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Soil & Tillage Research, 19 ( 1991 ) 145-164 145

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

Factors and indices regarding excessive

compactness of agricultural soils

A. Canarache
Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Blvd. Marasti 61, Bucharest (Romania)
(Accepted for publication 3 July 1990)


Canarache, A., 1991. Factors and indices regarding excessive compactness of agricultural soils. Soil
TillageRes., 19: 145-164.

A conceptual model is presented which includes the main factors and mechanisms of compacting
and loosening processes leading to changes in the state of compactness of agricultural soils. The state
of the art in simulation modelling of various submodels is discussed. A classification of excessive
compaction of agricultural soils according to depth of occurrence in the soil profile and its causes and
mechanisms is discussed, as well as specific techniques to alleviate various types of compaction. A
number of indices now in use to measure the ~tate of compactness are compared and prospects of
selection among these indices, in view of developing a standardized method are discussed.


Interest in soil compaction initially developed in engineering, and referred

to the need for building stable foundations, earth embankments or other con-
structions. The maximum state of compactness being the goal, research was
mainly directed towards finding the moisture content at which the maximum
bulk density of a given soil could be obtained and developing suitable imple-
ments and techniques to be used in construction worL
Regarding agxicultural soils, farmers have always known that they need a
moderate state of compactness. Research was carded out to determine the
relationships between bulk density and other indices of the state of compact-
ness and plant response (e.g. Czeratzk~, 1972; Sipo~, 1972), and values for
these indices, optimal for various soil textures, mainly in the seedbed, were
suggested. In most cases only the right-hand part of the yield response curves
expressing such relationships is of practical interest for field soils, and this is

0167-1987/91/$03.50 © 1 9 9 1 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.


probably the reason why subsequent interest was devoted much more to ex-
cessive compactness than to excessive looseness.
Probably the first type of excessive compactness explicitly referred to in
practice and in the literature was the ploughpan, which developed when the
same depth of ploughing was repeatedly used.
The advent of mechanized agriculture, the permanent trend towards in-
creasing the mass and changing other characteristics of the equipment tilling
the soil or trafficking at its surface, as well as other changes specific to mod-
em, intensive agriculture, led, during the last decades, to a sharp increase in
compaction processes. Interest in research developed accordingly, and re-
sulted in a number of reviews and treatises (Barnes et al., 1971; Chancellor,
1977; Soane, 1983; Taylor and Gill, 1984; Kuipers, 1986; Kravchenko, 1986;
Kushanarev and Matseparo, 1986; H'~kansson et al., 1988), special issues
(Bondarev, 1981; Sudakov, 1982; Kov'0a, 1987) and national or interna-
tional meetings (Halle, German Democratic Republic, 1987, see Ermich,
1980; Avignon, France, 1985, see Monnier and Goss, 1987; Hannover, FRG,
1986, see Drescher et al., 1988; Paris, France, 1988, see Anonymous, 1988),
of which the international Conference in Lublin, Poland, 1989 (see Anony-
mous, 1989) is the last and perhaps the largest.
In this paper we discuss some of the problems presently facing research in
the field of compaction as well as some of the possible ways to proceed in
further research work.


At present there is sufficient knowledge on compaction processes to de-

velop a comprehensive simulation model involving most of the specific as-
pects pertaining to these processes, and we expect such a development in the
near future. As a preliminary step, a conceptual model is suggested in Fig. 1.
In this model, firstly a list is given of the main factors affecting compacting
and loosening processes, and the possible interactions between these factors.
Secondly, submodels are indicated which refer to changes in soil moisture
content, season of tillage and traffic, trafficability and workability of soils,
soil compactibility and, finally, to compaction and various kinds of loosening
processes~ The final output of the model is the state of compactness, and its
feedback effects on some of the initial factors and submodels.
Most of the climate, soil and farming system factors affecting compacting
and loosening processes have been discussed in the literature, although the
discussion i'g usually restricted to only some of the factors and often to con-
ditions prevailing in specific areas.
Under the heading of soil factors, we have included texture, humus content
and exchangeable cations as more or less permanent soil properties, and dis-
persion and structure as variable soil properties, which characterize a specific

e soil
Factors affectingQna. i
toosening processes

I-cI,mate ~
' ~.~°,, k
I l
=Lie Farming

t I
JFarm machinery
drying I Je Evapotrals-J • Clay mineralogy I.C ~Ttltage system

