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Revision No. 01

General Requirements for Civil Works


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Originated By Certified By Approved By


Abdul Rahim Al Harbi Khaled S. Al Rashed Tariq M. Al Tahini

Division Manager Department Manager Executive Director
Generation Projects Engineering Generation Projects Engineering Generation Engineering
& design & Projects

Date:- Date:- Date:-




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Generation Engineering & Material
Standard Specifications
GEMSS-C-01, Rev.-01 Volume - 1
General Requirements for Civil Works
Document Responsibility:- Engineering and Design Division
Next Planned Update: Based on new development & technology with the consent of designated division

1.1 General 4
1.2 Civil Programme and Method Statements 4
1.3 Planning and Building Permits/Approvals 5
1.4 Site Surveys and Investigations 5
1.5 Ground Contamination 6
1.6 Miscellaneous Programme Provisions 7
2.1 General 7
3.1 General 8
3.2 Contractor’s Enabling Works 9
3.3 Scope/Descriptions of Main Civil Engineering and Building Works 10
3.3.1 General 10
3.3.2 Full-fledged Marine Terminal for Fuel Unloading System for
Vessels 10
3.3.3 Small Craft Berthing Facility 12
3.3.4 Shore Protection 12
3.3.5 Seawater Intake Channel 12
3.3.6 Seawater Intake Pump House 13
3.3.7 Seawater Supply Conduits for Circulating Water, FGD,
Auxiliaries and Desalination 15
3.3.8 Seawater Discharge Conduits for Circulating Water, FGD,
Auxiliaries and Desalination Plant 16
3.3.9 Seawater Aeration/Mixing Pond, Discharge Channel and Outfall
Structure 17
3.3.10 Seal Weir 18
3.3.11 Access Roads, Paved Hardstanding Areas (for car parking),
Concrete Slab Laydown Areas, Gravel Covered Areas,
Pathways and Landscaped Areas 18
3.3.12 Turbine Building 20
3.3.13 Boiler / HRSG 24
3.3.14 Administration Building including all Employee Facilities 25
3.3.15 Plant laboratory(s):- 27
3.3.16 Canteen Building :- 27
3.3.17 Central Control Building (CCB) 28
3.3.18 Mosque 30
3.3.19 Fire Station 30
3.3.20 First Aid Building and Ambulance Station 31
3.3.21 Hydrogen Gas Generation Building 31
3.3.22 H2, CO2 and N2 bottles shelter 32
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Generation Engineering & Material
Standard Specifications
GEMSS-C-01, Rev.-01 Volume - 1
General Requirements for Civil Works
Document Responsibility:- Engineering and Design Division
Next Planned Update: Based on new development & technology with the consent of designated division

3.3.23 Emergency Diesel Generator Building 32

3.3.24 Water Treatment Plant Building and Chemical Storage 32
3.3.25 Seawater Desalination Plant 33
3.3.26 Pump Houses (fuel oil, fire water, distilled water, demineralized
water, service water, potable water, foam) 34
3.3.27 Electro-chlorination Building 35
3.3.28 Seawater Intake Electrical Building 35
3.3.29 Fuel Treatment Plant 36
3.3.30 FGD Absorber/Scrubber Towers 36
3.3.31 Aeration Building 36
3.3.32 Precipitators and Ash Removal Foundations and Structures 36
3.3.33 Workshop Building 37
3.3.34 Warehouse and Storage Building 38
3.3.35 General Maintenance Building including abrasive blasting shelter
and welding shelter 39
3.3.36 Paved Open Storage Area with Shelter 40
3.3.37 Security Main Gatehouse 40
3.3.38 Plant Industrial Security Building 41
3.3.39 National Guard Compound, including management office,
recreation facility, living quarters, car park and vehicle workshop 42
3.3.40 Coast Guard Compound including security building and
landscaping 43
3.3.41 Transformer Compounds with foundations, fire and bund walls 43
3.3.42 Fuel Oil Storage Tanks and Fuel Oil Piping Sleeper/Rack 44
3.3.43 Vehicle Parking 45
3.3.44 Entrance Gates, Gate Houses and Security Fences 46
3.3.45 Drainage Systems (stormwater, oily water, foul water and
chemical drainage) 46
3.3.46 Site Services 47
3.3.47 Underground Cable Tunnels, cable ducts, cable draw pits,
service trenches, pipe racks, pipe sleepers 47
3.3.48 Building Contents (ironmongery, fixtures and fittings, internal
finishes, furniture, office computer equipment, fire and safety
equipment) 48
3.3.49 Miscellaneous Foundations and trenches for mechanical and
electrical installations 49
3.3.50 Builder’s Works Associated with Building Services Installation 49
3.3.51 All Temporary Installations for the construction period 49
3.3.52 Building Services Systems 49
3.3.53 Main Entrance Illuminated Plant Monument panel sign 49
3.3.54 Plant Model to scale 50

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Document Responsibility: Engineering and Design Division Volume -1
Next Planned Update: Based on new development & technology with the GEMSS-C-01,Rev.-01
consent of designated division General Requirements for Civil Works

1.0 General Requirements for Civil Works

1.1 General

This Specification covers the civil engineering and building works (collectively referred to as the
‘civil works’) required for the construction of the XXXX project in Saudi Arabia. The civil works forms part
of a design and build project provided by the Contractor, under a turnkey contract and shall include
preliminary studies, fully detailed design and construction of all civil works, auxiliary works and utility
services including building services systems necessary for the completion and operation of the power plant,
and preparation of as-built drawings/records.

The civil works required shall include, inter alia, supplementary site investigations, studies and data
collection as deemed necessary by the Contractor, detailed design, preparation of construction drawings,
procurement of materials, site clearance and site preparation, execution and maintenance of works complete
in all respects, provision of record drawings, calculations and reports, as described herein.

The Contractor is responsible under the terms of this Contract for all aspects of civil engineering
design. This shall include architectural, civil, and structural design for all temporary and permanent works.
Unless noted otherwise herein, all buildings, their structure, foundations and fabric, together with all other
civil engineering works shall be designed and constructed for a design life of 50 years. This Specification
identifies the Company’s minimum design requirements and parameters that are to be provided by the

All the applicable fire prevention and safety codes shall be followed for buildings and structures.

The buildings shall be designed to achieve a perfectly weather and dust proof construction.
Vestibules shall be built at all the strategic locations in order to check the ingress of dust inside the buildings
and loss of cool air.

Contractor’s attention is directed to the phased development of the Site. The Project is expected to be
constructed in XXXX phases, with each phase comprising XXXX generating units along with all associated
ancillary equipment and facilities. Contractor shall carefully consider how this would affect the optimization
of his site layout and the provisions to be allowed for in the interim period under this Contract.

Prior permission shall be required if Contractor seeks occupation on any land outside the designated
area for the Contract.

1.2 Civil Programme and Method Statements

A detailed civil design and construction programme shall be submitted in accordance with the
Conditions of Contract as specified in other sections of this Specification. A resource histogram shall be
submitted with the programme.

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consent of designated division General Requirements for Civil Works

Contractor shall prepare site specific method statements for all major construction activities and
submit these to the Company/Engineer for review at least thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the
relevant activity or as may be agreed otherwise to meet the programme.

The method statements shall include, but not be limited to, working methods, resources, construction
plant utilization, temporary works, construction sequence, security and safety arrangements, and supporting

1.3 Planning and Building Permits/Approvals

Contractor shall ensure the timely submission of all necessary details to the regulatory authorities
and others for items relating to these conditions. This shall include all onshore and offshore works.

Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all permits. Any applications required by the local
regulatory authorities shall be made by the Contractor, and allowance for all costs related thereto shall be
deemed to be included in the Contract.

Contractor shall be responsible for preparing and issuing all documents to local authorities/agencies
required for obtaining the permissions to construct the Works as may be necessary.

Contractor shall make full allowance for the above procedures in his programme for executing the

1.4 Site Surveys and Investigations

Neither the Company nor the Engineer shall in any way be held responsible for the accuracy of the
information provided or for any interpretations, conclusions or assumptions made by the Contractor from this
information. It shall be the Contractor’s sole responsibility to obtain the information required for his needs.

Where site survey data, offshore and onshore geotechnical and other subsurface information,
topographical, bathymetrical, hydrological, meteorological data are provided with this document, they are for
‘information purposes’ only and shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for fully assessing for
himself the surface and sub-surface ground conditions, any buried constructions and obstructions and marine
conditions. Contractor shall be fully responsible for arranging for his own site surveys, including:
bathymetrical, geotechnical, any necessary condition surveys for contamination, hydrological investigations,
surveys necessary to assess the site conditions and determine the design parameters particular to the Site, and
to determine any necessary meteorological and marine data prior to commencing the detailed design of the

The Contractor shall carry out a targeted and detailed geotechnical investigation to allow the proper
design and construction of the onshore and offshore works. Offshore and onshore geotechnical investigations
shall be carried out by an approved independent subcontractor specializing in soil mechanics and foundation

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Next Planned Update: Based on new development & technology with the GEMSS-C-01, Rev.-01
consent of designated division General Requirements for Civil Works

All site investigations shall comply with BS 5930, BS 1377-1 to 9 and BS EN ISO 22476-2, 3 & 12,
or equivalent international standards. Contractor’s scope of work, method statements and standards used in
carrying out the site/marine survey, onshore/offshore geotechnical investigation, borehole layout, etc., shall
be submitted to the Company/Engineer as a Design Intent Memorandum (DIM) for approval not less than
thirty (30) days before the site investigation work commences. Contractor shall also submit his DIM with
respect to the philosophy and recommendations for foundation designs, pavement designs, concrete mix,
earthworks, dredging and any other related engineering design matters.

Contractor shall submit to the Company/Engineer both factual and interpretative reports on the
geotechnical, marine and any other investigations, comprising narrative descriptions, complete borehole logs,
results of in-situ and laboratory testing, and geotechnical recommendations for design and construction. It
shall be the responsibility of Contractor to examine the findings of the existing studies, carefully assess the
ground conditions of the Site and determine from his own geotechnical investigations the foundation
requirements of the Project, including any ground improvement and necessary dredging works for CW intake
and discharge. The scope of Contractor’s investigations and the content of his interpretative report shall be
subject to approval by the Company/Engineer prior to implementation of the Works.

A topographical survey shall be carried out by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall establish, protect and maintain benchmarks and control points within each area
of construction. The surveys shall establish the existing elevations of the ground and verify or establish the
location, dimensions, materials and other features of existing systems, buildings, structures, foundations,
roads and services, etc.

The Contractor shall prepare drawings and reports showing the results of the topographical surveys.
The reports shall be submitted to the Company/Engineer for review.

The cost of all site/marine surveys, onshore/offshore geotechnical, topographical, hydrological and
meteorological investigation work shall be deemed to be included in the Contract price.

The Tenderer shall submit with his Tender details of the site/marine investigation works, studies and
surveys he proposes to carry out prior to and during the construction of the Works.

1.5 Ground Contamination

The Company has carried out a suite of contamination tests on soil and water samples, as part of the
preliminary site investigations. The results of these are included herein for the Contractors information and
on the terms and conditions specified in Section 1.4 above. The Contractor shall be responsible for validating
these results.

The results of any contamination survey carried out by the Contractor shall be in accordance with BS
10175 and advised to the Company/Engineer. Any necessary remedial measures shall be subject to
agreement by the Contractor, Company and Engineer.

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Next Planned Update: Based on new development & technology with the GEMSS-C-01, Rev.-01
consent of designated division General Requirements for Civil Works

1.6 Miscellaneous Programme Provisions

Contractor shall make sufficient provision both in his programme and the Contract to cater for:

(a) The discovery, and remedial treatment or removal as the case may be, of any underground
foundation constructions and buried services, including artificial obstructions. Contractor
shall take into consideration the history and past uses of the Site.

(b) The detection, and remedial treatment or removal/replacement, of any unsuitable strata of
material. The Saudi Arabian coastal region subsoils are known to sometimes contain

(c) In the unlikely event that any archaeological remains are uncovered during the excavation of
foundations for the plant, this shall be reported and investigated so that appropriate action
can be agreed upon and implemented.

2.0 Site Specific Data

2.1 General

The descriptions of the designated Site are provided herein. The general description of the Site is
contained in Section XXXX of the Specification. Site drawings are provided in Volume 3. Site studies and
investigation reports are included in Volume 4 of the Contract documents for information purposes.
Contractor shall verify the information he chooses to use.

The preliminary site surveys and investigations included in Volume 4 are:

(a) Topographical survey.

(b) Bathymetrical survey.

(c) Onshore and offshore geotechnical investigations.

(d) Thermal recirculation study.

(e) EIA reports.

The results of these surveys and investigations are provided for information only. Contractor shall
physically check the site areas prior to submitting their bid offer and starting the design works.

Neither the Company nor the Engineer shall in any way be held responsible for the accuracy of the
information provided or for any interpretations, conclusions or assumptions made by the Contractor from this
information. It shall be the Contractor’s sole responsibility to obtain the information required for his needs.

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Next Planned Update: Based on new development & technology with the GEMSS-C-01, Rev.-01
consent of designated division General Requirements for Civil Works

3.0 Scope of Civil Engineering and Building Works

3.1 General

The Civil Engineering and Building Works to be provided by the Contractor under the turnkey
contract shall comprise the full detailed design, detailing and preparation of construction drawings,
construction, completion and maintenance of all the various foundations, structures, buildings, infrastructure,
roads and paving, fencing, earthworks, drainage works and building services, etc., required for the
installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the equipment and plant for the power station.
The Works shall include, but not be limited to, the items listed in Schedule B and as described in the
subsections below.

