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基礎英単語 1200

学 年 1 2 3
School クラス
Name 番 号
In Kanji characters(漢字で)

Name In Roman letters(ローマ字で)

も く じ

1 はじめに …………………………………………… 1

2 この単語集が目指すゴール ……………………… 1

3 スタディガイド …………………………………… 2

4 アルファベット順語彙リスト …………………… 5

・登場人物一覧 ………………………………… 6

・アルファベット順語彙リスト ……………… 7

5 英単語グルーピングチェック …………………… 49

6 自己診断チェックシート(1 回~13 回) ……… 57

7 Let’s Read ! ……………………………………… 71

8 基本不規則動詞の活用表 ………………………… 90

9 1200語一覧 …………………………………… 92

10 協力者・参考文献 ………………………………… 94


1 はじめに
として,自分のペースで取り組むことが大切ですので,次のページの3 スタディガイド

2 この単語集が目指すゴール
この単語集では,1つの基本的なゴールを設定しています。それは,英単語 1200


3 スタディガイド

■基本的な使い方■ 自己診断と繰り返しが
ポイント!Have fun!

① 自己診断チェックシート(全学年)
② 英単語グルーピングチェック(全学年)
③ 1200 語ファイナルチェック(中3)
④ Let’s Read !(中3)
⑤ 英単語チェック(全学年)

① 自己診断チェックシート (使う時期 全学年)

認します。シートは1回~13回まであり,各回 100 語(13 回のみ 38 語)の英単語に

Try it with 使用するシート 自己診断の時期(目安)

your friends.
1回 ~ 4回・・・中学 1 年生の後半以降
5回 ~ 8回・・・中学 2 年生以降
9回 ~13回・・・中学 3 年生以降


自己診断チェックシート 回 自己診断日 ○の語数

1回 1

3 年 月 日 ( /100)

品 チェック欄 品 チェック欄
単語 意味 単語 意味
詞 1回目 2回目 3回目 詞 1回目 2回目 3回目

the 冠 (その、この、あの) ○ go 動 行く ○
and 接 ~と~、そして… ○ if 接 もし・・・ならば ○
to 前 ~の方へ、に向かって ○ would 助 will の過去形 ×
of 前 ~の ○ their 代 彼(女)らの ○
a / an 冠 1つの ○ so 副 それほど、そのように ○

②英単語グルーピングチェック (使う時期 全学年)

英単語グルーピングチェック 単語のグループを作ろう!
cap brother mother shirt aunt
sister sweater uniform father mom
shoes coat uncle baby dress
skirt parent wife grandfather grandmother
身につける物 家 族
(例)son, daughter
(例)hat, jacket

③1200語ファイナルチェック (使う時期 中3)

中学3年生の後半になったら,1200 語の最終チェックをしましょう。この単語集のア
がありますので,6 回まで学習を記録することができます。卒業までに全部の単語にチェ
チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 1 a / an 冠 1つの This is a house. / This is an interesting idea.

2 able 形 ~できる You will be able to speak English soon.
3 about 副 約、およそ Jessica is about 165 cm tall.

④Let’s Read! (使う時期 中3)

ターのHPから活用できるようになりますのでお楽しみに!(協力 高知県教育センター)

⑤英単語チェック (使う時期 全学年)

これは中学 1 年生の最初からできる方法です。授業の予習や復習として,教科書に出て


4 アルファベット順語彙リスト

品詞 略称
間投詞 間
疑問詞 疑
形容詞 形
冠詞 冠
助動詞 助
序数詞 序
数詞 数
接続詞 接
代名詞 代
動詞 動
副詞 副
名詞 名

登場人物一覧 2011_Version04
School Life Uncle & Aunt
Ms. Misaki Hamabe Momoko Yamakita
(teacher of English, 27) (my father’s sister, 39)

Mr. Sumio Kujira

(homeroom teacher, 35)

Ms. Jessica Potter Sugio Umaji
(from England, 24) The Tosa Family (my mother’s brother, 47)

Mr. Brian Bonito

(from Australia, 26 )

My friends: Grandparents
Ryo Umibe (boy, 14) Matsujiro Tosa --- Hama Tosa
Yuzu Yamakita (girl, 14) (grandfather) (grandmother)

Kurio Tosa --------- Noriko Tosa
(father, 43) (mother, 39)

Takeru / Konatsu / Ayu
(brother, 17) (I, 14) (sister, 9)

Within 10-min-ride by bike:

CD shop / sushi restaurant
Within 30-min-ride by bike:
police office / city hall / shopping bakery
center / movie theater / concert coffee shop
hall / sports shop / hamburger book store
shop / castle / beach / college / gas station
university / senior high school / bus stop
zoo / aquarium / museum / post office
library / train station / bank convenience store
Within an-hour-drive: supermarket
places for camping elementary school
the Shimanto River junior high school
Kochi Ryoma airport
Pets Neighbors
Places to visit

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文

□□□ 1 a / an 冠 1つの This is a house. / This is an interesting idea.

□□□ 2 able 形 ~できる You will be able to speak English soon.

□□□ 3 about 副 約、およそ Jessica is about 165 cm tall.

□□□ 3 about 前 ~について Tell me about it.

□□□ 4 above 前 ~の上の方に(の) The plane was above the clouds.

□□□ 5 abroad 副 外国に(へ) I went abroad.

□□□ 6 accident 名 事故 There was an accident yesterday.

□□□ 7 across 前 ~を横切って I walked across the bridge.

□□□ 8 act 動 行動する、実行する Think before you act.

□□□ 9 action 名 行動、行い、実行 I always put my ideas into action.

□□□ 10 activity 名 活動(性)、活発さ Watching birds is a fun activity.

□□□ 11 actually 副 実際に、事実 Ryo looks like an adult, but actually he is not.

□□□ 12 add 動 ~を加える、付け足す If you add 5 to 8, you get 13.

□□□ 13 address 名 住所 Write your name and address on this paper.

□□□ 14 adult 名 大人 You will soon be an adult.

□□□ 15 advice 名 助言、忠告、アドバイス Takeru asked me for advice.

□□□ 16 afraid 形 恐れて Are you afraid of dogs?

□□□ 17 Africa 名 アフリカ(大陸名) I want to go to Africa.

□□□ 18 after 接 …する(した)後 I will go out after I finish my homework.

□□□ 18 after 前 ~の後に(で) We'll leave after lunch.

□□□ 19 afternoon 名 午後 In the afternoon Ms. Hamabe went shopping.

□□□ 20 again 副 再び Can you say it again?

□□□ 21 against 前 ~に反対して、~とは逆の Kurio is against Noriko's plan.

□□□ 22 age 名 年齢 Mr. Kujira became a teacher at the age of 25.

□□□ 23 ago 副 ~前 The letter came a few days ago.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文

□□□ 24 agree 動 賛成する、同意する I agree with you.

□□□ 25 air 名 空気 The air is so cool.

□□□ 26 airport 名 空港 I said good-bye to Jessica at the airport.

□□□ 27 all 代・形・副 全て(の) I like all of my friends.

□□□ 28 almost 副 ほとんど~、ほぼ~ Almost all of the students like studying English.

□□□ 29 alone 副 一人で I don't go out alone at night.

□□□ 29 alone 形 一人の Takeru was alone in the room.

□□□ 30 along 前 ~に沿って I was walking along the river.

□□□ 31 already 副 すでに、もう The train has already left.

□□□ 32 also 副 ~もまた I like reading books. Yuzu also likes it.

□□□ 33 although 接 …だけれども Although I like watching baseball, I don't like playing it.

□□□ 34 always 副 いつも I always keep my dictionary in my bag.

□□□ 35 am 動 ~である、いる、ある、なる I am from Japan.

□□□ 36 America 名 アメリカ(国名) I had a very good time in America.

□□□ 37 American 名・形 アメリカ人(の)、アメリカの Jessica's friend Mary is an American girl.

□□□ 38 among 前 ~の中に(で) Ryo is very popular among girls.

□□□ 39 and 接 ~と~、そして… My mother likes cooking and shopping.

□□□ 40 angry 形 怒った、怒って My sister is angry with me.

□□□ 41 animal 名 動物 A cat is an animal.

□□□ 42 another 形 もう一つの Would you like another cup of tea?

□□□ 43 answer 名 答え、返事 My answer is "Yes".

□□□ 43 answer 動 答える、返事をする "Yes、" John answered.

□□□ 44 any 形 いくつかの、いくらかの Do you have any ideas?

□□□ 45 anyone 代 誰でも、誰か Anyone can sit here.

□□□ 46 anything 代 何でも、何か Is there anything interesting in the book?

