

Me: "What? Why won't you help me find a place to keep her then? please"

Gogo: "You're old enough to find your way now. You no longer need my guardiance. Save them"

She walked away. I tried following her but my legs weren't letting me. I screamed her name. She
kept on walking.

I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes. It was Chloe. I jumped to my feet.

Chloe: "It was just a bad dream"

I couldn't believe it.

Chloe: "Do you need water?"

I swallowed. I must be dreaming.

Chloe: "Are you gonna stand there and look at me like am some kind of a ghost?"

She had changed from the dress she was wearing. She had no bruises. Only a cut on her lower lip.
She was happy, she looked happy.

Me: "Where's dad?"

Chloe: "I don't know. When I woke up he wasn't here. Are you hungry?"

Nothing was making sense here.

Me: "Excuse me"

I walked out.

The sky was clear. It did not look like it had rained so heavily. And by the look of things. It was the
following day. I got to the main house. I found Mam Khethelo. She was crying. She got off the chair
soon as she saw me and came to me.

Khethelo: "How is she?"

Me: "I don't know what's going on. Are we on the next day?"

Khethelo: "Yes it's Tuesday. We've been Waiting for you to come out. Are the children safe?"

Me: "Yes. She has no bruises"

Khethelo: "Huh?"

Me: "Yes"

Khethelo: "How's that possible?"

Me: "She's carrying miracle babies after all, so I guess its one of the 'Miracles'. I need to sleep"

Khethelo: "Okay I'll go see her"

I walked to my bedroom. I needed to access gogo. I needed a lot of clarity.


Indeed she had no bruises. Instead she looked more beautiful and vibrant.

Me: "Do you remember anything that happened yesterday?"

Chloe: "Of course. You lecturing me about respect. Have you seen Q?"

Me: "They're at the hospital. Katlego went unconscious during that traumatic thunder"

Chloe: "Oh my God. I must've been deep in my sleep. Was she stroked by lightning? Is she okay?"

Me: "None of us know what happened. They have not called for an update."

Chloe: "Maybe we must drive to the hospital"

Me: "Are you sure you're okay? Like, no pains and all?"

Chloe: "Yes am perfectly fine."

She disappeared to the bedroom and came back with her handbag.

Chloe: "Are we leaving?"

Me: "Yeah sure."

We walked out. Bonga stopped us as we reversed out of the garage.

Me: "Aren't you suppose to be sleeping?"

Bonga: "No. I had to discuss something with the elders"

Me: "Okay. You need something?"

Bonga: "Where are you going?"

Me: "We're going to see Kat."

Bonga: "Chloe can not leave. Please get off"

Chloe: "What? Why?"

Bonga: "It's the elders order. You can not leave the yard. Until we've done what has to be done"

Chloe: "Which is?"

Bonga: "Mama please tell her to get off. Better yet, both of you just get off the car."

Me: "Are we in danger?"

Bonga: "Disaster."

I looked at Chloe. I got off. So did she. We went inside my house. How did we get here? This has
gone in a very different path. I thought this was normal but there's nothing normal with so much
thunder and rain, lightning that leaves you blind and traumatized. Only to wake up on a very dry
ground like it wasn't flooding the previous day. Quinton beating Chloe to death. Only for Chloe to
wake up without pain or any bruises and very excited. This family is crazier than I thought. Maybe
this is what he meant by dysfunctional.



The wait was killing me. I was a bit relieved that she passed out not dead. But the fact still remained,
she was still unconscious. Khule had gone home to get us fresh clothes. I couldn't leave her all alone
here unattended.

Quinton came in with takeaways. I did not want any food. I wanted Katlego to be okay. He sat beside
me and put the paper bag down.

Quinton: "She'll be okay"

Me: "She has to. Am literally going crazy"

Quinton: "Have they found the cause?"

Me: "No. That's what is driving me crazy. But she's just lying there with those machines connected
to her."

Quinton: "I've requested a helicopter to take her to Eden Gardens in Pietermaritzburg. Its gonna
arrive anytime from now. It has comfortable waiting areas not this hard ass bench. And try to stress
a little. She's strong. She'll pull through"

Me: "Thank you. How's Chloe?"

Quinton: "I don't know and I don't care" he said coldly.

Me: "What you did there was uncalled for. And now you didn't bother to check how she is"

Quinton: "If she was dead they'd have called and let us know but they haven't so that means she's
alive and now am left with slaughtering her throat and make sure she dies. If it wasn't for Jake. Phila
would be somewhere traumatized. Only God knows how much I despise that woman right now"

Me: "She's being punished for mother's sins?"

Quinton: "Who's side are you on Christian?"

Me: "This isn't about sides. She's carrying your kids"

Quinton: "So now I have to stay with an enemy just because she's carrying my kids? Fuck no"

Me: "Calm down." He looked at his phone.

Quinton: "Just go fill the transfer forms the helicopter is here."

I stood up and went to her Dr. The 2 years without my brothers was hell. I've just realized. Going
through tough times alone wasn't fun. Even now I feel like hell but with them by my side, its a better



He came in. Soon as he saw me his face changed. He sat beside me and called Chris. He did not pick

Me: "He went to fill the transfer forms"

He looked at me for quite some time and shook his head.

Khule: "Sometimes I question your sanity. Since when is it okay to beat a woman up? You know if it
wasn't for Bonga, that woman would be dead and I would've drove you to the police station to hand
yourself in and make sure no dodgy police make the docket disappear. You're full of shit and next
time you lay a hand on a woman I'll hang you under mom's mango tree."

He was angry. His voice wasn't loud but firm. He meant what he said I know. But I wasn't scared.
Chloe deserved that.

Me: "Maybe you should stop worrying about that snake called Chloe and focus on keeping Phila
safe. The worst mistake you've ever done was giving up on her. Now is the time to make things right
by her. Her nanny is a good hearted person. Am sure she wouldn't mind making a deal with us.
You're busy worried about kids who aren't even born yet and neglecting the one who's here and in
danger because of our vendettas with these people"

Khule: "I know they will not get to her. When you get back home I want you to go and apologize to

Me: "Forget it"

Khule: "I mean it Skhululiwe"

Me: "Fine! Just don't call me that"

He clicked his tongue.

Chris came back.

Chris: "We're ready. I'll be the only one leaving"

Khule: "No problem. Any progress?"

Chris: "Not yet but hopefully there will be. Nothing prayer can not beat"

We broe hugged, he took the bag and food.

Me: "Keep your phone on"

Chris: "I will"

Khule: "We'll come by tomorrow"

Chris: "Remember what I told you"

I nodded. What did he tell me?

I walked out. I opened the boot to take out my jacket. It was getting cold. KZN weather with moods.

I drove home. Followed by Khulekani.

I don't know what we'd be without our mother Khethelo. I found my last night's food on the warmer
and breakfast. I ate. Nkule came in. She washed the dishes that were already in the sink.

Me: "Invisible that much?"

She turned.

Nkule: "Jesus Christ animals can talk too"

Me: "Hahaha. Not funny"

Nkule: "Its not a joke. I thought you were a rare breed but what was I thinking. You have a dick like
your fellow trash"

Me: "You're crossing boundaries now"

Nkule: "What you gonna do? Beat me? Well you're welcome Quinton, very welcome. She's pregnant
for Christ's sake! Wow"

She marched down the passage. Suddenly am everyone's enemy. I finished eating and rinsed the
plates then went to my house. I pushed the door open. There was no one in the lounge. I went to
the bedroom. She wasn't there either. I took off the jacket and got in bed. I needed a decent sleep.


Khethelo: "Then why are you still here Khulekani? Why Am I still seeing your face?" She said
throwing everything in front of her on me crying hysterically. I had just told her about Phila's

I had given up on her, I detached myself. I adjusted into living without her. I did not want her to grow
up with the court trauma. I deserved it. If Emi was to die because of the family she wedded in to. I
would do the same thing. Take my niece/nephew away from those people. I had came to make
myself accept that I don't have a child.

Me: "Will you stop?"

I finally held her.

Khethelo: "What kind of a father are you? You want her to hate me? Thinking I was the reason
behind you not acknowledging her? No Khulekani just leave right now. She's in danger for Christ's
sake. Who knows what will he do to her if he finally gets to take her"

Me: "Our people are making sure she's safe. Jake has been hired as her driver"

Khethelo: "Let go of me"

Me: "Why?"

Khethelo: "You're the last thing I want to see right now."

She pulled out of my grip and walked out. I took my phone and called Jake.



What kind of fathers are these. A whole family of men who claim they are powerful but can't get
Phila's maternity family to forgive and find common ground for the sake of their child? Gha bloody

Macele and MaXaba came in 10 minutes after I called them.

MaCele: "What has he done?"

Me: "Its Phila"

MaXaba gasped and covered her mouth.

MaXaba: "Don't tell me she's..." She was already crying.

Me: "No. But could be, any day. She's in danger. Their enemies are targeting her. They've known
this for a week but they don't have balls to go and rescue the child"

MaCele: "What? Are they crazy?"

Me: "Am gonna need your help ladies. Help me go negotiate with the Nzuza's."

MaXaba: "You don't have to ask. We're in"

MaCele: "And leaving tonight. Call Pat that we need to fly to EC, I'll book a hotel and hire a car"

Me: "Thank you guys. I don't know what I'd do without you."

We held hands.

MaXaba: "We're one. We're the Dube wives and there's nothing we wouldn't do for each other"

Chapter Fifty-Three



Soon after the 3 wives left. Khanyisani went to let Khule know. They both got in the car and drove
after them.

[At a secluded place]

Bonga put down Chloe's big bag. Chloe took a seat on a dusty couch. She was too tired to be acting
like a snob.

Bonga: "Its not your usual kind of a house. But it'll keep you sheltered for the next 7 months"

Chloe: "Does it have running water?"

Bonga: "There isn't even electricity. Help me clean up"

Chloe: "I just want to give birth already. Hiding in such places just because your life is in danger is
not on. How am I gonna survive without a cellphone?"

Bonga: "Fate"

She finally got off the couch and reached for the broom.

The elders had spent a whole 4 hours explaining to her why she has to go hiding. She wouldn't hear
none of it at first but the more they explained is the more she saw the bigger picture and ended up
agreeing to this new living arrangement.


Whoever is on my door. Was either a policeman or an enemy who came to attack. I got off the bed
and tripped over something on the floor. I was still sleepy, it was also dark. I turned the light on and
went out. The knock got even Harder.

Me: "Geez. Am coming. No need to break my door down"

I unlocked and opened. He moved me out of the way as he came in. I closed the door and looked at

Khule: "Please go talk to Khethelo"

Me: "What did she do?"

Khule: "She wants to go to EC. She was actually going there. If MaCele had not used the joint
account to book a hotel we wouldn't have known. So much danger they tried to put themselves in"

Me: "I'll speak to her. Have you seen Chloe?"

Khule: "No."

Me: "That's strange. When I arrived home, she wasn't here. Did she leave maybe?"

Khule: "When I came to fetch Chris's clothes she was here. Is her car still on the garage?"

Me: "I'll go check"

I put on a top and went to the garage.



I stared at my mother's picture. She gave me strength. I needed it. I needed it to handle everything
thrown at me. I just wanted this year to over already. My life completely changed in a short period
of 9 months. I wasn't that little girl I was 9 months back. If I had known being a wife comes with so
much responsibilities. Responsibilities that are beyond my control. I lied on my back on the couch
and put in on my chest then closed my eyes.

A part of me wished I had never met him. He came with a lot of burden. But I loved him. My life was
meaningless without him.
If I was Phila's mother I would've wanted him to fight for our child. I failed to understand why would
he completely forget about her. She's the only thing that holds beautiful memories of his wife. She
should be his shining armor. His all season flower.

I could feel his eyes piercing through my skin. His scent filled the room. I kept my eyes closed.

Khule: "Am sorry for snapping at you"

The TV volume decreased.

Khule: "Maybe I knew she's guaranteed a good life and tight security. It never really bothered me
that much. Either way, she will definitely hate me. I am the one to blame for her mother's death.
Truth be told, I don't know what I'd say to her. The bond was cut off. I love her yes but am not ready
for her. I am scared. And beside being scared, getting her will not be a walk to the park. They're a
very powerful family. Known by everyone. Phila is the only thing left of their only daughter. Trying to
win her back will open up old wounds for them. I wouldn't want for that case to reopened."

I stood and and went to stand before him. I wrapped my hands around his waist as I hugged him.

Me: "Am sorry. I was just too angry and scared for her life. She's a part of you which makes her
practically a part of me. I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to her"

Khule: "She's in good hands. Jakes has never disappointed."

Me: "Aren't you hungry?"

Khule: "Which hunger?"

I giggled as he picked me up. I can't get over how tall he is. We kissed. Long and passionate kiss.

Me: "I love you. With everything that you are."

Khule: "I am the happiest and the luckiest man on earth"

Me: "Put me down"

Khule: "Why?"

Me: "Mr Dube if you don't put me down right now I'll-"

He chuckled and did. I went down on my knees and and unbuckled his belt without losing eye
contact. Ladies eye contact is very important!


5 days later.

The girls and their maids went to the river in the wee hours of the morning.

Emi: "Finally!"

Amanda: "Is Jason coming?"

Emi: "I doubt. We broke up. There's nothing for him to come for. And beside he never came here"

Lihle: "But his uncles did"

Emi: "Because it was compulsory. Otherwise they wouldn't have"

Amanda: "I see. This water is too cold"

Lihle: "The sun will be rising up anytime. You better brave up and bath"

They bathed in that ice cold river water.



I had just finished putting together their attires. I don't know how did I get here. But Mamkhulu
requested for me and MaXaba to come and do it. I had not seen my man in complete 2 days. I'd be
lying if I said am fine. I missed him.

Katlego was now awake but still at the hospital due to being weak. Nobody knew Chloe's
whereabouts. But what we knew is that she was with Bonga wherever she was and very safe.
Quinton was a bit distracted by the fact that he couldn't find them. Though the elders told him not
to worry, he was worrying. It finally sank in that he almost killed her.

Me: "Can we go eat? Am losing my vision now"

MaXaba: "This home treats us like their maids. Abo Bonolo just woke up, 11am, a whole wife. Hhai
suka am tired I want to go bath and look amazing like them. Beyonces of the Family" she rolled her
I laughed with the little energy left in me. I took her hand and we walked out of the rondavel to the
main house.

MaXaba: "Look at that. Already dressed up for the ceremony that will begin at 2pm."

Me: "Can you please stop?"

MaXaba: "She irritates me. Just because she has bums does not mean now we should bow to her"

Okay. This was not her talking.

Me: "What did you drink?"

MaXaba: "Nathi's whiskey. I needed it to stand in that kitchen until the morning"

Me: "Wow he's so gonna kill you"

We found Nkule preparing breakfast. I don't know what I'd do without her.

Me: "The friends I keep"

Nkule: "You better give all your tips to me when we get back to work"

Me: "Consider it done."

Nkule: "Sit down I'll dish up for you"

We sat down. We ate over a silly conversation. Listening to MaXaba dishing out everyone's dirty

Me: "Okay. You need to stop now"

MaXaba: "They kill people. That's why I drink so much"

Nkule: "What?" She said in a whisper getting close to MaXaba.

Me: "Maybe you should go lie down a bit"

MaXaba: "It's the truth. I saw them. They have guns to scare people off but when they kill they use
their barehands. "

Me: "Nkule you're even interested in this dumb ass. She's drunk"

Nkule: "Drunk people are the most honest"

Me: "Honest my left foot. She's crazy. Tyler wouldn't hurt a fly"

I pulled MaXaba to one of the rooms.

Me: "What are you doing?"

MaXaba: "What?"

Me: "Saying they kill in front of Nkule?"

MaXaba: "Isn't she your friends? And you do know that they kill, don't you?"

Me: "Just sleep already"

I marched to the door and locked her inside. What the hell!

I've always suspected that they might but its all because of that weird aura around them.

Me: "Leave the dishes. I'll wash them later. You need to rest"

Nkule: "Was she serious?"

Me: "About what?"

Nkule: "That they... You know"

Me: "They do not. Well not Khule"

Nkule: "But Q is capable?"

Me: "Nkule what happened with Q and Chloe shouldn't leave this yard."

Nkule: "I wouldn't do you like that. I was just concerned because last night we... You know"

Me: "Oh Holy Spirit!"

Nkule: "It was a moment of weakness. It'll never happen again"

Me: "Did you use protection?"

Nkule: "Of course. And tomorrow morning am leaving"

Me: "Okay. Let me go bath"

Okay don't get me wrong but I am very against what Nkule feels for Q. I can't have my friend dating
my brother in law. Awkward!

I finally got to my house and took a shower. I finished and walked out. I found him sleeping on his
back eating braaid meat. The smell hit my nostrils.

Me: "Can I have some?"

Khule: "Yes baby. I thought you were gonna jump on me and kiss me all over my face"

Me: "I will. After eating this meat"

He laughed. I devoured in.

Me: "Isn't there any left?"

Khule: "No my love. Am so tired I want to sleep"

Me: "Take a shower first. Do you want coffee?"

Khule: "No, I had too much alcohol yesterday I need to clean my system"

Me: "Let me go and wash dishes"

Khule: "Put me into sleep first"

It was too hot for a blanket so we just slept on top of the covers.



Wherever there is Amanda. There is trouble. She made us drink whiskey shots. As to where she got
it. Only Lord knows.

We were now at the chosen space for the dance. Chosen by elders. Just few feet away from the
kraal. But outside the yard of course.

We were dancing like nobody's business. Amanda being extra as usual.

Amanda's boyfriend's sister came to gift her with an umbrella full of money. So did Lihle's
boyfriend's brothers. The nerve!

Well it was now Zipho and I without any men. Only family and friends gifting us with money. All the
brothers did the most. Only Khule wasn't in sight.

I was tired. I needed to take off this heavy traditional skirt. The alcohol was wearing down.

Two ladies came down to us. One had a blanket, one had a grass mat. She laid it before me. I looked
at them. I've never seen them before. Amanda pushed me down to kneel.

They helped each other to wrap the blanket over my shoulders. The elders ululated.
Mamkhulu collected them and the ceremony continued.

After dancing our asses off, it was finally over. We walked into the yard and went to the rondavel to

The mothers came in after us.

Mamkhulu: "You out did yourselves there. Wow"

MaMthembu: "Am so proud of you"

Us: "Thank you"

MaChili: "I thought you said you broke up with the boy"

Me: "I did"

MaChili: "His family is here"

Me: "His father?" I felt heat rush all over my body.

MaChili: "No. His mother's brothers. The one who came to pay for damages. And those two girls
who gave you the blanket"

Me: "I wouldn't know. I've never seen them before"

MaChili: "Change. The party is about to begin"

Amanda: "Party?"

Mamkhulu: "Yes. Has MaMnguni brought your dresses?"

Lihle: "No. Wow you're the best family ever!"

Khethelo came in while we beat our faces. Looking tired but trying by all means to look lively.

Khethelo: "When is this ending? I want to rest"

Amanda: "We love you"

Khethelo: "I have been on my feet since yesterday"

Lihle: "It's gonna end soon"

Khethelo: "Where's Zipho?"

Lihle: "Toilet"

Khethelo: "Okay. Each dress is labelled. The kitchen needs me"

She walked out.

The tent was packed. It was at the back. We couldn't have seen it. The royal chairs for us. The deco,
traditional yet classic. Transparent chairs with white ribbons at the back.

MaCele opened with prayer.

MaCele: "I don't even know the purpose of this party. The food will arrive any minute from now.
Help yourselves out while we wait for elders to come and give out long boring speeches" everyone

MaCele: "What we saw esigcawini tells me that these ladies are on their way to marriage. Finally
they have boyfriends"

I kept my eyes to the Gods of the family, Khanyisani, Khule and Nathi to see their reaction to this
statement. To my surprise. They laughed too. They were probably drunk.

The party went on. We stuffed ourselves with food and beverages. Everyone was having fun. I was
now sitting alone on the table, they all went to dance with their boyfriends. This I had to jot down.

Cause wow.

Khule: "Penny for thoughts?"

Me: "Very expensive you wouldn't afford" he chuckled and

He extended his arm.

Khule: "Can i have this dance?"

I smiled and got up. I rested my head on his chest and we moved slowly to Why I love you by Major.

"Can I?"

My whole body froze. I kept my head in Khule's chest. He stopped moving.

Khule: "Just for today"

No he did not!

He gently pushed my head off his chest. My eyes met with Jason's. He looked different. Good
different. He had beard, freshly cut. He looked grown. He looked handsome.
I was taken out of my fantasy world by his warm hand on my cheek.

Jason: "Can we talk?"

I looked at him. The hatred and anger I had of him was over powered with love I had for him. I hated
myself for it.

Me: "Yeah."

Jason: "Outside"

I led the way out. The sun had already set. We went to stand next to the cars of the visitors.

Jason: "A huge yard you've got here"

Me: "We're a huge family. So I guess its expected"

Jason: "Yeah"

We stood in silence. I had nothing to say to him.

Jason: "So. How you've been?"

Me: "Been happy. You?" I lied.

Jason: "Been better."

Silence again. He took out a tiny box out his pocket. My eyes popped out.

Jason: "Its not a ring. Open it when you go to bed" I slowly sighed in relief.

He placed it on my hands. "You still hold a special place in my heart, you'll always will. I flew all the
way from Spain just to see you on your special day and give you this. Am sorry for everything. I'll
sure make it on your graduation day again."

Me: "What do you mean?"

Jason: "Am flying back tonight. I arrived this morning."

I hated how much he took advantage of how much I loved him. Why did he even show up? To break
my heart?

Me: "Then you shouldn't have bothered Jason. I was starting to forget you, to adjust in being
without you. Why do you always hurt me so much?"

Jason: "That's the thing. You shouldn't forget about me."

"Excuse me Sir. The jet was scheduled for 8pm. We have to make it to Durban sooner" said a guy in a
black suit.

Jason: "Am coming. Just a few seconds"

He's Sir now?

He was really leaving me. Again. He flew all the way here just to break my heart.

The man walked away.

Jason: "Keep that gift safe. Wherever you go, take it with you. I love you. Take care"

He planted a soft kiss my forehead. I watched him go. My tears gushed down. I couldn't believe it. I
felt a stabbing pain into my heart. I felt a soft touch on my shoulder. I startled a little and quickly
wiped my tears. It was Khethelo.

Khethelo: "If love is true. It always finds it's way back. If he's yours to have, he'll be back. For you.
Come here"

She brought me closer to her. I cried. I wish I understood

[Tyler's proposal to Khethiwe]



I woke up earlier than I should've. I was back at my house. Back into making myself breakfast.
Washing my own dishes. Sis Kit Kat and mam Khethelo better come up with something. I can't live
like this for the rest of my life. They introduced me into this life style after all.

I made movite. I doubt my own eggs will ever taste the same after I ate those prepared by them. I
was representing Zinhle today. Today was the issue day of the verdict.

You ladies choose to love thugs, "Gangster love" type of shit. Then get surprised when they start kick
boxing you and depriving you access to your own child. These men when they run out of missions,
they take out their frustrations on you, mostly if he doesn't go to the gym. So be careful. Choose

I couldn't wait to bring him down on his knees. Not sucking my dick though. Just on his knees. Yes
thank you. The proof I had submitted was concrete enough to put him behind bars and Zinhle
winning the custody of her child. Being a lawyer isn't for the weak. You got to have connections.
Bringing up something that the accused did in 2005 might be the reason you win the case. So with
my thug brothers and my secret IT specialist I was nowhere near losing any case.

I made coffee. I needed it. I went to shower I got on my suit. And took my briefcase.

Then I walked to the door like I owned the damn ground. I looked very rich.

I got in my car and drove out. I hooted at the security guys. They always eating.

I arrived in court. It was packed. Media all over. Well my exquisite law skills had brought the whole
of SA on it's high hopes about their youth. Which made the media to Pay attention. It was attorney
Dube this and Attorney Dube that. I parked and got out. Right now I wished for someone who can
just greet people for me. The waving was becoming too much for me. I put on my gown and pulled
my bag. I'll never understand this 'Law norm' can't we like walk in with our potable brief cases alone.
Cause 70% of the time we never use the big bag. I guess its just being dramatic like teachers walking
around with chalk in their hand even at malls.

I made my way in escorted by the police. I noticed the ladies who were wearing identical t-shirts
written "Break your silence"

Some were on a peaceful march. Carrying posts written. 'Justice for Zinhle' no man or who ever
could ever break the unity of women 4/10 they don't even know her but since she's one of their
own. They're here to support her. Women power✊🏾

The journalists with their camera men taking pictures of everything, even an ant collecting food for

I stood with Zinhle's family. Reassuring them that this animal will be out of their daughter's life for

I went to my assigned seat.

"All rise in court" we did. Then settled down after a bit.

Judge: "There's no more evidence to be presented by defence nor a witness to be brought on stand.
Mr Muziwoxolo Dubazane, everything you've been accursed of, the court of law has happened to
find you guilty. You went against the act of no abuse against women and children and that is a
serious offence. On this day, the court of law has found you guilty of, assaulting Mrs Dubazane,
Murdering Nkosiyezwe Zwide and drinking under influence in 2010. The court will sentence you up
to 5 years for assaulting your supposedly wife, 15 for murder and 5 and is equal to 25 years. The
subtraction will depend on your behavior inside."

The court room went crazy. He kept his head down.

Judge: "Adjourned"

He hit his desk. That's my cue.

I pulled my bag and walked out. She hugged me.

Zinhle: "Thank you. Thank you so much"

Me: "Any day"

Khethiwe: "Oh Zinhle come here" I did not even see where she crawled out of. She pulled Zinhle to
her chest.

I left them there and went to Quinton. Who was standing there amused.

Quinton: "Wherever Mangcobo is, she's bragging to her fellow Angels. You are pretty amazing"

Me: "You tell me everyday. Thank you"

Quinton: "I always knew you had it in you. This calls for celebration"

Me: "I wouldn't say no."

Khethiwe joined us.

Khethiwe: "Sir. Shall we go?"

Quinton: "Yes of course. Everyone is waiting"

Me: "Who's everyone?"

Khethiwe: "Your family".


We arrived home. Chris's house. Everybody was happy I won against the big dog Mulaudzi and put
away the big thug Muzi. But I was just happy I'll eat food cooked by the necks of our family.
We rejoiced until it was very late. Everyone was drunk. I packed myself food. In big containers.
Khethelo came in.

Khethelo: " Am so proud of you"

Me: "Thank you."

Khethelo: "Quinton is already upstairs sleeping and we're all staying over. We were wondering if
you could drive Khethiwe home"

Me: "Me? Drive who? You seriously did not say Khethiwe"

Khethelo: "I did. She wants to go home. Plus y'all live in same direction"

Me: "Whoever brought her must take her home. Where's Bonga?"

Khethelo: "In the lounge drowning in alcohol"

Me: "I'll call an uber for her"

Khethelo: "Perfect. Why didn't we think of that. OK you can stay over too"

Me: "Am not. I need to prepare for my other case tomorrow. I won't be able here with all this noise"

Khethelo: "Okay. Goodnight baby. I'll call you in the morning"

Me: "Goodnight mommy"

The way she's adjusted to being a mother to everyone. It's amazing. We all confined in her. She's a
Jnr Mangcobo. She has that 'You can trust me' appearance. And we do trust her.

Bonga came in.

Bonga: "Guess what?"

Me: "Mandela is back"

Bonga: "Way better than that" he got closer. Drunk people and whispering, same WhatsApp group.

Bonga: "Khethiwe needs a ride"

Me: "I'll call an uber for her"

Bonga: "Not after I've worked so hard in convincing her to ride with you. She's waiting for you"

Me: "What if am staying over?"

Bonga: "Then you're not."

She stood on the entrance with her handbag. My heart skipped a bit.

Khethiwe: "Are you still busy? I'll call a cab if you're not ready to leave"

Me: "No, am just packing these then we're leaving."

Khethiwe: "Need a hand?"

I looked at Bonga then nodded. She took two of the containers and led the way out. I went to say
goodbye to Chris, since he was still awake.

The drive was quiet and peaceful. Music playing in a normal manner. She insisted on sitting at the
back. So I let her be. On a normal day we'd be cursing the hell out of each other but not today. It was
different. Well things have been different since after the security and water saga. She's been rude,
more like avoiding me. It bothered me.

Me: "How's work?"

She chuckled.

Khethiwe: "Work is fine. Especially if you don't show up"

Me: "Well. I'll make it the best by not passing by at all cause am done with Zinhle's case"

Khethiwe: "Unkulunkulu emuhle njalo" (God is great)

I laughed.

Me: "I think you owe me an apology"

Khethiwe: "yes?"

Me: "You had me kicked out of my brother's firm Lady"

Khethiwe: "Yoh huh uh T man." She laughed.

Me: "just say sorry. It does not hurt. "

Khethiwe: "You're sorry"

Wow. Women!

Me: "I've always known you're Satan's agent"

Khethiwe: "Please turn right Mr Dube your car is too hot I can't wait to get off"

Me: "The air conditioner only works when I have angels inside"

Khethiwe: "I guess it goes off when you hoop on, since you ain't one"

Me: "Where's your stop?"

Khethiwe: "Next to that red car"

Me: "At least you can afford a decent place"

Khethiwe: "Thank you for the ride"

Me: "I am hoping to give you more rides"

She went quiet for a while and then got off.

Me: "Is that my lamb curry?"

Khethiwe: "Bye Dube"

She ran away. She's so childish. I drove off.


The following morning. I went to fetch her. She protested to hoop on at first but eventually gave in.

I gave her a lift for the rest of the week. Saturday she had a sport to attend on behalf of the
company so I volunteered to take her there as well. She was actually more fun to hang around with.
We've been to my house and also hers. She made me sleep on a couch. Though its a 2 bedroom
apartment. That's how Savage she is.

We arrived. The plan was to drop her off and go do my grocery shopping but she insisted I come in
with her.

Me: "Okay but around 2pm am leaving. My house is empty"

Khethiwe: "Even better. It will be over by then"

We sat with rest of the crowd. I do not understand cricket.

Me: "Which team are we supporting?"

Khethiwe: "Quinton said the ones in Blue"

Me: "Hhai I am not one of you so I'll go with the Greys"

Khethiwe: "No you won't. If you are spotted cheering for the other team. They'll withdraw their
contract so please"

Me: "Yes ma'am"

We watched till I fell asleep.

I woke up to her heavy head on my lap. The stadium was almost empty. She was fast asleep. I shook
her. She jumped up.

Khethiwe: "Jesus.. Where's your sense of romance?"

Me: "Did you want me to wake you with a kiss?" I smirked. She laughed. Congratulate me. Am
making progress.

Khethiwe: "Stop playing. Let's go do that grocery. There's checkers down the road"

We left.

Shopping was fun. She took everything I do not bother to buy because I don't know how to Cook

Afterwards, exactly 3 hours. Women and stores. I'll never understand.

She helped me pack the items.

Me: "I'll make dinner. Don't leave"

Khethiwe: "Really? You can cook?"

Me: "Yes. Rice and Chicken"

Khethiwe: "Make us lasagna"

Me: "Whoever bought it will make it"

Khethiwe: "Have you ever ate it?"

Me: "Yes. My mother used to make it for us"

Khethiwe: "You guys loved your mother"

Me: "A lot. She loved us"

Khethiwe: "And your dad?"

Me: "He was always away. But we loved him too. Enough about my parents. Can I drink? While you
cook. I've been sober for too long"

Khethiwe: "You still have to drive me"

Me: "I'll have just one can"

Khethiwe: "OK"

Me: "There isn't wine. Pity"

Khethiwe: "I drink only on holidays. I don't function well with alcohol"

Me: "Wife material" she smiled and continued mixing whatever she was mixing making lasagna.

She was telling me about her family. The way her face lit up when she mentioned her mother.
I have never heard her talk of a boyfriend. I decided to ask.

Me: "Won't your boyfriend mind that you've been spending most of your time with me?"

She wiped her hands and sat down.

Khethiwe: "No he wouldn't"

I don't know how I felt about that.

Me: "He must be very understanding"

Khethiwe: "He's not there."

Me: "You? Single?"

Khethiwe: "Do I strike as girlfriend material?"

Me: "Yes. My girlfriend material"

Khethiwe: "OK you should stop drinking now."

Me: "Am serious. And no am not drunk. It takes me 12 pack to get drunk"

She took out the juice out of the fridge.

Me: "The way you bought all the things that I hardly buy means you will be spending most of your
time here until you finish them"

She chuckled. Shyly so.

Khethiwe: "I'd rather take it with me"

Me: "We'll see about that. Can I taste it?"

Khethiwe: "No. You just said all these things are mine"

Me: "I'll count to three"

She got off the chair and took the bottle of juice.

Me: "Don't Even think about it."

Khethiwe: "I am a professional athlete"

Me: "Oh really?"

She ran out. I'll never get over how childish she is. I took off my shoes and chased after her. I found
her tying her tekkies. She laughed and resumed running.
I caught up with her by the pool.

There was an eye lock moment. I liked her. More than I should. It was better before. But now, I had
discovered something distinct about her. Something I couldn't necessarily put my finger on.

Her eyes dropped. I still had my hands around around her.

Me: "What if I told you I like you and I've always did. I was just not aware until this other day when
Q confronted me about it. This time I've spent with you, It has been brought to my attention that
you're not only Satan's agent but also an Angel"

She chuckled and brought her eyes up again. She made me weak.

Khethiwe: "What if I told you I feel the same" her voice. It was enough to arouse me.

Me: "I'd be the happiest man alive"

She smiled. I leaned over for a kiss. When last did I have such a meaningful kiss. She broke it off and
looked at my hard shaft. She looked back at me.

She pushed me into the pool and laughed.

Khethiwe: "That should make you feel better. Jerk"

Me: "I did not mean the Angel part. You're a full time Satan's agent"

Chapter Fifty-Four



It takes a very strong person to go through the planning of 4 big events within a period of a year.
Lobola, Umembeso, Umemulo and now my wedding. It was enough to send me to the coma. I
needed to rest.

And having Khule as your man is sort of a curse. The deco, cake, venue and everything that we both
had to decide on. He'd just say. "Whatever you're choosing my love. I'll be fine with it" and then turn
his back to sleep.

We had only 2 months to fully plan for this wedding. It was January, everyone was back in Jo'burg.
I had sent my resignation letter. Our salon was to operate in a week. Planning my wedding was a full
time job itself.

He came out of the bathroom. He found me still sitting on the bed staring at the wedding deco

Me: "Am so indecisive. Which color do we have to go with babe?" He leaned over to look.

Khule: "I've heard of gays who are really good at this. Why don't we hire one?"

Me: "They're called wedding planners"

Khule: "Yes. Those ones. They're pretty good"

Me: "Will our budget not be effected?"

Khule: "Hire 10 of them if you have to. If you wanna get married in New York. I'll give you that.
Money isn't an issue."

He kissed my forehead.

Money is not an issue? I like the sound of that. I threw the magazine across the room and put on my

I took out the last 3 eggs. The fridge was literally empty, I had some serious shopping to do. I fried
them while I toasted his bread.

I had so much to do. Lamu needed stationary. Quinton was not at his right state of living. The
absence of Chloe and Bonga drained him. I suggested we keep Lamu while he deals with the matter
but he said he needed him to go on. So we let him be. Though I had to check up on them now and
then. Emihle had moved to stay with Nkule, she was looking for a job, she complained about her
brothers doing everything for her. She wanted to grow up and learn to stand on her own two feet.
Moving out, leaving the car behind and looking for a job was part of her new year resolutions. Khule
was worried to the core. Fussing about how much she wouldn't be able to survive taking a taxi. This
was the second week since she moved out. Katlego was going through some things. Though she
wouldn't tell, it also affected Chris. Hugely so. It's like everyone had their own burden. Well except
for Tyler. He's forever happy.

He sat down. And sipped on his coffee.

Khule: "What are your plans for today?"

Me: "Except shopping. I'll search for highly recommended wedding planners. I do not want anything
going wrong"
Khule: "I can't wait till you find one. I'll finally have my wife back, not buried on a pile of magazines
or a Mac book"

Me: "I wasn't that bad"

Khule: "So you keep saying"

I chuckled and gave him his food. I settled for last night's left overs.

Me: "Have you called Jake?"

Khule: "Yes. They're fine"

Me: "OK."

We do long distance parenting. We are parenting a child that does not even know we exist. Jake
keeps us updated. When I asked him about what did they do with the people going after her. He said
he fixed it. Whatever he meant by that.



We took a break again. The river was 20 minutes away from our newly found home.

Chloe: "If a snake was to crawl out of this huge ass grass. I'd ask it to eat me first"

I laughed.

Me: "Snakes are your friends. It'd only eat me"

Chloe: "Ugh only God knows how much they creep the

Hell out of me."

Me: "Let's go"

Chloe: "Let me push the wheelbarrow this time. This bucket is getting heavier each time"

Me: "Your wish is my command"

I lifted the bucket to my head and led the way. She followed with wheelbarrow that had 3 25L. What
do they say about pregnant women and their common sense?


My new life was exciting. I lived freely. I introduced myself to an outside beautiful world. Not always
cooped up in expensive cars. Eating out at expensive restaurants. Living on expensive mansions with
maids to everything for you.

I felt different. I felt new. I needed this transformation. I even cut my hair. I wasn't gonna let Jason
and his shenanigans ruin my life. I cried all my tears the previous year. This year was for great new
things. Happiness.

I folded the ironing board then put it back where it stays. Also the iron. I unwrapped the towel and
put on the dress. I was going for an interview for the receptionist post at a new IT firm Fourways. I
made myself breakfast. Nkule was not working today so she was nowhere near waking up.

I finished eating and went to take my bag. I was running out of cash. So I had to find a job sooner in
order to be able to pay my fair share of the rent and maintain myself.

I checked if everything I might need is there. My ancient 50c that was inside the box Jason gifted me
with. I expected a necklace or earrings. That's what a normal human being would've done. But as
weird he is. He gifted me with a 50c that he made sure to email me the following day with a ghost
email. To never forget to take it everywhere with me. For some odd reasons I obeyed.

Everything was there. I left. I took a taxi to town. From town I took another one to Fourways. I was
nervous. But I had to make the best of it. I needed that job.



She smiled. A very weak smile. We had been up the whole night. She had a severe headache. There's
no pain killer she did not take but it got worse instead. I was deeply worried about her. We've had
my fellow pastors coming over for a prayer. She would get better for about a day then it starts again.

Me: "Eat. You need to take your pills"

Katlego: "Am not hungry. I just want juice"

Me: "You didn't eat last night"

Katlego: "Go get ready for work babe. I'll be fine"

Me: "Am not leaving you alone. I will take leave"

Katlego: "Am not dying Chris. You can't put your life on hold because of such minor sickness"
Me: "Am not going anywhere. Please eat. I squeezed some lemon. It'll be much appetizing"

Katlego: "I don't feel like eating really"

Me: "5 spoons. Just to drink your meds"

She finally gave in and ate.

I needed a huge miracle for her to be completely better. I was dead inside. But I had to be strong for



Who said lawyers can't have a break? Well this is what I love about being a lawyer. From December
to mid February you're as good as unemployed. Lawyers with wives and kids are still away on
vacations. Sipping on cocktails. And making more babies that they don't need.

Quinton wasn't back at work. Which meant, my babe was still on holiday. And today she was coming
back from KZN. We hardly saw each other there. Her grandmother is so strict.

I glanced at my watch again. She said 30 minutes but now its close to an hour. She finally showed up
pulling her luggage. She hugged me.

Me: "Oh poor Tyler your bones" she laughed and playfully hit my chest. I hugged her and kissed

Khethiwe: "I missed you. I just couldn't wait to get here" I took the luggage and held her with the
free hand while I pulled the case.

Me: "Not more than I did. How's that arrogant granny?"

She laughed.

Khethiwe: "Alive and shouting at everyone for doing everything. I love her. I wouldn't trade her for
the world"

Me: "I will never forget she almost killed me"

Khethiwe: "Come on babe. Those dogs are harmless"

Me: "They scratched my car. Does that sound harmless?"

Khethiwe: "They wouldn't have eaten you"

Me: "On Good Friday when we go for the wedding I'll go with mine. I'll make sure your grandma's
dogs get their ass get teared apart by my pit bulls. Kuzonyiwa stru"
She couldn't stop laughing. I am not ready for our first argument. We're both smart mouths and that
argument would turn into a crime scene cause I sense some psycho shit in her laughter.

We hooped on the car and drove off.



No amount of cigarettes or alcohol made me forget. I would only become numb to the guilt I was
carrying inside me wherever I go.

I've always known myself to be a dog but what I did to Chloe. I realized dogs are much better than

I put Lamu into bed and went out. I carried the monitor in my hand. You'd swear he was still 1 but he
was grown. But just for safety purposes I had to keep the monitor.

I sat in my study and opened another bottle. I poured a full glass. I downed one after another until
thinking about Chloe's unconscious body made me feel less guilty. I was now on my second 20 pack
of cigarettes. That's how pathetic I've become.

I took my phone.

'Is Emi there?' Sent.

'Yes. Want company?' She responded.

'If you don't mind' I respond immediately.

'OK. Give me an hour'

She's different. She understands. She's never expected love or a relationship in return after our
multiple sexual encounters.

After an hour. She was in my guestroom downstairs. I took a last sip of my whiskey then went
She took off the coat. Leaving an exposing lingerie underneath.

Nkule: "Take it off"

She said in a rather seductive voice. I closed the door and took of my tshit. I took out the monitor
and safely placed it on the vanity.

I picked her up. Her nice long sexy legs were wrapped around my waist. I kissed her. Hungrily, she
was appetizing. I placed her on the bed and climbed on top. I couldn't find where this thing it
buttoned or zipped at. I was losing my patience.

Me: "Please take it off for me" she opened her eyes and bit her lower lip. She ripped it apart. She's
gonna be the death of me I swear. I took out a condom from the drawer and put in on. She had her
legs spread apart. Giving me a full view of her forbidden fruit. I pushed myself in.

She did not complain about how rough I am or how firm my grabs can be. She was submissive to me.
Just what my inner demon wanted from a woman. I pumped even Harder and released. I collapsed
on top of her.

I finally regained strength to go to the bathroom and clean myself. The alcohol had worn down. I
couldn't recognize the man in the mirror. I had turned into something else.

I walked back to the bedroom. She was gone. I fixed the bed and collapsed on top of it. She laughed
and walked back inside the house. I couldn't wait to love her right.

Chapter Fifty-Five{No edits. Deepest apologies about errors}



A taxi dropped me off 2 streets away from Chris's house. We were all gathering in his house, since
Katlego wasn't well. Bhut Musa let me in.

Musa: "You're a strong beautiful woman. Chris told me about your big step"

I smiled.

Me: "Thank you"

Musa: "That's what we call woman power" he did the "amandla" I laughed and walked into the
house. There was only Tyler's car inside. Which meant the twins weren't here.

I squeezed myself next this him on a single couch.

Tyler: "You're not little anymore"

Me: "Hello to you too brother."

Tyler: "Aisuka" he stood up and sat on the opposite couch. I made myself comfortable on this one.

Me: "Where's Pastor?"

Tyler: "Upstairs. We arrived early I guess"

Me: "Let me go begin with the pots"

Tyler: "How are you holding up?

Me: "Pretty well thank you. You guys should stop worrying about me, I got this."

Tyler: "It's not as easy as you think"

Me: "Adjust to it. Day by day. Am turning 23 this year. Am not getting any younger. This bound to
happen at some point. You can't live your lives with me always being in your face."

He got up and hugged me. I was already on my feet. He pulled my hand to the kitchen.



I found Mam Thabethe wiping Lamu. We were already late.

Mam Thabethe: "I packed his food and goodies"

Me: "Thank you ma. We'll see you later"

Mam Thabethe: "I'll keep your food in the oven. That's if you come back when am gone"

Me: "Thank you"

I took Lamu's bag and pulled his little hand to the lift. We got out in the garage and took the GTI and
drove off.



When we drove in. Everyone was already there. Except for Quinton. I greeted Chris and Tyler then
went to join the ladies in the kitchen.
I hugged her so dearly. She looked weak.

Katlego: "Okay now let go" I smiled and let go. I couldn't hold back my tears.

Katlego: "I will be fine. Don't stress yourselves. Am a fighter"

Me: "I know. I just can't help it."

I hugged Emi too and helped her peel the veggies.

Me: "How have you been?"

Emi: "You guys call me everyday and I reassure you every time that am fine. You need not to worry
about me. I got this"

Katlego: "Its very difficult if you ask me."

Me: "Like you're our little baby"

Katlego: "Before I met you. I always though you were 9 or 10. The way your brother fussed over if
someone has picked you up fr school" we laughed.

Me: "Tell me about it."

Emi: "That is why I needed to go out there. On my own. Without them. Can you believe this is the
first time I've spent a period of 2 weeks without shopping?"

Katlego: "Then we should go shopping tomorrow after church"

Me: "As long as you will be fine"

Katlego: "I think staying in this house is what is depressing me. I need fresh air. I need to breathe"

Me: "We'll eat by the pool and talk about our salon launch"

Emi: "I can not wait. Wednesday seems too far"

Me: "Just 3 days away"

Katlego: "That's why we need to go shopping"

She flinched.

Me: "You okay?"

Katlego: "Yes. Just a minor headache."

Me: "Where are your pills? "

Katlego: "Just water will do. Those pills no longer help me"

Emi handed her a glass full of water. She downed it in one go. I was concerned. Its been a month
now. She was even losing weight.
Me: "Does it make you feel better?"

Katlego: "Yes"

She gave us a faint smile. And continued grating the carrots. I sighed and peeled the potatoes. In
complete silence.

Katlego: "I just don't know what to do anymore. There's no Dr we have not consulted. The money he
is wasting. He won't let me use mine" she said after a while. In tears.

Me: "He feels the need to provide. He's your man."

Katlego: "What if I die? None of them can find what is wrong with me."

I got off the chair and went to hug her.

Me: "You will not die, you will get better." She let it all out. I was now crying too.

I let go of her. She got off the chair.

Katlego: "Excuse me"

She weakly walked away. We watched her as she climbed up the stairs.



Having my family around was soul soothing. They have a way of making worst situation better. But
all of us were going through some things. Quinton was visibly distant. He wasn't gonna tell why. So
we let it slide.

Khule: "Did you get hold of Jackson?"

Me: "Yes. He will fly here on Tuesday."

Tyler: "I just wish they find something this time"

Me: "Am crossing fingers. Am slowly losing her."

Quinton: "She will be fine. Jackson is the best"

Me: "I was suspecting cancer but no. She's not cancerous"
Khule: "You're making this feel like a mourning. Enough about Katlego's sickness. Tyler, when are
you going back to the game?"

We laughed.

Tyler: "Not anytime soon. I was serious. Am on a break"

Quinton: "As long as you do not get someone pregnant while on the break"

Tyler: "You're the only shooter in this family"

Quinton: "Uzoswaba sarn"

I took out the ps4. They cheered up. Mom bought us 3 years back, after she complained about us
not spending time at home. Am a good keeper of this family. When we finally got tired of it. I kept it
safe here on my lounge.



At the Nzuza residence.

Jake parked in front of the garage and helped Willy and Phila with the plastics. They had gone
shopping for her crèche clothes.

They walked inside. Phila ran to her grandmother and showed her, her new doll.

Gogo: "She's so beautiful. What's her name?"

Phila: "Her name is Loli"

Her grandmother laughed.