The Works shall also include other works as described and/or implied in the Invitation to Tender that
are necessary to complete for the satisfactory operation and maintenance of the power station.

It is not intended that this Specification covers every aspect of civil works design and construction.
This, however, shall not relieve Contractor of his responsibility for the satisfactory design, construction,
completion and maintenance of the entire civil works, whether specified or not, necessary for the safe and
proper operation of mechanical and electrical plant provided under this Contract.

Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all additional site data required for the Project and for
complying with local regulations and procedures which may affect the design, construction and completion
of the civil works and allow for this in his Tender to meet the specified commissioning dates for the Plant.

It is essential that Contractor should visit the Site before preparing his Tender for the purpose of
examining the extent and nature of the Works and means of access to the Site, to familiarize and satisfy
himself with respect to local and site conditions and to ascertain for himself the availability of all labour,
plant, materials, essential facilities such as power, water and drainage discharge points for the satisfactory
execution of the Works within the overall project programme. The Tender bid shall be deemed to meet all
local and site conditions and restrictions.

Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining sufficient data regarding the interface conditions for the
plant/building, to ensure safe, efficient and reliable operation of the Works within the environmental
limitations, under all operating modes and climatic conditions as defined in this Specification.

Contractor shall be responsible for making the connections and assess the proposed terminal points
for all services/utilities, and shall agree with the Company/Engineer on an appropriate tie-in point and tie-in
schedule. The location and schedule shall, where applicable, be designed to minimize disruptions to other
users of the systems. Contractor shall clearly identify in the Contract programme the date(s) he requires the
terminal points to be available.

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consent of designated division General Requirements for Civil Works

3.2 Contractor’s Enabling Works

Contractor’s early civil works on the Site shall, after completion, allow the general civil and building
works activities of the Project to proceed without delay.

Contractor shall investigate, assess and execute the ‘enabling’ works required on the Site. For
information purposes the extent of the enabling works may include, but not be limited to, the following:

(a) Site clearance and fencing, Contractor’s offices, workshops and laydown areas, site access
roads, temporary drainage provisions, etc.

Temporary access roads, including drainage and security from the existing main road routed
into the new Site, shall be provided with sufficient width, suitably prepared and capped to
withstand the site traffic throughout the construction period. Other road provisions are
specified herein.

(b) Bulk earthworks to achieve an optimum arrangement for the Project, and to satisfy both the
site conditions and the operation and maintenance of the Plant. The bulk earthworks shall be
carried out over the site area to comply with Saudi Security Directives. Land reclamation
will not be allowed in coral reef area. The Site shall be raised and levelled to an elevation to
ensure that the station is safe from the risk of flooding from storm and tidal actions. The
optimum site elevation(s) for the most efficient and economical operation of the power plant
shall be determined by the Contractor and submitted to the Company/Engineer for approval
along with detailed calculations on which he has based his assumptions in determining the
optimum level(s). It is required that the Top of Concrete Elevation (TOC EL) for all building
ground floors shall be maintained as +200 mm above adjacent finished grade level.

(c) Ground improvement and/or piling works, as required. The susceptibility to soil liquefaction
due to the design earthquake shall be analyzed. A minimum factor of safety of between 1.5
and 2.0 shall be required against soil liquefaction at all depths below the ground surface. The
Contractor shall be responsible for determining the computed safety factor. If the safety
factor is determined to be inadequate, then measures shall be taken to assure the safety of
structures founded on or above the soil deposits subject to liquefaction. Such measures shall
include, but not necessarily be limited to, densification of the soil in-situ, removal of the soil
and replacement with compacted fill, and piling works.

(d) In the Seawater Intake pump house area and other areas where excavation is performed
below the groundwater level, a dewatering system shall be installed with sufficient capacity
to maintain groundwater elevation at not less than 1.0 m below the working surface of the
excavation. Discharge from the dewatering system shall be in accordance with applicable
regulations and permits. The method and technique of dewatering shall be based on the
recommendations of BS EN 1997-1 or other approved equivalent.

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consent of designated division General Requirements for Civil Works

3.3 Scope/Descriptions of Main Civil Engineering and Building Works

3.3.1 General

The scope of work listed below and the descriptions provided are not intended to cover every aspect
of the Project Works, but are intended to assist Contractor to develop, design and construct the most suitable
arrangement of civil and building details to fulfill the onshore/offshore requirements of the Contract.

In addition to the items described below, Contractor shall make full allowance in his price and
programme to carry out all investigations, surveys, any necessary demolition and removal of any buried
structures and services impacting upon the new Project Works, excavation of any unsuitable materials,
importing replacement materials, site preparation, filling, site grading, dredging and flood prevention, in
order to design, construct and protect the Works.

All buildings that are provided with offices and the like and are intended to be permanently or
temporarily occupied shall be fully furnished.

All offices/kitchens and the like shall be fully furnished to a standard and style appropriate to the
proposed occupancy to meet the Company’s approval.

3.3.2 Full-fledged Marine Terminal for Fuel Unloading System for 2 Vessels
(This facility shall be sized and provided according to contract scope of work)

All civil works required for allowing two (2) 100,000 DWT tanker vessels to be moored and
unloaded simultaneously shall be provided, including, but not be limited to, the following:

(a) Breakwater causeway, piled access jetty, unloading (or loading) platform, breasting and
mooring dolphins with capstans quick release hooks/mooring rings/ladders and the like,
fendering system to breasting dolphins and unloading platform, and walkways and bridges
between unloading platform, breasting and mooring dolphins.

(b) Tanker access telescopic gangway.

(c) Ancillary buildings, including, but not be limited to, a control building, foam pump house,
store and supply shed, and electrical substation building, etc.

(d) Oil spill control and retrieval equipment, including floating booms, oil skimmer and davits.

(e) All associated civil, structural and foundation works.

(f) Navigation aids (fairway/lighted buoys, obstruction warning lights, etc.).

The layout of the marine terminal shall be based on hydraulic and tanker approach studies, carried
out by the Contractor and subject to approval by the Company/Engineer. The facility shall be designed for a

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consent of designated division General Requirements for Civil Works

safe design life of 50 years. The vessels sailing route dredging and all the structures, under normal
circumstances, shall not require any maintenance that cannot be carried out simply and quickly.

A breakwater causeway shall be provided to support the fuel unloading structures and paved road
access along the inshore reef and thereafter an access jetty. The road access shall be seven metres (7.0 m)
wide and adequately drained to prevent ponding of water. The road shall be provided with safety railing and
adequate street lighting.

The access jetty shall extend into water depths that provide adequate draught clearance and approach
for 100,000 DWT tanker vessels. Unloading platform(s) shall accommodate the unloading arms, pipelines,
pumps, control building(s) and a turning area for vehicles. The unloading platform shall be set back at least 2
m from the breasting and mooring dolphins. A Control Building shall be provided for all unloading
operations. Control Building shall be of adequate size in order to accommodate jetty fire fighting facility,
switchgear room, battery room, etc. Building layout and other architectural and structural details shall be
subject to approval by the Company/Engineer.

A continuous oil boom around the wharf area and causeway shall be provided to protect against
potential spread of an oil spill into the sea. The continuous oil boom shall be fully equipped with enough
numbers of oil skimmers, etc.

Steel pipelines for oil unloading shall be installed in the continuous U-shaped concrete channels to
provide containment for oil spills. Channels shall be covered with removable covers. Vehicular driveways
shall have a clear width of minimum 7.0 m for two lane traffic, complete with all the traffic safety
arrangements and street lights, and be passable by a 10 tonne mobile crane.

At the unloading platform, a turning area shall be provided, complete with curbs (all around) and
guard rails to protect the piping installations from accidental impact by vehicles. The unloading platform
shall be well drained to prevent ponding of water.

The unloading platform deck shall be constructed from precast or cast-in-situ concrete. However,
cast-in-situ concrete is recommended at the unloading arm area.

The Control Building shall be designed as a permanent reinforced concrete (RCC) structure. The
quality and style of the designs, materials, construction standards and finishes shall match, and be compatible
with, the other relevant buildings on the power plant site. The Control Building shall be furnished with
power, lighting, potable water, air conditioning, fire fighting, kitchen and toilet facilities.

Breasting and mooring dolphins, together with the fendering system, shall be provided for the safe
mooring of tankers and for maintaining them in position. Safe access walkways between dolphins and
platforms shall be provided all around. Hooks, bollards and mooring rings shall be provided.

All piles shall be protected against corrosion in the marine environment. A corrosion allowance of 2 mm
minimum shall be added to the designed structural wall thicknesses. Heavy duty anti-abrasion paint shall be

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consent of designated division General Requirements for Civil Works

applied to the external surface of all piles. Cathodic protection shall also be provided to piles and structures, as

3.3.3 Small Craft Berthing Facility

A small craft berthing facility shall be provided for mooring coast guard vessels, a tugboat, fire-
fighting boats and a general purpose boat. All navigation aids shall be provided.

The berth shall be of similar construction to the oil unloading jetty, complete with fenders, mooring
facilities and guardrails suitable for the smaller vessels.

3.3.4 Shore Protection

Full shore protection work shall be provided along the shoreline of the Site, and to the intake and
outfall, in the form of a structural revetment or other protection acceptable to the Company. The revetment
shall protect the Works against loss of shoreline and prevent flooding of the Site during storm events. The
shore protection shall be a rock or concrete armoured revetment with a wave wall crest sufficient to protect
the Site. The level of the top of the wave wall shall be determined by the Contractor.

The shore protection system shall be designed to prevent erosion of the shoreline and to prevent
flooding of the Project Site during a 100 year return storm event. It shall comprise a main rock/concrete
armour face, rock underlayer(s), core, crest structure and any necessary foundation improvement works to
ensure the stability and robustness of the Works.

Contractor shall establish the elevation of shore protection system based on a wave run-
up/overtopping analysis. No overtopping of the shore protection shall be allowed. The stability of the shore
protection and its hydraulic performance in terms of wave run-up, overtopping, wave transmission and
reflection shall be demonstrated by calculation.

Wave and climatic data may be obtained by the Contractor from other sources.

The design and construction of the shore protection shall conform to the recommendations and
guidelines given in BS 6349-7: ‘Maritime structures – Part 7: Guide to the design and construction of
breakwaters’. Reference may be made to the other internationally recognized design publications, such as the
Shore Protection Manual (or its replacement: the Coastal Engineering Manual), published by the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers.

3.3.5 Seawater Intake Channel

The seawater intake channel shall be designed for the total capacity of the station defined herein. The
inside face of the channel shall be lined with concrete and the outside face of the channel shall be protected
against erosion by providing fabric form concrete. The intake channel shall be designed to be highly
functional with low maintenance for a life expectancy of 50 years and shall comply with the
recommendations of the thermal re-circulation study. The size and depth of the intake channel shall be such

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that seawater is drawn gradually into the forebays and screening areas, to reach a steady condition where the
water velocity shall not exceed 0.3 m/second.

After the basin geometry and required depth of dredging is determined, an additional 1.5 m of over-
dredging shall be provided to minimize maintenance dredging and to prevent sediment build-up near the

An access and maintenance road on each side of the intake channel and a coast guard patrol road
bridge across the intake channel shall be provided.

Where a lagoon type structure with a head wall is required with integral submerged intake pipes.
The pipes shall be GRP with enlarged bell ends covered with non-corrosive grate and installed in gravel fill
at the approved level on the sea bed. Selected gravel fill shall be protected with suitable concrete cover
slabs. Low and high points of intake pipes shall be anchored in concrete blocks. A concrete apron shall be
provided to protect the pipe discharge area in channel. The flow velocity in the GRP pipes at this location
shall not exceed 1.5 m/s.

The arrangement and type of the intake shall be selected to minimize the impact on the offshore
environment, uptake of suspended materials and sediment load. Where pipes are provided, the number and
diameter of pipes shall be selected so that the friction loss across the pipes is minimal.

The seawater intake shall be designed to prevent the ingress of marine life, in particular, jelly fish.

Navigation markers shall be provided at the extreme seaward end of the breakwater structures, at
locations as required by the relevant regulatory authorities, and in accordance with all relevant
recommendations published by the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (I.A.L.A.).

3.3.6 Seawater Intake Pump House

(Seawater intake pump house shall be sized and provided as per the contract requirements and
scope of work)
The seawater intake pump house structure shall be sized and provided to supply all seawater
required for whole Plant. In accordance with clause 3.3.6 of section C-01.

The seawater intake pump house shall be a reinforced concrete structure constructed in dry
condition. The design of the pump house shall be a repetitive design comprising multiple compartment bays,
each shall have its own forebay section of the stilling basin, a screening bay for both bar screens and drum
screens, and a pumping bay for the smooth abstraction of seawater. The intake pump house shall have
integrated valve galleries.

The pump house top slab shall be robust enough, corrosion proof and adequate for the operation of
travelling cranes. The slab shall be designed to minimize vibration and noise, and to ensure durability of the

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Each chamber within the pump house shall have a drainage sump located at the lowest point for
water disposal.

The top slab level shall be chosen to avoid degradation of concrete work by splashing and spray. The
laydown areas and the pump house top slab shall be on one plane and integrated with the road system.
Comprehensive provisions shall be inherent in the design for drainage of rain and seawater.

In view of the large number of pump bays involved the pump house shall be divided into separate
modular blocks to minimize thermal effects.

