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Federated learning: Applications, challenges and future directions

Article in International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems · April 2022

DOI: 10.3233/HIS-220006


15 1,867

4 authors:

Subrato Bharati M. Rubaiyat Hossain Mondal

Concordia University Montreal Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology


Prajoy Podder Surya Prasath

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center


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International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems 18 (2022) 19–35 19
DOI 10.3233/HIS-220006
IOS Press

Federated learning: Applications, challenges

and future directions
Subrato Bharatia,∗ , M. Rubaiyat Hossain Mondala , Prajoy Poddera and V.B. Surya Prasathb,c,d,e
Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Division of Biomedical Informatics, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Department of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, USA

Department of Biomedical Informatics, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA

Abstract. Federated learning (FL) refers to a system in which a central aggregator coordinates the efforts of several clients to
solve the issues of machine learning. This setting allows the training data to be dispersed in order to protect the privacy of each
device. This paper provides an overview of federated learning systems, with a focus on healthcare. FL is reviewed in terms of
its frameworks, architectures and applications. It is shown here that FL solves the preceding issues with a shared global deep
learning (DL) model via a central aggregator server. Inspired by the rapid growth of FL research, this paper examines recent
developments and provides a comprehensive list of unresolved issues. Several privacy methods including secure multiparty

computation, homomorphic encryption, differential privacy and stochastic gradient descent are described in the context of FL.
Moreover, a review is provided for different classes of FL such as horizontal and vertical FL and federated transfer learning.
FL has applications in wireless communication, service recommendation, intelligent medical diagnosis system and healthcare,
which we review in this paper. We also present a comprehensive review of existing FL challenges for example privacy protection,
communication cost, systems heterogeneity, unreliable model upload, followed by future research directions.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, federated learning, computing methodologies, machine learning, privacy protection, healthcare

1. Introduction personal data. Because of this, operators must explain


their user agreements properly and cannot mislead or

With the advent of big data, we are no longer pre- convince consumers to relinquish their privacy rights.
occupied with the sheer volume of data. Privacy and Users must provide their consent before operators may
security of data is the most pressing issue that has to be train models. It also enables users to remove their per-
addressed. The public is increasingly concerned about sonal information. Network operators are prohibited
data security, and the leaking of data is never a minor from releasing, tampering with, or destroying personal
issue [1–4]. Individuals, groups, and society as a whole information they gather under China’s CyberSecurity
are all working to improve privacy and data security. Law [6] and the General Principles of Civil Law of the
GDPR [5], the EU’s new data protection regulations, People’s Republic of China [7]. It is confirmed that the
went into effect on May 25th , 2018, and is aimed at mentioned contract properly describes the extent of the
safeguarding the privacy and security of EU citizens’ information to be exchanged as well as the requirements
for the protection of data. To varying degrees, the rules
and regulations create novel difficulties for process-
∗ Corresponding author: Subrato Bharati, Institute of Infor-
ing the classic data paradigm of artificial intelligence
mation and Communication Technology, Bangladesh University
of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh. E-mail: (AI) [150]. Because AI relies heavily on data, model
subratobharati1@gmail.com. training is impossible without it. As a result, there are

1448-5869/$35.00 c 2022 – IOS Press. All rights reserved.

20 S. Bharati et al. / Federated learning: Applications, challenges and future directions

many data islands. Data islands may be solved by cen- anonymity and differential privacy, although it differs
tralizing the processing of the data. Centralized data significantly from these more conventional methods.
collection, uniform processing, cleansing, and modeling Because attackers can not get their hands on the source
are common approaches to data processing. data, federated learning primarily safeguards the pri-
When data is collected and processed, it is almost vacy of its users. All of these measures ensure that fed-
always exposed to the outside world. Regulations have erated learning does not compromise user privacy or vi-
improved, but it is becoming more difficult to obtain olate GDPR or other laws at the data level. Based on the
data to train algorithms as a result. In the age of ar- distribution of data, it is possible to classify federated
tificial intelligence, numerous individuals are arguing learning into horizontal, vertical, and transfer learning.
how to solve the problem of data islands lawfully. Tra- Data sets that share a large number of user attributes but
ditional data analytics methodologies are already over- differ in their number of users may be combined using
burdened by many rules when it comes to resolving horizontal federated learning (HFL). Even when the
the problem of data silos. The challenge of data islands user characteristics on the two datasets do not match up

shifts the emphasis of research in federated learning. very well, vertical federated learning may still be used.
As with previous methods, the training data must be Use transfer learning if the two datasets do not have

focused on one server when using the centralized tech- enough data or tags to train a model on. Distributed ML
nique to create a machine learning (ML) model. Privacy and multiparty computing are both examples of how
of data requirements have made it more difficult to use federated learning may be used. Distributed publica-
the central training approach, which might potentially tion of model results is one of them and it stores data
expose private information and intrude on the privacy for the task of distributed computing and training pur-
of the data owner. If smartphone users wish to train poses. It uses a trustworthy central server to disseminate
ML algorithms using their own information in central- data and manage resources across worker nodes so as
ized training settings, it is evident that the quantity of to produce the ultimate training model more quickly.
data they have is not adequate. In order to implement Federated learning ensures privacy by allowing users

federated learning, users must first transfer between total control over their own personal information, which
their personal smartphone data and the hostess server stresses protecting data owners’ private information.
so that the ML models may be trained using the data When it comes to protecting the privacy of students in a
that has been collected. Individual users from disparate federated learning environment, there are two primary
geographical locations may collaborate to develop ML options. Homomorphic encryption and secure aggrega-
models applying federated learning (FL), a distributed tion are two prevalent techniques for encrypting data.

