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Environmental Pollution 302 (2022) 119065

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Metagenomic analysis of microbial community structure and distribution of

resistance genes in Daihai Lake, China☆
Caili Du a, b, Fang Yang a, *, Xiaoguang Li a, Haiqing Liao a, Zhonghong Li a, Jiayue Gao c,
Lieyu Zhang a
Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science, Beijing 100012, China
College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
School of Space and Environment, Beihang University, Beijing 100191 China


Keywords: The emergence of resistance genes is a global phenomenon that poses a significant threat to both animals and
Metagenomic analysis humans. Lakes are important reservoirs of genes that confer resistant to antibiotics and metals. In this study, we
Resistance gene investigated the distribution and diversity of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and metal resistance genes
Bacterial diversity
(MRGs) in the sediment of Daihai Lake using high-throughput sequencing and metagenomic analysis. The results
indicated that all sampling sites had similar bacterial community structures, with Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria,
Daihai lake
Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes being the most abundant. A total of 16 ARG types containing 111 ARG subtypes
were deposited in the sediment. Among the resistance genes to bacitracin, multidrug, macrolide-lincosamide-
streptogramin (MLS), tetracycline, beta-lactam, and sulfonamide were the dominant ARG types, accounting
for 89.9–94.3% of the total ARGs. Additionally, 15 MRG types consisting of 146 MRG subtypes were identified. In
all samples, MRGs of the same type presented resistance to Pb, Ni, Hg, W, Zn, Ag, Cr, Fe, As, Cu, and multimetals.
Overall, the distribution and diversity of antibiotic and metal resistance genes showed no significant differences
in the samples. Plasmids (91.03–91.82%) were the most dominant mobile genetic elements in the sediments of
Daihai Lake. Network analysis indicated that the target ARGs and MRGs were significantly positively correlated
with the microorganisms. Potential hosts for various ARGs and MRGs include Proteobacteria, Euryarchaeota,
Actinobacteria, Chloroflexi, and Bacteroidetes.

1. Introduction (Lekunberri et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2019b; Wu et al., 2014). ARGs can
be spread not only within the same species but also between different
Antibiotics have been extensively applied in various industries, bacterial strains via horizontal gene transfer (HGT) and mobile genetic
including medical treatment, veterinary, agriculture, and aquaculture, elements (MGEs), such as integrons (In), plasmids, insertion sequences
which rising considered as emerging environmental contaminants (Hu (IS), integrating conjugative elements (ICEs) and transposons (Tn)
et al., 2013; Larsson and Flach, 2021; Song et al., 2019; Wang et al., (Gillings, 2017). More importantly, ARGs in the environment can be
2021). According to statistics, 9.27 × 104 t of antibiotics were consumed transmitted and disseminated to human pathogens (Hawkey and Jones,
in China, and 5.38 × 104 t of antibiotics were discharged into the 2009), posing a risk to humans (Pehrsson et al., 2016). In recent years,
environment, particularly in rivers and soil via water (Qiao et al., 2018; there has been widespread concern about the impact of resistance genes
Zhang et al., 2015). Hence, overuse, misuse, and incorrect dosing of as emerging pollutants in the environment and for humans.
these antibiotics leads to dispersal of antibiotic-resistant genes (ARGs) The lake ecosystem is regarded as an environmental reservoir for the
and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the environment (Wright, 2010). propagation, diffusion, and survival of resistance genes because it re­
Earlier studies reported that ARGs and antibiotic-resistant bacteria ceives a variety of effluents, including wastewater treatment plant ef­
(ARB) had been found in numerous habitats, including drinking water, fluents, farm effluents, and effluents from urban residential areas and
farmland soil, landfill leachate, and wastewater treatment plants hospitals (Lin et al., 2015; Ma et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2017). Studies