Each pump bay shall be sized to ensure that the flow velocity will not exceed 0.5 m/s generally. The
pumping chamber shall be adequately sized and shaped so that there is no need to rely on retrofitting of
baffles and vortex reduction measures. The Contractor shall be required to demonstrate the satisfactory
design of the overall pump house as well as the suction chamber by suitable modelling.

The Contractor shall take adequate precaution in the design and construction of such a large
reinforced concrete structure. Adequate reinforcement, joints and curing provisions shall be provided to
avoid cracking.

The design of the intake pump house shall be safe against floatation in the worst groundwater

The structure shall be provided complete with gates, trash racks, drum screens and all necessary
equipment for screen washing and trash disposal in accordance with GEMSS-M-13 and this Specification.
Stoplogs, gates and lifting facilities shall be provided to isolate any of the screens and pumps, and to enable
installation and maintenance.

Suitable stainless steel ladders, rails, platforms, etc., shall be provided in areas where access and
maintenance is required.

All materials and equipment, including paint systems, located at the pump house shall be designed to
withstand the corrosive salt water and windblown sand. All exterior concrete surfaces of the intake structures
and concrete surfaces exposed to seawater and the other areas subject to seawater splashing shall be coated to
provide robust protection from the harmful effects of salt water, sea spray, evaporation, and attack by
sulphates and chlorides. The coating shall be elastomeric polyurethane of total DFT not less than 1,125 µm
and of the type supplied by Ameron, or equivalent. The finished top surface of the structure shall be sloped
to floor drains or drainage trenches, to maintain dryness of the intake structure at all times. A trough shall be
cast within the deck floor. The floor of each trough shall be designed with a slope (minimum 3 per cent) to
allow the accumulated debris to float by gravity into collecting pits. The actual number, capacity and
locations of the debris collecting pits shall be determined by the Contractor according to the specified slope
achievable over the total distance of the pump intakes.

Electrically operated overhead travelling cranes shall be provided for equipment maintenance, as
specified in GEMSS-M-34. The cranes shall service all equipment located at the intake structure. Contractor

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shall provide suitable access for maintenance of the intake structure. Gratings shall be made of glass fibre
reinforced plastic wherever feasible, considering the applicable loading and span length. Manholes shall be
provided at appropriate locations for access. All ladders inside the CW bays shall be made of stainless steel
of appropriate grade. Separate manholes shall also be provided for the dewatering pump discharge hoses
from all stop logged zones.

Impressed current cathodic protection system shall be provided for all buried metal structures and
items exposed to seawater at the intake structure. Details are specified in GEMSS-M-13, in the section on
cathodic protection. All carbon steel items in contact with seawater shall have cathodic protection.

Cathodic protection to epoxy coated rebars shall not be required but electrical grounding by other
means without attachment to epoxy coated rebars shall be done.

Structural materials used for the trash rack frames, etc., in the CW intake system shall be designed
with an adequate corrosion allowance. All such materials shall be provided with impressed current cathodic

Stop logs shall be made of galvanized carbon steel with suitable additional protective paint coating.
Stop logs shall be sized to be interchangeable. Stop log storage racks shall be provided for storing the stop
logs when not in use.

All cast-in items shall be made of stainless steel.

The circulating water intake structure shall be designed for tidal effects and wave action. The design
shall also consider the recommendations of the Thermal Discharge Study included in Volume 4.

Equipment and other considerations regarding the circulating water intake structure shall be in
accordance with the circulating water intake system as described in GEMSS-M-13. Contractor shall
substantiate his hydraulic design and performance of the lagoon and intake structure by using hydraulic
modelling technique employing specialist services for this type of work. (Refer to GEMSS-M-13 for
hydraulic modelling requirements).

3.3.7 Seawater Supply Conduits for Circulating Water, FGD, Auxiliaries and

(Seawater supply conduits for circulating water, FGD, auxiliaries and desalination shall be supplied
as per the scope of work requirements)

Unless noted otherwise herein, seawater supply conduits shall comprise Pressurised Concrete
Cylinder Pipes (PCCPs). For condenser cooling two conduits shall supply each condenser. Seawater supply
conduits for auxiliaries and desalination shall be PCCPs or GRP pipes.

Any alternative offer must be demonstrated to have the same long term robustness against leakage,
adjacent disturbance and durability.

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PCCPs shall be manufactured in accordance with AWWA C301.

PCCPs shall be designed in accordance with AWWA C304.

PCCPs shall be installed in accordance with AWWA M9.

PCCPs shall have impressed current cathodic protection.

GRP pipes shall be manufactured in accordance with AWWA C950, filament winding type and
using pure thermosetting resin.

GRP pipes shall be designed in accordance with AWWA M45.

GRP pipework shall be installed in accordance with ASTM D3839.

The seawater supply conduits shall be packed closely together but with sufficient clearance to allow
a surround to be provided throughout their entire length. The seawater supply conduits shall be designed and
installed such that they are not disturbed by future excavation/construction works. The design of the system
shall utilize space in the most efficient manner. Where seawater supply conduits have to sustain traffic loads,
concrete encasement shall be provided. In such case, conduit encasement shall be separated from the
adjacent pipe by a slip joint to allow independent vertical movement of conduits.

The conduits shall be designed to allow for the effects of working, transient and field test loads, and
internal pressure combinations. Hydraulic sizing of the pipes shall be performed by the Contractor, taking
into account cooling water pump characteristics and all the losses in the system.

The design and construction of the CW supply pipeline shall take into consideration the worst
loading combination imposed on the pipelines due to hydraulic, dead and imposed loading, and any
applicable seismic loading conditions. The pipelines shall be wholly ‘fit for purpose’ and conforming to the
latest material standards to fulfill the durability requirements of the works for the design life of the Plant.
Valve pits and manholes with suitable access provisions shall be included in the pipework system for
maintenance access, both at the pump discharge end and the delivery end, and at any other necessary

3.3.8 Seawater Discharge Conduits for Circulating Water, FGD, Auxiliaries and
Desalination Plant

(Seawater discharge conduits for circulating water, FGD, auxiliaries and desalination plant shall be
provided as per the scope of work requirements)

Seawater discharge conduits shall be defined as the pressurized pipe runs between the equipment
discharge connection (typically) to the seal weir pit or discharge channel, etc. These conduits shall be PCCPs
and shall follow the same criteria as noted for the seawater supply conduits in section GEMSS-C-26. GRP
pipes may be used for the discharge from the auxiliaries and desalination plant.

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GRP pipes shall be used for the discharge line from the FGD Absorbers.

Downstream of all the above and up to the connection with the seawater discharge channel, concrete
culverts may be used.

A discharge structure shall be provided at the end of the condenser discharge conduits, and it shall
incorporate a weir to ensure that flow conditions are maintained.

Where discharge conduits have to sustain traffic loads, concrete encasement shall be provided. In
such case, conduit encasement shall be separated from the adjacent pipe by a slip joint to allow independent
vertical movement of conduits.

Manholes shall be provided in the pipe for maintenance access, both at the condenser end and at the
seal pit end of the CW system. Pits and ladders made of GRP materials shall be provided for accessing the

3.3.9 Seawater Aeration/Mixing Pond, Discharge Channel and Outfall Structure

The civil works for the aeration and mixing facilities shall be designed and constructed to meet the
FGD system performance requirements relating to the quality of the mixed and aerated seawater discharge.

The discharge channel structure shall comprise a U-shape channel designed to pass seawater, under
gravity, to the sea in a streamlined and smooth fashion.

The outfall structure shall have a common bay that will allow the seawater to discharge over a
common outfall weir. The outfall shall be sized and designed such that the height of the water column
(nappe) over the outfall weir is minimized and that the discharge plume has no detrimental effect on the
offshore works and reef. The outfall shall be designed for isolation under all operating conditions, without
disruption to any operating plant. The outfall shall also be sized to ensure a smooth flow transition and
minimum turbulence. Uncontrolled splashing, seawater mist generation, hydraulic jumps and other
undesirable features of a poor hydraulic design shall be avoided.

Subject to the Contractor’s layout, the outfall structure may need to carry a road, as well as a fuel
supply pipeline structure. If additional space is needed for routing of supply pipes for the future (from the
second unloading berth), it shall be provided.

Stop logs shall be made of galvanized carbon steel with suitable additional protective paint coating.
All cast-in items shall be made of stainless steel. Stop logs shall be sized to be interchangeable. Stop log
storage racks shall be provided for storing the stop logs when not in use.

Contractor shall perform all necessary coastal hydrographic surveys/studies and hydraulic model
tests for assessing currents, tide and wave effects, to establish the appropriate details of the discharge channel
to minimize the possibility of warm water re-circulation. The mixed and aerated seawater shall be required to
be in a condition environmentally acceptable for discharge.

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The detail requirements of the discharge channel shall be determined by the Contractor in
accordance with the final plant design and layout requirements, and based on the thermal re-circulation

All discharge channel sides shall be lined with concrete to prevent erosion.

Contractor shall employ specialist services to substantiate his hydraulic design and performance of
the discharge channel and outfall apron, using a hydraulic modelling technique.

Details of the seawater system design concept shall be provided with the Tender to outline the
arrangement of the aeration/mixing pond, discharge channel and outfall structure.

3.3.10 Seal Weir

(Seal weir Shall be provided as per the scope of work requirements)

The seal weir shall be sized to ensure a smooth flow transition and minimum turbulence.
Uncontrolled splashing, seawater mist generation, hydraulic jumps, re-circulation, air entrainment and other
undesirable features of a poor hydraulic design shall be avoided. The discharge from each unit seal weir pit
shall be directed into two discharge conduits or two box culverts.

The seal weir shall be arranged so that each conduit upstream and discharge culvert downstream can
be isolated with stop logs for inspection and maintenance work. The isolated conduit and discharge culvert
shall have sumps located at strategic locations for removal of water.

An adequate number of dedicated stop logs shall be provided for each isolation scenario. Stop logs
shall be made of galvanized carbon steel with suitable additional protective paint coating. All cast-in items
shall be made of stainless steel. Stop logs shall be sized to be interchangeable. Stop log storage racks shall be
provided for storing the stop logs when not in use.

The seal weir shall be constructed of reinforced concrete and designed to meet the full requirements
of a water retaining structure. The Contractor shall take adequate precaution in the design and construction of
such a large reinforced concrete structure. Adequate reinforcement, joints and curing provisions shall be
provided to avoid cracking. The design of the seal weir shall be safe against floatation in the worst
groundwater conditions.

3.3.11 Access Roads, Paved Hardstanding Areas (for car parking), Concrete
Slab Laydown Areas, Gravel Covered Areas, Pathways and
Landscaped Areas

The vehicular circulation system for the Site shall be organized on several levels. The main access
road to the Site shall be as shown on the Tender Drawings, included herewith. However, bidders shall
propose adequate roads layout plan for review and approval by the Company/Engineer.

The final road network design shall incorporate the following major considerations:
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(a) Full accessibility to the offshore facilities and onshore plant, to ensure that all operational
and maintenance requirements can be fulfilled in an efficient manner.

(b) Security, protection and safety of the employees and the Plant.

(c) Compliance with the Safety and Security Directives (SSD) issued by the High Commission
for Industrial Security (HCIS) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

All main roads within the power station site shall be 10 m wide and minor roads 8.0 m wide. A
minor road system shall be provided to serve all buildings and structures, etc., on the Site. Security patrol
roads shall be provided inside/outside the site security fence. These patrol roads shall be minimum 4.60 m
wide, asphalt paved and provided with hard shoulders.

The roads network system may be constructed in asphaltic concrete but concrete paving shall be
provided where petrol/oil or other chemical spillage may occur. Concrete surfaces shall be coated with a
chemical resistant finish in areas where chemical spilling hazards exist.

The roads within the Site areas shall be constructed between raised curbs and graded to slopes that
lead surface water into RCC gullies and then to silt retaining catchpits that connect to the permanent drainage
system. The drainage system within the Site shall not rely on outfalls comprising soakaway type systems, but
rather rely on a gravity drainage piping system utilizing pump chambers to lift the water level where
necessary to create a new water head.

Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to maintain the free movement of traffic on any roads used
by him to gain access to the Site. All roads shall be maintained free of any spillage from Contractor’s

The radii of bends, particularly those at intersections, shall be designed to allow for the longest and
biggest vehicle necessary for the installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the power
station Site to take the bend in one manoeuvre without mounting the curb. A minimum radius of 15 m shall

Turning areas shall be provided at blind ends.

Bollards and/or barriers shall be provided at the edge of roadways adjacent to equipment to offer
protection against vehicular impact.

Footpaths shall be provided to facilitate the safe movement of pedestrians around the Site. Footpaths
shall be a minimum 2.3 m wide and shall be constructed using precast concrete slabs and curb stones.

Open areas not occupied by buildings, structures, etc., between roads shall receive a granular
surfacing layer 150 mm (6 inches) thick, or as may be specified otherwise, where concrete aprons and other
surfacing are required.

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The layout and construction of access roads, internal roads network, patrol roads and paved areas,
etc., shall be carefully assessed to effectively serve the power station arrangement, and to match with the
existing road system(s) where new road works meet those of the existing plant.

Construction of roads and parking areas shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of
SEC Construction Standards SCS-Q-001, Q-002 and Q-003. Other road requirements are specified herein.

Full-fledged CCTV system shall be proposed and installed around the Site with the consent and
approval of Company/Engineer for plant safety and security.