• F.... ing/,I ~ H• u m u ~ DFarm transport
tnaving I • ExchangeablecQtior
• Oisper.~lon
• Stru(ture
• Mesofa a


• Compaction
pro t e s s

Ii Sei li Biological

State of compaCtneSs

Fig. 1. Conceptual model of factors and processes affecting the state of soil compactness.

soil with respect to formation and destruction of aggregates, water regime and
mechanical behaviour. The soil mesofauna (especially earthworms) has also
been included, considering its role in mixing and loosening processes.
The balance between rainfall and evapc,:ranspiration, including, when ap-
propriate, the effects of ir~'igation and/or drainage, are the main climatic fac-
tors affecting the soil water regime. Usually, freezing and thawing have been
considered among the main processes leading to natural loosening of soils,
and this is the reason why Gill ( 1971 ), assessing the intensity of compaction
in the U.S.A., sharply distinguished the areas with and without below-zero
temperatures in the winter time. In areas with heavy soils, the alternation of
wetting and drying, and of swelling and shrinking processes is at least as im-
portant but perhaps not yet well recognized.
Farming system factors are implicit in most literature on compaction, but
are seldom explicitly discussed. Among the factors to be considered are spe-
cific tillage and maintenance operations and field transport required by a given
crop, length of vegetation season and of seasons in-between succeeding crops,
soil moisture content conditions prevailing during these seasons, as well as
number, type and working conditions of farm machinery. To give some ex-
amples, manure spreading has been found to be one of the main causes of
compaction in some Scottish areas (Soane, 1987 ). The effect on compaction
of combine harvesting of maize has been studied in Romania (Florescu and
Canarache, 1965 ). The maize-w'~ter wheat rotation has been ~bund to have
the most negative effect on the soil physical status owing to the short interval
between harvesting maize and sowing wheat (Dumitru et al., 1981 ). In var-
ious climates, wet or dry conditions in spring and autumn focus the attention
on compaction caused either by seedbed preparation for spring crops, or by
harvesting and yield transportation.
A discussion of the various subsystems in Fig. 1 and of the extent to which
each of these subsystems can be treated as a simulation model is necessary.
The soil moisture content subsystem is, probably, the most advanced as re-
lated to simulation modelling. We refer to the well-known SWATRE model
(Feddes et al., 1978 ) and the SIBIL model (Simota, 1984) which is used in
Romania and includes some additional developments compared with
SWATRE. They both take into account climatic parameters, soil physical
properties and crop deveropment stages, and make use of a number of me-
chanistic relationships related to flux of water in the soil-plant-atmosphere
continuum. The CREAMS model (Knisel, 1980) features an additional term
which accounts for surface runoffon sloping lands. The main problem facing
incorporation of these models into the soil compaction system refers to the
need for adapting them to the upper soil layer, where most of the compacting
and loosening processes take place.
At present there are no explicit simulation models available for the tillage/

traffic season subsystem, but development of such models should not pose
too many problems.
Trafficability and workability have been extensively studied (Thomasson,
1982; Thomasson and Jones, 1988) and progress has been made in the devel-
opment of simulation models for this subsystem (Wind, 1976; Van Wijk and
Feddes, 1982), but some further development is still necessary. In these
models, climatic and soil pa~-ameters eventually leading to soil moisture con-
tent are the input variables, and the number of days when the land can be
used for tillage and/or traffic in different seasons for a given location is the
Soil compactibility is presently being studied, mainly experimemally, using
various laboratory compressibility tests (Felt, 1965) and a theoretical soil
mechanics approach. Nevertheless, semi-empirical and theoretkal simula-
tion models are now being developed (Blackweil and Soane, 1981; Gupta and
Larson, 1982; Smith, 1987; Nerpin et al., 1988) and, probably, they will soon
be available for incorporation into the compaction model. Input variables
used include most or some of the permanent and moderately variable soil
properties listed at the beginning of this section, but most important are the
rapidly variable soil properties: soil moisture content, which can be modelled,
and state of compactness, which in fact is the ultimate goal of the compaction
Until now there has been less interest in modelling the compaction and
loosening processes themselves, but such modelling should not be very diffi-
cult once the previously discussed subsystems are described as simulation
models. Compaction processes and mechanical loosening through tillage im-
plements have been extensively studied using the basic soil mechanics ap-
proach (Hettiaratchi, 1988 ), as well as in many experimental studies related
to the effects of traffic (e.g. Canarache et ai., 1984). There are only a few
e:~perimental data o n settling and self-loosening under field conditions (Kui-
pets and Van Ouwerkerk, 1963; Dumitru et al., 1989). Biological loosening
under the influence of root system development was discussed, among others,
by Canarache et al. (1983);~.~a there is also experimental evidence of the
effect of earthworms (Pop a:!ldPostoiache, 1985 ).
The output of the entire cdmpaction model is, of course, the state of com-
pactness of the soil. As alreai~.:tystated, it is a result of the two counteracting
processes, compaction and loosening, and it depends on all the factors and
subsystems discussed earlier. The state of compactness is variable over time.
It is influenced by a long-term trend, mainly related to changes in the farming
system and the agricultura~ eqaipment, by annual variations in weaih~i~con-
ditions, and by a variation within each year owing to tillage, other farming
operaP.ons and specific seasonal weather conditions. The state of compact-
ncss a [t'ccts many soil properties and the soil moisture regime. As a conse-
o o
-1 m
e,, L,+m
1 i, i 1
j" __ - -
-.~. ---- u. ""
:. ~--< ~_o. ~.
~ ~,~ ~ -
iiiiL • I
I++1o mm
3H~WaV~V~'V 0~I

