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➢ Synopsis

➢ Python Features Incorporated

➢ Source Code

➢ Output
- Introduction:

➢ The "Python Library Management System" is designed to enhance

the efficiency and management of library resources. In response
to the increasing complexity of library tasks, this project
introduces a Python-based solution to automate key processes,
including book cataloging, member management, and transaction


➢ Develop a user-friendly interface for librarians and members.

➢ Implement a robust database system to store and retrieve book
and member information efficiently.
➢ Automate the borrowing and return processes to reduce manual
efforts and enhance accuracy.

➢ The project utilizes Python for backend development, providing a
powerful and versatile programming language. A simple command-
line interface is employed for user interaction, ensuring ease of
use. The system integrates a relational database for efficient
data management, utilizing Python's capabilities for seamless

-Key Findings/Results:

➢ Successful implementation of a functional library management

➢ Improved efficiency in cataloging, member management, and
transaction tracking.
➢ Enhanced user experience for both librarians and members.


➢ The Python Library Management System contributes to the

modernization of library operations, providing a reliable and
automated solution. It aims to make library resources more
accessible, reduce manual workload, and improve overall
operational efficiency.

➢ The project signifies a significant step towards embracing
technology in library management. The Python Library
Management System offers a reliable, accurate, and user-
friendly alternative to traditional manual methods, catering to
the evolving needs of modern libraries.
Python Features Incorporated

➢ Data types
o Lists:
▪ Used to store information about books (title, author, quantity,
▪ Enables easy iteration through the list to display book details.
o Dictionaries:
▪ Used to store member details with unique member IDs.
▪ Records details of borrowed books, associating book IDs with
member IDs.
➢ Flow of control:
o if, elif, else:
▪ Conditional statements based on the user's input (menu
▪ Determines which operation to perform based on the user's
selected option.
o while:
▪ Creates the main program loop, ensuring continuous interaction
with the user until the program is exited.
➢ Built in functions and methods
o print():
▪ Used to display information, including the menu and various
messages to the user.
o input():
▪ Collects user input, allowing the user to make selections or
provide information.
o len():
▪ Determines the length of the books list, useful for assigning
unique book IDs.
▪ Retrieves the current date, utilized for recording borrow and
due dates.
➢ Escape sequences:
o Formatted String Literals (f-strings):
▪ Employed to format and display information, making it concise
and readable.
➢ Python module:
o import datetime:
▪ Imports the datetime module for accessing date-related
functions, essential for managing book borrowings.

➢ Logical Operators:
o and, or:
▪ Used in conditional statements to create logical conditions
based on user choices.
These features collectively contribute to building a simple, interactive, and
functional library management system in Python.

import datetime
books = []
members = {}
borrowed_books = {}

while True:

print("1. Display available books")

print("2. Display library members")
print("3. Add a book")
print("4. Update book details")

print("5. Add a member")

print("6. Search for a book")
print("7. Borrow a book")
print("8. Return a book")
print("9. Quit")

choice = input("Enter your choice (1-9): ")

if choice == '1':
print("\nAvailable Books:")
for book in books:

print(f"Book ID: {book['id']}, Title: {book['title']}, Author: {book['author']},

Available: {book['available']}")
elif choice == '2':
print("\nLibrary Members:")
for member_id, member_info in members.items():

print(f"Member ID: {member_id}, Name: {member_info['name']}")

elif choice == '3':
title = input("Enter the title of the book: ")
author = input("Enter the author of the book: ")

quantity = int(input("Enter the quantity of the book: "))

book_id = len(books) + 1

new_book = {'id': book_id, 'title': title, 'author': author, 'quantity': quantity,

'available': quantity}

print(f"\nBook added successfully! Book ID: {book_id}")

elif choice == '4':
book_id = int(input("Enter the Book ID you want to update: "))
title = input("Enter the new title (leave blank to keep the current title): ")

author = input("Enter the new author (leave blank to keep the current
author): ")
quantity = int(input("Enter the new quantity (leave blank to keep the current
quantity): "))

for book in books:

if book['id'] == book_id:
if title:

book['title'] = title
if author:
book['author'] = author
if quantity is not None:
book['quantity'] = quantity
book['available'] += quantity
print("\nBook details updated successfully!")

print("\nBook not found!")
elif choice == '5':

member_id = int(input("Enter the Member ID: "))

name = input("Enter the name of the member: ")

if member_id not in members:

members[member_id] = {'name': name}
print("\nMember added successfully!")

print("\nMember ID already exists!")

