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The Truth about Prefect, Mage, and

The Battle for the Orchestration Future.
APR 10, 2023 ∙ PAID

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Photo by Chris Tweten on Unsplash

Well, even though this is going to be the truth about Prefect, Mage,
and Airflow, I do wonder, in 2023, if there is any truth left to be
had. The data world is changing, and the pace at which the new tools
are being released is mind-numbing. Every week it’s a new library
like Polars, or the next hot SQL thing like duckDB. It can be hard to
sort out fact from fiction, and marketing goup from the real deal.

What about arguably one of the most important parts of a data stack?
The orchestration and dependency tooling?

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Airflow has long reigned supreme in the Data Orchestration space

for what seems like an eternity. With AWS adopting it as MWAA and
GCP as Composer, it seemed like the flag had been planted firmly
on top of the hill. The Airflow’ens are entrenched and blasting
their weapons down upon anyone or thing that dares to climb that
same hill in search of glory.

Thanks to Delta for sponsoring this newsletter! I personally use

Delta Lake on a daily basis, and I believe this technology represents
the future of Data Engineering. Check out their website below.

But, if one thing is sure, it’s that as soon as something takes the
crown of glory and sets it upon its head, somewhere behind the throne
the swords and plots are being sharpened. If Rome fell, does Airflow
have a chance?

The new Age of Orchestration is here.

In today's fast-paced business world, data has become one of the most
valuable assets. With the ever-increasing volume and complexity of
data, it has become essential to have efficient data orchestration
tools that can manage data workflows. Three popular data
orchestration tools are Prefect, Mage, and Airflow. In this article,
we will compare these three tools at a high level, explore the
concepts, and help you choose the right one for your data stack.

Honestly, I don’t care how shiny the UIs are, I’m sure both Prefect
and Mage have better ones than Airflow. That’s ok. We should probably
have other reasons for picking a tool than it’s like a shiny quarter
you found on the ground.

“What is the true difference between Airflow, Prefect, and Mage?

Is it how they approach data flows? Is the integrations? What
exactly is it that makes them different, and does it matter?

That’s what I want to start to answer today. I don’t care about

performance, what I want to get at is how these tools are designed,
how they are used, and how they affect Data Engineers in the way they
write and manage data pipelines.

What’s the difference between Airflow, Prefect, and Mage?

How do these tools approach data pipelines and orchestration?

How do these tools affect the way Data Engineers solve problems?

So, whether they like it or not, I’m going to lump all these tools
into the “data orchestration and pipeline management” group. I don’t
care what the marketing hype is, that is what they are used for.
Also, I’m not an expert, I’m just an average engineer trying to do
average things.

First, let’s review what I would call the “core concepts” of each
tool. Then explore along the way, which tool is the best.

Prefect's core concepts revolve around building, managing, and
monitoring data workflows. These concepts are fundamental to
understanding and working with Prefect effectively.

Prefect core concepts:

Many moons ago when Prefect was new I did a review and comparison to
Airflow. Check that out here. If you go to the Prefect website and
start reading … nothing big jumps out. It talks about “Building”,
“Running”, and “Monitoring” workflows. There is actually a quote from
the Prefect website that sums up Prefect very well and is basically
the conclusion I came to.

“Prefect enables you to build and observe resilient data workflows

so that you can understand, react to, and recover from unexpected
changes. It's the easiest way to transform any Python function
into a unit of work that can be observed and orchestrated. Just
bring your Python code, sprinkle in a few decorators, and go!”

What I found telling about this quote is that I have not found
anything fundamentally different about Prefect, say than Airflow.
There isn’t anything earth-shattering or special. It’s simply just
trying to be Airflow, except slightly better.
It didn’t excite me. I need a good reason to abandon Airflow’s
massive community.

Let’s talk about the core concepts of Prefect. How do they approach
Data Engineering problems?

1. Tasks: Tasks are the basic building blocks of Prefect. They

represent individual units of work or operations, such as
fetching data from an API, transforming data, or training a
machine learning model. Tasks can be created using the Task
class, and custom tasks can be defined by subclassing them.

2. Flows: Flows are collections of tasks that have a defined order

of execution. They represent a complete data workflow or
pipeline. In Prefect, you create flows by linking tasks together
and defining their dependencies and execution order. Flows are
constructed using the Flow class.

3. State: State represents the status of a task or flows at a

particular point in time. Prefect uses state to track the
progress of tasks and flows during execution. Common states
include Pending, Running, Success, Failed, and many others. State
objects are instances of the State class or its subclasses.

4. Results: Results represent the data returned by a flow or a task

defined above.

5. Task Runners: Task runners facilitate the use of specific

executors for Prefect tasks, allowing tasks to be executed
concurrently, in parallel, or distributed across multiple
resources. Task runners are not mandatory for task execution.
When you invoke a task function directly, it operates as a
standard Python function, without utilizing a task runner.

Of course, Prefect offers a hosted cloud version of their tool.