3.3.12 Turbine Building

( A – Steam turbine power plant )

(Turbine building shall be designed and provided according to contract requirements as specified in
scope of work and loading conditions.)

The turbines, turbine generators and auxiliaries shall be housed in a turbine generator building,
consisting of a turbine generator hall and auxiliary bays.

The building shall be a hot rolled structural steel framed structure or adequately designed RCC
structure totally enclosed with a combination of insulated concrete wall panels, insitu and precast or
insulated metal ‘factory assembled’, sandwich panel walls and roofing system for steel structure frame
design. Metal siding coating and fasteners shall be designed to withstand the effects of corrosive, moist sea
air and wind-blown sand for a minimum of thirty (30) years. The building shall be designed for minimum
two (2) hours fire rating with all the required services.

Turbine - Generator foundations etc. shall be designed as per the contract requirements, scope of
work and loading conditions.

Foundation above grade shall be protected with minimum 1mm thick elastomeric polyurethane
coating or other protection as approved.

The building shall be provided with toilet and messing facilities in two locations, arranged to
optimize travel distance, for staff, when working therein.

The operating floor shall be a continuous reinforced concrete slab with openings for equipment
handling (in case of steam turbine). Other floors shall be concrete with hardener or grating or chequered
plate as appropriate for their use and location.

Concrete and steel structures shall be designed and constructed from approved highly durable
materials to provide long-term protection from a corrosive environment (ie blended cements, epoxy coated
rebar, high build-up paints for steel, protection for concrete below grade) with the help of tanking with
bituminous felt membrane layers around the foundations and below ground structures.

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The area of the turbine generator hall shall be served by overhead travelling bridge crane(s) spanning
the hall and travelling the entire length of the building. Turbine hall crane(s) shall be operated from an
operators cab mounted below the crane bridge and to one side of the turbine hall. It shall be located so as to
give the operator as full a view as possible of all crane operations. Access to the cab shall be from a
walkway running the full length of the turbine hall.

The crane(s) shall be sized to handle the heaviest maintenance lift (which should include removal of
generator rotor, plus 10 per cent allowance for rigging) and, in addition to the main hoist, shall be provided
with an auxiliary hoist of not less than 10 tonnes lifting capacity. The crane shall be in accordance with
GEMSS-M-34, Turbine Hall Overhead Travelling Crane.

The deaerator, storage tanks, and other auxiliary equipment shall be housed in the mechanical
auxiliary bay. The boiler feed pumps and feed water heaters shall be housed within the steam turbine
generator hall or shall be housed in the auxiliary bay. If the boiler feed pumps cannot be served by the
turbine hall crane, alternative overhead travelling crane or separate mono-rail lifting system shall be provided
to handle the heaviest maintenance lift of the pumps and drives.
Switch gear Buildings :

These structures shall be designed in accordance with the design parameters specified in section
GEMSS- C-02 of this specification. Sizes and other details of these structures shall be governed by the
selection of equipment’s etc.,

recommendations from the vendors and final approval of design philosophy by the

In accordance with required configuration the switchgear buildings shall be provided for GTG and
STG units to accommodate the associated MV, LV. Auxiliary switchgear etc. for units and balance of plant.
The control panel shall be housed in the separate rooms. The battery charger and ups shall be installed in
separate rooms. The batteries shall be installed in the separate room. The building shall be provided with all
firefighting system, lighting system, HVAC system. The buildings shall be designed with extra space in
order to have provision for future expansion for at least two (2) more MV cubicles, one on each side of
switchgear and 2 more vertical sections of LV switchgears. Standard adequate maintenance clearances shall
be maintained from the walls and between switch gears & panels.

Toilets within 4.0 x 4.50 meters area shall be designed and proposed for Company/Engineer review
and approval .

The sizes and the detailed layout plan of all the equipment’s specified above shall be subject to
Company/Engineer review and approval during the detailed design review stage of the project.

Foundations for equipment with vibratory load such as turbine generator shall be designed by the
Contractor for dynamic loading. Cross-hole test shall be conducted during soil investigation to obtain the
soil dynamic shear modules.

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The foundation of the turbine generator area shall consist of a reinforced concrete mat and may
require to be supported by piles to suit the geotechnical conditions. The ground floor shall be a heavy duty
reinforced concrete coated with heavy duty non-skid paint coats finish slab on top of the foundation mat.
The ground floor of the turbine structure shall be completely concrete paved to the same level and cover all
steam turbines and laydown areas at the ground floor. The finish slab shall be sloped to floor drains or
drainage trenches. The operating floor structure shall be designed to withstand the turbine and generator
rotor weights. The operating floor shall have enough space in each unit to overhaul each units' turbine and
generator at the same time.

Adequate reinforced concrete laydown space shall be provided between steam turbine generators for
maintenance purposes at the turbine operating floor. The allocation of laydown space shall allow for the
simultaneous major overhaul of two adjacent units. Floor openings shall be provided at all levels for
lowering and lifting of equipment to the ground/ intermediate floors using the overhead travelling cranes as
per the contract requirements and scope of works. Either a permanent opening or removal gratings shall be
provided at all floors for accessing equipment through overhead cranes. Stairs and platforms shall be
provided for access to equipment as required for operation and maintenance. Safety railing shall be provided
around all the floor openings, platforms, stairs and walkways etc.

Access from the steam turbine operating floor shall be provided to all floors of the Central Control
Building. Access from the turbine building to the boilers shall be provided at the locations and elevations
specified in GEMSS-M-04 or GEMSS-M-05, as applicable.

(B- Simple cycle and combined cycle power plant )

(Turbine building shall be designed and provided according to contract requirements as specified in
scope of work and loading conditions) The turbines, turbine generators shall be housed in a common
Turbine Generator Building,, consisting of a turbine generator hall .

The auxiliaries shall be accommodated in a separate adjoining building.

The building shall be a hot-rolled structural steel framed structure with insulated metal ‘factory
assembled’ sandwich panel walls and roofing system, or a RCC structure totally enclosed with a combination
of in-situ and precast insulated concrete wall panels. siding fasteners shall be designed to withstand the
effects of corrosive, moist sea air and windblown sand for a minimum design life of thirty (30) years. The
building shall be designed for a minimum of two (2) hours fire rating with all the required services.

The building shall be provided with toilet and messing facilities in two locations, arranged to
optimize travel distance for staff when working therein.

Concrete and steel structures shall be designed and constructed from approved highly durable
materials to provide long-term protection from a corrosive environment. These materials include blended
cements, epoxy coated rebar, high build-up paints for steel, and protection for concrete below grade by the
use of tanking with bituminous felt membrane layers around the foundations and below ground structures.

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The area of the turbine generator hall shall be serviced by overhead travelling bridge crane(s)
spanning the hall and travelling the entire length of the building. Turbine hall crane(s) shall be operated from
an operators cab mounted below the crane bridge and to one side of the turbine hall. It shall be located so as
to give the operator as full a view as possible of all crane operations. Access to the cab shall be from a
walkway running the full length of the turbine hall.

The crane(s) shall be sized to handle the heaviest maintenance lift (which should include removal of
the generator rotor, plus 10 per cent allowance for rigging) and, in addition to the main hoist, shall be
provided with an auxiliary hoist of not less than 10 tonnes lifting capacity. The crane shall be in accordance
with GEMSS-M-34 ’Crane, Lifting Equipment & Elevators’.
Switch gear Buildings :
These structures shall be designed in accordance with the design parameters specified in section GEMSS- C-
02 of this specification. Sizes and other details of these structures shall be governed by the selection of
equipment’s etc.,
recommendations from the vendors and final approval of design philosophy by the Company/Engineer.
In accordance with required configuration the switchgear buildings shall be provided for GTG and STG units
to accommodate the associated MV, LV. Auxiliary switchgear etc. for units and balance of plant. The control
panel shall be housed in the separate rooms. The battery charger and ups shall be installed in separate rooms.
The batteries shall be installed in the separate room. The building shall be provided with all firefighting
system, lighting system, HVAC system. The buildings shall be designed with extra space in order to have
provision for future expansion for at least two (2) more MV cubicles, one on each side of switchgear and
2 more vertical sections of LV switchgears. Standard adequate maintenance clearances shall be maintained
from the walls and between switch gears & panels.
Toilets within 4.0 x 4.50 meters area shall be designed and proposed for Company/Engineer review and
approval .
The sizes and the detailed layout plan of all the equipment’s specified above shall be subject to
Company/Engineer review and approval during the detailed design review stage of the project.

Foundations for equipment with vibratory loads, such as the turbine generator, shall be designed by
the Contractor for dynamic loading. Cross-hole test shall be conducted during soil investigation to obtain the
soil dynamic shear modulus.

Foundations for turbine generators shall be independent of adjacent foundations and buildings.
Concrete slabs or paving adjacent to the turbine foundation shall have a 30 mm (minimum width) isolation
joint around the foundation using approved elastic joint filler with sealant on top.

The foundation for the turbine generator shall consist of a reinforced concrete mat and may require
to be supported on piles to suit the geotechnical conditions. The building ground floor shall be a heavy duty
reinforced concrete slab coated with heavy duty non-skid paint finish. The ground floor surface of the turbine

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structure shall be completely concrete paved to the same level as that of all the other steam turbines and
laydown areas at the ground floor. The floor finish surface shall be sloped to floor drains or drainage
trenches. The turbine structure at the operating floor level shall be designed to withstand the turbine and
generator rotor weights, as well as the equipment dynamic loads. The operating floor shall have enough
space in each unit to overhaul each units' turbine and generator at the same time.

Adequate reinforced concrete laydown space shall be provided between steam turbine generators for
maintenance purposes at the turbine operating floor. The allocation of laydown space shall allow for the
simultaneous major overhaul of two adjacent units. Floor openings shall be provided at all levels for
lowering and lifting of equipment to the ground/ intermediate floors using the overhead travelling cranes.
Either a permanent opening or removable gratings shall be provided at all floors for accessing equipment
through overhead cranes. Stairs and platforms shall be provided for access to equipment, as required, for
operation and maintenance. Safety railing shall be provided around all the floor openings, platforms, stairs
and walkways, etc.

Access from the steam turbine operating floor shall be provided to all floors of the Central Control
Building. Access from the Turbine Building to the boilers shall be provided at the locations and elevations as
specified in GEMSS-M-04 or GEMSS-M-05, as applicable.
3.3.13 Boiler / HRSG

(Shall be provided according to contract requirements and scope of work)

The boilers/HRSG shall be supported by a hot-rolled structural steel frame, which shall include
access to all levels of the boiler/HRSG. At least two sets of main access stairs shall be provided for each unit
from ground level to the roof level. The steel frame shall be protected against fire hazards.

The floors at the burner locations shall be concrete or chequered plate covers supported over
adequate steel framework.

The top of the boiler structure shall be provided with a roof and sunscreen fascia at the top level. The
fascia shall consist of excellent quality un-insulated metal siding which will extend down to the Selective
Catalytic Reduction (SCR) level. The canopy shall slope towards gutters, so that rainwater can be collected
and led to the site drains. Roof canopies shall also be provided over the SCR, to provide protection to staff
replacing the catalyst. Burner platforms shall be provided with partially open shelters to protect them from
rain and sun. Instrument and electrical panels shall be provided with suitable sun and weather protection

One service/passenger elevator for each Boiler Unit shall be provided in accordance with GEMSS-
M-34. The elevators shall be installed in a hoist-way consisting of a structural steel shaft fully enclosed with
metal cladding.

Elevator stops and platforms shall be arranged to provide direct access to the various levels of the
boiler structure, from the ground floor level up to the highest platform level that requires routine access in

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the boiler structure. At a minimum, each elevator shall stop at the ground floor, burner operating floors, feed-
water control station, deaerator and main girder levels of the boiler/HRSG structure.

The general area of the boiler/HRSG structure at the ground level shall be provided with reinforced
concrete slabs. Drains shall be provided within the paved area to provide general surface water drainage and
equipment drainage, as required. Drainage from equipment containing oil or chemicals shall be collected in
separate plant drainage systems and treated accordingly. Materials selected for the drainage system shall be
appropriate for their use.

Access floors, platforms and walkways shall be provided at various levels throughout the height of
the structure. Interconnecting walkways between each boiler unit, and between boiler and turbine hall, shall
be provided at the locations and elevations specified in GEMSS-M-04 or GEMSS-M-05, as applicable.
Ppersonnel access, staircases and walkways shall have a minimum width of 1.2 m and shall be provided with
safety handrails and kick plates.

The boiler/HRSG structure shall have multiple bays with multiple spans and shall be supported by
the boiler/HRSG support steelwork. The boiler/HRSG supports shall be semi-rigid structures with braced
frames in both the span and bay directions. The boilers/HRSG shall be top supported.

Personnel access to higher levels in the boiler/HRSG house shall be provided by means of staircases
and an elevator off the boiler area floor.

The roof shall be clad with a single pitch, sloping at 4 degrees. The sidewalls shall be either partially
clad at certain levels or clad to ground level. Roof and sidewall cladding shall be high quality extra thick
aluminium panels factory coated with corrosion resistant paint. Access shall be provided to the auxiliary bay
and between boilers/HRSG on a minimum of two levels, subject to approval by the Company/Engineer.

All boiler/HRSG drain pipelines shall be accommodated in reinforced concrete channels covered
with removable precast concrete slabs to provide access for repair and maintenance.

The boiler/HRSG structure shall be illuminated adequately.