Gogo: "Okay. Now go upstairs and play with your new friend. Aunty Willy will be with you shortly"

She ran up to the stairs. Mrs Nzuza looked at Willy and Jake.

Mrs Nzuza: "I think you two are getting too comfortable with each other."

Willy: "Am sorry ma'am. Sir said I could come with since there was no one here"

Mrs Nzuza: "He drives Phila around. Not you. Phila can choose her own clothes. Jakes knows the
rules of going shopping with her. They do not need an extra figure."
Willy: "Yes ma'am. Am sorry"

Mrs Nzuza: "Jakes. The only person to walk around with is Bongi. Willy is my help not Phila's or your
partner in anything."

Jakes: "Am sorry ma'am"

Mrs Nzuza: "Am sure this is the last time you stroll around together. I'd like some iced tea"

Willy: "Coming right up"

She disappeared to the kitchen.

Mrs Nzuza: "Jake. I trust you with my granddaughter. There's a reason I've trained her to choose her
own clothes at this age. And I have a reason why I told you to ask the store ladies for help. Even her
nanny. I do not trust her. Disclosing where you're going with her isn't safe let alone taking someone
else along. Women can do anything for a quick buck. She's a target, for our and her father's

Jake: "It will never happen again. I just obeyed orders from master"

Mrs Nzuza: "Just make sure it doesn't happen again."

Jake: "It won't. I'll see you tomorrow then"

Mrs Nzuza: "We aren't going to church. My sister are coming over"

Jake: "No problem then"

She bid her goodbye. Willy came with her iced tea.



My phone rang. Disturbing me from beating the hell out pastor.

I took my phone and went to the patio.

Me: "Jake"

Jake: "Groot man. This woman is a hard nut to crack. She doesn't want anyone near Phila"

Me: "That's a good thing"

Jake: "It will take forever for you to finally get to meet her"

Me: "Her safety is all that matters. I trust you Jake."

Jake: "I'll do my best. Am not working tomorrow so no pictures"

Me: "Send today's"

Jake: "I will. When I get home."

Me: "Okay. We'll took soon"

I hung up and walked back to the gents.



I was rinsing and hanging the laundry. Chloe was now seated, she was adjusting very well to this new
life. It took her less than I thought it would be.

Chloe: "Finish up. This sun is too hot"

She was sitting under the shadow of the house. We had turned it into a complete home. It was
furnished. We cleaned it from scratch until it looked like a decent home. Gogo led me here. The chief
welcomed us with was with warm hands and introduced us to the community. Though our neighbor
was like 15 minutes away. I pegged the last cloth and went to join her.

Me: "How are you?"

She looked at me in an inquiring look. "with everything that's been happening"

Chloe: "I miss my life I can't lie. But at this point. My children's safety matters the most. Am worried
about my mother. I want to escape sometimes. But being here has taught me a lot. I am humbled.
Our surrounding is safe, gives me a peace of mind."

Me: "Am glad. You know at some point am going to leave you here right?"

She looked at me briefly and looked away.

Chloe: "I know. You can't put your life on hold just because of all this. Its already hard on you to
have this gift."

Me: "Am glad you understand"

Chloe: "You're a great son. Quinton is lucky to have you"

Me: "Indeed. Let's go eat"

I extend my hand Hand to pull her up.

Chloe: "You'll make a good brother"

Me: "I just can't wait. And am sure you'll be a good mother"

Chloe: "Am ready to learn. Just to think how much I hated children."

Me: "They're a gift. God will give you one when he feels the need"

Chloe: "It felt like punishment to me"

I gave her, her plate and joined her on the couch. We started eating.



Katlego sat upstairs throughout the gathering. She did not feel like company. Chris came in as the
sun set. She was reading a book. He sat next to her.

Chris: "The guys are leaving"

Katlego: "Am sorry. I just felt like being alone"

Chris: "They understand. Let's go"

She wore her sleepers and leaned on him for balance. They held hands and walked out.

She sat down on a couch. Lamu jumped to sit on her lap. Chris settled on the armrest.

Katlego: "Thank you guys for coming. Am sorry I couldn't stay with you."

Khule: "We get it. We gonna do everything in our power to make sure you're okay. Our family Dr
from England will fly down. He's one of the best in the country"

Katlego: "Thank you."

She ignored the sharp pain on her back. And smiled.

Khethelo: "We'll see you tomorrow at church"

They walked them out. They waved at them. Stood there until the cars disappeared.

Katlego marched back inside. She went to the kitchen to drink water. She balanced to the sink and
cried. Chris locked the door and observed her.
She wiped her tears and turned to face him.

Chris: "Don't do this to yourself"

Katlego: "I feel like am losing my life. There's no need to fly in Drs if I have to die I will die, let me

She said tears streaming down her face. Chris clenched his jaw. His mind revisited the first day they

The way she calmed him down. How he would do anything to be with her. How much he lost his
mind when he couldn't get hold of her. And the day her mother abducted her and he almost killed
her. He loved her. He was deep inlove with her.

Katlego: "I think I should go back home"

She said disrupting him from his thoughts. He looked at her blankly.

Katlego: "Just in case I die. I wanna die there. Next to my parents. I wouldn't want to die in your

Chris: "For Lord's sake. Can you please stop mentioning death! You are not going to die. I wouldn't
make it without you"

Katlego: "I'll go pack my things."

She kissed his cheek and walked upstairs. He battled in his mind if he should let her go.

He understood the importance of family. And everyone needs their loved ones close in times of
challenge. He texted each one of his brothers letting them all know.

He found her still packing. He helped her and carried the luggage to the car outside and came to take

They got in the car and fastened their seatbelts.

Katlego: "I love you and thank you for understanding"

Chris: "Anything for you. I love you more."

She smiles and lowered her seat. She closed her eyes.

Katlego: "Drive carefully. I am napping. Don't fly"

They laughed.

Chris: "Rich from someone who sped from pretoria to Jo'burg in 45 minutes"

Katlego: "I was rushing to the only man I felt safe with except my father" he smiled. Fighting back

Chris: "Take your nap already."

Katlego: "Goodnight"

He leaned for a kiss. And then drove off

Chapter Fifty-Six



She screamed so loud from the other room. I hurried there, I lit a lamp, she was plastered on the

The two snakes were on the bed. Rolled up, separately.

Chloe: "I'll never get used to this" she said crying.

Me: "They're harmless"

Chloe: "They're still snakes!"

Me: "You can use my room I'll sleep on the couch"

She walked with the wall until she got to the door and ran out. I closed the door and went back to


When we arrived at the gate. I couldn't bring myself to face any of them. Feeling better must have
contributed to my decision of booking into a hotel. He asked me a couple of times if am sure. I was
sure. My parents did not care about me. I had to face that. Dying or not.

I woke up first, before him something that has not happened for a while. He is so freakishly
beautiful. His bushy eyebrows and long lashes they he do not need. His mustache. I loved him. I
couldn't believe such a beautiful man could fall in love with a girl who has so much issues like this
woman staring at him sleeping right now.

I got hold of the tab and ordered breakfast. I went in and out of the shower quickly.

I felt different. Good different. It felt good to wake up with no headache for a change.

I stood for quite some time before the mirror. Inspecting myself. I had lost a little weight. I looked
closer at the developing birth mark on my rib. Exactly as Chris's. This is weird. How long has it been

I put on my tight round neck maxi dress. I combed my hair, such complicated hair. I had no energy so
I let it loose. He wrapped his arms around me from behind.

Chris: "This tells me you're feeling better"

Me: "I feel perfect."

Chris: "Hungry?"

Me: "Am dying. I have not been able to even look at myself in the mirror. I've lost weight even"

Chris: "Am just glad you're feeling better and hungry"

I chuckled. He turned me around and kissed me.

Me: "You need not to bring that Dr anymore"

Chris: "We still need to find the reason behind this mysterious headache"

Me: "12 different Drs from different provinces. And those 3 from Zim, Madagascar and Kenya. Trust
me if there was any. They would've discovered something. Let's keep praying. Last night's prayer
was very powerful. You've lost so much hope on the Lord since I fell sick"

Chris: "No. It just did not feel enough. I felt weak and powerless"

Me: "But your prayer last night. It had strength, very powerful. It landed on God's ears. He heard
your cry. Maybe that's all it took to make me better. Not Drs and their medications"
He hugged me so tight. Somehow his prayer brought me back. I was asleep but I felt not alive
anymore. As soon as he started praying, it felt like magic. I became Katlego again. Something I had
not felt in a while.

Me: "Go take a shower. Breakfast will be served in minutes"

He kissed me again. Smiling from ear to ear Like he didn't believe I was standing before him. Smiling
at him. Without pain.



I took our plates to the lounge. Where she was glued. Watching keeping up with the Kardashians.

Khethiwe: "But we just ate"

Me: "Am hungry"

Khethiwe: "Wanna talk about it?"

I looked at her. Questionably so.

Khethiwe: "You're bothered. So? What is it?"

Isn't she my match made in heaven? I've never had any woman worrying about my well being.

Me: "It's Katlego. She's not well. Very ill. Am afraid"

Khethiwe: "Am sorry to hear that. She seems strong though. She'll beat whatever it is that she's

Me: "Last night she asked Chris to take her home. She's not on good terms with them. Why would
she want that? Its said, people can feel death approaching"

She moved from her couch and came to sit on my lap.

Khethiwe: "She will be fine. Stop worrying. Call her."

Me: "I will. Maybe she's still resting"

She hugged me. I needed to call Bonga.


I took my phone firstly when I opened my eyes and dailed Chris. He took his sweet time to answer.
Getting me worried.

Chris: "Bafo"

Me: "Why are you taking so long to answer?"

Chris: "My phone was in the bag. What's up?"

Me: "How's Katlego?"

Chris: "She's way better than the most days... She's actually fine. She was dying last night but this
morning she woke up with a whole new energy." He was excited and that was a relief. If anything
was to happen to her. He wouldn't be able to handle it.

Me: "That's great. Where are you?"

Chris: "Hotel. She changed her mind right at the gate"

Me: "Pretoria? Together?"

Chris: "Yes. We'll be driving back later on"

Me: "Oh OK. Send my love to her"

Chris: "I'll do so."

I hung up and went to check on Lamu. He was not in his room. Him and Mam Thabethe were
inseparable. They were probably somewhere in the house stopping him from grabbing anything he
comes across with. I thought he'd get better with time. But he's worse.



Nkule is such a typical black woman on Sundays. Waking up to play gospel music and clean the
whole house. I was drained after last night.

Me: "Morning"

I said heading to the fridge to grab a bottle on milk and sat down. The floor was squeaky clean, the
whole house actually. When did she wake up?

Nkule: "Please pass me milk"

I did. I started eating.

Me: "This isn't going anywhere. I need proper breakfast"

Nkule: "Am still boiling eggs"

Me: "You and eggs!"

We laughed. Hhai I do not get her obsession with eggs. Her phone rang from the coffee table. She
went to take it and disappeared to her room.

I took out bread and butter. And started preparing full breakfast.



Khethelo handed me my phone. I took off the glove and answered.

Me: "Dube elimthende"

Bab Gede: "Where is Chris? I can't get hold of him"

Me: "He's in Pretoria. MaMokgotho asked him to take her home. She wasn't feeling well"

Bab Gede: "Tell them to drive back , I want to find them in your house. All of you. I am coming to
Jo'burg with Mamkhulu"

Me: "Is everything okay?"

Bab Gede: "Just make sure everybody is there"

He hung up. I took off the other glove. I walked back inside the house.

Khethelo: "After we are married you will not step in my house with dirty garden boots"

Me: "What does marriage holds?"

I said smirking.

Khethelo: "Calling shots. I just mopped the floor."

Me: "Am sorry babe. I'll clean up"

She took the mop and wiped my soil steps. I took the boots off and walked upstairs. Then I
remembered I came to let her know about the elders coming over.
She brought her eyes up as she chopped. This woman does not understand the word "Rest" she'd
die if she spent over an hour doing nothing.

Me: "That was Bab Gede. He's coming over with Mamkhulu "

Khethelo: "Is everything okay?"

Me: "He did not get into details. All he said was, he needs to find us all here"

Khethelo: "Call everyone then. I honestly can not wait to see Katlego. She'll probably help me
prepare dinner since she's getting better. That's if they arrive early" she said excitedly

Wasn't she with her just last night? Women.

Me: "I'll go call them. I need to bath"

Khethelo: "Lunch will be ready soon"

Me: "Thank you sthandwa sam"

She smiled. She's one in a million. I walked up the stairs.



Me: "Knock knock"

She opened the door. I laughed. She always looks like she survived tornado every morning.

Me: "Good morning"

Chloe: "What time is it?"

Me: "1 o'clock news just played. So I guess its minutes after one"

Chloe: "Why didn't you wake me?"

Me: "Its not good disrupting someone's sleep. I've cooked."

Chloe: "I'll bath first"

Me: "I'll be outside if you need me"

Chloe: "No problem"

I walked outside and sat on the rock on the far end of the yard and watched kids play soccer on their
mini ground miles away.


Quinton drove in. He was the one to fetch the elders from the park station.

They all walked inside. All MaNgcobo's children were seated. Tyler and Emihle squashed on a single

They settled down.

Bab Gede: "How are you kids"

Khule: "We're good baba. We can hear from you"

Bab Gede: "we're good. This is makhosi Ndosi. He came to strengthen the home as we discussed.
Then makoti's issue came up" he referred to Katlego as Makoti.

Khule: "Yes?"

Ndosi: "I'll need 2l bottled water and burn incense in order to consult. Please sit on the carpet my

Katlego, Khethelo and Emihle did as per instruction while Tyler went to get water and a plate on
which they'll burn incense on.

Makhosi Ndosi burnt the incense and started praying for the water. He prayed for more than an
hour. Katlego felt the headache yet again.

Makhosi Ndosi made the traditional healers signature roars. Chris patted Katlego's shoulder. He
could see she wasn't okay.

Ndosi: "You need to do the right thing" he stopped and roared again. Startling Emi. "The Dube
ancestors do not recognise you my daughter, its a challenge to. The Nzinga ancestors are still your
protectors. Being here is causing war between the two clans" he hiccupped and roared even louder.
Chris had his head bowed the whole time. "You're still a Nzinga wife. You have to go back to your
righteous home. Have a ceremony, where they inform the Nzinga ancestors you're no longer one of
them. The Dube's are still protecting you because you're carrying the heir of their child. Go back to
the Nzingas, your child is in danger. Eventually the Nzingas will overpower the Dubes and there shall
be blood shed. You're their wife after all" he roared even louder.

Chris's veins were popped out due to holding back tears. Katlego stood up. Chris held her.

Chris: "Where are you going?"

Katlego: "Bathroom"
She felt her head spinning. She remained strong and walked away from Chris. She tried to climb the
first step. Her body failed her. She hit the floor.

Khethelo: "Katlego!"

Chapter Fifty-Seven




I have never been so disturbed. I sat on the waiting bench with no tears left to cry. Khule had his arm
over my shoulder. Everyone was devastated. Chris was worse. He looked dead.

Emi walked in with coffee for her brothers. She walked out to the cafeteria again then came back
with water for us both. I couldn't digest anything. Not until the Dr comes and tell us, she's okay, both
her and the baby.

It felt like a decade until the Dr finally appeared from the passage. I stood up.

Dr: "Dr Dube?"

Chris: "Can we see her?"

Dr: "Yes. But only you and for a couple of minutes"

Me: "Is she okay? The baby?"

Dr: "We're still running some tests. But she is fine"

Chris: "Thank you."

The Dr nodded and walked away.

Chris: "You can go home."

Khule: "Will you be okay?" I love how much he looks after his brothers. He even takes Q as a child. I
guess he adjusted well to being their father.

Chris: "Yes I'll manage."

Me: "If you need anything just call us"

Chris: "I will"

We left the hospital.


[5 days later]

He put on his biker's jacket.

Khule: "Am I okay?"

Me: "Yes. Mamkhulu said you should get there early. Breakfast is ready"

Khule: "Are they up?"

Me: "Yes, she made breakfast yet again"

He laughed. it's not funny. She had beat me to it yet again!

Khule: "She's old school. No need to beat yourself up" he kissed my cheek and walked out.

Who wakes up at 5 to make breakfast anyway. She's a mother in-law. Am the one who's supposed to
wake up before her. Now I couldn't help but feel bad.

I took a quick shower and went downstairs. Everyone was seated. They were going to plead with the
Nzinga's to do the ceremony for Katlego. Naturally that had to be done by her family but her mother
wouldn't hear none of it. She literally chased them out, like dogs.

Khule came back fuming. "That woman is sick" he kept saying. I had to calm him down with my
vagina. Imagine!

Mamkhulu: "Forgive me my child. Am just used to waking up and making food." No he did not!

Me: "Its okay ma. I just feel guilty for some reasons"

She smiled. She's such a good mother in-law. Except for the fact that she's been waking up before
me and taking over my kitchen.

Bab Gede glanced at his watch.

Bab Gede: "Quinton and Tyler better arrive. We're leaving in ten minutes"

Khule: "They're on their way"

Bab Gede nodded. The cutlery continued making noise. I was not eating much. They're very
traditional, eating in front of them was hard. Yes they freed me but a part of me was still not
comfortable with this.

Finally they left. My plans for today was going to the salon to check if everything is still in order. The
launch did not go as planned, I needed her beside me. But either way it was up and running. And
then from the salon go visit Nkule and Emihle. Katlego was still kept in the hospital. The little one
was fine. I was happy. I went to see her the day after the launch, to show her pictures. She was
happy. Still hadn't heard a thing from Bonga and Chloe. Not that I bothered that much I knew they
were fine wherever they are.

"You're such a blessing to this family" I turn. She was standing there looking at me smiling.

Mamkhulu: "They're very handy. The Dube's at large are. They're their fathers sons. You've done an
amazing job, you've resumed a mother figure. They are lively, you gave them a reason to look
forward to life"

Am not sure about that. But I was glad to hear it.

Me: "I had no idea. But am glad my presence is showing change"

Mamkhulu: "I thought he'd never get over her"

She said sitting down. I knew who she was talking about and I was not sure if I wanted to talk about

Mamkhulu: "Since from that day, he became distant. He lost two of the most people in his life. But
when you came, our phone calls differed. He sounded vibrant. He told me a year ago that he had
found someone. And when I spoke to you. I was looking forward into meeting you. They all couldn't
stop talking about you."

This was news to me. Amazing news. I didn't know I was such a factor in their lives. I did not know
what to say. So I just settled for:

Me: "They're amazing people"

Mamkhulu: "Who were miserable. Now that you're here I know that my job is done here"

Me: "How? You're still their mother"

Mamkhulu: "Senior mother. They have you now. He even goes days without calling me now"

We laughed.

Me: "I'll remind him to call you everyday"

Mamkhulu: "No need to. As long as he calls once in a while. How far are you with the preparations
for the wedding?"

Me: "I hired a wedding planer. They take care of everything. Tomorrow am going for a preview"

Mamkhulu: "I know this is all too much but you're a rock. Unbreakable"

She took a sip of her juice that I had poured her during this weird conversation. I smiled and
continued packing my dishes. Is it too early to act like the urban house wives? Have 8 maids? Cause
like. Am swamped!



They had informed the Nzinga elders that they were going to pay them a visit. So they were
expected. It was against their culture but they had to do it. For the sake of Katlego and the child.

They were led inside by a young boy. The negotiations had began. Bab Gede is a voice of reason by
nature. He tried to convince them. Made them view things in his perspective. It wasn't working, they
wouldn't hear none of it.

Bab Gede: "As the Dubes. We're willing to pay whichever amount to appease your ancestors, any

Pitso's father: " Our son is still going through the process of healing. Katlego is rightfully ours, his
wife. Who sells off their wife?"

Bab Gede: "But she's no longer with your son. Your son let her walk away"

Pitso's father: "That's because he knows she'll come back here, she always does. She belongs here
with us"

Khule: "With all due respect. Your son is useless. He couldn't take good of that woman. He's-"

Bab Gede: "At least please take it into consideration"

Khule eyed him. Bab Gede bid the Nzinga's goodbye, he saw they were losing the battle. Quinton
and Khule we walking behind. Tyler was walking with Bab Gede.

Inside the house.

Pitso's mother: "Was that necessary?"

Pitso's father: "Stay out of men's business! Mokgotho repaid me with that girl. I knew what I was
doing when I told Pitso to sign the papers."

Pitso's mother: "He doesn't love her! They've never loved one another"
Pitso's father: "That's where you have it all wrong. This isn't about love. It's about carrying on with
our legacy. Move out of my way"

He went out the back door leading to the garden.



He tossed the phone on the bed, almost hitting my leg. His hands covered his face. I let him be.
Whatever it is. It had to do with the Nzinga's. He looked out the window, stood there for quite some
time. I was getting worried.

He came to sit down on the visitor's chair finally. That has become also his bed, since he's been
sleeping here.

He took my hand Into his. He kissed it rapidly. He couldn't bring his eyes up to face me. They denied.
I knew it. But I had hope that maybe they'll feel sorry for me. Bloody devils!

Chris: "I'll fix this"

Me: "What happened?"

Chris: "What should I buy you?" He said standing up. Totally ignoring me.

Me: "nothing. Am good"

He kissed my forehead and left. I held my not there yet bump. I had to fight. For my baby's sake.



Having these women around you is such a Bliss. Wine, movies, snacks and talking about boyfriends.
Well Khethelo talking about Khule, because Nkule wasn't much of a talker, especially about her
mysterious boyfriend that she always visits. And I on the other hand was dying of drought.

Khethelo: "Turn down the volume. Kat is calling"

We had tried her earlier on but it didn't go through.

Khethelo: "Mama Ka Bundle of joy"

Katlego: "I wonder what kind of a wife are you. Where are you?" She said. She was on speaker.

Khethelo giggled.

Khethelo: "Nkule's place"

Katlego: "Having wine?"

Khethelo: "Yes I wish you were here. Having juice of course" Katlego laughed.

Katlego: "6 months to go"

Whoa! Didn't they meet 5 months ago? Hhai brother pastor!

Khethelo: "I can't wait for you to give birth"

Katlego: "Am not ready for sleepless nights"

Me: "I'll be there"

Katlego: "Everyday?"

Me: "Anytime" she chuckled. She was special. In her own way.

Katlego: "Get me off the speaker. I want us to gossip a little"

She stood up and disappeared to the passage.

Nkule's phone rang. Whatever disease that she has. She needs Jesus. She does not answer her
cellphone in my presence. Not that I mind but I find it really crazy. She ran out. Sigh.



I needed to be alone. I needed to think. I drove alone.

I found myself in Alberton. It has always been my favorite chilling spot. Nobody gave a damn about
anyone. Everyone minded their own business. I lit up my cigarette. I had a glass of Jameson.

One thing that triggers me: Someone close to my heart being messed up with.

The Nzinga's were messing up

with the life of my brother's child, messing with Katlego's health, and my brother's happiness. I
ordered another glass.

My phone vibrated from my pocket. Khethelo. I was not good company right now. I waited for it to
stop ringing then sent her a message.

I downed my glass.

"Its hot isn't?" She said sitting beside me. I looked at her.

Me: "It is"

Her: "Why are you not having that with ice" she pointed at my almost empty glass.

Me: "Am not a fan"

She nodded and ordered herself a drink.

Her: "You look even better in person" she must know me from those crazy magazines. I don't know
how to respond to such comments. I excused myself. I had spotted James, Quinton's company's
shareholder. We shook hands and briefly chatted then I headed back to where I was sitting, I had left
my phone. The woman was gone. There was an envelope, my phone and glass placed on top of it. O
looked around.

Me: "Who put this here?" I asked the bartender.

Him: "I'd be lying Sir. I have no idea"

Me: "When did this woman leave?"

Bartender: "A couple of minutes ago"

I paid the bill and hurried out. She was nowhere in sight. I got in my car. There was a note and a
memory stick.

The note read as follows:

"Its all in there. Very useful. I couldn't bring them down but I know you will."

I grabbed my notebook from the back seat. I inserted the thing. Encrypted. Fuck!

Who the hell sent this. I called Tamia. My right hand lady.

Tamia: "Dube"
Me "I need Jason"

Tamia: "Calm down. What's going on?"

Me: "Do you get paid to question me?"

Tamia: "Of course not. I'll do so"

I hung up and drove off.They all ran to her.

Chapter Fifty-Eight



When I opened my eyes, he had his hand on my breast. I did not hear him arrive last night. I tried to
get up but he pulled me to him.

Me: "Some of us have mother in-laws to prepare breakfast for you know"

Khule: "She's done it. You know she doesn't sleep" He said without opening his eyes.

Me: "And I have to prepare for church, are you going?"

He shook his head. I got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. I filled the tub while I brushed my
teeth. He came in and peed then came to wrap his arms around me.

Khule: "Am sorry for coming back late, I had some business to take care of"

Me: "Its okay." For some odd reasons, I did not bother a out his late comings. I guess I got used to it
while Emi was kidnapped.

Khule: "Does that mean I'll have my morning glory?"

He said kissing my neck. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Me: "Maybe"

He leaned over and kissed me.

He picked me up all the way and pinned me against the cold tiled wall. He had me moaning like a
cold stray dog. God bless men who know how to use their magic stick!


I went to take a quick shower. The door pushed open. He climbed on the bed.

Lamu: "Where are you going? And why your chest has hair?"

Me: "Am going somewhere and I have a hairy chest because am old"

Lamu: "Can I come with you?"

Me: "Yes but when you're older. Right now you're going to church with mama" he jumped off the
bed and ran out in excitement.

I dressed up. He came back with his backpack.

Lamu: "I'll bring you sweets and Angels neh"

Me: "How many?"

Lamu: "Lots and lots."

I picked him up and went downstairs.

Me: "Morning ma"

Mam Thabethe: "Morning son." She handed me a cellphone. "The lady forgot it here"

Me: "Oh thank you. I'll give it to her"

Lamu: "Who's Lady?"

Me: "my friend." I miss the days when he was a quiet little angel. Now I get to answer some hectic

Khethelo came in. Followed by Emi.

We exchanged greetings and they joined us for breakfast.

Me: "Can you keep him just for tonight?"

Khethelo: "No problem. Its been long."

Me: "Thank you. I'll go pack his things"

I went upstairs.


He came down with Lamu's bag. Khethelo walked out with Lamu. I remained behind.

Me: "Are you going somewhere?"

Quinton: "No. I just need to be alone"

Me: "You know we're for you right?"

Quinton: "Yes but I can't help all this guilt"

Me: "Its bound to happen. But she's safe and protected wherever she is"

Quinton: "I wish I believed that. I don't know how to live with myself honestly. I've been getting
these funny ideas about ending my life lately. I've become my worst enemy"

Me: "Death is never an option. You need to forgive yourself."

Quinton: "I can't. I am struggling to get that picture out of my head. Lying there unconscious"

Me: "Forgive yourself. Drowning in alcohol isn't gonna help. Those children need a functional father
when they arrive. Alcohol isn't gonna create him"

His eyes dropped.

Quinton: "I need another way to be able to live with myself Emihle."

Me: "That is by forgiving yourself and considering Lamukelo and your coming children. Everyone go
through things. Each one of us have a choice to drown in alcohol or commit suicide. But no we find
better ways to deal with whatever we are going through. You're one of the strongest people I know.
You've dealt with bigger things. Yes what you did was wrong but beating yourself up about it will not
undo that day. Just work on being a good father and a good husband, that's if you're willing to wife

He said nothing. I hugged him so tight.

Me: "All will be well"

Quinton: "Thank you baby."

We let go.

Me: "Promise me you'll try"

Quinton: "Am giving you my word." He smiled. Finally.

Me: "That's my soldier"

Quinton: "Look at me being advised by my little sister." I laughed and hit his arm. Khethelo peeped
her head in.

Khethelo: "Sorry to disturb the Dube reunion but we're running late"
We laughed.

Me: "Bye"

I ran out.

Quinton: "I love you!" He shouted.

Me: "I love you more!"

I shouted back. I got in the car then off we went.



I arrived at Tamia's hotel. She led me to the balcony. She poured me whiskey. So early in the
morning. On a Sunday.

Me: "No thank you I no longer drink on Sundays"

Tamia: "Really? My bad. I just ordered breakfast, would you like anything?"

Me: "Just coffee please" she briefly stared at me. Observing me maybe.

Tamia: "What's up with you?"

Me: "Nothing. Can I sit?"

Tamia: "Yeah. Sure"

I sat down.

Me: "Can I smoke?"

Tamia: "Are you testing me?"

Me: "I'll take that as a yes"

Tamia: "I'll go change in the mean time"

Me: "Okay"

She disappeared inside. I smoked. Then turned the laptop to my direction. I went through the

She came back. Holding a tray.

Me: "What are they saying here?"

Tamia: "Jason's PA. He writes in Spanish. He said the call is scheduled for 2pm"

Me: "Why? Can't he answer the damn phone?"

Tamia: "We do not share the exact time zone"

Me: "Oh" she gave me that look again while I sipped on the coffee.

Tamia: "What happened to Collen?" I looked at her.

Me: "How would I know?"

Tamia: "You and I both know it wasn't a coincidence he died a week after he crossed you"

Me: "You and I knows he wouldn't have made it to the following day if I wanted him dead. Its called

Tamia: "What?"

Me: "What happened to him"

She narrowed her eyes.

I glanced at my watch. It was close to 11am.

Me: "Uhm. Look, please make the call conference."

Tamia: "Who else do you want to engage?"

Me: "I won't be here."

Tamia: "Why? If I may ask"

Me: "Am having lunch with my wife in 40 minutes"

Tamia: "Can't you reschedule? I mean I drove all the way from Petersburg because it sounded
important. I would've called Jason on my own, in my apartment"

Me: "Please don't Start. If we happen to finish early. I will come but I am not promising anything"

She shut her laptop and went inside. I followed her, said my goodbye which she did not respond to
and left.



He came in. Looking handsome, powerful and sexy in that tuxedo and a fresh new cut. I felt a bit of
jealousy. He put the bag on top the bed.
Chris: "Hi love" he kissed my forehead

Me: "Hey baby. How was church? Were the ladies drooling?"

Chris: "It was great baby. Am not sure about the drooling of ladies"

Me: "Maybe you should start dressing like other pastors"

Chris: "Which is?"

Me: "The ugly clothes"

Chris: "Am not sure if I own any"

Me: "We'll buy them. Did you find anything comfortable for me to wear?"

Chris: "I just realized today that you have no tracksuits at all"

Me: "Of course I don't"

Chris: "I bought them and signed the lease and the apartment is ready for you"

Me: "Thank you love"

Chris: "No Thank you baby. I still can't believe we're having a bundle of joy" he kissed my stomach.

Me: "We are babe. Who am I gonna stay with in that apartment? Am scared of staying alone"

Chris: "Who said anything about staying alone?"

Me: "Who am I going to stay with then?"

Chris: "Me" I looked at him. He's not about to do anything that will put my baby's life at risk.

Me: "Didn't mamkhulu say we shouldn't?"

He scratched his head. I laughed.

Chris: "How am I going to live without you?"

Me: "You'll visit. Everybody has to"

Chris: "We'll work something out"

Me: "Thank you"

He pulled me up.

Chris: "Did they say anything about not having sex?"

Me: "They did. They said we shouldn't until the baby is born and 6 months old"

He looked at me blankly.
Chris: "As long as the baby will be fine" He started unpacking my clothes.

Me: "Yoh pastor Chris le mshovo. Am kidding wena baby"

He looked at me with a smile.

Chris: "I was already thinking of places with Hookers"

Me: "What?" Okay I had a change of mood right there. Must be the hormones.

Chris: "I thought we were playing you got got" he laughed and kissed my cheek.

Me: "You're not funny Christian. No shagging for the whole week"

Chris: "Thank heavens. I thought you were gonna say for a month" he's so stupid.

I took clothes and went to change in the bathroom.



At the Mokgotho residence.

Mrs Mokgotho signed and took the gift.

To Mr and Mrs Mokgotho. Her husband was not home so she just placed it on top of the coffee

She took out her phone and called Nzinga. He did not pick up.

She placed the phone on her thighs and sipped on her sparkling water. The phone vibrated. She
viewed the message.

"I have a game in mind. Wanna play?"

She couldn't recognize the number.

"Who's this?" She replied.

"Ever heard of karma? Am her sister" the number responded.

She ignored that text. It was most likely to be those crazy ass stalkers.

"What are we gonna start with? Revealing Amo's DNA or digging deep on what exactly happened to
your husband's eldest brother. The one who was supposed to inherit all the Mokgotho wealth. We
all know your husband was disowned by his parents. But you're a Jack of all trades, aren't you?
Always make a plan to get that next million."

She read the text over and over again. Her husband walked in. He greeted but her eyes were locked
on the cell. It took him to touch her arm for her to return to planet earth. She startled and dropped
the phone.

Mr Mokgotho: "Am sorry. Are you okay?"

Mrs Mokgotho: "Am okay. Uhm.... I have to rush some where."

She quickly grabbed her handbag and picked the phone up. Then ran out. Leaving her husband
confused. He walked up the stairs.

Chapter Fifty-Nine



My bedroom door opened. She stood there looking at me without saying a word. The staring
consent went on for quite some time until I decided to break the ice.

Me: "How did you get in?"

Nkule: "Scelo obviously knows me so does Mam Thabethe. I've became a regular. I am here to get
my phone"

Me: "Its in the drawer. I thought about bringing it but had no reason to show up at your door step"

Nkule: "No problem"

She slid it in her pocket and headed out. I followed her.

Me: "Stay for breakfast. Please" she turned to look at me.

Nkule: "Is that part of our arrangement?"

Me: "No. But rules were made to be broken." She smiled.

Nkule: "Breakfast it is then" she took the first step.

Me: "In bed" she turned once again.

Nkule: "What game are you playing Quinton?"

Me: "Am not playing."

I led the way back to my bedroom. She closed the door behind her and started unbuttoning her
blouse. She did things to me, without touching me. I helped her unbutton it, she was too slowly.

I had not seen her for only a day but it felt as though it has been months.



Me: "Babe. Your phone!" He was in the bathroom.

Chris: "Take it"

Me: "Its Khule"

I am never comfortable with answering his phone. Especially his brothers. Zulu men or should I say
any man do not believe in that. That is invasion of privacy, answering their phone is total disrespect.
I take it to him instead. And yes he spent the night. I doubt he'll ever obey to this not staying
together rule.

I go back and fix the bed. There's something about being pregnant, before finding out you're very
functional. But once you find out, you're hormonal, cravings, and constant number 1 and being tired
the moment you open your eyes. So I head to the kitchen. I opened the fridge. Empty as my
stomach. I went back to the bedroom. He was already dressed up.

Me: "There's no food in this house"

Chris: "Yes"

Me: "Why?"

Chris: "Because the owner of the house has not gone for shopping"

Me: "What if I faint? Or get hit by a car?" He frowned.

Chris: "Are you gonna die in here?"

Me: "No but shopping is too much for a pregnant woman, the going around the shop, queuing. I
might just give premature birth or miscarry"
Chris: "Oh Lord! I'll ask Emi to do it"

Me: "No, I want you to" I made a sad face.

Chris: Won't you be dead of hunger by then?"

Me: "I'll order in"

Chris: "Okay. Let me go" he kissed my lips.

Me: "I love you" he kissed my stomach.

Chris: "I love you both." I accompanied him to the lot.

Chris: "Should I get used to this?"

Me: "Yes baby"

Chris: "I might think of moving in permanently"

Me: "I won't let you."

Chris: "Send me the list of things you want"

Me: "Be careful with that"

Chris: "Bye baby"

He drove out. I went back in and took the lift. I dailed Khethelo.

Khethelo: "Mosadi"

Me: "Hey, feel like spending Dube's money?" Don't look at me like that. This man insists on looking
after me. So I might as well.

Khethelo: "Yes, why not? Plus this man left in the wee hours of the morning so I need some
shopping spree. Do you have a ride?"

Me: "You'll fetch me mos"

Khethelo: "Okay. Let me get ready"

She hung up. I tossed the phone on a couch and went to shower. Who gave Chris permission to get
me pregnant? Next time he'll think twice.



Amo sat on a bar stool browsing through her cellphone.

Amo: "Can't you cook something else? Mutton is complicated"

Mrs Mokgotho: "I just realized. I'll grill chicken and make a salad. What does Greek salad have?"
Amo looked at her in disbelief.

Amo: "Maybe you should've kept at least one of the maids"

Mrs M: "Just google tu. I haven't prepared any food for 25 years so please excuse me."

Amo: "Yoh mama. Use the tab. Am just gonna go join dad just in case you burn this kitchen down"

She got off the chair and walked out. Mrs Mokgotho took her tab and searched. She remembered
her cellphone that she tossed on the shelf yesterday after the traumatic texts.

She switched it on. The messages came in flooding. She focused on missed calls from Nzinga. She
called him right away.

He picked up almost immediately.

Nzinga: "Why was your phone off?"

Mrs M: "We've got a huge problem. Some sick bastard is on to me"

Nzinga: "About what?"

Mrs M: "Amo's paternity" she said in a whisper.

Nzinga: "What! How? Who is that?"

Mrs M: "How would I know? You need to do something. Imagine what would happen to our
marriages. Everything we worked hard for will go down the drain" she said already in tears. Nzinga

Nzinga: "I'll fix this okay. No need to worry. This will never come out"

Mrs M: "It better not"

She hung up and took out the frozen chicken. Her phone beeped. Her heart pounded when she saw
the same number from yesterday. She reluctantly viewed it.

"Have you decided on which one we going to reveal first? Or should I decide?"

She switched the phone off and took her brandy from the cupboard and drank it straight from the


After my meetings with the 4 of our suppliers I drove straight to Newtown. I couldn't even sleep, I
couldn't reach Tamia and I had no excuse to leave home after lunch with Khethelo. I called Khethelo
on my way.

Khethelo: "Sneaky husband"

Me: "Hey love am sorry. I had to be in the office by 6am. Are you good?"

Khethelo: "Yes love am good and spending y'all money like we earn it" my heart smiled.

Me: "That's what wives do... Wait, with who?"

Khethelo: "Katlego, she says Hi"

Me: "Oh hey my babies. Is she good?"

Khethelo: "Yes she's okay. They are okay and have eaten 6 times since we got here" I laughed.

Me: "Bear with them. Spend that money, I'd like to go bankrupt, am sure pastor wouldn't mind too.
I love you"

Khethelo: "Your wish is my command Mbuyazi. I love you more"

I hang up. The drive was shorter. I parked and went in. I pushed the door open. She came out of the

Tamia: "Finally he decided to show up"

Me: "Did you get him?"

Tamia: "Hello to you too Khulekani. Mind to explain why your phone couldn't go through?"

Me: "My battery died. And why yours was off?"

Tamia: "My battery died" she said and disappeared back to the bedroom.

I sat down on the couch. She came back with the laptop, she placed it on top of my lap.

Tamia: "He said he needs to speak with you personally. I'll go get us something to eat"

Me: "OK"

She went out. It finally connected. He was in bed.

Jason: "Dube"

Me: "When can you come here? I desperately need you"

Jason: "Trouble in Paradise?"

Me: "Sort of. The Nzinga's are messing with my clan"

Jason: "Okay. How may I be of help?"

Me: "I have a flash disk, with information about them. Its encrypted. And you're good with these

Jason: "There's a laptop. Emi has it. I'll email you the code. I can't come to South Africa. I am still
fixing some things"

Me: "Why is it with Emihle?"

Jason: "I had to give it to someone I trust. And who does not know what it does"

Me: "If you were here I'd punch you to death. Do you know she could die because of that gadget?"

Jason: "I wouldn't put her in danger. Anyway she's never used it."

Me: "Okay. I'll tell her to bring it"

Jason: "Don't. I'll tell you where it is kept. Can I sleep now?"

Me: "Yes"

I shut the laptop. My phone rang. Emihle.

Me: "Baby"

Emi: "I got the job!" She screamed. I moved the phone off until she calmed down.

Me: "Am so proud of you my love. Can I take you out for lunch? As a celebration of course"

Emi: "I'd love to but the wives beat you into it."

Me: "Poor me. When am I seeing you?"

Emi: "Weekend. Because tomorrow am going shopping, do my nails and hair, Khethelo's treat of

Me: "Wow it hurts to not matter this much"

I was actually hurt by all this. She's my little girl, seeing her growing up wasn't as exciting. Coming
into terms with what she has for Jason was the hardest of it all. Now that she moved out, a part of
me is depressed. I miss having someone to nag me about petrol money or ordering in because she
doesn't want to cook.

Emi: "You'll always matter. This weekend will be about me and my 4 brothers. I have to go. I love

Me: "I love you more"

I hung up and checked my email. Jason had already sent the code and where the laptop is. She left it
behind at home when she moved out. Weird.
Tamia came in with takeaways.

Me: "Can I take mine with me? I have to rush back to the office"

Tamia: "Yeah sure. Is it finalised?"

Me: "Yep. I'll have Glade sending your money. When are you heading back?"

Tamia: "Getting rid of me?"

Me: "No why would I?. I'll replace the money you used to book here. Stay as long as you want. I'll
keep in touch"

Tamia: "Won't your wife mind?"

Me: "Why?"

Tamia: "You never told her?"


Tamia: " Why?"

Me: "Because there's nothing to tell."

I walked out.



I got off Facetime with my hot air balloon. I drove to the East Gate to buy things that Chris sent me
to buy.

I wished baby was here with me. The trolley was crazily full. I am not getting anyone pregnant
anytime soon. I paid and pushed the gigantic ass trolley out.

I couldn't believe my eyes. It was her, in flesh. Why are women Satan's agents? I had to cancel my
appointment with my bed just to come here and do these groceries. I took out my phone and took a
picture of them then sent it Chris. He called almost immediately.

Me: "Isn't she gonna die now?"

Chris: "I've been played"

Me: "Next time please face the consequences of raw sex on your own" he laughed. Its not funny.
Chris: "Come on. You'll be sending the kid around when its grown"

Me: "That's like 15 years away. I am here looking like a crazy motherfucker with this crazy ass
trolley. Next time ask Q"

Chris: "I will" he was still laughing. I hung up and texted baby about this and told her I am more than
happy to abstain.

They didn't even notice me when I passed by. Satans!



When I got home I went to take the laptop and inserted the USB. To my surprise, the files were

Business world is the most fucked up world. The things these people do to get to the top. Its crazy.

I kept on reading till I saw the Dube name file. Curiosity got better of me. I clicked on it. I started
reading. My palms were getting sweaty.

It was a plot. How to take the construction firm, the jet and everything the Dubes own.

First step into that is Pitso signing divorce papers.

Secondly, it is to make business with us, become our potential client, this was no coincidence, in
November we signed the new clients, including Nzingas, who were willing to pay any price for our
service. Fuck!

After that, have Emihle dating Lungelo, who the fuck is that. Who ever he is has a death wish. And

Kidnap Khethelo, I'll have to sign over the Dube construction in exchange for her. The list went on
and on. I couldn't read anymore. I was boiling with anger.

They truly have no idea who we are. They think this is a movie. Nobody messes with my girls. No
I took my phone and called Quinton.

Quinton: "Bafo"

Me: "I need the pass code to the white house"

Quinton: "Where are you? Stay right there am coming"

Me: "I want the damn pass code!"

Quinton: "You're not about to kill any one. Remember what Bab Ndoda said he-"

I hung up. I gave zero fucks about who said what. The Nzingas were about to bury someone on the
weekend. I took my gun and my silencer. I called an ubber.

I impatiently waited for it outside. I couldn't even wait for him to park, I opened the door and
climbed on.

Me: "Centurion"

Driver: "I don-"

Me: "Don't fuck with me. Drive"

He drove off.

Chapter Sixty

{Unedited. Sorry for errors}



Two things that should never mix, is Khulekani and the White House. After Phila's mother he tried to
set it on fire. It is our house that we used for our dirty work. It is in Vosloorus.

I parked on his driveway and rushed to the gate. I put my index finger on the scanner it accessed and
the gate opened. I kept trying him on the phone. But no luck.

His car was parked at the garage door. There's no way he took one of them. I went inside the house.

I picked up the laptop on top of the coffee table. I ran my eyes to what seemed like... Hell no. I shut
it closed and clutched it then ran out.
I started my car then drove off. I called Charles.

Him: "Grootman"

Me: "Track down Khule's phone"

Charles: "He's going to Vosloo. Right now we're going to Pretoria he ordered us to fetch his 3
parcels." Relief.

Me: "Okay. Be careful. The estates have cameras everywhere"

Charles: "As always skhulu"

I hung up and did a U-turn driving to Vosloorus. Who the fuck do these morons think they are?
Bloody cowards!



I threw myself on the couch.

Me: "I feel like the one pregnant. My feet"

Kat: "All I need is a bath and my bed"

Me: "If he's day dreaming about home cooked meal today, he must forget it."

Kat: "What's up with them and home cooked meal. When are you getting maids?"

Me: "Am scared to get one, won't he think I am dodging my duties as a wife?"

Kat: "He won't. You may not see it but these men would do anything for us, including getting us
maids if we wanted them. So raise the issue today and hear what he says"

Me: "I don't know hey. Let me pour myself some wine"

She evil eyed me. I laughed.

Kat: "Where is Emi held up?"

Me: "Did you see the line?"

She was down the road buying Kotas. Anything for Chris Jnr.

Kat: "Am already tasting it"

My phone rang. I smiled.

Me: "Baby"

Khule: "Wifey. Done spending money you didn't work for?"

Me: "I thought that what you wanted"

Khule: "Am not complaining. You done?"

Me: "Yes. We're at Kat's place"

Khule: "Good. Do not leave. I will fetch you. Lock the door, don't let anyone in"

That last statement. It means "your lives are in danger" and you have to do as told. No questions

Me: "Okay."

Khule: "I love you okay"

Me: "I love you more"

I hung up. Emi came in.

Kat: "I thought you've found a man" she took her kota and opened.

Emi: "Yes I have" we both looked at her. She laughed.

Me: "I'd like to think he's bewitched you"

Emi: "It's not like that"

Kat: "You're 23 you're supposed to be having fun, dating, making mistakes. Not held up on Jason"

Emi: "I just happen to lose interest easily. I was flirting with this guy, our next door neighbor then
suddenly he bored me"

Kat: "Okay you're bewitched"

Emi: "Its not about Jason. I think I am the problem"

Me: "Fix it babe. You deserve better."

I went to lock.

Me: "And we're staying here until one of MaNgcobo's sons show up"

Emi: "I don't mind sleeping over"

Me: "Great let's cook then"

Kat: "I wonder what time did he bring these groceries"

Emi: "You're abusing my mother's child you know that"

Kat: "Aowa he brought this to himself"

We laughed. Poor Chris.



I patiently waited on the tree house. Outside the main White house. I had my 24 pack of Castle Lite. I
heard a car pulling up outside. I stood up to look out the window. It was Quinton. He climbed up.
The door was opened. He got in.

Quinton: "How did you get in?"

Me: "Greetings to you too Dube Elimthende"

Quinton: "Why? Why would you come back here. I thought you wanted nothing to do with this life"
I exhaled the smoke.

Me: "I thought so too. But Nzinga is stepping on my toes."

Quinton: "We could just take everything from him. Not this, this life is for me. You're the head of
this family man. I will not let you dirty your hands."

Me: "I won't kill them"

Quinton: "Thank you"

Me: "But the lions will"

I went down and went to the main house. I made myself a sandwich. He came in.