training approach that differs from centralized train- Model parameters may also include the noise of differ-
ing. The device may be used to store any kind of per- ential privacy, which is a well-liked approach. Google’s
sonal data, including very sensitive personal informa- planned federated learning system [12] uses a mix of
tion. Users may benefit from FL without disclosing be- secure convergence and differential privacy to keep user
information private and confidential. Homomorphic en-

tween sensitive personal information or data and a host-

ess server [8–11]. For artificial intelligence, FL opens cryption protection parameters have also been used in
novel research avenues. Federated learning offers a new other research [13] to protect privacy. In this work, we
way to train customized models without jeopardizing consider the following important aspects:
the privacy of the users. Artificial intelligence chipsets – We describe the fundamentals of the FL method
have increased the computational capabilities of client as a potential solution to data privacy concerns in
devices. The central server is rapidly being replaced traditional model-centric approaches to ML. The
by terminal equipment for artificial intelligence model current state of the art in FL is examined, and
training. In order to secure private information, fed- definitions, applications, and classifications of FL
erated learning uses the terminal device’s processing are described.
capabilities to train the algorithm, which effectively – Data partitioning, communication architecture,
prevents private data from being exposed at the time of privacy mechanisms, systems heterogeneity, and
data transfer. Because there are so many mobile devices ML models are some of the components of FL that
and other devices in many domains, federated learning are discussed. We figure out what is going on now
can take full advantage of the enormous quantity of rel- and what is going to happen in the future of FL
evant dataset resources that are available. To secure user research. We also look at how FL is used in the
privacy, federated learning uses techniques i.e., k-order real world and sum up its properties.
S. Bharati et al. / Federated learning: Applications, challenges and future directions 21

Fig. 1. How a FL-trained model progresses through a federated learning system’s stages.

– As discussed in this article, FL is fundamentally include all privacy-preserving decentralized collabora-
different from learning in existing distributed en- tive machine-learning approaches in order to address
vironments, which require basic advances in areas collaborative learning situations within companies. An
like distributed optimization, large-scale ML, and introduction to federated learning and federated transfer
privacy. To address this issue, this paper provides learning may be found in [18]. Security foundations
an overview of FL from the standpoint of data are further examined in this article, as are their connec-
characteristics, including data privacy, data distri- tions to other fields of study, such as multi-agent theory
bution, data partitioning, benchmarking. We high- and privacy-preserving data mining. Federated learning

light the major issues and recent advancements in is a term that encompasses data partitioning, security,
the subjects of wireless communication and health- and applications in this area. The federated-learning
care. Finally, we demonstrate the promise of FL system’s workflow and architecture are also discussed.
approaches in healthcare and explore the future Figure 1 depicts an example framework of a federated
applications in FL. learning system.

2.1. Definition
2. Description of FL It is important to identify the number of data owners
who want to use their own data to train an AI model.
Federated learning is a new idea that was just intro- Conventional practice is to combine all the data and

duced by Google. To construct machine learning mod- apply D = D1 ∪ D2 ∪ . . . ∪ DN to train a MSUM model
els, Google wants to use datasets that are dispersed where the owners are {F1 , F2 , F3 , . . . , FN } of N data.
across various devices while limiting the leakage of The respective data is {D1 , D2 , . . . , DN }. In a feder-
data. Recently, federated learning has seen advances ated learning system, the data owners work together to
that address statistical issues [14,15] as well as secu- train a model MFED , and no data owner Fi is required
rity [12,16]. Personalization in federated learning is to share their data Di with anyone else. It should also
also a focus of study [14,17]. Federated learning on be mentioned that the accuracy of VFED is expected to
mobile devices involves dispersed mobile user inter- be similar to that of MSUM (or, more precisely, VSUM ).
actions where communication costs in a large-scale For the sake of argument, consider the case where there
distribution, uneven data distribution, and device de- is a non-negative real number (δ). If
pendability are some of the important concerns for VFED − VSUM < δ (1)
optimization. In addition, data is partitioned horizon-
To put it another way, we argue that the FL algorithm
tally in the data space by user IDs or device IDs. Data suffers from an δ-accuracy loss.
privacy in a decentralized collaborative learning sce-
nario is an important consideration in this area of re- 2.2. Federated learning with its privacy
search, which is why it has been linked to in [14]. We
broaden the original idea of “Federated Learning” to Federated learning relies on privacy as a fundamen-
22 S. Bharati et al. / Federated learning: Applications, challenges and future directions

tal component. In order to give effective privacy assur- making the data hard to recover for user privacy
ances, security models and analysis are needed. In the purposes. A trade-off between privacy and accu-
following pages, we shortly discuss and compare sev- racy often exists in these procedures, which is
eral privacy methods for FL. Indirect leakage prevention why the data must still be sent elsewhere. For fed-
methods and obstacles are also discussed. erated learning, the authors of [16] came up with a
1. SMC: Multiple parties are involved in secure way to keep client-side information safe by hiding
multiparty computation (SMC) security models, the client’s involvement in the training process.
which give security evidence in a precise frame- 4. Optimization Approach: Stochastic gradient de-
work for simulation to make sure that each party scent (SGD) is an optimization approach that uses
recognizes nothing but its input and output, ensur- stochastic gradient descent (SGD) to update pa-
ing total lack of knowledge. It is ideal to have zero rameters. However, there is no assurance of se-
knowledge, but achieving this goal frequently re- curity, and the gradients’ leakage can really leak
quires elaborate computing procedures that are vital information in data [35] when revealed to

