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with Reading Skills

A complete answer key and

model answers for SB and WB included

TG & Answer Key


Studentbook Answers

Bricks Reading 1
Unit 1. New Family | 4
Unit 2. Bath | 8
Unit 3. My Race | 12
Unit 4. Kitten Stories | 16
Unit 5. Rain, Rain, Rain | 20
Unit 6. Enjoy Cartoons! | 24

Bricks Reading 2
Unit 1. Spring | 28 with Reading Skills
Unit 2. Loose Teeth | 32
Unit 3. What’s the Matter? | 36
Unit 4. Let’s Party! | 40
Unit 5. In and Out of the Zoo | 44
Unit 6. Exam | 48
Studentbook Answers
Bricks Reading 3
Unit 1. Mail | 52
Unit 2. Old Things | 56
Unit 3. Teamwork Works | 60
Unit 4. The Handicapped | 64
Unit 5. Go Abroad | 68
Unit 6. Mexico | 72

Bricks Reading Workbook 1 | 78

Bricks Reading Workbook 2 | 84
Bricks Reading Workbook 3 | 90
Workbook Answers
Unit 1. Spring B r i c k s R e a d i n g 2

Page 10 Reading Skill Up

Items Spring Winter
Page 8 Voca bular y Build Up
A. play in the streets and parks
People stay home
1. stay to remain in one place or condition plant seeds and crops
2. bud a small shoot on a plant that grows into a leaf or flower
Plants have buds and leaves have no leaves
3. appear to come into view
4. blossom a flower on a fruit tree or other plant play in the fields and trees stay home
5. disappear to go out of sight Animals
awake from their winter sleep sleep
6. return to go back
7. hatch to come out of an egg by breaking the shell Sun warmer
8. creature a living being, human or animal Sound busy quiet
Color many beautiful colors brown
1. d 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. c

Page 11 Stor y Summar y Up

Spring brown Grass busy warmer
Page 9 Comprehension Check Up
A. Think and Act Out
1. True 2. False • How does the color of nature change from winter to spring? Why?
Model Answer The color of nature changes from brown to green. When it is winter, plants have

B. no leaves. In spring, green leaves appear on the trees. So the color of winter is different from
1. b 2. b 3. c 4. d spring’s.

C. • The author says: Spring brings new beginnings. Make your own sentence defining spring.
1. The white and pink blossoms appear on fruit trees in spring. Model Answer 1 Spring clothes the land with green leaves.

2. People plant seeds in spring. Model Answer 2 Spring takes off a thick white coat.
Model Answer 3 In spring, everything is fresh and vivid.

28 Bricks Reading TG & Answer Key Studentbook 2 Answers 29

B r i c k s R e a d i n g 2

Page 14 Voca bular y Build Up Page 16 Reading Skill Up

1. remember to keep in mind carefully Facts about Earth Days Author’s Opinion

2. hurry to do something as fast as possible We have a spring picnic on Earth Day.

The races are fun.
3. pack to put objects into a box, case, or bag We hurry home to get ready for the picnic.
I like the spoon races.
4. load to put things onto or into something We are reminded to practice Earth Day
All too soon it is time to go home.
5. tug of war a contest between two teams, each holding ends of a rope every day.
6. share to divide something between two or more people
7. stage an area where actors or other entertainers perform
8. remind to make someone remember something
9. practice to keep doing something in order to do it better

1. a 2. c 3. d 4. d 5. b

Page 17 Stor y Summar y Up

April picnic listens games lunch everyone sing
Page 15 Comprehension Check Up
Think and Act Out
1. True 2. False
• Why does the author write: All too soon it is time to go home?
Model Answer On Earth Day, the author was so happy with the picnic that he was unaware of
the passage of time.
1. b 2. b 3. c 4. d

C. • How can we practice Earth Day every day?

1. They tell us what we must do for the earth. Model Answer We can practice Earth Day every day by throwing away less garbage, reusing
2. The winners of the races get to go on a big stage. things, and recycling the used items.