Me: "You're still coming here" he looked at me. "If you don't. Why would there be food and this
house so clean"

Quinton: "Because Charles comes here when he is bored"

Me: "Mmmmh"

Quinton: "What did you mean lions will kill them?"

Me: "I meant lions will kill them. Want some?"

He shook his head and went out.

Well the thing about us. We share emotions except for anger. There's no way we're always both
triggered. When he's mad am calm and also in my case. I was not expecting him to be angry and
want to rip those morons balls.

He came back with the note book. He switched it on and read the file.

I kept on checking the time. When did Charles become this slow. I miss Jake in times like these.

I checked the message.

"I got them. We'll be there in the next hour and forty minutes"

Me: "Want a drink?"

Quinton: "Already drank 2"

Me: "You can have more than that."

He did not get that. His face changed. I walked over to him. He turned to look at me.

Quinton: "I think each day we create new enemies"

Me: "All of this shit because of a woman. A woman he didn't know how love nor treat"

Quinton: "I think its deeper than that. There's more to this than it meets the eye"

Me: "You have a point." He continued reading. "But it all doesn't matter cause they are not going
ahead with this"

Quinton: "Whatever you want to do to them. I'll be right here."

I took out another cigarette and went to stand by the tree house.



He crouched in front of him. He looked him deep in the eye. His face full of rage. Baba stood there
against the wall with his gun on his hand. The 2 younger guys were passed out on the chairs.
I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I turned.

Gogo: "You've forgotten about them"

Me: "I haven't"

Gogo: "Then why are they here? Why are they back in this house?"

Me: "I have no idea. Who are these guys"

Gogo: "Sbonga. I passed this gift to you for a reason. To foresee every bad. Shall anything happen to
them, it will be over for my generation. Once they kill these people, the war will never end. It will go
from generation to generation."

Me: "Then protect them"

Gogo: "I can't. That is your job. To protect Mphangiseni's generation. The saviours are protected.
Now go and protect their fathers"

She walked away. I tried rinking after her but the wall wouldn't let me. I screamed her name.

I felt someone shaking me and slapping me rapidly. I opened my eyes. I was panting and sweaty.

Chloe: "Jesus Chris Bonga you are scaring me. What are you dreaming about? Who's gogo?"

I looked at the window. It was dark.

I got off the bed and took my backpack. I fastened my shoes.

Me: "I have to get to Jo'burg."

Chloe: "Its 7pm, are you crazy?"

Me: "No. I have to get there before they..." I realized she doesn't have to know.

Chloe: "Before what?"

I ran out. She shouted my name. I kept on running.



Amo and Mr Mokgotho had gone out for supper since Mrs Mokgotho wasn't home.
She drove in and parked then went inside. She switched on the lights. Left her heels on the passage.
She undressed until she made it to the bedroom naked. She got in the shower and bathed.

She got out with only a towel wrapped around her. She remembered about the box that had been
delivered. She hid it after she received the dodgy messages. She bravely open it.

"Chickens have come home to roast"

It was a note. She exhaled relieved. She thought it was something big. She threw it in a trash can and
wore her expensive silky pyjamas. She took her phone and dailed Nzinga. It through voicemail again.

Mrs M: "I hope you know what will happen to our lives if this comes out. I don't know why would
you take that risk. Call me"

She got in bed and started think king about possible suspects.



Charles and his guys led Lungelo and his father up to the tree house. Quinton and Khulekani
followed them.

Khule: "Untie them"

They did. Charles made them sit. Khule moved the black bags over their heads.

Lungelo: "You!"

Khule: "Yes me. Y'all good?"

Nzinga: "Who the hell do you think you are?"

Khule: "Dube, who else could I think I am."

Lungelo: "What the fuck do you want?"

Khule: "Your heart, your balls and brain all over these walls. Can you give me that?"

Lungelo stood up and threw a punch at him. Khule spat on the floor and smirked.
Khule: "Maybe also a punch." He shrugged.

Nzinga: "I don't have time for this"

He stood up and attempted going out but Charles pushed him back down. He took out his gun.

Charles: "Skhulu. I could shoot them for you if you want"

Khule: "No not yet"

Lungelo: "Our people have started looking for us, you better let us go before this place of yours
becomes a crime scene"

Khule: "You mean this PS squad? Come on. Those used to be my guys. Charles, electric hat. While
we wait for the man with one leg. Look at this moron who's supposed to fuck my sister. My little
sister" his anger rose. He slapped Nzinga so hard he fell off the chair. Lungelo stood up and pushed
Khule to the wall. Khule punched him till he is down on the floor. Quinton was just standing there
watching. Lungelo was bleeding from his nose and mouth.

Khule: "Nobody messes with my girls Nzinga, unless you have a death wish." He was panting. He
rolled up his sleeve and kicked Lungelo on the stomach.

Khule: " Bloody moron. Put them back on their respective chairs "

Charles and his guys put them back on the chairs.

Khule's phone rang. He couldn't recognize the number. He answered.

Khule: "Yes!"

Bonga: "Baba, don't kill them" he was panting.

Khule: "Bonga?" Quinton went to stand next to him.

Bonga: "Yes. Do not kill them. Please"

Khule: "Who? Where are you?"

Bonga: "The people you both want to kill."

He looked at Quinton then at Nzinga and his son.

Khule: "I won't. Where are you?"

Bonga: "Am on my way to Jo'burg"

Khule gave the phone to Quinton. And signaled him to go out.

Khule: "Charles, Firstly electric hat then drive them to Kruger national park. The lions area"
Charles: "no shooting?"

Khule: "They aren't worth dirtying your hands for"

Chapter Sixty-One



My alarm went off. I had just slept a few hours ago. I have to stop reading this much. Emi was fast
asleep beside me. I turned the phone off and continued sleeping. I was not stepping in that kitchen.
The Lady of the house must.

I heard noise just as I pulled the sheet over my head. Like that wasn't enough. I heard a knock. A
knock that only Khulekani Dube could do.

I dragged my feet to the door. He cupped my face and kissed me, teeth unbrushed.

Khule: "I missed you"

Me: "I missed you too"

Khule: "I thought you'd be excited to see me"

Me: "I am. But sleepy"

Khule: "Emi can move to the lounge and we carry on sleeping cause I wanna sleep too"

Emi: "Am going shopping. No need to get rid of me. Morning"

She parted us and walked out. I looked at Khule and chuckled. He closed the door and took off his
jacket. I walked to the bed. He climbed on too and cupped my breast. His newly found obsession.



Emi came in looking like she survived Tsunami. She hugged me.

Emi: "How's my favorite brother?"

Me: "He's fine and wondering what her favorite sister wants"

Emi: "Today she's going shopping and you know what do to"
Me: "I thought you were standing on your two feet"

Emi: "Yes but that doesn't mean you no longer work with me in choosing perfect clothes"

Me: "I guess I don't have a say in this"

Tyler: "You're 23, women your age choose their own clothes"

Emi: "Until you have a stable girlfriend then we can start discussing me"

She ran out, he chased after her.

Chris: "They'll never grow up"

Me: "I actually enjoy their childishness. They have no care in the world"

Tyler: "Come see this!" He shouted from the lounge. "Hurry"

We walked there.

"The son of Minister of sports Mr Lungelo Jack Jnr Nzinga was brutally killed and fed to the lions in
Kruger National park. His remains were found this morning by the patrollers. The family confirmed.
As a nation we're saddened by the loss of our loved and respected individual. Condolences to the

I took the remote and changed the channel.

Tyler: "What are you doing? I want to know what happened to his father"

Me: "Why? Are you their friend?"

Tyler: "No but wanna know if we should start celebrating or not"

Chris walked back to the kitchen without a word. I followed him. I sat down and texted Khethiwe to
inform Menzi to stand in for me. I didn't feel like working. I needed some time with Bonga. He
volunteered to take Lamu to crèche.

Chris: "Where were you last night?" I looked at him.

Me: "Around. Why?"

Chris: "Did you have anything to do with it?"

Me: "No. Can you please finish up. Am starving"

He turned off the stove and took out the plates. I tried to search for any guilt but there wasn't. This
is life. Kill or be killed. But in this case. We blame the lions.



Having everyone in one place always bring some sort of happiness to all of us. Khule and Khethelo
were the last ones to arrive. I was done eating. Well the 3 of us were, except for Kitty Kat and Emi.

Khule: "Morning mama Ka bundle of joy" we all laughed.

Katlego: "Morning. Did you sleep well?"

Khethelo: "Yes. I slept around 4am though."

Khule: "You should slow down in reading"

My phone rang. It was Khethiwe. They were busy laughing so I answered.

Me: "Hey"

Khethiwe: "Dreams come true. Quinton isn't coming to work. So do the right thing"

Me: "Okay baby"

The room went dead quiet. I've never spoke so low in my whole entire life but they picked that up. I
hung up.

Me: "Stop starring."

Khule: "Should we be worried?"

Me: "Why?"

Chris: "Because last time we almost ate poison"

Quinton: "Second time I ended up in jail"

Me: "Bye"

I took my car keys and walked out. I drove to her work place. I bought her coffee and creamy donuts.

I found her typing on the computer. She did not even notice me. I stood there and admired her. I
don't know if its me or a person just becomes too beautiful once they're yours.

Me: "Hi"
She brought her eyes up. She smiled, revealing her left side dimple.

Khethiwe: "Hi baby." She took off her glasses.

Me: "You look beautiful with glasses" I placed her food before her and kissed her lips.

Khethiwe: "I've concluded that you find me beautiful in everything Mr Dube"

Me: "That's because you are"

She smiled shaking her head.

Khethiwe: "Let me eat my breakfast, bought and delivered by my very own boyfriend"

Me: "Soon to be husband" she chuckled and fed me a piece of the donut. Husband for what? I've
never thought of that.

Khethiwe: "Just so you wifey me sooner" we laughed.

I kissed her again. There was something about her, it turned me weak and strong at the same time.
Now I knew I was deeply inlove with her.

Someone cleared throat. We broke off the kiss.

Zinhle: "Hi"

Me: "Hey"

Zinhle: "Khethiwe, Quinton said I'll get the water campaign presentation from you"

Khethiwe: "I haven't printed it yet. I will bring it before lunch"

Zinhle: "Okay. It was nice seeing you Tyler"

Me: "Likewise"

She walked away. Khethiwe rolled her eyes.

Khethiwe: "It was nice seeing you Tyler" she said imitating Zinhle's voice. "Nx nice my foot" why is
she mad?

Me: "What's wrong?"

Khethiwe: "She irritates me"

Me: "She's a good person"

Khethiwe: "Of course. I've forgotten she's your girlfriend"

Me: "What?"
Khethiwe: "Yes. You bought her lunch and we'd never hear the end of it after your appointments" I

Me: "Hhaibo baby. That was just me being the best lawyer. She's way too older. Quinton's type"

Khethiwe: "Ohho. You liked her"

Me: "We're having a great day. I will not let your jealousy ruin it." I kissed her cheek. "Get back to
work, should I fetch you?"

Khethiwe: "Yes please"

I took my keys and headed to the door.

Me: "I love you my teddy bear"

Khethiwe: "I know"

Me: "Come on. Nothing ever happened between us. Come here"

She got up and came to me. I hugged her. I kissed her lips.

Me: "I love you my big baby" she smiled.

Khethiwe: "I love you more. I don't want you to leave"

Me: "Okay that's it. Bye baby"

I ran out.



Me: "By the way. Bonga is here"

Khethelo: "Really? Did he say where he was?"

Me: "No. I haven't seen him. I'll go to Q's after I drop you off"

Khethelo: "Okay. I guess I'll see him when he comes to the house"

Me: "How are the preparations going? When are we going to shop for your gown?"

Khethelo: "Really? You'd go?"

Me: "Yes baby. Why wouldn't I?"

Khethelo: "Because you couldn't even help me choose the color of the day"
I laughed.

Me: "Because black is the only color I find beautiful and you're a woman you love all these bright

Khethelo: "Yes. Weddings are supposed to be bright"

Me: "Then white is okay"

Khethelo: "Finally. I just want all this to be over. I don't know how long I can tolerate that man.
Sometimes I wish I could just go there and ask him why."

I cleared my throat.

Me: "Has he recovered?"

Khethelo: "I don't and honestly I don't care. I wish he doesn't. Whoever did that to him I wish he
could just run his truck over him again"

Me: "That's harsh."

Khethelo: "Harsh nex. He killed innocent people. He could've just planted a bomb on their car not a
whole plane. What kind of a sane person does that? Ay marn" she was getting all worked up.

Me: "Let's not talk about him."

I pulled up.

Me: "Can I come with you?"

Khethelo: "Yes, need a new cut?"

Me: "Not today but maybe somewhere this week"

Khethelo: "Okay"

I got out. She was already out by the time I reached her door.

Me: "You're so rural. Don't you watch movies?"

Khethelo: "I forget about that" she laughed.

I took her Hand and walked inside the building.


I found Bonga and Quinton playing boardgames.

Quinton: "You can take a man out of crime but you could never take crime out of a man."
Me: "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

Quinton: "How did you get in?"

Me: "I climbed the wall"

Quinton: "Tsek. I'll change my code"

Me: "Me too. Bonga"

Bonga: "Yebo Baba"

Me: "You good?"

Bonga: "Yes. How are you?"

Me: "Am good. How's Chloe?"

Bonga: "She's fine"

Me: "Is the tummy big?" Quinton looked at me. "What? Is it?" Bonga chuckled.

Bonga: "She's starting to show."

Me: "You should take us to her"

Quinton: "Apparently we can't"

Me: "Why?"

Bonga: "Nobody has to know where she is"

Quinton: "I don't understand this. Not one bit. I will never hurt her again."

Bonga: "The truth is. You almost killed her"

Me: "You can communicate with mother right?"

Bonga: "Yes"

Me: "Good. I'd like you to tell her that if she can't protect us. We gonna kill to protect ourselves and
what belongs to us. And that she should stop overworking you. You're going back to school in a few
weeks. You can't be attending to ancestral issues"

Bonga: "That's if she comes. She only comes when there's an important issue to address. And those
men didn't have to die"

Me: "We didn't kill them"

Bonga: "But you initiated it"

Me: "Does she have any idea how many enemies this family have? Most created by them. They left
us in this mess. Her husband killed people who stood in his way she knows that and the Apples do
not fall far from the tree"

Quinton: "Calm down"

Me: "No Quinton it is not fair. We can't sit around and fold our arms and watch everything taken
away from us just because she's so Christian. This was not achieved by smiles and shaking hands.
There had to be killings, some she witnessed. Nzinga was planning on taking everything even our
unders and socks. Whatever those lions did to them, they had it coming. Right now I am killing
everyone who becomes a threat. Even a bird that'll fly next to my window."

I walked to the fridge and took out a beer.



After hours of waiting. She finally decided to show up.

Katlego: "Its even more beautiful with clients in. Wow"

Me: "Did you introduce yourself?"

Katlego: "No. But you will"

Me: "Yoh mosadi"

Katlego: "Come"

We walked out of the office.

Me: "Excuse me everyone. Apologies. I'll be quick. This is Katlego, the co owner I've been telling you

Katlego: "Hi everyone. If we have so much clients it means you're doing a very great job. Thank you"

Me: "You may go back to work."

We walked back to the office.

Katlego: "When are we having lunch?"

Me: "It's half eleven. You can order in"

Katlego: "No. There's actually a shop that sells spicy liver and steamed bread 4 shops away"

Me: "Sounds nice. Lets go"

We locked and walked out. Some woman waved at us. We stopped. She got to us.

Her: "Hi" with the widest smile ever.

Us: "Hi"
Her: "My name is Thalitha. Am a journalist for Women Empowerment magazines and if you don't
mind I would like to make an appointment. I realized you don't have PA's."

Katlego: "Sunday morning 9am"

Thalitha: "We're issuing on Saturday"

Katlego: "Really? Am sorry but that's when we're free"

Thalitha: "Mrs Nzinga please"

Katlego took my hand and pulled me.

Me: "Just pray we don't make it to Daily Sun tomorrow"

Katlego: "She wouldn't dare. She knows me very well. I'll make sure she lose that job nyana. The
things she used to write about me. When she was still working for the Views newspaper"

Me: "You're something else"

Katlego: "My whole life was shared with the world since from the day I was born. But since I've been
part of this family. Everything has changed. Chloe's story was the last of it."

Me: "That's why I didn't know who Khule is."

Katlego: "Whatever they do to not end up in front pages, they must continue. My mother and the
Nzinga's were always in newspapers. I hope their souls rest in shit."

Me: "Jesus please intervene. You're pastor's girlfriend"

Katlego: "Yes, not Jesus."

I laughed. This woman. My phone rang.

Me: "Hello?"

Caller: "Can I speak to Khethelo?"

Me: "Speaking"

Caller: "I wanted to say congratulations on your engagement." Okay.

Me: "Thank you. Who is this?"

Caller: "Not important. I'd warn you about that man but you're a smart young lady you clearly know
what you're doing. Bye"

I slowly moved the phone off my ear. Katlego looked at me.

Me: "I need water and a bathroom"

I walked to the restrooms. Is there ever peace in this life? He walked out.

Chapter Sixty- Two



Jake and Phila were singing along the Frozen sound track Let It Go.

"Here I am. Here am standing. Let it go, let it go. The cold never bothered me anyway..."

Phila: "Where's your friend?"

Jake: "My friend?"

Phila: "Yes. On the video"

Jake: "Ohhhh. He doesn't have airtime these days baby"

Phila: "What is that?"

Jake: "Something we use to call people"

Phila: "ohh."

Jake: "Yes"

The gate slid open. He drove in and parked. He checked the coast first then opened Phila's door and
picked her up.

She ran into her grandpa's hands soon as he put him down on the lounge.

Grandpa: "How was school?"

Phila: "We counted to ten. Can you please borrow uncle Jake's friend airtime. I want to tell him that
I now can count to ten"

Grandpa looked at Jake.

Grandpa: "Really? I will. Go upstairs and change"

She ran up the stairs.

Grandpa: "What friend?"

Jake: "My brother."

Grandpa: "I do not want my grandchild introduced to people we do not know."

Jake: "Am sorry Sir. It won't happen again"

Grandpa: "Good."

He took his newspaper and continued reading.

Jake went out and exhaled in relief...



Bonga had just finished putting Lamu to bed. He sat down and increased the volume.

Bonga: "He gets hyper each day"

Me: "We've cut sugar completely but there's no change"

Bonga: "Imagine having 3 hyper people. I will come home once" I laughed.

Me: "No you're going to be here."

Bonga: "I'd rather die. Am going to bed"

Me: "Of course. You have to dream about your gogo."

Bonga: "Its not funny baba"

Me: "Have you called Chloe?"

Bonga: "She doesn't have a cellphone"

Me: "What? Chloe November without her iPhone? It'd rain in bananas"

Bonga: "That's another world. Goodnight"

Me: "Goodnight boy"

He walked away. I took out my phone and called Nkule. It took me straight to voicemail. I kept on
trying but nothing. I finished off my drink, took my keys and got on the lift to the garage...



I woke up at 4am and turned the whole house around. That is what I do when am struggling to get
my mind settled. I couldn't sleep.
Those words kept ringing in my head. What did she mean by that. I had been holding myself from
calling her back. I was afraid to find out what she meant by that. But I wanted to know. Yes I know
he isn't perfect but there was more to that statement than I already know.

The sun was out. I got off the couch, where I had collapsed on after cleaning this whole house.

I took out English breakfast ingredients. I started frying. I had already made coffee.

He slid his cold hands under my top. I jumped and hit the pan, the hot eggs landed on my bare feet. I
screamed in pain.

Khule: "Am so sorry babe, are you okay?"

I ran up the stairs, I got in the bathroom and turned the shower on. The cold water hit my feet.

He came in.

Khule: "Are you okay?"

Me: "Yeah. Fortunate enough I Fry them with butter so it won't get that severe"

He stood there and watched me.

Khule: "Are you sure you're okay?"

Me: "Yes. I am fine Khulekani"

Khule: "Then why are you acting so strange. Last night you left me to have dinner on my own, in bed
you wouldn't let me touch you and today you left bed at 4am now you almost burned yourself. Had
there be boiling water we'd be talking another story right now"

Me: "Am sorry. I think am about to go on my date. It happens sometimes" I don't even know what
was I saying.

He looked at me. Not convinced, and that was the least of my worries right now. I was worried by
the mystery woman.

I kissed his cheek and pulled him downstairs. I was feeling a bit of pain but tried by all means to
ignore it.
We ate in complete silence.



First day at work!

I had my formal dress on and heels. I found a woman fiddling through the Computer behind the
reception desk. I was nervous. I practised 5 times in my head before actually opening my mouth.

Me: "Good morning"

She brought her eyes up, then smiled.

Her: "I was beginning to think you aren't coming. Morning. Come"

I went to sit down next to her.

Me: "I wouldn't have missed it for the world, this is my first job ever"

Her: "Really? That's lovely. I'll be with you here throughout the day, to show some things."

Me: "Thank you. Emihle"

Her: "Your name is written on this PC. Am Noluvo, you can call me Luvo. I am the heart of this
company. Without me it'd die"

Me: "Wow. You're good at what you do then because this looks lively"

Luvo: "I try. It is owned by my old friend. So I make sure everything runs smoothly just so I earn
myself maybe a 2.5% shares" we laughed.

Me: "Trust me you will, it'd so unfair of him to not give you"

Luvo: "When he comes please tell him I gave you a very warm welcome and offered to buy you
lunch for the next two weeks"

Me: "Really? You're definitely getting that 3% share"

We laughed. She began showing me the basics and everything that I needed to know. Everyone
around here walked and dressed sophisticated. It was a high class work place if there's any...


Who ever was at the door was definitely sent to ruin Nonkululeko's day. I looked at the time. 10:39,
really? Ugh.

I slid off the bed and went out, passage till I reached the main door. I unlocked, the door pushed
open. He slammed it closed. He looked...I don't know. Angry?

Quinton: "Where the fuck were you last night?" Yes, angry.

Me: "Why?"

Quinton: "Why? Do not drive me crazy Nonkululeko. Your phone was off and you weren't here.
Where were you?"

Me: "You were here? What the hell. I was out with my friends. And why are you so mad?"

Quinton: "Because I wanted you and you weren't there!"

I walked to the fridge and took out bottled water. I needed it, maybe he wasn't shouting at me it was
just the hangover playing tricks with me. I downed it in one go.

Me: "Well you did not say earlier"

Quinton: "You should've told me you were going somewhere" why is he shouting!

Me: "Because it was none of your business. Geez Q. I have this huge hangover and now you're
contributing into it"

Quinton: "Next time when you go out, let me know or else you'll shit bricks. And I expect you to be
always there when I need you"

He stormed out. Really? That's what he came to say? I locked and went back to bed.



Ever seen someone going up and down the house doing nothing? That was the case in Katlego's
apartment. Since I arrived she was all over the place, doing only God knows what.

Me: "Okay you're making me dizzy right now"

Katlego: "I am cleaning"

Me: "Cleaning what? All am seeing is you taking things down from where they stay"

Katlego: "I sneezed the whole night last night, that means there's too much dust in this house"
Me: "Shall I come back later?"

Katlego: "No baby. I'd like you to drive me to the salon after"

Me: "The day is almost over. And you're far from finishing"

Katlego: "Only the bedrooms and the bathroom left."

Me: "Okay love"

I just took my laptop and went to sit on the balcony.



It took me all the strength I have in me to ask Mendy to trace the number that had called me.

I drove there. As anxious as I was. I needed to know. I don't know why but a part of me was restless.

I found myself before her hotel room door. I said a silent prayer then knocked, I stood there for
about 5 minutes without any response. I sighed and walked away. The door opened. I turned. She
looked shocked.

Her: "Khethelo?"

Me: "Hi"

Now I regretted coming here. I wanted to walk away but the part of me that was curious wouldn't
let me, so I walked back. She shifted for me to come in. I stepped in. She closed the door.

Her: "This way" she led the way to the couch. I sat down. "anything to drink?"

I shook my head. I was terrified. I don't even know what was I doing here... No actually I do. I wanted
to know what is it she had to me about concerning this man of mine.

Me: "What did you mean by that?" That's all I manage to say. She sighed and sat down, far away
from me. I was scared but not showing of course. I could tell by the way she couldn't maintain eye
contact that I looked as scary and brave as they come.

Her: "Its a long story"

Me: "I have all day"

Her eyes dropped. The silence filled the whole room, you could hear the needle drop. She cleared
her throat.

Her: "So, since from forever I have been his right hand lady. Still am. I am here on business with him.
We studied together at the business school in Durban. We became friends. Then when he got his
first job, I became his financial adviser. Okay. Cutting the long story short. After Lesego died, I was
there for him. We spent more time together, he needed the shoulder to cry on and I was there." She
paused. "3 months into consoling him everyday all day. We started dating. Things got pretty serious.
8 months into it, he started changing. He drank a lot. He was cheeky, we always fought. Then one
day, our anniversary day..." She tilted her head to face up, fighting back tears I think. "For the first
time ever, he...he beat me up." My heart hit the surface. I couldn't get a picture of him beating a
woman or anyone else for that matter. I didn't want to be here anymore. "It went on for months, he
never stopped."

Me: "Why didn't you leave?"

Her: "I couldn't. I loved him. My fear of losing him was greater than losing my own life in his hands"
those words cut deep into my soul. "Until one day I called him to come over, I couldn't go to his
since I was going to work the following day. He came there really drunk, around 2am I had told
myself he isn't coming. He found me sitting on the lounge busy with work. He smelt of perfume.
Female perfume. When I asked him about it. He's never beat me up that much, I lost conscious. I
woke up in hospital. The Dr told me I was pregnant and had miscarried"

She got up and disappeared to some door. Which I assumed is the bathroom.

I sat there. Still. I didn't know how to feel. I couldn't make out a picture of him doing all that. He
reassured me he'd never hurt me. But this. This was too much to digest. I stood up and walked out,
as blurry as my eyes were. I needed to get out of here. Why is she still working with him? And why is
he still working with his ex? I kept asking myself these questions. Is he really a serial abuser and a

I sat there on the car asking myself all these questions I had no answers to.

The look on her face when she said the last part. I've seen that look on my mother's face. It is

I heard a knock from the window I brought my head up, that was buried on a starring wheel. I looked
at him. I couldn't recognize him. My Khulekani would never do that. He cares for people he loves. He
would never hurt them.

He said something I couldn't really make out. I couldn't stand him right now. I started the engine
with my shaking hands and drove off. Just there the tears took advantage of the moment...
Chapter Sixty-Three



I got in my car and drove after her. She was driving our home's direction. My phone was ringing. It
was Tamia. I honestly had no time for her mind games.

She parked on the drive way and walked in. I pulled up there too and ran after her, I stopped and
asked the security guy to drive the cars in and went inside. She was already seated down on the bed
with a bottle of water in her hand And pain killers next to her when I finally made it upstairs. She
looked at me. I stood there at the entrance with my hands in my pockets.

Me: "What were you doing there?"

Tamia sent me a text an hour ago telling me my wife is at her door. Then another one saying she told
her everything. I was already on my way there. But I wanted to know what was she doing there, how
did she know who Tamia is and where she stays.

Khethelo: "Was she telling the truth?"

Me: "How would I know? I was not there. What were you doing there MaMnguni?"

I don't know what Tamia said but am pretty sure she told her almost everything.

Khethelo: "Why?"

Me: "Why what? The why that needs and answer is my Why did you go there MaMnguni?"

Khethelo: "That is not the point!"

Me: "Well it is, because you went there and suddenly you're here drinking pain blocks and crying.
What did she say I did?"

Khethelo: "Everything, she told me everything you did to her Khulekani"

The pain in her voice. I was silently praying she does not think of leaving me after this.

Me: "That I beat her up?"

She nodded. "It was a mistake. You didn't have to know that" I don't even know what was I saying
here but I had to say something.

She chuckled.

Khethelo: "Are you kidding me? Beating someone till they miscarry is a mistake?"

Me: "What?"

She looked at me in disgust.

Khethelo: "Please leave this room right now before I say and do something I will regret later"

Well that's a good sign. I did as she said. I went to my study. I fought back the urge to go to Tamia's
hotel room.

Only Lord knows what I'd do to her if I ever see her. There's a reason why I did not tell Khethelo
about this.

I am not that man anymore. I rested my head back on the chair.

My phone rang.

Me: "Jake"

Jake: "Phila almost got us busted yesterday"

Me: "What did she do?"

Jake: "She told Nzuza about you."

Me: "What?"

Jake: "She was bothering me about why you do not call anymore I told her you do not have airtime
so when we got home. She asked Nzuza to borrow you airtime so you'll call her and she'll tell you
she now can count to ten"

I went quiet for a while. I was missing out on the most important phase of my child's life.

Me: "Call me after school."

Jake: "What if she tells them?"

Me: "She won't."

Jake: "Okay grootman I'll call you later than"

Me: "Sure sure"

I put the phone down. I switched on my study laptop. Her wide smile brightened my screen. She was
grown and her father's daughter. It's crazy how much she looked exactly like her mother when she
was little. I went to her folder. I put her pictures on slide show. Her and Khethelo were the center of
my world. There's nothing I wouldn't do to save them.

Sometimes I wish for a miracle where the Nzuzas show up at my door and tell me they've forgiven
me and I can be a father to my one and only daughter.

I called Tyler. He did not answer. I continued looking at my Angel's pictures.

Tyler called back.

Me: "Mbuyazi"

Tyler: "Dube elimthende. How may I be of help?"

Me: "Are you busy? I need a favor"

Tyler: "As long as it is not to go do grocery shopping"

Me: "Much better than that. I have somewhere to rush to. Could you come and look after Khethelo,
just for an hour or so"

Tyler: "For how much?"

Me: "C63 coupé for 3 months"

He whistled.

Tyler: "I'll be there in 5 minutes"

Me: "Hurry"

I hung up and went to the master bedroom. I slowly opened the door. She was fast asleep. I kissed
her cheek.

Me: "I love you"

I walked out and closed the door behind me.

Me: "I did not say you could eat my food"

Tyler: "Am hungry. I was on my way here when you called. I had hope Mama Dube had cooked. Is
she sick?"

Me: "Worse than that. I'll see you later"

I left.



My feet couldn't take it any more. All I wanted was my comfortable couch and a glass of cold oros.

Luvo: "Girl pack your things we're leaving."

Me: "I was finishing off that e-mail."

I took my bag. Logged out and walked over to where Luvo was speaking to this guy.

Luvo: "Oh you've just won yourself a ride home. Khuboni lives the street opposite yours"

Me: "Oh? Hi"

Khuboni: "Hi" he smiled and we shook hands. We got on the lift.

Luvo: "I'll see you tomorrow babes"

Me: "Bye. Thank you"

The cars in the lot. I thought the firm was new.

Khuboni: "They're nice neh?" I turned to him.

Me: "Very nice. Isn't the firm new for y'all to be driving these cars?"

Khuboni: "This one is new. We worked in the one in Volkrust. It was burned down in October last
year so this one was opened"

Me: "Oh my am so sorry. Was anyone hurt?"

Khuboni: "No. But our equipment was destroyed"

He started speeding off soon as we made it out of the building.

Me: "Must have been hard for your boss"

Khuboni: "It was. But he is a very determined person. Nothing brings that guy down"

Me: "Mmmh he believes in black excellence I guess"

He laughed.

Khuboni: "He actually does."

He dropped me off at my building's entrance.

Me: "Thank you"

Khuboni: "No problem Miss...?"

Me: "Dube"

He smiled and drove away.



Chloe was busy with the laundry outside when the two ladies made their way in.

They greeted. She went to get them chairs inside.

Them: "Thank you"

One of them: "Am Mbali"

Another one: "Hlelo"

Chloe: "Am Chloe, are you twins?"

Them: "Yes. Are you alone here?"

Chloe: "Yes I am."

Mbali: "Your boyfriend left?"

She chuckled.

Chloe: "He's not my boyfriend. But my boyfriend's child"

Hlelo: "What? He has a son that big? How old is he?"

Chloe: "Turning 33 this year"

Mbali: "And his son?"

Chloe: "Turning 21 this year" they started counting.

Hlelo: "No! 12 years? Getting someone pregnant?"

Chloe laughed.

Chloe: "He's quite a catch if you ask me. So its expected. Did you guys come here for anything

Mbali: "We thought you are uptight so we made a bet that we come here and make a conversation.
If you're the opposite of what we thought you are we gonna be your friends"

Chloe laughed.

Chloe: "Why would you conclude am uptight?"

Hlelo: "Because you're too beautiful I think"

Chloe: "Oh please. So? Are you my friends or what?"

Mbali: "Yes. As long as you gonna introduce us to your boyfriend's brothers"

Chloe: "Its true what they say about Mbalis" she laughed.

Mbali: "What do they say?"

Chloe: "Stress free wena babes. Wanna eat?"

Hlelo: "Yes"

She stood up and went inside.

Hlelo: "Is she pregnant?" She whispered to Mbali.

Mbali: "Ducks do not make it to heaven"

Hlelo rolled her eyes.

Hlelo: "That explains her beauty"

Mbali: "And us loving her this much"

Hlelo: "We must come for sleep overs. Am sure mother wouldn't mind"

Mbali: "As long as you're the one doing the talking"

Hlelo: "As if you ever do any of the talking"

Chloe came back with two plates in a tray. She served them and sat down.
Hlelo: "Do you mind if we do sleep overs?"

Chloe: "Not at all. Actually that would be lovely. This house has become too big"

They nudged each other in excitement. Chloe smiled looking at them.



My phone rang. It was Khethiwe.

Me: "My jub jub"

Khethiwe: "I thought you were fetching me today"

Me: "About that. Khule asked me to come and look after Khethelo. I sent a cab to fetch you"

Khethiwe: "You didn't have to love. Thank you"

Me: "Its gonna bring you here. Khethelo isn't leaving that room anytime soon"

Khethiwe: "Not happening"

Me: "Please"

Khethiwe: "How will we explain that? Everyone knows we're water and paraffin"

Me: "You'll them you came looking for Q"

Khethiwe: "Just say you want your brothers to know about us"

Me: "Yes and that I am still on probation" she laughed.

Khethiwe: "The last thing I need is your brothers thinking am some sort of psycho"

Khethelo came in and went to the fridge.

Me: "Never mind she's awake"

Khethiwe: "OK love I'll see you later"

Me: "Who said anything about seeing each other?"

Khethiwe: "I just did"

Me: "Okay. I love you"

Khethiwe: "Really? Infront of Khethelo?"

Me: "Okay I don't love you bye"

Khethelo was staring at me.

Khethelo: "You really love her, don't you?"

Me: "A lot"

Khethelo: "When are we meeting her?"

Me: "Not anytime soon."

Khethelo: "As long as we'll meet her, take all the time you need"

Me: "Don't tell your boyfriend"

She chuckled and dramatically zipped her lips.

We went silent for a while.

Khethelo: "Uhm...Can I ask you something? Am sorry I have to ask you this" I hesitantly said:

Me: "Yeah sure"

She had been crying.

Khethelo: "How was he with Lesego, did he abuse her in any form?"

Me: "Did he..."

Khethelo: "No no no. " she quickly said.

Me: "But why would you ask that?"

Khethelo: "Am just concerned"

Me: "That is why you were crying?"

Khethelo: "No. We fought, that's all."

Me: "I see. I'd be lying if I said I have ever heard or witnessed any. But they were happy, I had no
idea what was happening behind closed doors"

She nodded.

She walked up the stairs. Leaving me battling in my head. If he beat her up, that would be a total


Khulekani pushed the door opened. Tamia jumped to her feet.

Khule: "Are you crazy? What are you planning to achieve from all this?"

Tamia: "Don't come here with that. She had to know!"

Khule: "Know what? What does she have to do with anything? And how the hell did she know about

Tamia: "I called her congratulating on her engagement. I have no idea how she found me"

She walked to the balcony. He followed her.

Khule: "And what is the miscarriage you told her about?"

Tamia: "Just leave Khulekani"

Khule: "Fuck no! You need to go back where you were. You never told me about any miscarriage but
told my wife?"

Tamia: "She's not your wife!"

Khule: "Jesus Tamia! What has gotten to you. I thought we were past this."

Tamia: "Well we aren't! I am struggling to get over the loss of our child"

Khule: "A child that I never knew about"

Tamia: "Because I wanted to forget about it okay. You have no idea what demage you did to me"

Me: "That is why I suggested you go for therapy."

Tamia: "I didn't need that, well at least so I thought"

Khule: "So you only realized yesterday that you're struggling to get over this?"

She kept quiet.

Khule: "I've apologized, you know I didn't mean to and up to this day I am still sorry. Why would you
want to ruin this chance of happiness I've been given"

Tamia: "Because since she came in the picture you've stopped acknowledging me, you stopped
checking up on me."

Khule: "O. So that's what this is about? Jealousy? Scaring her off?"

Tamia: "What's so special about her?"

Khule: "I love her. She makes me happy, without trying."

Tamia: "A total opposite of me?"

Khule: "Don't do this to yourself. I think its best we stop working together."

Tamia: "You don't mean that"

Khule: "Tamia I swear to you if you ever step anywhere near my wife..." He inhaled and walked back
inside heading for the door.

Tamia: "You'll do what you did to the rest of them? Be my guest"

He turned.

Khule: "If you want to see how far worse I can get. Keep on contacting Khethelo."

He walked out, leaving the door open.



I found Bonga and Lamu swimming. Who swims at 5pm. I went to change and then went to watch

Bonga: "We cooked"

Me: "Where was Mam Thabethe?"

Bonga: "Told her to take a day off."

Me: "Mmmmh."

Lamu: "Daddy jump in"

Me: "I will. Tomorrow though"

Lamu: "Don't be a pushy daddy"

I looked at Bonga.

Bonga: "I had no idea he was listening"

Me: "Don't ever say that to an adult. The aeroplane that deliver ice cream will not stop by"

Lamu: "Am sorry" he spit on the air. "Go away demon"

Me: "Good boy"

My phone beeped.
"Hey. I did not appreciate what you did this morning. Never come here. Only come when you want
to talk to your sister and never shout at me. Am not your child or your girlfriend. I don't report my
moves to you. Need some service?"


"No" I responded.

"Suit yourself."

I locked the phone and put it back on my pocket.



I drove in and parked. The whole house was dark. I couldn't bring myself to go inside. I didn't know
what I'd say to her.

I hooped off and headed inside. I switched the light on. Tyler was nowhere in sight. I went upstairs. I
switched the light on. She was sleeping peacefully. I switched the light off, closed the door and went
to my study.

I lit my cigarette and smoked.

The door swung open. She came in and placed the tray with supper before me.

Me: "Thank you"

She nodded and headed for the door.

Me: "Can we talk?"

She turned and fastened her robe.

Me: "I don't like it when you're like this. Shout and strangle me to death if that's what will make you
feel better. Am sorry you had to find all that out"
Khethelo: "Why? Why did you beat her up?" She said after a while of staring consent. She was so
calm and that was messing with me. I sighed.

Me: "I was messed up."

She gave me the "go ahead" look.

"When she confessed her feelings for me...I thought she was going to replace Lesego so I gave us a
chance. Each and everyday I felt the void of her in my life. The going got though, I got mad that she
couldn't replace her. I started finding comfort in alcohol, I lived on the edge. I have nothing to justify
why I beat her up but I had this resentment inside me. I was frustrated and she was there to fall a
victim. I took it all out on her"

Khethelo: "What is going to happen when you realize I can't replace her?"

Me: "What? I dealt with that. You're no one's replacement. She was once, I do not expect any one
to be her. You're different, I love you."

Khethelo: "How do I know you will not do that to me?"

Me: "I am not that man anymore. I was broken. That was the worst time to date. I changed, I have
changed. I will never hurt you. No matter what."

Khethelo: "Am scared Khulekani. History repeat itself."

Me: "Not in my case babe I promise"

She looked at me then played with her Ring. I have never been so scared in my whole entire life.

Khethelo: "Why are you still working with her?"

Me: "I don't know. I feel like I owe her. I will stop if you're not okay with it"

Khethelo: "I am not okay with it"

Me: "I will stop then"

Khethelo: "I had a very traumatic experience of abuse. I don't know what I'd do if you ever hit me"

Me: "That would never happen."

I brought her closer to my chest.

Me: "Am sorry." She nodded. "How did you know where she is?" She moved off.

Khethelo: "Eat. Your food is getting cold"

Chapter Sixty-Four



Sam (Katlego's father) came in with warm milk. He handed Matlala (Katlego's mother) the cup and
sat beside her.

Sam: "You can't stay in this bed forever"

She sniffed and sipped her milk. Her eyes were puffy, her nose red from all the crying and blowing.

Matlala: "Not until they get who's responsible for this. They need to pay for this"

Sam: "The police are doing the best they could"

Matlala: "Do not tell me about those useless creatures. I want our private guys to look for those
men and kill them in cold blood"

Sam: "I need to get going"

He took his briefcase and headed out. He was sad his business partner had died but the way his wife
was taking all this did not sit well with him.

Matlala put away the cup and hugged the pillow then let it all out.

Matlala: "How could you leave me in this mess" she got louder and louder.



I woke up to my cellphone vibrating on top of the mini couch below the bed. I stretched my hand
and got it.

Me: "Jake"

Jake: "Are you still in bed?"

Me: "Yes. It's the morning. Normal people are still sleeping"

Jake: "Oh OK. The grandparents are going away on business"

Me: "When?"

Jake: "Tomorrow"
Me: "Are you gonna drive to Jo'burg?"

Jake: "No. But you are flying here."

Me: "What? No. Am pretty sure those old creeps got surveillance cameras all over Eastern Cape"

Jake: "We'll be extra careful"

Me: "I still have to consider this. Its too risky"

Jake: "I'd say take all the time you need but we don't have time"

Me: "I'll get back to you later today."

Jake: "Sure grootman"

I put the phone back on the couch and closed my eyes. My back had no mercy on me, sleeping on
the floor isn't child's play. She was sleeping peacefully on my chest. The events of last night's make-
up session flooded my mind. I smiled and drifted back into sleep.



I arrived at home around 4am. I bathed before getting into bed. Night shifts are my worst nightmare.

I felt a hand caressing my cheek, then kissed my lips. I held her hand and kissed it, without opening
my eyes.

Katlego: "I want chocolate" she whispered. Didn't she just drive here?

Me: "I'll get it for you when we wake up. Sleep"

Katlego: "Don't you want marago?" She whispered again.

Me: "I do. But when I've rested enough"

Katlego: "Aowa Chris its half past 6, you came home at 4 o'clock. You've rested enough" I opened
my eyes. She smiled. Jesus!

Me: "What flavor do you want?"

Katlego: "Of a condom?"

Me: "No. Chocolate"

Katlego: "Oh" she laughed. "Rum and raisins"

Me: "I'll go get it for you. Do not leave this room until I get back."
I slid off the bed and dressed up. I took my wallet and car keys. She took off her shoes and got under
the sheets. I walked out. I went to the guest's guestroom, locked, undressed and got under the

I'd rather be stabbed to death than to drive in this state. My eyes were literally heavy. I can't wait to
be single, because am getting dumped after this.



Arriving at work every head turned with this girl. Nkule had worked her magic on me. From the head
to the toe.

I settled on my work station with my cup of coffee. I was reading online 'Billionaire Bargain'. All we
need is these men we read about. Rich, faithful and hot.

"I hope you'll still drink this one"

I brought my eyes up. I smiled.

Me: "I could never say no to coffee"

Khuboni: "I don't mind being your coffee guy"

Me: "Am I not the lucky one?"

Khuboni: "You are. I'll see you later then"

Me: "Thank you for the coffee"

Khuboni: "Its only a pleasure madam"

I smiled. He walked away. Everyone is nice around here.

My phone rang.

Me: "MaNgcobo's yellow bone"

Tyler: "Hello Mphangiseni's only girl. Send me the location of your workplace I wanna stop by"

Me: "I will. When are you going back to work?"

Tyler: "13 February"

Me: "When is that?"

Tyler: "Don't you have a calendar there?"

Me: "No not yet"

Tyler: "It's on Monday. Bye"

He hung up before I could say bye back. Luvo arrived, looking beautiful like anyone else in this place.

Luvo: "Hey there"

Me: "Hi."

Luvo: "Everything clarified?"

Me: "Yes. Thank you"

Luvo: "You're a fast learner. Someone will deliver your lunch"

Me: "Thank you"

She walked away. I went back into my reading.



Men are so nice after fights. I found myself in bed when I woke up. I went to take a bath and came
back to an already made bed and freshly squeezed orange juice, creamy pancakes and fruit salad on
top of the mini table.

Thank God for the internet. Because there's no way in hell my very own Khulekani been knew how
to do this.

I devoured in. The door opened.

Khule: "Is it eatable?"

Me: "Its perfect my love. Thanks to Tamia" he frowned at that. "I wouldn't be eating this if she had

Khule: "I get it. And I'd appreciate it if we never mention her name"

Me: "Yes Sir"

He came to sit next to me and helped me eat my food that I would've finished on my own.


"What are you doing today?"

Me: "Salon and lunch with the girls"

Khule: "Oh. When are we going to choose the cake?"

Me: "Saturday babe"

Khule: "I can't wait" he said excitedly. I have no idea why such an adult could be addicted to so
much sugar. Ice cream, honey, sweets and cakes.

Me: "I have no idea why you guys always complaining about Lamu loving sugary things. He takes
after you"

Khule: "You've never seen me running around like a headless chicken after consuming sugar"

Me: "Its not about that. Its about what you use that energy for. I am always the victim of too much

Khule: "What do I do?"

Me: "Calling me faking headaches so you have your way with me in your office and Keep me up all
night leaving my vagina regretting to have ever meeting you"

He was in stitches.

Khule: "Hhai baby maybe you should slow down in being so attractive"

Me: "No tell me really, what comes over you when you call me to come to your office and have

Khule: "Its not like that. My intentions are usually innocent but as soon as you step in I just wanna
be buried between your thighs" I laughed.

Me: "I don't trust that. You're too naughty"

He kissed my cheek. And put aside the tray. He started kissing me.

Khule: "Let's make a baby"

Me: "Trust me we made Quads last night"

I stood up and ran out.


Hlelo and Mbali knocked at Chloe's place. Chloe opened. She smiled.

Hlelo: "Hey. We are going to fetch water. Are you going?"

Chloe: "Yeah. Am almost out of water anyway"

They waited outside while she gets the bucket. She locked then they left.

Hlelo: "You should give us your numbers"

Chloe: "I don't have a phone"

Mbali: "What? Why?"

Chloe: "For safety purposes"

Hlelo: "You are not in touch with your boyfriend?"

Chloe: "It's complicated."

Mbali: "I see. You can use ours if you'd like"

Chloe: "Am not supposed to be in touch with anyone. Except for Bonga"

Hlelo: "That's really complicated"

Chloe: "I know right."

They got to the river. Chloe was walking before them. She screamed so loud and ran to hide behind
Mbali. They also got scared for seconds till their eyes landed on the rocks, they laughed.

Hlelo: "You're scared of them?"

Chloe: "What's up with you people and snakes!"

Mbali: "They're harmless"

Hlelo walked to the rock where the snakes were laying.

She picked one up.

Hlelo: "Mbali! There's a new pair. They're 4" she said excitedly.

Mbali followed and went to take the other one.

Mbali: "No! They're so beautiful"

They stood there admiring the new pair.

Chloe stood far away from them scared to death. Mbali attempted chasing after her. She threw the
bucket down and ran for her life. They rolled in laughter.