not always feasible. Depending on the circum- data structure, for example, in the case of pic-
stances, it may be permissible to disclose just a ture pixels. A number of researchers have taken

portion of a person’s knowledge. Reduced secu- this into consideration when a member of a feder-
rity needs in exchange for increased capability ated learning system deliberately assaults another
may be met by using SMC to construct a security member by giving them a backdoor into the sys-
model. The research [19] employed the frame- tem to learn the data of others. A novel “constrain-
work for SMC to train ML algorithms using semi- and-scale” model-poisoning approach is proposed
to limit data poisoning in [36]. The authors show
honest assumptions and two servers. The author
of [20] employed MPC methods for verification that concealed back doors may be inserted into
and model training to keep sensitive data out of a combined global model. Researchers in [37]
the hands of users. Sharemind is one of the most found that the training data utilized by multiple

advanced SMC frameworks [21]. With an honest parties in collaborative learning may be exposed
majority [22], offered a 3PC model [23,24] that to inference attacks because of possible flaws in
examined security under both honest and malev- collaborative machine learning systems. Members
olent assumptions. In order to complete these and attributes linked to a portion of the training
projects, non-colluding servers must discreetly data may be inferred by an adversarial partici-
exchange participant data. pant. Other alternative defenses were also sug-

2. Homomorphic Encryption: To protect user data gested. As the authors explain in [38], gradient
privacy during machine learning, homomorphic exchanges between multiple parties might repre-
encryption [25] is also used, as shown in [26–28]. sent a security risk, as the authors suggest a safe
There is no transmission of information or guess- form of the gradient descent approach. Tolerance
for Byzantine employees, they demonstrate, is up

ing of data by the other side, unlike differential

privacy protection. To put it another way, there to a certain percentage constant. It has been sug-
is minimal risk of raw data loss because of the gested that a blockchain platform may be used to
encryption. The centralization and training of data facilitate federated learning. Using a blockchain
in the cloud have recently been done using homo- to share and verify the updates of local-learning
morphic encryption [29,30]. Additive homomor- models, researchers in [39] proposed a blockchain
phic encryption [31] is frequently employed, and federated-learning (BlockFL) architecture. They
polynomial approximations must be performed in have taken into account network scalability, re-
machine learning algorithms to assess non-linear silience, and optimum block creation.
functions [32,33].
3. Differential Privacy: For data privacy protection, 2.3. Classification of federated learning
another line of study employs the methods of k-
anonymity [34] or differential privacy. For exam- According to the distribution features of the data,
ple, K-anonymity, diversification, and differen- federated learning may be categorized. Assume that the
tial privacy all employ noise or generalization ap- data matrix Di represents the information owned by
proaches to conceal some critical qualities until each individual data owner, i.e., each sample and each
a 3rd party cannot differentiate the person, thus characteristic are represented by a row and a column,
S. Bharati et al. / Federated learning: Applications, challenges and future directions 23

respectively, in the matrix. At the same time, label data

may be included in certain datasets as well. For exam-
ple, we call the sample ID space I, the feature space X
and the label space Y . When it comes to finance, labels
may represent the credit of customers; when it comes to
marketing, labels can represent the desire of customers
to buy; and when it comes to education, labels can rep-
resent students’ degrees. The training dataset includes
the features X, Y , and IDs I. Federated learning may
be classified as horizontally, vertically, or as federated
transfer learning (FTL) depending on how the data is
dispersed among the many parties in the feature and
sample ID space. We cannot guarantee that the sam-

ple ID and feature spaces of the data parties are simi-
lar. Several FL frameworks for a 2-party situation are

shown schematically in Fig. 2.

2.3.1. Federated transfer learning (FTL)

Federated transfer learning (in Fig. 2a) is suitable
while two datasets differ not only just in sample size
but also in feature space. Consider a bank in China and
an e-commerce firm in the United States as two sepa-
rate entities. The small overlap between the user pop-
ulations of the two institutions is due to geographical

constraints. However, only a tiny fraction of the feature

space from both companies overlaps as a result of the
distinct enterprises. For example, transfer-learning [40]
may be used to generate solutions of problems for the
full dataset and features under a federation. Specifically,
a typical portrayal across the 2 feature spaces is learnt

by applying restricted general sample sets as well as

then used to produce prediction results for samples with
just one-sided features. There are difficulties that FTL Fig. 2. Classification of FL where (a) Federated Transfer Learning,
addresses that cannot be addressed by current feder- (b) Vertical Federated Learning, and (c) Horizontal Federated Learn-
ated learning methods, which is why it is an essential