3.3.14 Administration Building including all Employee Facilities

(Administration Building including all employee facilities shall be provided according to
contract requirements and scope of work)

The Administration Building shall be designed as a R.C.C structure with two escalators of 1000 kg
lifting capacity, and with two numbers of R.C.C stair case access.

The primary function of the Administration Building is to provide a fully functional and comfortable
workplace for the plant management and administrative staff. The Training Centre, Laboratory Rooms, Main
Kitchen and Canteen are to be located inside the Administration Building. All rooms shall be suitably sized
for the intended equipment and usage. The Administration Building shall be a two-storey building of
required size as specified in scope of works but not be limited to, the following:

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(a) Main Reception area.

(b) One Plant Manager office with en-suite toilet facilities.

(c) Seven Manager offices.

(d) One Supervisor room, suitably sized for four staff.

(e) Large general purpose office(s), suitably sized for eighty-two staff.

(f) Eight general administration offices suitably sized for management secretaries.

(g) One Conference Room suitably sized for thirty staff.

(h) Four meeting rooms each suitably sized for twelve staff.

(i) Kitchen facilities suitable for the preparation of drinks and light snacks.

(j) Toilet and washroom facilities including showers shall be provided for staff members and a
minimum 80 lockers shall be provided in a separate locker room.

(k) One computer and communications room.

(l) One suitably sized archive room.

(m) One first aid centre, supported with patient waiting room and dispensary.

(n) Two no’s of Lift of 1000 kg lifting capacity shall be provided to travel between ground, first
floor and roof level, the lift shall be included if the building has more than one storey.

(o) One fully furnished prayer room for one hundred persons, suitably orientated and supported
with modern toilets and ablution facilities for 25 persons.

(p) Training Centre.

(q) Laboratory Rooms.

(r) Main Kitchen and secondary kitchen facility at the first floor.

(s) Canteen with fifty (50) persons dining capacity.

The Training Centre shall include the following:

(a) Reception area.

(b) Managers office.

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(c) General purpose office for two staff.

(d) Meeting room for ten staff.

(e) Library.

(f) Modern and fully furnished auditorium for one hundred (100) persons.

Following structures shall be designed as enclosed R.C.C structures.

3.3.15 Plant laboratory(s):-

The Laboratory Rooms shall include the I&C laboratory, electrical laboratory and metallographic
laboratory. (The cchemical laboratory is a separate facility). The laboratories shall be fully equipped to safely
monitor all of the parameters required for the efficient operation of the power station.

3.3.16 Canteen Building :-

The primary function of the Canteen building is the catering for staff on the power plant. The
building shall be a single storey building and suitably sized to include but not limited to:

 Entrance Lobby

 Fully furnished and equipped Dining Hall for minimum 120 persons.

 Servery

 Main Kitchen

 Food Storage and Refrigeration etc.

 Storage for Table/Chairs etc.

 Offices

 Changing/Locker Room for catering staff.

 Prayer Room

 Washroom and Toilets

 Plant Rooms

 Janitor Room

 Waste Storage

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The Main Kitchen shall be designed and equipped with all the necessary cooking, ventilation and
cleaning facilities for the preparation and serving of hot meals, drinks and snacks for 120 persons at the same
time. The Contractor shall fully equip the kitchen with the necessary plumbing and fixtures, and appliances
such as gas cookers, freezers, refrigerators and industrial dish washers.

A Staff Canteen shall be suitably sized and designed for 120 persons to dine at the same time. The
Canteen shall also have modern eastern and western style toilets. All furniture shall be supplied by the
Contractor. All tables, chairs, cooking utensils, crockery and cutlery shall be provided by the Contractor. The
auditorium shall be designed with the latest modern facilities for a minimum 100 persons seating capacity,
including internet connection and all other facilities required and approved by the Company/Engineer.

3.3.17 Central Control Building (CCB)

(Central Control Building (CCB) size and facilities of the building shall be provided as per the
contract requirement and scope of work)

The primary function of the Central Control Building is to provide a control room and control
equipment enclosure.

The Central Control Building shall be a reinforced concrete enclosed structure separate from the
Turbine Building block. It shall be suitably located so that it can service the facility. There shall be one
common Central Control Room (CCR) located near the Turbine Building. The building shall be serviced by
an elevator to all floors.

The arrangement of the CCR shall be carefully planned to form a pleasing and functional facility,
with a high standard of architectural design which is to integrate with the overall design concept for the
remainder of the site. All fixtures, fittings and finishes shall be of high quality, and appropriate to their
function and location within the building.

The three levels of the Central Control Room Building shall include the following functional areas:

(a) Operating Floor Level. The operating level shall be the building’s top floor. This floor shall
be level with and accessible from the turbine generator operating floor. This floor shall
include a control room for all four units, two control cabinet/programming rooms each
servicing two units, shift engineer's office, assistant superintendent of operations office,
miscellaneous use office, a conference room for 20 people, a document/secretary room, file
storage room, operation materials and miscellaneous equipment storage, break room for 15
to 20 shift personnel, a locker room for 80 employees, a prayer room for the control
operators, and restrooms equipped with eastern and western style toilet fixtures.

(b) Mezzanine Floor. This floor shall be level with and accessible from the Turbine Building
mezzanine floor. It shall include two cable spreading areas and a simulator training area. The
simulator training area shall include a simulator room with instructor's alcove, a computer
room, two classrooms, and supervisor and instructor's offices. The mezzanine floor shall also
include a break room for 15 to 20 employees, a locker room for 80 employees, restrooms

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similar to those on the top floor, a miscellaneous use office and an instrumentation

(c) Ground Floor. The ground floor shall include a drive-through two-way roadway, a furnished
plant prayer area with an enclosed prayer hall for 50 persons and an ablution area, a plant
toilet equipped with eastern and western style toilet fixtures, and an electrical/equipment
room. Corridors shall be provided to connect this ground floor with the Turbine Building
ground floor. The plant laboratory, its storage, plant chemist's office, and two
battery/electrical rooms are also located on the ground floor.

(d) An elevator shall be provided with a 1000 kg lifting capacity. The elevator equipment room
and a mechanical (HVAC) room shall be located on the building roof. The stairs adjacent to
the elevator shaft shall be extended to the roof.

The floor to suspended ceiling height for all rooms shall not be less than 3 metres.

Suspended ceilings shall be provided throughout. Light fittings and ventilation grills, etc., shall be
flush fitting, and all ducts, pipes and services shall be concealed above the ceiling.

The control room shall have access flooring level with the building floor, using a false floor system.

Doors provided solely as a means of emergency escape shall be fitted with panic bars and shall not
be openable from the outside.

Solar reflective double glazing shall be provided throughout to all windows and doors. Opening
lights shall be provided for a proportion of all window areas.

All offices shall be fully furnished to a standard and style appropriate to the proposed occupancy to
meet the Company’s approval.

Contractor shall offer an arrangement which provides a reasonable degree of flexibility and scope for

A passenger elevator shall be provided in accordance with GEMSS-M-34, to service all floors.

Externally a 1.5 m wide pathway shall be provided all around the building with access to the
entrance and escape doors. This path shall be edged with curbs set in concrete and surfaced with precast
concrete paving slabs. Vestibules shall be provided to prevent the ingress of dust and loss of cool air.
Adequate covered parking facilities shall be provided adjacent to or in front of the building. Both the
building roof and the external area around the building shall have an adequately designed stormwater
drainage system. Building shall be provided with lift access for 12 persons, accessible to all the floors
inclusive of final roof level. The building shall also be provided with RCC staircase access throughout the
building, inclusive of three (3) emergency step access staircases at selected locations.

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3.3.18 Mosque

A fully furnished Mosque shall be designed as a RCC structure and constructed to accommodate 250
persons at one time. The floor area shall not be less than 1200 square metres. The construction and finishes
shall be of the highest standards. The aesthetics shall be developed to be in line with local practices and shall
include minaret, main dome/cupolas, and other distinguished features.

The internal spaces shall include a prayer hall, courtyard, minaret, ablution area, toilet area, shower
rooms, plant room and storage room. A large flight of decorative steps covered with marble shall lead to the
main entrance and courtyard.

The prayer hall shall be orientated such that the widest side of the prayer hall accurately faces
Makkah, with a ‘Mehrab’ (semicircular recess covered with a half dome, beset in the centre of the wall
facing Makkah) provided inside the prayer hall. The prayer hall shall include a main dome/cupola and
bookshelves shall be provided at the rear wall of the prayer hall. The clear floor to ceiling height in the
prayer hall shall not be less than 5 m.

The prayer hall shall be provided with a gentle sound system interfaced with the public address

The courtyard shall be enclosed and shall lead to the prayer room from the main entrance. The
courtyard shall be used for circulation, as a buffer area between the prayer hall and the exterior, and as
additional prayer space when required.

The support areas shall include a storage room, an HVAC/electrical room, an ablution facility, and
toilet rooms and shower rooms. Shoe storage racks shall be provided at the Mosque’s main entrance.

Externally a 1.5 m wide pathway shall be provided all around the building with access to the main
entrance and egress doors, and connection with the main pedestrian routes.

3.3.19 Fire Station

(Capacity of fire station shall be designed as per the contract requirements and the scope of work)

The Fire Station shall be designed as an enclosed single-storey R.C.C structure building with a floor area as
specified in the scope of work for the contract . The building shall provide work space for the fire fighting
staff and parking/storage for fire apparatus, vehicles, equipment, etc., and include, but not be limited to, the

(a) Firefighting equipment stores for firefighting suits and helmets, oxygen cylinders in separate
secure store, hoses and pumps store, etc.

(b) Test Centre for fire equipment.

(c) Two offices.

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(d) Kitchen/Mess Room.

(e) Toilets, shower and locker.

(f) Vehicles garage comprising sufficient space for the storage and parking for one fire tender,
one foam trailer, one fire security vehicle.

3.3.20 First Aid Building and Ambulance Station

The First Aid Building and Ambulance Station shall be designed as a single-storey RCC structure
building with a floor area of not less than 400 square metres. The building shall provide work space for the
medical staff and parking/storage for apparatus, vehicles, equipment, ambulance, etc., and include, but not be
limited to, the following:

(a) First aid room complete with examination couch and modesty curtain, hand wash basin and
secure storage facility for medical supplies.

(b) Two offices.

(c) Waiting lounge.

(d) Kitchen/Mess Room.

(e) Eastern style toilets and showers.

(f) Western style toilets and showers.

(g) Garage comprising sufficient space for the storage and parking for an ambulance and a
doctor’s vehicle.

3.3.21 Hydrogen Gas Generation Building

The hydrogen generation and storage systems shall supply hydrogen to each generator for cooling at
the pressure recommended by the turbine generator manufacturer.

The hydrogen production station shall be a structural steel frame building with two open bays. A roof
steel structure with a monorail shall cover both bays.

A detailed description of the equipment to be located inside and outside the hydrogen generation
building is provided in GEMSS-M-30.

The walls shall be pre-finished corrugated metal siding/liner panels. All walls shall be clad with
explosion relief panels. Floor shall be concrete slab with hardener and sealer finish. Roof shall be built-up
roof on insulation and steel deck.

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The hydrogen generation and storage buildings shall be located in a safe area, in accordance with the
requirements of NFPA.

3.3.22 H2, CO2 and N2 bottles shelter

The H2, CO2 and N2 bottles storage shall be protected under a suitable shelter. The bottles storage
area shall be a centralized facility with compartments for each type of gas and sized to accommodate the
requirements of the Plant. A detailed description of the equipment to be located at the centralized bottle
storage area is provided in GEMSS-M-30.

3.3.23 Emergency Diesel Generator Building

The Emergency Diesel Generator Building shall be designed as a steel framed structure constructed
with hot-rolled structural steel sections, and shall be fully enclosed with factory assembled insulated metal
wall panels. The building shall be provided with an exhaust stack and shall house the emergency diesel
generator plant, electrical switchgear and controls, to ensure that the equipment is always available as
essential facilities and free from damage and degradation from the elements. The engine room shall be
ventilated and the adjacent electrical switchgear and control rooms shall be adequately air-conditioned.

A bridge crane with motor-operated hoist and trolley shall be provided to service the generator
equipment. Adequate equipment maintenance access shall be provided in the layout arrangement.

The foundation for the emergency diesel package units shall be sized to facilitate ease of plant
installation, and satisfactory plant operation and maintenance. Galvanized chequered plate sub-floors and
trench systems shall be provided, as necessary, to facilitate access to the fuel piping, pumps, input and output
cables. Floors and trenches shall be laid to drain to floor gullies, which shall be connected to the drainage
system via an oil interceptor.

Contractor shall determine the requirements for foundation supports.

The building exterior walls up to +3.00 metres high shall be 360 mm thick insulated CMU walls,
capped with a 250 mm deep concrete coping beam. The CMU walls shall be plastered and painted or
provided with normal Wight concrete insulated walls approved thickness. The walls height shall be minimum
3.25 meters high. Rest of the walls height shall be agreed upon later at design development stage.
The roof shall be provided with lightweight roof covering, complete with lighting and ventilation
For each generator, a sheltered distillate fuel day tank contained within a RCC containment dyked
area shall be provided outside the building. Access facilities for tank filling from a road tanker shall be

3.3.24 Water Treatment Plant Building and Chemical Storage

The water treatment plant shall be housed in a single-storey steel framed structure building with
insulated metal panel wall system and insulated roofing system with a 30 year durable service life. The
building shall have a reinforced concrete slab-on-grade floor.

