Реферат з хімії

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What ecological problem is depicted in the picture?

а) climate change б) rubbish

в) growing population г) pollution

д) endangered animals


What ecological problem is depicted in the picture?

а) climate change б) rubbish

в) growing population г) pollution

д) endangered animals

8. It is the process of making our environment dirty and unhealthy for living.

а) ecology б) pollution

в) environmental problems г) nuclear testing

д) animals in danger е) garbage

є) rainforest

9. Обери правильний переклад

виживання -

а) surface б) waste

в) coastal г) survival

10. Обери правильний переклад

відновлювальна енергія -

а) greenhouse effect б) consequences

в) global warming г) renewable energy

20. What do you call the rain that contains chemical waste and causes damage to plants and animals?

а) Smog б) Acid rain

в) Monsoon rain г) Seasonal rain

21. What is environment?

а) water, air, land б) books, magazines, newspapers

в) pollution, climate change г) recycling, reusing, reducing

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