Formats of Writing Sections For Grade 1-12

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1.Imagine you are a member of RED CROSS Blood Bank Society, Bangalore. You have been asked
by the President of the society, Mr. Manish Nair to organize a Blood Donation Camp. Write a
notice in 50 words urging the people to come in large numbers for this noble cause. (4 marks)


29th April 2017


A State Level function to observe voluntary Blood Donation Day is being organized on 5th and 6th
December 2022 at Red Cross Blood Bank Society Office, M.G. Road, Bangalore. It starts at 8 a.m. and will
continue till 5 p.m. on both days. All are requested to volunteer and donate blood and save the lives of the
needy people.




1. Your school (Amar Vidyalaya), Bangalore is organizing a cultural evening to collect funds for
the slum children. The Vice-Chancellor, Bangalore University has consented to be the
Chief Guest on the occasion. Draft a notice in this connection to be displayed on your
school notice board. Imagine you are the Rakesh Tilak , Cultural Secretary of your school.
(Word limit: 50 )


1st March2017

The school is organizing a Cultural Evening to collect funds for the slum children in the
neighborhood, on 10th March 2017 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the school playground. Dr. S.M.Rao
Vice-Chancellor, Bangalore University has consented to be the Chief Guest on the occasion. All are
invited and requested to give wide publicity to the event. For more details contact the undersigned.

Rakesh Tilak
Cultural Secretary


a. For a group- In a card form
Eg. Wedding invitation

b. Personal- Formal letter

Format of formal letter

a. For a group & Personal - Informal letter format

1. CARD FORMAT ( Inviting a large no. of people)



1.You are Leena Sen. The wedding of your elder sister Reena Sen is going to be held on the 15th
May, 20XX at Hotel Lake View, Udaipur. Write out an informal invitation to your friend Vinnie
requesting her to attend the function.

4357, Vasant Kunj

Raj Nagar

1 May, 20XX

Dear Vinnie

You will be pleased to know that the wedding of my elder sister Reena Sen is going to be held on the
15th May, 20XX at Hotel Lake View, Udaipur. The whole family will move there in the morning. I invite
you to join us at lunch in the hotel on the 15th. The wedding ceremony will take place at 8 in the evening.
I do hope you will join us on the auspicious occasion.

Yours sincerely

2.You are Ankit Verma. Your friend from Malaysia is staying in the hostel. Invite him to join
Diwali celebrations with you at your residence.

315/2 Raja Gardens

New Delhi

25 October, 20XX

Dear Surunayak

You know that Diwali, the festival of lights, is approaching. It gives me great pleasure to invite you to
Diwali celebrations at my residence. We shall have great fun.
Do join us for the ‘Puja’ and Diwali celebrations.

Yours sincerely
Ankit Verma

3. Rohit has got success in CBSE-PMT. He wants to celebrate his admission to Shivaji Medical
College, Nagpur by throwing a party to his friends. Write an informal invitation giving details of
venue, time and date. Do not exceed 50 words.

33/427 Priya Vihar

New Delhi

15 July 20XX

Dear Varan

You will be glad to learn that I have secured 80th rank in the CBSE-PMT competition. I have got
admission in a prestigious institution – Shivaji College, Nagpur. I want to share a few happy moments
of my life in the company of my old friends at a dinner in the Hotel Kanishka at 9.00 p.m.on 23 July,
Kindly join the celebrations and merry-making.

Yours lovingly

1. Draft a formal reply expressing your inability to attend the inauguration of the showroom
‘Regalia’ on Sunday, the 20th July 20XX, at 11 a.m. at B-12, Rohini. You are Navin Jain of C-5,
G.K.J, New Delhi and your friend is G.L. Bansal of 23, Sunder Nagar, New Delhi.

C-5, GK-I,
New Delhi

15 July, 20XX
Mrs & Mr Navin Jain thank Mrs & Mr G.L. Bansal for the invitation to the inauguration of their
showroom ‘Regalia’ on Sunday, the 20th July 20XX, at 11 a.m. at B-12, Rohini, Delhi. However, they
express their inability to be present on the occasion due to a prior commitments.