Hlelo: "We're messing with you. Come back"

Chloe: "Well it's not funny!"

Mbali: "Sorry. Come"

Chloe: "Throw those things away!"

Hlelo: "They wanna say Hi"

Chloe: "Am not their friend"

Mbali laughed and went to take her bucket.

Mbali: "We'll fill it for you"

Chloe: "And bring it to my house. Because am not getting anywhere near that river"

They laughed.

Hlelo: "OK"

She walked away getting startled by every movement in the grass.



She sent me a text telling me she's outside. I let her in. Bonga was out with Tyler.

She got in and sat on the single couch opposite mine, legs crossed.

Me: "Hi"
Nkule: "Hello Quinton"

Me: "Why are you here?"

Nkule: "Why are you so bitter?"

Me: "I had no idea that asking people what are they doing in your house is being bitter"

Nkule: "Am concerned by your behavior lately Q"

Me: "Am not sure I follow"

Nkule: "You're making this feel like a relationship"

Me: "Oh?"

Nkule: "Yes. You have a girlfriend. Am just... Your booty call"

Me: "Tell me something I don't know. Are you done?"

I stood up and went to take my beer.

Nkule: "Yes am done talking. Are we on the same page?"

Me: "The last time I checked this was a house"

She chuckled and came to stand before me.

Nkule: "Am I getting dick or what?"

Me: "No"

She ran her hands down to my shaft without losing eye contact. She grabbed it.

There was something about her that I just couldn't resist.

Nkule: "You want me, don't you?"

Nothing as deceiving as a penis. She untied her dress and took it off.

Me: "You need to stop messing with my mind woman"

She smiled. I picked her up and kissed her. I laid her on the couch. And kissed her all the way down...


Well I arrived earlier than everyone. I ordered myself a huge ass blueberry milkshake. My phone
rang. Ugh the true definition of Men are trash. I declined it and blocked his number.

She hugged me from behind.

Khethelo: "Who died today? You're never in time"

Me: "If its not Chris Lindani Dube who else could it be?"

Khethelo: "He's dead?"

Me: "Yes, to me" she laughed. "its not funny. We're over"

Khethelo: "What did he do?"

Khethelo: "I went to his house-"

Khethelo: "You what? You know you're aren't allowed to"

Me: "I missed him"

Khethelo: "You should've called him to come over"

Me: "I did. He wasn't picking up... We're here, I said I want chocolate he dressed up and left. 5
hours, he was still not back"

Khethelo: "Is he cheating?" I rolled my eyes.

Me: "He was sleeping in the guestroom!"

She laughed till she cried. I couldn't wait for her to finish and tell me what's funny about this painful
thing that man did to me.

Khethelo: "Hhai no. Pastor Chris for President"

Emi arrived. We hugged, she sat down.

Emi: "I can't believe you guys made me fake stomach ache"

Me: "Didn't you say you knock off early today?"

Emi: "No I said Friday. Pray my manager does not show up here"

Me: "Ohho. We'll soften him up"

Emi: "Its a she. You won't believe what Tyler did today"

Khethelo: "He showed you his girlfriend"

Emi: "No. He brought me lunch, flowers and a calendar"

Me: "At work?" She nodded.

Us: "Ncoaa"

Khethelo: "That's so sweet."

Emi: "I don't think it was genuine. He wanted to score himself some ladies. You should've seen them
smitten when he introduced himself as my brother"

Khethelo: "I don't think so. He's cuffed. Whoever that lady is, we must throw her a party when he
finally introduces her"

Emi: "He's like that with everyone"

Khethelo: "No, this time its different"

Me: "I live to see that day, Tyler around a girlfriend. I wonder if he ever gets serious"

Emi: "He does"

Me: "That Lady must have heard a lot about you"

She chuckled.

Emi: "I hope she does because I don't want him knocking her out when I jump into him like he did to

We both looked at her.

Khethelo: "He what?"

She looked at us.

Emi: "Nothing"

Me: "He knocked his girlfriend out because you jumped into him?"

Emi: "I jumped into him, she slapped me, he punched her, she died-"

Me: "Died?"

Emi: "That's what we thought but she wasn't. Am forever thankful for that day though. My brothers
reunited again"

Khethelo: "Reunited?"

She looked at us again. Surprised that we have no idea about this I guess

Emi: "You didn't know? They had a fall out years back and mended things last year"

Khethelo looked at me.

What else do we not know about these people?



She hooped on and kissed my cheek. She was wet.

Khethiwe: "Why didn't you get in though"

Me: "I'll make you soup babe am sorry"

Khethiwe: "Its okay love. This rain has no timing. I just did my hair"

Me: "You can always do your hair. My house or yours?"

She was literally a resident in my house.

Khethiwe: "Yours. I want to sit on that massage couch."

Me: "Okay"

She adjusted her seat and closed her eyes. I drove on my normal speed without any lecture.

I punched the code and drove in. I parked and woke her up. I pulled her by hand.

Me: "Go upstairs and change I'll make you food"

I made us sandwiches and mixed vege. soup.

She came down looking like a hip hop star.

Me: "You didn't have to wear my sneakers" she chuckled. There's a thing about the hair let loose.

Khethiwe: "I'll go get the throw"

Me: "There's one in the lounge. Help me with the cups"

We went to lounge. We ate and watched a movie cuddling on the couch.

Me: "I can't wait for 20 March"

Khethiwe: "What's happening?"

Me: "Probation will be over"

She sat up straight.

Khethiwe: "So fast?"

Me: "What? This has been the longest 6 months in history of 6 months."

Khethiwe: "Didn't we start dating in January?"

Me: "No. We started in October babe"

Khethiwe: "How big it is?"

Me: "What?"

She pointed at my penis. I laughed. "Its tiny actually. You want it big?"

Khethiwe: "Whatever you're offering" I chuckled.

She slept on my chest again. "Thank you"

Me: "For what?"

Khethiwe: "For being patient with me. No man has ever waited this long. They all left after 2

Me: "I myself would've done the same thing if you did not bewitch me."

She laughed.

Khethiwe: "Wow am hurt"

Me: "Why do you make them wait?"

Khethiwe: "Because I want to give my virginity to someone I know and comfortable with. Even
though they might leave I don't want to regret it"

My head was still spinning.

Me: "You're a virgin?"

Khethiwe: "Yes." She tilted her head to look at me. "Is that a problem?" Of course! I have a very
traumatic experience of breaking someone's virginity. I was held at gun point by her father. My
father beat me up I ended up at Netcare.

Me: "No, not at all." She nodded. "Why are you still a virgin"
Khethiwe: "Because I've never slept with a man"

Me: "Why?"

Khethiwe: "I've never felt the need to"

Me: "So after next month you'll be willing to?" She nodded. "That's not how it goes my love. You
have to be emotionally, physically and mentally ready for that. And you must not give it just to
anyone but to someone who loves you."

Khethiwe: "You love me right?"

Me: "More than you think I do and I am willing to wait for you."

Khethiwe: "Am ready"

Me: "For what?"

Khethiwe: "To have sex with you"

Me: "Very tempting but no. We are going to wait"

I kissed her forehead.

Khethiwe: "I love you"

Me: "I love you more"



Shortly after Nkule left I received a call from Charles, telling me to rush to the White House.

I parked next to his car and walked inside the house. I found him with some of the gents.

Me: "Eita"

Them: "Sure sure bra Q"

Me: "What's going on?"

Charles: "Come"

We walked out the back door. There was a cage with 6 lions. Big ass Lions.

Me: "Lions?"

Charles: "Yes.

Should we kill them?"

Me: "No. Let me call Khulekani first"

He picked up after a while.

Me: "What the fuck man. What is this?"

Khule: "What?"

Me: "On the cage!"

Khule: "Oh its Lions"

Me: "Of course I see that. What are they doing here?"

Khule: "They are hired, my new employees to take care of anyone who steps on my toes. People
aren't afraid of guns anymore. I love what they did to Nzinga and his son." He laughed.

Me: "Am taking them back. How the hell did you even steal them"

Khule: "You can take Scar back, not Simba and Mufasa."

He hung up.

Chapter Sixty-Five




I almost fell off the bed trying to get up and attend the door. These people who grew up without
toys find the door bell very amusing. One press is enough!

I opened. He flashed me a smile.

Chris: "Sphalaphala sami. Mother of my children. Good morning"

He leaned over and kissed my lips. The aroma of fried chips hit my nostrils. "How are my people?"

Me: "Angry and hungry"

Chris: "Shame my poor babies. I figured that you might be dying of hunger wherever you are so I
bought you all the greasy food in the world"

I smiled. And don't judge me. Its the hormones. I am still angry... Maybe not anymore. Ugh
I let him in and went to rinse the plates and dished up for myself. He said he's fine so more for

Once he gets the remote and change to that Discovery channel its done and dusted I get single.

Me: "Can we watch something else?"

Chris: "Of course" he turned the TV off. Why? Men "When are we going for sonar?"

Oh there's that.

Me: "Anytime you want. When are you free?"

Chris: "Today. I have a gynaecologist friend. I'll ask her to squeeze us in"

Me: "The one in hospital wasn't so clear"

Chris: "I'll bring the camera this time" His excitement was so priceless. The way his face lit up
whenever the baby topic comes up.

Me: "Its good to see you this happy"

Chris: "How could I not? Am having a child with a woman I love" Ice in the heat... Melt.

Me: "You need to stop sweet talking me. Am still angry"

He laughed and kissed me. My phone rang. I broke the kiss.

Me: "Hello"

Caller: *Sniff*

Me: "Helloo?"

Caller: "Katlego..." Oh hell no.

Me: "Matlala"

Chris looked at me and frowned.

Her: "You have to come home"

Me: "I do not have a home"

Her: "Your fa-"

I dropped the call. I tried to hold them back I couldn't. He just hugged me. The nerve of this woman.
She legit made it clear that I was no longer part of them. She denied to negotiate with the Nzinga's
to perform the ritual for me while my life was nearly ending. The same woman who sold me to the
highest bidder.

She must be kidding me.



Arriving at work I went to my first meeting that lasted for an hour, going back and forth about
charging them lower than 30%. We are one of the best constructions in South Africa, our service
does not come cheap.

It was all pointless because I wasn't willing to compromise.

I sat down on my chair and drank water. I called Glade in. She came in and sat down.

Me: "Could you please book me a flight to PE?"

Glade: "Going away on business?"

Me: "No, personal affairs. Use my account not the company's"

Glade: "For you only?"

Me: "Please check the available flights so long. I want to confirm something"

She nodded and walked out. I called Khethelo.

Khethelo: "Dube elimthende"

Me: "MaQwabe. How are you my love?"

Khethelo: "Am good. How's it going?"

Me: "Very good thank you." Silence. "Look, I know you said you would stay behind, haven't you
changed your mind?"

Khethelo: "No babe. Go and have fun with your daughter. Just in case they find out."

Me: "We'll go together then you'll stay behind at a hotel when I go to meet her"

She went quiet for a while.

Khethelo: "OK. Are we driving there or?"

Me: "Thank you. This means a lot to me. I'll book us a flight"

Khethelo: "OK. I love you. Gotta finish this up"

Me: "I love you more."

I hung up. I was nervous. I needed her by my side in order to survive. I told Glade to book everything
for 2, then went to my following meeting.



I took my phone and called him.

Tyler: "Am driving in"

Me: "What took you so long?"

Tyler: "I was hungry I passed by MaZungu's kitchen"

I hung up and called Khethiwe in.

Me: "Am signing the Lukhuni project"

Khethiwe: "Didn't you say they were too shady?"

Me: "I misread everything"

Khethiwe: "Shall book you an appointment with Advocate Nzima?"

Me: "No I'll take care of that. I would you to check in with the auditors."

Khethiwe: "I'll get on it. Was that all?"

Me: "Yes."

She walked out. I checked for new proposals. I dailed Khule.

Khule: "I was about to call you"

Me: "Yeah Lion King champ. I need 4 new trucks"

Khule: "Want to steal them?"

Me: "What? No. I need a new dealer. The Khumalo's wanna suck me dry"

Khule: "I'll see what I can do. Can we meet? Before 4pm"

Me: "Yes. Is everything okay?"

Khule: "Everything is fine. Look, I'll send you the location. Gotta go"

Me: "Sure"

The door pushed open. Tyler came in. I put the phone down.

Me: "Is Khethiwe on her work station?"

Tyler: "Yes"

Me: "And you just came in without any fight?"

Tyler: "She did not see me. What did you want to talk about?"

Me: "The miracle!" I pressed Khethiwe's office. "Just a second. Please come here"

The door opened. She stopped when she saw Tyler.

Khethiwe: "How did you get in?"

Tyler: "Like you did"

Khethiwe: "I don't recall you making an appointment"

Tyler: "That's because your boss is the one who called me"

She rolled her eyes.

Me: "You should just get married" they looked at each other and laughed. Okay. "Please order us
food Miss"

Khethiwe: "Nandos?"

Me: "Yes"

She walked out.

Me: "She's beautiful, isn't she?"

Tyler: "I didn't know bosses get to make such comments about their PAs"

Me: "But she is beautiful. When are going back to work?"

Tyler: "Monday"

Me: "I'd like you to be our lawyer"

Tyler: "My service doesn't come cheap"

Me: "Of course."

Tyler: "500k for 2 months. Extra 25% when you consult"

Me: "Just say you want all my money"

He laughed.

Tyler: "Am joking. I'll charge you but not that much"

Me: "Thank you. I am signing Lukhuni so I need a contract"

Tyler: "When do you need it?"

Me: "Thursday"

Tyler: "Okay."

He smiled at his phone.

Me: "When are we meeting her?"

He kept typing and smiling. "Tyler?" He brought his eyes up.

Tyler: "Huh?"

Me: "When are we meeting her?"

Tyler: "Aren't you scared of eating poison now?"

Me: "We are. That's why we'll be the one hosting. Like we did to Chloe"

Tyler: "We're still getting to know each other"

Me: "You're over the dream"

Tyler: "Over the moon"

Me: "Whatever."

He laughed and went back to his texting.



The Nzinga elders gathered all in the dining room discussing the funeral arrangements.

Elder1: "We want a peaceful funeral. No tabloids"

Elder2: "I agree."

Elder1: "And the will must be read tomorrow after the funeral"

Pitso: "Not happening"

Elder 1: "It is not a request"

Pitso: "Why would you even bother about the will? He left everything to his son and wife"

Elder 2: "Everyone please calm down. The will is going to be read when Angel is ready"

They all agreed to that. Pitso asked one of the elders to take him upstairs to where his mother was
and the rest of the female elders. He sat him on the chair and walked out.

Pitso: "Don't let them read dad's will. Only Lungelo's"

His mother looked at him.

Her: "Really? Right now? I don't care if they don't read it at all. I don't care about all this! Why are
you people all concerned about what he left for who? Get out"

Pitso: "Mother..."

Her: "Please get someone to walk him the hell out of here"

She started crying. The other women shushed her.

{At the Mokgothos}

Matlala put the bag on the closet. The door opened.

She came down and sat on the bed.

Matlala: "Are you okay?"

Amo: "Do they know?"

Matlala: "Your father isn't dying baby"

Amo: "We don't know that. What if the results come back negative? What if someone who'll be able
to give him a kidney is Lulama or Katlego?"

Matlala looked up trying to fight back the tears.

Matlala: "I don't know baby. I don't know"

Amo: "I can't afford to lose him mama"

Matlala sat beside her and hugged her.

Matlala: "We won't lose him baby. God is here. God will not forsaken us"

Amo: "What did they say? Are they going to come?"

Matlala: "Lulama is unreachable. I tried Katlego, it rang unanswered. But I texted her"

She kissed Amo's forehead. She was worried her husband is sick but somehow she wanted him to
not survive because she knew once Amo's paternity surfaces it'll be over for her.



I found Chris already seated. I sat down too.

Me: "Have you ordered?"

Chris: "No. Not until you free me out of my misery. What's going on?"

Me: "Let's wait for... Oh here they are"

They sat down. Then they all looked at me.

Me: "Am going to EC"

Chris: "Alone?"

Me: "Yes. Her grandparents are in London. So I have this only chance to see her"

Quinton: "And you're only telling us now?"

Me: "Yes. Because I wasn't sure if its a good idea"

Chris: "And you think it is?"

I looked at him.

Quinton: "Yes. Do you?"

Me: "Yes."

Quinton: "Okay. Who are you going with?"

Me: "With Khethelo"

Chris: "We're coming with you"

Me: "No... You don't have to"

Chris: "I'll never forgive myself if you went there on your own because you're not going to be seen
with Khethelo and their granddaughter"

Me: "No. You are staying behind to look after Katlego"

Chris: "As long as Quinton is going with you"

I looked at Q.

Me: "Fine. Maybe Khethelo should stay behind"

Tyler: "I'll look after them"

Me: "Thank you"

Quinton: "That's what we are here for"

Tyler: "Thats so Lady like"

His phone rang. He excused himself. We ordered.

Chris: "Katlego's mother called this morning"

Me: "What did she want?"

Chris: "She dropped the call before she could say anything"

Quinton: "Maybe she's changed her mind about asking the Nzingas"

Chris: "Those people are mourning there's no way they will do that any time soon"

Me: "True. I'll get someone to find out what's going on"

Chris: "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Me: "Like?"

Chris: "The Nzingas dying"

Me: "They were eaten by lions. Didn't you watch the news?"

Chris: "After you disappeared the whole day?"

Me: "You're imagining things"

Quinton: "I think am in love"

We both looked at him. Chris started laughing, I joined in.

Quinton: "Okay maybe not in love but I like her"

Me: "What is happening with you and Tyler?"

Quinton: "What is funny there?"

Me: "That you like someone."

Quinton: "I've let go of Phindi so I guess its expected"

Chris: "So finally Chloe finds a way to your heart?"

Quinton: " It's not her"

Me: "Don't tell me it is Khethelo's friend"

Chris: "He wouldn't dare, would you?"

He blankly stated at us. He looked so stupid right now.

Me: "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Quinton: "It just happened"

Me: "I thought you were smart"

Quinton: "She likes me too"

Me: "You still have to marry Chloe. Never forget that"

Quinton: "Do you have to spoil my mood. Yes I care about her but I am not marrying her"

Me: "You need to get over those feelings."

Quinton: "Not happening. Did you find Tyler's woman?"

Me: "I haven't got time to investigate that. Am having hard time to track down whoever sent me
that flash disk"

Chris: "What flash disk?"

Me: "About some dodgey deals"

He nodded.

Quinton: "I've given up on finding Chloe"

Chris: "Why? So you'll tell her you love your fuck Buddy? Come on. Let the poor woman be"

Quinton: "She's carrying my kids!"

Me: "Did you know that when you beat her to death?"

Quinton: "She did not die"

Chris: "If it wasn't for those kids. She'd be dead"

Quinton: "I need a smoke"

He left.


I said my goodbye to the stuff and went to the lot. I got in my car, fastened the seat belt and started
the engine.

I drove off. I felt a Cold metal on my neck. I turned. He looked scary

"Turn left" he said with a very deep commanding voice.

I peed on myself.... WFT

Chapter Sixty-Six



I took my bag and walked out of my room.

I found Bonga and Lamu watching TV.

Me: "I hope no one gets pregnant"

Bonga: "What?"

Me: "Its half 6 and you just arrived"

Bonga: "That's because we passed by mommy Katlego's place"

Me: "Is she okay?"

Bonga: "No. But she convinced us she is. She wasn't herself. Something is bothering her"

Me: "She'll be fine. We're flying to EC"

Bonga: "When?"

Me: "I take it, its safe to go or else your gogo would've told you to stop us"

Bonga chuckled.

Bonga: "No she didn't. When are you coming back?"

Me: "Sunday. Take Lamu to Khethelo or Emi if you have somewhere to go to"
Lamu: "I want chicken"

Me: "Bonga will order it"

Lamu: "Where are you going?"

Me: "Eastern Cape"

Lamu: "Okay. Don't kiss girls"

I laughed.

Me: "I won't soldier. Stop kissing girls in front of him"

Bonga: "He saw that in a movie"

They walked me out...


Khethelo's hands were shaking, her whole body numb. She was failing to keep the car on the road.
But she managed to drive until they were out of Jo'burg. Heading to Heidelberg. The sun had set.

"Stop" said the man. She stopped. In the middle of nowhere.

"Don't try anything stupid. Move to the passenger seat" he said.

He took out his phone.

Him: "Ngamla"

His boss: "Tell me you have good news"

Him: "Yes I got her."

His boss laughed.

His boss: "Where are you now?"

Him: "Just passed the Heidelberg mall"

His boss: "Go to Vaal. Burn that car. I'll send you a car."

Him: "No need. I'll just take one here on the road"

His boss: "I'll see you in the later"

He hung up.

Him: "Get off"

She just sat there as though she was glued to the seat.

He got off and dragged Khethelo out. She fell on her knees.

He flagged down the coming car. It did not stop.

Him: "Fuck! Hey, get up"

He pulled her up.

Him: "Try to stop the next car" Khethelo shook her head. He slapped her hard. "Do what I fucking
tell you to do!"

He crouched before her.

Him: "Do you want to die?" She quickly shook her head no. "Good. Now get up and stop that car"

She slowly got up and tried to be strong. She flagged down the car. It stopped. The driver rolled
down the window.

Driver: "Are you-"

The man dragged him out of the car and kicked him rapidly.

Him: "Get in the car"

Khethelo: "Stop you're hurting him!" She was crying hysterically.

He pushed the driver to the bush. Took out a gun and shot him continuously. Khethelo screamed and
ran away....



She gave me a dish cloth to wipe my hands then handed me food. Thanks to Khethelo for teaching
this model C girlfriend of mine that men are served in a tray. She's a buffet person. Not that I mind.
But being served in a tray makes you feel all types of important.
Me: "Thank you"

She sat down.

Katlego: "Are you sleeping over?"

Me: "That's if you allow me"

Katlego: "Don't be silly. I miss falling asleep in your arms"

Me: "Really? And some days you want to stab me?"

She giggled.

Katlego: "Yes. I want to show you something"

She stood up and pulled her dress up.

Katlego: "Do you see it?"

Me: "You're showing?"

She huffed.

Katlego: "What's new in me?"

Me: "Underwear?" She chuckled.

Katlego: "You're so ignorant. The birthmark"

Me: "No ways! How?"

It was exactly like mine.

Katlego: "I wanted to ask Bab Gede about it but forgot"

Me: "You've known about it that long?"

Katlego: "Yeah. I saw it when we were in Pretoria. We had a lot going on I forgot about it"

Me: "I've noticed it"

Katlego: "That's because your eyes always land on my boobs and my vagina when am naked"

Me: "And stomach."

Katlego: "I have no idea why it is not big already. Am 16 weeks for crying out loud"

Me: "You want it to be big?"

Katlego: "Yes. And walk like a duck. Have you carrying my bags in the mall"
I laughed.

Me: "You like slavering me around miss, don't you"

Katlego: "You must pay for getting me pregnant Sir"

Me: "I've already paid. I started the first time I suspected you"

Katlego: "You knew. Why did you force me to do the tests?"

Me: "Because you were acting crazy. Nectarines, Peaches."

She laughed.

Katlego: "I used to eat it with tomato. Oh Lord I should've known"

Me: "Why are you disgusted. You consumed that"

Katlego: "Aowa Chris its revolting"

My phone rang. I took it.

Me: "Dube"

Khule: "Hhei bafo. We just landed. Have you seen Khethelo?"

Me: "That's great. No I haven't."

Khule: "Been trying to get hold of her but she's not answering. Even Liam"

Me: "Maybe she's upset you cancelled on her"

Khule: "Yeah I figured."

Me: "We'll go check on her in the morning"

Khule: "Please do"

Me: "Be careful in everything you do there"

Khule: "We will"

Me: "Okay. All the best"

Khule: "Thank you. Am nervous though"

Me: "Of course you are."

We said goodbye and I hung up. Katlego had gone to the kitchen.
Me: "Babe, have you spoken to Khethelo?"

She came back.

Katlego: "Yeah around 5"

Me: "Oh"

Katlego: "Why? Is everything okay?"

Me: "Yeah everything is fine"



I tried lifting up my head. I failed. I looked at my surroundings. Reality hit me hard. I wasn't on my

There was no air coming in there was only one tiny window, I could tell it was the morning. The just
came out. The room was dirty, smelly, there were dead rats at the corner.

My whole body was in pain. Who does this to other human beings. So much cruelty. There was
blood where I was lying, from my nose when they kicked and punched me mercilessly.

The heat became unbearable. I tried to take off my blouse and fan myself. It did not help one bit. I
had no energy. The door roughly opened.

The same man came in followed by 2 other men.

He shoved me the plate with gross food.

Him: "Eat"

I just looked at him.

Him: "If you don't eat. You'll be punished"

I just closed my eyes and prayed silently.

They grabbed me up and pulled me out. He opened the second door and pushed me inside.

Him: "You'll stay here until you decide you want to eat"

Me: "What do you want?"

I said for the first time since I arrived in this place. He chuckled.

Him: "Finally she speaks..." He went hard faced again. "I want your boyfriends wealth. And yes
you're my golden ticket to it"

So this is about Khulekani.

Me: "Why do you have to get to him through me? Are you a coward that have his way by torturing
women? Am Khulekani's woman not child or sister. You can threaten to kill me, he still wouldn't give
you shit. Because am replaceable. Why didn't you capture him and talk to him man to man?"

He slapped me so hard I hit my head on the wall. He kicked and punched me again.

Him: "You think you're clever neh? I know he'd give up anything just to save you. You're his greatest
possession. His precious property." He turned to the 2 men. "Feast on her. Don't fuck her too rough.
I might like me some her"

He walked out and closed the door. Oh Lord please intervene....



I placed my phone down and ate. Quinton joined in and sat down.

Quinton: "Still can't get hold of them?"

Me: "Yes. And Chris isn't answering too"

Quinton: "I'll text Tyler to go and check on her. Are you ready for today?"

Me: "Yes, a bit nervous but I am ready"

Quinton: "Have you called Jake?"

Me: "No. He said he'll call"

He nodded. We ate breakfast in silence. My mind was all over the place. I had to call the security
team and ask them if Khethelo arrived home last night. I took my phone.

Me: "What is the password to the surveillance cameras?"

Quinton: "Why didn't we think of that? I'll get the laptop"

I decided against the idea of calling.

He came back...

Quinton: "Something is up... The cameras are jammed"



I drove in. After struggling with the finger recognition. I knocked till I used the access card. The door

Me: "Khethelo!"

I walked upstairs. She was not in the master bedroom or any other room in this house. I was

The main door opened. I sighed in relief.

Me: "I thought you-"

Tyler appeared.

"Oh its you"

Tyler: "I found this at the gate"

I took it from him. I opened it.

I read and gave it to Tyler.

Tyler: "What the hell? There's a note"

I took it and read it.

'You have what I want and I have what you want. Nzinga might be dead but am not. You have 6
hours. Do the right thing before my boys finish up this pussy'

I looked at the signature. Only Ngema signs like this. What is up with these friends who turn into
enemies. He was ganging up on us with the Nzingas now.

Me: "We have to find Khethelo"

Tyler: "We have to call Khule"

Me: "Not until he meets with Phila. For now. I need my old contacts."

Tyler: "I'll have Charles tracking her car"

Me: "You seriously do not think they took her car with them."



I have seen all kinds of anger in the world but I had never seen Chris this angry.

Chris: "What are these fucking guards for! Bloody assholes!" Chris swearing?

He stormed out. I followed him like a little puppy. He got in his car.

Me: "Where are you going?" He looked at me like I just said something stupid.

Chris: "To kill everything that son of a bitch is related to. Right now, go fetch Katlego and go to Q's
house. Disable all cameras and alarms. Don't let those bloody fools near the house. Tell them to
leave when you get there"

His eyes had changed. What is happening?

He drove off. I got in my car and sped off.

I looked at my parents little portrait on my the necklace hanging on my car.

Me: "You guys forgot about us. For how long are we going to live in fear? We want to have kids, but
how is that possible when you let enemies take their mothers. You shouldn't have left is all this if
you knew it comes with so much bargain. You're supposed to be our shield but no. Its obstacles after
obstacles. They better not harm that poor lady. You've disappointed me. You promised mama. You
promised to always be there for us and Everyone we get into our lives. Act on it"

I was angry. What kind of parents leave their children to suffer this much. We've had enough. This
has to end. I unhooked the necklace and put it on cup holder.

Me: "You'll stay there until you realize you're parents and you left kids here. Who needs your

Chapter Sixty-Seven.



I handed Khethelo a glass of water. She had been crying since we arrived here and Tyler broke the

Me: "You need to ease up on worrying tour self. For the sake of the baby"

She blew her nose and drank water.

Katlego: "Is this how it will always be?"

I knew what she meant by that. But I had no idea how to answer it.

Me: "They'll fix it"

Katlego: "Why haven't they fixed it? This is not life. Only God knows what they are doing to her right
now as we speak...."

She wiped her tears. I also was at the verge of crying right now.

Me: "She'll come back home, Still intact."

She stood up and climbed up the staircase. I called Tyler, it went straight to voicemail. I called Q.

I know they said I shouldn't but now is not the time for them to play hero. The twins are old and this
is all because of them. They have to fix this...


Peter: "We are on it Sir"

Me: "How do you let that happen?"

Peter: "We're sorry Sir"

Me: "Do not Sir me. Don't fucking Sir me Peter. Track her car and cellphone!"

I hung up.

Me: "They're the most useless company on earth."

Khule: "We should hire another one."

Me: "No. We will do it ourselves."

My phone rang. Great.

Me: "What the hell man? Where have you been?"

Liam: "I lost signal yesterday. Is everything okay?"

Me: "Where's Khethelo?"

Liam: "I last spoke to her yesterday when she sent to deposit the money at the bank. When I came
back she was gone. I went home, she wasn't there either"

Me: "And you slept? Without knowing where she is? Without informing us?"

I hung up. There was a knock at the door. Khule went to get it while I called the Estate security
company. Something was odd about all this...


I opened the door. He stood there with his bodyguards. The staring consent goes on for more

Quinton: "Who is it?"

He stopped behind me when he saw him.

Quinton: "Mshazi"

He turned to his guards.

Him: "Wait here" he turned back to us. "May I come in?"

I made the way for him to get in. I closed the door. He sat on the mini desk.

Nzuza: "What are you doing here Dube?"

Me: "To do business" I looked at Q.

Nzuza: "I hate to say this but I will reopen the case. Reveal all your dirty deeds if you ever try to get
to my granddaughter again. You're a non factor in her life. I need you out of EC by 12pm."

I stood there with my eyes on my feet. He stood up and walked to the door. He stopped and turned.

Nzuza: "I don't know how you'll get that body to Jo'burg. But send people to come get him. That
bullet was meant for you. But you're a father of my grandchild, my daughter wouldn't approve of me
killing you"

He slammed the door.

Me: "Fuck!"

Quinton: "He killed him?" I nodded.

Quinton: "What the hell!"

Me: "I need to make some calls" .

My phone rang.

Me: "Liam"

Him: "Sir. I think Ma'am is in danger"

Me: "What do you mean you think she's in danger?"

Liam: "Her car is reportedly on the N2. Burned but only the interior. You need to come to Jo'burg...."



Ngema arrived home with his son.

Ngema: "Hi honey."

Kedi: "Hello stranger"

He kissed her cheek and sat down on a bar stool.

Ngema: "What's the occasion?"

Kedi: "Can't a wife cook for her favorite men in the world?"

Ngema looked at her and frowned.

He finally put his phone down.

Khuboni: "I'll go take a bath. I need to rest"

Kedi: "Aowa Khuboni. You just arrived home, you don't even greet now you want to sleep?"

Khuboni: "Old age is catching up with you Mrs Ngema. I'll be here for the whole of next week"

Kedi: "Is there a woman?"

Khuboni: "There'll never be a woman Mama. Not until I turn 34. This is no age for commitment"

His father looked at him.

Ngema: "Its true what they say... You never birth yourself"

Khuboni: "What? you expected me to have a child at 16? Get married at 20? Come on pensioners"

They laughed.

Kedi: "We're here today, aren't we?"

Khuboni: "Broody and all that."

Ngema: "Hey don't say that about us"

He laughed and went away.

Kedi: "Are you working on something?"

Ngema: "Yes. Dube is selling me his father's company"

Kedi: "Really? That's amazing."

Ngema: "More wealth for Amadlokovu"

Kedi: " While at that. I might as well break the news. We going to have a second born"
Ngema dramatically cleaned his ears.

Ngema: "What?" She nodded with tears in her eyes. They had trying. For years. He walked over and
kissed her.

Ngema: "When did you find out?"

Kedi: "Last week. Confirmed yesterday."

Ngema: "Am so happy. Finally we no longer have to beg Khuboni to visit us"

Kedi laughed.

Kedi: "He will be sad though"

Ngema: "He's 23. He'll get over it"

His phone rang. He excused himself and went out.

Kedibone continued stirring her pot.



It had been hours. They were butt naked. Playing with their penises that weren't erecting. God
works in mysterious ways.

The way they looked at me. They looked like hungry stray dogs looking at the bone through the

Short one: "Who's going first?"

Tall one: "You go first. Am still trying to get in the mood"

Short one: "Its been 5 damn hours. Your dick is dysfunctional"

Shorter one: "Is yours aroused? Don't bore me"

They kept playing with themselves.

Short one: "Yes!"

Tall one: "Are you getting aroused?"

Short one: "No but I am getting some new ideas to get aroused" he looked at his fellow Asshole.

They both looked at me. The tall one came to me.

Him: "Play with it"

He forcefully took my hand into his penis. I withdrew it. He slapped me.

Him: "Do you think you're clever?" I shook my head. My eyes were hurting from the crying. "I said
play with it!"

I slowly placed my hand on it.

Him: "I said play with it. Not touch it!"

Short one: "Strip her naked. Maybe we'll the boner. Her face looks like shit"

The tall one grabbed both my hands up while the short one stripped my clothes off. I couldn't fight.
My body failed me.

He touched my breasts. The other one parted my legs, I closed them. He slapped them and roughly
pulled them apart again.

Me: "Please stop" I said pushing him off. He pinned me down.

The one below. Sticked his fingers deep into my vagina. I screamed and kicked him off.

The taller one strangled me. My whole life flashed before me....



My phone rang as I reversed out Nkalakatha's yard.

Khule. Sigh.
Me: "Bafo"

Khule: "I need your sports car"

Me: "Where are you?"

Khule: "My house" he was too calm for my liking.

Me: "I take it you've seen the envelope"

Khule: "Yes I have and am concerned as to why wasn't I informed about this. They got my wife for
fuck's sake!"

Me: "I'll bring the car"

I hung up and sped off.

He was standing on the drive way smoking when I approached.

He jumped in. I drove off.

Khule: "where's Chris?"

Me: "I don't know. I went to Nkalakatha. He knows where she is"

Khule: "I just got off the off the phone with him. I wanted 4 of his guys to get me Ngema's wife."

I side eyed him.

Me: "So we're going to Vaal?"

Khule: "Yes."

Me: "Where's Q?"

He looked at me. I looked ahead the road. Who's stupid enough to fuck around by his wife? I'd never
think twice to cross this man. Right now He looked exactly like his father when he killed those men
who had us at gun point.

Khule: "Stop the car"

Me: "What?"

Khule: "Stop the car. Are you deaf?"

I pulled up.

He got out and walked over to my door. He opened it.

Khule: "Get off"

Me: "You want to drive?"

He gave the look that only him can pull. I got out. He got in and closed the door. He gave me my
phone and my wallet.

Khule: "Go to Q's. Go to the study. If one of us do not come back until next week. Don't bother to
fetch the body"

Me: "Why are you-"

He drove off. Fantastic.

I booked myself an uber. What Does he mean by "Don't bother to fetch the body"....



The sports car sped on the gravel road leaving dust behind. He pulled up at the gate. The walls were
as high as the sky. Another car pulled up behind him. Chris got off.

Khule squashed the cigarette butt.

Khule: " What took you so long?"

Chris: "I was waiting for...".

He took his phone and texted someone.

A pink car pulled up. Playing music on full blast.

She came out. She passed them and went to press the buzzer. She negotiated with the security. The
gate opened.

Khule took his gun and they walked inside. He shot the two bodyguards holding guns. Chris glanced
once at the pool of blood, Coco immediately took over.
Coco: " Go take Khethelo I'll deal with that sorry excuse of a man"

He said when they got inside the house. They went their separate ways. It was empty. No guards.

He opened the first door, there was nothing, he opened another one. Nothing. He opened another

He came across a large knife on the floor. He picked it up, he saw a ring. He took it. It was

His breathing got heavier. He Walked out as fast as lightning. He opened the following door.

The man that captured Khethelo looked at him once and pulled out his gun.

Coco got closer.

Man: "If you step any closer, I'll pop your brains out. Who the fuck are you?"

Coco got closer, he shot him. Coco grunted in pain. He got up and went straight to him, looking him
deep in the eye. Until the man was standing against the wall.

The man pulled the trigger again. It didn't fire. He looked at the gun and threw it away. He stared
back at Coco.

Man: "Get the fuck out of here!"

Coco pulled out the knife from the back. Using his left hand. The right arm was shot. He swiftly
turned him around and cut his throat open. The blood spilled all over everything in sight. He let him
fall on the ground. He kicked his face, and spit on him.

He took the gun and walked out. There were now 6 guards on the passage. Walking up and down.
He went back in fast before they could see him and took the big gun. He inserted the bullets and
walked out.

Coco: "Hey" they all turned. He started shooting. 6 men down.

He jumped over their dead bodies and walked to the direction Khule went.

He opened every room. He heard a sob coming from one of the doors. He opened it. He found Khule
on the floor holding clothes on his hands.

Coco: "Get up"

Khule: "It's all my fault"

Coco: "This is no time to be weak. Get up!"

Khule: "Wait" he tied the blouse around his would.

Coco: "Am fine. Let's go"

He pulled him by hand and dragged him out. They continued going from one door to another.

They heard men talking from one of the doors down the passage.

Coco kicked the door opened.

The 2 men were still touching Khethelo. She was just laying there numb....

The swiftly got up to their feet.

Khule fired shots at them until he went out of bullets, Screaming out of anger.

There was a pool of blood on the floor. The two men laid there lifeless.

Khule took off this Shirt and covered her.

Coco: "I'll go check the coast"

He walked out.

Khule squeezed Khethelo tight into his chest and they both sobbed loudly.
Khule: "Am sorry baby. I am so sorry. Am here now. Am sorry it took me this long to find you. I love
you. Please forgive me Sthandwa Sam"

Quinton came In panting followed by Tyler. They looked at Khethelo.

It was too much for Tyler. He got out. He took out his phone and made a call.

Guy: "Dube"

Tyler: "Hold them hostage, get the low lives, order them to rape her in front of him and their son.
Then take them to the white house. I'll meet you there"

He hung up and peeped his head in.

Tyler: "She needs to go to the hospital"

He said and walked away....I wiped the tears that I did not even realize were there and took the
route to Emi's place

Chapter Sixty-Eight



No one was saying a word. We all sat there. Emotionless. That's how good I could describe how we

Khulekani was sitting on the floor. Quinton leaning against the wall. While I sat on the couch. It was
only us on the waiting area.

A message came through.

'Getting the job done at his house will lead back to us. We'll take them to the White House'

I told him I'll meet them there in a few minutes.

Me: "Gents. I think I should go and check on the kids at home. I'll call you"
They just nodded. I stood up and left.



I woke up and checked the time. It was a couple of minutes after 5pm. I stretched and climbed out
of bed. I walked downstairs.

They were not back yet and that meant only one thing. They have not found her.

Emi: "Look who's awake. Want a snack?"

I shook my head and took a seat.

Me: "Have they called?" She shook her head and stirred her pap. "Where's Bonga and Lamu?"

Emi: "Somewhere in the house." I nodded. She looked at me with a concerned face. "Am making
you a sandwich and you will eat it"

Me: "I just need water"

She took out a sealed bottle out of the fridge and gave me.

Bonga came running down like a mad man. He grabbed the car keys on the counter.

Me: "Where are you going?"

He ran out leaving the door open.

I looked at Emi. She was as surprised as I was.


Tyler drove in at the White House and parked. He did not step out of the car. He sat there going
through different emotions.

The minivan drove in. Charles came to knock on his window. He rolled it down.

Tyler: "Take him up the tree house am coming"

Charles: "The woman and son?"

Tyler: "I'll deal with them later"

Charles nodded and made his way back to the car.

He sat there for a good 30 minutes. He took out his gun from under the seat and stepped out of the

He climbed up the ladder. He took a chair and sat before Ngema. He pulled off the bag over his

Charles: "We drugged him. It should wear out anytime from now"

Tyler: "Please get me ice cold water"

Charles filled the bucket and took the ice out of the fridge.

He then gave the bucket to Tyler. He poured it over Ngema. He gasped and attempted to get up but
the rope tied him into a chair made it impossible.

Ngema: "What the fuck!"

He widened his eyes. He looked around and laughed. He laughed till he cried. Tyler clenched his fists.

Ngema: "What are you doing? This isn't for small boys. Go find a hobby"

Tyler looked at him. If looks could kill Ngema would've died right there.

Tyler: "Why? Why didn't you take in on with Khulekani himself? Why did it have to be wife?"

Ngema: "Kid. Just untie me and stop asking me questions"

Tyler took a seat again. He rhythmically hit his foot on the ground.

Tyler: "You know what is funny?"

Ngema: "Yes. That you're scared. You're even stomping your foot for distraction"

Tyler: "Shut up" he said calmly.

Ngema: "Or what?"

Tyler got up and hit him with the back of the gun. Ngema groaned.

Tyler: "And no that's not what is funny. It is the fact that you captured and tortured my brother's
wife like you do not have one that we could do the same to."

Ngema's face changed.

Ngema: "Dare go near my wife I swear to you I will skin you alive"

He groaned in anger. Tyler chuckled.

Tyler: "Ey Ngema. You're such a chancer you know that? So you want Dube's hard work you say?"

Ngema: "Fuck you"

Tyler: "It is a simple question. Just say you want it and I'll give it to you. Willingly"

Ngema: "No rush son. I will get it. No rush"

Tyler: "Am a lawyer you know. I could help you get it quicker"

Ngema spit on his face. He closed his eyes and took out a handkerchief to wipe the saliva.

Ngema: "You're nothing but a toothless dog. All you've been doing is barking. And that's where it all

Tyler stood up and gave him one hell of a slap. Ngema chuckled and spit the blood on the floor.

Tyler walked out.



Dr Matthews finally came to us. He greeted and told us we could see them. I went to Khethelo while
Quinton went to Chris.
I slowly opened the door. I am not the one to ever get my eyes wet but this was a very heart ripping
sight. My conscious wasn't helping either.

Its me. It is all because of me and my family's stupid business. I pulled a chair and sat down. I looked
at her. She was sleeping peacefully.

I was angry. Not at Ngema and his goons but at myself for putting her in this position. I wouldn't
blame her if she hates me.

Dr Matthews came in with a file.

Him: "Evening again Mr Dube."

Me: "How is she?"

He sighed. That can't be good.

Him: "She's fine...she will be fine. Just too much bruises but they will heal in no time. I've sedated

Me: "Did they..."

He shook his head. Thank heavens he got that because I couldn't bring myself to say it.

Him: "But there was penetration. Of a finger I assume."

I felt a wave of heat rush all over my body.

Me: "Are you sure?"

Him: "Yes. I double checked"

I nodded. He walked out. I had no words to utter. I had my face buried in my hands.

She grunted softly. I moved my head up. Her eyes firstly wandered around the ward then met with

She closed them after staring at each other for some time. I saw tears running all the way down into
her ear.
Shattered could not begin to explain what I felt.

I took her hand into mine and Kissed it.

"Am sorry. I know it doesn't heal anything but am sorry themba lam. If I could turn back time I would
not leave you behind. Am sorry you had to fall a victim. I promise you he'll pay. I love you Khethelo,
with all of my heart. And I hate myself for putting you in this position. I'll never forgive myself for it"

I said and stood up to kiss her lips.

Me: "Am going to give you space. I'll go home and change"

I walked towards the door. I received a text from Charles. I hurried to my car and drove off.



Charles came in to the study. Tyler was typing on the computer.

Charles: "We have a problem"

He stopped typing and looked at Charles.

Charles: "She's pregnant"

Tyler banged the table.

Tyler: "Fuck!" He thought for a minute. "Where are those guys?"

Charles: "Outside"

Tyler: "Tell them to rip his asshole apart. I'll see what I will do with the woman."

Charles: "You want them to fuck him?" Tyler nodded. Charles laughed. "Let me go and watch live

He went out. Leaving Tyler to type.

Khule parked his car under the tree and climbed up the tree house. He found the guys getting naked
while Ngema cursed at them.

Khule grabbed him and threw a punch after punch. Charles stood there sucking on a stick sweet.
Amused by all this.

When Khule felt satisfied. He got off him. Charles untangled him from the chair and took off his

Khule: "I want his wife"

Ngema: "No! Please! Not my wife Dube please! She's pregnant"

He cried as one of the guys pin his bruised face down.

Khule: "Charles don't just stand there. Get me the fucking wife!"

Charles ran out in an instant. He knew this Khule. He'd shoot him too if he annoys him.

Ngema screamed in agony when the guy inserted his monster penis into his ass.

Khule took off his T-shirt and went to wash the blood off his hands.

Charles and Liam dragged Kedi and Khuboni in.

They both froze when they saw what was done to Ngema. Khuboni closed his eyes while Kedi
screamed for them to stop.

Khule: "Did he tell you what he did to my wife?"

Kedi quickly shook her head no. "Well I hate to do this but..."

Tyler came in running.

Tyler: "No! We not going to start abusing women just because of this moron"

Khule: "You don't get to tell me shit!"

Tyler: "You will not harm her. Not while she's pregnant" he turned to Kedi. "Suster. This moron
doesn't deserve you. He has a 5 months old daughter with your cousin." Kedi looked at him like he's
crazy. "Nonhle. You once found her in your house while you were away on business and she lied
about coming to check up on you. They were having sex in your bed. Right under your roof"

Kedi: "Tell me its not true Sbusiso!"

Ngema: "Am sorry!" He said between the sobs.

Khule kicked his head. He groaned in pain.

Tyler: "And you my guy. He was responsible for your girlfriend's death. In fact he shot her because
you chose her over his useless family business"

Khuboni opened his eyes. He looked at all of them. Then sent his eyes down to his father. He felt
tears threatening his eyes.

Tyler: "So here in my hand is the change of tittle contract for 3 of his companies. I need you to sign 2
of them over to you. And then the production company to the Dubes."

He gave her the papers and a pen. She bent khuboni over. And signed, with her hands shaking.

Khule was just standing there. Rather impressed by all this his little brother was doing.

The junkies were taking turns in Ngema. Khule's anger was toning down a bit.

Kedi gave back the papers to Tyler.

Tyler: "Thank you ma'am"

The door swung open. He was panting and dripping sweat. He held on the door.

Bonga: "Thank God you haven't done anything. Don't kill them"

He said and caught his breath.

They all looked at him.

A gun went off...

Chapter Sixty-Nine

{Unedited. Apologies for what will not make sense}



I found him sitting on the bed fiddling on his cellphone. He put it away and hung the bag over his
shoulder. I limped over to sit on the bed and waited for the Dr to issue the discharge form.

Him: "How are you feeling?" He asked after awkward silence.