This paper has been recommended for acceptance by Dr. Sarah Harmon.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Yang).
Received 21 September 2021; Received in revised form 18 February 2022; Accepted 24 February 2022
Available online 25 February 2022
0269-7491/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Du et al. Environmental Pollution 302 (2022) 119065

have reported that these effluents could lead to the dispersal of such km2, an average water depth of 4 m (Sun et al., 2021). With an average
genes in river ecosystems; the average relative abundance of resistance annual precipitation of 403.5 mm and average annual evaporation of
genes from farm effluent was more than four times greater than from the 813 mm, precipitation is the primary recharge source for the basin.
river (Rowe et al., 2016). Additional studies found that the most abun­ Furthermore, precipitation in Daihai Lake is low and uneven during the
dant ARGs in the river catchment were tetracycline-resistant genes (tetC year. In addition, 22 seasonal rivers flow into the Daihai Basin for
and tetW) from farm effluents. The relative abundance of ARGs and replenishment (Huang and Chun, 2021). The primary rivers that enter
bacterial community components in sediment samples from receiving the lake are the Gongba in the west, Tiancheng in the south, and the
water bodies is significantly influenced by effluents from wastewater Muhua in the east (Huang and Chun, 2021). The majority of the rivers
treatment plants (Chu et al., 2018). In addition to ARGs, metal resistance surrounding the basin are dry for most of the year.
genes (MRGs) have been discovered in several lakes worldwide (Stange
et al., 2019; Tong et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2019). The presence of MRGs 2.2. Field sampling
contributes to the spread and diffusion of ARGs (Salam, 2020). Bacteria
that harbor resistomes (MRGs and ARGs) are more likely to be con­ Based on the characteristics of the lake and inflowing rivers, eight
jugative and transferred among different bacterial strains (Pal et al., samples (S1-S8) were investigated in Daihai Lake (Fig. 1). Two (S1 and
2015). S2), three (S3, S7, and S8), and three (S4, S5, S6) sampling sites were
Most studies detected or quantified resistance genes in various en­ located at the western, middle, and eastern regions of the lake, respec­
vironments using traditional PCR and qPCR techniques. Essentially, tively. The surficial sediment in each location was sampled from the top
these traditional techniques do not provide more information about 5 cm layer using a Peterson sediment sampler in November 2020 (Jiang,
genetic diversity, except for the selected genes being amplified, which 2012). For each sampling site, three sub-samples of surface sediments
are only suitable for certain species analyses. However, metagenomic were collected and mixed as one sample, stored in a 50-mL polyethylene
sequencing could be used to sequence and analyze the total DNA from tube, and sent to the laboratory within 24 h on dry ice and stored at
environmental samples, relying on cloning of random DNA fragments − 80 ◦ C for further analysis.
into suitable vectors and not limited to specific primers, and the
throughput is improved by several orders of magnitude compared to the 2.3. DNA extraction and metagenomic sequencing
qPCR techniques. This method might detect different species (bacteria,
fungi, and pathogens) and uncover information about new genes or new The total DNA from each sediment sample was extracted using the
species. In addition, the technology provides important information FastDNA™ Spin Kit for Soil (MP Biomedicals, CA, USA), according to the
about genomic features, functional genes, and the composition, func­ manufacturer’s instructions. The quality and integrity of all DNA sam­
tion, and metabolic capacity of the bacterial community. Therefore, it is ples were verified by 1% agarose gel electrophoresis.
an excellent method to understand bacterial communities and resistance All extracted DNA samples were sent to Beijing Nohe Zhiyuan Sci­