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The building and equipment shall be supported on reinforced concrete foundations.

The building exterior walls up to +3.00 metres high shall be 360 mm thick insulated CMU walls,
capped with a 250 mm deep concrete coping beam. The CMU walls shall be plastered and painted. The
remaining height of the exterior walls shall be clad with factory assembled insulated metal wall panels.

An area shall be provided to accommodate office(s), furnished kitchen, MCC Room, Control Room,
storage, CPP regeneration, Water Testing Laboratory, Oil Laboratory, truck unloading area, neutralization
basins, washroom complete with toilet (WC), etc.

The interior walls of the above listed areas shall be constructed of masonry and finished with plaster
and paint or tile finish, depending on the functional use of the enclosed area. Occupied areas shall have
suspended acoustical tile ceilings. The washroom shall be provided with two (2) water closets, one eastern
and one western style, and including a shower and wash basin facility.

Acid and caustic bulk storage tanks shall be located in curbed areas to contain any leakage of these
chemicals. Curbed areas shall be protected with chemical resistant tile finish. Safety showers and eyewash
fountains shall be located in close proximity to these areas.

Floor drains shall be provided and directed to the neutralization sump.

The neutralization pit shall be of reinforced concrete construction with special coating on all exposed
concrete surfaces for protection against corrosion.

Softener/clarifier and clear well shall be of reinforced concrete construction.

Concrete ring beam foundations shall be provided for the demineralized water tank. All tanks shall
be installed on properly compacted sub-base layers.

All foundation works shall conform to the requirements of the tank manufacturer and API Standards.

A monorail and hoist system shall be provided for servicing and handling equipment.

All materials and equipment, including the paint systems, shall be designed to resist the corrosive
action of salt water and abrasion due to sand storms.

3.3.25 Seawater Desalination Plant

(Seawater desalination plant shall be designed and provided as per the contract scope of work)

The equipment related to these facilities shall be in accordance with GEMSS-M-15, GEMSS-M-16
and this Specification, as applicable.

Between adjacent desalination units, sufficient clearance shall be provided to enable proper
installation and maintenance.

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Construction materials to be used for seawater desalination plant shall be acceptable for use for the
seawater and chemicals being handled. Cathodic protection shall be provided, where required.

The floor of the seawater desalination plant shall be concrete-paved with non-skid floor coating and
shall incorporate an approved floor drainage system.

The acid storage and handling equipment shall be located in a well designed curbed area to contain
any leakage of the chemicals within the specified area. This area shall drain to the neutralization basin.
Safety showers and eyewash stations shall be located in close proximity to these areas.

Switchgears and ccontrols for the desalination equipment shall be located in a dedicated air-
conditioned water treatment control building. All materials and equipment, including the paint system, shall
be designed to withstand the corrosive action of salt water, and windblown dust and sand environment.

3.3.26 Pump Houses (fuel oil, fire water, distilled water, demineralized water,
service water, potable water, foam)
Fuel pumps shall be housed in a shelter. Shelters shall have a sun-shade roof with 750 mm wide
facia around the shelter roof to prevent sun and rain and at ground level a 2.0 meter high dado wall enclosure
shall be provided to prevent un authorize access. The design shall be such that it affords sound protection to
the equipment from the elements and wind blown agents. All other pumps shall be housed in enclosed
Fire water, distilled water, demineralized water, service water and potable water pump houses shall
be located in the water storage tanks area.
Foam pump house shall be located near the fuel oil storage area to provide fire protection for the fuel
oil tanks.
A detailed description of the equipment to be installed inside and outside the various pump house
buildings is provided under the relevant plant system sections reference in the GEMSS-M series of
Galvanized chequered plate sub-floors shall be provided, as necessary, to facilitate easy access to the
pumps. Floors shall be laid to slope away from pumps and floor trenches shall be provided to drain into floor
drainage gullies, which shall be connected to the site drainage system via a suitable oil interceptor.

Pump house building structures shall consist of reinforced concrete or structural steel frames with
concrete floor slabs. Walls shall be covered with coated profiled metal cladding panels. Roof covers shall be
built-up insulated roofs on steel decks.

Foundations and substructures for the pump houses shall be built of reinforced concrete and designed
to withstand the corrosive action of the groundwater.

All pump houses shall have overhead travelling bridge cranes to lift the pumps and other equipment
during installation and maintenance. Crane rails, complete with buffer end stops, and downshop power
conductors shall be installed for the crane’s full travel length within each building. The cranes shall be
designed to be capable of lifting the heaviest piece of equipment to be installed. The local controls for all

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pumps, jockey pumps and air compressors for the accumulators shall be located within air-conditioned

Pumps shall be supplied and installed complete, and in accordance with pump manufacturer's
instructions, including piping, valves, instrumentation, power supply and control cabinets.

All materials and equipment, including the paint systems, located at the pump houses shall be
designed to withstand the corrosive action of salt water and the windblown sand environment.

A diesel fuel tank, complete with containment bund walls, shall be provided outside the fire pump
house. A foam tank and all necessary distribution pipework shall also be supplied and installed.

3.3.27 Electro-chlorination Building

The Electro-chlorination Building shall be a steel frame enclosed structure with concrete slab floor
and built-up insulated roof on steel decks. The building shall provide support and enclosure facilities for the
electrolytic cell modules, rectifiers and controls. Hand operated hoists with trolleys shall be provided to
service the cell modules and any other auxiliary equipment located in the cell room of the building.

Adequate ventilation shall be provided in the cell room for purposes of protection and safety in the
event of an escape of hydrogen gas. Hydrogen detectors shall be installed above the cell modules. Care shall
be taken, particularly in the roof design, to ensure that there are no dead pockets in which hydrogen gas can
accumulate. Adequately sized, liberally sloped containment and drainage shall be provided for the cell room
floor to prevent any flooding due to water spillage in the cell room. The cell room floor shall be provided
with suitable chemical resistant coating to protect against acid. All footings and supports from the cell room
floor shall be designed with consideration of acid spillage and seawater spillage. The cell room shall be
adequately sized to provide convenient maintenance access to the electro-chlorination cells and other
equipment. The room housing the electronics, controls and switchgear shall be suitably air-conditioned. The
caustic and acid storage and handling equipment shall be located in curbed areas to contain any leakage of
these chemicals within the specified areas. These areas shall be drained to a neutralization basin. Curbed
areas shall be protected with chemical resistant coating. Safety showers and eyewash facilities shall be
located in close proximity to these areas.

Motor operated rolling shutters of adequate size shall be provided to allow equipment to be moved
into and out of the building. The hoists shall have adequate coverage for this purpose.

The caustic and acid storage skids and handling areas shall be protected with an acid resistant
coating system as per manufacturer's recommendation. The total DFT thickness shall be not less than
3.2 mm.

3.3.28 Seawater Intake Electrical Building

(Seawater intake electrical building Building shall be provided as per the contract requirements
and scope of work)

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An enclosed air-conditioned electrical building of reinforced concrete construction shall be provided

near to the seawater intake pump house to support and protect the switchgear, motor control centres and
control cabinets for the seawater supply. The building shall also be provided with an air–conditioned and
furnished break room and toilets for the O&M staff working at the intake area. A separate air-conditioned
room shall be provided in the building for a field operator, with a monitoring station for all equipment at the
seawater intake pump house.

3.3.29 Fuel Treatment Plant

Each fuel treatment plant facility shall comprise an enclosed structure with heavy duty non-skid
RCC floor. The treatment plant skid shall be installed on a prepared concrete foundation, complete with
drainage sump leading to the nearest contaminated oil containment pit.

3.3.30 FGD Absorber/Scrubber Towers

(This facility shall be provided as per contract requirements and scope of work)

The FGD plant will be located outdoors near the precipitator and ash handling plant. One flue gas
absorber/scrubber tower shall be provided per unit.

The general area around the FGD shall be paved with a reinforced concrete slab. Drains shall be
provided within the paved area and the slab shall be laid to slope to the floor drains.

A building shall be provided to house the FGD switchgear and controls. The building shall comprise
a concrete or steel structure with insulated metal wall and roofing system, and shall be air-conditioned.

Water for the seawater scrubbing process will be taken from the seal weir pits at a location to be
determined by the Contractor.

Waste water from the FGD scrubbing process will be routed to the CW discharge/aeration

3.3.31 Aeration Building

The FGD aeration building shall be fully enclosed and sized to accommodate the maximum number
of blowers to be determined by the Contractor to achieve the necessary aeration of the seawater.

A detailed description of the equipment to be located inside and outside the FGD aeration blower
building is provided in GEMSS-M-08.

3.3.32 Precipitators and Ash Removal Foundations and Structures

(This facility shall be provided as per contract requirements and scope of work)

The general area below the electrostatic precipitators shall be paved with a reinforced concrete slab.
Drains shall be provided within the paved area and the slab shall be laid to slope to the drains to allow for

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washing down of the paved area. The drains from this area shall be routed to the collection sump and to a
common service waste water drainage system, as appropriate.

A building shall be provided to house the ash handling switchgear and controls. The building shall
comprise a concrete or steel structure with insulated and fire proof metal wall and roofing system, and shall
be air-conditioned.

Ash handling equipment, including compressors, heaters/dryers, aeration blowers, filters and
silencers, shall be provided within enclosed shelters to protect the equipment from windblown dust, sand,
sun and rain. The general area below the shelters shall be paved with concrete.

Ash silos with truck unloading facilities shall be provided with road access. A minimum 3.7 m
clearance shall be provided to ash unloading chutes.

3.3.33 Workshop Building

(Workshop building shall be provided as per the contract requirements and scope of work.
the Building shall be a combination of hot rolled steel and R.C.C. works)

The Workshop Building shall be designed as a steel framed building constructed of hot-rolled
structural steel sections. The building shall be fully enclosed. The exterior walls up to three (3) metres high
shall be 360 mm thick insulated CMU walls, capped with a 250 mm deep concrete coping beam. The CMU
walls shall be plastered and painted. The remaining height of the exterior walls shall be clad with factory
assembled insulated metal wall panels. The roof shall be provided with lightweight roof covering.

The Workshop Building shall be a three-storey building with a floor area of not less than
4500 square metres. The facility shall be designed to accommodate the requirements of 350 staff. The
building floors shall be located as follows:

Ground Floor level: +0.0 metres (Plant Site Elevation).

First Floor level: +4.750 metres (Plant Site Elevation).

Second Floor level: +10.650 metres (Plant Site Elevation).

Rooftop elevation: To be determined.

The building shall include, be not be limited to, the following:

(a) Mechanical Workshop with a 45 tonne capacity overhead travelling (OHT) crane.

(b) Electrical Workshop with a 25 tonne capacity OHT crane.

(c) Instrument Workshop.

(d) Welding Workshop.

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(e) Material Stores.

(f) General Stores.

(g) Tool Stores.

(h) Offices.

(i) Meeting Room.

(j) Training Room for 50 people.

(k) Kitchen and Mess facilities.

(l) Locker, washroom and toilet facilities.

(m) Prayer facilities for 150 staff.

(n) Toilets and shower rooms.

(o) Ablution facilities.

(p) Plant Rooms.

(q) Janitors Room.

The minimum ceiling height in the Electrical and Mechanical Workshops shall be not less than 20

The detailed layout arrangement for all the floor levels shall be subject to agreement by the
Company/Engineer at the detailed design development stage.

3.3.34 Warehouse and Storage Building

(Warehouse and Storage building shall be provided as per the contract requirements and scope of
work and shall be a combination of hot rolled steel structure and R.C.C. works)

The Warehouse and Storage Building shall be constructed of hot-rolled structural steel sections. The
building shall be fully enclosed. The exterior walls up to 2.40 m high shall be 360 mm thick insulated CMU
walls, capped with a 250 mm deep concrete coping beam. The CMU walls shall be plastered and painted.
The remaining height of the exterior walls shall be clad with factory assembled insulated metal wall panels.
The roof shall be provided with roof covering. The Warehouse and Storage Building shall have a combined
floor area of not less than 6000 square metres and shall be designed to accommodate the requirements of 6
staff. The building shall be segregated and optimized to include, but not be limited to, the following:

(a) High Storage Racks area with storage racks.

(b) General Storage area with shelving.

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(c) Heavy Parts Storage area with an OHT crane.

(d) Special Parts Storage area.

(e) Staging/Receiving/Shipping area.

(f) Bottled Gas Hazardous Storage area.

(g) Hazardous Material Storage area.

(h) Partially covered material storage yard.

(i) Fully furnished offices.

(j) Filing/Storage area.

(k) Locker, washroom and toilet facilities.

(l) Kitchen and Mess facilities.

(m) Plant Rooms.

(n) Janitors Room.

Provisions for future expansion of the buildings shall be included in the design.

The detailed layout arrangement for all the floor levels shall be subject to agreement by the
Company/Engineer at the detailed design development stage.

3.3.35 General Maintenance Building including abrasive blasting shelter and

welding shelter
(General Maintenance Building including abrasive blasting shelter, and welding shelter shall be
designed and provided as per the contract scope of work)

The General Maintenance Building shall comprise off-plant workshops, storage and shelters for
abrasive blasting and welding.

The General Maintenance Building (GMB) shall have a floor area of not less than
2000 square metres and the facility shall be designed to accommodate the requirements of 150 staff. The
GMB shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

(a) Paint Storage.

(b) Paint Shop.

(c) Light Vehicle Workshop.

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(d) Heavy Vehicle Workshop with a 25 tonne capacity OHT crane.

