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Design and Study of a Multi-Channel Electrical Muscle Stimulation Toolkit for

Human Augmentation

Conference Paper · February 2018

DOI: 10.1145/3174910.3174913

11 808

4 authors, including:

Michinari Kono Takashi Miyaki

BANDAI NAMCO Research The University of Tokyo


Jun Rekimoto
The University of Tokyo


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Design and Study of a Multi-Channel Electrical Muscle
Stimulation Toolkit for Human Augmentation
Michinari Kono Yoshio Ishiguro
The University of Tokyo Nagoya University
JSPS Research Fellow The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo Furo-cho
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8654 Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-0814

Takashi Miyaki Jun Rekimoto

The University of Tokyo The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8654 7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8654

Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) has attracted many users and
researchers to apply the technique for various usages. However,
EMS products for research purpose are limited and open source
hardware still has limitations. We present a multi-channel EMS
toolkit for researchers and designers to develop their original ideas.
The toolkit was designed to have isolated multiple channels to be
manipulated simultaneously, which allows simultaneous control
of multiple body parts and multiple users. We organized a work-
shop with a theme of human augmentation, where EMS was not
compelled to use. As a result, several groups found interest in using
EMS for their development, and participants successfully used our
toolkit for their presentation. We found that multi-channel EMS
has a significant demand for human augmentation purposes.

• Human-centered computing → User interface toolkits; Hap-
tic devices; Systems and tools for interaction design; Figure 1: The EMS toolkit with multiple channels used at a
workshop. The toolkit is controlled by combinations with
KEYWORDS typical prototyping tools.
Electrical Muscle Stimulation, Toolkit, Prototyping, Human Aug-
mentation, Haptic Feedback, Wearable 1 INTRODUCTION
ACM Reference format: A human body is fundamentally an electric machine, where electric
Michinari Kono, Yoshio Ishiguro, Takashi Miyaki, and Jun Rekimoto. 2018. signals pass through the body for various purposes. Researchers
Design and Study of a Multi-Channel Electrical Muscle Stimulation Toolkit have applied various types of electricity for human augmenta-
for Human Augmentation. In Proceedings of The 9th Augmented Human In- tion. Major examples are sensing [6, 31], data/power transmis-
ternational Conference, Seoul, Republic of Korea, February 7–9, 2018 (AH2018), sion [12, 41], actuating muscles [33, 35], and stimulating organs for
8 pages. perception [8, 9]. These techniques have been applied to various
DOI: 10.1145/3174910.3174913 types of human augmentation purposes. While many types of elec-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or tricity are applied to the human body, electrical muscle stimulation
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed (EMS) has attracted many interests to researchers in the human-
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation computer interaction (HCI) field. EMS has enabled computational
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM
must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, manipulation of the human body by stimulating muscles directly.
to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a An increasing number of workshops and/or panels are arranged
fee. Request permissions from
in HCI related conferences, which are performing as great introduc-
AH2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea
© 2018 ACM. 978-1-4503-5415-8/18/02. . . $15.00 tion for researchers to use the EMS technique. One initial workshop
DOI: 10.1145/3174910.3174913 using EMS was organized by Manabe et al. [21] at the 4th ACM
AH2018, February 7–9, 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea M. Kono et al.