genes in environmental samples (Port et al., 2014). ence and Technology Co., Ltd. for Illumina shotgun high-throughput
Antibiotic resistance is an ancient and natural phenomenon that is sequencing using an Illumina Hiseq 2500 platform (2 × 150 bp).
widespread in the natural environment (D’Costa et al., 2011). Lakes are
important carriers for the spread and propagation of resistant genes, 2.4. Bioinformatic analysis
which provide services for humans and animals, such as safe drinking
water, farming water, and inland fisheries. Daihai Lake, a typical inland The original sequencing reads obtained from all sampling sites were
lake in the semi-arid area of northwest China, has no outlet, and all subjected to quality control using Trimmonatic (Bolger et al., 2014), and
surface and underground runoff in the basin are discharged and the Kraken2 method was applied to analyze the microbial community
collected in the lake (Liang et al., 2014). It is alkaline and saline, with a structure of all sampling sites (Wood et al., 2019). All clean reads were
pH varying from 8 to 9. A coal-fired power plant, which began operation matched and annotated as different types and subtypes of ARGs based on
in 2005, was built in the southwest region of the lake. The waste and the SARG database with USEARCH (ACCEL ≤0.5, e-value of 10− 5) (Yin
coal ash from coal-fired power plants may increase the pollutant input et al., 2018). Furthermore, all metagenomic sequencing was annotated
(e.g., nutrients and heavy metals) to the lake. Therefore, the water as MRGs based on the BacMet reference dataset with BLASTx (Pal et al.,
quality of the lake has deteriorated. Despite several measures to prevent 2014). Then, all clean data were also searched for MGEs against the IS
and control pollution in the basin, the lake remains severely eutrophic. Finder database (, INTEGRALL database
Because there is no outflow from the lake, external pollutants accumu­ (, ICEberg database (https://db-mml.sjtu.
late within the catchment. In addition, the rapid decline of the Daihai and NCBI RefSeq databases by BLASTn. MGEs
water level will further increase the concentration of pollutants, has­ including In, IS, and ICEs were only annotated when the e–value < 1e− 5,
tening the trend of water quality deterioration and disrupting the the nucleotide identity ≥95%, and alignment length ≥50 bp. MGEs,
virtuous cycle of the lake water ecosystem. Moreover, there have been including plasmids and Tn, were identified when the sequence identity
no reports on the distribution, diversity, and co-occurrence patterns of was ≥95%, an alignment length ≥90 bp, and e-value < 1e− 5. The
ARGs and MRGs in inland lakes. This study was the first to report the number of ARGs and MRGs reads per million reads was used to stan­
distribution and components of resistomes in Daihai Lake based on dardize the average relative abundances of ARGs and MRGs.
metagenomic sequencing. The aims of the present study were to: (1)
survey the structure or composition of the microbial community in 2.5. Statistical analysis
Daihai Lake; (2) characterize the distribution of ARGs and MGEs using
metagenomic analysis; and (3) identify the potential ARGs and MRGs Origin 2018 and R 4.1.0 were used for all data analysis and charting.
hosts through network analysis. Network analysis based on Spearman’s rank correlation was used to
investigate the co-occurrence patterns among the resistomes, MGEs, and
2. Materials and methods microbial communities. Before correlation analysis, rare operational
taxonomic units (genus, relative abundance <0.2%) in each sample
2.1. Study area were deleted. Correlations were constructed based on the abundance of
all ARGs, MRG subtypes in each sampling site, MGEs and, microbial
Daihai Lake (40◦ 32′ to 40◦ 36′ N, 112◦ 37′ to 113◦ 46′ E) is located in community by calculating Spearman’s rank correlation using the R
the eastern portion of Liangcheng City, Inner Mongolia, China, which is vegan, Igraph, and Hmisc packages. The study defined correlation co­
a typical interior continental closed lake basin with a total area of 133.5 efficient values r ≥ 0.8 and P ≤ 0.05 between resistomes and