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文

□□□ 47 appear 動 現れる My favorite singer will appear on TV soon.

□□□ 48 apple 名 りんご Will you bring some apples?

□□□ 49 April 名 4月 April is the fourth month of the year.

□□□ 50 are 動 ~である、いる、ある、なる You are too young.

□□□ 51 area 名 地域、エリア The festival is very popular in this area.
□□□ 52 arm 名 腕 My mother held me in her arms.
□□□ 53 around 前 ~の周囲で You can find something interesting around my house.
□□□ 54 arrive 動 到着する The bus has just arrived here.
□□□ 55 art 名 芸術 There is an art museum near the beach.
□□□ 56 as 副・接 …ほど~(as ~ as …) I am as old as Yuzu.
□□□ 56 as 前 ~として Harimaya bridge is known as a sightseeing place.
□□□ 57 Asia 名 アジア Japan is in Asia.
□□□ 58 Asian 名・形 アジア(人)の Japan is an Asian country.
□□□ ~を尋ねる、頼む、要求す
□□□ 59 ask 動 Takeru asked me for advice.

□□□ 60 at 前 (時間)~に Mr. Kujira gets up at seven every morning.
□□□ 60 at 前 (方向)~に向かって Look at me.
□□□ 60 at 前 (場所)~で Ms. Hamabe doesn't speak English at home.
□□□ 61 ate 動 eatの過去形 Mr. Bonito ate sushi last night.
□□□ 62 August 名 8月 August is the eighth month of the year.
□□□ 63 aunt 名 おば My aunt likes cooking.
□□□ 64 Australia 名 オーストラリア(国名) I have been to Australia twice.
□□□ 65 autumn 名 秋(=fall) Autumn is my favorite season.
□□□ 66 away 副 離れて、去って、むこうへ Mr. Kujira went away.
□□□ 67 baby 名 赤ん坊 The baby is crying.
□□□ 68 back 副 戻って Can I call you back?
□□□ 69 bad 形 悪い、残念な That's too bad.
□□□ 70 badminton 名 バドミントン I like playing badminton.
□□□ 71 bag 名 カバン Where is my bag?
□□□ 72 bakery 名 パン屋 The bakery is next to my house.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 73 ball 名 ボール Ryo threw the ball at me.
□□□ 74 banana 名 バナナ Monkeys like bananas.
□□□ 75 bank 名 銀行、堤防 You'll find a bank at the corner.
□□□ 76 baseball 名 野球 Takeru likes baseball better than soccer.
□□□ 77 basketball 名 バスケットボール My favorite sport is basketball.
□□□ 78 bath 名 風呂 I will take a bath after dinner.
□□□ 79 be 動 ~である、いる、ある、なる I want to be a teacher of English.
□□□ 80 beach 名 浜辺 Shall we go to the beach tomorrow?
□□□ 81 bear 名 熊 I saw a big bear in the zoo.
□□□ 82 beautiful 形 美しい、きれいな Okinoshima is a beautiful island.
□□□ 83 became 動 becomeの過去形 Mr. Kujira became a math teacher 10 years ago.
□□□ 84 because 接 ・・・であるために I like Jessica because she is very kind.
□□□ 85 become 動 ~になる Takeru will become a doctor in the future.
□□□ 86 bed 名 ベッド My father always goes to bed early.
□□□ 87 beef 名 牛肉、ビーフ What would you like for dinner, beef or fish?
□□□ 88 been 動 beの過去分詞形 Have you ever been to China?
□□□ 89 before 前 ~の前に My mother always reads the newspaper before breakfast.

□□□ 89 before 接 ・・・である前に Close the window before you go out.
□□□ 89 before 副 以前に Have you used this machine before?
□□□ 90 began 動 beginの過去形 It began raining.
□□□ 91 begin 動 ~を始める、始まる Let's begin the class.
□□□ 92 begun 動 beginの過去分詞形 The soccer game has just begun.
□□□ 93 behind 前 ~の後ろに Please close the window behind you.
□□□ 94 believe 動 ~だと思う、信じる Ms. Hamabe believes (that) Kochi is better than Tokyo.

□□□ 95 belong 動 所属する Ryo belongs to the fishing club.
□□□ 96 best 形・副 一番良い Yuzu likes tennis best of all sports.
□□□ 97 better 形・副 より良い Which do you like better, winter or summer?
□□□ 98 between 前 ~と~の間に The library is between the city hall and the post office.

□□□ 99 big 形 大きな My house is big.
□□□ 100 bike 名 自転車 Mr. Kujira goes to school by bike.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 101 bird 名 鳥 Some birds are flying toward the mountain.
□□□ 102 birthday 名 誕生日 Happy birthday!
□□□ 103 black 名・形 黒(い) My cat is black and white.
□□□ 104 blood 名 血 My blood type is B.
□□□ 105 blue 名 青 Ryo likes blue shirts.
□□□ 106 boat 名 船 There is a boat on the lake.
□□□ 107 body 名 体 Our body needs a lot of water.
□□□ 108 book 名 本 The book is interesting.
□□□ 109 born 動 be bornで「生まれる」 Ms. Hamabe was born in Sukumo City.
□□□ 110 borrow 動 ~を借りる I will borrow some books from Takeru tomorrow.
□□□ 111 both 副 両方とも My mom likes both cooking and eating.
□□□ 112 bottle 名 ビン There is a lot of milk in the bottle.
□□□ 113 bought 動 buyの過去形・過去分詞形 I bought a notebook yesterday.
□□□ 114 box 名 箱 The box is heavy.
□□□ 115 boy 名 少年、男子 A boy is standing by the door.
□□□ 116 brain 名 脳 My grandmother has good brains.
□□□ 117 brass band 名 吹奏楽、ブラスバンド I am a member of the brass band club.
□□□ 118 bread 名 パン I like bread for breakfast.
□□□ 119 break 動 ~を壊す Don't break the window.
□□□ 119 break 名 休憩 There is a break between classes.
□□□ 120 breakfast 名 朝食 What do you usually have for breakfast?
□□□ 121 bridge 名 橋 This is the largest bridge over the Kagami River.
□□□ 122 bright 形 明るい The moon is very bright tonight.
□□□ 123 bring 動 ~を持って来る Please bring me a newspaper.
□□□ 124 Britain (Great_) 名 イギリス(国名) I will visit Britain this winter.
□□□ 125 British 名・形 イギリス人(の)、イギリスの Jessica speaks British English.
□□□ 126 broke 動 breakの過去形 Someone broke the window.
□□□ 127 broken 動 breakの過去分詞形 The window was broken.
□□□ 128 brother 名 兄、弟 Ryo has two brothers.
□□□ bringの過去形・過去分詞
□□□ 129 brought 動 Ayu brought me a glass of water.


チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 130 brown 名・形 茶色(の) I like a brown hat.
□□□ 131 brush 名 ブラシ Where is my tooth brush?
□□□ 131 brush 動 ~をブラシでとく Brush your hair before going out.
□□□ 132 build 動 ~を建てる My uncle will build a new house.
□□□ 133 building 名 建物 There are many high buildings in this area.
□□□ buildの過去形・過去分詞
□□□ 134 built 動 Mr. Kujira's house was built five years ago.

□□□ 135 bus 名 バス Ms. Potter goes to school by bus.
□□□ 136 business 名 ビジネス、商売、仕事 Ms. Hamabe's father has gone to Canada on business.

□□□ 137 busy 形 忙しい Takeru was busy last night.
□□□ 138 but 接 しかし Ryo likes sports, but I don't.
□□□ 139 buy 動 ~を買う Yuzu went to the store to buy some notebooks.
□□□ 140 by 前 ~までに(期限) Please come home by six in the evening.
□□□ 140 by 前 ~のそばに、~によって The man standing by the car is Mr. Kujira.
□□□ 141 bye 間 バイバイ、じゃあね Good-bye for now.
□□□ 142 cake 名 ケーキ、お菓子 I cut the cake into two.
□□□ 143 calendar 名 カレンダー、暦 There is a calendar on the wall.
□□□ 144 call 動 ~に電話する、を呼ぶ We call our dog 'Pochi '.
□□□ 145 came 動 comeの過去形 Ryo came home at six o'clock in the evening.
□□□ 146 camera 名 カメラ This camera is very small.
□□□ 147 camp 名・動 キャンプ(する) Mr. Kujira went camping yesterday.
□□□ 148 can 助 ~できる(能力) Ryo can swim very fast.
□□□ 148 can 名 缶 Put your pencil into the empty can.
□□□ 149 Canada 名 カナダ(国名) Mr. Bonito has a friend who lives in Canada.
□□□ 150 Canadian 名・形 カナダ人(の)、カナダの Canadian people speak English and French.
□□□ 151 cap 名 帽子、キャップ I like your baseball cap.
□□□ 152 car 名 車 Mr. Kujira has a new car.
□□□ 153 card 名 カード、トランプ(複数形) Let's play cards.
□□□ 154 care 名 心配、注意 Yuzu must take care of her little brothers today.
□□□ 154 care 動 ~を気にする、気づかう He looks angry, but I don't care.
□□□ 155 careful 形 注意深い Be careful of cars when you go out.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 156 carry 動 ~を運ぶ Ayu carried a big box into her room.
□□□ 157 cartoonist 名 漫画家 Ryo's uncle is a cartoonist.
□□□ 158 case 名 ケース、事例 In that case, you should go home.
□□□ 159 castle 名 城 Kochi Castle is a symbol of Kochi City.
□□□ 160 cat 名 猫 My cat likes sleeping.
□□□ 161 catch 動 ~を捕まえる Catch the ball, Ryo.
□□□ catchの過去形・過去分詞
□□□ 162 caught 動 Yuzu caught a cold.