International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied tools. TESSA [32] is a toolkit for sensory augmentation, consisting
Interaction (TEI ’10). In recent years, more workshops are being of a range of sensors and actuators. The hardware and software
arranged (e.g., in 2016 [17, 18] and in 2017 [15]). Furthermore, EMS enhance a sense from information collected from another sense.
toolkits are introduced, which are contributing for following re- Touch Toolkit [30] consists of a graphical user interface and four
searchers to walk into the field. An important toolkit for EMS interactive surfaces that contain actuators. The toolkit was used as
is released by Pfeiffer et al., known as the Let Your Body Move a method to convey touch-based design knowledge and skills to
Toolkit [28]. Lopes et al. developed an extended version of the the users. The HAPTICTOUCH toolkit [13] is a toolkit to develop
toolkit (openEMSstim1 ), which was used for the 29th ACM User haptic tabletop applications. There is a rod manipulated by motors
Interface Software and Technology Symposium (UIST ’16) student to generate height, malleability, and friction as haptic information.
competition2 . The development and diffusion of EMS work have One of the main purposes of EMS toolkits [28] is considered
introduced many researchers to control the human body with a to be haptics. Toolkits designed for haptics are related strongly,
mobile and safe way. however, EMS is not always limited to haptic usage. An example
Taking these significant demands for EMS techniques and toolk- can be found by a work developed by using Lopes’s toolkit, which
its, in this paper, we introduce an advanced toolkit beyond prior produced vocal vibrato by EMS [5]. Our toolkit is for haptics and for
EMS toolkits. We also introduce a study through an organized work- researchers and developers to explore new design space by using
shop, which was conducted with a theme of “Human Augmentation.” multi-channel EMS.
The success of the workshop enabled us to explore demands of EMS
for human augmentation purpose. The participants of the work- 2.2 Electrical Muscle Stimulation
shop successfully managed to use our toolkit effectively and safely, The usage of EMS is one of the major methods to manipulate the
and presented several interesting works. human body. PossessedHand [35] was one of the pioneering work
The contributions and the results of our work are concluded as that applied EMS to HCI, where they manipulated user’s fingers
follows. with multiple channel output. In Affordance++ [16], the user’s arm
• A multi-channel EMS toolkit was developed. The toolkit was stimulated to notify them the way of interaction with an object.
enables users to control the pulse width, frequency, output Muscle-Plotter [20] controlled the user’s arm to support hand draw-
duration, and intensity. Both analog and digital controls of ing and spatial output. Lopes et al. [19] further proposed a work
the intensity was provided for convenience. A single board which applied EMS and the force feedback for VR environments.
has 4 output channels, however, the number of channels These are studies which applied EMS to the body, mainly to the
were designed to be scalable and easy to increase. arm, in order to manipulate the human body computationally for
• A workshop was conducted, where we explored the de- haptic feedback and supporting interaction.
mands of EMS. Even though the usage of EMS was not However, EMS is now applied to other body parts as well. Pfeif-
compelled through the workshop, several groups came fer et al. [29] used the EMS to control the walking direction of
up with ideas using EMS for their work. Our toolkit was pedestrians. Niijima et al. [25] applied EMS to the face to design
successfully utilized by the participants for interesting out- textures of food when eating. A study to explore application for
comes. Multiple channels were used for these outcomes. EMS to the face and force users to smile have been proposed [39].
Furthermore, an application for multiple users with simul- As like this example to explore effects of EMS smiling to emotions,
taneous EMS output was developed. consideration of using EMS for emotional aspects are attracting
interest. Combinations of actuating the human body and stimu-
2 RELATED WORK lating perceptions are now important. Emotion Actuator [7] is a
We introduce related work from two aspects, HCI toolkits and great example, which explored the embodied emotional feedback
EMS. For the toolkit aspect, we focus on toolkits for haptics. This by usage of EMS.
is because we are aware that major application of EMS was for Our toolkit does not focus on a certain use of EMS. The toolkit
haptics [28]. We then discuss prior EMS work that gives us great is designed to be adaptable for various usage, including stimulation
examples, which may inspire further application of EMS. of the arms, legs, face or other parts of the body. The scalability of
channels and the design of the toolkit helps users to explore the
2.1 HCI Toolkits for Haptics design space freely.
Toolkits have performed as helpful tools for researchers and devel-
opers to explore new experiences and to follow the topic. There- 3 THE TOOLKIT
fore, various toolkits have been developed in the HCI field and a A toolkit was designed for researchers and developers to use EMS
workshop has been organized to discuss them [22]. Although HCI easily to their work. We considered the toolkit to enable adjusting
toolkits vary and cover many types of technologies, we are aware various parameters of the signals, which are controlled through
that there are many prior toolkits that are designed for haptics. typical prototyping software. The toolkit allows multiple channels
TECHTILE toolkit [24] is a toolkit for non-professional users to be used simultaneously that are isolated from each other.
based on audio information using microphones and voice-coil actu-
ators. Stereo Haptics [40] is also a toolkit for haptics based on audio 3.1 System Overview
1 We are aware that prior research has developed multiple channeled
2 EMS (Let your body move toolkit [28] with 2 channels and others
Design and Study of a Multi-Channel EMS Toolkit for Human Augmentation AH2018, February 7–9, 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Figure 3: The theory of multi-channel output of our system.