(e) Automotive Parts Store.

(f) Heavy Equipment Workshop with a 45 tonne capacity OHT crane.

(g) Carpentry Workshop.

(h) Lubricants and Oil Storage.

(i) General Maintenance Workshop.

(j) HVAC Workshop.

(k) Machine Tool Workshop.

(l) NDT Laboratory.

(m) Supplies and Storage Room.

(n) Offices.

(o) Kitchen and Mess facilities.

(p) Restroom, locker, washroom and toilet facilities.

(q) Prayer facilities for 50 staff.

(r) Ablution facilities.

(s) Plant Rooms.

(t) Janitors Room.

Attached to the General Maintenance Building shall be a shelter for shot blasting and a shelter for
welding, each having an area of not less than 400 square metres.

3.3.36 Paved Open Storage Area with Shelter

A paved open storage area, not less than the area specified in contract scope of work, this facility
shall be provided adjacent to the General Maintenance Building. The open storage area shall have a shelter,
be enclosed by a fence and include gates for pedestrian and vehicular access. The paving shall be laid to
falls and include drainage. External area lighting shall be provided.

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3.3.37 Security Main Gatehouse

(Security Main Gatehouse shall be sized and provided as per the contract scope of work)
The Security Main Gatehouse shall be a single storey building with a floor area as specified in
contract scope of work. The building shall provide work space for the security staff posted at the main gate.
The design and construction shall comply with requirements of the Ministry of Interior – High Commission
of Industrial Security and SEC industrial security as well. The building shall include, but not limited to: the

(a) Reception area. The layout of this area shall include segregated entry and exit doors, a
suitable continuous desk for at least three seated guards with desk access gate,
Security Control Room, toilet and kitchen facilities, area lighting, car parking, lighting,
telephone, public address system, paved and covered shelter of suitable size, etc.

(b) Main gate and gatehouse area. The layout of this area shall incorporate all necessary security
barriers, gates and controllers for pedestrian and vehicular entry to/exit from the Site.

3.3.38 Plant Industrial Security Building

(Plant Industrial Security building shall be sized and provided as per the contract scope of work)
The Plant Industrial Security building shall be two storied, RCC building with a floor area as
specified in contract scope of work.. The building shall provide work space for the Industrial Security and
Safety staff. The building shall be fully furnished with approved furniture and furnishings, and be equipped
with all the required services. The building shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

(a) Offices for security and safety staff.

(b) Conference/Lecture Room.

(c) Industrial Security Control Room.

(d) I/D Card Room.

(e) Administration Room.

(f) Archive.

(g) Plant Room(s).

(h) Kitchen/Mess Room.

(i) Toilets/Washroom.

(j) Prayer Room.

(k) Soft landscaping with an irrigation and drainage system.

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3.3.39 National Guard Compound, including management office, recreation

facility, living quarters, car park and vehicle workshop
(National Guard Compound, including management office, recreation facility, living quarters,
car park and vehicle workshop shall be sized and provided as per the contract scope of work)
The buildings shall be designed and constructed as approved RCC structure buildings.
The National Guard Compound shall comprise a management office, recreation facility, living
quarters, car park and vehicle workshop.
The management office shall be a single storey building with an approved floor area for this
building. The building shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

(a) Lobby.

(b) Manager’s office.

(c) General offices.

(d) Custody Room.

(e) Amour Room.

(f) Kitchen.

(g) Toilets.

(h) Storage.

The recreation facility and living quarters shall be a single-storey building with an approved covered
floor area. The building shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

(a) Single bedrooms for 30 staff.

(b) Toilets and shower rooms.

(c) Recreation/Lounge area(s).

(d) Library.

(e) Kitchen(s).

(f) Dining Hall.

(g) Laundry facilities, etc.

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3.3.40 Coast Guard Compound including security building and landscaping

(Coast Guard Compound including security building and landscaping shall be designed and
provided as per the contract scope of work)

The Coast Guard Compound shall comprise a security building with surveillance tower and car

The security building shall be a two-storey RCC building with an approved covered floor area. The
building shall provide work and living space for the security staff posted at the compound. The building shall
incorporate direct access to a watch tower. The design and construction shall comply with the requirements
of the Ministry of Interior – High Commission of Industrial Security. The building shall include, but not be
limited to, the following:

(a) Lobby.

(b) Offices.

(c) Custody Room.

(d) Amour Room.

(e) Dining/Kitchen facilities.

(f) Dormitory(s).

(g) Toilets and shower rooms.

(h) Storage.

(i) Laundry facilities, etc.

3.3.41 Transformer Compounds with foundations, fire and bund walls

Contractor shall determine the foundation and compound requirements for the transformer, including
the provision of guide rails and hauling bollards for transformer installation and withdrawal.

The transformer support substructures shall be designed as a water resistant RCC structure to contain
any leaked oil as well as fire water discharged by the deluge system. The oil retaining structures shall be
filled with fire quenching crushed rocks in the size range of 40 to 60 mm, while providing an air void
capacity at least 10 per cent in excess of the transformer total oil volume plus the fire quenching water from
the deluge system. Segregated ducts shall be provided for any cables installed within the substructures.

Each compound shall be provided with oil sump extraction pump facilities connected to the site
drainage system via oil/water separators with water outlet drains and oil retaining chambers with extraction
pump facilities. (Contractor shall provide with his Tender a detailed description of the drainage provisions to
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explain the intent of the systems, how they shall function in the normal operation, and in the situation where
an oil leak occurs).

Each compound shall be provided with fire and blast resistant walls to the sides and rear, to prevent
fire spreading from one compound to another and to the steam turbine area. Firewalls shall be of reinforced
concrete construction designed for a minimum 3 hour fire resistance rating. A minimum of 1.5 metre
clearance shall be provided around each transformer. A fire/blast barrier extending one metre above the
transformer conservator tank shall be provided between transformers.

All trenches in the compounds shall be filled with sand and be sealed to prevent the passage of oil or
spread of fire and/or water into buildings.

The dimensions of each compound shall be adequate for installation, operation and removal, and to
allow for sufficient cooling, of the transformers.

The front of each compound shall be provided with a close fitting robust, easily removable, framed
aluminium fence incorporating a personnel gate and steps.

The road in front of the enclosures shall be of concrete construction. Contractor shall provide all
necessary transformer removal and replacement facilities required for this purpose.

3.3.42 Fuel Oil Storage Tanks and Fuel Oil Piping Sleeper/Rack

The tank farm, complete with all foundations and civil/structural works, shall be provided to
accommodate a total 45 days heavy fuel oil storage capacity. The design and layout of the tank farm shall
include access roads around the tank farms, vehicular access to all bunds, and two escape stairs from each
bund. The design, layout and spacing of the oil storage tanks and the provision of containment areas shall be
in accordance with Saudi Standard SSD-27.

The Contractor should note that there is a requirement for a minimum 60 m distance between the
outer security fence and the nearest major plant equipment. This requirement shall be strictly observed. For
example, 60 m shall be provided to the outer circumference of the nearest fuel oil storage tank. However, the
storage tanks dyke walls may be constructed within the 60 m distance restriction.

Facilities shall also be provided for distillate fuel oil storage, distillate fuel forwarding facilities for
ignition of the burners, purge pumping facilities for purging the heavy fuel oil pipelines, and facilities for
pumping to the day tanks of the emergency diesel engine(s), the diesel engine(s), the diesel driven fire water
pumps (fresh water) and the diesel driven seawater pumps.

Vertical fuel tanks shall be supported on flexible foundations capped with a minimum of 60 mm
asphalt concrete surfacing, as designed and specified by the Contractor. The flexible foundations shall be
constructed of well compacted granular fill materials. The fill materials shall be restrained from lateral
spread under load by a reinforced concrete perimeter ring beam. The foundations shall be designed in
accordance with the requirements of BS EN 14015 and API 650. The design of the foundations shall take

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into account the seismic loadings required by this Specification. Additionally, fuel storage tanks shall be
designed for the seismic provisions of API 650, Appendix E, using a Site Application Factor of 1.2. The
Contractor shall, if necessary for the safe operation of the tank, carry out ground improvement or piling
under the location of the flexible foundation to improve the settlement behaviour of the foundation. Where
piling is used a granular fill layer with a geo-mattress or geogrid shall be provided below the formation,
designed to transfer loads to the piles. The differential settlement of the tank shall not exceed 0.005D, where
D is the diameter of the tank. The foundation design shall meet the requirements of the tank manufacturer.

The oil tank farm area shall be paved with concrete and shall be surrounded by concrete walls
designed to contain an oil spillage on fire in the event of a tank rupture, contain fire fighting water and a free
board of a minimum 250 mm. The design shall comply with the NFPA requirements and the guidelines of
the Ministry of Interior (High Commission on Industrial Safety and Security). Fuel oil spill from the
collecting sumps shall be pumped and trucked away.

A surface water drainage channel shall be laid around each tank. The surface within the bund area
shall be sealed to prevent the seepage of oil into the substrata. All drainage, including that from the tank
roofs, shall be passed through an oil interceptor system before passing into the site drainage system.
Provision shall be made for the removal of oil from the interceptor. The whole system shall be designed to
meet the current standards and practice for drainage works of this nature. Oil interceptors and sumps serving
the fuel oil system are to be equipped with high level alarms to provide notification of unusual operating
conditions within the drainage systems. All the fuel oil containments shall be provided with paved truck
access ramps.

Suitable bunding shall be constructed to prevent any spilt oil from entering into the ground. All ducts
and trenches shall be sealed to prevent oil entering into the adjacent ground. Suitable barriers shall be
provided to prevent damage to pipework and valves. Underground oily water separator of adequate size,
supported with oil collection reservoir shall be provided outside the tank farm to meet emergency conditions.

3.3.43 Vehicle Parking

(Vehical parking shall be of insulated covered roofing system with illumination and provided as
per the contract scope of work)

Permanent and temporary parking shall be provided as noted below:

A total of 200 permanent covered vehicle parking spaces shall be provided. These vehicle parking
lots shall be situated at various locations around the Site, including:

(a) Main car park outside the main gate.

(b) Main car park inside the main gate.

(c) Car parks adjacent to the various occupied buildings and facilities inside the power plant.

These parking lots shall be asphalt/concrete paved and be provided with sunshades.

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In addition to the above, the Contractor shall provide temporary vehicle parking lots for 800
vehicles. These parking lots shall be situated at various locations around the Site. These lots shall be
provided for construction use or for use by the Contractor, and shall be asphalt/concrete paved and with no

3.3.44 Entrance Gates, Gate Houses and Security Fences

The Contractor shall provide permanent perimeter security fences, security lights, security gates, gate
houses and related items over the site area. These items shall be located and installed at suitable distances
that comply with Saudi Security Directives, including fencing along the shoreline area, adjacent to the coast
guard patrol road and to the marine oil unloading terminal, etc.

Watch towers shall also be provided along the permanent security fences. The watch towers along
the coast shall need to be about 40 m high to allow unobstructed views over the offshore areas by the coast

A CCTV security system shall be provided along the perimeter security fence in accordance with the
Safety and Security Directives (SSD) requirements.

Fencing and lighting shall be included for the construction and laydown areas agreed under the

Internal and external paved patrol roads of 4.60 meters width, supported with hard shoulders, surface
gravelling etc. shall be provided all around the perimeter security fence .

Contractor shall provide the complete engineering and detailed design, and shall procure and install
the Works in strict compliance with the SSD issued by the High Commission for Industrial Security of the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Perimeter security lighting shall be provided to meet the Company’s standard requirements,
commensurate with those of power plant facilities in the Kingdom. Refer also to the Building Services
Systems section in this Specification.

3.3.45 Drainage Systems (stormwater, oily water, foul water and chemical

The drainage systems shall be designed and sized for the Site.

The quality of all temporary and permanent drainage discharges from the Site shall comply with the
local regulatory requirements and the latest International Environmental Standards, which shall be subject to
review and approval by the Company/Engineer, upon receiving the proposal from the Contractor at the
design development stage.

The drainage for the power station shall be designed to collect and transport the different types of
water for the following systems:
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(a) Stormwater drainage system. The stormwater shall be gravity drained through underground
pipes, RCC manholes, pipelines of suitable diameters and discharged into either the seal
weirs or the discharge channel, or as approved by the Company/Engineer. All surface water
runoff from paved areas, building roofs and roads shall be fully drained to approved
locations. Remote areas, like the fuel oil tank farm, shall have sumps for stormwater
collection and for pumping to the main discharge points. A required number of water
lift/pump stations shall be provided to maintain the gravitational stormwater drainage system
as per design requirements.

(b) Provision of oil separator(s), as required, for oil water and contaminated water from
mechanical equipment and fuel storage areas.

(c) Foul water drainage system and packaged Sewage Treatment Plant discharge.

(d) Trade effluent and chemical wastewater produced during the operation and maintenance of
the Plant shall be connected to a pit(s) for neutralization. The neutralization pits shall
discharge to waste water holding ponds. Treated effluent from the waste water holding ponds
that comply with PME requirements shall be directed to the seawater discharge channel.

(e) Chemical cleaning and wash water shall be connected to a pit(s) for neutralization. The
neutralization pits shall discharge to evaporation ponds.

(f) The Contractor shall provide the required numbers of oil/chemical entrapment basins to
contain possible/accidental chemical/oil spills.

Road gullies shall have removable covers to facilitate the removal of sand accumulated during sand
storms. Catch basins or settling chambers shall be provided to control the silt from entering the pipelines.

