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ECEG-3201 Digital Logic Design

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

(AAIT) Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering
Course Instructor

 Name: Nebyu Yonas Sutri

 Office: N143, Samsung building

 Phone: +251*********
 Email:

 Office Hours: Thursday 1:30 – 5:00 PM

Friday 1:30 – 5:00 PM

AAIT, Department of Electrical and 2 Nebyu Yonas Sutri

Computer Engineering
What you will learn in DLD?
• Introduction to Digital Systems
• Basic and Derived Logic Gates;
• Discrete Logic Gates Realization;
• Digital Integrated Circuits and Logic Families;
• Comparison of Common Logic Families;
• Introduction to Switching Algebra;
• Design of Logic Systems;
• Design of Combinational Logic Systems;
• Memory Elements;
• Multivibrators;
• Design of Sequential Logic Systems;
AAIT, Department of Electrical and 3 Nebyu Yonas Sutri
Computer Engineering
Course Textbook 1

• Authors: Stephen Brown

& Zvonko Vranesic.
• Title: Fundamentals of
digital logic with VHDL
Design, 3rd edition.
• Or Fundamentals of
digital logic with
Verilog Design.
• Publisher: McGraw-Hill.
AAIT, Department of Electrical and 4 Nebyu Yonas Sutri
Computer Engineering
Reference Book 1

• Author: Thomas L. Floyd.

• Title: Digital Fundamentals,
9th edition.
• Publisher: Pearson Prentice
Hall .

AAIT, Department of Electrical and 5 Nebyu Yonas Sutri

Computer Engineering
Reference Book 2
John F. Wakerly, Digital Design Principles & Practices

AAIT, Department of Electrical and 6 Nebyu Yonas Sutri

Computer Engineering
Reference Book 3

• Author: M. Morris Mano.

• Title: Digital Design, 5th
• Publisher: Pearson.

AAIT, Department of Electrical and 7 Nebyu Yonas Sutri

Computer Engineering
Course Schedule
• Lectures,
 Thursday, 6:00 - 7:45 PM, 118
 Friday, 6:00 - 7:45 PM, 118
• Laboratory, Sunday

Course Pre-Requisite
• Applied Electronics II

AAIT, Department of Electrical and 8 Nebyu Yonas Sutri

Computer Engineering
What do I expect from you?
• Be honest.
• Do ALL Assignments, note: Do not copy.
• Discuss with classmates but work on assignments
on your own, again, do not copy.
• Be punctual – Arrive on time (Lab or Lecture).
• Attend at least 75% attendance, Be warned:
You could be barred from Final Examination.
• Most of all: Study!

AAIT, Department of Electrical and 9 Nebyu Yonas Sutri

Computer Engineering
What you can expect from Me?
• I will try my best to make this class as interesting
as possible.
• I will inform you of any changes (lecture or lab) in
advance, if there is any unforeseen reason.
• I will arrive in lecture on time.
• I will end the lecture on time (if not early).
• I will answer all your questions related to DLD to
the best of my knowledge.
• All exam and test questions will be from lectures
and assignments.
AAIT, Department of Electrical and 10 Nebyu Yonas Sutri
Computer Engineering
Course Assessment
• Evaluation,
 Assignments, 10%
 Quizzes, 20%
 Lab, 20%
 Final exam, 50%

AAIT, Department of Electrical and 11 Nebyu Yonas Sutri

Computer Engineering

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