□□□ 163 cause 名 原因 The cause of the fire is not clear.
□□□ ~を引き起こす、~の原因
□□□ 163 cause 動 Heavy rain caused the flood.
□□□ 164 CD 名 CD Ayu has many CDs.
□□□ 165 center 名 中央、センター There is a table in the center of the room.
□□□ 166 century 名 世紀、100年 In the 20th century, there were many people in this town.

□□□ 167 ceremony 名 儀式、セレモニー The graduation ceremony was held yesterday.
□□□ 168 certainly 副 確かに Certainly Ayu will give up.
□□□ 169 chair 名 イス My cat is on the chair.
□□□ 170 chance 名 機会、チャンス Please give me another chance.
□□□ 171 change 名・動 変化、~を変える、変わる My father wants to change his plan.
□□□ 171 change 名 つり銭 Keep the change.
□□□ 172 character 名 個性、性格、登場人物 Takeru's character is good.
□□□ 173 cheap 形 安い This watch is cheap.
□□□ 174 check 動 ~を確認する Mr. Kujira checks my homework every day.
□□□ 175 cheerful 形 陽気な You are very cheerful.
□□□ 176 cheese 名 チーズ I like cheese.
□□□ 177 chicken 名 鶏肉 I like chicken.
□□□ 178 child 名 こども I wanted to be a pilot when I was a child.
□□□ 179 children 名 こどもたち(childの複数形) Children's Day is May 5th.
□□□ 180 China 名 中国 Many pandas live in China.
□□□ 181 Chinese 名・形 中国人(の)、中国語(の) There are many Chinese restaurants in Japan.
□□□ 182 choice 名 選択 You have two choices for the main dish, meat or fish.
□□□ 183 choose 動 ~を選ぶ Which will you choose, meat or fish?

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 184 chopsticks 名 箸 Chopsticks are used in Asian countries.
□□□ 185 chose 動 chooseの過去形 I chose meat.
□□□ 186 chosen 動 chooseの過去分詞形 Yuzu was chosen as a leader.
□□□ 187 Christmas 名 クリスマス In Japan we usually eat a cake on Christmas.
□□□ 188 church 名 教会 Brian goes to church every Sunday.
□□□ 189 city 名 都市 Ryoma Sakamoto was born in Kochi City.
□□□ 190 class 名 授業、学級 We have four English classes every week.
□□□ 191 classroom 名 教室 Our classroom is on the second floor.
□□□ ~をきれいにする、掃除す
□□□ 192 clean 動 We have to clean our classroom every day.

□□□ 193 clear 形 澄んだ、明らかな The water is clear.
□□□ 194 climb 動 ~を登る We climbed Mt. Fuji.
□□□ 195 clock 名 時計 This is my grandfather's clock.
□□□ 196 close 動・形 ~を閉じる、閉める、親しい、近い Close your books.
□□□ 197 clothes 名 衣服 We wear warm clothes in winter.
□□□ 198 cloud 名 雲 The plane is flying into clouds.
□□□ 199 cloudy 形 曇りの It's cloudy today.
□□□ 200 club 名 クラブ Takeru is in the baseball club.
□□□ 201 coat 名 コート It's cold. I need a coat.
□□□ 202 coffee 名 コーヒー Would you like a cup of coffee?
□□□ 203 cold 形 寒い、冷たい Ice is cold.
□□□ 204 collect 動 ~を集める I like collecting CDs.
□□□ 205 college 名 大学 Takeru wants to go to the college.
□□□ 206 color 名 色 My favorite color is blue.
□□□ 207 come 動 来る Please come to my birthday party.
□□□ 208 comic 形 喜劇の、おかしい Kochi is famous for comic books.
□□□ 209 common 形 共通の、一般的な Eating itadori is common in Kochi.
□□□ 210 communicate 動 意思を伝える To communicate with each other is important .
□□□ 意思疎通、コミュニケーショ
□□□ 211 communication 名 Communication is very important to understand each other.

□□□ 212 company 名 会社 Which company do you work for?
□□□ 213 computer 名 コンピュータ We can use computers.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 214 concert 名 コンサート Let's go to the concert.
□□□ 215 contest 名 コンテスト、競技会 Takeru won the first prize at the contest.
□□□ 216 continue 動 ~を続ける、続く Ms. Hamabe continued talking.
□□□ 217 control 動 ~を操作する、管理する She can't control her children.
□□□ 218 cook 動 (~を)料理する I can cook very well.
□□□ 219 cooking 名 料理 Noriko is good at cooking.
□□□ 220 cool 形 涼しい I like fall because it is cool.
□□□ コピー、~を模写する・コ
□□□ 221 copy 名・動 Can you make a copy, please?
□□□ 222 corner 名 かど The bank is at the corner of Harimayabashi .
□□□ 費用、価格、~の費用が
□□□ 223 cost 名・動 It costs about 5,000 yen.
□□□ 224 could 助 canの過去形 Could you tell me the way to Kochi station?
□□□ 225 count 動 ~を数える Count the number of towns in Kochi.
□□□ 226 country 名 国 How many countries are there in the world?
□□□ 227 couple 名 (男女)1組 Mr. and Mrs.Hamabe are a nice couple.
□□□ 228 course 名 コース Kochi Nishi High School has an English course.
□□□ 229 cover 動 ~を覆う、包む A lot of mountains are covered with snow.
□□□ 230 cow 名 牛 You can see a lot of cows in the field.
□□□ 231 create 動 ~を生み出す、創造する The company created a new car.
□□□ 232 cross 動 ~を横切る、横断する The roads at Harimayabashi cross each other.
□□□ 233 cry 動 泣く I was moved by the movie and cried.
□□□ 234 culture 名 文化 Brian is interested in Japanese culture.
□□□ 235 cup 名 カップ Give me another cup of tea.
□□□ 236 cut 動 ~を切る Cut the onions into pieces.
□□□ 237 cute 形 かわいい Ayu is so cute.
□□□ 238 dance 動・名 踊る、踊り、ダンス Many people dance in Yosakoi every summer.
□□□ 239 dangerous 形 危険な、あぶない It's dangerous to play in the street.
□□□ 240 dark 形 暗い It gets dark early in winter.
□□□ 241 date 名 日付 What is the date today?
□□□ 242 daughter 名 娘 Kurio has two daughters.
□□□ 243 day 名 日、1日 What day comes after Monday?

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 244 dead 形 死んでいる(状態) The bird is dead.
□□□ 245 dear 形 親愛な Dear Santa, where do you live?
□□□ 246 December 名 12月 December is the twelfth month of the year.
□□□ 247 decide 動 ~を決める Takeru decided to go abroad.
□□□ 248 deep 形 深い This lake is very deep.
□□□ 249 delicious 形 おいしい Shiotataki is so delicious!
□□□ 250 dentist 名 歯医者 I have to go to see the dentist.
□□□ 251 describe 動 ~を描写する Can you describe the picture?
□□□ 252 desk 名 机 We put our desks together at lunch time.
□□□ ~を発達させる、発展させ
□□□ 253 develop 動 We can develop our English skills.