quence it affects crop development and has a feedback effect on compactibil-

ity and on compaction and loosening processes.
More detail of the tillage-compaction system is given in Fig. 2, which is a
development of earlier work by Canarache and Dumitru (1986).
Various tillage operations, such as ploughing and secondary tillage for
seedbed preparation or for soil maintenance, are performed with different
objectives and have different direct effects; loosening, mellowing, mixing, set-
fling, crust breaking and perhaps some others..At the same t:~e, tillage oper-
ations have inevitable side effects. Some of them, such as co~apaction, clod
formation and smearing, are noticeable at the same time as the direct effects.
Others are residual effects, noticeable over a long time. They relate to changes
in basic soil properties, with consequences for dispersion and structure and,
eventually, for compactibility and state of compactness. The feedback refers
to the influence of structure on the immediate side effects of tillage. More-
over, an increase in compactness as well as clod formation and smearing cause
the farmer to perform more tillage operations which, in turn, induce n-tore
negative side effects. We face a kind of vicious circle, and have to break it if
we want to avoid an even more severe deterioration of the physical status of
the soil. Breaking this vicious circle is possible through improving the farm-
ing system, including the crop rotation and the farming equipment, perform-
ing tillage and traffic only under favourable soil moisture conditions, and en-
suring proper fertilization.


Two main criteria may be used to classify compaction of agricultural soils.

( 1 ) Depth of occurrence of the compact layer (horizon) in the soil profile,
as related to the depth of various tillage operations. Based on a classification
suggested by Kuipers (1986), we have developed the concept of the agro-
physical soil profile (Canarache, 1987c; Fig. 3). Schulte-Karring ( 1981 ) made
a distinction between soil profiles with only shallow individual compact lay-
ers, such as ploughpans ("schichtweise Verdichtung") and fully compact soil
profiles, especially throughout a clay-illuviation horizon ("Allgemein-
(2) Origin of the compact layer (horizon), either related to specific char-
acteristics of the parent material and soil-forming processes, or to improper
soil management. In the terminology of Hartge (1965), natural compaction
owing to parent material properties and mode of deposition is called "Sedi-
mentationsverdichtung", whereas those related to clay-iiluviation and other
soil-forming processes are called "Einlagerungsverdich~ung", and induced
companion "Sackungsverdichtung". In discussing the various possible ori~ns
of compacted horizons or layers, Hartge stresses the dif'ierences in pore-size
distribution of these different kinds of compaction, which are related mainly


Superficial layer Soil-nfmosphere exchanges Crusting Oisking,culhvating

Seedbed Germination Excessive [oosenipg Disking,cuifivating,
f settling or rnellowl~ rolling
Ploughed layer Hoisfure and nuf,ienfs Structure degradahc~ Ploughing
Ploughpnn andlor Soil-subsoil~xchQnges Induced compaction Subsoiling.~-a~..ingof
traffic pan improvirig crops, irrtgutio|

Roof zone Moisture uptake Natural compaction Deep ripping

r~ismg o, improving
crops, irrigation
c~ 6o
Fig. 3;. The agrophysical soil profile.