addition to the field. thors of [48,49] have presented a VFL method for
Xi 6= Xj , Yi 6= Yj , Ii 6= Ij ∀Di , Dj , i 6= j (2) training a logistic regression model that preserves in-
dividual privacy. Entity resolution and learning per-
Security Definition for FTL: Two parties are nor- formance were investigated by the authors, who used
mally involved in a federated transfer learning system. Taylor approximation to approximate gradient and loss
Due to its protocols’ being comparable to vertical fed- functions in order to provide homomorphic encryption
erated learning, the security definition for vertical fed- for privacy-preserving computations. While 2 datasets
erated learning may be extended here, as will be illus- share the same space of sample ID but vary in feature
trated in the next. space, VFL, also known as feature-based FL (Fig. 2b),
may be used. An ecommerce firm and a bank are two
2.3.2. Vertical federated learning (VFL) examples of businesses in the same city that operate
Machine-learning techniques for vertically parti- in quite different ways. The intersection of their user
tioned data have been suggested that preserve privacy, spaces is enormous since their user sets are likely to
including gradient descent [41], classification [42], se- include most of the inhabitants in the region. Banks
cure linear regression [43–45], association rule min- and e-commerce, on the other hand, keep track of their
ing [46], and cooperative statistical analysis [47]. Au- customers’ income and spending habits and credit rat-
24 S. Bharati et al. / Federated learning: Applications, challenges and future directions

ings; therefore, their feature sets are vastly different. by their multitask learning paradigm. It was suggested
Assume that both parties seek a product purchase pre- in [52] to establish a safe client-server structure where
diction model based on product and user data. These data is partitioned by users as well as models developed
distinct characteristics are aggregated, and the training on client devices work together to produce a global
loss and gradients are computed to develop a model federated algorithm in the framework of an intercon-
that incorporates data from both parties jointly. In a nected federated learning system. The model-building
federated learning system, every participating party has procedure prevents any data from leaking. The authors
the same identity and position, and the federal method of [53] looked at ways to reduce transmission costs so
helps everybody build a “common wealth” plan. that data from remote mobile clients may be used in
Security Definition of VFL: Participant honesty the training of centrally-located models. Deep gradi-
and curiosity are assumed in a vertically federated- ent compression [54] has recently been presented as a
learning system. In a 2-party case, 2 parties are not col- way to significantly decrease the bandwidth required
laborating, as well as only one is understood by an op- for distributing large-scale training.

ponent. Only the corrupted client may learn data from Security Definition of HFL: An honest-but-curious
the other client, and only that which the input or out- server is commonly assumed in a horizontally federated

put disclose. Occasionally, a semi-honest third party learning system [12,35,55]. That is, only the server has
(STP) is included to permit safe calculations between the ability to intrude on the privacy of the data partici-
the parties, in which it is believed that the STP does not pants it hosts. These pieces of craftsmanship serve as
collude. These protocols are protected by SMC’s formal evidence of their own safety. Additional privacy con-
privacy proof [50]. At the conclusion of the learning cerns have been raised by the recent proposal of a new
process, every party has just the parameters of associ- security model that takes malevolent users [56,147] into
ated models with their own unique traits left in their account. At the conclusion of the session, all of the
memory bank. As a result, the two parties must work parameters of the universal model are made available
together at the inference stage to provide a result. to each and every participant.

2.3.3. Horizontal federated learning (HFL)

For datasets that share a feature space but vary in the 3. Applications
number of samples, sample-based federated learning or
horizontal federated learning is presented (in Fig. 2c). When used in the financial, sales, and several indus-
There is very little overlap between the user bases of tries where data cannot be aggregated for the training

two regional banks with very divergent customer bases. of ML models because of such factors as data secu-
Nevertheless, due to the fact that their businesses are rity, privacy protection, as well as intellectual property
so similar, the feature spaces are identical. Collabo- rights, federated learning has a lot of promise as an in-
ratively deep learning was suggested by the authors novative modeling mechanism [57,148,151]. Customer-

of [51]. Participants train individually and exchange specific services, such as product recommendations and
just a limited number of parameter changes. Android sales assistance, will be provided using machine learn-
phone model upgrades were suggested by Google in ing methods. Users’ buying power, personal prefer-
2017 as a horizontal federated-learning approach [52]. ences, and product attributes are among the most im-
One user’s Android phone changes the model parame- portant data elements in the smart retail industry. There
ters locally, then uploads them to the training the cen- is a good chance that these three data elements will be
tralized model, Android cloud in concert with other spread out among three distinct departments or com-
owners of data. Their federated-learning approach is panies in real applications. For example, a user’s bank
further supported by a safe aggregation technique that balances and personal preferences may be used to es-
protects the aggregated user updates in privacy [12]. timate their spending power, and an e-store can track
To protect against the central server, model parameters the features of the things they buy. This work is dealing
are aggregated using additively homomorphic encryp- with two issues in this situation. As a first step, banks,
tion as described in [35]. According to [14], several social networking sites, and e-commerce sites have data
sites may execute independent tasks while maintaining walls that are tough to overcome. As a consequence,
security and sharing knowledge by using a multitask- it is not possible to train a model by aggregating data.
style FL system. High fault tolerance stragglers, and Because the data held by the 3 parties is frequently
communication costs difficulties may all be addressed traditional, heterogeneous ML methods cannot inter-
S. Bharati et al. / Federated learning: Applications, challenges and future directions 25

act with heterogeneous data directly. These issues have 3.1. Wireless communication
yet to be resolved using standard machine learning ap-
proaches, making it difficult for AI to become more Wireless networks are becoming more complicated,
widely accepted and used. The solution to these issues and it is time to move on from the old methods based
lies in federated and transferable learning. Federated on outdated models. Likewise, the growing widespread
learning allows us to construct models for all three par- use of deep learning networks has also shifted the fo-
ties without exporting company data, which not only cus of efforts to develop new wireless network mod-
preserves data security and privacy but also offers cus- els [58,149]. An in-depth examination of edge com-
tomers individualized, targeted services, achieving mu- puting and 5G networks was conducted by Niknam
tual advantages. In the meantime, we may use transfer et al. [59] using the essential features of FL. In or-
learning to solve the issue of data heterogeneity as well der to demonstrate the reliability and security of FL
as overcome the constraints of standard AI approaches. in wireless communication, simulations were run on
Because of this, we can create a big data and artifi- typical data sets. Using a remote parameter server and

