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of hairon the body of certain animals ‘Wool is an animal fibre. It is present as a thick co between the hair and does not allow the > them warm. Air gets trapped in the space pody heat t0 escape (you will learn mor it th ‘That is why we wear wut this in later 8) n later chapters) y Wool from Sheep A sheep's hairy coat has two types of fibres: (j) the coarse beard hair and (ji) the soft under hair, found close to the skin. Itis the soft under- hair that is used to developed certain the soft under-hair. The wool from different varieties of sheep differs hine, length, and strength. The finest ined from the Merino, a breed of sheep originally from Spain (Fig. 3.1). Their ‘woo! Fig.3.1_ Merino sheep js very soft and light, and is therefore used in making the finest woollen clothes. ing of Sheep pare herbivores and cat mainly grass and leaves. They Bmetimes also fed a mixture of pulses, com, jowar, etc Breed A particular type he hilly regions of Jammu of animal developed for certain desirable characteristics Rearing Keeping animals and caring for them to obtain useful products , sheep are reared in U ir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Arunachal Sikkim, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Gujarat. ome Indian breeds of sheep and B.1 gives a list of s de from the wool obtained from es of products ma Table 3.1 Some Indian breeds of sheep the world, sheep are reared in ranging from the hot desert Carpets (good quality wool) Carpets (good quality wool) Bakharwal Woollen shawls Carpets (coarse quality wool) Marwari Hosiery such as socks and stockings Scanned with CamScanner Woo! from ott Animals at A covering of shon, ‘q below the longer ‘an animal's body Alt ‘ though the main source of woo! is sheep: woo! i ries camel fam? a2 hair foun al : Iso obtained from animals of the i outer hair on and even rabbits. eae hi Camel hairir obfained from the very sof and ee Losrors: 2 aad of the NRE 3.2), The Ba : ec Baderebat of the camel (FB. 3-2). sa and China ive the best ualiy camels (two “found in Siberia, M q ed ad 3.4) also belong t0 the camel family. soft and lustrous, and dJlama (Figs. 3.3 4 camel wool. The alpaca an als¢ They are found ‘South America. Their undercoat hair is very ous the fibres are light-weight. ieee —_— The Cashmere goat (Fig. 3.5) is found in the high plateaus of Asia. The Cashmere fibre, very soft and warm, 1s obtained from this goat. ‘Angora (former name of Ankara, ‘f goat provides longs to the The fur of Angor: 6) originally bel $f Turkey) region in Turkey. — The Angora goat (Fig. 3 the present day capital 0 a type of fibre called mohair Fig. 3.3 Alpaca (belongs to the Fig. 3.4 Llama (belongs to th i zi ig. 3.! nr tothe Vicuna, an endangered species, is a member of the Llama family and gives us material for the softest coat in the world Scanned with CamScanner Mohair is very similar to wool in chemical fomnpostion but bas a much smoother gurface Ivis durable, light, and warm, and is expecially Bre ferred for making son sweaters solt ¢ _ phe Angora rabbit (Fig, 3.7) is originally Pie Angora (Ankara) region of Turkey Fhe woo! obtained trom the Angora rabbit Angora wool. z - js known as Fig. 3.7, Angora rabbit | Lets Remember [_Aeilin the blanks with the correct words. —— (Coarse/Merino) wool is very soft and light an i the finest woollen clothes. The undercoat hair of the . The Cashmere \d is used in making __(llama/Arablan camel) is lustrous, (goat/camel) gives us Cashmere fibre. . Angora goat gives us (merino/mohair) wool. | Angora rabbit is originally from (India/Turkey). 6, The (Angora/mohair) woo! is obtained from a rabbit, 1h Answer the following questions orally. Say T for the true statement and F for the false one. 1, Fibre is a material that is woven from threads 2. Wool is obtained only from sheep. 