I feel terrible. I feel failed. I feel like dying. My body is taking it but my soul isn't. Am messed up.
Emotionally and Mentally. I feel like being alone for a year or so.

Me: "I feel better" I said and gave him a faint smile.

Him: "Am sorry"

He's been saying that for the past 2 days. Honestly, it is starting to get on my nerves. I look at and
then at the door behind him.

Dr Matthews came in. He asked me to sign.

Dr: "Please do not forget to take your meds. Mr Dube please make sure she does. Am still not happy
about discharging her"

Me: "I'll make sure to take it Dr. No need to worry. Am fine really"

He smiled and bid us goodbye.

Khule helped me up. I pulled away soon as I gained my balance.


I just wanted it to be Friday already. I wanted to get out of here. Cape Town is much better. My soul
gets freedom there. I am not closely connected to anyone.

Baba had summoned me to his office. I arrived early. He was still in a meeting.

I sat there going through social media. Am not really a fan of twitter, I don't understand how it
functions but today I found myself here.

People are crazy out there. Everyone is savage on this app. Khethiwe got off the lift. She smiled. I
smiled back.

Khethiwe: "Are you good?"

Me: "Yes. You?"

Khethiwe: "Am okay. He's coming just now. You can wait for him inside his office. Would like
something to eat or drink?"

Me: "Water will do."

She walked to the kitchen down the passage. I made my way in to his office. I sat on his chair and
turned around.

I picked up the picture frame. We looked so cute. Lamu and I. I have no idea how he does it but he's
doing it. He's the best father in the world. He filled the void of not having parents while I was very
young. He's my heaven sent. The Dubes at large are my heaven sent. I am their son and grandchild. I
have never felt like I do not belong.

My biological parents made me for him.

Him: "Hhey Dube. You want to take over already?"

He said taking a seat on the visitor's chair. I did not acknowledge him coming in. Khethiwe came in
with juice and biscuits.

Me: "Thank you"

Baba: "Am the one who's from the meeting with the devil. I deserve this not him"

Khethiwe: "He's a child. The sun is too hot and plus, he's been waiting for you here"
She said and walked out. 6 months ago I would've given it to her for being the best PA ever. But
now, this was a bribe to keep my mouth shut about their little Union.

He watched me as I downed the first glass of juice. His look was unsettling.

Baba: "Are you okay?"

Me: "Am okay" he nodded.

Baba: "We never spoke about that day."

Me: "I did not dwell much on it. For sane purposes."

Baba: "Do you need to see someone? Therapist?"

Me: "No. I am willing to bury it. It was traumatic but I'll be fine"

He was talking about what happened on Saturday night. Its not everyday one sees a son shooting his
father. The truth is. It had no effect on me. I was disturbed for only that night.

Baba: "Am sorry you had to witness that"

Me: "Don't worry about it. I'll get over it"

Baba: "So you're truly leaving on Friday?"

Me: "Yes. But I was thinking to leave tomorrow morning. Go check up on Chloe then Friday morning
drive to Durban and catch a flight" He seemed deep in this thoughts. "Don't even think about tailing

Baba: "No I won't. I was just thinking of what to buy her. Maybe perfume?" I chuckled.

Me: "She's not that woman at the moment. Just buy her something she'll treasure"

Baba: "I'll ask Khethiwe to help me. Do you have any suggestions?"

Me: "No. I think it should come from you what you'll buy for her"

He nodded and tossed a biscuit into his mouth.



Raymond made his way in. Everyone was seated around the table. He greeted and sat down. He
opened his briefcase and took out two documents.
Raymond: "This is updated will of Mr Lungelo Jack Jnr Nzinga. The beneficiaries are his mother and
his sons. The-"

Pitso: "Whoa! What sons?"

Raymond adjusted his glasses.

Raymond: "Koketso 10 months and another 12 year old he has with miss Lulama Mokgotho. Are
they all here?"

Pitso kept his eyes on his mother who was as devastated as him. The elders had their heads bowed.
Nobody suspected this.

Pitso: "There must be a mistake there. Koketso is my son."

Elder 1: "Calm down"

Pitso: "Where's Lydia? Get her here now!" He did not want to believe it. It was no coincidence that
the will claims that he has a child with the woman he was supposed to marry. And the baby being as
old as the years that Lulama has been gone. Him and Lungelo has never been the best of friends. But
he'd never do him like that. He convinced himself.

Elder 1: "Could you please stop? And no Raymond. Only one child is here. We have no idea where
the older one is"

Pitso: "You knew about this?"

Elder 2: "Shut up!"

Pitso: "He slept with Lulama? And you turned a blind eye to it?"

Elder 1: "If your machine scored hr wouldn't have. Now shut up"

Pitso: "What? Koketso is his son too?"

The elder 2 nodded. "Martha! I want to get the hell out of this house. Lydia, you fucking whore!"

Lydia silently cried in the kitchen. Pitso wheeled himself out.

Ray: "I'll move on to Jack's will then. I will not be able to read Lungelo's, not until all the
beneficiaries are here"

They all nodded. He opened Jack's.

Ray: "Well the beneficiaries here are: Mrs Nzinga, Lungelo, Pitso and Amogelang. Are you all here?"

Mrs Nzinga: "Amo? We don't have an Amo in this home"

Ray: "There is. His 18 year old daughter"

Mrs Nzinga: "My husband does not have a daughter. We do not have a daughter"

Everyone was shocked by this. Even Nzinga elders had no idea about this.

Ray: "Of course. She's a daughter of..." He went to the next page. "Daughter of Matlala Mokgotho"

Mrs Nzinga gasped and fell off the chair...



When we arrived at home. She took her medication and asked for space. I let her be and went

I participated in my meeting via Skype.

My phone rang. It was Charles. I answered.

Me: "I hope you have better news"

Charles: "Yes Sir. You need to raise my salary you know that. I managed to find 30 men. Loyal and
very scary."

Me: "I would like to meet them"

Charles: "Friday is the perfect day"

Me: "Okay. Thank you"

Charles: "Sure bozza"

I hung up and texted Dr Houston. The highly recommended psychologist. She responded
immediately and agreed on doing house calls.

I put the laptop aside and climbed up the stairs.

I found her packing on her traveling bag. My heart skipped a beat.

Me: "What is going on?"

She did not turn to face me. She continued packing. "Are you leaving me?"

She shook her head. "Then what is this Khethelo?"

She turned. She was crying.

Khethelo: "I need space. Space to be alone. Digest all this. Heal..."

Me: "And you can't do that here?" I inhaled then exhaled. "If possible, I'd carry that pain for you
trust me I would. If you need space, I'll move out"

Khethelo: "No. You don't have to. I will boo-"

Me: "Forget it! This is also hard on me. I feel like complete shit! This is not how people solve
problems. Walking out is no option in times like these. You may feel like you need space but you
need someone to be there for you. It is painful I know but that doesn't mean walk out" I was now
shouting. It is about time I told her. Even on minor things, she always over reacts. Tough luck this
time. She isn't going anywhere

Khethelo: "You don't understand Khulekani. You've never had someone try to force themselves on
you, that heavy breathing on your neck while you beg them stop. You've never been through that!"

Me: "I know! But am definitely sure I'd never walk to be alone instead of being around people who
love me and willing to be there for me while I heal."

I took the damn suitcase and shoved to the closet.

Me: "You'll have to kill me before you walk out thst door"

I walked out and slammed the door leaving her crying.


(After 2 weeks)

It turned out I really had to kill him in order to leave this house.
It had turned into 2 houses. He lived downstairs and I lived here. He left early in the morning and
came back late at night. Every morning he'd come to check up on me I guess and does the same at
night when he gets back. Not that I mind the silence in this house, I cry and scream as loud as I could.
He was the only one who had access to the bedroom. Katlego tried to reach out but failed because I
wanted no one near me. I did not want to see the sympathy in their eyes. The therapist Lady ended
up giving up too.

Our wedding date was approaching. I had been ignoring every calls. Eventually they stopped, I
figured Khule has told them to stop.

So Friday night is it today. I was cooped up in my bedroom that has became my best friend. I heard a

Him: "The siblings are coming over. You're free to join us"


I heard footsteps fading away. I let out my breath... I had no idea I was holding it in.

I took my book that I had been passing time with and continued reading.

The door swung open. I startled. Almost had a panic attack. He closed it behind him. Where did he
get the key?

Quinton: "Am sorry" he picked the book up and placed it next to me. "Are you getting better?"

I sat up straight.

Me: "No"

Quinton: "I know. Its depressing isn't? Locking yourself up in this room for 2 weeks. No talking. Just
crying. No one to vent to. Just staring into these 4 walls. Day in and day out. Am sure they are
starting to cave in"

I wasn't sure about the reason behind his statement. I just looked at him blankly.

Quinton: "I think you're missing something here MaQwabe. We love you. A lot. They all decided that
we let you be until you're okay. It's been 2 weeks and from what I see right now. You're not even an
inch into being okay. Yes there's progress physically but can't say the same about emotionally and
mentally. He's also broken, by what happened to you and what you're doing to yourself, and you
know that I also suffer when he's not okay. There's a lot that's been happening for the past 2 weeks
but we couldn't share some of the things with you both because you're walking corpse. We're also
getting dysfunctional"

He walked to the sliding door leading to the balcony. He opened the curtain.

Quinton: "We miss you. We miss being shouted at for not coming to see you for 2 days. We miss you
checking up on us every now and then. You may not realize it but you're what keeps this family
strong MaMnguni. You're MaNgcobo, and I know you're bigger than what happened to you. You're
strong. We cooked. We'll gladly wait for you"

He walked out. All that he said. Hit home. I locked the door and went to the bathroom.

I filled the tub. Mixed all the bath salts I own. I stripped naked and stood before the mirror. The scars
were fading away.

This is it baby girl. Every after math is a proof of a concrete woman. You're strong. You will heal.
These scars will fade, some might not but you will not change. You will not let this break you. You've
survived seeing your mother getting beaten up, survived the loss of your parents. You survived your
own blood trying to take away your innocence. This is no different. God always pulls up for you.
There's a reason why they did get aroused.

You will let your husband take your hand in this healing journey. You will open up to him. He's
already hating himself for all of this. Get the thought of leaving him out of your head, you love him,
he loves you. It was not his fault, had he had a choice. He would've sold his heart to save you. Your
family loves you. They need you.

Now get in that tub and let it all out, wash away all the pain and misery. Come back as strong as they

I turned against the mirror and got in the tub. I buried my whole body under the water....

Chapter Seventy


Mrs Nzinga stormed in Sam's ward, where Matlala was reportedly to be at. She threw her bag at her.
Matlala startled and got up.

Matlala: "Angel! What are you doing?"

Angel: "You hypocrite. Venomous liar! Why! Where? And when?" She was shouting on top of her
lungs. Tears streaming down.

Matlala: "Calm down please. What are you talking about?"

Angel: "All along. Laughing in my face, trusting you with my problems, I took you as my sister
Matlala! How could you?"

Matlala: "Okay. You're starting to sound like a broken machine right now."

Angel: "Does he know? Does he know that you've been sleeping with my husband?"

Matlala froze. She looked at the sleepy Sam.

Matlala: "Its not like that. Where did you get that...that rubbish"

Angel: "Because she's in his fucking will you pathetic whore! I wish you die a slow painful death."

She picked her bag up and turned on her heels. She slammed the door.

The heart monitor went crazy. Sam had a seizure.

Matlala pressed the panic button and tried to keep him stable. The Drs flooded the ward.

Dr: "We need back'am please leave the room"

Matlala: "No please I wanna stay!" She cried even louder. 2 Drs pulled her out...



I woke up all alone. I took a bath first then went downstairs. I found everyone already eating.

Khule: "If I ever agree to share a bed with you I'd be stupid" everyone laughed. I am not that bad.

Me: "Why? Am very well behaved"

Khule: "Your hands kept grabbing my chest."

Tyler: "Its his hobby. He thinks its boobs"

Me: "Shut up. Mama Ka Bundle of joy"

Kat: "Hi."

Me: "You good? Morning sickness?"

Kat: "Am okay. I've never had that."

Khule: "That's what scares me about getting someone pregnant"

I laughed. He seemed better.

Me: "Are you okay?"

Khule: "Better than yesterday" he said. We were all looking at him smiling. "Okay now. No need to
look at me like am an easter egg"

Emi: "Speaking of those. Are you getting the collection this year?"

Khule: "Aren't you old kanti baby?"

Emi: "Not for Easter eggs. Nope"

Chris: "You should invite us over to your fridge"

Emi: "Is that supposed to hurt my feelings?"

Chris: "No baby. Its motivation, to buy a mansion"

Emi: "I will brother. I can't wait to get my first salary ever!"

Me: "And we will be expecting our allowances!"

Emi: "Forget it!"

Khule: "I for one, needs R500"

Emi: "MaNgcobo died 3 years back so please excuse me"

She got up and kissed all our cheeks.

Emi: "My driver is here. Now am back on being a snob"

She huffed and took her bag and left.

Tyler: "She's really grown"

Khule: "And am so proud"

Me: "I am relieved we didn't have to threaten her to agree on being driven to work"

Katlego laughed.
Kat: "Its kind of annoying for someone young like her trust me."

Khule: "I'd die to have someone driving me around. Kids take privilege for granted"

Kat: "That's because you're an adult." She stood up. "I'll go check up on the child"

That has to be Lamu and As to when he's gonna be taken to school I have no idea. He thinks he's big

Tyler: "I am leaving too. I have 6 appointments with thugs"

He grabbed his briefcase and left.

Me: "Did you check up on her?"

Khule: "I did but she did the usual"

Me: "You should go check up on her again before you leave"

Khule: "I will. And thank you for last night's talk"

Chris: "It was only a pleasure. Its good to have a bit of you back. Maybe we should go to church on

Khule: "If the spirit leads us there we will"

Chris: "Don't forget to email me her medication prescription"

Khule: "I will"

Chris jogged up the stairs. We cleared the table and washed the dishes.



One of these days I felt the weight of the burden I walked around with. Work and family affairs

A new business into our name. Jake's death. Having to clean up Ngema's son's mess. And my
relationship taking a strain due to being distant emotionally. It did not feel right to have her around
me while I deal with everything going on.

I arrived at work. Maxwell!

I had a meeting with him. I greeted Tshidi.

Tshidi: "Oh Kwesta your PA called in sick. So I'll be here if you need me"

Me: "Thank you Tshidi."

Tshidi: "Shall I make you coffee?"

Me: "No Thank you"

I made my way to the lift. She smiled at me soon as the lift doors parted. I smiled back and got in.

Her: "Siziwe"

Me: "Huh?"

Her: "My name" ugh

Me: "Oh OK. Nice to meet you Siziwe"

Siziwe: "Likewise Adv. T Dube"

We reached my floor. I stepped out and headed to my office. Well I changed the theme... The
brothers changed the theme but the fridge, I put my foot down, threatened to kill myself if they take
it. I won. It is still here with every kind of ice cream.

I placed the briefcase on top of the desk and took out the notebook then went to the boardroom
where I was meeting with Maxwell.

He was only with his PA. I greeted and took a seat.

Me: "May we begin?"

Maxwell: "We're still waiting for someone" I nodded and drank the bottled water in front of me.

She walked in swiftly and took a seat next to Maxwell.

Siziwe: "Sorry am late. I struggled finding the boardroom"

Maxwell: "It is okay. We may begin. I will be brief. As you can see we do not have time on our side"

He opened his laptop. "Well I bet you all have heard about the soccer star that reportedly shot his
fiancé. He asked us to represent him. And I happened to pick you Attorney Dube to take over the
case, this Lady here is Siziwe Dambuza our new intern. You'll be mentoring her. I would like you to
drop every case. I'll see who'll take over them. I want Zungu's case to be your only main focus"

Since when do I mentor people. Maxwell should just retire already. Old age is catching up with him.

Me: "Am looking foward into working on the case and working with you miss" she smiled.

Maxwell: "I guess all is settled then. Dismissed"

I took my notebook and headed out. Followed by Siziwe.



I was now 18 weeks. Already done 4 altar sounds. That's how obsessed he was with his child.

Everyone was gone to work. Just me and Khethelo. I went to knock on her door, to check if she's
fine. She responded. That meant a lot. She was going through a lot. But I wished she would at least
let one of us in.

It was close to 12pm. Days were faster than usual. Each day passing was bringing me closer to my
baby. I was in love already.

I made my self a banana and Apple smoothie with a bit of plain yoghurt. Don't look at me like that. It
tasted really heavenly. My phone rang as I took my first sip.

Me: "Baby daddy"

Chris: "Hey love. Are you okay?"

Me: "Yes"

Chris: "For real?"

Me: "Yes, why wouldn't I be? You don't sound good, are you okay?" He sighed.

Chris: "Am fine. How's Khethelo?" O-kay.

Me: "She's alive. I went to check on her, she responded"

Chris: "Okay. I'll see you later. What can I bring you?"

Me: "Anything hot"

Chris: "Okay. I love you"

Me: "Are you sure you okay?"

Chris: "Yes baby am good"

Me: "Alright. I love you"

I hung up and stuffed myself up with the smoothie. I went to sit on the lounge.

My phone vibrated like crazy. Facebook and twitter notifications.

I reached for it.

'Death shall not be proud Condolences to the Mokgotho family. He was such a good man😢'

'I feel sorry for his daughters. They really loved him. Stay strong daddy's girls🙁 @KatM @AmoM'

'The dark cloud is upon our faves. Not so long ago it was the Nzingas now our inspirational Sam
Mokgotho. Rest in eternal peace ntate😭'

I couldn't see the screen anymore. The tears clouded my eyes. My heart began pounding. My voice
failed me. I was screaming but my voice wouldn't let me.

My mind jogged back to the very first day we had our trip to Malawi. I was 8 and resented the place
by what I used to see on TV. He took me there to prove me wrong. The very first car he bought me at
16. Our daddy-daughter talk. How we fought when he told me he's marrying me off. But I forgave
him. I learned to love him again. It all came back up to the day I last saw him. My heart shattered.

I felt a sharp pain on my lower abdomen. My vision slowly faded away.

Lights out.


After my bath last night I got in bed and for the first time in two weeks I fell asleep in an instant.

I did the same thing in the morning. Motivated myself and buried myself under the water then slept.
He brought me breakfast. I ate, read and slept.

Katlego came to check up on me. I told her I am fine, I took sleeping pills and slept again.

Until now. I woke up and went to pee. It was dark outside and the house was quiet.

I Walked out to the balcony for the very first time since I prisoned myself in this room. I let the fresh
air polish me. It was so calming.

The clear view of the vodacom, telkom and transnet towers took me back in the days when I first
came here. I was so thrilled to see them. Where I lived I couldn't see them.

He laughed at me the whole time. The look on his eyes. They glittered with love. He loved me from
the very beginning. And he still loves me now.

I walked back in and put on a robe.

The lights were off. But the TV was on. I slowly climbed down, balancing with the rails.

He was busy on his laptop.

I stood there watching him. He did not notice me. There was an ashtray on the coffee table and a
glass beside it.

He closed the laptop, carefully placed it on table and then took a remote. He's not a TV person. I was
surprised he even settled for channel 112 and not animal planet.

I looked at the clock. 23:44. He lied on the couch. I did not know how to approach him.

Me: "Struggling to sleep?"

He turned to my direction.
Khule: "Not anymore."

He signaled for me to come. I slowly did. He sat up straight and patted on the space to sit on. I
hesitantly did. He pulled me to rest my head on his chest. He kissed the top of my head. I suddenly
got emotional. How could he be so loving and welcoming.

Me: "Am sorry"

Khule: "Its okay babe" he squeezed me tight.

Me: "I would like to talk to someone if the offer still stands"

Khule: "She'll be here first thing in the morning"

I looked up at him.

Me: "What did I do to deserve you?" He smiled.

Khule: "You gave me the wrong order" I laughed. I laughed for the first time in forever. "Its good to
see you laugh. I love you"

He kissed my forehead.

Me: "I love you more"

He took a throw and we cuddled on the couch. I felt safe again in his embrace. Home is where he is..

Chapter Seventy-One



She woke up and did her daily routine. She was 6 months far now, her belly was getting bigger each

She sat on the couch that Quinton bought for her and devoured in her greasy breakfast.

She told Bonga about her new friends while he was there. They visited and blended in with him too.

She put the plate aside after cleaning it out and took out the soil that had became her new
addiction. She closed her eyes as she chewed.
"We got you!" She startled and almost fell off the couch. They both laughed. She looked at them

Chloe: "Why do you guys always scare me?" .

Mbali: "Because you're cute when you're annoyed"

Hlelo: "Look at those chubby cheeks"

They put their school bags down and took seats.

Chloe: "Why did you come back early?"

Hlelo: "We're writing."

Chloe: "Oh. I just ate breakfast. There's a little left"

Mbali: "No thank you. We ate at school" Hlelo stood up and went to the pots.

Hlelo: "Learn to speak for yourself please"

Mbali: "Yoh JoJo tank" she rolled her eyes. Chloe chuckled and shook her head.

Hlelo: "Bonga called this morning"

Chloe: "Really? Is he okay?"

Hlelo: "Yes and lectured us about how much we should focus on our school work"

Mbali: "And I will. I can not wait to get out of this place"

Chloe: "He's right. You guys should focus. Matric isn't child's play"

Hlelo: "We will. I just need them to change my Physics teacher"

Chloe: "Why?"

Hlelo: "He sucks at explaining and I do not appreciate the way he looks at me"

Chloe: "He should get reported"

Mbali: "I've been telling her"

Hlelo went out to rinse the bowl then came back.

Hlelo: "Have you guys noticed that red car?"

Chloe: "Where?"

Hlelo: "Come and see"

They stood up and looked through the window.

Mbali: "What car?" It was no longer there.

Hlelo: "It was there."

Mbali: "Ay Hlelo"

Hlelo: "It's not the first time I've seen it there"

Chloe: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Hlelo: "Because I thought it was normal. But now u realize it's not"

Chloe went to sit down.

Chloe: "Please sleep over today"

Mbali: "Are you okay?"

Chloe: "Yes. Yes am okay" she drank from her glass that had water.



The Dr came in. We exchanged greetings.

Dr: "She's responding very well to the treatment."

Me: "And the baby?"

She smiled.

Dr: "The baby is fine Dr Dube. The panic attack did not harm it a bit"

Me: "Thank you"

Dr: "I'll come check up on her when she wakes up"

Me: "I'd like to go home and freshen up"

Dr: "You can go"

Me: "I can't leave her here all on her own. I'd like a nurse to be with her while am away"

Dr: "I...I'll see who's free"

Me: "Thank you"

She walked out.

I kissed Katlego's forehead.

Me: "The baby is fine"

The door opened. I turned.

Quinton: "Is it okay to come in?"

Me: "Yeah sure."

He gave a bag and placed a plastic on the round table below the bed.

Quinton: "I didn't know what to buy so I bought these"

Me: "Thank you. I hope she'll eat"

Quinton: "How are they?"

Me: "They're fine. She had a panic attack"

Quinton: "This must be hard on her. This social media shit. They should ban discussing someone's
passing. Imagine what could've happened if you did not come to check up on her"

Me: "Its crazy man. Its like we're cursed or something"

He looked at briefly then went to stand over the window. Looking down.

Quinton: "It's hard yes but I don't think so"

Me: "Our joy never lasts Quinton. 2 weeks is a lot without something to be sad over. Its draining

Quinton: "Every dog has it's day man. All will be well"

Me: "It doesn't feel like that at all."

Quinton: "We've been through worse. This is just a phase, a test. You're a pastor Christian you
should know better than the most of us"

Me: "A Dr does not medicate itself. Where's Nonku?"

He looked at me. I shrugged.

Quinton: "She's around. She asked for a meeting so I will tell her today"

Me: "Good luck"

Quinton: "I need it" he glanced at his watch. "I have no go."

Me: "Please order the guards food. I don't have my phone with me"

Quinton: "I will. Before they collapse"

I laughed. He walked out. I leaned back on the chair and closed my eyes.



Whoever owns this place needs the Lord. He allowed my guards to get in and feel and home.
Watching me, following me even to toilet.

Luvo came out the lift.

Luvo: "Girl two weeks is over so from tomorrow onwards you're buying your own lunch" she's
always on high spirits.

Me: "Already? It felt good being pampered"

Luvo: "Let me before you make me change my mind with that puppy face"

Me: "Where are you going?"

Luvo: "Am meeting with our new client."

Me: "OK. Good luck"

She blew me a kiss. She quickly came back.

Luvo: "I almost forgot, the big boss is coming home tomorrow. We're going to throw him a home
coming party" oh no.

Me: "And am expected to make it a success?"

Luvo: "Aren't you good at it?"

Me: "Kinda but its nothing internet can not fix" how does one makes a home coming party a success
in one day.

Luvo: "Sorry its such a short notice. He told me this morning"

Me: "I'll try my best"

She smiled and ran out. Oh Lord I miss being a snob in days like this.

I went to Google and started searching for possible decos.


It had only been 6 hours working on the case but It felt like we've worked forever. This guy had no
case. Who kills someone on the driveway of the estate? I mean the state has enough proof he killed
her. I hate Maxwell for this.

I finally got to the office. I sat on the couch.

Siziwe: "Bad that much?"

Me: "He's going to lose the case. How do I defend this? He fought with her in public, beat her up
more than 5 times. He's guilty."

Siziwe: "Not until proven so. I think you are dragging to do this case because you do not want it"

Me: "Yes. That's no secret but its....I don't know. He will lose it"

Siziwe: "Wow. A whole lawyer giving up on his client"

Me: "He's not my client. He's Maxwell's"

The phone rang. I got up and went to take it.

"Attorney Dube office"

Tshidi: "Hi it's the reception. Miss Khethiwe is here to see you"

Me: "Please let her in"

Maybe this was the third times she's come here. I was happy, I wish she came more often.

I put it back on the holder and went to sit down. When is this woman coming back.

Siziwe: "I think we should start looking for possible ways to win this case"

Me: "Anything in mind?"

Siziwe: "Not yet but I am sure we'll make something out"

I nodded. She has a point. She knocked once and pushed the door.

Her smile faded soon as her eyes landed on us. I stood up to hug and kiss her.

Khethiwe: "Hi. I could come back if you're still busy"

Me: "For you? Never. Are you okay?"

Khethiwe: "Yes. Am okay. How are you?"

Me: "Am good my love"

Her eyes were looking over my shoulder. "Uhm...this is Siziwe, she's an intern. Siziwe this is my
girlfriend Khethiwe"

Siziwe: "Nice to meet you."

She shook her hand. "You'll call when you're done"

Me: "Definitely"

She smiled at Khethiwe and walked out.

Me: "And no I do not see her in that way"

I live to nurse her overprotective ass. I find it cute when she's jealous but I know its dangerous
because one day she'll stab me.

Khethiwe: "What did I do now? You like accusing me of things"

Me: "The way you looked at her"

Khethiwe: "I was reading her. A girl has to make sure what her mam surround himself with."

Me: "So?"

Khethiwe: "So what?"

Me: "Is she good to surround myself with?"

Khethiwe: "I don't know. How's Katlego?"

Me: "I don't know. She collapsed when she saw the news on twitter."

Khethiwe: "Oh my. Is she okay?"

Me: "Yeah Chris found her on time"

Khethiwe: "I feel bad for her"

Me: "She'll be fine"

I kissed her cheek and pulled her to the couch.

Me: "So, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

Khethiwe: "Am going home tomorrow"

Me: "And you're only telling me now?"

Khethiwe: "Yes. Because mother told me an hour ago"

Me: "Oh. When are you getting back?"

Khethiwe: "Q gave me tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday. I'll return on Tuesday night"

Me: "That's so far"

Khethiwe: "I know. But I'll video call you anytime"

Me: "Still."

Khethiwe: "You're such a cry baby"

She pinched my cheek and kissed me.



He peeped his head in.

Khule: "She's here"

Me: "Am coming"

I lotioned my hands then walked out. He picked one of the rooms to use for my sessions.

I found Dr Houston already seated with her legs crossed. She's so beautiful. She smiled and gestured
for me to sit. There were only two single couches and a tiny table at the far end with only a jug of
water and 2 glasses.

Dr Houston: "How are you Mrs Dube?"

Me: "Am fine"

Dr Houston: "Please answer from deep within. I want the answers from your heart. So, how are

Me: "Broken." She smiled.

Dr Houston: "Take me down to that day"

Me: "I do not want to talk about it"

Dr Houston: "But I want to know. I want every little detail"

Me: "No. I want to bury that. That's a whole purpose of this right"

Dr Houston: "No Mrs Dube. The purpose of this is expressing yourself, facing your fears, heal. You
can't just bury this. It'll back fire. One of the days in the near future you might find yourself in a
similar situation,trust me you'd have a breakdown. You need to deal with this. So, are you ready?"

She was so calm. Clearly she has no idea what I've been through. "You can trust me." I took a deep
breath. I said I would do this. So I might as well.

Me: "Where do I start?"

Dr Houston: "From the beginning"

I did so. I told her everything. She handed me a box of tissues to wipe my tears.

She handed me a glass of water after I finished.

Dr Houston: "Hectic. That was all for today. Would you like some sweets?"

Is this what therapists do? Make you cry and leave you hanging?

She stood up, shook my hand and walked out.

I sat there puzzled.

"Is it same to come in?"

I turned. He was leaning against the door frame. Looking all kinds of sexy. He was in his simple casual
clothes but so beautiful.

I smiled and nodded. He closed the door then sat on the armrest.

Khule: "How did it go?"

Me: "Very weird."

Khule: "Weird how?"

Me: "She took me back to that day. I just want to bury this. Our wedding is 3 weeks away. I still have
a lot to worry about"

Khule: "About that. I was thinking we postpone it to when you're finally okay"

Me: "What about the invitations. People-"

Khule: "We are not getting married for people." He cut me off before I could finish my sentence.
"Right now we're working on getting you better. That's all that matters. I'll tell Glade to send them
all emails "

Me: "Thank you"

Khule: "Anything for you Mrs Dube. I made food. Let's go eat"

Me: "Am-"

Khule: "Nope, no excuses."

He pulled me up and tickled me all the way out...



After knocking off I went to buy Nkule flowers then went home to freshen up. I found the love birds
laughing and all over each other in the kitchen.

Emi and Lamu were glued in front of a TV watching cartoons.

I freshened up and then left again.

I arrived there. She let me in. Dressed up differently. She did not look like herself. I gave her the

Nkule: "Thanks. This is so sweet of you"

She offered me a seat.

Nkule: "I'll be brief about this am expecting visitors." I nodded. This seemed serious. "Am
withdrawing from our arrangement"

Me: "Why? I though we were-"

Nkule: "That's the thing. There is no 'we'. You're getting this all wrong."

Me: "What am I getting wrong?"

Nkule: "You've resorted into calling me pet names, buying me flowers. Doing all the things that you
shouldn't do. You're falling for me Quinton and you shouldn't"

Me: "Why?"
Nkule: "Became am-"

They door swung open. She stepped away from me and smiled at the man. He opened his arms. She
threw herself in his embrace.

Him: "I missed you"

Her: "You're early"

Him: "I couldn't stay a minute longer there."

She backed out from the hug. I stood there glued to the ground. They both looked at me.

Him: "Aren't you gonna introduce me to your friend?"

Nkule: "Oh this Quinton Dube. My roommates brother. Quinton this is Lindani. My fiancé..."

Chapter Seventy-Two

(Forgive me for errors am too sleepy to edit)



Is this some kind of a joke. He extended his hand. I looked at it. What are we now? Best friends?

I looked at her. She murmured 'Sorry'.

I grabbed my car keys and walked out.



Lindani: "That was weird"

Nkule: "He has a crush on me so I guess introducing my fiancé got to him"

Linda: "He what? Does he know I am very protective of my Queen" he kissed her. "So tell me. Did
you miss me?"

Nkule: "More than you could imagine"

Linda: "Is it?" Nkule wrapped her hands around his neck and nodded while biting her lower lip. He
picked her up in an instant. They started kissing. Passionately.
Nkule backed out.

Nkule: "I missed you"

Lindani: "I love you"

Nkule: "I love you more"

He smiled and resumed the kiss...



I was glued up on my laptop the whole evening. I did not even notice it was time for dinner. Tyler
and Khule had cooked. Royalties of being a last born. You get to be glued up on your work while your
brothers Cook.

Khule: "Okay, put that thing away. You need to eat"

Me: "Just a few minutes"

"Put it away" said a voice. I moved my eyes off the screen. I screamed and put away the bloody thing
and ran to her. We almost fell but I couldn't careless.

Me: "I love you!"

Khethelo: "I love you more baby"

Khule pulled me off.

Me: "Jealous that much?"

Khule: "No. You're breaking her bones"

Khethelo chuckled.

Khethelo: "No you're jealous baby"

Khule: "Okay maybe a little. Sit down the food is getting cold"

Tyler and Lamu were already eating. He's a little him. We sat down too and dished up.

Me: "So, are you back?"

Khethelo: "I think so"

Me: "Are you better?" Tyler side eyed me. Khethelo chuckled. Only God knows how much her
chuckle made me happy right now

Khethelo: "Am getting there, step by step."

Khule squeezed her hand. She half smiled and started sniffing. "I just want to say thank you guys.
You're like the best things that has ever happened to me."

Khule rubbed her back.

Tyler: "We love and care about you MaNgcobo Jnr" she smiled through the tears.

Khethelo: "Am sorry to have shut you guys out"

Me: "Its okay mommy. We understand"

Tyler: "And we're just glad we'll have someone to boss us around along with her partner"

Khule: "Hey watch it"

We all laughed. I wished we were all here.

He walked in. He passed us like we weren't there.

Khule: "I'll go speak to him"

He stood up and left. I looked at Tyler, he shrugged. He's clueless about everything...



I knocked once and made my way in. He was sitting on the bed staring into the wall ahead.

Quinton: "I do not want to talk about it"

I walked out to my study and brought back a sealed bottle of Russian Bear. I sat next to him and
uncapped it. He looked at me. I drank it from the bottle. I gave it to him. Was it made to burn
insides? My tongue literally went numb. He downed, went on a little hard I had to take it away from
4 hours later...


They had been quiet all the time. Quinton started chuckling. They were on the second bottle.

Quinton: "This is good"

Khule: "Very good. Whoever brew this must be pointed at President"

Quinton: "I'll have to agree to that." They laughed. "You won't believe what happened today" Khule
looked at the watch.

Khule: "Its after midnight. So you mean yesterday"

Quinton: "Yes, yesterday. I finally gathered all the strength in me to confront her about my feelings.
On my way there I bought flowers, Roses"

Khule: "Wait. Rewind. You bought roses?" Quinton nodded. "Father God I almost lost a twin over a

Quinton: "No. I ordered them. I had them briefly. Do not disturb me. So I get there, she hugs me and
take the flowers, she put them away and sat me down. She started preaching about how much am
taking this arrangement beyond rules. She said I am falling for her and I shouldn't"

Khule: "What?" He exclaimed.

Quinton: "Like that wasn't enough, the door swung open and there walked in a clown, he asks for, before that they hug then he asks who am I and then boom am her roommate's
brother and the clown is her husband"

Khule: "Rewind. Her what?"

Quinton: "Fiancé man. I fought the urge to take out my gun and shoot them both dead. She led me
on. Bloody feminist"

Khule: "Her loss" Quinton looked at him frowning. "Yes. She just missed out on having a very loving
and caring man. And she'll never have that chance again"

Quinton: "I feel like shit man"

Khule: "What? She should be the one feeling like shit."

Quinton: "So enough about me and my sex buddy. When are going to your wife?"

Khule: "Am camping here. I don't wanna disturb her sleep"

He pulled a fleece and a pillow.

Quinton: "You sleeping on the floor?"

Khule: "Yes, for safety purposes"

Quinton: "We shared a bed for 23 years. Just a quick reminder"

Khule: "You were not obsessed with boobs by then"

Quinton: "Whatever"

He climbed on the bed with his shoes on and drifted to sleep.



I startled at the sound of something breaking. He quickly came to hold me.

Khule: "Am sorry, am sorry. I didn't mean to."

I took a deep breath.

Me: "It's okay. Already leaving for work?"

Khule: "Yes just site seeing then I'll be back before you know it"

I took my phone and checked the time. 9am.

Me: "Did you even come to bed last night?"

Khule: "No. We drank until after midnight. I didn't want to disturb you so I slept there"

Its not even about that. He's do obsessed with his brother. I accepted from day one that I come after

Me: "Did he open up?"

He stood up and continued looking for whatever that he was messing the closet for.

Khule: "Is Nkule in a relationship?"

Me: "Why?"

Khule: "Just curious"

Me: "Don't tell me they are dating"

Khule: "Why wouldn't they?"

Me: "Because she has a boyfriend and he has a baby mama Khulekani"
He came out the closet.

Khule: "Or maybe its because you do not want your best friend to date your husband's twin
brother" Of course!

Me: "What? No. They are involved with good people and they shouldn't ruin that"

Khule: "So you say. Do you know her boyfriend?"

Me: "Yes. We went to varsity together. 2 years back he moved to Japan for internship. He's a

Khule: "And they aren't married?"

Me: "What's up with all these questions. Of course not. But they love each other. I could guarantee
you that" He nodded and disappeared to the closet again. I went to take a piss and ended up taking
a quick shower.

Khule: "They had some sort of arrangement with Q and then Q caught feelings. Last night he went to
confess about his undying love for her only to be introduced to her fiancé"

Me: "What? They were sleeping together?" I couldn't believe it.

Khule: "That's all you picked up?"

Me: "Yes"

Khule: "Come. Breakfast is ready"

Me: "I'll be leaving to see Katlego and then to Emi's work place. She needs a hand planning her
Boss's home coming party"

Khule: "Are you sure? You have an appointment with Houston at 13pm"

Me: "I postponed."

I was feeling better actually. The love and care I was receiving from my family was all the therapy I

We walked downstairs...

I arrived at the hospital. Followed in by guards of course. Oh my poor people. He was the first to hug
me. I sat down after the hug.

Me: "Are you okay?"

Chris: "I am. Just the endless sadness. Its good to see you"
Me: "Likewise. How is she?"

Chris: "Getting better. The Dr will keep her here for more few days" I nodded.

Me: "Have you eaten?" He shook his head. I went down on the carrier bag and took out a container
with home cooked meal. I bought it on my way here.

Chris: "Thank you. How's everyone at home?"

Me: "A little better. You know how it gets if one of us isn't okay. So we won't be okay until mama Ka
bundle of joy is okay"

Chris: "I know. Should we go pay our respect?"

Me: "Yes. He is...was your father in-law."

Chris: "I'll talk to the guys"

Me: "Okay. I was hoping I'll find her awake. I have to rush to Emi's work, her boss is coming home
and she's inexperienced in the deco department" he looked at me smiling.

Chris: "You're true rock you know that. Each day I keep seeing my mother in you"

Me: "Oh please. I'll come by before I go home."

I stood up and kissed Katlego's cheek then left.

My phone rang as I got in the car. Just the person I was meaning to call.

Me: "Nonkululeko"

Her: "Guess who's home?" She said excitedly.

Me: "Your fiancé?"

Her: "He told you didnt he?"

Me: "Of course he did! What were thinking?"

Her: "It supposed to be fun until he decided otherwise"

Me: "Did you even tell him you have a boyfriend?"

Her: "I didn't think it would get yo this"

Me: "Oh Nkule. He's your fiancé now?"

Nkule: "Yes. He proposed 2 months ago. I took it lightly until the ring was delivered last week" I

Me: "Congratulations then babes. I'll come see you guys this evening or tomorrow"

Nkule: "Thanks girlfriend. Will be waiting for you"

I hung up.



To my surprise I was functioning very well. I thought I'd be miserable for the following 365 days but
nah. I was hurt, a little though.

My phone rang.

Me: "Jackson"

Jackson: "There has been a very dodgy red around."

Me: "Why haven't you dealt with it"

Jackson: "I will. But will need back up"

Me: "I'll call you later. Shall anything happen to her I'll chop your dick off"

Jackson: "Yes Sir"

I took my car keys and left. There was not much to anyway. And Khethiwe being away it was boring.

I stood a bit away from the site looking at him speculate. He's such his father's son. One of the
workers pointed my direction. He turned.

He finally got to me.

Me: "Its hectic isn't?"

Khule: "I just wanna finish this up and go home"

Me: "Be strong Mbuyazi."

Khule: "Yes?"

Me: "Don't judge me

I did it to make sure she's protected. There has been a dodgy red car driving around so I need a few

Khule: "Its already been taken of. Was that all?"

Me: "You stalking her?"

Khule: "I had to make sure she's protected. That's what a leader does, protect his family."

He patted my shoulder and went back to his work

Chapter Seventy-Three



Being hit by a truck is nothing compared to how I was feeling at this point. I sat on the chairs at the
back and downed my meds. I had a light headache.

"Oh my goodness this is so...Jesus Christ Mrs Dube this is beyond beautiful" she said looking around
in fascination.

I've never seen her before. She was followed by two other women, dressed to kill. I smiled.

Woman: "Am Noluvo. Share holder" she said extending her hand. I took it and shook.

Me: "Khethelo"

Luvo: "I wouldn't dare call you that. I used to work for your husband."

Me: "Really?"

Luvo: "Yeah. For a month or so. Where's Emi?"

She had the energy that I yearned for.

Me: "Restrooms I think"

She instructed the women she came in with at where they should place the goodies. My phone rang.

Me: "Baby"

Khule: "Oh thanks heavens. Are you okay?"

Me: "Am perfect love. How are you?"

Khule: "When are you coming back?"

Me: "Around 6pm cause right now am going back to the hospital to see Katlego"

Khule: "Okay I'll meet you there"

Me: "Alright my love. I love you"

Khule: "I love you too themba lam"

I hung up.

Emi: "You're so in love" I looked at her, when did she get here.

Me: "Aisuka. Am leaving now"

Emi: "Am coming with you. I am so tired. I never thought decorating could be this tiring"

Me: "Well it is hun. Won't Luvo have a problem"

Emi: "She doesn't have to know"

She picked her handbag and pulled me out.



They had just finished cooking. Bonga had the solar delivered, they now had light bulbs.

Chloe collapsed on her new couch.

Mbali: "Maybe you should slow down a bit in overworking yourself"

Chloe: "I want to but there's something inside of me that just won't let me rest"

Hlelo: "Have you seen your tummy lately?"

Chloe: "Is it that bad?"

Mbali: "Its about to explode"

Hlelo: "I think we should have an ambulance on standby"

Chloe felt heat rush all over her body just thinking of labor pains. She's witnessed someone in labor
and that was not what she was ready for.

Mbali: "We'd be right here next to you holding your hand"

Hlelo: "Push!!"

Chloe: "Okay that's it! Am going to sleep"

They looked at each and laughed.

Hlelo: "Come on we are just kidding"

Chloe: "With reality? Oh please"

She duck walked to her room, she got in and closed the door then remembered something. She
peeped her head out.

Chloe: "Do you guys want to know how we met with Q?"

They rushed to her. She chuckled and let them in.

They climbed on the bed and put Chloe in between.

Hlelo: "Sandwich. So?"

Chloe: "So. I was having a bad day. Had just discovered that am not my father's daughter hence to
why he's never really treated me equally to his other children. I always felt like an outsider. You
know that feeling of not belonging. I think my mother was too scared of him that she let him
mistreat me. No he never sexually abused me but the verbal and physical abuse was just too much.
So the big news came out 5 months after his death"

Mbali: "By your mother?"

Chloe: "No, his other wife. He had 2 wives, my mother and this one. My mother divorced him after
he assaulted her, first offence boom she was gone."

Hlelo: "Am sorry"

Chloe: "Its okay. We are not there. So ke from EC I went back to Durban. I stayed in my apartment
for a whole 2 freakin weeks digesting this until I needed pads. I should've known I was seeing my
periods for the last time" they laughed. "And so I am on my periods and stressed by my paternity
then boom this fool bumps on me my phone falls and the screen cracked. A whole IPhone 6 plus"

Mbali: "No!"

Chloe: "I know right. I screamed at him, I couldn't careless he had a child in his arm I just wanted my
phone fixed. He apologized and led the way to an apple store. I sat on the waiting stools by the
entrance while he spoke with the sales person. Minutes after, he gave me a slip and told me I must
choose the color I want. He had bought me an iPhone X. I've never been so embarrassed. I found
myself giving him my numbers at the parking lot. The main purpose was to help him spend the
money he was playing around thing led to another, I caught feelings and here I am today
heavily pregnant with his children"

Mbali&Hlelo: "Ncoaaa"

Chloe felt a foreign movement in her tummy. She placed her hand where the movement occurred. It
happened again.
Chloe: "They're kicking!"

The twins immediately placed their hands on her belly. The kicks went on.

Chloe: "Oh my goodness I was starting to worry" she wiped her tears with her free hand...



I stretched and then reached for it. Who the hell calls at this time of Saturday. Luvo.

I collected myself and answered.

Me: "Good morning"

Luvo: "Moghel. Wow you done made me a clown you know that?"

Me: "Am sorry I was too tired. Did you guys enjoy?"

Luvo: "Absolutely. You're the best. You and your sister in-law are the best!"

Me: "Thank you"

Luvo: "I did not call to talk about yesterday. This evening we're attending the gala dinner and this
guys we were welcoming home needs a date"

Me: "Why can't you be his date?"

Luvo: "My man is a guests speaker so that's impossible. I promised him I'll find him a date and you
were the first one to come into my mind"

Me: "What?" What the hell!

Luvo: "Please Emz. Am begging you"

Me: "I'll think about it"

Luvo: "Okay bye"

I hung up and went to take a shower. It was a couple of minutes away from 9am I was surprised
none of the siblings have decided to come knocking at my door.

I finished and went downstairs. I greeted and slid into a chair.

Khule: "Is it me or you're not so keen about your graduation"

Me: "There's that?" They all looked at me surprised.

Khethelo: "Yes and its on Thursday next week"

Me: "I will not die if I don't attend"

Quinton: "You are attending."

Me: "Hha Bhuti. We have very important things to worry about"

Khule: "Your graduation is important. You ladies might like to start shopping for that today"

Khethelo: "With pleasure hun"

Tyler: "And I volunteer to be your guard for the day"

Khethelo: "Bonus"

I smiled. They never let one decides for their selves, do they?

My worst nightmare has caught up with me: expectation.

I did not want the graduation to take place. I know as much as I am over us but a huge part of me
will expect him to show up.

I felt someone nudging me. I broke away from my thoughts. My phone was ringing. Luvo, I hesitated
to answer but did.

Me: "Hey"

Luvo: "Today is your lucky day. He's flying back as we speak. But you can still come" Yes! God works
in mysterious ways I swear.

Me: "I'd love to but I will just go out with my sister"

Luvo: "Okay bye girl"

She hung up...



While the women cleared the table I decided to visit my garage.

There were cars that had only been driven for a month or so. Emi's car even had dust like an orphan
that it is. I found myself inside the parent's car. It had not been driven since they passed on. I guess
we all did not have enough courage.

The passenger door opened. He climbed on and turned on the aircon then leaned back on the seat
after adjusting it.

Quinton: "Who was it?"

Me: "Her ex"

He sat up straight.

Quinton: "What does he want?"

Me: "The saviours. He's obsessed with black magic so somewhere somehow he found out Chloe is
carrying important children so he took the chance.

Quinton: "How? Do they not work for those they belong to?"

Me: "If an outsider kills them. They gain strength."