30 Bricks Reading TG & Answer Key Studentbook 2 Answers 31

Unit 2. Loose Teeth B r i c k s R e a d i n g 2

Page 20 Voca bular y Build Up Page 22 Reading Skill Up

Supporting Sentences
1. cavity a hole in a tooth
2. gums the flesh inside the mouth around the teeth The office stinks.
3. grab to take hold of something or someone The dentist kept shouting at Ron.
4. wiggle to be loose and move with quick The dentist started putting stuff in Ron’s gums.
5. bleeding the act or process of losing blood There are sharp-looking tools in the office.
6. experience something that happens to you The dentist hurt Ron.
7. taste to have some flavor
The lights are too bright.
8. wand a special thin stick
The dentist had a big needle in Ron’s mouth.
9. numb not able to feel

B. Conclusion
1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b Ron hates to go to the dental clinic.

Page 21 Comprehension Check Up

Page 23 Stor y Summar y Up
1. False 2. False
needle gums shouting bleed dentist still

Think and Act Out
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c
• He said it shouldn’t hurt. But it did. What does the underlined part mean?
Model Answer The big needle hurt indeed. The dentist said that this big needle in Ron’s mouth
did not hurt. But Ron felt very painful.
1. Ron goes to the dentist four times a year.
2. The dentist used some gauze to stop bleeding.
• What was Ron’s worst experience of his life?
Model Answer The dental treatment, especially the cavities cure was the worst experience of
his life.

32 Bricks Reading TG & Answer Key Studentbook 2 Answers 33

B r i c k s R e a d i n g 2

Page 26 Voca bular y Build Up Page 28 Reading Skill Up

Time Events
1. missing lost; not to be found
2. early before the usual time
3. yawn to open the mouth wide while breathing in deeply She talked about her missing tooth with her mom.
After school
4. fall asleep to go off to sleep Her mother found Claire had a missing tooth.
5. flash to give off a bright light and disappear quickly
6. scared frightened or worried She dreamt of a fairy.
7. peek to look quickly or secretly She talked to a tooth fairy in her dream.
At night
8. wonder to want to know something She found a coin under her pillow.
She fell asleep.
1. d 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. d Next
morning She wondered if it had all been a dream.

Page 27 Comprehension Check Up

1. True 2. False
Page 29 Stor y Summar y Up
Claire pillow fairy noise coin wondered
1. b 2. a 3. d 4. d
Think and Act Out
• Did Claire see the tooth fairy or did she dream about it?
Model Answer 1 She just dreamt of it. In my opinion, her mother put the coin under the pillow.
1. She put the tooth under her pillow, yawned, and stretched.
Model Answer 2 I believed in a tooth fairy. It was not a dream, and she met the tooth fairy.
2. She kept them in a pink cloud on the other side of the rainbow.

• When you have a missing tooth, what do you do?

Model Answer I usually wish my happiness and health on a star while throwing a missing tooth
on the roof.

34 Bricks Reading TG & Answer Key Studentbook 2 Answers 35

Unit 3. What’s the Matter? B r i c k s R e a d i n g 2

Page 34 Reading Skill Up

Page 32 Voca bular y Build Up
Example Category Characteristics
1. take up to fill an amount of space of time It has a shape of its own.
2. space the area within which everything exists Solid It does not change its shape when it is moved.
3. matter solids, liquids, and gasses Pencils and erasers are kinds of it.
4. state the condition of a person or thing
5. mass the amount or volume of matter
It takes the shape of its container.
6. shape the particular physical form of something Liquid
You can pour it from one container to another.
7. container what holds something else, such as a box or can
8. spread to open something out or arrange it over a place
9. make up to form or be the parts of It can fill up a tire or a ball.
10. blow up to get a hole in it and go flat Gas Air is made up of it.
You cannot see it, but you can sometimes smell it.
1. d 2. d 3. b 4. d

Page 35 Stor y Summar y Up

Page 33 Comprehension Check Up matter gas space shape container spreads everywhere fill
1. False 2. True Think and Act Out
• What will happen to the air in a tire when it blows up?
B. Model Answer The air will be decreased in volume and the tire will be flat because the air in the

1. d 2. c 3. a 4. d tire will move to the outside of the tire.