Types of excessive compaction of agricultural soils and measures to control it

Types of compaction according to depth, causes and mechanisms Measures to control compaction

Type Depth Natural Artificial Prevention Improvement

Extremely 0-5 Sandy Soils Raindrops Mulch Secondary
superficial clay with Grazing tillage
Inures degraded
and other structure
Surface 0-10 soils Secondary Limitation Conventional
with non- tillage ofpressure, tillage
balanced mass and
0-25 texture Primary number of
tillage passes
Shallow 20-35 Constant depth traffic/ Subsoiling
depth of ploughing tillage under
(ploughpan) Farm equipment of non-favourable
medium mass (c. 3 t / soil moisture
Deep > 30 Clay Farm equipment of very Avoiding Deep ripping
illuvial high mass ( > 10 t/axle) very high
horizons mass of
Other farm
heavy equipment

to filling in of large pores by clay-size soil particles during clay-illuviation

processes. In addition, some authors (Lhotsky et al., 1984) differentiate be-
t~veen primary compaction, either natural or induced, and secondary com-
paction, which is an induced recompaction of a former compact and then
loosened layer. Unger (1984) discussed means of controlling this specific kind
of compaction.
Combination of these two classification criteria resulted in Table 1. For
each combination of depth and origin of compaction, prevailing causes and
mechanisms are shown in the left-hand part of this table. In the right-hand
part of the table, management measures to prevent compaction and to im-
prove already compacted soils are presented, and they are adjusted to specific,
features of each type of compaction.


Early research into compaction used bulk density and total porosity as in-
dices of the state of compactness. In fact, for most mineral soils, these two
indices have the same meaning, as they are inversely related.
However, it was soon recognized tha~ interpretation of bulk density or total
porosity would not be the same for all soils, as it is dependent on soil texture.
With increasing clay content, lower bulk densities and higher total porosities
will separate compact from non-compact soils. Czeratzki (1972) was one of
the first authors to develop a system of bulk density data to define compac-
tion for the main three particle-size classes. Recently, a more detailed set of
bulk densities has been presented by Petelkau (1984), who tak,: s into account
not only clay content but also silt and sand contents, and explicitly states that
his data refer to bulk densities restrictive for a high-quality seedbed.
Another approach to the interpretation of bulk density mM to~al porosity
data for soils of different texture makes use of complex indices, some ofwhich
are presented below.
Packing density was defined by Beneke ( 1966 ) and Renger 1970) as:
PD=BD+O.O09 C ( 1)
where PD is packing density (g cm-3), BD is bulk density (gcm -3) and Cis
clay content (%, w/w).
Values of 1.40 and 1.75 g c m -3 of packing density are considered to sepa-
rate non-compact, moderately compact and compact soils, respectively. The
concept of packing density has been included in the official soil survey method
used in the U.K. (Hodgson, 1974).
Jones (1983) suggested that one could calculate bulk density restricting
rooting using:
BDr= 1.52-0.00646 C (2)

where BDr is restricting bulk density (gcm -3) and C is clay content (%, w/
Compaction degree was developed by Stfing~ (1978) and is used in the
official soil survey method of Romania (Florea et al., 1987). It is defined as:
CD= ( P T m - P T ) 100/PTm (3)
where CD is compaction degree (%, v/v), P T m is minimal required total
porosity (%, v/v) and PTis actual total porosity (%, v/v).
The minimal required total porosity results from:
PTm=44.9+O. 163 C (4)
where C is clay content (%, w/w).
Compaction degrees of 0, 10 and 18 separate non-compact, slightly com-
pact, moderately compact and severely compact soils, respectively.
Another group of complex indices to evaluate the state of compactness is
based on a standard bulk density, to be determined under conventional lab-
oratory conditions, which is compared with actual bulk densffy values. The
most widely used index in this group is the degree of compactness (H~kans-
son, 1988):
D = 1O0 BD/BDma,, (5)
where D is degree of compaction (%, w/w), BD is actual bulk density (g
cm-3), and BOma,~is maximum bulk density (gcm -3) as determined under
a static load of 200 kPa (Andersson and Hfikansson, 1967).
A different approach was used by Bennie and Van Antwerpen ( 1988 ), who
termed their index the degree of compaction:
DC= ( BD-BD~:,n) / ( B D m ~ - B D ~ i . ) (6)
where DC is degree of compaction (%, w/w), BD is actual bulk density (g
era-3), BDmin is minimum bulk density (g era-3), and BDmax is maximum
bulk density (g era- 3).
In Fig. 4 a comparison of some of these indices is pre~cnted. Packing den-
sity and compaction degree are given in this graph for selected values, the
significance of these values having been given above. Unfortunately, it was
not possible to include in this graph the degree of compactness, or the degree
of compaction, because as yet no way of calculating these indices for various
'~9il textures is available. Riley ( 1988 ) suggested an equation to calculate this,
but entries in the equation do not include clay content and the equation looks
as if it has been adap~.ed to soils with relatively high contents of organic mat-
ter and coarse fragments, which are not widespread in the geographical area
familiar to the author of this paper. Instead, we considered it acceptable to
include data 611 field bt~!k density which, according to our experience, may be
considered maximum for Romanian mineral soils. For data from Petelkau a