Quinton: "We should move her from that place"

Me: "And how will you explain that to Bonga?"

Quinton: "My children's life are in danger"

Me: "I fixed it. There won't be anyone getting near her"

Quinton: "There better be not"

Me: "Tomorrow we're going to Pretoria" he nodded. "After the funeral we must go back to discuss
doing the ceremony for Katlego"

Quinton: "Okay"

He closed his eyes. I adjusted my seat too and closed my eyes.



After our shopping session we invited Nkule for lunch. Instead of Emi looking for a dress, she just
bought herself work clothes.
We settled at some new restaurant. It wasn't so packed neither empty. Tyler had abandoned us. We
were only left with our usual guards.

Nkule came in. I waved at her. We hugged then she sat down.

Emi: "Is that a...?" She said pointing at her ring. She smiled and nodded. Emi screamed and observed
it. I wasn't over the fact that she played with my brother in-law's heart.

Me: "It is so beautiful babe"

Nkule: "Thank you. Where's yours?" I looked at my left hand. It it somewhere out there at that evil
man's place.

Me: "I must have forgotten it at home. I was cleaning it"

Nkule: "Oh. And am quitting my job too and might relocate to Cape Town"

Me: "What?"

Nkule: "He's back forever." It felt good to see her this happy.

Me: "Am so happy for you"

Nkule: "Thank you baby"

I don't know where it came from but she started bleeding heavily on her forehead.

Me: "Oh God. Who...." I turned.

"You bloody bitch. What did you feed him! He's mine you will not succeed!"

She said as the guards carried her out. Really? I took out my scarf and put it on her wound. The
manager came to us.

Him: "Am so sorry about this. Help will be here any minute from now"

I couldn't care less about that. I needed to deal with that woman.

Me: "Please take her to the Dr. I need to have a word with that girl" I told one of the guards and
walked out.

The two others that had took her out were coming back.

Me: "Where is she?"

BG: "Escorted out of the mall ma'am"

Me: "I need to talk to her"

BG: "She's-"

Me: "That wasn't a request. I need to talk to her. Make that happen"

I walked back into the restaurant. The paramedics were already taking care of her. Who the hell
does she think she is attacking my baby.



I left the ladies at the mall. Yes I love wandering around but the going from shop to shop was too

I drove to my house to get me some clothes. I arrived there, packed and went to watch TV. I got to
watch soccer not cooking shows or anything that Emi is obsessed with. I chatted with Khethiwe until
she went offline.

After an hour or so I tried calling her but it went through voicemail. I ended up taking a nap...

I woke up to my cellphone vibrating on my chest. Unsaved numbers.

Me: "Hello"

Caller: "Hi. Tyler?" She sniffed.

Me: "Baby? What is wrong? Are you okay?"

Khethiwe: "Am fine...I..." She was crying. I was now on my feet.

"Tell him it's over or you haven't had enough beating?" Said a female voice in the background. I
grabbed my car keys and ran out.

Me: "Khethiwe? What's going on? Am coming there right now"

Khethiwe: "No don't. Its...its over. I can't-"

She screamed as though someone was hurting her. Whoever that was, was beating her up. I texted
the siblings and drove off...

Chapter Seventy-Four



I arrived at Estcourt on the wee hours of the morning. I kept trying her phone and the number that
called me but it wasn't going through. I tried to remain calm all the way here and driving on the
average speed. I was losing my mind.

I got in bed soon as I arrived home.



I'll never get used to this man's habit of waking up first and bath even on weekends. When I opened
my eyes he was sitting on the couch busy on his laptop. I climbed off the bed.

Me: "Morning"

Khule: "Morning hun"

I got into the bathroom and did my business then brushed my teeth. I found him still on the same
position. I made the bed so long.

Khule: "You know, I think we need to consult a Sangoma or something" I sat down on the bed.

Me: "Why? Are you having bad dreams?"

Khule: "How long have you known us?"

Me: "Close to a year"

Khule: "have you realized how troubled our lives are?" True. There's no peace in this home.

Me: "Yes baby."

Khule: "Am honestly tired. Am getting weaker each day. Every day we have to deal with something."
My heart sank at that. "I am tired of being strong. It'd be better if things happened to us but no, its
always you guys. It kills me to see any of you in a bad state. Tyler texted last night saying he's going
home then turned off his phone. I did not sleep a wink. I had to send some of the guys there. Then
they confirmed earlier on that he's arrived. I know its not a friendly visit and on the other side Emi
got attacked by that psycho woman. Its all too much"

When we arrived home yesterday and saw the cut on Emi's forehead, he said he'll fix it. I put my foot
down. Fortune enough the cut wasn't deep.
Me: "Why don't you call Khanyisani and find out"

Khule: "I will."

I went to sit next to him and held his hand.

Me: "You got this babe. You're doing so well, yes bad things happen but they are beyond your
control. You always make sure everyone is okay. Am pretty sure your siblings wouldn't ask for a
better brother." I pulled him in for a hug, he hesitantly hugged me back. I brushed his back until he
loosened up.

We had not been intimate since that encounter. I backed out and kissed his lips. He moved the
laptop aside and made me sit on him. My whole body responded to the reunion of our lips. He ran
his warm hands under my top. He broke the kiss off. I missed this, his narrowed eyes, looking all
sorts of juicy.

Khule: "Are you sure you wanna do this?"

Me: "Am okay babe."

He pulled off my top and started kissing again. I helped him take his off.

He stood up and laid me on the bed. I don't when and how did he take the bumshort pyjama pant
off, I just found myself butt naked with my legs spread apart and my vagina starring at him as he
took off his pants.

He began kissing my inner thighs making me lose my breath. He brushed my cookie with his beard
and came up with the kisses while tenderly squeezing both my breasts. I let out soft moans. He
stopped, I opened my eyes. He was staring at me, I stared back. He was staring right deep into my
soul. I lost the battle of staring.

Khule: "Are you really sure you wanna do this? I mean we could wait if you-" I put my index finger
on his lips.

Me: "Am sure babe. You need to stop worrying yourself"

He sighed. And let loose. He started getting all heavy on my now tiny self. I opened my scissor legs as
wide as I could. He pushed himself in. Tsunami!

He let out a soft moan soon as he was all in...


I was preparing breakfast. None of these people were awake. I called one of my guys that were
watching Chloe. He sent me a few pictures yesterday. A whole Miss November with a huge belly
carrying a bucket on her head. I couldn't believe it. She looked cute with the bump.

He finally answered.

Roy: "Mkhulu"

Me: "Hhey khehla, were you asleep?"

Roy: "Yes I was working nightshift"

Me: "I'll send money. I need you to buy her a tank and hire a water can"

Roy: "What? How am I gonna explain that?"

Me: "I don't know man. Figure it out"

He sighed and hung up. Lamu came down running. I picked him up and placed him on the counter.

Lamu: "I dreamt of snakes today"

Me: "Really? Did they harm you?"

Lamu: "No, they changed colors"

Me: "Really?"

Lamu: "Yes, your eggs are on fire daddy!"

I turned. Shit!

He jumped off the counter and shouted. "Fire fire fire!" Running upstairs. Kids!



Women are crazy out there. I got assaulted for something I had nothing to do with. Me? A man? Oh
please. I heard someone banging the door.

"Aunty Fire!" He kept on banging the door.

I went to open for him.

Lamu: "Don't just stand there get your things!" He ran away. I took my phone and went out and
walked up the corridor only to be met by Khule and Khethelo in robes following the little Lamu down
the stairs.

Khule: "What is going on?"

Quinton: "Its the eggs"

Khule: "Lamu you almost gave me a heart attack"

Me: "Paranoid that much? I mean there is a fire alarm. It would've went off"

Khethelo: "Lamukelo kodwa" she said tapping her forehead. "let me go bath"

Lamu: "But there was fire mama"

Quinton: "Yes and I took care of it"

Lamu: "Can I have weetbix?"

Me: "Yes I'll make you. Go watch TV"

He ran to the lounge.

Me: "He's so Tyler"

Khule: "He's all of you except for Chris and I"

Me: "Oh please"

Quinton: "I found who the woman is"

Me: "Really?"

Quinton: "Yes. Your boyfriend's ex"

Me: "Boyfriend? I have no boyfriend"

Quinton: "That Jackson boy. Apparently he was here days ago then officially broke up with her, you
being the reason so she started stalking you. I thought by now you'd know you do not do check-ins
on social media"

I didn't give a damn that I was attacked and who that woman is. Jason was here and did not make
means to see me? I felt tears gushing down uncontrollable. I ran outside. Leaving them calling my


Bab Gede sent one of the children to go call Tyler. They were on the rondavel.

MaChili came in as if she was chased by wind. She knelt by the door.

MaChili: "Bo Mbuyazi. It is bad. The Dladla's are here"

Bab Gede frowned.

Him: "Here where?"

MaChili: "At the-"

She did not even finish. Dladla (Khethiwe's grandfather) was already standing by the door with a
knobkerry in his hand.

The Dube elders all got up.

Dladla: "I want you to listen to me and listen very carefully. Put your dog on the leash. It is sniffing
around my turf. If I happen to spot him anywhere near my granddaughter I swear to you shit will hit
the fan and you will know what am made of." He spat on the ground and turned on his heels.

They all watched him leave.

Bab Gede: "Call the boys" he said to MaChili.


By the sun set everyone had already arrived. Bab Gede summoned them all to the main rondavel.
He was breathing fire, Everyone was walking on egg shells.

They all sat down battling in their heads of what could this be about.

Khule sat next to Nathi and Khanyisani as usual.

Khule: "What's going on?" He whispered to them. They shrugged.

Nathi: "All I know is that we're in deep shit" he whispered back.

Bab Gede got in followed by Bab Ndoda. They stood on the center.
Bab Gede looked at them one by one. None of them were able to keep eye contact.

Bab Gede: "One of you is playing with fire" he said after examining them all. "Do you know of the
Dladlas?" They all agreed. "What were you told about them?"

"Stay away from them" they all said in unison.

Bab Gede: "Now why the hell is one of you dating their child!"

Tyler's eyes dropped. He just knew this is about him and Khethiwe. She once told him about being a
Dladla. But he did not think it could be the forbidden Dladla. She uses her mother's surname, her
mother married into another family after her father passed on.

"Who is dating Mpiyesende's granddaughter!" He roared.

Bab Ndoda: "Whoever it is better come out now!"

Tyler stood up after quite some time of silence. They all looked at him.

Bab Gede: "You? Everyone out"

Everyone got out.

Bab Gede got closer to Tyler. He stepped back, he kept stepping back until he had his back against
the wall.

Bab Gede slapped him across the face. He clenched his jaw and kept his head down.

Bab Gede: "I warned you all your whole lives to step nowhere closer to that family."

Tyler: "I-"

Both fathers: "Shut up!"

Bab Ndoda: "Just shut it. You of all people, your father is the reason her father died!"

Bab Gede: "We owe that man our whole lives. We promised to not bother him and his family for the
sake of peace. He was his only son. Once he goes to the police, we'll only be left with our surname.
Stay away from that girl"
They both walked out.

Tyler kicked the chairs that were in sight groaning in anger, also crying...

Chapter Seventy-Five



Quinton and Khule came in after a couple of minutes. They found Tyler lying on his back on the grass

Khule sat on a chair while Quinton leaned against the wall. They just sat there in awful silence.

Quinton: "Is that why you hid her?"

Tyler: "No"

Khule: "Why? Why did you ask her out?"

Tyler got up and sat straight.

Tyler: "Why didn't I have to? I love her"

Quinton: "A Dladla is a no go area Tyler!"

Tyler: "Oh only when it comes to dating them? Cause by the look of things their only concern is who
she's dating not who she works for"

They both looked at him puzzled.

Tyler: "Yes I thought as much. You also didn't know she's a Dladla."

Khule: "Do we know her?"

Tyler: "Yes your PA"

He said looking at Q. Q shut his eyes and cursed under his breath.

Khule: "Khethiwe is a Dladla?"

Tyler got up and walked out. Khule looked at Quinton.

Quinton: "This crazy"

Khule: "Tell me about it"



I finally finished cooking. And yes we all tagged along. I don't know why but they all looked like
they're about to shit on themselves.

Only Chris was saved from this. They got in, looking like we've just lost a member. Quinton took out
two cans of beer and gave the other one to his twin. I just continued wiping my dishes.

Khule: "What time are you gonna dish up?"

Me: "Even now if you want"

Quinton: "Please"

I dished up for them. They took the plates before I could take out spoons and left for the lounge. I
took the spoons to them. They were already eating. Sigh.

I let them be. I took my phone and took a long walk to freedom. I love my in-laws but their yard is
unnecessary. Trust me you do not need a gym in this home. Going from my house to MaCele's
kitchen is enough exercise.

I found her with her little ones. They ran to hug me.

Me: "Are you guys okay?"

Them: "Yes. Did you bring Lamu?"

Me: "Yes. He's with aunty Emi" they ran out. It was starting to get dark but none of them seemed to

MaCele: "Sit down and tell me why we're postponing the wedding" I chuckled.

Me: "Its complicated"

MaCele: "You're aren't on good terms?"

Me: "We are. I had a breakdown 2 weeks ago"

MaCele: "You're such a Dube wife" she shook her head and poured juice. She gave me the other

Me: "Why would you say that?"

MaCele: "Staring at my face and lying."

Me: "About what?"

MaCele: "Why the wedding is getting postponed. But don't worry you fit in just perfectly. It
happened to me too. And all I can say right now is that you're strong"

I already knew what she's talking about. Khule told me not to tell them. He only told his brothers, so
I guess Khanyisani told her.

Me: "It was the worst time of my life."

MaCele: "Its part of our lives mfazi. We are tools of revenge"

Me: "If I ever go through that again. I'd die"

MaCele: "But you are stubborn. A Dube wife does not drive herself. The bodyguards should be your
life. I know it gets too much sometimes but learn to be tolerant"

Me: "I will. The ones we have this time around are extra."

MaCele: "As long as you're protected"

I smiled. She poured another glass of juice. Its about time I asked.

Me: "And then, since when are you friends with apple juice" she rolled her eyes.

MaCele: "Isn't Khanyisani and his thoughtless dick. Nx"

Me: "You're pregnant! Oh my!" I hugged her.

MaCele: "Please can the wedding be after I deliver. Imagine the wine that I won't be able to
consume if you got married before I deliver"

Me: "I was thinking June"

MaCele: "No Nguniza please"

Me: "Don't worry we'll keep the wine for you"

MaCele: "I hate being pregnant"

Me: "And y'all are so pregnant. You're pressuring me"

MaCele: "Am so surprised you aren't already"

Me: "Am scared he might not be able to love it or love it too much that he forgets about Phila"

MaCele: "You have a point. They still haven't made means to get her?"

Me: "Nope. They were an inch away from meeting and everything just went the opposite direction."
MaCele: "They think they are doing what's best for her. It will backfire when she gets old and start
asking questions"

Me: "They're unreasonable. They know very well he loved her. He may not show it but he's broken"

MaCele: "He's bound to"

Her phone beeped. She checked the message and huffed.

MaCele: "They've crowded your kitchen and ate all the food" I laughed. These men could eat a
whole cow by themselves.

MaCele: "I cooked cheesy samp and wors, is it okay?"

Me: "Yes please. You should share the recipes"

MaCele: "Not until you're married" really?

She got off the chair and dished up.

Me: "Mmmh this is good."

MaCele: "Nothing tastes good these days. It all tastes like tree leaves and smells like Khanyisani's
garden boots" she said making that disgusted face. I laughed.

Me: "Well you're missing out then. Did you get a clue of what the meeting was about?"

MaCele: "One of them is dating the grandchild of Dladla"

Me: "Who's that?"

MaCele: "A father of a deceased Funelinjani"

Me: "Okay. Explain further mfazi am drowning in confusion"

MaCele: "Funelinjani was friends with the fathers. They were into politics, owned taxis. They were
all IFP comrades. You know the story about ANC and IFP. So Funelinjani sold them out when he
joined the ANC. Many of the IFP pupils died so Bab Mphangiseni took his gun and went straight to
kwa Dladla and shot Funelinjani right in front of his pregnant fiancé."

Me: "No!" My mind jogged back to that day Khule shot those men. He's his father's son.

MaCele: "Yeah. So who our men are comes from way back. The Dladlas moved to Emnambithi after

Me: "Don't tell me he drove all the way here"

Me: "I have no idea but to tell the notorious Dubes where to get off he'd drive any mile"

Me: "Its crazy I wonder who it is"

MaCele: "Am hoping its not Khanyisani" I looked at her. "Don't look at me like that. He's a serial

Pregnant people...


I woke up all alone to my phone ringing. I looked for it. It was in the pocket of the the trouser I wore

Me: "Bafo"

Chris: "Jesus Christ I have called everyone and you're all not picking up"

Me: "Calm down. Everyone slept late last night. What's up?"

Chris: "I am worried he's killed you. What's up?"

Me: "Your brother is dating Khethiwe"

Chris: "He finally got her?"

Me: "You knew?"

Chris: "I knew he wanted her, I once overhead him talking to Bonga about it"

Me: "She's a Dladla"

Chris: "She's what?"

Me: "She's Funelinjani's daughter."

Chris: "Okay. So now they want them to break up?"

Me: "Yes. Her grandfather came here. Its all messed up man. Now we have to go apologize to that
old hag because if we don't it will blow up on our faces"

He heavily exhaled.

Chris: "How is he doing?"

Me: "He's upset and will not listen to us about staying away from her"

Chris: "No one would ever stay away from someone they love just because of a feud created by
thoughtless warlords. He hung up. He was angry. I put away the phone and went to the bathroom



I had became a prisoner in my own home. I hated my grandmother for letting them do this to me.
She left me here to be raised my grandmother and went to get married. The holier than thou Dladlas
only knew I existed during ceremonies. Other than that I was a total stranger. But they had the
nerves to step on my grandmother's house and beat me for being with someone I love. My mother, I
hated her right now. I had been crying since Saturday evening when I was beaten up for refusing to
break up with him.

The door pushed open. Nhlanhla, my mother's daughter from her second marriage came in with hot
water in a bathing basin.

Nhlanhla: "Mama said you must hurry there's a meeting"

I just looked at her. She walked out and locked the door. I stood up and bathed.

My mother came in. She sat on the bed while I lotioned. She sighed then opened her mouth.

Mom: "You know this is for the best right" I just continued with my business. "Those people aren't
good for you"

Me: "And you would know that how?"

Mother: "Don't talk to me like that!"

Me: "How do you want me to talk mama. You beat me up, am locked in here like an animal, you
came from wherever you live at and tortured me. Now tell me how should I talk."

Mom: "This is my mother's house!"

Me: "The same mother that you abandoned with your child?" I had lost all respect with my temper.
She was driving me nuts.

Mom: "Khethiwe!"

Me: "What? Who still beats up a 22 year old for dating? And on top of that lock them up?"

Mom: "You're dating the wrong person."

Me: "How do you know that? And why did you call the Dladlas"

Mom: "They're your family"

Me: "Hhai mama. They're family now that am dating?"

Mom: "I had to get people who'll-"

The door swung open. They filled the whole room. I quickly wrapped a towel around me.

Mkhulu: "We're taking you" he's clearly not talking to me. I looked at Mama.

Mom: "Its for the best"

Me: "I swear to God if I hear that one more time I'll explode"

Mkhulu: "We can't just sit and watch you getting deep into that family."
Me: "What is it that they ever did to you?"

Mom: "Nana..."

Mkhulu: "They killed my son! Your father! That boy's father killed your father!" Okay kind of a bomb
but it was not Tyler.

Me: "That's it? You want me to break up with my boyfriend just because his father killed mine?"

They all looked at me like am crazy. I never knew the man. I've read about him. He was a killer
himself. Maybe what I said came out a little too harsh but I loved MaNgcobo's son and the thought
of not being with him ever again drove me insane.

Mkhulu: "She's possessed. Dress up we are leaving for Mnambithi"

My mother packed my bag and gave it to him. He took it and walked out. She slapped me so hard my
nose bled.

Mom: "I dare you to ever utter those words ever again. I'll squash your little bones"

She walked out. I cried silently.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place...

Chapter Seventy-Six.



From MaCele's kitchen I passed by Tyler's house. I wanted to talk to him. Something was up with
him...maybe he's the one dating the Dladla granddaughter. I decided against the Little talk and
walked away.

I found Khule watching TV. I went to fix the bed for sleeping but he had already done it so I just
changed into a nightie and joined him in the lounge.

He opened his arms, I lied in his chest. I like his touchy feely days.

Me: "Is everything okay?" He sighed heavily.

Khule: "No. I just wish I was 2 or something. This adult thing is tiring"

Me: "Wanna talk about it?"

Khule: "Yes...." He told me everything that MaCele told me. "And then now Tyler is dating his
daughter. Its messed up."

Me: "But that was long ago"

Khule: "Her grandfather made it clear we should never bother his family with anything. So dating
Khethiwe is-"

Me: "Which Khethiwe?"

Khule: "The one and only"

Me: "No. Wow, but she works for Quinton, didn't that bother them?"

Khule: "I doubt they know and we also did not know she's a Dladla."

Me: "It's hectic isn't"

Khule: "Pretty much"

He kissed my cheek. We watched the TV till I don't remember anything that happened after that.

I woke up at 5. Funny how quick my body gets programmed very quickly. I bathed first before going
to the main house to make breakfast.

I called Katlego as I fried all these unhealthy foods. She picked up after a while.

Kat: "Mosadi"

Me: "Hey babe. You good?"

Kat: "Yes love am getting there. How's everything?"

Me: "Everything is just everything. I don't wanna stress you out"

Kat: "Will there ever be peace?"

Me: "Yes. The sunny days are coming. We just need to be strong"

Kat: I pray we never run out of patience. There will be no funeral, only the memorial service. She
will have him cremated"

Me: "What? Isn't that against your culture?"

Kat: "It is but nobody can ever oppose that woman called Matlala"

Me: "Am sorry hey"

Kat: "I'll call you later. I need to take a bath"

Me: "Okay"
I hung up and continued with my breakfast making. The door opened. He got in. Looking drained.

Tyler: "Morning"

Me: "Hey, Sit I'll make you coffee"

He did. I made him coffee and handed it over to him.

He kept his eyes locked on it. I lowered the temp and sat down too.

Me: "Want to talk about it?" He nodded.

Tyler: "He told you right?" I nodded. "What would you do?"

Me: "Huh?"

Tyler: "Should you have been in my shoes, what would you do?"

I went quiet for while.

Me: "Fight for what I want. If you truly love someone you do whatever it takes to be with them. If
you feel like she's your soul mate. Go for her, talk her family into letting you date. If they protest,
abduct her"

Okay I didn't mean the last part. He looked at me briefly and nodded then sipped on his coffee.



I woke up to my phone ringing. I searched for it under the pillow. I answered.

Me: "Hello"

Caller: "Girl, I just saw your message. Take all the time you need" she's always in the mood. I don't
know how she does it but she does it.

Me: "Thank you"

Luvo: "Pleasure all mine babe. Bye"

I put the phone aside and got out to the bathroom. I then went to the kitchen, I found Khethelo and
Me: "Morning"

Them: "Morning"

Me: "Why do y'all look like somebody just died?"

Khethelo: "Is Lamu awake?"

Me: "Yes. What's going on?"

Tyler: "Go change the pyjamas. Since when do we come to the kitchen wearing them?"

Me: "Come on I haven't bathed yet"

Tyler: "Then go bath" I tried protesting a little by his eye was enough to send me away to the freakin



A very deafening sound had Chloe storming out of the house. It was a truck with a large Jojo tank.
She waved at a driver. The engine went off. He stepped out.

Him: "Morning ma'am"

Chloe: "Yes Hi I did not buy this"

Him: "Aren't you miss November?" She reluctantly nodded. "Then you bought it. Where should I
place it?"

Chloe: "I did not buy a tank"

The driver inspected the yard. He found a spot.

Him: "I'll have to go and then come back to make a stand where I'll place it"

Chloe: "I think you're making a mistake"

Him: "I'll leave the truck here. I'll see you in an hour" he left. Chloe stood there puzzled.

He went back in and locked the door. She sat on the couch, stood up to look out the window then
went to sit again. She sat there just staring into space.

She head voices after some time. She went to peep. It was the same man with 4 other men pushing
wheelbarrow full of sand and the other with cement. She went to lock herself on the bedroom.


She wasn't in bed when I woke up. I hate it when she overworks herself. I took a brief shower then
went to the rondavel where the fathers always gather in the morning. I knocked and went in. I sat
next to Bab Moses and greeted.

Me: "Eh bo Mbuyazi. I was thinking we should go and appease the Dladlas for this" they all looked at
me. "I think its best to show we are sorry for what Tyler did"

Bab Moses: "Why? Its been 22 years he needs to get over it"

Bab Gede: "Moses!" He warned. "We will son and am proud you thought of that. That man will re-
dig the cats buried under the carpet if we do not show remorse"

Me: "Thank you. And I was thinking we leave for Jo'burg this evening."

Bab Gede: "Of course. We'll to there first thing in the morning"

The food came in and there was no way am leaving without a bite. They let me eat making me listen
to how they met their wives.



The Mpungose's shouted the Dladla clans as they made their way in.

A child led them to the house where the Dladla elders were. They took their seats and greeted.

Mpungose: "Mgabadeli"

Dladla: "Khuba"

Mpungose: "Am happy we get to meet under these circumstances."

Dladla: "Not more than I am. Where's your son"

Mpungose: "Will be here in the next 10 minutes, he's a teacher. He had to wait for break time"

Dladla: "Is he a real man?"

Mpungose: "Yes, strong like me. Where's our makoti?"

Dladla: "On the other house"

Mpungose: "Is she vibrant? I need someone who'll be able to bear me beautiful grand children"

Dladla: "Then she's the right candidate for it."

Mpungose: "Can we see her?"

Dladla called the child passing by.

Dladla: "Go tell Khethiwe to come here"


The child came back.

Child: "She isn't there"

Them: "What?"

Dladla went out running to house where Khethiwe was kept. She wasn't there. He called out
everyone to go look for her.

Mpungose: "What is going on?"

Dladla: "I think she escaped. Dube will feel my wrath. Thabani!" He called out his eldest son. He
came to him. "Organise 3 taxis we're going to Estcourt. Dube has clearly forgotten who am I"

He walked towards the gate while Thabani made some calls.



We had just ate lunch. My phone rang.

Jackson: "We've delivered the tank"

Me: "Good. Did you see her?"

Jackson: "She locked herself inside till we left"

Me: "Hmmmm."

I hung up. I then went to watch TV. I was alone in the main house, Lamu had turned on me. We
weren't buddies anymore.


I must've fallen asleep. I woke up to banging guns!

I swiftly went to the window. Wtf!

I took my phone and called Khule. It rang unanswered. I ran to the parents room and punched the
safe code and took the out the AK47.

I slightly opened the door and started firing the direction they were coming from.

I managed to take 6 down. I walked out, Khanyisani was shooting from his house.

By the time I reached the other end. The shooting had stopped. Then the hysterical screaming

I rushed over where the crying was from. I froze for a moment... I blinked a few times. My vision was
getting blurry.

He lied there surrounded by our mothers. I threw the gun down and ran to where there was a male
cry at.

I felt tears flooding my eyes. I stood there numb. She was sleeping peacefully, with a bowl next to

The whole yard literary became a whole circus. The police and the paramedics and filled the whole

I stood there losing my mind.

"Sir are you alright?"

Said a paramedic. I nodded.

Me: "How many are deceased? Excluding the men in balaclavas"

Her eyes dropped.

Her: "12. 6 adults and 6 kids. Am so sorry for your loss"

The media people drove in. I walked away from the Lady...

Chapter Seventy-Seven



Young or old. There's never a right time to lose a soul. No one shall get used to death. Sorrow filled
the Dube homestead as the neighbours came to pay respect and console them. They had lost the
pillars of the family and innocent souls. Media messages sending their deep condolences about their
loss. The yard was dead quiet. Not even one of the livestock was audible.

The hearses followed one another in, 12 of them. Friends and relatives were there to support their
loved ones.

The crying began yet again when the caskets were taken inside the rondavel....



I stood there in my bedroom window looking at the mortuary men taking in the caskets. The knife
would stab better. What I felt was more than a stab. The last casket to taken in was him, my Angel,
he was really gone. I tried to remain strong but my knees failed me, like I had not seen his face
yesterday when we went to buy him his last bed. Like I had not seen his pretty face 3 days back
when he lied next to the goat's kraal in a pool of his own blood. God failed me, God failed him. He
loved church. He praised him everyday. He always reminded me on Saturdays that the following day
is church day.

It wasn't fair. His mother died by a gun. Why would God let it happen to him too.

I felt a hand of comfort in my shoulder. My sobbing became even louder. He turned me into his
direction and hugged me. I did not need any of that. I needed my baby.

Khule: "Its going to be okay I promise you. Its going to be okay"

He was also a mess but stayed strong for everyone's sake.



Not their bodies convinced me. Not seeing them for 3 days convinced me. The casket arrived. I was
still not convinced.

I still heard Bab Gede's voice shouting for everyone to wake up in the morning.

I still heard MaCele's laughter coming from her kitchen. I still heard Lamu's giggles whenever he's
about to ask for a favor. Machili, Amanda, MaButhelezi, Bab Moses, Olwethu, Nana, Khosi, Amahle
and Sanele. I still heard all their voices. All 12 of them.

Lihle came in. She looked as pale as I was. She sat on the bar stool opposite me. She played with her

We sat there in complete silence, only tear drops.

I just took my phone and went to my bedroom after a while. She followed me. We cuddled in bed
and dozed off...

He ran inside my room and climbed in bed.

Lamu: "Aunty Aunty wake up!" He screamed jumping on the bed.

Me: "Am awake"

Lamu: "Its your turn to make breakfast"

Me: "No it's not"

Lamu: "I love you"

Me: "Where's that coming from? I love you more. Where's my phone?"

He kissed my lips and climbed off then ran out with it. "Lamu! yey wena. Lamu!"

I felt someone shaking me. I jumped up in terror.

Lihle: "Am sorry, you were calling out his name"

I remembered the dream. Reality hit me hard. There were people singing outside.

My eyes were hurting from the endless crying.

Me: "What time is it?"

Lihle: "Close to 2am. The night vigil has began"

Me: "I'll just go help in the kitchen"

Lihle: "No. We're going to the tent and sing our lungs out. This is not what they would've wanted.
They would've wanted us to heat up their sending away session.

Me: " You have a point"

We put on doeks and went out...



The following day

The service was cut short due to Bab Gede's wish of being buried before 2pm.

They followed the hearses to the assigned area of burial. It was 10 minutes away. Khule held
Khethelo's hand all the way. Quinton was a walking corpse, he was walking with Emi. Chris walked
alone behind them. Tyler had locked himself up in his house since the incident.

They arrived at the Dube graveyard. The pastor read the burial verses.

The caskets made their way down. Khethelo cried her lungs out holding on to Khule, she fainted.
Sam offered to take her to the hospital. Khule agreed and they left.

The sight was too heartbreaking. 12 coffins. The rain poured down. Everyone was asked to get back
home. The men will take care of the rest.

Everyone seated around the tables in a tent soon as they arrived back at home.

Khanyisani was sitting alone in front of his house smoking under the umbrella. Khule spotted him
and went to sit next to him.
Khule: "We're still waiting for the dust to cool off then we'll take care of it"

Khanyisani: "I honestly want to do it myself. I want to look him in the eye and kill him"

Khule: "That you'll do. Stay strong"

Khanyisani: "I don't know how long its going to take me to actually get over this. Its like a piece of
me left with her"

Khule: "I know. And you'll never get it back"

Khanyisani: "We were expecting another child." He said with a shaking voice. Khule patted his



My phone's battery had died from the endless ringing and text messages. I was lying on the couch
not knowing what to do with myself. I was the one to blame. If I had not dated her they'd still be
alive. If only I had kept my feelings inside.

I took a nap. My head felt like exploding from all the thinking I've been doing.

When I woke up it was already dark and dead quiet. I took my touch and put on boots and a
raincoat. It was still aining outside.

I Walked out and left for the graveyard. The rain got harder by each minute passing.

I arrived and sat before the fresh soil graves. 12 people gone. We were now left with the least of
them. The people who kept this family together were gone, forever. The children who still had
beautiful lives ahead were gone. And it was all my fault.

I sat down before Machili's grave. I wanted to talk but my voice wouldn't come out only tears found
their way down. All her memories, crazy memories.
Me: "Am sorry mama. If there was a way to bring you all back I would." I exhaled. "Who's gonna
shout at us now for not being on the rondavel on time. Chase away our little girlfriends. Beat us up
as old as we are when we get you mad."

I moved to Bab Gede's.

"You'd know what to do right now. You've always known what to do in these situations. You were
there for us when your brother passed on, you made sure we become strong. When you left Jo'burg
and told us to figure it out I thought you hated us. But we did figure it out and am forever grateful
for that. Rest in eternal peace Mbuyazi"

I saw cars going out of the yard. I stood up to have a clear view.



The Dube clan all rode out heading to Emnambithi.

The drive was shorter than expected. They parked a distance away from the Dladla homestead.

They all took their guns and walked to the yard.

Bhekani MaChili's second born went to Khule.

Bhekani: "I'll shoot the cows"

Khule: "Don't leave out the chickens"

Khanyisani: "Even the rats when you find them"

Bhekani nodded and walked away.

Khule: "What is taking this boy so long"

Khanyisani: "Maybe he's stuck somewhere. Its too moist here"

Khule: "There is his car."

They waited for him. He parked and got out.

Khule: "Go help him carry those things"

He said to his other younger brothers. They left.

They carried the 25Ls of fuel to where Khule and Khanyisani were standing.

Quinton: "That attendant was messing with my patience."

Khanyisani: "You should've punched him"

Khule: "The ladder?"

Quinton: "Yes. How are they gonna climb up?"

Khanyisani: "Hmmm"

They went inside the yard. They started off at the main house. The other boys went to rondavels.

Khule went to stand before the main door in the main house.

After 30 minutes they finished. Khanyisani went to knock at Dladla's window. He knocked for quite
some time without response.

Dladla got off the bed and turned on the light.

Dladla: "Who is that?"

Khanyisani: "Death"

Dladla opened the curtain. He shot him right in the head and then

He lit the gas lighter and threw it on the window. The whole house set on fire.

Khule's phone rang. It was the hospital asking him to rush to the hospital. He panicked and went to
tell Khanyisani.

Khanyisani: "Go."

Khule: "Will you be fine?"

Khanyisani: "Mamnguni needs you go"

He jogged to where their cars were parked.

All the houses were on fire. The was no way they could come out. The fire had emerged all over.

Thabani managed to get out through the window from his house. Khanyisani spotted him and shot
him down.

They stood far as the fire got bigger and bigger.

They ended up sitting down.

Quinton even fell asleep.

4 hours later.

The fire wore down. Khanyisani shook those who were already asleep.

Khanyisani: "Its done. Let's go"

Quinton: "What time is it?"

Khanyisani: "Quarter to 4. Let's go"

They went to their separate cars and drove off in convoy....

Am currently busy my sweethearts please bear with me❤

Chapter Seventy-Eight


°3 months later°


Everyone grieves differently. Some cry. Some distance themselves from human beings. Some drown
in alcohol. Some drown in work. Some shop. Some just do it all.

In my family's case. Everyone grieved one of the ways mentioned above. It was quite a very difficult
period for the Dubes. I fell sick in the process but by God's grace he healed our bleeding hearts and
promised us a better life ahead without our loved ones. He's a good Lord who'll never forsaken you
in any situation. The wedding was postponed once again. Babomncane was still sick anyway so I
didn't mind.

So in a period of 12 weeks we cried, hurt and repeated until our hearts accepted the unacceptable.
Then last week Mrs Angel Nzinga showed up on our door and offered to do the ceremony for
Katlego since her health was still on the edge, she was now 36 weeks but no big bump just a
portable one.

On other news, her father made her and her estranged sister Lulama the only beneficiaries of his
wealth. She said she wants nothing to do with that inheritance. That was a cherry on top for Mrs
Mokgotho and her Nzinga daughter.

So the current day was Saturday. The day of the ceremony. Katlego left yesterday then the men and
Bab Ndoda followed this morning so Emi, Lihle, MaXaba and I remained behind doing the cooking
and all.

I washed my hands went out. Emi was still grating the same carrot I left her grating.

Me: "You must be kidding me"

Lihle: "She drank dirty sprite" she laughed.

Me: "Emihle"

Emi: "I was curious. Can I take a nap?"

MaXaba: "Please go before everyone comes back"

We all looked at her walk away losing balance. I attended to my pots. I felt a light headache. I closed
the rice pot and went to the fridge to take out my ready to drink sweet white. Yes I was an official
wine drinker.

MaXaba: "She'd be ululating right now"

We laughed.

Lihle: "I'll get the glasses"

Me: "I'll never forget that day you guys made me drink on my first day"

MaXaba: "MaCele saw right through you. She said it when you came in to the rondavel."

Me: "Wine is happiness"

MaXaba: "Always and now that we can drink it in peace it's even better"
We poured on our glasses.

Me: "To MaCele" we raised our glasses.

Them: "To MaCele"

We drank to that.



You see the things that are beyond our control really piss me off. I had endure seeing Pitso's face. I
felt like vomiting the whole time.

When the Dubes arrived I breathed a little. I sat on the room they put me on. Khethelo's phone was
off. I needed a little distraction.

I heard a knock on the door then the door opened.

Angel: "Its time to go"

I stood up and put the blanket over my shoulders and followed her out.

The men were seated in the dining room. Both the Dubes and the Nzingas. I sat down on the mat
with Angie. Chris wasn't amongst them. I missed him.

Quinton held the goat while Pitso's uncle burnt the incense appeasing the ancestors.

After 2 hours of communicating with the ancestors they finally slaughtered the goat.

Nzinga walked in the front informing their ancestors that am no longer one of their own until we
reached the gate. He asked me to take off the head wrapper and the blanket. He then instructed me
to get in the car and don't look back.
I did as told. Khule was the one driving. He drove off. I felt a bit lighter. Like a heavy burden has been
lifted off my shoulders.

We arrived in Jo'burg close to 12pm. We pulled up at the gate. It was taking place at Khule's house.
It is taken as a Jo'burg main home.

MaXaba and Mamkhulu were the ones to welcome us in.

They gave me a pinafore and a head wrap. After delivery they were going to pay dowry. I wasn't sure
about getting married again but I loved him, he loved me. We loved each other so I agreed.

They led us inside the house. Makhosi Ndosi was there when we arrived. He burnt the incense and
informed the Dube ancestors that I was now to be accepted as their son's girlfriend and they can
start protecting me and the baby.

Another goat was slaughtered. I left them there and went to join the ladies. They all hugged the
living day lights out of me.

Me: "My poor baby is gonna be delivered prematurely"

Khethelo: "Ai suka mosadi. How are you feeling?"

Me: "Better than I've ever felt in a year"

MaXaba: "This calls for a celebration"

My eyes landed on the empty bottles of wine.

Me: "Seems like you've already started"

They both looked at the bottles and giggled.

Khethelo: "We got bored. You know " just one glass" ends up being a whole brewery" I chuckled. No
matter how much they can drink you can never spot they're drunk.

Me: "MaCele is proud of you right now"

MaXaba: "We actually drank for her. So tell us about that good for nothing crippled ex of yours"

I couldn't hold it in. I laughed till I cried. This woman.

Me: "Are you trying to kill me?" Khethelo gave me a bottle of water. I drank it away and calmed

Khethelo: "Did he make nasty comments?"

Me: "No. He was actually nice, too nice."

MaXaba: "I can imagine. Do you need to see someone?"

Me: "Hhai stop it you guys. Where's Chris?"

Khethelo: "He left after his brothers in the morning"

Me: "I miss him. Let me go get my phone "

I walked out.



It felt good to see everyone laugh again. There has not been much to laugh about lately. Its hard to
bury elders. Its even harder to bury your children. But we made it here today, we're laughing. It
couldn't be better.

As much as we laughed. Tyler still felt like it was all his fault but it wasn't. He had no idea who she
was, none of us did.

Bab Ndoda: "I hope this is the beginning of only good things"

Mamkhulu: "It has to be. We've suffered enough"

Quinton: "When are we doing the cleansing?"

Bab Ndoda: "August 09."

Just thinking about going home made my insides turn. I'll never look at that yard the same again.

Bab Ndoda: "If that's okay with everyone"

Me: "It's perfect. No one will be working"

Mamkhulu: "That's good then."

My favorite part of all times...Food. As bad as we are, God gave us good women, good in everything
except from being wine addicts. They're good women. We washed our hands and waited for our
mountainous plates. I silently prayed Chris and Nathi don't come back anytime soon so I'll eat their
I was the last one to be served since I was sitting at the corner. I heard them laughing. Chris must be
fasting good these days.

Nathi: "Such perfect timing. Bring us food ntombazane" he said to Lihle.

Lihle: "Its finished. We thought you weren't coming back"

Chris: "What? Khule"

Me: "What?"

Chris: "Think for your brother"

Me: "Doesn't he have his own brain?"

Nathi: "You aren't funny dude." He sat next to Tyler. "Can I?"

Tyler: "For how much?"

Bab Ndoda and Mamkhulu laughed.

Mamkhulu: "You'll forever be like that."

Tyler: "Nothing is for mahhala mama"

Bab Ndoda: "You made everyone pay for everything"

Chris: "This is why I always beat you up"

Tyler: "Try again"

Bab Ndoda: "You can share with me Chris since none of these people are showing mercy"

Quinton: "I would. But he ate his sandwich alone yesterday"

Chris: "You're not making it to heaven with that bad heart"

Quinton: "Okay Jesus"

I laughed on the low before being told I am not making it to heaven too.

My phone rang. Charles.

Me: "Sure"

Charles: "If he was still in S.A we would've already tracked him down"

Me: "Look harder Charles"

Charles: "Am doing my best Groot man"

Me: "Well your best isn't enough man"

Charles: "I have last lead. I hope I'll find him"

Me: "Keep me updated"

I hung up and sighed. "That was Charles. Still no luck"

Bab Ndoda: "They never end, do they?"

Me: "We'll find him baba"

Quinton: "I think it's about time we hired a PI"

Chris: "I agree. We may be chilling here kanti the boy is dead and buried somewhere out there"

Me: "Don't say that"

Quinton: "He's stating the possible"

I just lost my appetite. I couldn't afford burying any of my children.



The precious moments of being together is playing the play station and drinking.

We played till the ladies came to join us. And we all knew what that means. It was close to midnight
anyways. My big baby was snuggled up under my arm.

I lost the game. Who wins while a woman is busy whispering things to him.

Me: "That's my cue"

Khule: "You owe me R2500"

Me: "Whatever. Goodnight everyone"

I pulled my baby up and we climbed the stairs.

She threw herself on the soon as we got in the bedroom.

Katlego: "It feels like a dream. I was this close into committing suicide" I looked at her. "For real
babe. It was all just weighing me down"

Me: "Well am glad you didn't"

I joined her in bed. I placed my hand on our never kicked baby but perfectly fine.

Katlego: "I'll never leave you"

Me: "But you were thinking of it"

Katlego: "Am sorry"

I kissed her forehead.

Me: "I love you"

Katlego: "Thank you for loving me. I love you more than life itself"

Me: "Is it? Now can I get a love making session?"

Katlego: "Am tired babe"

Me: "You can sleep. I'll just do it quick"

She laughed.

Katlego: "When did you become a sex addict?"

Me: "Since I met you. Come"

Katlego: "No. Hit it from behind. You said am frog jumping last time"

Me: "You know I didn't mean that."

Katlego: "Of course you did. Are we going to church?"

Me: "Yes."

Katlego: "I haven't seen Emi"

Me: "She drank dirty sprite. She might wake up in 4 days"

She chuckled.

I started kissing her....



I shook Tyler. We had been sharing a room since we came back from Estcourt.
He opened his Mable eyes.

Me: "Is it me or your eyes are weirdly big in the morning?"

Tyler: "Do you have a better reason for waking me up?"

Me: "Yes. You said we should give Khethelo some time off and make breakfast"

He took his phone and got off the bed. I took mine and went downstairs.

I took out all the breakfast necessities. I firstly made toast. Tyler came in and started frying. Buffet
breakfast are my favorite.

He kept stealing glances and there I knew he had something to ask but scared.

Me: "You can ask"

Tyler: "What?"

Me: "Ask"

Tyler: "Uhm...I am worried about Khethiwe. I'd sleep better at night knowing she's safe whatever
she is"

Me: "She's in Durban completing her degree. Long distance learning. She's safe"

Tyler: "You're still covering her studies?"

Me: "Yes. Its not her fault her grandfather was stupid"

Tyler: "mmh"

Me: "You can go see her if you want"

Tyler: "Am not sure she'd appreciate seeing me"

Me: "She will. She thinks the same. Do you love her?"

He nodded.

Tyler: "I've never loved anyone this much. I thought I'd forget about her with time but no"

Me: "Then go get your woman"

Tyler: "Won't the family mind? I mean we lost everyone because of our relationship"

Me: "Those who'll mind will just have to get over it. Life's too short. Make every moment
worthwhile. You deserve to be happy, and your happiness lies with the daughter of an enemy"

He chuckled.

Tyler: "You're mental unstable you know that"

Me: "Thank you Dube elimthende"

We heard a loud scream coming from upstairs. We first looked at each other and ran there. It was
coming from Chris and Katlego's room.

I pushed the door open. Snakes.

Katlego was curled up in a corner. Everyone flooded the room. They were changing colors just as the
sun rays hit their skin. He once said something about snakes changing colors. This is hardly a

Bab Ndoda: "Maqhama!


Mbuyazi, Lushozi


Nzwakele , Bayi


aqham’ehleli njengegwababa!

Khushwayo, Habane, Donda



Mbuyazi akathekel’emanxulumeni!

Mbuyaz’ongakhathalele bafokazana odume ngezinxuluma


We were all now bowed down....

Chapter Seventy-Nine

(Not edited)



Trust me when I say the Dube people are one odd family. Who does all that to snakes. I was still
traumatized. Khethelo seems to adjust easily to everything that happens in this home. Every slight
movement sent me to ER. And for the fact that nobody bothered to tell me why I woke up with
snakes in my bed drove me nuts. "Don't worry about it. Everything is going well"
Ugh I felt like slapping all of them. I finished bathing and walked out. Whoever planned this house is
a genius. Every bedroom is an en-suite.

Chris was nowhere in sight. I dressed up quickly before those things appear again. I took my phone
and went downstairs. We were eating separately today. Praise the Lord. The men were eating in the
lounge and the ladies on the patio. Couldn't be better. The weather was corresponding.

I sat next to Emi.

Me: "Miss Dirty Sprite Dube"

Emi: "It's not funny"

MaXaba: "Next time you'll die you know that"

She chuckled.

Emi: "I'll never drink it. It was just an experiment"

Lihle: "You need Jesus"

Me: "Where's Mamkhulu and Khethelo?"

MaXaba: "They left with Bab Ndoda."

Me: "OK"

We ate over a silly conversation.



When I opened my eyes the first thing that crossed my mind is I was finally getting out of this place.
It had been months. 6 months to be precise. 6 months without the outside world, totally
disconnected. I couldn't wait to get home. Who knew at 22 I would have my life this complicated.
Going to a calling initiation school that has no teacher. Just a bunch of people with different callings
instructed by 100 different voices. Living off fruits and water. Sleeping on soft cow skin. The place
had no roof but we never felt sun or rain. As to how I ended up there I'd be lying if I said I had any
idea. The last thing I remember is getting into my apartment in Cape Town and that was it.