□□□ 254 dictionary 名 辞書 Look up the new word in a dictionary.
□□□ 255 did 助 doの過去形 Did you eat lunch?
□□□ 256 die 動 死ぬ My dog died five years ago.
□□□ 257 difference 名 違い There are some differences in the two pictures.
□□□ 258 different 形 違った、異なった My idea is different from yours.
□□□ 259 difficult 形 難しい Math is a difficult subject.
□□□ 260 dinner 名 夕食 What do you want to eat for dinner?
□□□ 261 discover 動 ~を発見する Mr.Makino discovered a new plant.
□□□ 262 discussion 名 討議 Let's have a discussion.
□□□ 263 dish 名 皿、料理 What do you have for a main dish?
□□□ ~をする(一般動詞)、否定文、
□□□ 264 do 動・助 疑問文で使う(助動詞) What do you want to be in the future?
□□□ 265 doctor 名 医師 I have to go to see a doctor.
□□□ 266 does 動・助 doの三人称単数現在形 When does your school begin?
□□□ 267 dog 名 犬 Pochi is my dog.
□□□ 268 done 動 doの過去分詞形 Have you done your homework yet?
□□□ 269 door 名 ドア Close the door, please.
□□□ 270 down 副 下に Sit down, please.
□□□ 271 drama 名 劇、脚本 My favorite TV drama was 'Ryoma-den' .
□□□ 272 drank 動 drinkの過去形 I drank a lot of water because it was a very hot day.
□□□ 273 draw 動 (絵など)を描く、引く Can you draw Anpanman ?

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 274 drawn 動 drawの過去分詞形 This is a picture drawn by Yanase Takashi.
□□□ 275 dream 名・動 夢(を見る) My dream is to be an artist.
□□□ 276 dress 名 服装 Noriko bought a new dress for a party.
□□□ 277 drew 動 drawの過去形 I drew a picture of Kochi Castle.
□□□ 278 drink 動 ~を飲む What would you like to drink?
□□□ 279 drive 動 運転する I drive a car every day.
□□□ 280 driven 動 driveの過去分詞形 The car was driven by Mr.Kujira.
□□□ 281 driver 名 運転手 Mr.Kujira is a good driver.
□□□ 282 drop 名・動 しずく、落ちる、~を落とす Ayu dropped a cup.
□□□ 283 drove 動 driveの過去形 I drove a car for the first time.
□□□ 284 drunk 動 drinkの過去分詞形 He has drunk a lot of water.
□□□ 285 dry 形 乾いた In Kochi it is dry in winter.
□□□ 286 during 前 ~のあいだに What are you going to do during your summer vacation?

□□□ 287 e-mail 名 電子メール Which do you like better, an e-mail or a letter?
□□□ 288 each 形 それぞれの Each school has its own uniform.
□□□ 289 ear 名 耳 Rabbits have long ears.
□□□ 290 early 副・形 早く、早めの To get up early is good for your health.
□□□ 291 earth 名 地球、大地 The earth is round.
□□□ 292 easily 副 容易に I answered the question easily.
□□□ 293 east 名 東 Muroto City is in the east of Kochi.
□□□ 294 easy 形 簡単な This book is easy to understand.
□□□ 295 eat 動 ~を食べる I usually eat rice every morning.
□□□ 296 eaten 動 eatの過去分詞形 Rice is eaten in many countries.
□□□ 297 education 名 教育 Education is important.
□□□ 298 effort 名 努力 Takeru makes an effort to speak English.
□□□ 299 egg 名 卵 I always eat an egg for breakfast.
□□□ 300 eight 数 8 Ayu was eight years old last year.
□□□ 301 eighteen 数 18 Takeru will be eighteen years old next year.
□□□ 302 eighteenth 序 18番目(の)
□□□ 303 eighth 序 8番目(の)

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 304 eightieth 序 80番目(の)
□□□ 305 eighty 数 80 There are eighty students.
□□□ 306 either 代・形 どちらか、いずれかの Either will do.
□□□ 306 either 副 (否定文)~もまた…ない Ayu doesn't like fish. I don't like it, either.
□□□ 307 elementary 形 初歩の、初等の Ayu is an elementary school student.
□□□ 308 elevator 名 エレベーター Does your school have an elevator?
□□□ 309 eleven 数 11 There are eleven players in this team.
□□□ 310 eleventh 序 11番目(の)
□□□ 311 else 副 そのほかに(の) It's noisy. Let's go somewhere else.
□□□ 312 empty 形 からの The box is empty.
□□□ 313 end 名・動 端、終わり、終る I visited Kyoto at the end of March.
□□□ 314 energy 名 エネルギー We should use more natural energy.
□□□ 315 England 名 イングランド Jessica is from England.
□□□ 英語、イギリス(イングランド)
□□□ 316 English 名・形 English is spoken all over the world.

□□□ 317 enjoy 動 楽しむ We can enjoy skiing every winter.
□□□ 318 enough 形 十分な Hurry up! We don't have enough time.
□□□ 319 enter 動 ~に入る、入学する I entered the room.
□□□ 320 environment 名 環境 We have to keep a natural environment.
□□□ 321 equal 形 等しい We are all equal.
□□□ 322 eraser 名 消しゴム Can I borrow your eraser, please?
□□□ 323 especially 副 特に I like sports,especially soccer.
□□□ 324 Europe 名 ヨーロッパ I have never been to Europe.
□□□ 325 even 副 ~でさえ Even on a cold day children play outside.
□□□ 326 evening 名 晩、夕刻 I always eat dinner at seven in the evening.
□□□ 327 event 名 催し、イベント What school event do you like the best,Yuzu?
□□□ 328 ever 副 これまでに Have you ever been abroad?
□□□ 329 every 形 すべての、毎~ Every student in this school is very kind.
□□□ 330 everyday 形 毎日の、日常の I like talking with my friends in my everyday life.
□□□ 331 everyone 代 みんな Everyone knows Brian.
□□□ 332 everything 代 すべて Everything is fine.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 333 exam 名 試験 We have an English exam on Monday.
□□□ 334 example 名 例 Could you give me an example?
□□□ 335 exchange 動 ~を交換する Let's exchange our Christmas presents.
□□□ 336 excited 形 興奮している We were excited at the news.
□□□ 337 exciting 形 人を興奮させる Whale watching is so exciting.
□□□ 338 excuse 動 ~を許す、言い訳する Excuse me. Can you help me?
□□□ 339 exercise 名・動 運動(する)、練習(する) Walking is a good exercise for our health.
□□□ 340 expect 動 ~を予期する、期待する We expect (that) it will be fine tomorrow.
□□□ 341 expensive 形 値段が高い This shirt is so expensive. Five thousand yen!
□□□ 342 experience 名 経験 We had a wonderful experience.
□□□ 343 explain 動 ~を説明する Please explain the meaning of this word.
□□□ 344 express 動 ~を表現する Try to express yourself in English.
□□□ 345 eye 名 目 Close your eyes.
□□□ 346 face 名 顔 Wash your face.
□□□ 347 fact 名 事実 I was suprised to hear the fact.
□□□ 348 factory 名 工場 Machines are made in factories.
□□□ 349 fall 動・名 落ちる、秋(=autumn) The snow falls fast.
□□□ 350 fallen 動 fallの過去分詞形 The leaves have fallen fast.
□□□ 351 family 名 家族 There are four people in my family.
□□□ 352 famous 形 有名な Ryoma is very famous in Japan.
□□□ 353 fan 名 うちわ、扇風機 We need fans every summer.
□□□ 354 far 形 遠い How far is it from here to Kochi Station?
□□□ 355 farm 名 農場 There are many cows on a big farm.
□□□ 356 farmer 名 農業経営者 Farmers get up early every day.
□□□ 357 fast 副・形 速く、速い Ryo can run very fast.
□□□ 358 father 名 父親 My father is a doctor.
□□□ 359 favor 名 好意 Could you do me a favor?
□□□ 360 favorite 形・名 お気に入りの(もの) What is your favorite food?
□□□ 361 February 名 2月 February is the second month of the year.
□□□ 362 feel 動 ~を感じる How do you feel now?