cial intelligence ecosphere that is cross-company, cross- data from each device’s own data collection, the au-
data, and cross-domain using federated learning. The thors of [60] investigated the use of FL in edge com-
federated-learning architecture may be used to query

puting and wireless networks. For the optimum trans-
many databases without disclosing any data. Multiparty mission efficiency, Tran and colleagues [61] devised a
borrowing, for example, has historically been a sig- light wave power based FL model to regulate the net-
nificant source of risk in the banking sector. This is work’s physical layer through resource allocation. Even
what occurs when someone stealthily takes out a loan so, Ang et al. [62] provided a technique for dealing
from one bank to pay off another bank’s debt. Financial with wireless communication noise that was resilient
stability is threatened by multiparty borrowing since and federated. It was reduced to the issue of parallel
a high number of illicit activities might bring down
optimization based on the worst-case model and the
the whole financial system. Federated learning may be
anticipated model in the broadcast process and aggrega-
used to locate such people without disclosing the user

tion process. To solve the relevant problem of optimiza-

lists of banks A and B to each other. Encrypting each
tion, the sampling-based Service Component Archi-
party’s user list and then taking the intersection of those
tecture (SCA) algorithm and the Service-Level Agree-
encrypted lists is possible using federated learning’s
ment (SLA) algorithm can be used. The algorithm’s
encryption method. Using the final result’s decryption
experimental findings suggest that it has improved pre-
key, the decrypted list of multiparty borrowers may be
diction accuracy and reduced loss. The work of [63]

obtained without revealing the identities of the “good”

used FL to enhance attack detection accuracy and com-
users. This procedure is in line with the vertical feder-
ated learning structure, as we’ll see in a moment. We munication efficiency in a smart home wireless inter-
anticipate federated learning to have a significant im- net of things system. Savazz and his colleagues [64]
pact in the field of smart healthcare as well. Although suggested a server-less learning technique for applica-
tions in 5G wireless networks that exchanges model

medical datasets are very confidential and sensitive,

they are difficult to gather and only exist in isolated parameters via local gradient iterative computation of
medical institutions and hospitals. This is why medi- consistency-based mechanism and each device. In or-
cal datasets are so tough to get. The present barrier in der to boost the model’s communication efficiency, the
smart healthcare is due to the poor performance of ML authors of [65] created a hierarchical FL system for
models due to a lack of data and labels. In our view, the wireless heterogeneous cellular networks (HCNs).
efficiency of ML algorithms trained on a huge medical
dataset would be considerably enhanced if every med- 3.2. Service recommendation
ical or healthcare institution collaborated and shared
their data. The most effective strategy for achieving this 1) Google keyboard
goal is through a combination of transfer learning (TL) It was announced in 2016 that Google was work-
and federated learning. It is possible to use TL to fill the ing on a project to build FL among the users of An-
gaps in the information or data, thereby enhancing the droid mobile [12] in order to enhance the prediction
performance of trained models. As a result, federated accuracy of the keyboard inputs while also protect-
transfer learning might be critical to the advancement ing user privacy and security. The recommendation
of smart healthcare and raise human healthcare to a new system’s development will be aided by the language
level. model’s progress [66]. Using federated learning, it may
26 S. Bharati et al. / Federated learning: Applications, challenges and future directions

be used for a wide range of recommendation applica- against African Americans, assigning the same level of
tions. Whenever a user asks for anything, the model risk to healthier Caucasian patients as was observed by
may deliver an immediate answer. Obermeyer et al. [106]. Various factors, i.e., insufficient
training data depiction or disparities in access to care
2) Intelligent medical diagnosis system might lead to these incorrectly calibrated algorithms.
Collecting medical records from several institutions To mitigate the danger of such biased algorithms, it
is challenging because of the need to maintain patient is apparent that the capacity to learn from EHR data
confidentiality. Because of this, medical data is becom- that is more typical of the wide range population as
ing rarer. The distribution of medical resources and the well as extends beyond a particular location or hos-
diagnosis of sickness have undergone radical transfor- pital is essential. Regrettably, it is doubtful that data
mations as a result of advances in artificial intelligence. will be linked in a single repository for the purpose of
Although the processing and gathering of data presents research from everything at once owing to a variety of
security problems, i.e., the exposure of patients’ private factors, such as disparate data methods and privacy is-

information [67], In light of patient requirements, the sues. Even while typical data models, i.e., OMOP [107],
authors of [68] evaluated the current moral/legal prob- enable more widespread replication analysis, shared

lems and proposed ways to utilize patient data apart data access remains a major restriction. It is possible
from revealing privacy. Medical data has two issues: to link medical institutions’ EHR data via federated
a lack of data and inadequate labeling, both of which learning while maintaining the confidentiality of the
may be remedied using the current federated transfer data itself [108–113]. Improvements of iterative learn-
learning. A multi-FL network based on the APOLLO ing from varied and big medical databases may consid-
network was designed and implemented by the authors erably increase the performance of ML models in these
of [69] using the interconnected healthcare system to situations. Predictive modeling, phenotyping [53,114],
collect health longitudinal real data and outcome data patient representation learning, and patients’ similar-
and to help doctors in the future diagnosis of patients ity learning [115] have been investigated in the con-