Remember what Prefect said about writing Python and then putting a
decorator on top? This is in essence … Prefect. Look at this simple
What can we surmise about Prefect based on what we’ve seen? It’s a
fancy and nice GUI, focused on making native Python the tool used to
write data pipelines. But what about if you want to run Databricks or
Snowflake stuff? It can do that of course. For example …
from prefect.tasks.databricks.databricks_submitjob import (

Remind you of anything? It should, it’s pretty much a spitting image

of Airflow. There is a big list of “Integrations” on their website,
although it is not as large as I would have thought, and some seem
pointless … like Twitter.
How does Prefect differentiate itself from Airflow?
You might be asking yourself, like me, why would someone choose to
use Prefect over Airflow with its vast community, I mean you sorta
need a compelling reason to break from the mold.

I combed the website back and forth and the docs. Just a lot of talk
about building high-performance data pipelines, but there isn’t
actually anything “solid” behind those words. I can’t point to x or y
feature, or design concept and say “This is what makes Prefect
different or better than Airflow.”

Prefect does offer some interesting features like Projects and

Deployments, a better way to organize, deploy, and run your
pipelines. Is it enough?

I’m not sure. I personally fail to see how Prefect blows away Airflow
in any category. Of course, the UI is better and has more features,
although the more complex something becomes, the less easy it is to
use and the learning curve steepens. Maybe it’s better running at
scale? Again, it just isn’t enough for me to want to invest time or
resources into it. Maybe that’s just me.

I feel like it’s reliance on simply using native Python for

defining tasks and workflows, along with decorators actually hurts
it. It tightly couples data pipeline orchestration to the actual
code you are writing to transform data sets. Anymore, data is too
large to be processed on an Airflow “worker” or on Prefect for
that matter, the world is moving towards connectors for tools like
Snowflake, Databricks, and the rest. We don’t actually need or
want our orchestration tools to DO the data processing.

I feel this is the only, and main difference between Prefect and
Airflow. Prefect does away with the DAG abstraction and uses Python
and decorators to do your work.

Think I’m being too harsh on Prefect? Maybe, but as an Airflow user,
I don’t see any compelling reason I would switch to Prefect. It
doesn’t have any earth-shattering features or breakthroughs that
would make me want to switch to it. If I was starting clean would I
pick it? Probably not. I want something that has a large community
behind it.

Any Data Engineer knows a tool works well for a while, but when it
doesn’t, you need somewhere to turn. Do you have some experience with
Prefect? Do you love it? Drop a comment and let us all know.

We disappointment in my heart, onto the next tool.


Mage is a data orchestration tool designed for modern data

infrastructure. It provides a simple interface for building complex
workflows, it’s also highly scalable and resilient. Mage's interface
is intuitive, and it allows you to build and monitor your workflows
easily. That’s what the marketing says anyways.
“Open-source data pipeline tool for transforming and integrating
data. The modern replacement for Airflow.” -

Well, I do like honesty. At least they are being upfront about what
they are trying to do, replace Airflow. Before you tell me I’m an
Airflow lover and will never find anything to replace it, hold your
horses. Airflow does drive me crazy sometimes, its backend
architecture leaves a lot to be desired, can be clunky, and
frequently pukes to the point it’s easier to spin up a new
environment, rather than fix it.

I digress. Back to Mage.

Mage has several unique features that make it stand out from other
data orchestration tools. For example, it has a built-in data catalog
that allows you to track your data lineage, and it has a powerful
retry mechanism that can automatically retry failed tasks. Also, it
offers a Notebook UI to develop with, offering quick iteration and
feedback. Very nice!!

Now, these are features that are substantially different from what we
are used to with Airflow. It’s a different approach, and that’s what
How does Mage approach data pipelines?

Mage Core Concepts.

1. Project and Pipeline: Project like you would think of a GitHub
repo, Pipeline contains all the code blocks you want to run,
represented by a YAML file.

2. Block: A set of code in a file that can be executed at will.

Blocks can have dependencies. The types of Blocks that you would
recognize …

a. Transformer

b. Data Loader

c. Data Exporter

d. Sensor

e. Chart

3. Engineering Best Practices is a core feature.

a. Bock reusability.
b. Automatic Testing of Blocks.

c. Data Validation is pre-built into Blocks.

d. Data is core, Blocks produce Data.

e. Pipeline and Data Versioning, along with Backfilling.

f. Scalable via Spark.

g. Develop via Notebook UI.

What does Mage code look like?

What sets Mage apart and makes it different?
One thing is immediately apparent that sets Mage apart from both
Airflow and Prefect. While it appears similar to Prefect in the way
it uses simple Python and decorators to define the bulk of
processing, the approach to Engineering best practices is where it
shines and is completely different from the other two.
Instead of Mage just being another ETL and Orchestration tool with
a slightly different take from Airflow (Prefect), Mage tries to
fundamentally change the way data pipelines are developed and
used, focusing on the developer and Engineering aspects to set
itself apart.

What are some things that jump out at me about Mage, without diving
into too much detail?