C. • When you move a ball from one place to another, what will happen to it?
1. It is“Three Types of Matter.” Model Answer The ball will not change shape.

2. It is everywhere.

36 Bricks Reading TG & Answer Key Studentbook 2 Answers 37

B r i c k s R e a d i n g 2

Page 40 Reading Skill Up

Page 38 Voca bular y Build Up
A. Story Information you can infer
1. hang to fix something at a high place or position
One day, my dad hung a small white
2. take away to remove something solid thing on the wall. ➞ Naphthalene is white.
3. naturally by nature
4. point to hold out your finger toward it It’s an aromatic. It takes away bad You can remove bad smells with
5. freeze to become solid from cold temperatures smells. ➞ naphthalene.
6. dry out to make something dry, or to become dry
My dad said, “No. It is not something to
7. evaporate to turn from liquid into gas You cannot eat naphthalene.
8. the same exactly alike ➞
9. sublimate to pass from a solid to a gas directly It was on the wall and she could not You can hang an aromatic on the
10. snap to make a sharp sound with your fingers reach it. wall.

B. It has gone naturally. Naphthalene changes naturally.
1. d 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. c
The naphthalene did the same but the ➞ Naphthalene can go under
naphthalene was solid. sublimation.

When a solid changes to gas and goes Naphthalene is solid.

into the air, it is called sublimation.
➞ Naphthalene changes to gas.

Page 39 Comprehension Check Up

1. False 2. True
Page 41 Stor y Summar y Up
naphthalene ate reach naturally dried out sublimation learn
1. a 2. d 3. b 4. c
Think and Act Out
• What was the matter with Kitty?
Model Answer The author thought Kitty ate the aromatic and would be sick. But the author
1. Because she thought Kitty ate the aromatic.
knew the aromatic has gone naturally and was relieved.
2. It changed from a solid to gas and went into the air.

• Think of a thing that changes its state. Explain how it changes.

Model Answer When gas changes to liquid, it is called liquefaction. For example, glasses have
become steamed up when you enter from the cold outdoors into a warm room.

38 Bricks Reading TG & Answer Key Studentbook 2 Answers 39

Unit 4. Let’s Party! B r i c k s R e a d i n g 2

Page 44 Voca bular y Build Up Page 46 Reading Skill Up

Characters What you can infer from the story
1. backyard an area of land at the back of a house
2. prepare to make ready Its name is Rabbit.
3. fresh still good to eat or drink It lives near Mr. Zuckerman’s farm.
4. chewy needing chewing a lot It likes carrots.
5. show to make something to be seen It can enjoy drinking tea.
6. bloody covered with or leaking blood
7. pale being lighter in color of faces Its name is Squirrel.
8. smelly having an unpleasant smell It has strong teeth.
It can enjoy drinking tea.
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. d Its name is Giraffe.
It is the host of the party.
It is very tall.
It can enjoy drinking tea.

Its name is Wolf.

It can catch a deer.
It likes red and fresh meat.
Page 45 Comprehension Check Up
It can enjoy drinking tea.
1. False 2. False

B. Page 47 Stor y Summar y Up

1. d 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b potluck party prepared nuts Rabbit Giraffe idea tea

Think and Act Out
• What is a potluck party?
1. Because it was too tall.
Model Answer Potlucks are the friendliest party of gatherings. As guests take part in the party,
2. They had their own lunch and drank black tea happily together.
sharing their contributions – a dish of pasta, a bottle of wine, and a bunch of wild flowers – they
share a bit of themselves.