The sun hadn't rose yet. I sat patiently. Babiki, My instructor that I've never seen but only heard
voice of, taught me patience. Something I really lacked.
Everyone around me was awake going up and down doing what their instructors told them to do.

A leaf landed on my shoulder. He came in everything. Sometimes birds, sometimes a rabbit.

Anything wild you could think of.

"Remember all that I taught you. You shall not make any mistake. You're reborn. You're Khayithe
now. You shall not fall in love with anyone until you've fixed your family. A lot has happened. We
locked it all away so you wouldn't get distracted. From here onwards you shall not leave your
people. Take the leaf. Never lose it. You lose it. You lose the Khayithe in you. Safe journey"

Everything became blurry. I couldn't see my surroundings. The voices faded away. I felt a severe
headache. I hit the ground...



6 in the morning we received a call from Charles. Who told us to rush to the airport and identify the
body if its not Bonga's. I hated them for putting me in that position.

I was relieved that its not him but felt sorry for the boy's parents. The drive back home was long. I
was hungry and tired. I didn't get enough sleep the previous night.

And being with the parents in-law in the same vehicle increased my blood pressure.

Bab Ndoda: "My boy. Please stop at the next restaurant. Am dying now I need to take my

God is amazing. Liam pulled up before Wimpy. He just had to. Now my former colleagues will think
am flexing on them.

I opened my own door before he came to open it. Don't wanna be seen as a trophy wife, which am
slowly becoming. I led the way in. The smiles!

I smiled back. I spotted my supervisor. Its been 6 months since I resigned. He came to our table.

Him: "Mamnguni"
He extended his arm for a handshake. I gave him mine we shook.

Me: "Mama, Baba this is my former supervisor Mdluli. Mdluli this is mama and baba in-law"

Mdluli: "Nice to meet you elders." He shook their hands. "You have a very beautiful and hard
working makoti here"

Bab Ndoda: "We know. Can we order?"


Mdluli: "Of course. I'll get someone to attend to you"

Mamkhulu: "Something you should've done 5 minutes ago"

He nodded and walked away. These parents!

Bab Ndoda: "Who the hell does he think he is complimenting my son's wife"

Me: " He's harmless baba" I said laughing.

Mamkhulu: "Harmless nex. I know his kind. They use black magic to get people's wives."

I laughed. They're the worst ever. Philile came to take our orders.

My phone rang. Sometimes I don't know if its because he's scared of me being kidnapped again or
he's just plain obsessed with me.

I excused myself and went to the bathroom. He had already dropped but called again.

Me: "Baby"

Khule: "I miss you. When are you getting back?"

Me: "We're in Rosebank grabbing a bite"

Khule: "Great. Am in the office. Tell me when you're done I'll come fetch you"

Me: "There's no need for that"

Khule: "Okay"

Me: "Am serious Khulekani. Am still enjoying the parents company"

Khule: "Okay"

Me: "I love you"

Khule: "Okay"
Me: "Don't be like that"

Khule: "Okay"

I hung up and peed then went back to the table.

Our orders had arrived. I sat down and started eating. I'll never get over how fast the men of this
family finish food.

I felt heavy presence behind me. Am not marrying this psychopath.

Bab Ndoda: "Haw ndodana. You dragged feet"

Khule: "I had enough at home Mbuyazi." He sat next to me and kissed my cheek. "Hi"

I sighed.

Me: "Hi"

Khule: "Can I steal her?"

Mamkhulu: "Just say you want your wife. Baba and I are done anyway. Makoti, we'll see you at

They asked Phili to pack up their left overs for them and left.

The crazy man of mine moved to sit on the opposite chair. I felt like rolling my eyes.

Khule: "Let's get married next week" Is he crazy? "We'll do something small. Then the traditional
wedding can be done on the 24th September"

Me: "Are you suggesting or?"

Khule: "Suggesting" I laughed.

Me: "You're such a bad liar. We can skip the white wedding"

Khule: "Nope"

Me: "What?" He never uses that slang.

Khule: "Oh I heard Emi and Lihle. We're having a white wedding. Maybe not next week but its

Me: "You're so dramatic"

Khule: "Let's go"

He picked the plate up.

Me: "Where are you going with Wimpy's plate?"

Khule: "Home"

He called Phili and paid. I walked in front while he stole the restaurant's plate.

I got in the car. He was eating followed by the running Phili. Lord help me.

Khule: "Just a minute" he finished off the food and gave her the plate. What's wrong with him
today. He got in, kissed my cheek and drove off...



Women and drama...Same WhatsApp group. We were supposed to have left in the last 30 minutes
but no. They kept hugging each other for no reason.

Khethelo: "Okay guys let me not keep you"

Me: "You've kept us for 30 minutes mama Dube"

Khethelo: "Send my love to Khetz. Call me when you get there"

Me: "I will"

She finally got off. I was nervous about this journey but it had to be done. The take off still messes
with my insides. I found a comfortable position and drifted to sleep.

I felt the cold breeze hitting my cheeks. Dube people are so cruel. The plane was empty. I heard
them laughing. I stood up and exited.

Bab Ndoda: "We almost left you here"

Me: "It would've been nice if one of you woke me up"

Mamkhulu: "Stop whining. Get your bag, your transport will be here any minute. Estcourt isn't
around the corner we're leaving."

Me: "Safe journey ma" we hugged.

Nathi: "We will wait for your call"

Me: "Y'all better buy me airtime"

Bab Ndoda: "Stop getting cold feet. Go get our makoti"

Me: "I will"

Finally they drove off. I waited for mine. She had no idea I was coming. I went to take my bag, I
found my ride already there with the guards. Its funny thinking of how they actually behave. Like
being angry for the whole day was their dream job? I'd love to see them laugh.

Me: "You guys should smile. At least once an hour"

He closed the door, without a smile. The one driving started the car and drove off.

We arrived quicker than I had expected. The security let us in without giving us any problems. The
tough guys knocked when we finally got to her door.

The door opened. He stared at us. I felt my heart slowly beating.

Him: "Can I help you?"

Me: "Is my girlfriend in?"

Him: "Who's your girlfriend"

"Babe who's that?"

Him: "Some douche bag"

I lost it and punched his stupid face. A woman appeared.

Her: "What the hell! Am calling the police"

Me: "Where is Khethiwe?"

Her: "Who the fuck are you?" She looked so young than that language.

Me: "Child. You not gonna talk to me like that"

"What on earth are you-" our eyes met. She ran to me. We hugged so tight. She was already crying. I
wanted to but these 16 eyes staring at us were too much. I put her down.
Khethiwe: "I thought I'd never see you again" I wiped her tears.

Me: "Am here now"

Khethiwe: "Uhm guys this is Tyler. This is my roommate and her boyfriend. What happened to your
nose" he looked at me.

Me: "Hade. Don't ever call me that"

Him: "Whatever dude. Let's go babe"

Her: "It was nice finally meeting you Tyler. We aren't Satan's agents"

I chuckled. They left, so did the never smiling demons.

Khethiwe: "Are you hungry?"

Me: "For a kiss? Yes babe"

She tip toed and we shared a very heartfelt kiss. I missed her. I love her. She broke it off and pulled
me to the corridor. I hesitated.

Khethiwe: "We're way past probation."

Me: "That doesn't mean we sh-"

She shut me up with a kiss. Dube Jnr betrayed me. It had been 9 months without a woman. I picked
her up and walked to the opened room that I assumed is hers...




I answers the phone.

Me: "What?"

Khule: "There are people at the gate"

Me: "So?"

Khule: "They want you"

I moved the phone off my ear. It was close to 11pm. I took my laptop and accessed the gate
surveillance. I ran out and pressed the remote control as I walked towards the main door.
They looked like foreigners with those big bags they were carrying. I hugged her. The belly was
making it impossible.

Chloe: "You smell like mqombothi"

Me: "Yeah we had some earlier. Leave these here"

Bonga: "Baba" I hugged him too. I even forgot he was missing. I was too happy to see the baby

Me: " Mbuyazi. Leave these here I'll get someone to take them in" I pulled Chloe's hand.

Me: "How are the kids?"

Chloe: "Good and hungry."

Me: "I'll make you food"

They both sat down. They looked different. Khule and Khethelo came down.

Khethelo: "What the-"

She hugged her.

Chloe: "Did you guys miss me?"

Khule: "You're exploding"

Chloe: "Thank you Dube"

We laughed.

Khule: "Bonga"

Bonga: "Baba"

Khethelo: "You have a lot of explaining to do"

Bonga: "I will"

Chris came down too. Everyone seemed excited to see her. I did not realize how much I missed her. I
gave her the plate of food.

Khethelo: "So you're back"

Chloe: "Yes. Do you guys know any other way if giving birth without pain?"

Me: "Yes. C section"

Bonga: "Not happening"

Chloe: "Could you all please talk to your son? He's been traumatising me the whole way here"

Me: "Bonga"

Bonga: "Its the truth."

Katlego came down too. The kitchen went dead quiet.

Katlego: "Is that a stomach? Hell mosadi. Is there a hippo in there?" She took a piece of meat from
Chloe's plate.

No one expected that. "What? Do you want a hug?"

Chloe nervously nodded. "Come"

She got off the chair and they hugged. Katlego screamed and moved off then held her tummy. Chris
was already behind her.

Chris: "What's going on are you okay?"

Katlego: "It kicked!"


Me: "You almost gave me a heart attack"

Katlego: "Can I hug you again?"

Chloe opened her arms. They hugged. She screamed again.

Khule: "Are you crying?"

Khethelo: "How can I not? This is too beautiful"

Bonga: "Group hug"

We did a group hug. Then we snacked listening to her stories of a new life

Around 3am we all went to our nests.

Chloe: "I need a bath"

Me: "Can I join you?"

Chloe: "Of course."

Me: "I'll go fill the tub first" she nodded.

I went to the bathroom and turned on the geyser first.

I heard soft sobs. I walked out. She was holding a picture frame of Lamu. I felt like I was pinned to
the ground.

Chloe: "When?" I took a deep breath.

Me: "3 months ago"

She sat on the bed and cried. I sat next to her and comforted her.

Me: "Its okay babe."

Chloe: "You don't understand. I wasn't good to him. I was hoping I'll make it up to him when I get
back Quinton." She sobbed even louder.

Me: "Its all in the past now"

I let her cry on my shoulder. My wound got freshened once again. He flooded my mind once again. I
missed him.

The Tyler and Khethiwe scene will be posted on the group tomorrow.

Chapter Eighty



Right now I missed Tyler. Actually... I need a maid. This thing of making breakfast each morning even
if I have somewhere else to go was starting to disrupt my peace. I brought the last serving bowl with
eggs. I placed it on the table and ran back to the kitchen and grabbed my bag. I was meeting with the
weave suppliers and I was 15 minutes late. My first ever meeting and I have already ruined it. Liam
opened the door for me. I got in. It felt like hours till he finally reached his side and we drove off.
Khule had already left.

I arrived at Houghton heights. One of them was already there. I've never been so embarrassed.

I pulled the chair and sat down. She extended her hand for a handshake.

Her: "Mbali"
Me: "Khethelo. Am so sorry. I lost track of time" she smiled.

Mbali: "It's okay. The fellow 2 partners are running late too. They landed around 3am from the UK"

Me: "Oh. Have you ordered?"

Mbali: "Just coffee."

Me: "OK I'll order some too. I did not find time to eat"

Mbali: "We can order. I am also starving. I ate when I woke up but you know when you're eating for
two" she blushed.

Me: "Oh my congratulations"

Mbali: "Thank you"

I signalled for a waiter's attention. A gentleman came to our rescue. We ordered and talked about
women affairs. Our food arrived, draw with the two other men we were waiting for. We shook
hands. They introduced themselves as Mr Carson and Mbhele.

We chatted for a while and then got down in business.

Mr Carson: "We deliver 2 times in 3 months."

Me: "I could work with that"

Mbali: "It doesn't come cheap though. You have to make sure you have enough clients"

Me: "Am talking 86 women who've suggested the waeves. So I'll order 80 as a beginning stock then
the second stock will determine how the first stock went"

Mr Mbhele: "You do realize that we charge extra 15% for deliveries"

Me: "Money is not a problem" they looked at each other.

Mbali: "I guess its settled then." She read through the paper work. "All kinds, number 1,4 and 30.
The first delivery will be made in 2 weeks"

Me: "Thank you"

My reminder for going to the salon beeped. I shook their hands and left.



I was going back to work today. Katlego cleaned up after we finished eating breakfast. I went
upstairs to dress up and take my things.
I found her washing the dishes.

Me: "Am not sure I'll be able to give you a ride"

Katlego: "No problem. I'll crowd Q and Chloe"

Me: "What happened?" She looked at me puzzled. "Since when is Chloe your cup of coffee?"

Katlego: "Because you love each other and having your baby mamas hating each other would put
you all in awkward positions"

Me: "Fair enough. Bye I love you" I kissed her and walked out. Perks of having Bonga around, you
get your car taken out of the garage and washed. I hooped on, the engine was already warmed up I
drove out.



Leaving everything to the deputy CEO is the best. The young man knows how to pull strings. He
managed to sign 4 new clients. I couldn't be more proud.

I took my car keys and my cellphone. I was going to check the progress of the work in the new school
in Spruit view.

Glade wasn't on her work station. I waited for 5 minutes. She was still not back. I took the lift down
to the underground parking lot. I got in my car and called Mama Dube. She picked up almost

Khethelo: "I was about to call you"

Me: "I beat you to it then. How did it go?"

Khethelo: "Very good thanks. A bit expensive but worth it their hair comes highly recommended"

Me: "You have all the money in the world. I hope this is the last time I hear you complaining that
something is expensive"

Khethelo: "You're so full of it Mr Dube. Have you gone to Spruit?"

Me: "Am on my way there hun. Glade wasn't on her work station when I left, how does one order
food online?"

She laughed.

Khethelo: "Download Mr D food"

Me: "Where?"
Khethelo: "You android people have play store"

Me: "Are you using iPhone now?"

Khethelo: "No. Its on play store love. And just for today I'll order for you"

Me: "Thank you. For 25 people"

Khethelo: "Anyone with diabetes? BP? Heart disease?"

Me: "4 diabetic and one BP"

Khethelo: "Okay. Am hanging up now you're driving" didn't she know that the past minutes we've
been talking.

Me: "Okay I love you"

Khethelo: "I love you more. I hope you did not forget to apply sun screen" Oh there's that.

Me: "How could I forget. Babe would kill me if I came back with sun burns"

Khethelo: "Am glad you know that. Bye"

She hung up I increased the speed. The N2 is awesomely empty during the day.



The flowers, chocolate, cards and breakfast. They're the sweetest colleagues ever. I was given the 3
months to heal. Mind you, the tragedy was all over the news. They all hugged me when they arrived.

Luvo and Khuboni walked in too. I last saw them in the funeral.

Khuboni: "Look who's back!"

Luvo: "The one and only! Do you like the flowers?"

Me: "I love them thank you"

Khuboni: "Am back at buying you coffee"

Luvo: "And am back at buying you lunch." I chuckled.

Me: "You guys are the best. Thank you for all this support"

Luvo: "We're family"

Khuboni: "Let's get to work. We've got a lot to discuss"

Luvo: "Bye babes"

They walked to the lift. She ran back again. "Mr Nzima is coming home in a few days."

Me: "We have to do the party thing again?"

Luvo: "Yes at his place this time. He's coming home for good this time baby!"

Me: "You seem excited"

Luvo: "Of course. I missed him"

Me: "Are you sure you don't have a thing for this guy?"

Luvo: "Hell no! He's gay plus he isn't my type."

She walked away at that. I continued with my work until curiosity got better of me and I searched for
this Mr Nzima. A lot of people appeared. I became more specific and searched him as the owner
Kel'z but no results.

Luvo got off the lift. When does this woman work?

Luvo: "When did you leave this in Nzima's office?"

It was my 50c but I don't even know where that man's office is. I've only been to the first floor once
and to Luvo's office.

Me: "You found it there?"

Luvo: "Yes"

Me: "I have no idea how it got there. I don't even know where his office is"

I once showed her the 50c that my complicated boyfriend gave me as a Present on my 21st at 23.

I took out my purse and opened where I keep it. It was there. I looked at Luvo.

Me: "That's... That's not mine"

Luvo: "Its there?"

I nodded. "Okay maybe he has a similar one. Please keep it for whomever it belongs to if its not his"
she placed it on my desk and walked away. I put it in my purse. And continued working.



I was supposed to leave for work but the babies had me hooked around their big bump. I've never
felt or seen a baby kick. They kicked every time I touched the belly which was now annoying Chloe.
The wait at the Dr wasn't so annoying as I had imagined. The pregnancy magazines made it bearable.

Before I knew it, it was our turn. We went inside the consultation room. He greeted us and offered a

Dr: "Mr Dube?"

Me: "Not the one you think I am"

He chuckled.

Dr: "Oh yeah I was about to ask how old is Angel now"

Me: "She's 3."

Dr: "Lovely. How may I be of help today?"

I looked at Chloe. Her eyes were locked on the drawing of child birth. I touched her arm she startled.

Dr: "Its not as traumatic as they show it"

Chloe: "Does the vagina get back to normal?"

Dr: "Yes it does." She took a deep breath.

Chloe: "That's better"

Me: "We'd like an ultra sound"

Dr: "Please lie on that bed I'll be with you shortly"

He walked out. I helped her up.

Me: "You should've wore leggings"

Chloe: "A dress and leggings? And besides I don't have any"

Me: "So he's gonna see your vagina?"

Chloe: "Yes. You should be worried about those who are going to deliver the baby not this one"

Me: "Whatever"

I saw a blanket. I took it and hid her. She laughed.

Chloe: "You're weird" The Dr came back and started doing his thing. The heartbeat sound filled the
whole room.
Dr: "There is your baby...babies. Congratulations" I was dumbstruck. They were really there. Holding
on to each other.

Me: "Do they kiss?"

Dr: "Yes"


She was now crying. I kissed her forehead.

Me: "Thank you for this"

She nodded.

Dr: "Do you have a personal gynae?"

Me: "No"

Dr: "I volunteer to be one. These babies aren't gonna be there for too long"

Chloe: "What do you mean?"

Dr: "You're 39 weeks and that's a miracle. Twins never make it above 30 weeks"

My phone rang.

Me: "Excuse me"

I went outside. "Bafo"

Khule: "Have you contacted Tyler?"

Me: "No. Why?"

Khule: "He's not answering. He has to come back."

Me: "In trouble with the law?"

Khule: "Sort of."

Me: "I'll call Khethiwe"

Khule: "Okay. Get back to me"

I hung up and called Khethiwe. It rang unanswered. I tried again.

Khethiwe: "Sir?"

Me: "Hey. You good?"

Khethiwe: "Uhm yeah am okay. How are you"

Me: "Very well thanks. Tyler was supposed to be there with you, did he arrive?"
Khethiwe: "Yes he did. Do you need to talk to him?"

Me: "Yes please"


Tyler: "Really? There's a reason why am ignoring Khule"

Me: "You need to get back. He's in trouble with the law"

Tyler: "He's rich he can get any lawyer. My days aren't over Q can I spend the remaining ones with
my girlfriend?"

Me: "Of course. Fly back with her"

Tyler: "What?"

Me: "Yes."

Tyler: "I'll...I'll think about it"

Me: "Sure"

I went back in. They were done.

Me: "Ready to go?"

Chloe: "Yes"

I did the payment then exited the place.

Chloe: "My stomach feels funny"

Me: "Labor pains?"

Chloe: "No. Am bloated" she laughed. "What's that face. Relax"

I sighed in relief and opened the door for her...



Katlego came back early from the salon and began with the pots.

She got off the bar stool to stir the pap.

She screamed and ran to the lounge. Bonga was already on his feet.

Kat: "They're back!"

Bonga: "Get used to them mama"

Kat: "Really? They gonna send me to premature birth!"

Bonga pulled her hand back to the kitchen.

Bonga: "Look at that one. Its cute"

Katlego: "You're crazy." She ran to the main door. Chloe and Quinton came in.

Quinton: "What's going on?"

Katlego: "Its your snakes. They've taken over the kitchen"

Chloe: "They're everywhere"

Quinton: "You should get used to them"

He looked over. "Do they represent saviours?"

Bonga: "At this point. I don't know"

Katlego and Chloe were standing next to each other scared.

Katlego: "Have they disappeared?"

Quinton: "No. They're asleep"

Chloe: "Am out of here"

She climbed up the stairs. Bonga stirred the pap. Katlego disappeared to the lounge. She sat down
and changed the channel.

Khethelo and Khule came in.

Khethelo: "It smells nice in here"

Khule: "Where are the women?"

Quinton: "Katlego saw snakes and they ditched the kitchen"

Khule: "They have no timing"

They went upstairs to change and came back.

Khule: "Did you call Tyler?"

Quinton: "Yes. He said he'll think about it. What happened?"

Khule: "I want to buy a house. Big enough to accommodate everyone"

Quinton: "But Thabiso is responsible for that"

Khule: "Yeah but he's out of the country"

Bonga: "What is wrong with this house. It has enough rooms"

Khule: "We're about to have kids. We need a house with more rooms to be on the basement"

Khethelo: "I agree"

Chris came in with Emi and greeted.

Chris: "Am dying"

Khule: "What's wrong?"

Chris: "Hunger. Where's the preggies?"

Khethelo: "They better not hear you say that. I'll dish up"

The snakes had long disappeared. Khethelo dished up. Bonga told them where he was as they ate.
Katlego had passed out on the couch.

Bonga: "And here I am today. No more gogo to guide me"

Khule: "School?"

Bonga: "I'll do long distance learning"

Quinton: "Good."

Khethelo: "Today am having an early night. Goodnight Everyone"

Emi: "Me too am feeling down"

She went to wake Katlego up then went upstairs.



I was deep in my sleep I felt her shaking me and calling out my name.

I opened my eyes. It was dark.

Me: "Turn the light on" she did. She was sweating.

Katlego: "Am in labor"

I felt dizzy for a while. "Christian!!" I snapped out of it and jumped off the bed.

Me: "Isn't too early for that?"

Katlego: "Please stop being stupid and take the baby bag" she was moving up and down doing only
God knows what. There was noise coming from the corridor. I went to open the door. It was

Quinton: "Chloe is in labor"

Me: "What!"

A very disturbing lightning flashed followed by loud thunder. Leaving us blind and deaf.

I pushed the door open but it was locked.

Me: "Katlego!" Silence. I banged the door. Quinton's door was also locked. The thunder was getting
worse by minute.

Khule: "What's going on?" He said coming out of his room in his briefs.

Me: "They're in labor and doors aren't opening"

Khethelo: "What?" I did not even see her coming out.

She rushed to Bonga's door and knocked. She pushed the door in. She came back out.

Khethelo: "He's not there"

We stood there at the corridor puzzled.

Khule: "I'll get the tools"

Khethelo: "I'll call the ambulance"

I kept attempting to open to no luck. He caught his breath.

Me: "They're in labor"

Bonga: "Let's wait here. They're in good hands"

Quinton came to us.

Q: "Where were you?"

Bonga: "I had to get their medicine. Stop worrying yourselves."

I sat down. Quinton joined me. Khule came back with the toolbox.

Bonga: "What are you gonna do with that"

Khule: "Open the doors"

Bonga: "They're in good hands baba. All we have to do is sit here and wait. These are very important
children. They need no nurses nor Drs."

Me: "Its still too early for Katlego to be giving birth"

Bonga: "Patience baba patience"

I wish I had it. I wanted to break the door down.

We sat, stood up, took a walk and repeat. It had been 4 hours. The thunder was toning down.

I was on my feet now.

Khule: "If you don't sit down now I'll punch you I swear"

Me: "I can't help it"

Quinton: "You're making us dizzy"

Lighting stroke Quinton's door twice and thunder rumbled loudly we heard baby cries. We all rushed
there. Quinton opened the door. She was lying on the bed looking drained. The two naked babies
were on the floor surrounded by snakes. Gigantic snakes.

Bonga ordered us to bow then he started praising the Dubes. They were so pink and tiny.

Bonga: "Its girls"

Nobody attempted to go take them.

Khethelo: "I'll go check up on Katlego"

It clicked to all of us. We rushed out. The same thing happened. A very deep baby voice came from
there. We all hesitantly went there. There was extreme lighting coming from the room.
I slowly opened the door. They weren't on the room. The lighting was from the bathroom. I panicked
a little and ran to push it open.

Bonga started saying our praises. We bowed down yet again.

My eyes landed on the big baby amongst 6 shinning snakes. It had a huge birthmark similar to mine.
It stopped crying. Katlego was in a tub full of water, naked.

The lighting caused by the snakes was enough to spot a needle.

Bonga moved me out of the way and fed the baby whatever it is that he fed it then fed it to Katlego.

Bonga: "She'll be fine" he picked the baby up. "His name is Hawu (Shield) he's the saviour.
Maqhama! Nyamazane!"

It started crying again. As happy as I was. That voice was too deep for a new born

Chapter Eighty-One



I was so afraid to sleep after we left the guestrooms who'd turned into maternity wards. I just
couldn't get the snakes out of my head.

I climbed off the bed and took a quick shower. He was sleeping so peacefully like we did not just
have 2 women delivering babies on their own and 8 snakes in our house. The Dube ancestors
communicate different. It was close to 5am. Perfect. I took my phone and walked out.

I had nothing to do to be honest. These people were going to wake up at 8am or later. I turned on
the heater, took a throw and curled up on the couch. I watched the fashion channel just to pass
time. My phone was dry as Khule's ankles in winter. Sam was offline. So was Nkule. Speaking of that
dribbler. She relocated to the Western Cape with the babe. We texted everyday. She came to the
funeral too but I texted her anyway. I startled as he slid himself behind me.

Khule: "Sleep"

Me: "Its 5am"

Khule: "I know. Sleep"

Me: "You're supposed to be getting ready for work"

Khule: "True but no one is going anywhere today and for the next 2 days"

I think it's for a good course they're their own bosses because they skip work like nobody's business.
Chris, Tyler and Emi I don't know how their bosses keep up with so much absenteeism.

Me: "Let's make breakfast"

Khule: "Are you gonna sleep or you need the sleeping pill?" My clitoris did the thuso phala. Kids!
Snakes! My mind went to think about the bible. Sleeping pill is Dube Jnr. "Why are you wearing like
you're in Hollywood in December?"

Me: "Sleep"

He chuckled and kissed me.



I heard someone praying. I had just gotten my sleep. I opened my eyes. Bonga.

I looked at them. He had both of the children in his arms. Chloe was kneeling next to him.

I waited for them to finish. After a while he said Amen and placed the babies next to me on the bed.

Bonga: "Baba"

Me: "Boy"

Bonga: "I'd like you to vacate the room"

Me: "Okay"

Bonga: "For 3 months"

Me: "What?"

Bonga: "Yes. Mam Katlego and Mam Chloe has to share the room" I sighed.

Me: "Okay"

Bonga: "Please help me take out the bed and all this furnisher."
Asking questions will just

further my confusion I got off the bed and dressed up. The snakes were gone.

Me: "Why don't they use the therapy room?"

Bonga: "It has all kinds of bad spirits. So no."

Chris came in we started moving the furnisher to the other room and cleaned afterwards. He
brought in 3 tiger skins.

Bonga: "I'll explain everything later"

Chris: "Okay"

He lit all kinds of candles then laid the animal skins below them. He put the twins on the either sides
then put Hawu in between. He did not look anything like a premature baby.

Bonga: "Please call everyone to come up"

Chris: "I will"

He walked out. He came back with them. We all sat down.

Bonga: "Parents. Everyone will be here before the sun set. They had to be born here because this is
Mangcobo's home. Their ritual will be performed here so Bab Khule I would like you to ask for
permit to slaughter cows. Mam Chloe what are the names of the twins?"

Chloe: "Sikelela and Sisekelo"

Bonga: "Thank you." He burned incense and unwrapped them.

Khule: "Why aren't they dressed?"

Bonga: "We have to do the ritual first then they can be dressed. But I'll wrap them again after this."
They only had diapers that I have no idea when they were bought.

He appeased the ancestors while drawing crosses on their little foreheads. They were sucking on
their fingers. He finished and wrapped them again. They were fast asleep now. He sat next to them.

Bonga: "These are the people we all been waiting for. He is the leader, they are his protectors. His
life lies on their hands. Without them he's weak. This is the beginning of good life. I'd suggest we
increase security. They're in high demand that is why they weren't born in hospital. Mommies I hope
you've made peace with snakes now because in one of the days they'll turn into one" we all looked
at him surprised. "Yes. They symbolize the wish or curse of the great great great great grandfather.
Over a century ago. He needed a way to protect his children who were saviors so he went to a
traditional Dr and asked him to change them into snakes and from there on no one was able to
break that curse. They're harmless unless you're an enemy"

Emi: "Can I hold them?"

Bonga: "Yes. Any bond created now will never be broken. Let's give women some space"

Khethelo: "I'll take baby-man" we laughed. He surely has the deepest voice.

We followed him out.

Khule: "We're the ones making breakfast today"

Chris: "And for the rest of the week"

Bonga: "I'll cook porridge. They will be breastfeeding for the 3 months"

Me: "Chloe will die. Those babies been sucking on her since 3am"

Khule laughed.

Khule: "She'll have to be strong"

Chris: "How did we miss it?"

Me: "Miss what?"

Chris: "Katlego carrying that deep voice dude"

Bonga: "She wasn't connected to the Dube ancestors. Ndosi saw this he was just not sure. She saw
them after the ceremony right? The snakes"

Us: "Ohhh yeah she did"

Khule: "I thought it was a new thing for pregnant women"

Bonga: "I wish they were all here to see them. Especially Lamu. He'd be walking in and out of that
room right now"

Khule: "I don't know how Long it'll take me to adjust to this. Sometimes I find myself going to check
up on him at night or calling Bab Gede."

Me: "This too shall pass"

Chris: "It will"

We started getting busy.


I should slow down on being a deep sleeper. My bedroom is in between the rooms these babies
were delivered at but I heard nothing. The mysteries of this clan never end. These women did not
look like they just gave birth a few hours ago. Khethelo was lost in her own little world with Hawu.
Katlego had the other twin. It was still too early to know who is who.

Me: "So, did the Drs prescribe you any painkillers. I heard stitches aren't the walk to the park"

Chloe: "What doctors?"

Me: "The ones who delivered the children"

They both looked at each other.

Khethelo: "There is no better time than this. What actually happened in there?"

Katlego: "We gonna need some wine for this" she said jokingly of course.

Chloe: "This is one weird family. If I ever sleep with anyone without a condom I'll definitely kill

Me: "You gave birth on your own?"

Kat&Chloe: "Yes"

Khethelo: "I got traumatized by the thunder, the snakes made it all worse"

Me: "They were here again?"

Chloe: "Yes, they arrived with the two women. They took the placentas, did they take yours too?"

Katlego: "I don't know. I passed out after I pushed the baby out and saw that huge ass snake. I will
not get used to that thing"

Me: "Get into details guys"

Chloe: "The two women, I did not even see where they came from. They instructed me to lie on the
rag on the floor. They took off my underwear. The other made me drink something a bit revolting.
Then brushed my stomach with ash. She sang while brushing it. The other kept telling me to push.
When I pushed out the second baby the thunder happened. I drank the thing again. She applied
something down there and they cleaned up. The snakes were already there. They placed the twins
on top of them and tucked me in bed bathed and changed. The lightning and scary thunder occurred
again. They disappeared."

Khethelo: "Wow."

Katlego: "I really did not see much. The pains were killing me"

Chloe: "They were so gentle. I doubt nurses are anything like that"

Katlego: "No the one who was staring at my vagina actually pinched me"

We laughed.

Me: "What did you do?"

Katlego: "I was closing my thighs"

Khethelo: "I would have too"

Katlego: "Ai I was scared"

Me: "So how does your vaginas feel?"

Katlego: "Nothing. Its like I did not push that out."

Khethelo: "Am starting to think the Drs made a mistake about your weeks. This person is old

He started crying with his VIP voice.

Khethelo: "Mommy is just kidding wena baby. You're not old enough" he stopped crying. We looked
at each other.

Khethelo: "Mysterious indeed" we laughed.

Chloe: "Am so hungry my Jesus"

The door swung open.

Tyler: "Which one is Bab Moses" Bab Moses has the deepest voice of them all. Sometimes you one
miss what he's saying because its too deep. Khethelo gave him Hawu.

Tyler: "Hey champ. I drove right here an instant after your father called and said you were here. Am
Daddy Tyler but you can call me Daddy T. Can't wait for you to grow up and drink alcohol together"

Me: "Really?"

Tyler: "Shut up this is between the Dube men." He put him back down and took one of the twins. He
kissed her all over the face.

Tyler: "Look at that smile" we all looked at him. "We can't even chat in peace my Angel there are 4
dragons watching us" he kissed her forehead and took another one. "You look like me ke wena. Was
that a wink? You're naughty. Don't be a Satan's agent okay." He kissed her forehead and placed her
back down. "Am not going to work until you're 5. I love you" he turned to us. "Chloe. You look like a
Khoisan. But thank you for these lovely children. Kitty Kat, work on that nose and hair. Both of you.
Thank you for Moses. I love you guys. And hello everyone"

Khethelo: "Yebo Mbuyazi"

Tyler: "Yebo Maqwabe and bye"

He walked out.

Chloe: "Is he ever serious"

Me: "Yeah. 3 hours a day." We laughed.

Katlego: "This could only mean one thing. He got his babe back"
Khethelo: "Exactly. She should visit"

Me: "She will not. She's too shy"

Chloe: "You're one scary family I don't blame her. Especially you guys. Your stares alone make one
want to leave the moment gig arrive"

Katlego: "Come on we were good to you"

Chloe: "Lies"

Khethelo: "You looked to barbiesh for him. He needs a strong woman"

Chloe: "This forest I am now?"

Katlego: "Yes. You're now perfect and am pretty sure you wouldn't even mind having a mint

Chloe: "Or not having it at all"

Khethelo: "Yes. That is the type of a woman we need. Someone who'd still be here if they lost
everything. Someone who'll be able to raise the Dube children if we all happened to die"

Chloe: "I get it"

Me: "Am grateful for you guys. 3 mothers, we're more than blessed. And thank you for sticking
around I know they are far from perfect but you're still here loving them like they are"

Khethelo: "Amen!"

They followed each other in carrying trays with food.

Khule: "I hope you finish it all. I don't want any leftovers"

Me: "Traditionally, men do not enter where there are newborn babies"

Quinton: "This is Jo'burg miss"

They served us porridge. Amen.



I drove with Quinton the estate manager to ask for a slaughtering permit. He gave us hard time but
eventually agreed. When we arrived back at home it was already raining. Had this yard been a little
smaller. All these cars parked here would have no space.

Quinton: "Why are they so loud?"

Me: "They're happy"

We ran inside. The whole Dube clan was there.

Us: "Sanibonani"

Them: "Yebo"

I shook the elders hands. Some of them were going to sleep at Q's.

Bab Ndoda: "Everyone insisted on coming"

Me: "There's no problem. Its actually good to see them all here. Where are the mothers?"

Bab Moses: "Upstairs. We've been waiting on our turn since we arrived" we laughed. I saw Quinton
charging out. I know when he's like that.

Me: "Excuse me"

I followed him out. He was heading to the gate. There was a Q7 there. The door opened she came

Nkule: "Could you please tell them to let me in?"

Quinton: "What do you want?"

She looked at him in disbelief. She bit her upper lip.

Nkule: "I came to tell you am pregnant"

Quinton: "Congratulations . Now please leave we're having a very important time as a family. "

Nkule: "Its yours"

He turned to look at me. I stared back at him.

Chapter Eighty-Two

(Sorry for errors I don't have electricity and my battery running out❤)



She laughed. My high blood pressure had shot high. She can not be pregnant, not now.

Nkule: "You should work on your trust issues Q."

Me: "What that has to do with anything?"

Nkule: "You're about to be admitted to hospital for heart failure. Am just messing around am not
pregnant. Gosh you should've seen your faces" she chuckled. I felt a huge relief. "Am here to help
out. Khethelo asked me to come over."
I looked at Khule. He nodded. The guards let her in. She parked behind the car we used earlier. I
waited for her to come out.

Nkule: "Wanna say something?"

Me: "Don't pull any funny stunts in there."

Nkule: "I will not tell your baby mama anything relax"

Me: "Good cause you'll wish you didn't if you ever did" she looked at me with questioning eyes. "I
mean it"

I walked to the guys at the patio.

Me: "Where there's Dube sons there's always alcohol"

Khanyisani: "Yes. We afford mos"

Khule: "Power!" He raised his can. They all followed. These drunkards. I took out a can too.

Nathi: "I've made peace that we'll see the babies next year" we laughed.

Khanyisani: "Am sure they're building cribs now. They've been there for hours"

Khule: "Just let them be. When you finally go in stay for 6 months"

Me: "Okay you're now drunk."

One of the security guys came to us.

Him: "Greetings. The cows are here"

Khule: "Thank you. Please let them in" he nodded and walked away.

Nathi: "Whoever will slaughter please eat salt."

Me: "Am not doing that"

Khanyisani: "Me too. I'd rather not slaughter it"

Me: "Me too"

Khule: "Look at you both acting like the only ones with hands" he squashed his can and threw it in
the garden. "I'll go get the knives"

I followed him. Lucky enough we found Mama Dube in the kitchen.

Me: "Guess who just threw a Castle lite can in your garden?"

She looked at Khule, he looked at me. "I warned you"

She hates it when we do that.

Khule: "Am sorry we'll pick it up?"

Me: "Who's we now Khulekani? Can we please borrow your sharp knives?"

Khethelo: "Please don't lose them"

Nkule came down with an empty tray.

Nkule: "Girl. When I get married you better pull up for me"

Khethelo: "I will babes. Please take this to the men outside"

She took it and walked out. "Am really sorry I brought her here. I totally forgot"

Me: "No problem"

Khethelo: "There is. Chloe is unsettled. I have asked her to leave after this"

Me: "Why would she? Does she know?"

Khule: "Gut feeling."

He took the knives and walked out. I followed.

*****Three months later*****



By the grace of the above I was finally planning for my wedding. When they say bad things don't last
forever this is what they meant. Ever Since I arrived in this family there has been pain after pain. The
arrival of the babies indeed changed everything.

They moved out last week after we came back from Estcourt. I was hurt. Now I had to visit their
houses everyday. I thought Emi would want to stay around but nope she left too. It was only hubby
and I in this huge arse house. We bought the one he wanted. I was not about to move to that
president Zuma's house. It was beautiful, dream home but for when we have children.

A lot happened. Our businesses were going crazy. My salon was already done and dusted waiting for
a launch. Not to forget how much everyone was in love.
Still had not seen Khethiwe. Tyler wouldn't hear none of it. We begged and cried but nope so we let
him be. Oh and Katlego's lobola was paid, to the Nzingas. I did not understand but they told us we it
was not our place to. Chloe and Quinton were like little high school sweethearts. We had a little talk
one of the days, him asking what do women want from a man. I told him:Honesty, Love, Respect,
Loyalty, Reliance, Sex lots of sex, Money, Bank pins, your last name and mostly, protection. Since
from there on we'd be sitting and chatting boom he calls, they talk until the children cry for food.
Nkule's wedding was taking place in the next two weeks and we were invited. She told me about a
pregnancy prank. I did not find it funny at all. My heart would've stopped in an instant if she pulled it
in front of me.

Saturdays were officially marked as family day. So today we were gathering at Tyler's place, he tried
to argue, saying he has no one to cook for him well we didn't care.

I was busy with my face. He walked out of the bathroom. He kissed my cheek.

Me: "I took those out for you. Not sure if you wanna dress like that though"

Khule: "I'll wear shortrs. Its hot"

Me: "Okay I'll take it out"

Khule: "You spoil me too much Mrs Dube. I know where the closet is" he sprayed his moisturizer
and rubbed it all over then disappeared to the closet.

He came out.

Me: "You look good"

Khule: "Really?"

Me: "Yes, you look like you're going to play golf"

Khule: "And that's good?"

Me: "Yes. Your sexy legs are exposed" he chuckled.

Khule: "Which bag are you using?"

Me: "The one on top of the bed" he put in his phone and wallet. Why don't men just swallow their
pride and buy handbags? I finished up. He took my hand then we left. Perks of going anywhere with
him are:He drives. No guards suffocating you. They're just following the car.

Arriving there Chloe and Quinton had already arrived. Its like these men grew up wishing for
girlfriends with dysfunctional backgrounds. Her mother threatened to sue us when she called telling
her about pregnancy. They went to pay the damages at her maternal side. She suggested she comes
home with the children, the Dubes put their foot down. Once they say no, you need not to bother
convincing them. I walked inside.
Me: "You cooked?"

Tyler: "Yes I cooked madam. Hello to you too" I smiled.

Me: "Hi love. Where's everyone?"

Tyler: "Crowding my lounge. They're watching cartoons"

Me: "These two. Do you need a hand?"

Tyler: "Yes when it's time to dish up. For now, crowd any space available. Wine?"

Me: "Too early" I walked to the lounge. "Family"

Quinton: "Hey mommy. Where's Khule?"

Me: "Outside. Probably smoking" I positioned myself on the floor next to the twins. They were
asleep. Quinton stood up and walked out.

Chloe: "How are you feeling now?" Oh well I had this severe recurring headache 2 days ago.

Me: "Am okay now thanks. Have you guys started having sex?"

Chloe: "Am scared" she said then laughed.

Me: "Why?"

Chloe: "He'll knock me up again."

Me: "Request a condom"

Chloe: "That'll be strange"

Me: "Then congratulations on your second pregnancy" we laughed. Katlego arrived with Emi
walking behind with a big baby bag. These new age mothers.

Me: "Is it me or grows each day. He wasn't this big yesterday"

Emi: "He better be. Imagine a tiny person with that voice"

Me: "Babies with bass are born everyday don't make this a big deal"

Katlego: "Well it is a big deal because it scares me if he cries at night"

We laughed.

Chloe: "Sleep with the lights on"

Katlego: "I can't. Oh and Chris bought me a ring"

Us: "No!" She flicked her hand in the air.

My engagement ring probably thinks it is a marriage one I swear.

Me: "Congratulations babe"

Chloe: "Please get married a year apart. We gonna get fat at Khethelo's wedding"

Katlego: "Am in no rush boo."

Emi: "I need myself a boyfriend"

Me: "Trust me girl you do. When last did you get laid? Or you masturbate?" They were all looking at
me like I just told them I kill people. "What? We don't want her dying from fucktration"

Katlego: "I am with you on that mosadi. Phela nna I threatened to buy a dildo, that man was
depriving me some. Saying we can't do it in front of the child. Like, what does it know?"

Me: "These men don't understand the importance of shagging. Especially now that we have nothing
to worry about."

Emi: "You both are sex addicts"

Chloe: "Pray for your brothers babes. These women are dangerous"

Me: "Hhai thula masaba ipipi. Who the hell is still scared of dick these days, especially dick that is
yours. That been has been hungry for months"

Chloe: "Just 6 months. Come on"

Me: "6 months?"

Chloe: "Yes. He told me about Nkule. I am sorry but I hate your friend"

That is not what I meant about honesty but good, we won't have to deal with the secret coming out
in the future if that's where we're heading.

Me: "It meant nothing"

Chloe: "It did. He caught feelings"

Katlego: "Do your hands need to have a conversation with her face?" We were lost for a minute
then busted out laughing.

Chloe: "I would but my man is the one to blame. Besides, I don't have anything to worry about he
assured me"

Emi: "You might if you keep locking your vagina in those thongs you wear. Give my mother's child
sex" we laughed.

Me: "Tell her malambane tell her"

Emi: "I thought we were the same party"

Me: "We are but you're still malambane."

Katlego: "Enough"

I laid Hawu next to her sisters. The twins have the same sleeping habit as their fathers. Q and Khule
could sleep for a whole week.
Me: "I'll go have wine and dish up. These men are totally planning our death for not dishing up for

Chloe: "You need to stop joking like that. "

Katlego: "Their appetite is crazy I can't deal."

Chloe: "He suggested we buy a fridge for the bedroom"

Me: "Every bedroom has a mini kitchen in the new house" they had not seen it

Chloe: "What?"

Me: "Yep. I still need a good interior decorator. I will not be able to do it on my own"

Katlego: "You better cause I am not helping you decorate" .

I rolled my eyes and disappeared to the kitchen.



Spending time with my family is always a bliss. To see everyone so happy was a blessing. Tyler came
in with a bunch of pink roses. He handed them to me. I looked at him.

Tyler: "They're for you"

Me: "Me?"

Tyler: "Do we have another Miss Dube in this home?"

Me: "Yes. Here they are" he placed them on my thighs and left. Chloe snatched the card.

Chloe: "To the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. Hello" I leaned over.

Me: "Is that all it says?"

Katlego: "Were you hoping for 'Will you marry me?' Who is he?"

Me: "Who?"

Khethelo came in rushing.

Khethelo: "Who are they from?"

Me: "How am I supposed to know? They have no signature"

Khethelo: "Khuboni"

Me: "What about him?"

Khethelo: "They from him. I've seen how he looks at you"

Me: "Oh please. He's just a friend"

Chloe: "That's how most relationships start"

Tyler came in again. With a Teddy bear this time.

Me: "Don't come near me with that thing if it is for me"

Katlego: "I'd kill for giant Teddy. I'll take him" she took it and hugged it.

Me: "You guys are weird. I need a bathroom"

I ran upstairs. There was soft music playing from Tyler's bedroom. He must've forgot to turn it off. I
opened the door. It was playing from the laptop. I closed it. The bathroom door opened I almost


I looked at her.

Me: "Why are you hiding here?"

Khethiwe: "Close the door" she whispered. I slowly did. She exhaled.

Me: "Get dressed we're going to meet everyone"

Khethiwe: "No. You caught me off guard. We're not ready for that stage"

Me: "Its been a year. Come on."

Khethiwe: "Is the food okay?'

Me: " I knew he did not Cook it. We haven't eaten but the smell is promising " she shyly chuckled.
"Okay now get on that closet and dress up."

Khethiwe: "Emi I-"

Me: "I'll scream."

She made a sad face and went to the closet. She came out. Looking beautiful in a dress. I've only
seen her in her formal work outfits. I pulled her out. We climbed off the stairs. The brothers were
now in the lounge.

Me: "Look who I found!"

The women ululated. The gents whistled. Such a dramatic family. Tyler wasn't there.
Khethelo: "Come sit next to me and tell me where is my lie. Didn't I say you'd scream his name one

We laughed. Once she gets that glass on her hand filter go away.

Tyler was laughing coming in. He had company.

Tyler: "Surprise surprise"

My eyes landed on him. He looked...grown. With all that beard and hair. He looked different but I
could still see him. I couldn't move or talk. Tyler let him in? Khethelo and Katlego's cheeks visited the

Jason: "Bombuyazi" he said after our staring contest.

Brothers: "Eita"

Khule: "Who gave you guts to show up here?"

Quinton: "Are you stalking my sister?"

Chris: "Was it you with the flowers and that teddy?"

Khule: "Do you know I can shoot you?"

Quinton: "Or feed you to the lions"

He stood there holding a grin.

Me: "Excuse me"

I ran to the pool area. I stripped my dress off and jumped in. I couldn't take all that heat of my
estranged boyfriend showing up in my brother's house.

