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16 Weeks Plan

Course Code: 1119[communicationskills]

Credit Hours: 03
Pre-Requisite (if any): Yes/No (if yes then please mention the course title
Semester: Fall-2023
Course Contents:

Introduction to communication skills

Process of communication

Types of communication
General and professional communication

Interpersonal communication
Extra personal communication

Forms of communication

Styles of communication

Benefits of understanding

Different styles of communication

Assertive style

Aggressive style of communication

Passive-aggressive style of communication

Submissive style of communication

Manipulative style of communication

Art of questioning

Hypothetical questions
Reflective questions

Advantages or dis Advantages

Recommended Book (s)/Material by BOS:

1- Communication skills relevant Book
Weekly Lecture Plan:
Main Topic as well as its sub topic (s) Week
Main topic: Introduction to communication skills 1
Main Topic: types of communication skill 2

Main Topic: styles of communication 3

Main Topic: Art of questioning 4

Quiz 01 aggressive, submissive, manipulative, assertive style
Main Topic:Sentences and its kinds 5
Paragraph writing
Main Topic: 7 effective way of communication 6
Quiz 02 effective way
Main Topic: Barrier of communication 7

Revision 8

Mid Term Exam

Main Topic: Readingskill(Practice) 9

Main Topic: Advantages and dis-advantages(Practice) Quiz 03 10

speaking skill
Main Topic: comprehension in communication(Practice) 11
Assignment 02
Main Topic: Consideration(Practice) 12
Main Topic: Listening Skills Theory(Practice) 13
Main Topic:formal informal (Practice) Assignment 14
Clarity in effective communication
Main Topic: Presentation Skills(Practice) Quiz 04 15
Revision 16

Final Term Exam

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