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 363 feeling 名 感覚、感じ We should not hurt the feelings of others.
□□□ 364 feet 名 footの複数形 Brian is five feet tall.
□□□ 365 fell 動 fallの過去形 The child fell.
□□□ 366 felt 動 feelの過去形 I felt happy.
□□□ 367 festival 名 祭り、祝祭、祝い Yosakoi is a famous festival.
□□□ 368 fever 名 熱 Ayu has a high fever.
□□□ 369 few 形 ほとんどない Very few people came to the party.
□□□ 少しある (「a few~」の形
□□□ 369 few 形 There are only a few books on the desk.
□□□ 370 field 名 野原、畑、競技場 There are beautiful flowers in the field.
□□□ 371 fifteen 数 15 There are fifteen boys in the classroom.
□□□ 372 fifteenth 序 15番目(の)
□□□ 373 fifth 序 5番目(の)
□□□ 374 fiftieth 序 50番目(の)
□□□ 375 fifty 数 50 I have fifty CDs.
□□□ 376 fight 動 戦う Two dogs were fighting.
□□□ 377 fill 動 ~をいっぱいにする、満たす Fill the glass with water.
□□□ 378 finally 副 最後に、ついに Finally, I found the answer.
□□□ 379 find 動 ~を見つける、~とわかる Did you find your camera?
□□□ 380 fine 形 元気な、すばらしい How are you? I'm fine.
□□□ 381 finger 名 指 Don't eat with your fingers.
□□□ 382 finish 動 ~を終える I have to finish my homework in the morning.
□□□ 383 fire 名 火、火災 The house is on fire.
□□□ 384 first 序 1番目(の)
□□□ 385 fish 名 魚 Eating fish is good for your health.
□□□ 386 fishing 名 魚釣り My hobby is fishing.
□□□ 387 five 数 5 I have five classes on Wednesdays.
□□□ 388 flew 動 flyの過去形 The bird flew away to the sky.
□□□ 389 flood 名 洪水 The bridge was washed away by the flood.
□□□ 390 floor 名 床、階 Clean the floor.
□□□ 391 flower 名 花 There are many beautiful flowers in the park.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 392 flown 動 flyの過去分詞形 The bird has already flown away to the sky.
□□□ 393 flute 名 フルート She plays the flute very well.
□□□ 394 fly 動 飛ぶ、飛行機で行く I will fly from Tokyo to New York.
□□□ 395 follow 動 ~の後について行く The dog followed me.
□□□ 396 food 名 食べ物 I like Japanese food.
□□□ 397 foot 名 足(くるぶし以下の部分) I go to school on foot.
□□□ サッカー(英)、アメリカン
□□□ 398 football 名 He is a football player.
□□□ 399 for 前 ~のために This is a present for you.
□□□ 399 for 前 ~の間 I haven't seen him for a long time.
□□□ 400 foreign 形 外国の I want to visit many foreign countries.
□□□ 401 forest 名 森林 We have to keep the beautiful forest.
□□□ 402 forget 動 ~を忘れる Don't forget your homework.
□□□ 403 forgot 動 forgetの過去形 I forgot my homework.
□□□ 404 forgotten 動 forgetの過去分詞形 Ms. Potter has forgotten her umbrella.
□□□ 405 form 名・動 形、~を形作る Her running form is very good.
□□□ 406 fortieth 序 40番目(の)
□□□ 407 forty 数 40 There are forty students in this class.
□□□ 408 forward 副 前方へ I'm looking forward to seeing you.
□□□ 409 found 動 findの過去形、過去分詞形 I found my pen.
□□□ 410 four 数 4 There are four books on the desk.
□□□ 411 fourteen 数 14 I have fourteen CDs.
□□□ 412 fourteenth 序 14番目(の)
□□□ 413 fourth 序 4番目(の)
□□□ 414 France 名 フランス French is spoken in France.
□□□ 415 free 形 自由な、暇な Are you free tomorrow?
□□□ 416 French 名 フランス語、フランス人 Ms.Potter can speak French.
□□□ 416 French 形 フランス(語・人)の Let's have dinner at a French restaurant.
□□□ 417 fresh 形 新しい、新鮮な I like fresh orange juice.
□□□ 418 Friday 名 金曜日 Friday comes after Thursday.
□□□ 419 friend 名 友だち He has a lot of friends.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 420 friendly 形 親しみのある Ayu is very friendly.
□□□ 421 from 前 ~から、~出身の I'm from England.
□□□ 422 front 名・形 前方(の)、正面(の) I'll meet you in front of the library.
□□□ 423 fruit 名 果物 I like fruits very much.
□□□ 424 full 形 いっぱいの、満ちた I have just had lunch. So I'm full now.
□□□ 425 fun 名・形 楽しみ、愉快な It was a lot of fun.
□□□ 426 funny 形 おかしい My dog has a funny face.
□□□ 427 future 名 未来、将来 Takeru wants to be a doctor in the future.
□□□ 428 game 名 ゲーム、試合 Kurio watched a soccer game on TV last night.
□□□ 429 garden 名 庭、庭園 There are many roses in the garden.
□□□ 430 gave 動 giveの過去形 Matsujiro gave Takeru his watch.
□□□ ドイツ語、ドイツ人、ドイツ
□□□ 431 German 名・形 German is spoken in Germany.
□□□ 432 Germany 名 ドイツ This car is made in Germany.
□□□ 433 gesture 名 身振り This gesture means OK.
□□□ ~を得る、~に着く(get to
□□□ 434 get 動 Where did you get this pen?
□□□ 435 girl 名 女の子 There are twenty girls in this class.
□□□ 436 give 動 ~を・・・に与える Let's give him a chance.
□□□ 437 given 動 giveの過去分詞 New books were given to the children.
□□□ 438 glad 形 喜んで、うれしい I'm glad to see you.
□□□ 439 glass 名 ガラス、グラス、眼鏡 I want to drink a glass of water.
□□□ 440 go 動 行く Let's go to the library.
□□□ 441 goal 名 ゴール、目標 What is your goal in life?
□□□ 442 gold 名・形 金(色)、金(色)の The watch is made of gold.
□□□ 443 gone 動 goの過去分詞形 Jessica has gone to France.
□□□ 444 good 形 良い I have many good friends.
□□□ 445 goodbye 間 さようなら It's time to say goodbye.
□□□ 446 got 動 getの過去形 I got it!
□□□ 447 gotten 動 getの過去分詞形 Have you ever gotten a letter from America?
□□□ 448 government 名 政府 Government of the people, by the people and for the people.

□□□ 449 grade 名 学年、等級 I'm in the seventh grade.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 450 graduation 名 卒業 Our graduation ceremony will be held on March 15th.
□□□ 451 grandfather 名 祖父 Matsujiro is Takeru's grandfather.
□□□ 452 grandmother 名 祖母 Hama is Takeru's grandmother.
□□□ 453 gray 名・形 灰色(の) He has gray hair.
□□□ 454 great 形 偉大な、素晴らしい Ichiro is a great player.
□□□ 455 green 名・形 緑色(の) Leaves are green in early summer.
□□□ 456 grew 動 growの過去形 Takeru grew 5 cm last year.
□□□ 457 ground 名 グラウンド、地面 The ground is covered with snow.
□□□ 458 group 名 グループ、集団 Let's make a group.
□□□ 459 grow 動 ~を育てる、育つ We grow rice all over Japan.
□□□ 460 grown 動 growの過去分詞形 Ryo has grown stronger.
□□□ 461 guess 動 ~を推測する Can you guess his age?
□□□ 462 guest 名 客、ゲスト Many guests were invited to the party.
□□□ 463 guitar 名 ギター Do you play the guitar?
□□□ 464 gym 名 体育館 We played basketball in the gym yesterday.
□□□ haveの過去形・過去分詞
□□□ 465 had 動 I had a math test last week.

□□□ 466 hair 名 髪の毛 She has beautiful hair.
□□□ 467 half 名 半分 Half of eight is four.
□□□ 468 hall 名 会館、玄関 We went to the city hall.
□□□ 469 hamburger 名 ハンバーガー I had a hamburger for lunch.
□□□ 470 hand 名 手 Wash your hands.
□□□ 471 happen 動 (偶然に)起こる What happened?
□□□ 472 happy 形 幸せな Konatsu looks happy.
□□□ 熱心な、堅い、難しい
□□□ 473 hard 形・副 Study hard.
□□□ 474 has 動 haveの三人称単数現在形 Our club has seven members.
□□□ 475 hat 名 (縁のある)帽子 Momoko wears a beautiful hat.
□□□ 476 have 動・助 ~を持っている、~を食べる Do you have any pets?
□□□ 477 he 代 彼は(が) I know Brian. He is a nice man.
□□□ 478 head 名 頭 Don't put your head out of the window.
□□□ 479 health 名 健康 Hama is in good health.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 480 hear 動 ~が聞こえる、~を聞く Can you hear me?
□□□ hearの過去形・過去分詞
□□□ 481 heard 動 Have you ever heard this sound?