Figure 2: Overview of the system configuration. The system The output of each system has a delay. Therefore, the system
is controlled by a GUI and a microcontroller, which sends never allows pulses to be produced at the same time. This
signals to the circuit boards that allow multi-channel out- will allow us to have EMS signals to be produced simultane-
put. ously and safely.

with 6 or more channels [34]). Zap++ [2] is a system enabling 20 value, while other parameters (pulse widths etc.) are able to be
channels of EMS output with a similar implementation of ours, controlled individually.
which the electrodes are in a layout of two sleeves assumed to be The design of the circuit board is shown in Figure 4. Each output
worn on the arm. We refer to implementation designs presented channel consists of a chopper boost circuit with a photo-MOS
in Zap++ and other presented designs [1], however, we allowed relay. The boost circuits were powered by 3 V batteries, boosting
the system to be used as a toolkit by simplifying the design and by the voltage up from a range of 30–100 V. The output voltage is
using major prototyping open-sources. independently controlled by adjusting the switching frequency of
The overview of the system is presented in Figure 2. The chan- the chopper boost circuit. The voltage can be adjusted digitally
nels and the output signals are controlled through a graphical user or by analog knobs. In case of digital manipulation, the switching
interface (GUI). Then the signals are sent to a microcontroller (Ar- frequency is applied through the Arduino signal. Analog control of
duino3 ) which is connected to each circuit board to control its pulse the voltage is more easy and safe, which is designed by an LM555
width, frequency, voltage and the time duration. The circuit board Timer IC and a 2MΩ variable resistor. Digital/Analog controls are
consists of a booster circuit and a relay for each channel, which al- selected by a jumper on the circuit board.
lows the output to be controlled individually. In our current design, Another important technique of EMS circuits is galvanic isola-
each circuit board is capable for four output channels, however, the tions of the electrodes and other signal generating elements. We
number of channels can be extended easily. use AQW210 (Panasonic) for the relay (Photo MOS Relay), where
the pulse width and the output frequency is controlled by an Ar-
3.2 Implementation duino. This isolates the EMS signals from the signal generating
elements (computers and the Arduino). On the other hand, the time
3.2.1 Hardware. If the channels and the electrodes share a com- multiplexing technique is used to realize isolation among each ac-
mon ground, signals can pass through unintended routes between tive EMS channel. The galvanic isolation of the circuits is required
the electrodes. Therefore, enabling multi-channel simultaneous out- for safety, which will prohibit unintended conflicts of signals and
put is a challenge. The channels are required to be isolated from allow multiple channels to be activated among multiple users and
each other and to be controlled independently. For our system, we locations of the body. The design of one channel of the circuit is
chose to control the channels by time multiplexing (Figure 3). As we displayed in Figure 5. The circuit board can be easily connected to
assume the frequency of the electric stimulation to be 50 < f < 150 increase the available channels; i.e., we have designed the circuit to
(Hz) and the pulse width to be 40 < τ < 240 (µs), the maximum have high scalability.
number of the channels Nc is calculated as Nc = 1/f τ − 1 where In our current implementation, we use mono-phasic waveforms.
Nc will be 26 in our case. However, if a lower frequency and a short Although some prior work suggest using bi-phasic pulses [2, 23],
pulse width is used, the maximum available channels will increase. it is known that bi-phasic stimulation results to sharper sensation
In our current implementation, as the relays have a slight rise time and many machines use mono-phasic pulses to deliver stronger
and fall time resulting to have a delay from the signal manipulation, and comfortable stimulation [38].
the system is recommended to be used in a less amount of channels
than the theoretical limit. In our current time multiplexing method, 3.2.2 Software. The software is developed by Arduino and Pro-
the frequencies of the channels are required to be set at the same cessing4 . The Processing code communicates with the Arduino via
3 4
AH2018, February 7–9, 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea M. Kono et al.