C. Du et al. Environmental Pollution 302 (2022) 119065

Fig. 1. Sampling site in Daihai Lake.

microorganisms as significant correlations. Network analysis was car­ 3.2. Abundance of ARGs in the sediment of Daihai Lake
ried out using Gephi software (version 0.9.2).
To understand the profile of ARGs in sediment samples from Daihai
Lake, we conducted a USEARCH analysis of all metagenome samples
2.6. Sequence submission against the SARG database. The ARGs were identified into 16 ARG types
via metagenomic analysis in S1 (14 types, 43 ppm), S2 (14 types, 36
The raw sequence reads of the metagenome used in this study have ppm), S3 (13 types, 34 ppm), S4 (12 types, 38 ppm), S5 (16 types, 30
been deposited in the Genome Sequence Archive (GSA) in National ppm), S6 (12 types, 36 ppm), S7 (13 types, 42 ppm), and S8 (12 types,
Genomics Data Center, Beijing Institute of Genomics (China National 35 ppm). Among these types of ARG, 11 were shared at the selected
Center for Bioinformation), Chinese Academy of Sciences, under sampling sites. The predominant ARG types were resistance genes for
accession number CRA005473 and are publicly accessible at https://big bacitracin, multidrug, macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin (MLS), tetracycline, beta-lactam, and sulfonamide in the given samples,
contributing approximately 89.9–94.3% of the total ARGs (Fig. 3).
3. Results Nonetheless, the relative abundances of the main ARGs varied across
different sampling sites: bacitracin was the dominant ARG in S1
3.1. Bacterial community structure abundance in the sediment of Daihai (39.26%), S7 (42.27%), and S8 (45.37%); however, multidrug domi­
Lake nated the other samples (S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6), accounting for
39.44–43.92% of the total relative abundance of ARGs (Fig. 3). Other
To investigate the microbial community diversity of all sediment ARG types (resistance genes for chloramphenicol, trimethoprim, kasu­
samples, an average of 44,931,128 effective sequences were generated. gamycin, quinolone, rifamycin, aminoglycoside, and vancomycin) were
Most metagenomic reads (95.4–98.6%) were taxonomically assigned to also detected; however, they were not as prevalent in the selected
bacteria in this study. The results showed that all sampling sites had sampling sites. Chloramphenicol resistance genes were only detected in
similar bacterial community structures. The phylum, Proteobacteria, S5, with the lowest abundance at 0.02 ppm. Overall, the total relative
was the main bacterial community component, representing abundance of ARGs in Daihai Lake was stable, ranging from 30 ppm to
76.4–82.6% of the total phyla in the given samples, followed by Acti­ 41 ppm in the eight sampling sites (Fig. 3). Moreover, the highest
nobacteria (7.03–8.18%). Additionally, some phyla dominated the mi­ relative abundance of ARGs was observed in S1 and the lowest in S8.
crobial community structure in each sampling site, such as Firmicutes
and Bacteroidetes, accounting for 2.38–3.76% and 2.38–8.11%,
3.3. Subtype abundance of ARGs in the sediment of Daihai Lake
respectively (Fig. 2).
The ARG types were further classified into 111 ARG subtypes across
all samples, ranging from 51 to 67 ARG subtypes per sample. Among all
ARG subtypes, the top 30 of each sampling site were extracted, and a
total of 51 ARG subtypes are presented in SI Fig. 1. The top 30 ARG
subtypes in each sampling site contributed 97.42–99.48% to the total
ARG subtypes abundance. A total of 33 ARG subtypes were shared across
eight sites. Moreover, these ARG subtypes mainly belong to the ami­
noglycoside resistance gene (aac (6′ )-II and aadA), multidrug resistance
(acrA, acrB, acrF, adeB, adeJ, cmeB, emrE, mdtB, mdtC, mdtF, mdtK, mexA,
mexB, mexD, mexE, mexF, mexI, mexT, mexW, mexY, multi­
drug_ABC_transporter, multidrug_transporter, oprM, smeD, smeE, and
TolC), beta-lactam resistance gene (blaOXA-2, blaOXA-226, blaOXA-3, blaOXA-
34, and blaPBP-1A), bacitracin resistance (bacA), MLS (lsa, macA, and
macB), vancomycin resistance gene (vanR and vanS), polymyxin resis­
tance gene (arnA), rifamycin resistance gene (ADP-ribosylating trans­
ferase), sulfonamide resistance gene (sul4), tetracycline resistance gene
Fig. 2. Relative abundance of bacterial community structure at the phylum (tet35 and tetP), fosmidomycin (rosA and rosB), and kasugamycin
level in the sediments of Daihai Lake. resistance (kasugamycin resistance protein ksgA). At the subtype level,

C. Du et al. Environmental Pollution 302 (2022) 119065

Fig. 3. Percentage abundances of different ARGs in the sediments of Daihai Lake. (Blank represents the ARGs was not detected in sampling site).