□□□ 482 heart 名 心、心臓 Noriko has a warm heart.
□□□ 483 heavy 形 重い、激しい Her bag is too heavy.
□□□ 484 held 動 holdの過去形・過去分詞形 We held a party for her.
□□□ 485 hello 間 こんにちは、もしもし Hello, everyone.
□□□ 486 help 動 ~を手伝う、助ける Please help me with my homework.
□□□ 487 her 代 彼女の、彼女を(に) Her mother is a teacher./ I met her last night.
□□□ 488 here 副 ここに(で) Please come here.
□□□ 489 hers 代 彼女のもの This book is mine. That is hers.
□□□ 490 herself 代 彼女自身 Momoko cooked dinner herself.
□□□ 491 hi 間 やあ、こんにちは Hi, Jessica.
□□□ 492 high 形 高い This building is high.
□□□ 493 him 代 彼に(を) I met Ryo's brother yesterday. Do you know him?
□□□ 494 himself 代 彼自身 He was angry at himself.
□□□ 495 his 代 彼の(もの) His name is Matsujiro.
□□□ 496 history 名 歴史 He studies Japanese history.
□□□ 497 hit 動 ~を打つ、~にぶつかる Takeru hit the ball very hard.
□□□ 498 hold 動 ~を持つ、保つ She was holding a book under her arm.
□□□ 499 holiday 名 休日、祝日 New Year's Day is a national holiday.
□□□ 家庭、我が家、故郷、家
□□□ 500 home 名・副 My father usually leaves home at seven.

□□□ 501 homework 名 宿題 Do your homework before dinner.
□□□ 502 hope 名・動 希望、~を望む、希望する I hope (that) it will be fine tomorrow.
□□□ 503 horse 名 馬 He is riding a white horse.
□□□ 504 hospital 名 病院 I went to the hospital to see her yesterday.
□□□ 505 hot 形 熱い、暑い It has been hot since last month.
□□□ 506 hotel 名 ホテル I stayed at a hotel in Tokyo.
□□□ 507 hour 名 1時間、時刻 It takes two hours by car from Kochi to Muroto.
□□□ 508 house 名 家、家屋 Sumio lives in a new house.
□□□ 509 how 疑 どのように How did you come here today?

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 510 however 副 しかしながら We had a traffic accident. However, no one was hurt.
□□□ 511 human 形 人間の Everyone has human rights.
□□□ 512 hundred 数 100 It's three hundred yen.
□□□ 513 hungry 形 空腹の I'm very hungry.
□□□ 514 hurry 動 急ぐ、急がせる Hurry up!
□□□ 515 hurt 動 ~を傷つける His words hurt my feelings.
□□□ 516 husband 名 夫 Her husband is a musician.
□□□ 517 I 代 私は、私が I am a junior high school student.
□□□ 518 ice 名 氷、氷菓子 I'd like some ice in my water.
□□□ 519 ice cream 名 アイスクリーム Three ice creams, please.
□□□ 520 idea 名 考え、アイディア That's a good idea! / I have no idea.
□□□ 521 if 接 もし・・・ならば We'll stay at home if it rains.
□□□ 522 imagine 動 ~を想像する Can you imagine life without TV?
□□□ 523 important 形 重要な It is important for us to study English.
□□□ 524 in 前 ~の中に、で What do you have in your hand?
□□□ 525 increase 動 増える Car accidents are increasing.
□□□ 526 India 名 インド(国名) India is a big country.
□□□ 527 Indian 名・形 インド人、インド(人)の He is an Indian.
□□□ 528 information 名 情報 You can get information through the Internet.
□□□ 529 inside 副・前 内側に、~の内側に Let's go inside.
□□□ 530 interest 名 興味 Ayu has an interest in baseball.
□□□ 531 interested 形 興味を持った I'm interested in movies.
□□□ 532 interesting 形 おもしろい、興味深い Mr. Umaji's story was interesting.
□□□ 533 international 形 国際的な English is an international language.
□□□ 534 Internet 名 インターネット(the Internet) A lot of people use the Internet.
□□□ 535 interview 名 インタビュー、面接 She'll have an interview with Mr. Obama.
□□□ 536 into 前 ~の中へ(に) Konatsu went into the library.
□□□ 537 introduce 動 ~を紹介する Let me introduce myself.
□□□ 538 invite 動 ~を招く、招待する Konatsu invited me to the party.
□□□ 539 is 動 ~である、いる、ある、なる Ryo is my friend.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 540 island 名 島 There are many islands in Japan.
□□□ 541 it 代 それは(が・を・に) Whose bag is that? It is mine.
□□□ 542 Italian 形 イタリア(人・語)の Pizza is an Italian food.
□□□ 542 Italian 名 イタリア語、イタリア人 Can you speak Italian?
□□□ 543 Italy 名 イタリア(国名) This bag is made in Italy.
□□□ 544 its 代 その The dog has its house.
□□□ 545 itself 代 それ自身 History repeats itself.
□□□ 546 jacket 名 上着 My jacket is very warm.
□□□ 547 January 名 1月 January is the first month of the year.
□□□ 548 Japan 名 日本 I like Japan.
□□□ 549 Japanese 名・形 日本語(の)、日本人(の) Ms. Potter can speak Japanese very well.
□□□ 550 jeans 名 ジーンズ I like your jeans.
□□□ 551 job 名 仕事 I want to get a job in Kochi.
□□□ 552 join 動 ~に加わる Why don't you join us?
□□□ 553 joke 名 冗談、ジョーク Ryo likes telling jokes.
□□□ 554 juice 名 ジュース I like apple juice.
□□□ 555 July 名 7月 July is the seventh month of the year.
□□□ 556 jump 動 跳ぶ Ryo can jump very high.
□□□ 557 June 名 6月 June is the sixth month of the year.
□□□ 558 junior 形 下級の、年下の He is a junior high school student.
□□□ 559 just 副 ちょうど I have just finished my homework.
□□□ 560 keep 動 ~を持ち続ける、~を保つ Keep your room clean.
□□□ keepの過去形・過去分詞
□□□ 561 kept 動 I kept studying English.

□□□ 562 key 名 かぎ This is the key to my house.
□□□ 563 kill 動 ~を殺す Many people were killed in the war.
□□□ 564 kind 名 種類 What kind of ice-cream do you like?
□□□ 564 kind 形 親切な Sumio is a kind man.
□□□ 565 kitchen 名 台所 My mother is in the kitchen.
□□□ 566 knew 動 knowの過去形 Yuzu knew about the news.
□□□ 567 know 動 ~を知っている I know (that) Jessica is from England.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 568 known 動 knowの過去分詞形 Ichiro is known to everyone in Japan.
□□□ 569 Korea 名 朝鮮・韓国 This TV is made in Korea.
□□□ 570 Korean 名・形 朝鮮語(の)、朝鮮人(の)、(韓国語(の)、韓国
人(の)) Yuzu loves Korean music.
□□□ 571 lady 名 女性 That lady is my English teacher.
□□□ 572 lake 名 湖 Lake Biwa is in Shiga.
□□□ 573 land 名 陸地 This land is dry.
□□□ 574 language 名 言語 English is a common language in the world.
□□□ 575 large 形 大きい This T-shirt is too large for me.
□□□ 576 last 形 この前の、最後の This is the last day of school.
□□□ 577 late 形・副 遅れた、遅れて Why were you late for school?
□□□ 578 later 副 あとで I'll call you later.
□□□ 579 laugh 動 笑う Don't laugh.
□□□ 580 law 名 法 He studies the law.
□□□ 581 lawyer 名 弁護士 My brother Takeru wanted to be a lawyer.
□□□ 582 lead 動 ~を導く This road leads you to the station.
□□□ 583 leader 名 先導者 Yuzu is the leader of this class.
□□□ 584 learn 動 ~を学ぶ I want to learn Korean.
□□□ 最も小さい(littleの最上級)
□□□ 585 least 形・副 少なくとも~(「at least~」 It takes at least one hour to finish.
□□□ で)
□□□ 586 leave 動 ~から去る、出発する I'll leave Kochi next week.
□□□ leaveの過去形・過去分詞形
□□□ 587 left 動・副・形
左に(の) My mother left home early.
□□□ 588 leg 名 脚 Ryo hurt his leg in the game.
□□□ 589 lemon 名 レモン I like lemon juice.
□□□ 590 lend 動 ~を・・・に貸す Can you lend me your pen?
□□□ 591 less 形・副 littleの比較級 We had less snow this year than last year.
□□□ 592 lesson 名 授業、教訓 Ryo enjoyed his English lesson.
□□□ ~させる、~しましょう(「Let's
□□□ 593 let 動 Let's play tennis.
□□□ 594 letter 名 文字、手紙 This is a letter from my friend.
□□□ 595 library 名 図書館 She often studies in the library.
□□□ 596 lie 名・動 うそ、うそをつく Don't tell a lie.
□□□ 597 life 名 生命、生活、人生 The doctor saved his life.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 598 light 名 光、明かり Can you see the red light?
□□□ 599 like 動 ~を好む I like comics.
□□□ 599 like 前 ~のように He looks like his father.
□□□ 600 line 名 線 Please draw a line.
□□□ 601 lion 名 ライオン Did you see a lion in the zoo?
□□□ 602 list 名 一覧表、リスト Can you read all the words on the list?
□□□ 603 listen 動 聴く I listen to music every day.
□□□ 604 little 形 小さい Ayu is a little girl.
□□□ 604 little 形・副 わずか、少し、ほとんどない I can speak Korean a little./I had little money.
□□□ 605 live 動 住む Where do you live now?
□□□ 606 living room 名 居間 Our family usually watches TV in the living room.
□□□ 607 local 形 地元の This is a local TV station.
□□□ 608 lonely 形 ひとりぼっちの The dog was lonely in the house.
□□□ 609 long 形 長い Her hair is long.
□□□ 610 look 動 見る、見える Look at that beautiful picture.
□□□ 611 lose 動 ~を失う Don't lose your key.
□□□ 612 lost 動 loseの過去形・過去分詞形 I got lost in Tokyo.
□□□ たくさんの~(「a lot of~, lots
□□□ 613 lot 名 I have a lot of CDs.
□□□ 614 loud 形 (声・音が)大きい He spoke in a loud voice.
□□□ 615 love 動 愛している I love sweets.
□□□ 616 low 形 (高さ・位置などが)低い The price is low.
□□□ 617 luck 名 運、幸運 Good luck on the test!
□□□ 618 lucky 形 幸運な、運がいい How lucky you are!
□□□ 619 lunch 名 昼食 Let's have lunch here.
□□□ 620 machine 名 機械 This machine doesn't work.
□□□ makeの過去形・過去分詞
□□□ 621 made 動 This computer was made in Japan.