Figure 6: The GUI interface of the toolkit for 4 channels. The

user can control the pulse width, frequency, voltage and the
time duration of output for each channel. The interface can
Figure 4: The circuit board of the toolkit. Four output chan- be modified if more channels are used.
nels are available for each board. The board is connected to
the micro-controller and the electrodes. 3.3 How to Use
The toolkit is prepared for the user to control their desired EMS
signal via Processing and Arduino. The GUI enables adjusting the
signals for each channel, which is triggered by a confirmation but-
ton. However, the toolkit is not restricted to be used by the original
GUI. Users may arrange the output signals of all the channels by
managing a function that sends the signal information to the Ar-
duino by serial communication.
We do not focus on using our toolkit on a certain part of the body.
General placement of electrodes are supposed to be along the mus-
cle and the pair of the electrodes should be placed on both ends of
the muscle fiber to be contracted. Users should find the appropriate
position of the electrodes. It is also a good idea to follow successful
prior work using EMS (e.g., [19, 28, 29]). In fact, we observed the
participants in our workshop to successfully develop their work,
Figure 5: Design of the circuit board for one EMS channel. by referring to prior work in order to find the appropriate electrode
Note that detailed resistors and capacitors are removed from placement.
the figure to maintain the readability. Before using the system, a calibration process is required. As
like other research based on EMS do, it is necessary to gradually
increase the current output until there is a movement notable at
the corresponding muscle. Then the signal should be increased to
serial communication, sending the adjusted output values. Figure 6
a level where the user perceives a comfortable stimulation. This
is the GUI interface to control the multiple channels of EMS. The
procedure should be repeated for each active channel. Through the
user can control the pulse width, frequency, and the time duration of
calibration process, users must be aware of pain or any uncomfort-
output for each channel. The voltage can be controlled through this
able stimulation. Users should test with short output duration first.
GUI when the user wants to control the intensity digitally. Further-
In addition, it is required to be aware of any fatigue or temperature
more, for convenience to manipulate a large number of channels,
rise. These are required to prevent risks for damaging the body.
these values and the state of each channel can be controlled all at
We are aware of automatic calibration techniques for gestures [11],
however, our toolkit does not focus on a specific body part, so we
We are aware that the Arduino supports functions like millis()
leave the signals to be calibrated manually. It was also important
and micros() to control the time, however, in our current imple-
for us to develop the toolkit simple as possible. This was to allow a
mentation, we use the delayMicroseconds() function to control the
novice third-party user to reproduce and use the toolkit. The toolkit
pulses and the timing. EMS signals require pulse widths to be de-
is open to the public and provided on GitHub5 .
signed in microsecond order, but through our test, the function
micros() did not perform precisely, which could lead to unintended
output signals. Instead, the delayMicroseconds() function helped
us to control the signals safely, which ensures pulse signals not To explore the potential of our EMS toolkit, we offered the toolkit
to be released simultaneously among channels. Furthermore, this for a workshop. Since the workshop was based on group work (5
method prevents risks of toolkit users to accidentally modify the groups), we prepared several of our toolkits, so that it could be used
source code in an unsafe way. 5
Design and Study of a Multi-Channel EMS Toolkit for Human Augmentation AH2018, February 7–9, 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Figure 7: Pictures from the workshop. (a) The toolkit under

use by a participant. (b) Example electrode placement for an
application by the participant.

Figure 8: An example application developed at the workshop

by multiple groups. However, the usage of our toolkit and EMS (GD). (a) One participant pushes the MESH button. (b) The
were not compelled. stimulation is shared among four participants.