2. You are Akshya / Aakriti. You have been invited to participate in a seminar on ‘Fundamental
Rights of Children’, organised by the Lions Club of your distinct. Respond to the invitation by
writing a letter to the Secretary of the club.
25, Aram Bagh Road

5 May, 20XX
The Secretary
Lions Club

Sub: Acceptance of Invitation
Thanks for your invitation for a seminar on ‘Fundamental Rights of Children’, and your concern for the
under-privileged children. I would like to utilise this opportunity to share my experiences with other
likeminded enthusiasts and experts.
1 hereby confirm my participation in the seminar.
Yours sincerely



Dear __________
In 3 paragraphs
Yours lovingly
First Name

1.Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her success in class 12 board exam.

B-32, sector-11
New Delhi-110034

January 10, 2023

Dear Muskan
My happiness knew no bounds when I got to know that you have topped your school and achieved your
dream. I felt so pleased that I wish I were there to congratulate you personally.
The result has proved that hard work, determination, and perseverance bring good results. You were so
laborious and passionate about it. I know you were very nervous too, but I was always very confident
that you would come out with flying colors. I apologize that I couldn’t even attend the celebration party
despite my wishes.
Hope to see you soon. Please be encouraged and continue your hard work. Your future is very bright.
My parents and elder sister have sent lots of love and heartiest congratulations.
With lots of love and best wishes.
Yours lovingly

2: You are Aakriti/ Abhinav. Write a letter to your friend describing your boarding school in
about 120-150 words.

B-32, sector-11
New Delhi-110085

March 15, 2021

Dear Muskan

How have you been? I hope my letter finds you in best of health and spirits. It has been almost a month
since I transferred to the boarding school. I am very happy in my new school. The classes and
dormitories are very spacious. There are well equipped science laboratories and a library with a great
collection of books. The school has amazing sports facilities such as swimming pool, horse riding track
and archery range.
I believe my life here will be interesting and enjoyable. Although I have made many new friends, I still
miss you and the other friends. Please, pay my regards to your parents.
Yours sincerely

6. FORMAL LETTER ( 125-150 words)




( If it is to the editor)
The Editor
The Indian Express

Delhi Subject:_______________________(in 6 or < 6 words)


Follow FCCS Pattern for the body of the Letter

F- Fact / Problem
C- Causes/ reasons
C – Consequences and results / after effects
S – Suggestions / Solutions (3-4)

Para-1- Introduction of the Fact / Topic / Problem (F)

Para-2 –Causes/ reasons and Consequences / results / after effects- (C & C)
Para-3 – Suggestions/ Solutions (3-4) (S)
Para-4 - Conclusion

Yours faithfully
Full Name

(If it is to any other official)

Eg. The Police Commissioner
The Central Police Station

Subject:_______________________(in 6 or < 6 words)

Para-1- Introduction
 Para-2 –Causes/ reasons and results / after effects

Para-3 – Suggestions (3-4)

Para-4 - Conclusion

Yours faithfully
Full Name
1. Through the columns of your esteemed daily , I would like to highlight -----------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
-- .
( the harmful effects of smoking / junk food/ inadequate facilities/ nuisance caused by
the stray animals/ / bad state of roads in our colony /city / locality)

2. I would like to draw the attention of the authorities towards the ------------------------------------
through the esteemed columns of your newspaper .

(non-availability of commodities / price hike of essential commodities / frequent failure of

power supply / irregular supply of water by the Muncipality )

3. Through the columns of your esteemed daily , I would like to express my concern and
anguish at the ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------- .

(pathetic unhygienic conditions prevailing in the premises of our locality / potholes on the
roads )


1. I hope the concerned authorities will find ways and means to provide regular
supply of / / / disposal of -----------------------------------------------------------------
--------------- .
( quality drinking water / electricity / garbages )

2. I hope the concerned authorities will take up immediate remedial steps to put an end to
-------- .
( poor maintenance of the transport buses / rise in the prices of essential commodities )

3. I hope the authorities will look into the sad state of affairs and bring an end to the -------
------ .

1.Write a letter to the Editor of The Times Newspaper, highlighting increasing technological
addiction among the youth.