elif choice == '6':
search_token = input("Enter the title, author, or token to search for a book: ")

found_books = []
for book in books:
if search_token.lower() in book['title'].lower() or search_token.lower() in
book['author'].lower() or search_token == str(book['id']):

if found_books:
print("\nFound Books:")
for book in found_books:
print(f"Book ID: {book['id']}, Title: {book['title']}, Author: {book['author']},
Available: {book['available']}")
print("\nNo matching books found.")
elif choice == '7':

member_id = int(input("Enter the Member ID: "))

book_id = int(input("Enter the Book ID to borrow: "))

if member_id in members and book_id in [book['id'] for book in books]:

for book in books:
if book['id'] == book_id and book['available'] > 0:
borrowed_books[book_id] = {'member_id': member_id,
'borrow_date':, 'due_date': +

book['available'] -= 1
print("\nBook borrowed successfully!")

print("\nBook not available!")

print("\nInvalid Member ID or Book ID!")
elif choice == '8':

book_id = int(input("Enter the Book ID to return: "))

if book_id in borrowed_books:

member_id = borrowed_books[book_id]['member_id']
return_date =
due_date = borrowed_books[book_id]['due_date']
if return_date > due_date:
days_late = (return_date - due_date).days
fine = days_late * 2 # Charging 2 units of currency per day

print(f"\nFine for late return: {fine} units of currency")

fine = 0

for book in books:

if book['id'] == book_id:
book['available'] += 1

del borrowed_books[book_id]
print("\nBook returned successfully!")

print("\nBook not found in borrowed books!")

elif choice == '9':
print("\nExiting the program. Goodbye!")

print("\nInvalid choice. Please enter a number from 1 to 9.")

Add a book
1. Display available books
2. Display library members
3. Add a book
4. Update book details
5. Add a member
6. Search for a book
7. Borrow a book
8. Return a book
9. Quit

Enter your choice (1-9): 3

Enter the title of the book: Python Programming
Enter the author of the book: John Doe
Enter the quantity of the book: 5

Book added successfully! Book ID: 1

Display available books

1. Display available books
2. Display library members
3. Add a book
4. Update book details
5. Add a member
6. Search for a book
7. Borrow a book
8. Return a book
9. Quit

Enter your choice (1-9): 1

Available Books:
Book ID: 1, Title: Python Programming, Author: John Doe, Available: 5

Add a member
1. Display available books
2. Display library members
3. Add a book
4. Update book details
5. Add a member
6. Search for a book
7. Borrow a book
8. Return a book
9. Quit

Enter your choice (1-9): 5

Enter the Member ID: 101
Enter the name of the member: Alice Johnson

Member added successfully!

Display library members
1. Display available books
2. Display library members
3. Add a book
4. Update book details
5. Add a member
6. Search for a book
7. Borrow a book
8. Return a book
9. Quit

Enter your choice (1-9): 2

Library Members:
Member ID: 101, Name: Alice Johnson

Search for a book

1. Display available books
2. Display library members
3. Add a book
4. Update book details
5. Add a member
6. Search for a book
7. Borrow a book
8. Return a book
9. Quit
Enter your choice (1-9): 6
Enter the title, author, or token to search for a book: Python

Found Books:
Book ID: 1, Title: Python Programming, Author: John Doe, Available: 5

Update book details and display it again

1. Display available books
2. Display library members
3. Add a book
4. Update book details
5. Add a member
6. Search for a book
7. Borrow a book
8. Return a book
9. Quit

Enter your choice (1-9): 4

Enter the Book ID you want to update: 1
Enter the new title (leave blank to keep the current title): Advanced
Python Programming
Enter the new author (leave blank to keep the current author): Jane
Enter the new quantity (leave blank to keep the current quantity): 8

Book details updated successfully!

1. Display available books
2. Display library members
3. Add a book
4. Update book details
5. Add a member
6. Search for a book
7. Borrow a book
8. Return a book
9. Quit

Enter your choice (1-9): 1

Available Books:
Book ID: 1, Title: Advanced Python Programming, Author: Jane Doe,
Available: 8

Borrow a book
1. Display available books
2. Display library members
3. Add a book
4. Update book details
5. Add a member
6. Search for a book
7. Borrow a book
8. Return a book
9. Quit

Enter your choice (1-9): 7

Enter the Member ID: 101
Enter the Book ID to borrow: 1
Book borrowed successfully!

Return a book
1. Display available books
2. Display library members
3. Add a book
4. Update book details
5. Add a member
6. Search for a book
7. Borrow a book
8. Return a book
9. Quit

Enter your choice (1-9): 8

Enter the Book ID to return: 1

Fine for late return: 0 units of currency

Book returned successfully!

Exiting the program

1. Display available books
2. Display library members
3. Add a book
4. Update book details
5. Add a member
6. Search for a book
7. Borrow a book
8. Return a book
9. Quit

Enter your choice (1-9): 9

Exiting the program. Goodbye!

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