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Debt committee spans the political spectrum

Senate Republicans
John Kyl Arizona Elected 1994 Profile The No. 2 Republican in the Senate and among the partys most influential economic thinkers; a chief negotiator in previous deficit negotiations with the vice president; expected to hold a hard line against new taxes 2008 presidential vote in his state McCain 54% Obama 45% Rob Portman Ohio Elected 2010 Profile A former director of the White House Office of Management and Budget under President George W. Bush, a respected GOP fiscal voice; understanding of budget could make him a bridge-builder; rising star, close to leadership 2008 presidential vote in his state McCain 47% Obama 52% Pat Toomey Pennsylvania Elected 2010 Profile Former president of Club for Growth, a conservative advocacy group, and representative of tea party-aligned GOP senators; expected to hold the line against new taxes and push for spending cuts; appointment a nod to GOPs right flank 2008 presidential vote in his state McCain 44% Obama 55%

A look at the congressional panel made up of six Republicans and six Democrats who will try to produce a deficit reduction plan of at least $1.2 trillion by Nov. 23 in a bid to avoid automatic budget cuts that would go into effect as a result of the recently passed debt ceiling bill. Any plan approved by the panel would need to clear both chambers of Congress and the White House.

Senate Democrats
Max Baucus Montana Elected 1978 Profile Chairman of Finance Committee and central to any potential tax deal; played influential role in past deals on entitlement and health care; close to leadership but independent; on Obamas debt commission but voted against findings 2008 presidential vote in his state McCain 50% Obama 47% John Kerry Massachusetts Elected 1984 Profile Has emerged as respected party statesman and bridge-builder in Senate; known for foreign policy expertise but viewed as possible domestic deal-maker; has spoken out on sparing domestic programs and entitlements from big cuts 2008 presidential vote in his state McCain 36% Obama 62% Patty Murray Washington Elected 1992 Profile No. 4 in Democratic Party leadership, with budget expertise; leader on the Appropriations and the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions committees; strong liberal priorities, but known as practical and a coalitionbuilder in the Senate 2008 presidential vote in her state McCain 41% Obama 58%

House Republicans
Fred Upton Michigan, 6th District Elected 1986 Profile Chairman of the influential Energy and Commerce Committee, with expertise on domestic issues; once seen as a moderate conservative, has moved to the right to match tea party climate; possible deal-maker, but could hold line on new taxes 2008 presidential vote in his district McCain 44% Obama 54% Dave Camp Michigan, 4th District Elected 1990 Profile Chairman of Ways and Means Committee and top GOP tax policy leader; integral to any deal on taxes; close to leadership but independent-minded; as member of presidents bipartisan Fiscal Commission, voted against recommendations 2008 presidential vote in his district McCain 48% Obama 50% Jeb Hensarling Texas, 5th District Elected 2002 Profile Leader of conservative flank in the House; protege of legendary budget leader Phil Gramm of Texas; expected to hold hard line against new taxes, push for spending cuts; member of presidents budget commission, voted against recommendations 2008 presidential vote in his district McCain 63% Obama 36%

House Democrats

Xavier Becerra California, 31st District Elected 1992 Profile First Latino to serve on Ways and Means Committee, emerging expert on tax policy; part of Democratic leadership in the House; expected to oppose steep spending cuts, press for new taxes; on Obamas debt commission, voted against recommendations 2008 presidential vote in his district McCain 18% Obama 80%

James Clyburn South Carolina, 6th District Elected 1992 Profile No. 3 Democrat in the House, with close ties to leadership; served in vice presidents bipartisan deficit-cutting effort earlier this year; expected to hold the line against deep cuts to domestic programs, especially those backed by the liberal flank 2008 presidential vote in his district McCain 35% Obama 64%

Chris Van Hollen Md., 8th District Elected 2002 Profile Top Democratic budget leader in the House, key lieutenant in leadership; negotiated on vice presidents bipartisan deficit-cutting effort; potential deal-maker, expected to push for taxes on wealthy and corporations 2008 presidential vote in his district McCain 25% Obama 74%
MCT 2011

Source: Lisa Mascaro, Chicago Tribune Washington Bureau, Almanac of American Politics, congressional web sites, MCT Photo Service

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