24D, Block 4
Defence Society
New Delhi

24th June 20xx

The Editor
The Times Of India
New Delhi

Subject: An appeal against rising tech addiction among the youth


With great admiration and belief in the columns of your newspaper, I seek to bring to your kind notice the
fast-growing menace of tech addiction and resultant health scares among the youth of our country.

Today, we are able to enjoy some of the most convenient gadgets to have ever existed, which offer far
more information and sources of entertainment than any other. As a result, the upcoming generation has
been becoming increasingly information-heavy. The number of hours an average person spends in
gaining new information, whether wanted or unwanted, is fast increasing, with a screen in front of our
eyes showing us new wonders every minute. All this temptation often leads young children to spend
much more time on these gadgets than what’s healthy. It levies a huge load of tiredness on our brains and
eyes, often leading to inexplicable stress and irritability.
Parents and caregivers need to limit the use of TV, computers and mobile devices to a maximum of 30
minutes at a time. Ensure the total amount of screen time per day doesn’t exceed the age-group
recommendations. Monitor access by using the device together with your child. Take the opportunity to
communicate, interact and share family values.

Hence, through the pages of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to appeal to the youth worldwide to
maintain a balance of all spheres of life to fully enjoy it.

Thanking you in anticipation

Yours Sincerely

2. You are Reshma/Raghu staying at the Press Apartments of Nagpur. The main road leading to
this colony has three open manholes causing frequent accidents at night. Also, it gets so dark after
seven in the evenings in winter that the children and women of these apartments just cannot
venture to move out alone during night time. Write a letter to the Editor to The Times of India
drawing attention of the government to this problem of the residents.
5A , Press Apartments

7 March, 20XX
The Editor
The Times of India
Veer Savarkar Marg
Sub: Dangerous open manholes
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to bring to your kind notice as well as that of
the authorities concerned to the plight of the residents of Press Apartments.
The colony has three open manholes which have been a source of fear and anxiety to the residents. In fact
two little children—aged seven and nine belonging to the nearby slums—have already lost their lives.
Moreover since these open manholes lie on the main road leading to the colony, it becomes difficult for
the commuters to use the road after darkness prevails, especially in winters. Women and children are the
worst affected. They do not venture to move out as soon as it gets dark.
It is earnestly hoped that the authorities competent to redress our grievances will pay attention to our
plight and get the manholes covered and also provide street lights to this neglected colony.
Hope the views expressed would be an eye opener to the concerned authorities and they would take
necessary steps to close the open manholes.

Yours truly
Reshma Ravindran

3.You are Prerna / Pratham parent of Akshay, a student of class VI of Global School, Ranchi.
Write a letter to Principal of the school seeking re-examination as your ward was ill with COVID.

Manas Appt.

6 July 2023

The Principal
Global School

Subject – Request for re-examination


Herein I want to inform you that my ward Akshay is a student of class VI in your school. In the recently
concluded examinations, he could not appear in the last examination of Mathematics held on 28 June as
he was on leave.

My ward was ill due to COVID and was on medical leave for a week from 26 June to 4 July. Now he is
fine and has resumed classes. However, he was unable to appear in the Mathematics exam held on 28
June. As the school has announced that any unwell child must not attend school and that re-examination
will be done when the child resumes school, please fix a date for re-examination of my ward too.

Please reply at the earliest so that we can prepare for the examination.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely

Prerna Pratham


3. You are Mansi / Manas of 308, Vikas Nagar Nainital, a student of class 10 and after the board
exams, you want to learn paragliding. Write a letter to the Director of High Fly flying club seeking
details of the course, fee, duration and other requirements.

308, Vikas Nagar


12 June 2023

The Director
High Fly flying club

Subject: Enquiry about paragliding course

Dear Sir

I came across your advertisement in the local newspaper regarding paragliding courses given by your

I am keen on learning paragliding after my class 10 board exams end. I always wanted to do something
out of the box and that’s where the thought to learn paragliding came to my mind. and want more related
information on the same.