bacA, multidrug transporter, macB, and acrB were the dominant ARGs cueA, nczA, and zipB), the Fe resistance gene (acn), As resistance genes
subtypes, accounting for approximately 64.25–77.63% in each sample. (acr3, arrA, pstB, arsM, arsT, pstC, arsC, and arrB), Cr resistance genes
The bacA gene had the highest abundance, ranging from 6.40 ppm to (chrA and chrF), Ag resistance genes (silA and silP), and Zn resistance
17.50 ppm in all samples, constituting approximately 21.65–32.97% of genes (ziaA and zraR/hydH) were the main MRG subtypes. Moreover,
the total. these MRG subtypes belong to resistance genes for Cu, As, and multi­
metals. All the detected MRG subtypes (36 MRG subtypes) were shared
by all samples. CopB, arsB, copA, ruvB, acn, cop-unnamed, actP, acr3,
3.4. Abundance of MRGs in the sediment of Daihai Lake copF, arrA, pstB, chrA, and copR genes were the most prevalent subtypes,
accounting for 82.81–84.95% in each sample (SI Fig. 2). The copB gene
The metagenomic analysis demonstrated that 15 MRG types (Cu resistance gene) had the highest relative abundance in the sample
comprising 146 MRG subtypes were found in the sediment samples. sites, except for S4 and S5.
Resistance genes for Pb, Ni, Hg, W, Zn, Ag, Cr, Fe, As, Cu and multi­
metals shared MRG types in all samples (Fig. 4). The main MRG types
were multimetal resistance genes which accounted for 39.44–43.92% of 3.5. Abundance of MGEs and correlation between resistance genes in the
the total relative abundance of MRGs. Cu resistance genes with a high sediment of Daihai Lake
relative abundance of MRGs were discovered, ranging 39.45–43.92%,
followed by MRGs with As resistance (15.54–18.28%), Fe resistance To investigate the distribution characteristics of MGEs in the sedi­
(5.22–7.29%), and Cr resistance (2.68–4.35%) genes. Only Au resistance ment of Daihai Lake, the sequencing data were compared with the
gene was found in S6, with a low value of 0.02%. Furthermore, the database of mobile genetic elements. Plasmids (91.03–91.82%) were the
relative abundance of MRGs from the selected sediment samples ranged most dominant MGEs in all samples, followed by IS (4.14–4.88%) and
from 225 ppm to 459 ppm, with a mean relative abundance of 337 ppm ICEs (3.15–3.51%). The relative percentage of other MGEs was
(Fig. 4). Among all samples, S7 had the highest relative abundance of extremely low, with a total percentage of 0.76% (Fig. 5).
MRGs, while S5 had the lowest abundance. Furthermore, network analysis was used to investigate the co-
Among all MRG subtypes, the top 30 of each sampling site were occurrence patterns of resistance genes subtypes (ARGs and MRGs)
extracted, and a total of 36 MRG subtypes are illustrated in SI Fig.2. The and MGEs (relative abundance > 5e− 5) in the sediment of Daihai Lake.
top 30 MRG subtypes in each sampling site accounted for 94.18–95.70% The results revealed a significant correlation between MGEs and resis­
of the total MRG subtype abundances. Cu resistance genes (copB, cop- tance genes (Fig. 6). Furthermore, the entire network consisted of 40
unnamed, actP, copF, copR, corR, copS, ctpV, copP, and cutO), multi­ nodes (12 MGEs, 5 MRG subtypes, and 23 ARG subtypes) and 57 edges.
metal resistance genes (arsB, arsA, czcC, ruvB, recG, dmeF, golT, copA, Plasmids were the main MGEs, including unnamed (NZ_CP019912.1,

C. Du et al. Environmental Pollution 302 (2022) 119065

Fig. 4. Percentage abundances of different MRGs in the sediments of Daihai Lake.

Fig. 5. Relative abundance of MGEs in the sediments of Daihai Lake.

NZ_CP020399.1), unnamed1 (NZ_CP022308.1), unnamed2

(NZ_CP024037.1, NZ_CP029357.1), unnamed4 (CP046144.1), p1
(NZ_CP032331.1, NZ_CP032346.1), pG20AB007-2, pAZKH, TSH58_p02,
and pSBC2-1. Among these, unnamed4 (CP046144.1) was significantly
positively associated with the gene of cAMP regulatory protein. The
plasmid of unnamed1 (NZ_CP022308.1) and unnamed2
(NZ_CP029357.1) were positively associated with multiple MRGs. Other
plasmids were significantly positively associated with both ARGs and
MRGs. Fig. 6. Network analysis of the correlation between MGEs, ARGs, and MRGs.