□□□ 622 magazine 名 雑誌 This magazine is very popular.
□□□ 623 main 形 主な This is the main event of this festival.
□□□ 624 make 動 ~を作る、~させる I know how to make 'Okonomiyaki' .
□□□ 625 man 名 男の人 Look at that tall man.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 626 many 形 多くの How many CDs do you have?
□□□ 627 map 名 地図 Look at the world map.
□□□ 628 March 名 3月 March is the third month of the year.
□□□ 629 market 名 市場 Let's go to the Sunday market.
□□□ 630 marry 動 ~と結婚する Will you marry me?
□□□ 631 math 名 数学 Math is my favorite subject.
□□□ 632 matter 名 事柄、問題 What's the matter with you?
□□□ 633 may 助 ~してよい May I open the window?
□□□ 634 May 名 5月 May is the fifth month of the year.
□□□ 635 maybe 副 たぶん Maybe you can do it.
□□□ 636 me 代 私を(に) Please tell me about it.
□□□ 637 meal 名 食事 Don't eat between meals.
□□□ 638 mean 動 ~を意味する What does it mean?
□□□ 639 meat 名 肉 I like meat better than vegetables.
□□□ 640 medicine 名 薬 Take some medicine.
□□□ 641 meet 動 ~に出会う I'll meet my friend tomorrow.
□□□ 642 meeting 名 会 We will have a meeting next week.
□□□ 643 member 名 一員 Ryo is a member of the baseball team.
□□□ 644 memory 名 記憶 I have a good memory.
□□□ 645 men 名 男の人たち Those men are kind.
□□□ 646 message 名 伝言 May I leave a message?
□□□ meetの過去形・過去分詞
□□□ 647 met 動 I met Mr. Bonito on the way to school.

□□□ 648 might 助 ~かもしれない Ayu might be sick.
□□□ 649 milk 名 牛乳 I like tea with milk.
□□□ 650 million 数 100万 The man won a million dollars.
□□□ 651 mind 名・動 心、気にする Ryo changed his mind.
□□□ 652 mine 代 私のもの If you don't have a dictionary, you can use mine.
□□□ 653 minute 名 分 I'll be back in a few minutes.
□□□ ~がいなくて寂しい、~を逃
□□□ 654 miss 動 I missed the last train.

□□□ 655 mistake 名 間違い I made a mistake.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 656 mix 動 ~を混ぜる Mix milk and sugar.
□□□ 657 mom 名 かあちゃん My mom is cooking now.
□□□ 658 moment 名 瞬間 Please wait a moment.
□□□ 659 Monday 名 月曜日 Monday comes after Sunday.
□□□ 660 money 名 お金 I saved the money to buy a video game.
□□□ 661 monkey 名 猿 Monkeys like bananas.
□□□ 662 month 名 (暦の)月 There are twelve months in a year.
□□□ 663 moon 名 (天体の)月 Look at the beautiful moon.
□□□ 664 more 形・副 より多くの、もっと Please give me some more water.
□□□ 665 morning 名 朝 Good morning.
□□□ 666 most 形・副 最も~な、ほとんどの~ This picture is the most beautiful of all.
□□□ 667 mother 名 母 My mother works at a hospital.
□□□ 668 mountain 名 山 Look at the beautiful mountain.
□□□ 669 mouth 名 口 Open your mouth.
□□□ 670 move 動 ~を移動する、動く Please move your desk.
□□□ 671 movie 名 映画 Star Wars is an exciting movie.
□□□ 672 Mr. 名 (男性)~さん Thank you, Mr. Brian.
□□□ 673 Mrs. 名 (既婚女性)~さん Hello, Mrs. Yamakita.
□□□ 674 Ms. 名 (女性)~さん Good-bye, Ms. Hamabe.
□□□ 675 much 副 非常に、ずっと、たくさんの How much is it?/Thank you very much.
□□□ 676 museum 名 博物館 The British Museum is very famous.
□□□ 677 music 名 音楽 I like music.
□□□ 678 musician 名 音楽家 Yuzu wants to be a musician.
□□□ 679 must 助 ~しなければならない Ryo must study English hard.
□□□ 680 my 代 私の This is my school.
□□□ 681 myself 代 私自身 I can cook dinner by myself.
□□□ 682 name 名 名前 What is the name of this river?
□□□ 683 national 形 国の Sumo is the national sport of Japan.
□□□ 684 natural 形 自然の I like natural foods.
□□□ 685 nature 名 自然 Kochi has a lot of nature.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 686 near 前 ~の近くに(で) My house is near the library.
□□□ 687 necessary 形 必要な Sleeping is necessary for good health.
□□□ 688 neck 名 首 This animal has a long neck.
□□□ 689 need 動 必要である I need to study for a test tomorrow.
□□□ これまで1度も~したことが
□□□ 690 never 副 I've never been to Italy.
□□□ 691 new 形 新しい His car is new.
□□□ 692 news 名 ニュース The news made me sad.
□□□ 693 newspaper 名 新聞 I read the newspaper every morning.
□□□ 694 next 副・形 次に、次の What shall we do next?
□□□ 695 nice 形 良い Have a nice day!
□□□ 696 night 名 夜 I watched a movie last night.
□□□ 697 nine 数 9 I went to bed at nine last night.
□□□ 698 nineteen 数 19 I have nineteen CDs.
□□□ 699 nineteenth 序 19番目(の)
□□□ 700 ninetieth 序 90番目(の)
□□□ 701 ninety 数 90 My father has ninety CDs.
□□□ 702 ninth 序 9番目(の)
□□□ 703 no 副・形 いいえ、ひとつの・・・もない No, thank you.
□□□ 704 nobody 代 だれも~ない Nobody was hurt in the traffic accident.
□□□ 705 noon 名 正午 We ate lunch at noon.
□□□ 706 north 名 北 Reihoku is in the north of Kochi.
□□□ 707 nose 名 鼻 This animal has a long nose.
□□□ 708 not 副 ~でない It's not true.
□□□ 709 notebook 名 ノート Write the answer in your notebook.
□□□ 710 nothing 代 何も~ない There is nothing to do.
□□□ 711 November 名 11月 November is the eleventh month of the year.
□□□ 712 now 副 今 I am busy now.
□□□ 713 number 名 数 Tell me your phone number.
□□□ 714 nurse 名 看護師 His mother was a nurse.
□□□ 715 o'clock 副 ~時 It's seven o'clock.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 716 ocean 名 大洋 Ryoma was looking at the ocean.
□□□ 717 October 名 10月 October is the tenth month of the year.
□□□ 718 of 前 ~の Takeru is a member of the soccer club.
□□□ 719 off 副 ~離れて The plane took off from Kochi Ryoma Airport.
□□□ 720 office 名 事務所 Mr. Tosa is in the the office now.
□□□ 721 officer 名 公務員 His dream is to be a police officer.
□□□ 722 often 副 よく、しばしば I often listen to music.
□□□ 723 oil 名 油、石油 We use oil for cooking.
□□□ 724 old 形 年とった How old are you?
□□□ 725 on 前 ~の上に There is a book on the desk.
□□□ 726 once 副 一度、かつて I have been to Okinawa once.
□□□ 727 one 数 1 The Shimanto River is one of the most beautiful rivers in Japan.