Please share the information regarding the list of the courses available, fee, duration of the course,
boarding and lodging facilities provided, availability of instructor and transport facility available.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully


4.You went for a vacation with your family to Manali and stayed in hotel Vikrant & Co. However,
you are not satisfied with their service. Write a letter describing your stay and providing relevant
suggestions. You are Sudip/ Susheela Mishra. (100-150 words)

Defence Colony
South Delhi
New Delhi- 110039

11 March 2023

The Hotel Manager

Vikrant & Co., Manali
Uttarakhand- 360087

Subject- Complaint and feedback letter

Dear Sir

I wish to inform you about my stay at your hotel from 02/03/2021 to 06/03/2021. I regret to inform you
that my family and I are quite unsatisfied with the stay at your hotel.

We came to know about your hotel from a travel site. Although the pictures and reviews were quite
decent, the actual experience didn’t conform to the standards. For instance, the bed sheets and quilts were
dirty; the staff was not cooperative and the room service was slow. We were made to pay separately for
the cab service even though the website mentioned that the accommodation charges included a free cab.

I suggest you look into these matters carefully as they will help to improve your service and ensure a
better experience for the customers. Moreover, it would be better if you could mention the correct
information about the facilities, which you are willing to provide on the partner websites.

Thanking you

Yours truly


In the recent staff meeting, a decision was taken to place an order with M/s Punjab Book Depot,
Nai Sadak, Delhi, for the supply of books for the school library. As the librarian, Lord Mahavira
Public School, Panipat, place an order for the supply of the books.

The Librarian
Lord Mahavira Public School

March 5, 2O23

The Manager
M/s Punjab Book Depot
Nai Sarak, Delhi.

Subject: Placing an order request for books


Our school has been buying books from you for the last ten years. This also I have been asked to place an
order for the following titles to enrich our school library.

Sl.No Name Of The Books Name of Publisher/ Quantity

. author
1 Oxford Concise English Dictionary Oxford Publishers 5
2 English made Easy R K Jain 6
3 John’s Modern English Usage John Stuart 10
4 Fundamentals of Economics TR Jain 6
5 Speeches of Vivekananda Tulsi 5

The books should be of latest edition/ print. Defective books will be returned at your cost.

We expect a maximum discount on the published prices. You may send the bill along with the supply to
enable us to make the payment within a week. The payment will be made through cheque.

We will appreciate if we receive the consignment in ten days time. The order shall stand cancelled in case
the order is not executed as per the stipulated time.

Yours sincerely,
Rakesh Gaur

7.ARTICLE (150 -200words)

By Full Name
Para-1- Introduction
Para-2 –Causes/ reasons and results / after effects
Para-3 – Suggestions (3-4)
Para-4 – Conclusion

1.For admission to colleges, there is a lot of competition today. For one available seat, there are
hundreds of candidates. Such a situation leads to stress on the minds of students in the schools.
However, the practice of Yoga can help them feel calm and stress-free. Write an article in 150-200
words on the topic, ‘Importance of Yoga to Students’. You are Karan/Karuna. (10 marks) [CBSE
(AI) 2016]


By Karan Kannan
Yoga is a holistic method of fitness that aims at balancing the body through various poses and meditative
techniques. It aims at all-round health and improves all systems of the body. It is suitable for any age
Yoga can have great importance for students. Students these days have to face stiff competition. To reach
the number-one spot has become a priority for everyone. There is a mad rush among hundreds of
candidates to get that one available seat in college. All this creates stress among students. This is where
yoga helps. The practice of yoga can help them feel calm and stress-free. The benefits of yoga for
students can be manifold. Yoga makes students flexible, helping them remain fit. Some particular asanas
like surya namaskars increase the blood flow to the brain, helping the brain to function better.
Regularly practising yoga also helps students to concentrate better and train the body to do things
unconsciously. Breathing exercises in yoga or pranayama are also very helpful to students. They help in
removing stress and tension from their minds and reducing behavioural problems. It keeps their mind
healthy and decreases physical ailments. Yoga also helps in reducing depression, a by-product of stress. It
calms mind and helps students concentrate better.
Meditation skills also help students focus on important things. Seeing the benefits of yoga, the United
Nations has declared 21 June as the International Day of Yoga and it is celebrated worldwide since the
year 2015. So with these umpteen benefits rolled into one, let us make yoga a part of our life.