C. Du et al. Environmental Pollution 302 (2022) 119065

3.6. Co-occurrence between bacteria, ARGs, and MRGs bacteria may carry different resistance genes, some of which simulta­
neously carry ARGs and MRGs, such as Actinobacteria and Proteobac­
Network analysis can reveal the co-occurrence patterns between the teria. This indicates that these bacterial families may be potential hosts
resistome (ARGs and MRGs) and microorganisms. The findings revealed for resistance genes, and different bacteria play different roles in the co-
that there are different co-occurrence relationships between microor­ occurrence relationship.
ganisms and resistance genes for antibiotics and metals in the complex
network structure. The entire network consisted of 127 nodes (75 mi­ 4. Discussion
croorganisms, 30 MRG subtypes, and 22 ARG subtypes), and 182 edges
(Fig. 7). There are 6 ARG types: multidrug resistance genes (16 ARG 4.1. Distribution of bacterial community composition
subtypes), Bacitracin (1 ARG subtype), Fosmidomycin (1 ARG subtype),
MLS (2 ARG subtypes), Polymyxin (1 ARG subtype), and beta-lactam (1 In this study, the dispersion, composition, and relationships of
ARG subtype). Furthermore, the selected MRG types include multimetal resistomes (ARGs and MRGs) and microbial community structure were
resistance genes (11 MRG subtypes), Cu (7 MRG subtypes), As (7 MRG investigated based on a metagenomic analysis of the sediment of Daihai
subtypes), Cr (2 ARG subtypes), Fe (1 MRG subtype), Zn (1 MRG sub­ Lake. The results showed that Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Firmi­
type), and Ag (1 MRG subtype). In total, the target ARGs and MRGs were cutes, and Bacteroidetes were the main phyla of the bacterial commu­
significantly positively correlated with the six phyla: Proteobacteria (67 nity composition in the selected sampling site. A similar phenomenon
genera), Actinobacteria (4 genus), Bacteroidetes (1 genus), Chloroflexi was observed in the other lakes (Chakraborty et al., 2020; Pan et al.,
(1 genus), Euryarchaeota (1 genus), and Deinococcus-Thermus (1 2020). For example, there were >50 bacterial phyla from the given
genus). Proteobacteria was the most common phylum, accounting for sediment samples, where the phyla Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actino­
89% of the selected phyla. It was positively correlated with various ARG bacteria, and Bacteroidetes were the dominant species in Taihu Lake
and MRG subtypes, particularly MLS resistance gene (macB), multidrug (Chen et al., 2019b). In addition, these phyla also predominate in other
resistance genes (mdtF, and adeB), multimetal resistance gene (chrC), habitats, such as landfill leachates, wastewater treatment plant, animal
and Cu resistance gene (cutO), and it established strong relationships wastes (manure or wastewater), and soil (Gupta et al., 2018; He et al.,
with various Proteobacteria genera. In addition, the Actinobacteria 2019; Wang et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2021). Among the phyla of Pro­
phylum (Methanothrix, Mycobacterium, Rhodococcus, and Streptomyces) teobacteria, the most dominant phylum in all the samples, has extensive
was found to be positively correlated with multiple resistance genes. The morphological, physiological, and metabolic diversity and comprises
genera Methanothrix and Mycobacterium were positively correlated with several known human pathogens (Rizzatti et al., 2017). According to
ARGs, while Rhodococcus and Streptomyces were positively correlated some studies, Proteobacteria are the most abundant in the composition
with MRGs. Bacteroidetes (Aquiflexum) were positively correlated with of marine microbial communities, including halophilic bacteria. Daihai
unclassified type (cAMP regulatory protein). From Chloroflexi, Dehalo­ Lake is an inland closed water lake with brackish water conducive for
genimonas spp were positively correlated with beta-lactam (blaOXA-34), bacterial growth. Following Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, a ubiqui­
polymyxin resistance gene (arnA), multimetal resistance genes (copA), tous and primarily gram-positive bacterial phylum commonly found in
and As resistance genes (arsM). The genus Deinococcus from the lakes, dominated all sampling sites. The bacteria of this phylum utilize
Deinococcus-Thermus phylum and Micromonospora (phylum Actino­ various resources, including sugars, amino acids, organic acids, and al­
bacteria) were positively correlated with ARGs linked to multidrug cohols, for development (Sorokin, 2011; Yannarell and Kent, 2009).
resistance genes, adeJ, and mexF, respectively. Notably, the selected Bacteroidetes are the predominant microbial phyla that maintain a
complex and generally beneficial relationship with the host in gut eco­
systems. However, when transferred to different environments, they can
cause severe pathology, such as bacteremia and abscess formation in
various body parts (Wexler, 2007). This group is described as the main
multidrug-resistant bacterial group associated with infections (Gilmore
and Ferretti, 2003). These copiotrophic bacteria (Actinobacteria, Bac­
teroidetes, and Proteobacteria) thrive in nutrient-rich environments and
can rapidly utilize resources. Therefore, these bacteria are widespread
and dominant in nutrient-rich conditions, such as wastewater treatment
plants, soil, landfill leachate, and aquaculture environments (polluted
water bodies) (Fang et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2021; Zhao et al., 2018).