4.2 Example Usage

4.1 Workshop Procedure 4.2.1 Application Ideas. At the interim presentation of the brain-
We organized a workshop with a theme of human augmentation storming phase, 4 out of 5 came with ideas using EMS. The abstract
and “Extension and Substitution of Perception.” We had 26 students of the ideas are concluded as follows.
(a mixture of bachelor, master, and Ph.D. course students) as par-
• Substitute visual information with haptic information. EMS
ticipants from various expertises (e.g., HCI, robotics, design, VR,
was considered as a method for inducing the haptics, as
natural language processing, machine learning, fabrication, chem-
well as vibrators (GB).
istry etc.). The participants were grouped in 5–6 people, for a total
• Exchanging emotional information by usage of EMS to the
of 5 groups (Group A–E, mentioned as GA–GE). The workshop
body (GC).
consisted of 3 days with 4 phases. The 4 phases were introduction
• Sharing haptics or emotional perception with vibrators
phase, brainstorming phase, implementation phase and presenta-
or EMS. An idea where goosebumps like feeling (due to
tion/demo phase. Day 1 was for the introduction phase, day 2 was for
surprising or fear) to be shared among multiple users was
brainstorming phase and implementation phase and day 3 was im-
presented (GD).
plementation phase and presentation/demo phase. For the workshop,
• Connecting physical objects and it’s deformation with the
various products and technologies were prepared for use (e.g., VR
human body. EMS was considered as the method to deform
headsets, Raspberry Pi6 , cameras, Arduino and various actuators
the human body accordingly with an object (GE).
and sensors). EMS was not compelled for use. In case of EMS usage,
we prepared UnlimitedHand7 (a consumable EMS output device As a result, 2 groups actually used the EMS for their implementa-
mainly for VR) and our EMS toolkit. tion (GD and GE, Figure 7). The two ideas were “sharing perception
In the introduction phase, some related work for human aug- (goosebumps) among multiple people (GD)” and “connecting object
mentation was introduced. There were examples of vision sharing deformation with the human body (GE).” In case of the groups that
contents among multiple players [10], usage of EMS [26], and gen- did not decide to use EMS, GB used vibrators and GC used voice
eral information about neural network and recent trends/tools8 . conversion techniques for their work.
Although an example of EMS was introduced, this was just one of 4.2.2 Implementation and Outcomes. We had all the participants
the many examples introduced, therefore we believe that this did who used the toolkit agreeing to a liability waiver form both in the
not encourage the usage of EMS stronger than other introduced implementation phase and presentation/demo phase.
works. In the brainstorming phase, an interim presentation was For GE that attempted to link an object with the human body, a
required to introduce some ideas of their group. We then had a doll with sensors (e.g., bending sensors) was created. The sensors
total of approximately 8 hours for the implementation phase, which detect the deformation of the doll, which was sent to a computer
the participants actually developed prototypes of their proposed through an Arduino. According to the detected deformation, the
ideas. At the end of the final day, presentation/demo phase was held. user with EMS had his body deformed relatively to the posture of
The participants gave a talk of their built work, and then all the the doll. The electrodes were used on the arms, and the participants
participants were given time to experience the demonstrations of referred to Lopes’s work [19] to find the appropriate position of
them. the electrodes. However, in this paper, we will rather give details
of the work by the other group that used EMS (GD).
The other group that attempted to share goosebump like per-
6 ception among multiple people (GD), utilized the EMS toolkit for
7 multiple users (Figure 8). Two pairs of electrodes were attached to
the neck for each people. Then they were stimulated one by one,
AH2018, February 7–9, 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea M. Kono et al.