8. NEWSPAPER REPORT (150 words)

By staff Reporter / Name of the person
Place, xx Month:
Content in 3-4 paragraphs in 150 words
2. Write a newspaper report on a Bus Accident taking ideas from the following hints:
Shimla, April 4, Bus skidded, Chamba district, Koti village, 10 killed, villagers,
25 injured, third incident, mini truck accident, a pickup van fell into the gorge .

Ten Killed In Himachal Accident

By Sanaja Suman, Staff Reporter, TOI
Shimla, April 4: Ten people were killed and 25 injured when a private bus skidded off the road and fell
into a gorge in Himachal Pradesh’s Chamba district Monday morning, police said. This is the third major
road accident in Chamba district in less than a month.
The accident took place in Koti Village, about 22 km from Chamba town where it was headed to.
Superintendent of police Madhusudhan told TANS over the phone from the spot. He said the injured were
admitted to the zonal hospital, some 450 km from state capital Shimla. The dead were mainly men and
belonged to nearby villages.
The cause of the accident is yet to be ascertained, he added.Governor Urmila Singh and Chief Minister
Virbhadra Singh expressed grief over the accident.Transport Minister G.S. Bali said Rs.2.5 lakh would be
given to the next of kin of each of the deceased, and ordered a magisterial inquiry into the accident.

2. Traffic police have launched a particular drive against pollution-causing vehicles. This has led to
traffic jams and crowds at essential intersections. Write a report in 150-200 words to be published
in the ‘Chennai Times.’ You are Prince/Priya, 12, M.G. Road, Adayar, Chennai.

Drive against Pollution-causing Vehicles
By Priya Paul, Staff Reporter, CT

Chennai, 2 April: Traffic jams are a common sight in Chennai. But these days, they are on the rise. All
because of the special drive-by traffic police against pollution-causing vehicles. Critical intersections
have been chosen, and the concerned people can be seen in groups stationed at these points. Each and
every vehicle is being stopped, and their ‘No Pollution certificates’ are being checked? 1000/- is being
charged as a fine for the lapse.
This drive is a positive step in achieving a pollution-free environment but has created a lot of
inconvenience for the public and the daily commuters, leading to traffic jams. People are stranded on
the roads for hours, getting late for their place of work.
Though the new drive is highly appreciated by the people, they also feel that it is essential that the
public should not suffer. The authorities must find an alternative way for such a check that would cause
less inconvenience to the general public.

9. MAGAZINE REPORT(150 words)

By Full Name, Grade / Section
In 3-4 paragraphs

1.You are Rahul/ Riddhi of ABC Public School, Delhi. Your school has adopted a village as a social
responsibility. Students are being taken to teach the children of that village on a regular basis.
Write a report, for your school magazine, on the various other programmes organized there in 120
– 150 words.



On the occasion of World Literacy Day, ABC Public School, Delhi has taken an oath to embrace the
village named Rajpur. The school has taken the responsibility of educating the people residing in the
village. Selected students from each standard are taken there every weekend, during school hours to
impart knowledge. The first 6 month motive is to make each and every person capable of reading and
writing. Free books and stationery is being provided for quality education. Children are given time to
spend with each other, play games and interact.

Apart from the educational needs, special care is devoted to hygiene and sanitation. Girls are being given
awareness on the importance of menstrual hygiene as well. Various talent hunts have been organised
which left everyone overawed. The immense enthusiasm and zeal in the people to learn is the main
driving factor.
A family kind of environment is being created. The school treats the people of the village as its own
students and is unbiased. By adopting a village, the school is making its students sensitive towards the
needs of the environment at a young age. It is committed towards raising the leaders of tomorrow.

Top left- Date. day and time.
Tense most frequently used- Simple past, Present perfect and future.
First person application.

Format of Speech Writing

 Greet the audience

 introduce the topic.
 Body: Present the topic in an elaborate way, explaining its key features, pros and cons, if
any and the like.
 Conclusion: Summary of your speech, wrap up the topic and leave your audience with a
compelling reminder to think about!