3, Merino woo! is obtained from camels. Bactrian sheep give the best quallty w sashmere goat gives fibre called Angora wool, ngora goat gives us mohair fibres. ven ool, are shearing, scouring, grading it processes involved in wool production iyeing, drying, ‘and the making of yarn. — ——— animal is called shearing. ; fn the spring/summer months. Fen nant razor and ie or with special I it actually ann with a manual asa haircut Hot hurt us, shearing does not hurt the sheep: len coat that they do not require in summer, removing the heavy WOO Scanned with CamScanner Scouring “The sheared hair is washe and grease and grease. The pr th the help of in 1994, Australian scientists the sheared hast 8° invented a way of removing machines vpyal from sheep without shearing. They inject the sheep Grading or Sorting In this process, the woo! colour, texture, and the ease wit (coloured) with a special hormone, then wrap them in tight hairnets, three weeks later, the fleece can be peeled off. This technology is called Bioclip, of length, ¢ basis ¢ be dyed 3 sorted of h which if can Dyeing As the natural colour of fleece is the sheared woo! is dyed in different Drying fin this process, containers of wool are put through rollers to squee: as possible. Then the wool is weighed and packed into bales. The bales are transported 40 the mills where they are processed further. 1c, brown, OF black, urs e out as much water ng of Yarn ‘Figure 3.8 explains how the fleece is woven into yarn, offi b Pesce beled The sheet is twisted Hortaoepast io into a rope called ‘sliver’ Scanned with CamScanner HEALTH HAZARDS IN THE WOOL INDUSTRY In earlier days, cts panes who sorted wool were often infected by bacteria that cause a fatal tg called anthrax, also known as sorter’s disease, The bacteria are found in the wool of contaminated sheep and can eiiter the human body through inhaled air. Nowadays, this disease occurs rarely because of the use of vaccines for prevention. SILK Silk is an animal fibre produced by the silkworm. Silk fibres are soft and lustrous. Oe Life Cycle of a Silk Moth B female silk moth lays about 300 to 400 eggs at a time. The eggs hatch and the illars, or silkworms, emergé.~"This is called the /arval stage. The silkworm feeds cerry leaves. ee E flamenss from two glands on its head. he filaments are made of a protein that hardens to form silk bres when exposed to air. The silkworm deposits filaments in $ around its body, through figure- of-eight movements of the orming a structure called the cocoon. The silkworm three to seven days to prepar n, formed by 20-39 concentric layers of a single thread. _——— It takes about 110 silkworm cocoons to make one good si tie. The length of thread mak the cocoon may range betwe 600 m and 1500 m. the cocoon, the silkworm enters the second stage of e (called the pupa) and then the third and final stage to me an adult moth (Fig. 3.9). Silk threads are obtained the cocoon of the sileworm. Adult Moth | enema Cocoon __ Eggs Scanned with CamScanner «, 3,10): . a Pig: * olves Was ins FB est step invO NE ‘ashing, ure i e fi s, Th ing. ot pes eat i oa” for kre 4 layin fy once a yar Oe nearing for breediN8 patch OMY ~~ Vv hs stored F ‘The healthiest ON ad gn trys? = 5 { 's second na etarvac aS feaves {OT he word's sec Jfer the eggs AS chopped Ieee ys where the roducer OF sil ar ws Fe lace 0 A 3-7 30-35 day te Spinning 4 il the ane inh ocoons enti ocoons are Pa filaments are tal ne Filaments from. several ¢ i a ‘vorms and joosens the Fl Sess called reels 0 don a reel. THE threads at rom the cocoons 1 — P= a rer which 1s WON are toasted together to mal oe i _— ik fabri roduce silk so ek wars, which eed on cfernt plants onthe ‘Tee are different varieties of silk mo" ee eeicy ‘of different quality and texture, eg. fassar, m 6. Single filaments are "The pupae inside the cocoons are washed, dried, and ‘ulled by putting the cocoons in hot twisted to form yarn. ‘water, which kills the worms as The texture of the ‘well as loosens the filaments, fabric depends on the § manner of twisting. 5. One end of the silk thread is assed through an e\ yelet and the thread reeled on to the wheel. ‘When the silkworm is about 35 days old, it starts spinning a ‘Cocoon around itself. This process i the process of sericulture nee between the two c; when burnt, smells like nn be found Scanned with CamScanner burnt paper. Paper, Z ;

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