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“Medical Terminology Spelling Accuracy Test”  Emphasema

8. Abnormality of the heart rhythm

Name (Optional):
 Arrhythmia
Section:  Arryhthmia

Sex : Female Male Age: y/o 9. Inflamed tonsils

 Tonsillitis
Part 1: Unfamiliar Words  Tonsilitis
1. A localized collection of pus
 Abscess
10. A disorder of carbohydrates metabolism
 Absces
 Diabetes
2. Transfer of cells from one organ to another as in cancer  Diabetis

 Metastisis
 Metastasis
PART 2: Prefixes and Suffixes
3. Inflammatory skin disease 11. Suffix: -osis
 Abnormal Condition
 Ecsema
 Swallowing
 Eczema
12. Prefix: Above or more than normal
4. Frequent discharge of liquid stool  Hypo
 Hyper
 Diarrhea
13. Prefix: below or less than normal
 Diahrrea
 Hypo
5. Branch of medicine that deals with the eye  Hyper
 Ophthalmology 14. Word root for blood clot
 Opthalmology  Hem
 Thromb
6. A disease characterized by dementia, confusion, and impaired memory
15. Prefix for painful
 Alzhiemer  Dys
 Alzheimer  Dynia

16. Word root for small

7. A condition in which the body does not receive enough oxygen
 Micro
 Emphysema
 Macro
26. Muscle that helps your lungs pull in air and push it out.

 Diaphragm
17. Prefix: Hemi-  Diahpragm
 Around or surrounding 27. The medical term for a condition of decreased oxygen in the blood.
 Half or partly  Hypoxemia
 Hypocsemia
18. Combining form for: Cell 28. Contains the vocal cords and produces sound.
 Cyt/o  Larnyx
 Cty/o  Larynx
19. Prefix: ante-, pre- 29. Tube that delivers air from your mouth and nose to the trachea (windpipe).
 Before  Pharynx
 After  Pharnyx
20. Suffix: -iasis, -esis 30. Thin sacs that surround each lung lobe
 Pain  Pleura
 Condition  Plura

31. Provides a cushion between bones to prevent them from rubbing against each
PART 3: Different Organ System (Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Skeletal, other.
Integumentary, Digestive Systems)  Cartilage
21. Bluish coloration of the skin  Cartillage
 Cyainosis
32. It is also called the kneecap.
 Cyanosis  Pattella
 Patella
22. Traveling clot that suddenly blocks a blood vessel 33. The five bones that make up the middle area of the foot.
 Embolous  Methatarsal
 Embolus  Metatarsal
23. Instrument to measure blood pressure 34. Are five bones found in the middle area of the hand.
 Shygmomanometer  Metacarpals
 Sphygmomanometer  Methacarpals

24. A blood vessel that carries oxygen- poor blood from heart to lungs 35. 14 bones that comprise the toes.
 Pulmonary artery  Phalanges
 Pulmounary artery  Palhanges
36. The thickened layer of skin at the base of the fingernails and toenails.
25. Small branches of the bronchial tubes that lead to the alveoli.
 Eponychuim
 Bronchioles
 Eponychium
 Bronchiolies
37. It is the bottom layer of skin in your body.
 Hypodermis
 Hypedermis
38. A highly differenciated cell that produces a pigment melanin.
 Melanocite
 Melanocyte
39. A soft tissue that lines the body’s canals and organs.
 Mucous membrain
 Mucous membrane
40. It covers the inside and outside of the surfaces of your body. “Factors and Challenges”
 Epithelial cells
 Ephitelial cells

Never Always Often Sometimes Rarely

41. It is located in the mouth.
5 4 3 2 1
 Savilary Glands
 Salivary Glands
42. Treat all the organ in your digestive system.
 Gastroenterology
 Gastroentenology
43. The organ that food travels through to reach the stomach.
 Esophagus 5 4 3 2 1
 Esopaghus
44. A sac located under the liver. 1. I don’t always understand
 Galbladder
 Gallbladder
medical words because I don’t see
them a lot.
45. It is located inside your abdomen, just behind your stomach.
 Pancreas 2. Spelling medical terms can be
 Pancrease really hard for me.
3. I don’t know much about the
beginnings of words, or little
parts, like root words, prefixes,
and suffixes, so It’s hard for me to
understand medical terms.
4. I haven’t had enough practice
and reminders to remember the
5.It can be difficult for me to
remember all the information
related to medical terminology.
Learning Strategies 5 4 3 2 1

1. Spelling Instruction: How good do

you think it would be to teach students
how to spell words clearly, including
teaching them the spelling rules and “Effectiveness of Learning Strategies”
patterns used in medical terms, to help
them improve their spelling in ICT?
2. Vocabulary Building: How much do
you think it would help ICT students Scale
improve their spelling if we help them
learn more medical terms by doing Very Effective Effective Moderately Effective Slightly
activities like using flashcards or Effective Not Effective
connecting words with similar meanings? 5 4 3 2
3. Practice Exercises: How helpful do 1
you think it would be for ICT students to
regularly practice writing medical terms
and finding spelling mistakes in order to
improve their spelling accuracy?
4. Feedback and Error Correction: How
much do you think it would help ICT
students improve their spelling if we give
them individual feedback and correct
their spelling mistakes, especially when
they are writing medical terms?
5. Technology-Assisted Learning: How
effective do you think it would be to use
technology like spelling apps or online
quizzes to help ICT students improve
their spelling accuracy?
6. Mnemonic Devices: How much do you
think it would help ICT students improve
their spelling if we use memory tricks like
acronyms or visual ideas when they are
writing medical terms?
7. Peer Collaboration: How valuable do
you think it would be for ICT students to
work together with their peers to practice
spelling medical terms and improve their
spelling accuracy?
8. Real-Life Application: How much do
you think it would help ICT students
improve their spelling if they have
opportunities to use their spelling skills
in real-life situations, like transcribing
actual medical documents?
9. Professional Development: How

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