1.You have to speak in your school’s morning assembly on ‘The Ideal Indian’. Draft your speech
based on the visual given below and your own ideas in 150-200 words. You are Shrishti/Sunil of
class XI.

Respected Sir, teachers and my dear friends

A very Good Morning to one and all.

Today, I, Shrishti of class XI will give my vision of The Ideal Indian’. I have always dreamed of India to
be a great country which will be a role model for other countries of the world. It will be a place where

everybody is honest, trustworthy, caring and respectful so that the common man lives his life without any
fear and has access to all the basic amenities required to lead a happy and * comfortable life.

Principles of basic education and employment will be followed here so that every citizen is both educated
and employed. The Indian of my dreams will execute his responsibilities first and then only assert his
rights. This will lead to a society where law and order will be maintained and people with good deeds will
be appreciated, whereas the wrongdoers will be punished. This will inturn lead to an inspiring and
empowering feeling in the minds of the citizens. Moral values, culture and heritage will be preserved here
and passed on to future generations. That is the India I dream of.

The ideal Indian will try to shun all malpractices and help the government in furthering the causes of
national integration and maintenance of law and order.

Thank you.

2. You are Ashok, studying in class XI-B. You have to speak for an Inter -school competition on
‘The Importance of English’. Draft the speech in 150-200 words.

Respected Judges , teachers and my dear friends

A very Good Morning to one and all.

“Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow’’.
Today, I would like to highlight the importance of English in today’s scenario.English is a universal
language which is now needed to be known by everyone. Without English, one feels handicapped. If you
travel to any part of the world, and even to some parts of India, knowledge of English sees you through.
That is why most public schools in cities are teaching in the English medium. The primary reason is that
parents want their children to be fluent in English.

To get a reasonable job, it is a must to be able to write, understand and speak English, as it is the language
of communication. Due to this, most of the interviews for good jobs and even admission interviews for
colleges are conducted in English.

Many people wish to study or work abroad. To know the local language may be difficult and learning it
would take time, but if one knows English, it comes to one’s rescue. Even the best study materials for
research work are available only in English, Computers which are widely used can usually be used only
with knowledge of English.Thus, English is a must in today’s scenario.


This main idea is expressed through three sections of a paragraph:
1. Introduction: Introduce your idea - A topic sentence that identifies the topic and briefly explains its

2. Body: Explain your Idea- Supporting sentences that describe the topic in specific, vivid ways, using the
details you've listed during brainstorming
3. Conclusion: Make your point again, the transition to next, paragraph- Use appropriate transitional
phrases so that the paragraph will be well organized and structured. A concluding sentence that circles
back to the topic's significance.
A Visit To The Radio Station
On 15th April 2020, I visited the All India Radio Station, Delhi, with my friend, Ektha, who is a host
on a youth programme, Yuva Manch. We left home, early in the morning by bus and reached the
Radio Station, which was a big and beautiful building.
There was a lot of security but as my friend is a host, there, I could accompany her inside. There in a
large reception hall, my entrance pass was stamped. There were so many recording and broadcasting
rooms, that I lost count, of the many I crossed. The sections were marked with signboards and name
plates. The broadcast room was soundproof. There were many people seated in the audience and a
panel of experts in attendance. I also saw a recording room where a programme was being recorded.
The drama section proved to be an interesting experience as a play rehearsal was in progress. I also
visited the technical section where the engineers were busy ensuring that the programmes were aired
without any hitch.
It was a first-hand experience for me, as I now understood very clearly, how so many programmes
were on air and how we could tune in to our favourite channels, and enjoy them. The place had a very
professional upkeep and the employees too, had a smart uniform and were really very professional, in
their manner of approach and outlook
My Grandmother
I am fortunate to have my grandmother. She’s truly an angel. My mother is fond of her and always
asks for her advice before doing anything. My grandmother’s name is Savitha. She is short and
plump, with a slight hunch. Her face is a criss-cross of wrinkles. Her hair is a silver grey and she
neatly combs it into a small bun. She’s very soft spoken and always has a sweet smile for everyone.
My ‘nana’ as I fondly call her, is very loving and kind. She’s loved by all. I always love to visit her
for the delicious food, she prepares for us, whenever we are at home. She has a pet dog and cat and a
few chickens too. She loves animals. She likes gardening and has many flowering plants and some
fruit bearing trees, as well. I love to listen to her stories about her past. She’s such a fun-loving
I’m inspired by her zest for life and the positive approach towards everything. I have learnt many
things from her. I cherish the memories of my time spent with her and pray for her good health. It’s a
blessing to have her with us. I love my ‘nana’ a lot.