4.2. Distribution of ARGs and MRGs

A total of 16 types (ranging 30–43 ppm, average relative abundance

of 36.75 ppm) and 111 subtypes of ARGs were discovered in the given
sediment samples. The number and relative abundance of ARGs in
Daihai Lake were less than other lakes (21 ARG types and 321 subtypes
in Lake Tai, 19 ARG types belonging to 133 subtypes with relative
abundances ranging 596–620 ppm in Erhai Lake) (Chen et al., 2019b;
Pan et al., 2020), which indicated that the Daihai basin was moderately
polluted with ARGs. A possible explanation was that Daihai is a conti­
nental closed lake with less exogenous pollution. In addition, the main
ARG types, including resistance genes for MLS, tetracycline,
beta-lactam, and sulfonamide, were detected in the sediment samples,
which was in accordance with the observations of a previous study (Pan
et al., 2020). Among the ARG types, resistance genes for bacitracin were
the most dominant ARG types in all samples. Bacitracin is an extensively
used antibiotic produced by certain strains of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus
Fig. 7. Network analysis of the correlation between bacteria, ARGs, and MRGs. licheniformis. This antibiotic requires some divalent metal ions, such as

C. Du et al. Environmental Pollution 302 (2022) 119065

Zn2+ Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, and Cu2+, for its biological activity and is factors could also have a significant impact on the resistome. Conse­
clinically used as a broad-spectrum antibiotic against gram-positive quently, in the future, we must delve deeper into the changes and dis­
bacteria, which cause skin infections (Ming and Epperson, 2002). It is tribution of resistance genes across seasons, as well as their relationship
commonly detected in the hospital environment. Numerous studies have with abiotic factors. Furthermore, due to agricultural development,
also reported that bacitracin-resistant genes are found in various natural Daihai Lake has experienced serious environmental problems (water
habitats (Chen et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2019a; Xi et al., 2018). Among all scarcity and water pollution) (Chun et al., 2020). Agricultural activities
ARG subtypes, bacA, which belongs to the resistance gene for bacitracin, may also influence the distribution and abundance of resistance genes
was the dominant ARG subtype at all sampling sites, accounting for (Shi et al., 2019). This study demonstrates the relationships between
39.44–43.92% of the total relative abundance of ARG subtypes. It was resistance genes (ARGs and MRGs) and microorganisms in sediment.
also found in high relative abundances in soils, deep-sea sediments, and However, the potential host, identified by network analysis, is only for
human feces (Hu et al., 2013). In addition, a total of 15 MRG types and informational purposes. In the future, more in-depth methods will be
146 MRG subtypes were discovered in the sediment of Daihai Lake. required to further investigate hosts that carry resistance genes to
Resistance genes for multimetals and Cu were the main types of MRG in determine the co-occurrence patterns of ARGs, MRGs, and bacteria.
all samples. Heavy metals such as Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Al, Fe, and Mn were
detected in the surface sediment samples of Daihai Lake (Jiang et al., 5. Conclusion
2014; Sun et al., 2021). The results indicated that atmospheric deposi­
tion, agricultural pollution, and coal ash could be significant sources of Based on the metagenome analysis results obtained in this work, a
heavy metal pollution (Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cd) in the lake (Jiang et al., wide variety of ARGs and MRGs are present in Daihai Lake. It was also
2014). This may also result in the high relative abundance of MRGs in demonstrated that the lake was an important sink of resistance genes.
the given sediment samples of Daihai Lake. Moreover, it has been Proteobacteria was the main bacterial community component. In total,
revealed that co-transfer of ARGs and MRGs occurs among microor­ 16 ARG types and 15 MRG types were identified in the sample, with no