3.3.46 Site Services

In addition to the drainage system referred to in the previous section, the site services shall comprise
all necessary cables, plant pipework, telephone cables, domestic water system for fire fighting, and
demineralized water system, etc. All these services shall be provided to meet the demands identified and to
ensure that the Plant will run effectively. They shall be located to reduce the amount of excavation, the
number of valves required and the total length of pipework needed.

3.3.47 Underground Cable Tunnels, cable ducts, cable draw pits, service
trenches, pipe racks, pipe sleepers

All required cables tunnels, trenches, drawpits, pipe sleepers and racks, etc., shall be provided.

Where pipes are to be laid under roads they shall be laid through pipe encasement, suitably encased
in concrete and/or laid in trenches with heavy duty covers. Where cables are to be laid under roads they shall
be laid in ducts, grouped and encased in concrete.

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Trenches for pipes and cables shall be constructed of reinforced concrete and be provided with
connections to the site drainage system to allow disposal of water from within the trench. They shall be fitted
with manually removable and well-fitted covers so that they will withstand all loadings from traffic without
rocking or excessive leakage.

All overhead and above-ground pipe runs shall be carried on properly designed structural steel pipe
racks and sleepers. The route location for pipe racks and sleepers shall be subject to approval by the

Height markers shall be provided at all road crossings where overhead items are located. Road
clearance shall not be less than 5.50 m. The height of all structures crossing roads, such as cable racks and
pipe racks, shall allow a vehicle carrying the tallest piece of mounted equipment to safely pass during
installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the power plant.

All site services shall be shown on coordinated services drawings.

Contractor shall be responsible for the sealing of oil ducts, trenches and wall penetrations to prevent
the spread of flame, sand and water. This shall include any ducts or openings for future use.

Cable draw pits and chambers shall be of adequate size to enable the designated cables to be laid and
installed to the correct bending radii.

3.3.48 Building Contents (ironmongery, fixtures and fittings, internal finishes,

furniture, office computer equipment, fire and safety equipment)

All buildings shall be fully completed and functional so that the Company/Engineer can thereafter
move in his ‘loose’ furnishings to occupy the buildings.

All buildings shall be provided with the required and fully fitted out building services, including
ironmongery, fixtures and fittings, internal finishes, all necessary furniture, cupboards, desks, floor
coverings, chairs, office computer equipment, laboratory equipment, fire and safety equipment, etc. The
quality and quantity of items supplied shall be wholly commensurate for this type and size of plant, and fully
adequate for the operation and management of the power station. Contractor shall propose his schedule of
typical finishes, furniture and fittings, and their specifications within his Tender, for consideration by the
Company/Engineer. Final schedules shall be subject to approval by the Company during the detailed design
of the Works.

Painting shall conform to the requirements of SEC Engineering Standards SES-H-001 and SES-H-
001.01 for paint colour codes and shall be subject to approval by the Company/Engineer.

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3.3.49 Miscellaneous Foundations and trenches for mechanical and electrical


All mechanical and electrical equipment support structures shall be set on raised plinths or pedestals
at least 200 mm above the surrounding pavement or ground, as a protection measure against damage and
corrosion of steelwork.

Exposed edges of trenches for mechanical and electrical facilities shall be provided with galvanized
angle iron embedment protection and shall be covered with hot-dip galvanized chequered plate covers.
Floors shall be laid to slope away from the trenches.

Outdoor trenches shall be provided with galvanized angle iron embedment protection to trench wall
exposed edges and with precast concrete removable covers with galvanized steel frames for edge protection.
The design of the covers shall be suitable for the traffic it is required to support.

External trench joints shall be sealed to prevent ingress of water and external trenches shall be laid to
slope so that any ingress of water can be drained to a collection sump and then either gravity connected or
pumped to an appropriate drainage system.

A waterproofing membrane shall be applied to the walls and bases of manholes, trenches and
handholes, etc. The waterproofing membrane applied to vertical surfaces shall be protected with a 15 mm
thick protection board; and that applied to horizontal surfaces shall be protected with a 50 mm thick cement
concrete screed and two (2) layers of 150 micron polyethylene sheet.

All ducts shall be laid to slope away from plant or buildings and any water collected in a sump shall
be either gravity connected or pumped to an appropriate drainage system.

3.3.50 Builder’s Works Associated with Building Services Installation

All builder’s works associated with building services installation shall be provided by the Contractor.

3.3.51 All Temporary Installations for the construction period

Contractor is responsible for providing all temporary facilities and installations for the Contract
period, as specified in GEMSS-G-10 and this Specification.

3.3.52 Building Services Systems

The building services systems specification is covered in other sections of this Specification.

3.3.53 Main Entrance Illuminated Plant Monument panel sign

The main entrance illuminated Plant Monument white concrete panel sign shall have a minimum size
of 5000 mm by 2000 mm, with face mounted text in English (upper and lower case) and Arabic. The sign
shall read:
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The Company logo shall also be incorporated on the panel.

The sign shall include cast aluminium letters and characters with a satin finish and a clear anodized
coating. Letters shall range in size, as required, up to 120 mm high in 10mm thick aluminium. The English
translation shall be on the left and the Arabic characters to its right. The English and Arabic characters shall
be cast into the face of the 2 m high x 5 m wide precast white concrete panel. Each character shall be
mounted 20 mm clear of the finished concrete face with concealed aluminium threaded studs cast into the
panel. A minimum of three fasteners per letter shall be required.

The main entrance sign shall be set on a sloped white concrete plinth and the surrounding area shall
be paved with precast concrete paviors. The plinth shall be a minimum 900 mm high above the adjacent road
surface and shall have a minimum plan size of 6.2 m wide and 1.5 m deep at the base.

3.3.54 Plant Model to scale

The Contractor shall be responsible for the construction, delivery and installation of a plant model,
prepared to a nominal scale of 1:500 for the entire power plant. The model shall be located in the reception
area of the Administration Building.

The model shall be mounted on one or several tables, as needed, for easy transport. The tables shall
be of high quality and of a style in keeping with the location.

Buildings shall be shown with true facades according to the building materials and colours. One unit
of the Turbine Hall including the auxiliary bay, one Boiler and two chambers of the Seawater Intake Pump
house shall be detailed to show the machinery, interconnecting piping and other details. For these parts of the
building a Plexiglas facade shall be used.

Pipe rack and pipelines shall be shown in detail. Main buried structures such as circulating water
conduits, etc., shall be shown cut into the table and covered in Plexiglas. Roads and other site infrastructure
shall be accurately shown.

The main features of the power plant, including the Administration Building, Turbine Building,
Boilers, Seawater Intake, etc., shall be provided with lighting.

The entire model shall be covered with a clear scratch-resistant hood.

A nameplate shall be provided on the hood.

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3.3.55 Landscaping and Irrigation

Landscape development shall comprise hard landscape, such as pavements, paved areas,
car park shade structures, lighting and furnishings such as shaded benches/seating areas,
flagpoles and soft landscape which shall include planting of various palms, trees, shrubs, ground
covers and grass. The landscaped areas shall include:

1. Power Plant access road

2. Main Entrance and adjacent areas

3. Main staff car parks and adjacent areas

4. Administration Building and adjacent area

5. Mosque and adjacent area

6. Living Accommodation and adjacent area

The objective is to provide protection from harsh climatic conditions, to screen unsightly
views and to create a visually pleasing environment for the power station staff. The Contractors
shall prepare the detailed design on this general basic principle.

The landscape elements to the approach, access road and main entrance shall be 2.00 m
wide side walk, planting of wide areas of grass, palms and hedges. Palms planted at typical 10 to
15 m spacing are to provide a good consistent view and the hedge will contain the views beyond
the fence. The pavement will be constructed of new interlocking concrete block paving.

A flag pole island shall identify entry to the main car parking. The island and the medians
shall be planted with flowers providing a pleasant setting for the flag.

All car parks shall be landscaped with trees and palms. The perimeter shall have grass
cover with flowering trees, palms and hedges.

The landscaping shall be more intensive surrounding the Administration building and the
Mosque. Pathways shall be provided throughout this area, offering ease of access in all directions.
These paths shall be shaded, wherever possible, by shade trees planted at 6 m centres. Grass
cover with flowering trees, palms, shrubs and hedges shall be provided to give pleasing views and
ambiance. Shaded seating areas shall be provided within the landscaped areas.

The main objective of the design around other occupied buildings mentioned shall be to
provide relief from harsh climate and pleasing views.

The main objective of the design for the living quarters shall be to provide relief from harsh
climate, pleasing views and creation of large grass planted areas for out door activities and well

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planted gardens to the living quarters. Date palms shall mark both the pedestrian and vehicular

Hardscape shall include coloured concrete block paviors with asphaltic concrete to hard-
standing areas and to flexible roads. Concrete roads may be used in some areas.

Plant selection shall be based on environmental suitability, easy maintenance and visual
characteristics. The plant schedule includes the following types with species selected to suit the
local environment:

Fruiting Date Palms, Trees, Flowering trees, Tall shrubs, Medium Shrubs, Ground Cover,
Grass and Hedges.

Early tree and palm planting shall be implemented, where no construction or related activity
is pending, to establish as much planting as possible.

The landscaped areas shall be fully serviced by an automatic irrigation system in all areas.

3.3.56 Fully furnished Off-Site Ash Dump Compound complete with six (6)
ash dumping trucks, two (2) mobile ash handling plant and plant for
conditioning ash with cement and water in accordance with PME
requirements. The ash dump operation shall be ready by the technical
completion date of the first unit

(Above facility shall be provided as per the contract requirements and scope of work)

The Off-Site Ash Dump Compound shall include:

a. Paved access road from the main highway to the Off-Site Ash Dump
Compound. The paved road shall extend into the compound and shall terminate
at a suitable interface point. The access road shall be 2 lanes (one in each
direction) and in compliance with Ministry of Transportation (MOT) requirements.

b. Off-Site Ash Dump Compound sized to accommodate ash arising from 40 years
operation of Stage I, Stage II and Stage III power plants, assuming a nominal
ash production rate of not less than 25,000 tons per annum. The final details
shall be subject to validation during the detailed design stage..

c. Main gate and perimeter fencing to compound.

d. Site lighting to compound.

e. Site Office, including kitchen and toilet.

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f. Un-paved compacted granular roads inside the compound, allowing access to

and around the perimeter of all ash-dump pits. The roads shall be designed and
constructed to require minimal maintenance over the active design life of the ash

g. One (1) Lined ash-dump pit, sized for two years capacity (50,000 tones
nominal). Pit shall be designed to allow access for mobile plant.

h. Storm-water drainage around the site.

i. Six (6) Ash Removal Trucks (20 cu m ash capacity) The trucks shall be heavy
duty construction with a capacity of not less than 20 cubic meters. They shall be
suitable for haulage of ash from the proposed power Plant to the Off Site Ash
Dump Site. They shall have suitable heavy duty mechanical and hydraulic
systems. The trucks shall be fitted with a container constructed from mild sheet
plate able to be tilted for easy dumping of ash. The container shall have a top
hinged rear door with tipping movements provided with automatic locks and
durable seals all round. Three (3) top filling openings with hinged covers and
durable seals shall be provided for easy loading of ash. The truck shall have a
suction system for easily collecting any spilt ash. The truck shall be fully fitted
with all necessary accessories including GPS, top walkway, side ladder, steel
mudguards and rubber flaps etc.

j. Two (2) Mobile Ash Handling Plant. To spread and compact ash in dump pit.
This shall be a Track Loader Caterpillar Model 953D or similar approved. These
shall be supplied suitable for the purpose specified.

k. Plant to mix the ash with cement in accordance with PME requirements. This
plant may be located in the power plant to mix the ash with the cement prior to
discharge into the Ash Removal Trucks. (Note: If this plant is to be located at
the ash dump site, it shall also be capable of easily unloading the ash dump
trucks and conditioning the ash with cement/water in accordance with PME

l. Plant to mix the ash/cement with water (or ash with cement and water), in
accordance with PME requirements, prior to discharge into the ash-dump pit.
This plant shall be located at the ash dump site. (This plant shall be located at
the ash dump site and sized for the operational requirement for the Stage 1.
The plant shall be capable of easily unloading the ash dump trucks, conditioning
the ash with cement/water (as applicable) and discharging to trucks for dumping
in accordance with PME requirements.)

m. Leachate leak detection and air monitoring system

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Document Responsibility: Engineering and Design Division Volume -1
Next Planned Update: Based on new development & technology with the GEMSS-C-01, Rev.-01
consent of designated division General Requirements for Civil Works

n. The ash dump shall be classified as a Class 4 facility for SSD purposes.

o. The ash dump compound shall be outside the power plant, and the exact
location shall be provided before commercial offering. The ash dump compound
shall have adequate signage including warning signs of hazardous area.
Signage shall comply with local regulations.

The ash dump pit shall comprise compacted soil protection layer on a double lined
conductive HDPE liner system, on compacted soil formation on compacted subgrade. Any
intermediate separation layers between the conductive HDPE liners as recommended by the liner
manufacturer shall be provided. A leak detection system shall be provided. The ash dump pit
shall include a leachate collection channel that will drain either to a leachate holding tank or to an
evaporation pond. Each ash dump pit shall be surrounded by a perimeter drain to catch storm
water run-off. The storm water shall be discharged to a suitable location in accordance with PME

Contractor shall be responsible for ash dumping up to the issuance of PAC of each STG

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