'~ 1.60 ~ . .-7.. ~ , ~ ....~ L,.Moximum field
bulk density


1.20 •~-~ ":r- 0- tTs~

.x¢ /
g "'~'°.~ rI ~>Beneke, Renger
-" i i
"~~. - pO--l~O J
0 10 20 30 60 50 60
Cloy content { %, g.g-1 ]

Fig. 4. Bulk densities corresponding to limiting values o f some complex indices o f the state o f
compactness for various clay contents. C D = compaction degree; PD = packing density.


Comparison of linear regression equations ( log K = a + b. PD ) for various clay contents = (example)

Clay Range (average_+ to.os'Standard deviation)

(%, w/w ) Parameters of the equation Calculated log K for specific PD

a b 1.2'0 1.70 2.20

0 3.21-3.56 - !.15..-0.93 2.09-2.i ~) 1.59-1.65 1.13.. 1.27

10 3.18-3.87 -1.72..-1.29 1.65-1.79 0.93-1.05 0.13.. 0.30
20 3.32-4.06 - 2 . 0 6 . . - 1.66 1.52-1.64 0.53-0.59 -0.43..-0.29
30 3.79-4.72 -2.56..-2.02 1.42-1.54 0.30-0.36 -0.90..-0.76
40 4.04-4.74 -2.61..-2.21 1.45-1.55 0.28-0.32 -0.95..-0.87
50 4.25-4.91 -2.69..-2.31 1.53-1.63 0.31-0.33 -0.96..-0.8;/
60 4.56-5.22 -2.83..-2.47 1.66-1.76 0.37-0.41 -0.97..-0.91
7G 4.65-5.17 -2.81..-2.52 1.67-i.75 0.34-0.37 -0.89°.-0.93
20-70 4.32-4.82 - 2 . 3 5 _ -2.63 1.69-1.78 0.44-0.52 -0.79..-0.65
aK=saturated hydraulic conductivity (ram h - J ); P D = packing density (g cm-3 ).

range is presented for each clay content, depending on various amounts of silt
and sand.
From Fig. 4 it may be seen that t.he general trend is the same for the various
indices considered, although there are some differences in interpretation ow-
ing to the authors or to local peculiarities of the geographical areas where
these indices have been defined.


Comparison of goodness of fi~ for various types of regression equations (examples)

Type of regression Correlation coefficients of linearized equations for different

equation variables and clay contents

D P = f (PD) a A M C = f (DP) a
clay content 0%, w/w clay content 10%, w/w

y=a+bx -0.99 0.95

y= l/(a+bx) 0.94 -0.96
y=a+b/x 0.96 -0.71
y= l/(a+b/x) -0.89 0.76
y = a + b logx -0.98 0.85
y = l / ( a + b.logx ) 0.92 -0.89
y = a + b x l/z -0.98 0.91
y = ( a + b x ) I/~ -0.99 0.84
y=ax b -0.95 0.87
y=a bx -0.97 0.96
y=aq-bx-l-cx 2 0.99 b 0.99b

aDP= drainable porosity (%, v/v); PD= packing density (gcm- 3); A M C = available moisture capac-
ity (%, w/w).
bCorrelation index.

~, - 30 0 30 1.20 1.60 2.00

•~ Compncfion d e g r e e [ % , v / v ) Packing density ( g-cm -3 )

50 75 100
Relative bulk density ( % )

Fig. 5. Relationships of drainabl~, ~rosity to some indices of the state of compactness.