ganisms through MGEs (Li et al., 2017), which has been demonstrated in significant changes in the relative abundances of ARGs and MRGs in all
various studies (Gupta et al., 2018; Rosewarne et al., 2010; Salam, samples. The resistance genes for bacitracin and multidrug remained
2020). abundant in the selected sample. A network analysis of bacteria and ARG
and MRG subtypes revealed that each microorganism may significantly
4.3. Co-occurrence between resistance genes and MGEs in the microbial co-occur with multiple antibiotic and metal resistant genes. These
community findings are important for understanding the correlation between
resistance genes and bacteria in the surface sediment samples of Daihai
MGEs include IS, ICEs, plasmids, integrators, and transposons, that Lake. Therefore, the seasonal variation of microorganisms and resis­
can capture and express diverse resistance genes (Gillings et al., 2008). tance genes should be further explored in future studies to understand
MGEs have been shown to enhance the transmission and distribution of resistance gene behavior in lake habitats.
ARGs via HGT (Chen et al., 2013). Our results showed a significant
positive correlation between resistance genes and MGEs, particularly Author statement
plasmids. Other studies have reported significant correlations between
the abundance of ARGs and the diversity of MGEs (Chen et al., 2019c; Caili Du: Investigation, Visualization, writing. Fang Yang: Funding
Jiang et al., 2018), suggesting that MGEs play an essential role in the acquisition, Conceptualization, Writing - Review & Editing. Xiaoguang
dissemination and proliferation of ARGs in the environment (Chen et al., Li: Funding acquisition, Methodology. Zhonghong Li: Software, Formal
2013). Furthermore, plasmids were significantly positively associated analysis. Jiayue Gao: Software, Formal analysis. Lieyu Zhang: Writing -
with both ARGs and MRGs, which may indicate the co-existence of ARGs Review & Editing, Project administration, Supervision.
and MRGs in the same plasmid. This could be due to the co-selection of
ARGs caused by heavy metal contamination (Di Cesare et al., 2015; Declaration of competing interest
Imran et al., 2019), which is supported by the fact that there is a certain
degree of heavy metal pollution in the Daihai Lake (Jiang et al., 2014). The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
In general, microorganisms positively correlated with resistance interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
genes implying that these phyla may be potential hosts of these resis­ the work reported in this paper.
tance genes. Our study found that a total of 52 ARGs and MRGs were
positively correlated with microorganisms such as Proteobacteria and Acknowledgments
Actinobacteria. Other studies have found similar results. For example,
ARGs tended to exist in the phylum Proteobacteria (Hu et al., 2013). The This research was jointly supported by the National Key Research
phyla (Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria) have a significantly positive and Development Program of China (2019YFC0409205,
relationship with various antibiotics and metals (Wang et al., 2019a). 2019YFC0409202), National Natural Science Foundation of China
Therefore, as the abundance of these potential host bacteria increases in (41907338) and Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China
the environment, it may promote the spread and transfer of resistance (2019M660753).
genes. These results strongly suggested that the composition of micro­
bial communities has a significant impact on the abundance, evolution,
Appendix A. Supplementary data
and dissemination of resistomes (ARGs and MRGs) (Che et al., 2019; He
et al., 2019; Song et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2021). Furthermore, several
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
abiotic factors may also influence resistance genes. TN correlated org/10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119065.
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tively with fosfomycin, MLS, and trimethoprim resistance genes (Pan
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