by transforming evidence of medical diagnosis from text of FL in healthcare. A privacy-preserving frame-

real-world data. work for patient similarity learning across institutions
was described by Lee et al. [115]. To locate compara-
3.3. Healthcare ble patients in other hospitals, their approach does not
require sharing any patient-level data. In a federated
It is not uncommon for medical FL apps to at- learning context, the authors of [114] employed mod-

tempt classification. Classification algorithms in ma- els for tensor factorization to extract relevant pheno-
chine learning [70] learn how to categorize or anno- types from vast electronic health records. In a federated
tate a given collection of occurrences with labels or approach, Liu et al. [116] studied obesity-related co-
classes. For example, the classification tasks of COVID- morbidity phenotyping as well as patient representation

19 detections [71–84], cancer diagnoses [85–94] and learning. A technique dubbed SplitNN [117] developed
autism spectrum disorder (ASD) [84,95–97] are con- by Vepakomma et al. [118] allowed for the collabo-
sidered in a FL setting in healthcare. Other classifica- rative training of DL models by health organizations
tion tasks studied include emotion recognition and hu- without releasing model specifications or sensitive raw
man activity [98–100] and prediction of patient hospi- data. Federated learning was shown by Silva et al. [119]
talization [101,102]. Table 1 provides an overview of by comparing brain anatomical correlations between
the classification tasks used in FL research for medical illnesses and clinical cohorts. Clinically clustering pa-
applications. tients in significant communities that offered compara-
Data from electronic health records (EHRs) has ble diagnoses and geographic locations as well as con-
become an invaluable resource for biological re- currently training one model for each community were
search [103,104], including machine learning [105]. In the methods used by Huang et al. [111].
spite of the fact that electronic health records (EHRs) In addition, federated learning has made it possible
provide an enormous quantity of patient data for anal- for doctors to get further insights into the benefits and
ysis, they have inherent biases that are distinct to each risks of treating patients early [102,120,121]. The au-
institution and so restrict the generalizability of the thors of [102] set out to solve the l1-regularized sparse
findings. Algorithms used to determine participation in SVM classifier in a FL environment in order to pre-
special healthcare programs were shown to be biased dict the hospitalized patients with heart-related disor-
S. Bharati et al. / Federated learning: Applications, challenges and future directions 27

Table 1
An overview of current developments in healthcare federated learning
Ref. ML method Dataset Clients number Problem statement
[114] TF MIMIC-III, UCSD 1–5 Phenotyping
[119] PCA MIRIAD, PPMI, Biobank, UK ADNI 10–100 Representation learning
[102] SVM Boston Medical Center 5, 10 Hospitalization prediction
[123] LR, NN Collaborative Research Dataset of eICU 31 Mortality prediction
[124] CNN UCI Smartphone 5 Activity recognition
[125] NN PhysioNet Dataset 16, 32, 64 Arrhythmia detection
[126] LASSO, MLP, LRR Mount Sinai COVID-19 5 Mortality prediction
[116] NLP MIMIC-III 10 Phenotyping
[111] Autoencoder Collaborative Research Dataset of eICU 5–50 Mortality prediction
[120] RNN Cerner Health Facts 50 Preterm-birth prediction
[121] MLP, LR MIMIC-III 2 Mortality prediction

ders utilizing EHR data scattered across several data ways of enhancing data privacy have been developed.
agents/sources in future. Resistance of patients’ to spe- Private data must not be leaked during model trans-
cific treatments as well as medications, and their sur- fer if the necessary protection of private data is to be

vival chances for certain illnesses, are being predicted maintained.
by Owkin utilizing federated learning [122]. Prolonged Federated learning systems typically raise privacy is-
hospital stays and in-hospital mortality have been stud- sues as a primary concern. Instead of sharing raw data,
ied by Pfohl and colleagues in the eICU Collaborative federated learning exchanges model updates, such as
Research Database [123]. It was found that the authors gradient information, to help safeguard the data cre-
of [121] explored a privacy-preserving system for the ated on each device. Even so, passing forward model
job of predicting mortality among ICU patients (ICU). updates to the central server or to a third party during
In comparison to the usual centralized learning context, the training process may divulge private data [127].
they found that training the model in a FL framework Secure multiparty computation (SMC) and differential

yielded equivalent results. Table 1 provides a summary privacy are emerging strategies that try to improve pri-
of the research presented here. vacy in federated learning, although they typically do
so at the expense of system efficiency or model perfor-
mance [12,127]. In order to implement private federated
4. Challenges learning systems, it is essential to understand and bal-

ance these tradeoffs both theoretically and practically.