; 0 3'0 1120 1.60 2.00'---'~"
Compaction degree{%, v/v) Packing dc~lsity( 9" crn-3 )

c lay
~= 2/' 1

~ 16 y 16-4 / f , i °

8' ~o

o -1---,, , -7o
50 ?5 100 0 20
Relative bulk density (%) Orainable porosity (%,v/v)

Fig. 6. Relationships of the available moisture capacity to some indices of the state of

. ~ ~ iilC
la y

~ 0-

E- 1 70
- 30 ~ 1o 1.20 1.60 2.00
Compaction degree (%,v/v) Packing densify Io~-cm"3 )

2- clay
J1/ f .~ zf~0


-I ' -~o

Relative bulk density (%) Drainable porosity ~%, ,,,/v)

Fig. 7. Relationships of the saturated hydraulic conductivity to some indices of the state of

An indirect way of estimating the intensity of compactness could be to ex-

amine some soil physical properties directly related to both clay content and
bulk density or total porosity. From among such properties we have selected
drainable porosity, available water capacity, saturated hydraulic conductivity
and resistance to penetration. It was considered important to find out, when
evaluating the state of compactness, how much these soil properties lead to
an interpretatiu,i similar to some of the complex indices formerly discussed.
Accordingly, graphs were prepared to show relationships between various pairs
of soil properties. Preparation of these graphs was based on estimation meth-
ods now in use in Romania for selected soil physical properties (Canarache,
1987a,b; 1990), which replace actual determinations quite well.
Initially, regressioi~s were calculated separately for each clay content. In
many cases parameters ef these regressions were not significantly different
among themselves; an ex~:mp!e being given in Table 2. In s-~ch cases, data for
various clay contents were merged, and single regressions for the entire group
of clay contents were calculated. Linear and several non-linear relationships
were tested in each case (Table 3) and the best of them was chosen, using
classical statistical evaluation for goodness of fit. In some cases linear regres-

21 21 clay

1 Io-70

;,. O] 0

-1Jr . . . . . . 1~ ""
=, - 30 b '"JO 1J20- 1'.50 2'.00
Compactiondegree1%,v/v ) Packing density( g-cm-]1
2- i
~ 1- /o-70 1-

g 0
/ 0-
~ o c~ay
S0 75 100 ~o Ko
Relative bulk density (%) Drainable porosity(%,v/v)
Fig. 8. Relationships of the resistance to penetration (at field capacity) to some indices of the
state of compactness.


Statistics o f regresgions between several soil physical properties used ~s indices o f compactness

xa ya Clay Regression equation r ty/x

(%, w / w )

CD DP 0 y = 3 4 . 5 - 0.347x -0.99 ~
10 y=25.1-0.476x -0.99 b
20-70 y = 1 6 . 7 - 0 . 7 lOx+O.OO664x 2 0.98
PD DP 0 y= 76.8-28.3x -0.99 b
10-70 y = 1 3 1 . 3 - 89.8x+ 13.4x ~ 0.97
BDr DP 0 y= 77.4-0.560x -0.99 b
10 y= 79.4-0.715x --0.99 b
20-60 y = 1 3 0 . 5 - 2.13x+O.OO829x 2 0.99
70 y = 145.7-2.87x+O.O142x 2 0.99
CD AMC 0 y = 5.4-0.173x+O.OO283x 2 0.99
10 y= 11.6-0.136x+0.00156x 2 0.99
20-50 y = 12.5-0.11 l x - O . O O l 4 0 x 2 0.80
60 y = 9.7--0.198x-O.OO243x 2 0.99
70 y = 1 3 . 6 - 0 . 3 6 2 x - 0.00429x 2 0.99
PD .4MC 0 y = 6 9 . 9 - 72.3::+ 19.5x 2 0.99
10 y= 54.1-40.6x+ 9.74x 2 0.99
20-60 y= -3.0+28.3x- 11.5x 2 0.91
70 y = - 0.4 + 3 9 . 0 x - 17.3x 2 0.99

BDr AMC 0 y = 7 1 . 8 - 1 . 4 5 x +0.0762x 2 0.99

i0 y = 50.5 - 0 . 8 2 i x + 0.00403x 2 0.99
20-6b y = 1.7 + 3 . 4 3 3 x - 0 . 0 0 3 9 1 x 2 0.80
70 y = i 7.1 + 0 . 2 8 0 ~ - 0.00444x 2 0.99
DP AMC 0 y=20.6-1.47x +0.296x 2 0.99
10 y = 9.0-- 0.0927x+ 0.00766x 2 0.99
20-60 y= 6.7+0.388x--0.00535x 2 0.75
70 y = 2 . 5 + 1 . 0 5 x --0.0159x 2 0.97
CD logK 0 y = 1.83 ~O.0127x --L/.99 b
10 y = 1 . 1 5 - 0.0203x+ 0.000149x z 0.99
20 y=0.79-0.0239x -0.99 b
30-70 y=0.29-0.0355x -0.96 b