where the stimulation traveled through multiple points of the body

to design some kind of fear or emotional effects. The experience
was kind of related to Fukushima et al.’s work [4] that utilized
high-voltage on the arm, however, the group developed their work
by EMS and stimulation around the neck. The placements of the
electrodes were explored by the participants by themselves. For a
trigger of the stimulation, MESH9 (SONY) buttons were used. A
maximum of four participants can join the experience. All of them
holds a MESH button and have the electrodes attached. When one
pushes the button, the stimulation occurs on all of the participants.
The developers of the group said that they wanted to allow peo-
ple to share their experience with others. For example, when one
feels some kind of fear and/or shivers, the stimulation would be
shared with others. The work was to notify others of emotional feel- Figure 9: Overview of EMS applied to multiple users. The
ings through physical perception. It was also interesting to induce principle was used for GD’s work. Four users share the same
anonymity of the triggering person. Instead of visualizing or noti- perception/stimulation. Two of our EMS toolkit was used,
fying the person who pushed the button to trigger the stimulation, where two channels were used for each user.
this was left anatomized.
For the groups that decided to use our EMS toolkit for their work, 5.1 Multi-channel EMS for Multiple Users
it was interesting to have both groups to use 8 channels at maximum
Typical EMS research is based on EMS for one person at a time
and to use our toolkit instead of products like the UnlimitedHand.
(see Section 2.2). However, we are aware of rare cases that use EMS
In this case, our toolkit was a success to be designed for multiple
for multiple users. BioSync [27] was an example where devices
channel output. Another issue of the UnlimitedHand was that the
are attached to two users. The device detects one’s movement by
placements of the electrodes were limited to a single form on the
electromyogram (EMG), which is then copied to the other user’s
arm. It was required for the participants to have the electrodes
arm by EMS output. EMS is applied for multiple users that copy
placed freely around the body for their work. Furthermore, the
movements or encourage communication through their muscles.
participants successfully modified the code for their own usage.
On the other hand, our development of multi-channel EMS
Successful combinations of our toolkit and other prototyping tools
toolkit encouraged a further study beyond this example. Instead
like the MESH was a good example to see.
of one-to-one communication, the work by GD was developed for
We observed the presentation/demo phase of GD, and heard a
four people to communicate (Figure 9). We believe that the work
number of interesting comments. Many participants agreed that the
opened a novel path for multiple user communication through so-
stimulation of the work was similar to the sensation of when they
matosensation. The muscular actuation and the haptic perception
shiver or tremble. One participant said that “I think I really have
revealed a potential for further application of EMS.
goosebumps after the stimulation finishes.” This was an example
where the virtual stimulation evoked the participant’s real stim-
ulation and sensation. Furthermore, the EMS stimulation on the
5.2 Electrical Stimulation for Human
back of the neck seemed to be an interesting stimulation for those Augmentation
who have previously experienced EMS. The novice developers of There is an increasing number of EMS research for human augmen-
EMS found new boundaries of applying EMS to new body parts tation purpose in the HCI field. For example, in the 8th Augmented
and number of users. Human International Conference (AH ’17), several research based
In the meantime, other groups came out with outcomes by us- on usage of EMS were presented (e.g., [3, 5, 36]).
ing systems and tools like HTC Vive10 , Unity11 , voice changing We consider that the two main applications for EMS are thought
techniques, and motor vibrators. to be actuation and perception. Actuation is where EMS enables the
Our workshop successfully managed the participants to create human body to move dynamically for physical purposes. These
outcomes to substitute, exchange and or enhance perceptions such kinds of work have been explored by the usage of techniques such
as vision, auditory and haptics. The outcomes for human augmenta- as exoskeleton. EMS has been utilized for such purposes due to the
tion were developed by using various techniques and technologies. mobility of the technique [14]. Although there are still limitations
As well as other technologies such as HMDs, EMS had a significant in the strength produced by the stimulation, researchers and devel-
demand for developing these human augmentation work. opers are finding values of EMS for actuation purpose. The work
presented by GE fits this domain, which manipulates and actuates
5 DISCUSSION the human body through an external interface. Perception is where
We now discuss the potential and demands of our EMS toolkit, as EMS stimulates the human body to induce haptic or emotional
well as the limitations and safety issues. feedback. Looking at recent EMS work and ideas from the work-
shop, stimulation for haptics may be considered to be one of the
9 significant demands of EMS (see Section 2). Previous researchers
10 have worked on haptics by mechanical actuators like motor vibra-
tors [37], which is now substituted by EMS for some demands. The
Design and Study of a Multi-Channel EMS Toolkit for Human Augmentation AH2018, February 7–9, 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea

work by GD was a good example for this domain. GB and GD both output signals. However, users must also follow typical standards
considered vibrators and EMS for their implementation. While GB or guidelines for usage of EMS12 , and the electrodes should not
decided to use vibrators, GD chose to use EMS. We can see from be placed close to the heart or allow paths passing through the
our workshop that the two techniques are highly related. heart. In addition, when the system is under use, we recommend an
Since an increasing number of EMS applications are being ex- external user should observe the user and prepare to switch off the
plored, EMS is now used for a various purpose and to substitute system in case if there are any serious pain or uncomfortableness
some of the traditional techniques. EMS not only allows you to happen to the user. Furthermore, usage of EMS may cause fatigue
move the body, but it also allows you to stimulate one’s perception. to muscles, thus the system should not be used continuously for a
We also believe that the increase of EMS related work is contribut- long period. Agreement for a liability waiver is recommended for
ing to the acceptability of electrical stimulation, which leads to the users of the toolkit, and the users should be healthy and have no
increase of users to think of applying EMS for their work. concerns of health risks.
Our workshop revealed application domains, methods, demands,
and the acceptability of EMS for human augmentation purposes. 6 CONCLUSION
Due to the demands found through our workshop, we believe that This paper introduces the design and implementation of a muli-
EMS will still perform a significant role in the HCI field, and de- channel EMS toolkit. The toolkit enables users to control the pulse
velopment of EMS toolkits will help encouraging researchers and width, frequency, output duration, and intensity for each used chan-
designers to work on studies based on EMS. nel. We conducted a workshop to explore the demands of EMS and
our toolkit. In the workshop, the usage of EMS was not compelled.
5.3 Limitaions However, several groups came up with ideas using EMS, and some
We would like to note that one of our significant contribution of our groups actually developed their work by using our toolkit. Our
work is where we designed our workshop without compelling EMS toolkit was successfully utilized by the participants for interesting
usage, while other related prior EMS workshops were accomplished outcomes. We have found that there is a significant demand for
with EMS usage only. However, in this case, comprehending all of EMS for human augmentation purpose, and the main demands
the considerable conditions is difficult, where different conditions were for body deformation, haptics and to share dynamic elements
may result in different results. among multiple users. Future work includes studies for effects of
Our workshop was conducted through a limited condition. The EMS to multiple body parts that have not yet been studied in HCI,
equipment and tools, as well as the participants, may have influ- as well as developing a more mobile toolkit with multiple functions
enced the results of the outcomes. We made an effort to prepare and simple constructions.
equipment and tools to be fair and so that the participants will not
have their brainstorming limited due to the prepared equipment ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and tools. The participants had various backgrounds, however, they This work is supported by JSPS KAKENHI grant number 15J03919
were all students. The groups were arranged so that participants and the University of Tokyo, Sony endowed chair in “Human Aug-
with the same expertise will not be concentrated on a single group. mentation Studies.” The authors would like to thank the anonymous
As we observed that groups with members having expertise in referees for their valuable comments and helpful suggestions. We
the VR field tended to use VR headsets for their work, technical also thank Keisuke Shiro, Akira Matsuda, and Yota Takakura for
backgrounds may have influenced the outcomes. However, there supporting our toolkit development. Finally, we would like to thank
were two participants who had prior experience working with EMS. all the participants of our workshop.
It was interesting to see the groups with these participants with
EMS experienced members did not use EMS, but the groups with no REFERENCES
members with EMS experience used EMS for their work. Some of [1] K. W. E. Cheng, Yan Lu, Kai-Yu Tong, A. B. Rad, D. H. K. Chow, and D. Sutanto.
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