• What is the best solution when you meet a friend who has a totally different taste?
Model Answer It will be good for us to have the buffet. We could eat favorite food to taste.

40 Bricks Reading TG & Answer Key Studentbook 2 Answers 41

B r i c k s R e a d i n g 2

Page 50 Voca bular y Build Up Page 52 Reading Skill Up

A. Model Answer
1. invitation the act of asking to come somewhere
2. join to take part in with others
3. celebrate to do something enjoyable because of a special event
4. arrive to come Mrs. Roberts
5. guest a person who is a visitor in another’s home I am in!
6. darken to cause to be dark
7. tidy up to make a place or things neat
8. light to make light to get things bright or easy to see Dear Mrs. Roberts,
It is very sweet of you to give a party to John. Absolutely
I’m going to your home on Saturday, May 3rd. I have some
good ideas for the party. How about riding a bike to the
1. c 2. a 3. d 4. a 5. d
park or playing soccer after the party? Also, I’d like to help
you to prepare for the party. Please let me know anything
I can do for you. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,


Page 51 Comprehension Check Up

1. True 2. True
Page 53 Stor y Summar y Up
B. invitation Saturday earlier guests rang Surprise
1. d 2. a 3. b
Think and Act Out
C. • What else might Lynette have prepared for the party?
1. It is Lynette Roberts. Model Answer 1 She might have prepared some gifts, special treats and toys for the party.

2. He wanted to know what he could do for her. Model Answer 2 She might have prepared cake and other dishes.

• Did you have a special birthday party? When and how was it?
Model Answer Yes, I did. When I was eleven years old, my friends gathered to celebrate my
birthday. They brought me a CD including messages and popular songs. My best friend, Jina
gave me a caricature mug of me with a birthday card. I was moved and very happy.

42 Bricks Reading TG & Answer Key Studentbook 2 Answers 43

Unit 5. In and Out of the Zoo B r i c k s R e a d i n g 2

Page 58 Reading Skill Up

Page 56 Voca bular y Build Up
A. Parts Features First five words Last five words
1. around on all sides
2. by oneself alone, without company
3. feed to give food to a person or animals - Comes at the
4. bottle a container of baby’s milk beginning Why do many at the zoo. Look
- Tells you what the people come around!
5. deliver to help (the woman) at the birth
article is about.
6. patient someone receiving treatment from a doctor
7. in addition also, as well
8. snack something you eat between meals - The main part of
an article
B. - Tells mainly
Zoo animals might give you a
1. a 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. d Body about the main
cannot live by cookie
- The largest part
of an article

- The ending of an
Without zoo
article decide to join them
Conclusion workers, you
- Summaries what too
is told in body cannot

Page 57 Comprehension Check Up

1. False 2. False
Page 59 Stor y Summar y Up
B. Zookeepers care feed help deliver gate keep around
1. b 2. c 3. b 4. b
Think and Act Out
C. • Imagine you are working for a zoo. What will you do?
1. I can go to a place for missing children. Model Answer I’d like to be a zookeeper. I will feed animals, especially lions or penguins. They
2. Zoo workers help me enjoy a zoo walk. are my favorites.

• If there were no zoo workers at a zoo, what might happen?

Model Answer 1 Maybe, hungry zoo animals will make a big mess. Zoo animals might escape
from their cages. That will scare people.
Model Answer 2 If I am hungry at the zoo, I cannot eat snacks.

44 Bricks Reading TG & Answer Key Studentbook 2 Answers 45

B r i c k s R e a d i n g 2

Page 62 Voca bular y Build Up

Page 64 Reading Skill Up
1. unusual not usual and common; strange
2. antelope an animal like a deer, with long legs and horns They had to stay at school late until the zoo people caught all
3. trumpet a loud sound, such as the cry of an elephant the animals. A big truck picked up the elephants. After the
4. gymnasium a large room where you do exercise indoors animals were caught, they went home. Today was very
5. escape to get away from a place crowded and busy. Tomorrow Anna will take a bus to school.
6. be crowded with to be full of The zoo people might leave the lion cage open!
7. reporter someone who writes news articles or who broadcast news reports
8. cage a container where animals are kept

1. d 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. a

Page 65 Stor y Summar y Up

unusual bird gymnasium escaped reporters caught bus cage

Think and Act Out

Page 63 Comprehension Check Up
• What would you say to the reporter if you were Anna?
Model Answer I saw something strange on the way to school. At first, I think this situation is
1. False 2. True
odd, but now I am enjoying watching animals. It’s really fun.