PD iogK 0 y=3.39-1.0-7~, -0.89 b

10 y= 5 . 8 8 - 4 . 5 5 x + 0 . 9 5 6 x : 0.99
20-30 y = 3 . 9 6 - 2.07x - - U.96 b
40-70 y = 4.67 -- 2.54x --0.99 b

BDr !ogK 0 y=4.75-O.O541x+O.OOO204x 2 0.99

10 y= 5.52- 0.0843x+ 0.000353x 2 0.99
20 y = 5 . 3 8 - 0.0858x+0.00032 I x 2 0.99
30-7G y = 3 . 4 2 - 0.042 I x -- 0.96 b

DP logK 0 y= 1 . 6 7 - 0 . 0 3 9 5 x +0.00124x 2 0.99

10 y = 0.56+ 0.0022 I x + 0.00083 Ix 2 0.99
20-40 y = - 0.39 + 0 . 0 5 2 6 x - 0.000140x-" 0.96
50-70 y = - 0 . 9 1 + 0 . 0 8 5 8 x - 0.000889x 2 0.98

TABLE 4 (Continued)

x~ y~ Clay Regression equation r ly/x

(%, w/w)
CD logRPf 0-70 y=O.39+O.O269x-O.OOO368x 2 0.92
PD IogRPf 0 y = -6.61 ~, 6.92x- !.52x 2 9.99
10-70 y = - 5.35 + 4.92x-0.910x 2 0.98
BDr logRPf 0-70 y = - 4.14 + 0.0858x- 0.000347x 2 0.94
DP logRPf C y = -0.01 +0.119x-9.00313x 2 0.99
10-70 y = 0 . 9 6 - 0.0239x- 0.000408x 2 0.97

~DP= drai nable porosity (%, v / v ); AMC= available moisture capacity (%, w/w ); K= saturated hy-
draulic conductivity (mm h-J); RPf=resistance to penetration at field capacity (MPa);
CD=compaction degree (%, v / v ) ; PD=packing density (g cm-3); and BDr=relative bulk density
bSignificaniat the 0. i level.

sions were good enough, while in other cases second-de~ee regressions were
found to be a statistically significant better fit and to show better the trend of
these particular regressions which have more gentle slopes towards the
The results of the calculations are shown in Figs. 5-8, while parameters of
the ~'gression equations and correlation coc~cients arc ~howa in Table 4.
Examining these data shows that in most cases the regressions, which are all
highly significant, differ for coarse-te~tured soil:, and in some instances also
for fine-textured soils. Only in some cases the same regression proved to be
valid for the entire range of clay contents.


Various subsystems of the soil compaction mode1 are at present being stud-
ied. Quantitative, mechanistic relationsifips are only available for some of
them. Nevertheless, the conceptual model presented in this paper could be
developed into a simulation model to predict the state of compactness.
Compaction processes and their causes and mechanisms may be quite dif-
ferent, with practical consequences for the selection of appropriate control
Various indices used to describe the state of compactness, although in gen-
eral showing the same trend, are not always well correlated, because each of
these indices expresses some kind of specific inforraation. As a consequence,
choosing one of these indices as a unique standardized measure of the state
of compactness does not seem feasible~ and the use of several of these indices
at the same time seems to be necessary.

A m o n g future research needs in the field o f soil c o m p a c t i o n t h e following

m i g h t be considered: ( 1 ) a systemic a p p r o a c h to t h e factors a n d processes
leading to various states o f c o m p a c t n e s s , a n d d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e q u a n t i t a t i v e
relationships b e t w e e n the various subsystems; ( 2 ) m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n t h e
m e c h a n i s m s , processes a n d practical m a n a g e m e n t t e c h n i q u e s specific to var-
ious k i n d s o f c o m p a c t i o n ; ( 3 ) b e t t e r s t a n d a r d i z a t i o n o f a selectea n u m b e r o f
indices o f the state o f compactness.


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