A Career Fair
I attended a Career Fair with my parents last month. It was organized by The Australian High
Commission, at Bal Bhawan. Many Australian colleges and universities participated. They
provided a lot of valid information about their graduate and undergraduate programmes. It
provided students with an excellent opportunity, to speak to the Deans of various universities, who
could guide them on the panorama of courses being offered.

Mass communication, Designing and Biotechnology, were of my interest and I did take interest in
finding out, job oriented prospects, in future. In addition to this, the students interacted face to
face with major recruiters from the country.

The Career Fair was perfectly timed as the exams had just ended. Students also got information
about the financial assistance, they could avail of. It was indeed a helping hand onto the career
ladder. We also got a first-hand insight of the colleges and the many opportunities provided,
during the course.


Format of Analytical paragraph writing
(explain in one or two lines the subject of the graph given)
(explain in detail what the graph is about, use relevant figures, explain trends, make comparisons and
contrasts, divide into sub paragraphs, if required)
(conclude the paragraph giving the overall view or summary of the graph)

Useful tips for writing an analytical paragraph

1. For an introduction, you can start with the following phrases-
1. The chart given above describes
2. The table suggests
3. The line graph shows
4. The data given provides information about
5. The pie chart illustrates, etc.
2. For describing trends, use phrases and words like- a pattern of growth, rapidly doubled,
skyrocketed, striking increase, peaked, soaring rates, declined, plummeted, leveled off,
stagnated, fluctuate, starting to rise, starting to fall, drop down, slightly, etc.
3. For describing quantities, use various styles like- 48% of, one-third of, nearly one-fourth of,
almost 80%, majority, on average, twice as much, almost equal, the highest, the lowest, very
close to 2%, roughly, approximately 5% of, just under three percent, etc.
4. For establishing a relationship or contrast, use phrases and words like- relationship between,
similarly, in contrast with, in comparison to, but in the opposite case, however, whereas, when
it comes to, as opposed to, while, striking difference, noticeable difference, etc.
5. For the conclusion and other connecting phrases use- overall, subsequently, in all, in a
nutshell, for the chart given, in short, striking changes, including, therefore, etc.
1.The following table shows details about the internet activities for six categories for different age
groups. Write an analytical paragraph for the table given in around 150-200 words.

Internet Activities Of Different Age Groups.

The given table suggests the internet activities of seven age groups ranging from teens to those in their
seventies for six different kinds of activities. The table shows that the younger generation is more
interested in online games and news, while the older generation spends time on the internet to research
and buy products.
It is evident from the table that teens mainly use the internet for games (as high as 81%), news and
downloads and are interested in searching for people or friends or doing any product research. The
middle-age group (people in 20s to 60s) is highly interested in getting news, doing product research and
buying products, the percentage ranging from 70-80%. The internet activity which gets the least time is
searching for people. All the age groups spend less than 30% of their internet time on the same. The
amount of time spent on downloads decreases with age and gets as low as 6% (for people in 70s).
Overall, the table suggests that teenagers are most likely to spend time playing games and doing
downloads. On the other side, older people are interested in researching and buying products. People
spend the least amount of time searching for other people online.

2.The given pie chart represents the amount of money spent by a family on different items in a
month. Write an analytical paragraph using the information given in the chart.

Expenditure Of A Family
The pie chart provides information about the amount of money a family has spent on different items in a
month. On an average, the family has spent majorly on grocery which is twenty-three percent of the total
expenses. Whereas it has spent 20 percent on education which shows that it’s the second priority for the
The other item on which it has spend the most is clothes and transportation which levels off 19 and 18
percent respectively. Fifteen per-cent of their expenses were on other items that might include stationery,
cosmetics, accessories, etc. and the least they had spent was on their rent. The maximum amount was
spent on grocery, education, transportation and clothes.
Overall the data shows that they have not spent much on the unnecessary items or miscellaneous. After
spending on grocery which is of utmost importance they have spent a significant amount on education.
The least money is spent on miscellaneous items after spending on their rent which is their liability. Thus,
it is evident that 85% of their total amount of money was spent on their liabilities whereas only 15 percent
was spent on other items that might not be necessary to spend on.