FL is a new discipline, and although it has contributed
4.2. Communication cost
in certain areas, it now faces significant hurdles in the
optimization of performance; the following are the sev-
Communication is a major barrier in federated learn-
eral key issues. In this section, we will explain the most

ing. A FL network can be made up of a large number of

important problems in tackling the distributed optimiza-
devices, such as a large number of mobile devices. In or-
tion issue. In the federated environment, these issues
der to understand how to use a FL model, there can be a
are unique from different classical concerns, i.e., dis-
great deal of communication involved. Federated learn-
tributed learning in typical private data analysis or data ing’s communication costs should be taken into account
center settings. as well, since network speeds cannot be guaranteed. As
a result, the development of systems with great com-
4.1. Privacy protection munication efficiency is required in order to create FL
practicable. Communication at a high cost data created
Privacy is a fundamental problem in FL. Instead of on each device must stay local due to communication
transmitting raw data, federated learning exchanges being a significant bottleneck in federated networks [4].
model gradients with the server to safeguard private This is also due to privacy concerns around the trans-
information on each device. The reverse deduction of mission of raw data. Many orders of magnitude slower
models, for example, during the process of whole train- than local processing, federated networks may include
ing, models are leaking critical data to a third party via a large number of devices, such as millions of smart-
communication of the model. The federated network’s phones. This is due to the limited bandwidth, energy,
computing load is increased as a result, even if new and power available in federated networks. Therefore,
28 S. Bharati et al. / Federated learning: Applications, challenges and future directions

it is necessary to design communication-efficient ap- often employ a different vocabulary while doing next-
proaches that may iteratively update models and deliver word predictions. There can be a fundamental statis-
short messages throughout the training process, rather tical structure that represents the interaction between
than sending the complete data set across the network their related distributions and devices, as well as a wide
as part of the training. Minimize the number of rounds variation in the quantity of data points between devices.
of communication and the size of the messages con- In distributed optimization, the assumption of iden-
veyed in order to further reduce communication in such tically and independently distributed data production
a setup. may complicate issue modeling, theoretical analysis,
and empirical assessment of solutions. In this context,
4.3. Systems heterogeneity prominent techniques for meta learning and federated
learning [130] have a strong link. For improved per-
The communication and computation abilities of ev- sonalization, the heterogeneity in statistical data can be
ery device in the federated network can vary due to better handled using the multitask and meta-learning

differences in network and hardware connectivity. Only viewpoints, respectively.
a tiny percentage of a network’s devices are active at To begin with, current FL studies only look at one

any given time. As a result, a network with millions of the non-IID features, such as label skew or data
or billions of devices may only have a few hundred imbalance. But there aren’t any thorough studies in
devices online at any one moment. The heterogeneity the medical dataset that look at a variety of non-IID
of these systems makes fault tolerance more difficult attributes all at once. Additional techniques for deal-
since each device may be faulty in its own right. It is ing with hybrid non-IID characteristics are expected
also essential that networked systems can be handled to be discovered throughout time in the future. The
resilient to offline devices and varied hardware. Due to hyperparameter framework search for FL is the sec-
hardware (RAM and CPU), network connection (Wi-Fi ond restriction. The process of fine-tuning hyperparam-
or 4G, 5G), as well as power (battery level), the abilities eters in a machine learning model is both important

of every device in FL networks can vary [128]. Because and time-consuming. Hyperparameter optimization be-
of the sheer number of devices in a network and the comes much more complex when models are trained
limitations imposed by their respective systems, only over a distributed network of diverse data silos in feder-
a tiny percentage of those devices are usually active ated learning. Thus, the development of an automated
at any one time [4]. As a result, issues like straggler technique or framework for selecting the appropriate
mitigation and fault tolerance are made much more dif- FL model hyperparameters is crucial in the future.

ficult. Because of this, federated learning techniques

must be able to handle a small number of participants, 4.6. Federated fairness
a wide range of hardware, and the occasional loss of a
communication link. Fairness researchers should take notice because fed-

erated learning presents new possibilities and problems.

4.4. Unreliable model upload Federated learning, for example, may enable modeling
and research using partitioned data that would other-
Nodes might intentionally or accidentally mislead wise be too sensitive to disclose directly by allowing
the server [129] while aggregating global models in FL. datasets to be disseminated both by observation and
Using malicious model parameters, an attacker may even by characteristics [48,117]. Fair modeling theory
cause model training to go awry by altering the aggre- and practice may be advanced by increasing the variety
gate of the global model. Mobile devices might also of training data accessible to machine learning models,
upload low-quality models because of the unpredictable which is made possible by the increased availability
network environment, which would have a negative im- of datasets that can be federated. Federated learning
pact on FL. For FL, it is essential to avoid uploading an creates new issues for researchers and practitioners in
unstable local model. terms of fairness. Contextual factors like connection
quality, device kind, geographic location, use habits,
4.5. Statistical heterogeneity and dataset size may all influence how samples are se-
lected in a federated learning model [4]. For example,
There are a variety of ways that devices create and the works of [131–133] might look at how the resul-
gather data, such as the fact that mobile phone users tant model’s fairness is affected by the different sample
S. Bharati et al. / Federated learning: Applications, challenges and future directions 29

limits and how these effects can be minimized within and model compression, among other techniques. It is
the federated framework in the future. Frameworks like critical to know how these methods work together and
agnostic FL [134] provide methods for preventing bias to evaluate the accuracy vs. communication tradeoffs
in training objectives. Fairness improvements in current for each one. It is essential that the most effective meth-
federated training algorithms will be especially criti- ods improve at the Pareto frontier, such as obtaining
cal when other FL system components, such as model better accuracy than any other method within the same
compression, approach their technological constraints. preferably and, communication budget, over a broad
This will require a greater focus on improving existing spectrum of accuracy/communication profiles. In order
algorithms’ fairness. In the study of fairness, there is to evaluate communication-reduction approaches for
no one fairness criterion that is widely accepted, and federated learning meaningfully, similar thorough as-
numerous criteria have been shown to be incompati- sessments have been undertaken for efficient inference
ble. Online fairness framework and algorithms may be of neural networks [141].
used to address this issue in [135]. It will be a chal-

lenge to adapt these solutions to the FL environment as 5.3. Novel models of asynchrony
well as to more improve upon them. Distributionally-
robust optimization, post-shifting techniques, and con-

