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Where are you from?

Where do you come from?
Are you a student?
What do you study?
Do you like your studies?
Do you study English at school?
What other subjects do you study?
Do you like your school?
How long have you studied English?
What is your favourite subject?
What is your favourite meal of the day?
What food don’t you like?
Who normally does cooking in your home?
Where do you normally go at the weekend?
What did you do last weekend?
What are you going to do this weekend?
How often do you go shopping?
Who do you like to spend time with?
What do you like doing in your free time?
What do you like doing with your friends?
How do you travel to school each day?
How many students are in your class?
What time do your lessons start in the morning?
What’s your favourite sport?Why?
How will English be useful to you in your future?
What do you like doing after school?
How much homework do you usually have each week?
What places in your country have you visited?
What kind of phone do you have?
What do you like to use your phone for?
Do you like spending time in the water?
Do you like cooking?
Who is the best cook in your family?
Do you prefer the beach or the pool?
What do you usually do at the beach?
Do you like listening to music?
Who is your favourite singer?
What jobs do your `parents do?
What job would you like to do?
Do you like watching TV?
What programmes do you enjoy watching?
Do you have a lot of friends?
Do you have any pets?
What do you like doing with your pet?
What sport do you practice?
Do you prefer practicing sports or watching it on TV?
Do you like eating out in the restaurants?
What is your favourite restaurant?´
Do you like going to the cinema?
What kind of films do you prefer?
Do you do any activities after school?
What kind of activities do you like doing?
Tell me something about your house

Tell me something about……

Your house
Your friends
Your hobby/hobbies
Your favourite teacher
Your last birthday party
The area where you live
Your family
The sports that people play in your country
Your favourite computer games

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