• What would you do if you saw zoo animals on the street?
1. b 2. c 3. c 4. b
Model Answer I would attempt to try touching the animals.

1. The new zookeeper left gates open so many animals escaped.
2. Zoo people might leave the lion cage open again.

46 Bricks Reading TG & Answer Key Studentbook 2 Answers 47

Unit 6. Exam B r i c k s R e a d i n g 2

Page 70 Reading Skill Up

Page 68 Voca bular y Build Up
Emotion Clues
1. cheat to violate rules by dishonest means during the test
surprised Steven’s mouth opened in surprise.
2. sweat the salty liquid that comes from your skin
3. mark to write or draw something to check something
4. ring to give out a clear, deep sound
Emotion Clues
5. submit to give something to other person to look at it
6. leave to go away from
He felt sick.
7. horrible causing a feeling of fear, horror; dreadful
His heart beat quickly in his chest.
8. treat to buy something for at one’s own expense anervous
He could feel sweat on his face.
He was too hot.
1. d 2. a 3. a 4. d 5. a

Emotion Clues

He began to feel better.

He could find the first question was easy.
Steven felt happy.
I’ll treat you.

Page 69 Comprehension Check Up

1. False 2. True
Page 71 Stor y Summar y Up
pop quiz nervous hard easy answers lunch treat
1. c 2. c 3. c 4. c

Think and Act Out

• Why did Steven feel hot?
1. It took 15 minutes for him to solve the quizzes.
Model Answer He was nervous because of the pop quiz.
2. They were going to have lunch together.

• Why did Steven treat his friend to lunch?

Model Answer He did a good job on his test, so he felt relieved and happy.

48 Bricks Reading TG & Answer Key Studentbook 2 Answers 49

B r i c k s R e a d i n g 2

Page 74 Voca bular y Build Up

1. score to get points in a test or game
2. bounce to make something hit a ground and then move quickly
3. invite to ask someone to come to a party
4. digit any of the numbers from 0 to 9 when they form part of a longer number
5. photograph a picture made by using a camera
6. display to cause to be seen; show
7. office place where business or work is done Page 76 Reading Skill Up
8. hand to give something to someone

Answer Sheet
B. Name : Jean
1. b 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. a
Problem Solving Process Answer

1. Tina: 7 2
May: 5
2. 12 – 3 – 3 – 3 = 3 3
3. 12 – 3 = 9 9
Page 75 Comprehension Check Up 4. 4 : orange orange
A. 2 : green
1. False 2. True 2<4
5. 33, 36, 39, 63, 66, 69, 93, 96, 99 33, 36, 39, 63, 66, 69, 93, 96, 99
B. 6. 621 ÷ 3 = 207 207
1. c 2. b 3. d 4. d

Page 77 Stor y Summar y Up

good at score one sad message office handed
1. There are 621 photographs in the Thompson Gallery.
2. He went into Miss Gordon’s office at 3 p.m.
Think and Act Out
• How do you feel when you take an exam in the subject you hate?
Model Answer I feel nervous and sick. During the test, my heart beats quickly. I am utterly
exhausted after the test.

• Make up your own math problem. Then ask your friend to solve it.
Model Answer Jill traveled in France by bike. She rode her bike 12 miles a day. For 27 days,
how far have Jill traveled?

50 Bricks Reading TG & Answer Key Studentbook 2 Answers 51

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