Chapter Eighty-Three


They all looked at me. I stood there feeling like a car in auction.

Khethelo: " can take a seat"

Me: "Thank you" I sat next to her and Katlego. I couldn't risk seating next to the scary brothers who
were looking at me like they're about to punch me to death. Yes I deserve to be punched but not by
them. Their stares were getting uncomfortable.

Khethelo: "Okay gentlemen that's rather intimidating. How are you Jason?"
Me: "Am okay how are you?"

Khethelo: "We're good."

Khule stood up.

Khule: "I hope this is the last time you show up at our houses. That's disrespectful"

Me: " Am sorry about that. But I actually came for your wife. It couldn't wait" he narrowed his eyes
and sat on the armrest and gave me the go ahead look. "I am doing my mother's unveiling next week
and I can't get any event planners and deco so I came to her to help me out."

Khule: "She's busy"

Me: "No problem" I stood up. "Keep well."

I walked out. She was nowhere in sight. I walked towards the gate. "You're leaving again. Just like
every time" I swiftly turned. She had this beyond broken look on her face.

Me: "No." I took a few steps towards her. She stepped back.

Emi: "Don't come near me Jason. Stay where you are"

Me: "I'll fix this I promise"

Emi: "Don't"

Me: "Why?"

Emi: "Just don't"

She walked inside. I paused for a moment and walked away.



I heard my cellphone ringing. I opened my eyes. I was alone. As usual. I searched for it. I found it on
the floor. I answered and kept quiet. He needs to find a hobby, disrupting my sleep is getting out of

Khule: "Let's dodge church. I want us to go somewhere" what does he mean. We never go to
church. We only went for the baptism of the children.

Me: "Were we supposed to go to church?"

Khule: "Yes. I overheard Khethelo on the phone I don't know who she was talking to but they were
talking about dragging us to church screaming and kicking"
Me: "Where do you want us to go?"

Khule: "Its a surprise"

Me: "Is it our birthday?"

Khule: "Go bath"

Me: "OK"

Khule: "Where are the twins?"

Me: "They're already in the nursery"

Khule: "Send my love"

Me: "I will" he hung up. Well we sleep with them here then in the morning we wheel them out in
their cribs to the nursery. She wheels them out.

I heard Chloe talking to...Bonga. He was away on some muti hunt. I faked sleep. She opened the

Chloe: "He's still asleep. Are you going to church?"

Bonga: "I'd love to but am tired I need to rest"

Chloe: "Okay. I still have to convince him to come with us" that should be me. Bonga chuckled.

Bonga: "Good luck"

The door closed. The bathroom door opened and closed. I got up and dressed.

Me: "Babe. Am leaving, Chris is stuck. He has a flat tyre"

Chloe: "Where are this guards?" Okay I shouldn't have said that.

Me: "He gave them a day off"

Chloe: "OK please take along one of the twins. We'll find you guys at church"

Me: "Am using the polo"

She opened the door.

Chloe: "I was hoping we'll go to church"

Me: "Really?"

Her phone beeped. She attended to it. She ran her eyes on it and then looked at me and chuckled.

Chloe: "We'll never win. That was Khethelo. You have a flat tyre wherever you are. You guys are like
little kids" I scratched my head.
Me: "We'll join you next week. I'll fetch you"

I kissed her forehead.

Chloe: "OK"

I took my phone and went out to the Princesses room. They were amused by the music. Yes they
had a radio. Khethelo's suggestion, It calmed them down.

I picked Sikelela first. Their beds were labeled with their names. I couldn't differentiate them at first
but we were making progress because Sisekelo, was a bit lighter.

Me: "Daddy is going out with daddy 2 so behave. Don't drive mommy crazy okay"

I kissed her little cute lips. She smiled. She's the cutest one because she's friendly, Sisekelo is cute
but never smiles. She smiles with everyone except me. I put Sikelela down and took miss long face.
Her looks get uncomfortable sometimes.

Me: "Are you lesbian? That would be nice. Look at those brows, who frowns at your age? I love you"
I placed a soft kiss on her forehead and put her down.

I walked out. I found already made breakfast with juice. I ate then left.



Babies can replace you in an instant. I did not matter anymore. It was Hawu this Hawu that. After the
service he took him along to the office. I stayed behind greeting everyone. You know the after the
service handshakes. And thanks to Khethiwe she dragged Tyler here. The Dubes have this tendency
of forming a circle secluded from everyone. Being the Mme Moruti in making comes in handy. I
finally finished with the greet and shake and went to the fam.

Me: "Y'all should socialize more."

Emi: "I've been socializing since from day one."

Khethelo: "I try by all means to avoid any interactions. Church people never stop talking"

Me: "True. Especially mam Ndaba, I had to lie and say I have to go breastfeed"

They laughed.
Chloe: "You're Mam Mfundisi you should accommodate any conversion"

Me: "Nope."

Khethelo: "Are we still doing lunch?"

Me: "Yes, unless there has been change"

I said looking at Chloe.

Chloe: "I forgot about it."

Khethelo: "Indeed you did. Its not easy looking after 4 babies" we laughed

Emi: "Tyler wouldn't mind baby sitting"

Me: "Would he?"

Khethiwe: "I don't know" she said shyly. She's insanely shy. Emi went to Tyler in the car.

Khethelo: "We're not your in-laws Khethiwe"

Me: "Exactly. We're your sisters. Big sisters. Be you cause I don't believe this miss angel behavior"
she laughed.

Khethiwe: "Am naturally like this. I can't help it"

Chloe: "They're scary right?"

I eyed her. "Look at that eye." I laughed. She can be so crazy at times.

Emi: "Okay. He agreed to baby sit. They'll go to your house.

Me: "No problem"

I went to hubby to be to inform him we're leaving. I kissed my little pumpkin and the daddy then



We arrived. The idiot was fast asleep. I pressed the buzzer. The gate slid open. I woke him up right
after I parked. His eyes wandered around. He then looked at me.

Quinton: "You didn't" He spotted it by the mango tree.

Me: "I did"

Quinton: "When and how?" He opened his door. I got out too. "How did I miss this?"

Me: "Because it was supposed to be a surprise"

Quinton: "Do I hug you or what?"

Me: "Hell no. Let's go in"

After the children were born I had his first 4 roomed house in Soweto extended into a 7 room. I
bought it back from the new owners. I had a new everything installed. Cameras all over. The security
of my children had to be strong.

He was the one to open the door. The look on his face was priceless. I had the best in town
decorating the interior. Dull colors as he likes them.

Me: "Okay you've been here for minutes. Let's go to the twins room"

It had 2 cribs, chest of drawers, rocking chairs, a couch, sink for hygiene purposes and all the Disney
princesses on the wall as paintings. Their bulb changed colors. He opened the bathroom door. He

Quinton: "What's going to happen when they're old?"

Me: "We'll change it" the toilet seat was tiny, for toddlers. The tub was a bit big, they'd use it until
they're 12-13.

He sat on the couch. I sat on Sisekelo's rocking chair. We just sat there in silence. He covered his face
with both hands and took a deep breath. He removed them and looked at me.

Quinton: "I know I don't say this more often but you're the best thing that has ever happened to

Me: "No you've never said it at all" he chuckled.

Quinton: "Am sorry but honestly, you're the best thing that has ever happened to this family. Thank
you, thank you from the bottom of my heart"

Me: "Its only a pleasure. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you"

Quinton: "Me too. When can we move in?"

Me: "Anytime"

Quinton: "Tomorrow we're doing house warming then we're moving in on Tuesday"

Me: "No problem. Chris's will be done around December."

Quinton: "You're your father's son. Let's go, there's a place I used to hang out at. They've emerged,
they sell all kinds of meat and beverages now"

Me: "As long as you're paying"

Quinton: "Yes I am"

I stood up and led the way out. I put my arm around his neck.

Me: "Are you sure we twins? You look short"

Quinton: "I just hope we're not because the Dr told me that twins kiss in the stomach"

Me: "That's gross. But we all know who kissed who" he punched me. I let go of him and held my
punch scene. "I'll get you arrested"

Quinton: "You wouldn't survive a day without me"

Me: "Is it not crazy that being separated still messes with our minds"

Quinton: "During that phase, I'd stalk you"

Me: "Me too. Just your presence, it made everything better"

Quinton: "What will happen if one of us die?"

Me: "I really don't know"

Quinton: "Chloe said they'll never win this morning"

Me: "Khethelo says it all the time." We laughed. Its crazy.

Quinton: "When are we checking out the new house again?"

Me: "After eating. I just wanna play the games"

Quinton: "Me too"

I got in the passenger seat. He looked at me annoyed and walked over to the driver's seat and
started the car.

Me: "Its my turn to sleep now"

I leaned back and closed my eyes....



This lunch was all I needed. Being amongst people that I love and who love me back was all I needed
to distract me from Jason's thoughts. I was happy about the new roommate that was to arrive later
on today. I was dying of boredom there alone. Khethelo being Khethelo forced everyone to drink

Khethelo: "You know I brought the girlfriend luck in this family"

Me: "True" I took a sip. I was already on my second glass.

Khethiwe: "How?" She was loosening up. Thanks to sweet red.

Khethelo: "After I dated that man, all of you were found"

Chloe: "We weren't lost Mrs Dube"

Khethelo: "If you're not dating a Dube you're lost"

Chloe: "OK true" we laughed.

Katlego: "He literally stole me from my husband"

Chloe: "What did you see in that baboon anyway" we laughed.

Katlego: "The woman who birthed me went as far as finding me a husband. Imagine losing your
virginity to Pitso. I need therapy you guys"

Chloe: "You don't say!"

Katlego: "Yes. Don't write about it on the newspaper though" Chloe chuckled.

Chloe: "Am sorry. But you know its easy to judge the media people. We never actually know or care
about the real truth, we just jotting down what we managed to gather and publish it. Its nothing
personal we're making a living"

Katlego: "Water under the bridge."

Khethelo: "Are you still going back?"

Chloe: "I don't know. Am probably fired. My boss would not believe my story"

Me: "Its not like you need it anyway"

Chloe: "I do. I can not live off a man. What if he decides to leave me tomorrow, how am I going to

Khethelo: "The money that he gives you, make useful of it"

Chloe: "How?"

Khethelo: "Invest, open a business. What do you like?"

Chloe: "I don't know"

Katlego: "You better come up with something quick"

Chloe: "Okay no need to stress me right now I am trying to relax here"

Khethiwe: "Don't you like clothes?"

Chloe: "I do"

Khethiwe: "A clothing brand wouldn't hurt"

Chloe: "Isn't that a bit of hard work"

Khethelo: "Nothing worth having ever comes in easy."

Chloe: "I'll do a mind map when I get home. Enough about me, where's your man?" They all looked
at me.

Me: "No need to kill me with stares. I don't have a man"

Khethelo: "I've been meaning to talk to you. Why did you run out yesterday?"

Me: "I was having a heat rush"

Katlego: "Your brothers are gonna be the reason you don't get married"

Khethelo: "He had to make up a lie and say he came for me. How did he even know I decorate

Me: "How would I know"

Khethelo: "I thought maybe you told him"

Me: "I did not"

"Miss Emihle Dube?" I turned. Delivery guys with roses, white this time. I signed and took the
flowers. They smelled of him. I read the card.

"If being with you means rain everyday. I could live without the sun" I sighed and put it away.

Khethelo sneezed. Crap! I took them and went to throw them in the garbage can a distance away
from us. I came back.

Khethelo: "Is you and your boyfriend trying to kill me?"

She sprayed something on her nostrils.

Me: "Am sorry"

The delivery guy came again. With a wrapped box. "You're invading my space sir. Gifts are sent to
home addresses not malls"

Him: "My bad" I signed the damn thing then he left.

Chloe: "Let's hope it's not a snake"

Khethelo: "Are you scared of snakes?" She said sarcastically. Chloe rolled her eyes. I unwrapped it.
There was a piece of black forest. I found myself chuckling.

Khethelo: "What is it?"

Me: "Black forest"

Katlego: "He's somewhere here"

Me: "And that's a turn off. Imagine marrying someone like that"

Khethelo: "Your brothers do that"

Khethiwe: "They do?"

Khethelo: "Yes. If you think of cheating you better discard that thought"

Khethiwe laughed.

The lunch was all I needed. They dropped me off at my place and left. I was a bit tipsy. I took the lift

I unlocked. There was soft music playing and a very divine smell. The roommate must've arrived. I
rushed to the bathroom. I opened the door and rushed to the seat. I peed, whew!

The door opened.

Me: "There's-" yoh!!!!!!! I screamed my freakin lungs out. He tried to shush me I screamed even

He stood there and looked at me. I stopped the noise and looked at him too.

Me: "What the hell are you doing here?"

Jason: "I live here"

Me: "What? Don't test me Jason"

Jason: "Yes. I live here"

Me: "You're the new roommate?"

He nodded. Fuck this landlord. He's putting my life in danger, since when do women share rooms
with men. I pushed him out of my way and walked out.

Jason: "I needed to see you" I stopped. "Yes. They have no idea am a man, my female friend helped
me. I needed us to talk"

Me: "No. Am calling my brothers" I searched for my phone in my bag and scrolled the call log.

Jason: " Okay. Hear me out first, before they get here and kill me." I stopped. "Thank you. I know
you hate me right now and don't want to see my face but it had to be done. In order for us to be
together without any distractions, I had to go away and fix this. My dad, he...he would've made our
life a living hell. So I had to make sure he's taken back to where he belongs. His father is from Egypt
so I had him taken back to his origins. I had to do a lot of things am not proud of just to make sure
we have a smooth life. I love you Emihle. With all of my heart, if I had to choose between you and
life, I'd choose you because you're my life. All this time I was away, I might not have been physically
with you but I was with you all the time. I made sure you're okay because you're-"

Me: "You stalking me?"

Jason: "Yes. I had to. Am sorry for the pain I've put you through, you didn't deserve that. I love you"

The room went dead quiet.

Me: "Please leave before I call my brothers" He exhaled deeply. The sorrow in his eyes.
Jason: "Keep well"

Me: "I have been" he took off the apron, snatched his keys from the counter and headed for the
door. He unlocked and walked out. I couldn't hold them in any longer. I broke down. As loud as I
could. He broke me when he left. I was still angry at him for that. He left without explanation. He just
upped and left.

I felt warm strong hands hugging me from behind. I was on the floor. He turned me around to place
my head on his chest.

Jason: "Am sorry" he squeezed me tight while kissing my forehead repeatedly.

I hated how much I loved him.

Chapter Eighty-Four

(Not edited)



I thought business woman thing was easy but nope. Monitoring a place of work isn't easy. I came out
of the bathroom he was already dressed up.

Khule: "What time are we going to see the venue?"

Me: "Not sure I'll speak to Mulalo" our previous planner was out of the country he had this new one
standing in. I did not trust him but he was good at what he does.

Khule: "Okay. The maid? Have you got one?"

Me: "I honestly forgot about that. Am so bad at multi tasking"

Khule: "You're not. You just have a lot on your plate." He kissed my forehead and gave me the body

Me: "Thank you. But do we necessarily need one?"

Khule: "Yes. You can't be making breakfast every morning before a long busy day ahead and coming
back to Cook while tired. No that has to stop"

Me: "Okay then I'll look for one"

Khule: "Good"

Me: "A 70 year old granny" he frowned.

Khule: "I'd never cheat on you, let alone taking advantage of my employee"

Me: "Am kidding babe" the doorbell rang.

Khule: "I ordered breakfast" he walked out. I dressed up and took all my necessities and his
briefcase then went down.
He was on his way up.

Khule: "The food is getting cold"

Me: "Am here." We went back down. We sat down and ate.

Khule: "He's so excited about the house. He just called me. He's moving in today, house warming
will be on Friday" he said with the biggest smile ever. The love they share could never be taken
away. He only told me on yesterday when he came back about the house.

Me: "Chloe too." I looked at him "Am proud of you" he held my hand.

Khule: "Thank you"

Me: "Our kids are lucky to have someone like you to call a father"

Khule: "That's because I have an amazing woman by my side"

Me: "Of course" we laughed. We finished eating. He helped me tidy up then we left. In his car. He
doesn't walk around with guards. I gave up on convincing them that they Also need security. They're
tough like that. Never listens to anyone.

He dropped me off at the salon. He always take me inside every time he drives me here. The ladies
would be eyeing him like candy.

Khule: "Good morning" he greeted them.

Them: "Morning"

Candy: "Would you like something to drink, water, juice, ice tea-"

Khule: "Thank you for offering but am fine"

Candy: "Mrs Dube?"

Me: "I just had coffee thanks" we got in the office.

Khule: "Finally bought a coffee machine?"

Me: "Must've been Katlego. She rearrange this office everyday. She gets bored by staying at home"

Khule: "Its not a bad thing"

Me: "Its summer babe"

Khule: "I know my love. You haven't called Mulalo"

Me: "Oh God. Thank you."

Khule: "You should get a personal assistant"

Me: "I hate to admit but I do really need it" he glanced at his watch.
Khule: "Let me love and leave you" we briefly kissed then he walked out. I called Mulalo then Chloe
afterwards. She took her sweet time to answer.

Chloe: "Hey. Sorry I was packing the twins clothes"

Me: "Must be hectic. Why don't you get people who do that?"

Chloe: "There are but daddy Q said he wants no one close to his kids so I came and did it"

Me: "The paranoia of these daddies. Did you find time to draw up a mind map?"

Chloe: "Yes I'll email it to you later on"

Me: "Okay. Let me not keep you"

Chloe: "Okay. Bye"

I hung up and began with the Work...



I arrived at work. I was so sleepy that man did only keep me awake the whole night but also
destroyed my insides last night. I went to put my lunch on the fridge then took out a bottle of water
then went back to my working station. There wasn't much to do so I just looked for dresses, I had no
idea what to wear on Khule's wedding, Nkule's too.

The phone rang. I answered.

Me: "Kel'z good morning"

Caller: "Good morning. I have been trying Mr Nzima's office but it isn't going through" he had a
funny accent.

Me: "He's out of the country Sir"

Caller: "No he isn't. He flew back to South Africa on...on Friday"

Me: "OK please hold on" I pressed Luvo's office.

Luvo: "Kel'z miss Mbhele's office how may I be of help?"

Me: "Morning its the reception. Is Mr Nzima in?"

Luvo: "No he isn't"

Me: "OK thanks" I went back to previous call. "He's not in Sir"

Caller: "Okay thank you"

I hung up and went to the emails. They all couldn't risk this Mr Nzinga's office. Why wasn't he in
though. I responded to all of them. The baby thing was stuck on my head. I took out the morning
after pill and downed it. I couldn't risk it. Who asks for a baby? Me a mother? My brothers would kill
me or bury me alive.

He banged the desk I startled. He laughed.

Me: "Its not funny Khuboni!"

Khuboni: "Geez sorry. I've been standing here talking to you...talking to myself since you weren't
listening" I sighed.

Me: "Am sorry I was lost in a pile of my thoughts"

Khuboni: "That guy there came to deliver you something but your guards won't let him in"

Me: "Oh thanks. I'll go talk to them"

I went out to them. It was Mulalo.

Me: "Hey."

Him: "Yoh modimo waka ausi where did you find these creepy men. I came to give you these. I am
Mulalo. Your brother ordered me to come take your measurements."

Me: "Well I am a bit busy for now"

Mulalo: "I came to give you these. I'll take your measurements later on" I took the gift bag.

Mulalo: "Bye girl"

He cat walked away. I chuckled. He's so hyper I've only seen him in pictures. I went back in. It was a
lingerie. Jesus there must have been a mistake. I put it back quickly and rushed to my desk. I took
out my cellphone. There was a text from Khethelo.

'I hope you'll like your gift. Mulalo will drop it there on his way to this salon. Wear it when you finally
fix things with Jason' Jesus Christ this woman!

I called her.

Khethelo: "Do you like it?"

Me: "Are you trying to cause me a heart attack?"

Khethelo: "Emi am trying for you to get married so I can have my man in peace"

Me: "I didn't know you hated me this much"

She laughed.

Khethelo: "That needs a coat. I'll have it delivered"

Me: "Wow I pray my brother finds a new wife"

Khethelo: "He'd leave her in a day because she'll probably will not wear a lingerie for him. Can you
even do woman on top? That man will leave forever if you don't spice things up in the bedroom."

Me: "Bye Mrs Dube"

Khethelo: "I love you"

As much as I love her but this. I was going to donate it to the hookers.

It rang. Chloe.

Me: "Girlings"

Chloe: "Can you believe your sister in law right now?"

Me: "Which one?"

Chloe: "Khethelo. She bought me a lingerie and Quinton was the one to open the parcel. Now I have
to model in it" I laughed.

Me: "Whatever demon that possessed her is serious. Mine was delivered at work"

Chloe: "No!"

Me: "Yep. I'll just donate it to the Hookers" she chuckled.

Chloe: "I wish I could. He's failing to even find the child's mouth his mind is on this lingerie thing."

Me: "Am hanging up before you tell me he's got a boner" she laughed.

Chloe: "Bye boo" I hung up. What has gotten to this woman. The work phone rang.

Me: "Kel'z good Morning"




I was jamming to old school music. Our clothes had been moved to the new house. Hawu was eating
his toy making baby sounds. Katlego had dropped him off an hour ago, she had somewhere to go.
These men wouldn't let us have nannies or go back to our normal lives. I missed my old job. Sticking
my nose in people's business. Digging deep in everything. Business isn't my world. I suck at
He started crying. I warmed up his milk and fed him he sucked it for seconds and cried. I picked him
up and shushed him. He cried even louder. I heard commotion coming from outside. The door
opened. A whole of Eastern Cape followed each other in.

Mama was the last one to get in.

Uncle Xolo: "Is this the child?"

Me: "What is going on?"

Mama: "Pack all your shit we're leaving" what? My heart pounded out of the rib cage.

"Baby the twins are-" I turned. He had Sisekelo on his arm. He frowned.

Quinton: "Is everything okay?" He slowly motioned to where I was standing. Hawu was crying

Uncle Nqobani: "No, everything is not fine. We're here to get our child and her children. Nandipha
pack all your things and the children's. We're going" I stood there like a statue. "Now!" He snapped.

He's the head of my maternal family. What he says goes. Am scared of him.

Quinton: "With all due respect-"

Mama: "You shut the hell up!" She turned to me. "You have 20 minutes"

I walked up the stairs to the nursery. Hawu hadn't stopped crying. I was now also crying I put him in
Sisekelo's bed. I locked the door and called Khule. He did not take the call. I called his office. The lady
told me to hold on.

Khule: "Wifey"

Me: "They're taking the twins away. They're here, all of them" I said hysterically.

Khule: "Whoa! Calm down who's taking them?"

Me: "My mother and her brothers"

Khule: "Where are you?"

Me: "Nursery"

Khule: "Lock the door am coming"

I hung up and looked out the window. A mini bus? Seriously? I saw Bonga coming in running. I
silently prayed.

I heard a knock. I stopped breathing.

"Its me"

I went to open.

Bonga: "Are your bags packed?"

Me: "Its not happening Bonga"

Bonga: "It has to happen"

Me: "They don't care about me!"

Bonga: "That is why you have to leave with them"

He picked Sikelela up and walked out. I followed him. They were all screaming at Quinton. He had
Sikelela close to his chest. He looked at us. His eyes were glassy. He tightened his jaw and looked
ahead at my crazy family who were saying everything insulting him.

The door flew open. It was Khule followed by Chris and Khethelo.

Khule took Sikelela away from Bonga. Chris took Sisekelo from Quinton. They both looked deadly.
Khethelo came to me and put her arm around my waist "They're not taking them" she whispered.

Khule: "And don't fucking dare tell me your gogo told you to give away my children. I promise you
boy I'll kill you and go kill her again in her grave. My children are not play ground" he said to Bonga.
He turned to the Eastern Cape residents. "If you don't vacate this house willingly. You'll vacate in
body bags. Mrs November trust me am nothing like my father I will not think twice before popping
your brains out. I'll turn a blind eye that you're a grandmother of my children and mother in law.
Nzuza was the first and the last to demand of any child in this clan."

Uncle Xolo: "We're not going anywhere without my niece!"

Chris: "Each minute brings you all closer to your last breath" he said in a different voice than the

Quinton was looking like a lost puppy sitting on the first step.

Khule: "Elders. Please leave" they stood still.

Chris: "Leave!" He gave Q the baby and grabbed my cousin and punched him. The chaos. The
children started crying.

Khule gave me the child and ordered us to go upstairs, Khethelo took the other twin from Q. We ran
up. Leaving the war. Eastern Cape versus 4 men. Hawu wasn't in the room. My heart skipped a beat.
It started raining the thunder rumbled. The lightning struck the thunder rumbled so loud. I quickly
shifted away from the window. We heard noise. I went to look. They were running towards the gate.
Khethelo and I looked at each other then back at my family. The dark clouds moved off. The sky
became clear again.

The door opened. He had Hawu in his arms. His eyes were red. He put Hawu on the crib and came to
stand before me. A single tear dropped. He attacked me with a hug. My baby was crying, he did not

Quinton: "I love you" no he didn't. "I love you and I never want to lose you and our kids"

He's said he loves me many times before I fell pregnant. Not even one of them was meaningful as
this one...

Chapter Eighty-Five



I was seated on the couch. Chris was seating on a chair a distance away from me. Bonga was on the
armrest. I knew he is capable but I did not think it would be this early. Chris was...

I don't know, he showed no emotion but he was definitely not okay.

Bonga: "That is why I wanted the twins to leave with them. They wouldn't have made it to the gate
without him transforming"

Me: "Is he venomous?"

Bonga: "Yes"

Me: "Is he going to die?" He attacked one of the people.

Bonga: "He might if he doesn't get help in time"

Me: "Why are you so cool about all this? He's 3 months. Is he supposed to be transforming

Bonga: "There is no getting it right in their world baba. His job is to protect his own. He just did, in
the future we'll know they react as early as three months"

I nodded. As we fought the Novembers an enormous snake came out of only Lord knows where. For
a moment I thought of shooting it but my mind stopped me. It went straight to that old man. The
lightning attacked him. Am surprised he had the energy to run out.

The snake then swayed all the way to behind the couch. Quinton tried to follow it but Bonga
stopped him. I startled when I heard Hawu's voice coming from the same direction. Quinton rushed
there, he stopped and reluctantly picked him up. I've never been so scared in my life. He smiled
when our eyes met, adding to my fear. Chris ordered Bonga to take him upstairs. Quinton said he
will then he went up. It pained me to see him like that.

Bonga: "Loosen up" he said to Chris. He eyed him and stood up. He went to the bar fridge and took
out cans of energy drink. He passed me one.

Me: "Thank you"

Khethelo came down. She observed us.

Khethelo: "Are you guys okay?"

I nodded. "Should I make you something to eat?"

Chris: "We'll manage thanks"

Khethelo: "O-kay"

She poured herself and walked out.



After a crazy measurement session with Mulalo he asked to take me out and dished out his affair
with one of the well known married men. I can't say I was surprised, these famous rich people
always have something going on.

The whole Dube clan was at Q's I was too tired I needed a rest. The driver took me there. Everyone
seemed troubled but wouldn't come out with it. I told Katlego to call me when she's done cooking I
went to take a nap.

I woke up to my phone vibrating. I looked at the caller ID. I answered and kept quiet.

Caller: "Are you gonna come back?" I don't remember giving him my number.

Me: "No."

Jason: "Is it because of what I said?"

Me: "No. Khule told me to come over"

Jason: "No pressure anyway. It was just a suggestion" well it didn't sound like it.
Me: "I see"

Jason: "Am serious. I'd die to have a mini us though" I felt chills all over my body.

Me: "I don't think we're ready for that"

Jason: "Why aren't we? Am never leaving you Emi"

Me: "That still doesn't justify having a baby. A child is a very huge step for ones life. A lifetime
commitment and we're not ready for that. We're still trying to get our lives together"

Jason: "I get it"

Me: "And besides, you just came back we should be working on getting our relationship back on it's

Jason: "We are"

Me: "When are you leaving?"

Jason: "I thought we were getting our relationship back on it's feet"

Me: "Not by cohabiting. Nope. Khule would kill me" he chuckled.

Jason: "I'll leave tomorrow. I'll call you before you sleep. I love you"

Me: "I love you too"

I heard a soft knock. "Come in"

Khethelo got in.

Khethelo: "Dinner is ready."

Me: "What's going on?"

Khethelo: "The November's were here"

Me: "What did they want?"

Khethelo: "Chloe and the kids"

Me: "What?"

Khethelo: "Yep."

Me: "Shame. They all looking like somebody died."

Khethelo: "They'll be fine. Come"

She stood up and headed for the door.

Me: "Has Khule ever asked for a child?" She turned and frowned.

Khethelo: "Who's asking you for s child?" That was too obvious isn't?
Me: "Jason. He asked for a child"

Khethelo: "Do you want to give him a child?"

Me: "No"

Khethelo: "Then don't."

Me: "Won't he feel like I don't love him enough?"

Khethelo: "Love isn't measured by a baby. Don't ever let any man makes you think you owe him a
child to prove your love. When the time is right you will have one babe okay?"

I nodded. She extended her hand, I took it. We walked out.



Mornings are my worst nightmare. Khethiwe and I had a movie date the previous night. I couldn't
stay over at Q's. After the movies we went to her old place. She was back into living here full time.
Though her mother didn't know.

Women should just have their own bathroom in the house. You honestly can not spend 45 minutes
in the bathroom. What do you do there? Read shampoo ingredients? I knocked again.

Khethiwe: "I'll be out just now"

Me: "You've been saying that for the past 10 years" she giggled. How did I fall in love with this
woman. The door opened. She smiled and hugged me. I kissed her forehead.

Khethiwe: "Am sorry"

She says it every time. I went in and took a 4 minutes shower like any other normal human being.

Khethiwe: "That was quick"

Me: "This is how it should be"

I dressed up. "What time is your test?"

Khethiwe: "09:30"

Me: "Request an ubber okay. Let me go" I kissed her lips and rushed out. I was already late. I still
had to go to my house and wear decent clothes.

My phone rang just as I pulled up at my drive way.

Me: "Siziwe"
Siziwe: "Hey. Yesterday I must've forgotten my file at your office. Can I ask Martin to open up for

Me: "No I'll be there in a few minutes"

Siziwe: "I should be in court in the next 15 minutes"

Me: "I get back to you shortly maybe I packed it" I hung up and reached for my suitcase. I searched
for it. It wasn't there. I called the reception and asked Tshidi to go look for it.

I went inside to dress up and made coffee. He got back to me.

Tshidi: "There's no file Sir"

Me: "Okay thanks" I called Siziwe.

Siziwe: "Found it?"

Me: "No. I asked Tshidi to go look for it. He didn't find it either"

Siziwe: "OK....ugh here it is. Sorry to worry you" I hung up and walked out to my car.

I did not feel this Siziwe woman. I had no reason but my guts didn't sit well with hers. She seemed to
be a nag. I was no longer her mentor but she still showed up at my office, with lunch sometimes. My
PA resigned with immediate effect. I was back at relying on Tshidi and he didn't mind.



After breakfast everyone left. I packed all our things in the boot and went back inside.

Me: "Ready to go?"

Chloe: "Yes." We carried the children out. I was carrying Miss Long Face. We buckled them up and
got in too.

Chloe: "When will we ever go with them to the mall?"

Me: "When Baba calls say it's okay"

Chloe: "okay"

The guards cars drove out first we followed. We were followed by another 2. That's how it is driving
with these little Presidents.

Me: "When are you buying a phone?"

Chloe: "When I find a job"

Me: "When you find a job? When?"

Chloe: "After they're six months"

Me: "Who are they gonna remain behind with?"

Chloe: "Are you suggesting that I will be a stay home mom?"

Me: "You don't need money"

Chloe: "Who told you that?"

Me: "We have money"

Chloe: "No you have money Quinton. I can't live off you."

Me: "You won't be living off me. We're a team."

Chloe: "Am still going to look for a job"

She said and looked ahead the road, I did the same.

We arrived in Diepsloot. She got off and opened the backseat door. She unbuckled Sikelela and
walked towards the entrance. I unbuckled Sisekelo and followed. I gave her the key. She unlocked
we went in. She led the way to their room. We put them in their cots and opened the windows. She
walked out. Women.

I found her dusting off in the kitchen. I hugged her from behind.

Me: "Am sorry" she continued doing her thing. "I didn't mean it like that. I thought as parents and
lovers we share everything. But if you feel like you need a job. We'll find you a job"

She turned.

Chloe: "I just don't wanna be labeled as a gold digger"

Me: "Who cares what everybody thinks? You're my gold digger" I kissed her forehead. She giggled.
"She's blushing"

Chloe: "Hhai marn Quinton."

Me: "You know its funny how it took your family to come here for me to realize how much I love

Chloe: "Maybe its not love. Its just a fear of losing your children"

She freed from my grip.

Me: "I meant it. I knew I truly loved you the moment you came back from the Bundus."

Chloe: "But yesterday was the first time you ever said it since I came back" I took her hand and led
her to the barstool. She sat, I stood between her legs and stared deep in her eyes.

Me: "I wasn't sure. Beside that I was scared. Am scared that every time I love someone something
bad always happen."

Chloe: "Are you over her?"

Me: "It was different from what I feel for you. I don't even know if I loved her at all. Maybe I loved
what she offered. How submissive she was. With you, its...its different. I love you and am sure of it."

A tear escaped her eye. I kissed her.

Chloe: "I thought you never would"

Me: "Well I do and that's all that matters."

We shared a kiss.

Me: "When are we having sex?"

Chloe: "If you promise not to knock me up" I laughed.

Me: "I'll pull out"

Chloe: "You're worse than I thought"

Me: "My birthday is coming up. You better strip for me in that half done thingie"

Chloe: "Look at you acting like you don't know a lingerie"

Me: "Not from a mother of my kids"

I kissed her again. Having sex in the kitchen on our old-new house won't hurt....



When we drove home. He was quiet all the way. I let him be. He went straight to our bedroom the
minute we got home. I just changed and asked Liam to take me to the salon. I had not much to do
there but I wasn't gonna sit around and mop either.

The salon wasn't so packed. I asked Lindi to braid me. She washed my hair first then I sat on the
Lindi: "How big?"

Me: "Big and few"

Lindi: "Okay"

Sasa helped her out. In less than an hour they finished. I went to my office.

I heard a familiar voice just as I unlocked I walked back. He saw me.

Jason: "Mrs Dube"

Me: "Jason"

We shook hands.

Jason: "I came for a haircut"

Me: "It suits you"

Jason: "Emi disapproves" I laughed.

Me: "Juice?"

Jason: "I could never say no to anything cold right now. Its boiling hot out here"

I led the way to the bar area. I poured him a glass and gave him.

Jason: "Thank you"

Me: "Emi told me" he choked on his spit. "Am sorry"

Jason: "Its okay"

Me: "I know your intentions are pure but a baby? That's a bit extreme"

Jason: "I know but I have my reasons"

Me: "Which are?"

Jason: "You know how your husbands feel about me."

Me: "Let me guess. You think having a child with her will change how they feel about you?"

Jason: "No but it will make them to force me to marry her"

Me: "Jason!"

Jason: "What?"

Me: "At least try them first"

Jason: "They won't allow it. Am Motto Motto's son"

Me: "So what if you get her pregnant and then they deprive you of your child?"

Jason: "They won't."

Me: "Am defeated"

He finished off his juice.

Jason: "Thank you for the juice"

He put the glass on the counter and walked away. This guy!

I scored 4 ladies who were looking for the job of helping around the house. I needed someone a bit
older and there was only one. I sent her an email for an interview the following day.

The day was already over. I packed my things and called Liam.

I passed by the mall to buy a few things. After packing them I went to the lounge and collapsed on
the couch.

My phone rang as I the relaxation started kicking in. I reached for my bag. I took it out.

Me: "Hey"

Quinton: "I have been trying to get hold of Khule. Are you home?"

Me: "Yes but I haven't seen him"

Quinton: "Could you please tell him to answer his phone?"

Me: "Okay" I hung up and went upstairs. He wasn't in the bedroom. His study door was slightly
opened. I walked there. I knocked. No response. I slowly pushed it. He wasn't in but there was
something playing on his laptop. I went to close it but stopped when I saw what it is. There were
used tissues next to it. I sat down on his chair and watched.

She was so beautiful. They looked happy. It was a video of their traditional wedding. I collected the
tissues and took the box. Under it there were pictures. It was their pictures. In the yacht, white
wedding and in hospital holding a little baby.

Another video displayed, it was her, he was speaking on the background. His Cologne hit my
nostrils. I brought my eyes up. He looked dead. I stood up and headed for the door. He tried to stop
me but I walked out....

Chapter Eighty-Six


I came out of the bathroom and sat on the bed and applied lotion on the exposed parts. I didn't
know how to feel. I tried crying while bathing but something inside me wouldn't let me.

I finished and switched off the lights and tucked myself in bed.

I kept tossing and turning. No position seemed to be comfortable. I stood up and looked for my
anxiety pills and downed them. I went back to bed. I heard footsteps approaching. He did not get in.
He stood at the door for some time and walked away again.

I felt drowsy. I fell asleep.

I woke up to my alarm going crazy. I turned it off and got off the bed. I went to pee and came back.
Seemed like I slept alone. I took my phone and walked down to the kitchen.

I made cereal and settled on the chair. I called Lindi while at it.

Lindi: "Mrs KK"

Me: "Hey. You okay?"

Lindi: "Yes. You?"

Me: "Am okay. I won't be in today. I have a few things to take care of. Could you please do the stock
taking. Increase the weaves with 25"

Lindi: "Consider it done"

Me: "Thank you"

Lindi: "Anytime"

I put the bowl on the sink and climb up the stairs to the guestrooms. He wasn't there. I took a
shower, got in bed with my book and got lost in the readers world. It was much better than my


I felt a sting on my arm I startled.

Katlego: "Out with it"

Me: "What?"

Katlego: "You've been like this since Monday. Right now you were staring at the child like a zombie"

Me: "Was I?" She frowned.

Katlego: "What is going on Christian?"

Me: "Nothing is going on. I just have a lot in my mind"

Katlego: "What happened in there that day?"

Me: "Nothing" I put the sleeping Hawu in his crib. She stood there defeated. His condition was hard
to stomach to me as a man, how far worse was it gonna be to her. It was still too early for what
happened on Monday.

Me: "Are we going to order breakfast?"

Katlego: "No. I came to tell you breakfast is ready"

She took the baby's basket and walked out. I took the monitor ans followed her...



Ever been so exhausted of working? The never been seen big boss ordered me to plan the unveiling
of his mother on Saturday. If he's so rich as they say he is, why couldn't he hire the right people for
the job?

I was in and out doing bookings in different halls. They were all fully booked.

I had just came back. I collapsed on the visitors couch.

She stood over me and smiled.

Luvo: "My poor baby"

Me: "Am resigning with immediate effect"

Luvo: "I'll inform the HR" she then laughed.

Me: "Its not funny Luvo. It would be better if I was the company car. Taxis are killing me even more"

Luvo: "We thought you didn't want it and they're all occupied. But don't worry I'll arrange it for you"

Me: "Thank you"

Luvo: "Let's go have lunch"

Me: "No I'll order in. These heels are killing me"

Luvo: "Order for two then"

She sat beside me. I took out my phone and ordered. Jason called as I put it away.

Me: "Hey"

Jason: "Hi babe. You sound tired"

Me: "I am tired. This bloody boss of mine is stupid"

Jason: "What did he/she do?"

Me: "He asked me to plan his mother's unveiling. Am a receptionist for crying out loud" he

Jason: "Maybe he trusts you that much"

Me: "He doesn't even know me. The day I see him I'll squash him" Luvo laughed.

Jason: "Aren't there surveillance cameras there? He might be hearing all that"

Me: "I don't care. He's trash" he laughed.

Jason: "Okay bye bye miss receptionist. Let's hope your boss eases up on you"

Me: "After I send him this letter. Am sure he will. I love you"

Jason: "I love you more"

The telephone rang. I closed my eyes. Luvo went to answer it...



Today I decided to go to work. I can't lie I missed Khethiwe. She knew how to do her job and
understood me. This new girl all she knew was paint her mouth with different colors every hour. I
don't even know her name so I just call her Sisi. Don't want to seem like an ignorant boss. Of which I
Speaking of a devil. She came in and placed the files on my desk.

Her: "Summarised as you asked them"

Me: "Thank you"

Her: "What should I get you for lunch?"

Me: "My lunch is in the fridge. Lime curved box. Please warm it up for me"

Her: "OK" she walked away.

My phone rang.

Me: "Baby"

Chloe: "Hi love. Did you speak to Khethelo today? She's not at the salon and not picking up her cell.
That's unlike her"

Me: "I'll call Liam. Am sure he knows where she is"

Chloe: "Okay please do"

Me: "I'll get back to you"

I hung up and called Liam. He did not pick up. I called Khule.

Khule: "My meeting is starting in 2 minutes"

Me: "Where's Khethelo?"

Khule: "Isn't she at the salon?"

Me: "No" I heard noise of people talking and laughing.

Khule: "Look. Let me call you after 45 minutes"

I took my car keys and headed for the door.

Me: "Sisi, don't warm up my food am going out"

I found her sitting on the couch. The air conditioner freezing the whole lounge. She has track suits
on and a throw over her feet. The tissues were all over the floor next to her. I turned off the air-
conditioner and picked up the tissues. I went to throw them at the garbage can then came to sit on
the single couch opposite her.

Me: "What did he do?" She stared at me blankly. "Am sorry. Whatever he did am sorry"
She took a tissue and blew her nose. We sat there in complete silence. She was hurt and I had no
words to comfort her. I was mad at Khule. He's the one who always tells me you never leave the
woman you love alone at home hurting. But he did. My phone rang, it was him. I rejected the call
and went to make her food.

I put the plate before her and sat down.

Khethelo: "Am I his rebound?" I brought my eyes up.

Me: "Why would you think of that?"

Khethelo: "Am I or not. What does he tell you? And please be honest Quinton"

Me: "No, you're not a rebound."

She slid off the couch and climbed up the stairs.

I took out my phone and texted Khule.

'You better fix this. Tomorrow morning I want a smile on her face or else you'll have me to deal with'

I texted Chloe to come stay with her.



I flipped to the next page.

Me: "Am sure there are better houses than these ones"

Kylie: "There are but they've already been taken"

Me: "I need a huge house"

Kylie: "I know but there aren't this season. They're still in progress"

Me: "Know what? Just get me a site" her eyes widened. "Stop looking like a frog hit by a car and tell
me how quick can you find it"

Kylie: "You never think when it comes to this woman"

Me: "She's not just any woman. She's my woman. I want to build a beautiful home for her"
Kylie: "OK let me go and start making calls then"

Me: "Make sure you its in Heidelberg or wherever far away from here. Just in case I break her heart
and her brothers come for me, I'll have enough time to run away" she laughed.

Kylie: "Bye Jason"

She packed her magazines and walked away.

I called Luvo.

Luvo: "Tsotsi"

Me: "I called the cleaning ladies earlier asking if they found my 50c they said you took it"

Luvo: "Yes I did. I gave it to our receptionist. I thought it was hers since she has a similar one"

Me: "You what?"

Luvo: "What?"

Me: "She knows its me"

Luvo: "What are you talking about?"

Me: "She's the woman I told you about"

Luvo: "There's so much noise here I can't hear you Jason"

Me: "Tell her you want it back"

Luvo: "I thought I was your best friend"

Me: "You are and you'll forever be"

Luvo: "How could you not tell me its her. Gosh I hate you right now"

Me: "Just don't tell her I own that place"

Luvo: "Why?"

Me: "Stop asking me questions and do as I tell you"

I hung up before she asked me why should she stop asking me too many questions.



I was reluctant to drive home. I stayed at the office until it was dark.
I was afraid to face her. I know whatever explanation I have she isn't gonna buy it.

I told Chris it. He also got mad at me and told me to go home. I drove home. The whole house was
dark. There wasn't even a single room with light. On normal days she lights the whole house.

I stayed in the car and listened to music.


I might have fallen asleep. I woke up to my phone ringing. It was Quinton. I dropped it and got out
of the car. It was close to 9pm.

I turned the kitchen light on and went to drink water. I then went to the warmer. I found my food, as
always. I washed my hands and dug in. It was still warm.

I downed the can of Castle Lite after washing and putting the plate away.

I resisted going upstairs. I couldn't sleep at the guestroom again but I couldn't face her neither.

I kept the cans coming until the drowsiness started kicking in.

I kept thinking of better ways to justify why I was watching those videos. I could never lose her. Not
over anything like this. I love her and only her. If she were to leave me I'd be admitted to a mental

"What am I not doing right?"

I shut my eyes and held the can with both my hands.

Khethelo: "Just tell me Khulekani and I will make sure I change" she was crying. I couldn't bring
myself to turn and look at her. "Forgive me if am being a terrible fiancé to you. I would know how to
do right by a man if only my mother was still alive, am clueless. Everything that I am and how I act is
what done from my female gut."
I slid off the chair and walked towards her. She looked pale. I fought the urge to hold her, I just
clenched my jaws.

Me: "Khethelo"

Khethelo: "Be honest with me Khulekani. You owe me that much"

Me: "Its not what you think"

Khethelo: "Then tell me what it is" she was so calm. Her voice carried so much anger and pain. I
hated myself at this very moment.

I took a deep breath.

Me: "Am sorry. I was beating myself up for not standing up for my child. Had I fought her
grandfather like I did with the Novembers, she'd be here with me. And no that wasn't about Lesedi. I
went for help, I healed. I just... I know you won't believe this but its true. And the reason I still have
all those videos and pictures its because of her, I want her to know I loved her, I did not just give her
up. Am sorry you had to see that."

Her tears came out silently. I tried to touch her, she backed away.

Khethelo: "I can't shake the feeling that you still holding on, that am just a rebound"

Me: "That is nowhere close to the truth you know its not like that"

Khethelo: "Go get Phila. Because if I ever happen to find you crying watching your previous wedding
I am going to die"

Me: "Am sorry."

Khethelo: "The wedding can wait"

Me: "Not happening. If we keep postponing I will forever be feeling like am illegally staying here
with you"

Khethelo: "You need to get the child's issue straight."

Me: "I will but not now."

Khethelo: "Why? You gonna keep looking at your wedding videos because you miss your child!?"

Me: "Please calm down"

Khethelo: "Don't tell me to calm down. I am the one who feels like am not a wife enough for you! I
feel like I am failing to meet the standards of your wife"

Me: "She's dead Khethelo"

Khethelo: "That's what makes it worse! Right now I am not even sure if-"

Me: "That you love me?"

Khethelo: "No. Am sure If we ever gonna have a child and if we do, will you love it?"
Me: "We will have a child and I will love it with all of my heart"

Khethelo: "Do still love me or want to marry me?"

Me: "I love you and I'd give up anything for you to be my wife"

Khethelo: "Goodnight Khulekani"

I followed her up the stairs. She got in bed. I undressed and joined in. I brought her close and kissed

Me: "I love you and am sorry you feel less than an important person in my life. When I saw you, it
was for the first time I ever saw a woman and felt the need to love and get married ever since Lesedi
died. I love you, never doubt that. I will get rid of everything that has to do with her if it doesn't sit
well with you"

She snored. I hope she heard.


Hello lovies. Am sorry for taking this long to post, I am going through a very rough at the moment
and its hard to write. Please bear with me❤

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