In distributed optimization, asynchronous approaches
strained optimization have all been developed in the and bulk synchronous techniques are two of the
last decade to train fair classifiers in the conventional most extensively investigated communication strate-
centralized machine learning scenario [136–138]. For gies. Worker nodes in data centers tend to be “commit-
federated learning, it’s unclear whether these method- ted” to the workload, so they are ready to “pull” their
ologies, which have been shown effective in centralized next task from the central node as soon as they “push”
training, can be utilized in the context of decentralized the results of their previous job. Although each device
data. in a federated network is typically not committed to
the activity at hand, most devices remain inactive on

any given network iteration. This more realistic device-

5. Future directions
centric communication strategy should be studied be-
The study of federated learning is one that is both cause each device may determine when it “wakes up” a
current and continuous. This section’s survey of related new job is pulled from some local computation and the
and current work has started to address some of the central node is performed.
issues raised, but there are still a number of important

questions that need to be answered. Our prior obstacles 5.4. Heterogeneity diagnostics
(cost communication, heterogeneity, statistical hetero-
geneity, and privacy concerns) are briefly reviewed in Recently, metrics such as local dissimilarity have
this part, as are new challenges such as productioniz- been used to attempt to measure statistical heterogene-
ing and benchmarking in federated contexts, which are ity (as developed in the context of FL and utilized else-

described in the next paragraphs. where in works like [142]). Prior to training, it was im-
possible to readily compute these metrics across the fed-
5.1. Extreme communication schemes erated network. The following questions are prompted
by the relevance of these metrics:
The extent to which federated learning will require
communication is yet to be determined. Machine learn- The amount of heterogeneity in federated networks
ing optimization approaches may accept a lack of ac- is difficult to predict before they are deployed. Is
curacy; in fact, this imperfection can aid generaliza- there a way to measure the level of system-related
tion [139]. There has been some research on classic heterogeneity? It is possible to use existing or new
data center communication systems like one-shot or definitions of heterogeneity, both experimentally
divide-and-conquer [140], but the behavior of these ap- and conceptually, to develop new federated opti-
proaches in huge and highly heterogeneous networks is mization algorithms with enhanced convergence.
not well known.
5.5. Granular privacy constraints
5.2. Communication reduction and the Pareto frontier
The section titled “Privacy in Federated Learning”
Federated training may benefit from local updates provides definitions for local and global privacy pertain-
30 S. Bharati et al. / Federated learning: Applications, challenges and future directions

ing to all networked devices. Since it is a practical mat- platform privacy protection, was discussed. When it
ter, it can be required to define privacy in a more fine- comes to data privacy and security, more and more aca-
grained manner, as privacy limitations can vary from demics and businesses are coming around to the idea of
device to device or even inside a single device. Even federated learning as a viable paradigm. Collaborative
though the work of [130] recently presented sample- learning may combine the integrated model and update
specific (as an alternative to a user-specific design) pri- many user models without disclosing the source data in
vacy assurances, this provides a lower level of privacy situations when users cannot train good models due to a
in return for more accurate models, as shown by their lack of data. However, federated learning may also offer
work [130]. Future research should focus on developing a safe model sharing method and migrate models to par-
strategies for dealing with mixed (sample-specific or ticular tasks to tackle the issue of inadequate data labels
device-specific) privacy limitations. when users have a limited amount of data. Compared
with classical privacy-preserving learning and typical
5.6. Beyond supervised learning
distributed data center computing, federated learning

As a reminder, all of the approaches presented so far has certain distinct advantages and disadvantages. An
were designed for supervised learning, which means overview of federated learning is presented here, along

that they presume that each and every data in the FL with examples of how it may be used in different con-
network has already been labeled. Realistic federated texts. We compiled a comprehensive overview of clas-
networks may create data that is either unlabeled or sic findings as well as more current studies that empha-
poorly tagged. More sophisticated tasks, such as rein- sized federated settings. We take a look at the present
forcement learning, may include exploratory data anal- state of FL, which includes, but is not limited to, the
ysis and aggregate statistics rather than just fitting a healthcare sector, in this study. An increasing number
model to the available data as described in [143]. Prob- of researchers are focusing on federated learning, and
lems beyond supervised learning in federated networks this article highlights recent developments and provides
will most likely need to tackle comparable issues of a wide range of open issues and concerns. Finally, we

scalability, heterogeneity, and privacy in order to be provided a list of open issues that need further investi-
effectively addressed. gation. A wide range of research communities will be
needed to come up with answers to these issues.
5.7. Productionizing federated learning

In addition to the primary ones described here, there


are a slew of practical issues that crop up when FL is put

into production. Concerns including idea drift, diurnal
fluctuations [144], as well as cold-start concerns (the This work has been carried out at the Institute of
network expands as additional devices are added) must Information and Communication Technology (IICT) of
be addressed with caution. There are a number of ac- Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
(BUET), Bangladesh. Hence, the authors would like to

tual system-related challenges in production federated

learning systems, which we direct readers to in [4]. thank BUET for providing the support.

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