Easy to use Docker setup, going to make life easy when


“Each step in your pipeline is a standalone file containing

modular code that’s reusable and testable with data validations.”
← this is a big deal.

“Immediately see results from your code’s output with an

interactive notebook UI.” ← This is a big deal.

“Deploy Mage to AWS, GCP, or Azure with only 2 commands using

maintained Terraform templates.” ← this is a big deal.

Honestly, if Mage was just another nice UI, with a different take on
developing pipelines than Airflow … I would be skeptical. But it
appears they took a fundamentally different approach, providing
probably not only a better UI, logging, and monitoring … but actually
focusing on the Developer experience and pushing Engineering Best
Practices in a way that provides clear value that Airflow and Prefect
do not.

Apache Airflow.
I’m not going to devote time to this tool. There are reams and
volumes of video and text content produced on the topic. You can
google it. Airflow is boring and popular.

Before you accuse me of nepotism I don’t have any skin in the game of
Airflow, Prefect, or Mage. I’ve never used Prefect or Mage in
anything but a play-around experience. I’ve used Airflow in a
standalone deployment, via Composer, and via MWAA.

As I’ve scaled up with Airflow, even with MWAA, I’ve started to

see the crack in the Airflow armour that may not be obvious to
everyone. Also, the development experience, the way code is
written and deployed, with Airflow doesn’t condon best practices
and leaves a lot to be desired.

As I’ve grown and added years to my Data Engineering career I’ve

found that certain tools are …


Push you towards best practices.


Don’t require vast amounts of management and a deep understanding

of the system architecture simply to use them at scale.

As someone who loves and has used Airflow for years, it isn’t any of
those things. It works. It’s enough. It does the job tolerably well.
Hence people use it.

When you have fans of all tools, how can you get past the arguments
about which features are better, what’s faster, which one does this
better, or that better? It can be hard to compare tools and boil down
the essence of the matter.

Sure, we could install each tool, build a pipeline, and run it.
But, what would that really tell us? We know that each tool,
Airflow, Prefect, and Mage are capable of building and running
pipelines for probably the majority of situations and

What we have to ask ourselves is more of a big picture question,

“which tool at a high level is doing something new and better, is
approaching the problem of Data Engineering and orchestration and
management of pipelines in a new and unique way that would provide
REAL benefit, other than just a shiny new tool?“

The answer is clearly No, I have not been paid to say that,
and I’m saying that as someone who’s been an active Airflow user for
years, via both self-hosted, GCP Composer, and MWAA on AWS.

I’ve nothing against Prefect, other than that it just isn’t providing
enough differentiation from Airflow. Maybe it’s just their bad
marketing, who knows? I could be missing something amazing.

Airflow is here to stay for a long time, but cracks start showing at scale.
I will always love Airflow, it’s a unique tool that does a decent job
with an amazing community, and it’s simple to learn and use. But,
anyone who has used Airflow at scale and doesn’t have a dedicated
team to support it (why should you need one?), knows that you can
easily shoot yourself in the foot, and what was once easy to use
becomes a bear to manage and massage at scale to keep it performant.

It’s also inevitable that newcomers show up and start to pick and
scratch at the corners of Airflow, putting best practices in place
and solving pain points for next-level Airflow users.

UI is clunky, even the latest versions.

At scale, Airflow takes serious management and understanding to

keep performant.

Good development experience is non-existent.

Sure, there is plenty of use cases for Airflow at a small scale where
it works like charm. Should those organizations migrate away?
Probably wouldn’t hurt them too, but it most likely doesn’t make a
ton of sense.

How do you know you should switch from Airflow to either Mage (probably),
or Prefect?
I’m going to ask you a few questions about your Data Engineering
culture and use cases.
Is your Airflow setup starting to run over 50+ DAGs and growing?

Are your DAGs and pipelines wandering from simple to complex?

Is your Data Engineering culture embracing best practices?

Unit tested code.

Automated deployments (CI/CD).

Data Quality is important.

Do you aim for a seamless code experience?

If the above items are where you want to go, and you care about
excellence in Engineering Culture, then I would suggest checking out
a tool like over Airflow if you get the choice.

At the end of the day when running a bunch of pipelines at scale

would most likely thank yourself. Why? Because your codebase will
probably be clear, more reliable, and follow best practices better.
Your deployments will probably be better, your Data Quality will be,
and testing will be.

The Development of your Engineers working on the codebase to maintain

and write new pipelines will be a much smoother and more efficient
process. If I got to pick between the three for a new project, which
one would I pick? Mage.

Have a different opinion? Share.

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publication. To receive new posts and support
my work, consider becoming a free or paid
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Tommy DANGerous Writes Danger Zone Apr 10 Liked by Daniel Beach

As always, your content is 🔥 🔥 🔥 . Thanks so much for sharing this 🙏 🙏 🙏
Thomas Chungry Apr 10
Thank you for breaking down your thoughts and experience. Very written as usual!

1 reply by Daniel Beach

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