3.The given bar graph shows the increasing use of skin care products by men and women over the
period of three months. Write an analytical paragraph elaborating the given information.

Increasing Use Of Skin Care Products By Men And Women
The given bar graph shows the usage of skin care products by men and women over the time of three
months. The products used are facewash, toner and sunscreen.
The bar graph of men shows that the most used product by men is facewash. In the month of June the
facewash was used around 33 times, in July 30 times and in August 35 times. The toner was used around
27 times in the month of June, 20 times in July and around 33 times in the month of August. The
sunscreen was used 29 times in the month of June, 25 times in July and 32 times in August.
The bar graph of women shows that the most used product is sunscreen. In the month of June the
facewash was used 25 times, in July 22 times and in August 24 times The toner was used 22 times in the
month of June, in July 25 times and in August 27 times. The Sunscreen being the most used product was
used 34 times in June, 29 times in July and 35 times in August. To conclude the given information, the
usage of facewash by man saw a rise in the month of August and reached its peak and usage of sunscreen
by women saw its rise in the Month of August too, reaching its peak of 35 times of usage.


A paragraph is a group of sentences that, in totality, introduces, develops, and sums up an idea.
A paragraph consists of a topic sentence, a few supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. In
writing a paragraph, the writer should first collect his ideas on the given topic and then organise them in a
fluent and grammatically correct order. One must ensure coherence in the organisation of sentences so
that the thoughts and ideas are presented in a united manner, with an eye for organisation of sentences so
that the thoughts and ideas are presented in a united manner, with an eye for fluency. A simple format can
be observed to make the paragraph effective.
1.Write a paragraph on Skiing based on the hints given.
Hints: Done on snow -Winter season -Famous skiing grounds in India -Skiing competitions-Skiing

Skiing is an exhilarating sport practiced on snow. However, skiing can be done only during the winter
season when the layer of ice is thick in mountainous regions. Gulmarg and the Kullu–Manali valley are
the most famous skiing grounds in India. Skiing competitions are held there during the winter months.
Even if you are a beginner, you can find a skiing instructor who can train you.
2. Write a paragraph on based on Best Holiday Destination on the hints given

Goa-best place -Sunny and warm-Blue waters and balmy beaches-Water sports-Fine restaurants

Goa is the perfect place for a vacation.It is always sunny and warm.The deep blue sea and the balmy
beaches are beautiful. People can avail themselves of various water sporting activities like speed boats,
parasailing, water scooters, etc.It has many fine restaurants where you can gorge on a variety of dishes,
the origins of which can be traced to various parts of the world.

3. Paragraph writing 0n ‘Important of Fruits and Vegetables in Our Daily Diet’.

Important of Fruits and Vegetables in Our Daily Diet

Vegetables and fruit are an important part of a healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables are packed with
vitamins and minerals that help to keep our body functioning smoothly. It gives us the energy and
strength to lead a healthy and active life. In addition, they have lost of fiber to help our digestive system
work properly. Finally, it has been scientifically proven that the nutrients in fruits and vegetables can
help fight diseases. If we take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, we’ll be on the road to better health.

4. Paragraph writing 0n ‘Time is Money’.

Time is Money
Life a journey traveled on the highway of time. Therefore, time is precious. Every moment in life should
be properly utilized, as time, once lost, can never be recovered. And there is no way to stop should be

properly utilized, as time, once lost, can never be recovered. And there is no way to stop the hands of
time from ticking. Hence right from childhood, one should learn to appreciate the value of time. Just as
one should learn to make the best use of money, Should learn to make the best use of time, too. It has
been rightly said, ‘Time and tide wait for none.’ People who realize the value of time, believe in action
rather than procrastination. They use it to acquire knowledge and various useful skills.


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