□□□ 728 onion 名 タマネギ We need onion to cook curry.
□□□ 729 only 形・副 ただ一つの、ただ~だけ Pandas live only in China.
□□□ 730 open 動 ~を開ける、開く The store opens at nine.
□□□ 731 opinion 名 意見 I understand your opinion.
□□□ 732 or 接 または Which do you like better, spring or fall?
□□□ 733 orange 名 オレンジ I like oranges very much.
□□□ 734 order 動・名 ~を注文する、注文 Ryo ordered two hamburgers.
□□□ 735 other 形 他の Do you have any other questions?
□□□ 736 our 代 私たちの That is our school.
□□□ 737 ours 代 私たちのもの Those balls are ours.
□□□ 738 ourselves 代 私たち自身 We have to decide by ourselves.
□□□ 739 out 副 外に He went out.
□□□ 740 outside 副・前 外に(で)、~の外で(に) Go outside.
□□□ 終わって、~をこえて、~の
□□□ 741 over 副・前 The game is over.
□□□ 742 own 形 ~自身の This is my own book.
□□□ 743 P.E. 名 体育 P.E. is one of my favorite subjects.
□□□ 744 page 名 ページ Open your textbook to page 31.
□□□ 745 paint 動 絵を描く Konatsu painted the picture.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 746 painting 名 絵 Her painting was really nice.
□□□ 747 pair 名 一組 Let's read in pairs.
□□□ 748 paper 名 紙 This is the Paper Museum.
□□□ ~を許す、大目に見る、許
□□□ 749 pardon 動・名 Pardon me?

□□□ 750 parent 名 親 My parents live in Kochi.
□□□ 751 park 名 公園 There is a nice park near my house.
□□□ 752 part 名 部分 Japan is part of Asia.
□□□ 753 party 名 パーティ We'll have a party for her.
□□□ 754 pass 動 渡す Please pass around this picture.
□□□ 755 passport 名 パスポート Show me your passport, please.
□□□ 756 past 形・前 過去の、・・・過ぎ It has been snowy for the past two days.
□□□ 757 pay 動 ~を支払う、払う How much do I have to pay?
□□□ 758 peace 名 平和 We all hope for world peace.
□□□ 759 pen 名 ペン Do you have a pen?
□□□ 760 pencil 名 鉛筆 That pencil is mine.
□□□ 761 people 名 人々 Young people like pop music.
□□□ 762 percent 名 パーセント 80 percent of the students like English.
□□□ 763 period 名 時限 We have English in the first period.
□□□ 764 person 名 人 He is a nice person.
□□□ 765 pet 名 ペット Do you have any pets?
□□□ 766 phone 名 電話 We talked on the phone.
□□□ 767 photo 名 写真 Mr. Bonito showed us a lot of photos.
□□□ 768 photographer 名 写真家 His dream is to be a photographer.
□□□ 769 piano 名 ピアノ He played the piano yesterday.
□□□ 770 pick 動 つむ Don't pick the flowers.
□□□ 771 picture 名 絵・写真 Who took this picture?
□□□ 772 piece 名 ひと切れ Noriko cut the cake into six pieces.
□□□ 773 pilot 名 パイロット My father wanted to be a pilot .
□□□ 774 place 名 場所 Katsurahama is his favorite place.
□□□ 775 plan 名・動 計画、~を計画する Do you have any plans for next Sunday?

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 776 plane 名 飛行機 This plane goes to Kochi.
□□□ 777 plant 名 植物 Tomitaro Makino studied plants.
□□□ プラスチック(の)、ビニール
□□□ 778 plastic 名・形 That pencil case is made of plastic.
□□□ 779 play 動 ~をする、演奏する、遊ぶ Let's play tennis together!
□□□ 780 player 名 選手 Kazu is a good player.
□□□ 781 playground 名 運動場 Let's play soccer on the playground.
□□□ 782 please 間 どうぞ Please open the windows.
□□□ 783 pocket 名 ポケット This jacket has two pockets.
□□□ 784 point 名・動 点、指さす That's a good point.
□□□ 785 police 名 警察 He is a police officer.
□□□ 786 poor 形 貧しい、かわいそうな Many Asian countries are still poor.
□□□ 787 popular 形 人気のある She is a popular singer.
□□□ 788 population 名 人口 The population of Kochi City is about 340,000.
□□□ 789 possible 形 可能な It is possible for us to change the world.
□□□ 790 post 名 郵便 This is a post office.
□□□ 791 poster 名 ポスター There is a poster on the wall.
□□□ 792 potato 名 じゃがいも I like potatoes very much.
□□□ 793 power 名 力 We want the power to change the world.
□□□ 794 practice 名・動 練習、~を練習する Let's practice English!
□□□ 795 prepare 動 準備する We have prepared for the school festival.
□□□ 796 present 名 プレゼント This is a present for you.
□□□ 797 president 名 大統領 John F. Kennedy was the 35th U.S. president .
□□□ 798 pretty 形 かわいい This doll is very pretty.
□□□ 799 price 名 値段 The price of the bag is 2,000 yen.
□□□ 800 prize 名 賞 He got the first prize.
□□□ 801 problem 名 問題 That is a big problem.
□□□ 802 produce 動 ~を生産する That country produces a lot of oil.
□□□ 803 program 名 プログラム What is your favorite TV program?
□□□ 804 promise 名 約束 We must keep our promises.
□□□ 805 public 形 公共の Keep the rules in public places.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 806 pull 動 引く The little boy pulled his father's shirt.
□□□ 807 purpose 名 目的 What's the purpose of your visit?
□□□ 808 push 動 ~を押す Kurio pushed the car.
□□□ 809 put 動 ~を置く Noriko put the letter on the desk.
□□□ 810 question 名 質問 May I ask you a question?
□□□ 811 quickly 副 速く Ayu moved quickly.
□□□ 812 quiet 形 静かな “Please be quiet,” said the teacher.
□□□ 813 quite 副 まったく She is quite busy.
□□□ 814 rabbit 名 ウサギ I have a white rabbit.
□□□ 815 racket 名 ラケット Whose racket is this?
□□□ 816 radio 名 ラジオ Listen to the radio.
□□□ 817 rain 名 雨 They had much rain last week.
□□□ 817 rain 動 雨が降る It rained a lot in Kochi last month.
□□□ 818 rainy 形 雨降りの It was rainy yesterday.
□□□ 819 raise 動 ~を持ち上げる Please raise your hand .
□□□ 820 ran 動 runの過去形 Ayu ran home yesterday.
□□□ 821 reach 動 ~に到着する The train reached Kochi Station.
□□□ 822 read 動 ~を読む It is important for us to read books.
□□□ 823 ready 形 準備ができて Are you ready?
□□□ 824 real 形 本当の Is this a real story?
□□□ 825 really 副 本当に The Shimanto River is really beautiful.
□□□ 826 reason 名 理由 I want to know the reason.
□□□ 827 receive 動 ~を受け取る Matsujiro received a letter from Konatsu.
□□□ 828 record 名 記録 It's a great record!
□□□ 829 recycling 名 リサイクル Recycling is very important.
□□□ 830 red 名・形 赤色(の) Tomatoes are red.
□□□ 831 remember 動 ~を思い出す Do you remember that beautiful river?
□□□ 832 repeat 動 (~を)繰り返す Repeat after me.
□□□ 833 report 名 レポート Takeru wrote a report about Kochi.
□□□ 834 rest 名 休けい Take a rest.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 835 restaurant 名 レストラン Let's have lunch at the restaurant .
□□□ 836 result 名 結果 I want to know the result of the test.
□□□ 837 return 動 ~を戻す、戻る Return the book by tomorrow.
□□□ 838 rice 名 米 Japanese people eat rice every day.
□□□ 839 rich 形 豊かな Yataro was a rich man.
□□□ 840 ride 動 ~に乗る It's fun for me to ride a bike.
□□□ 841 right 副・形 右に(の) Turn right at the second corner.
□□□ 841 right 形 正しい That's right.
□□□ 842 ring 動 ~を鳴らす、鳴る Ring the bell.
□□□ 843 rise 動 昇る The sun rises in the east.
□□□ 844 river 名 川 Let's swim in the river.
□□□ 845 road 名 道路 This is the road to my house.
□□□ 846 rode 動 rideの過去形 Ayu rode a horse yesterday.
□□□ 847 room 名 部屋 My room is small.
□□□ 848 rose 名 バラ My favorite flowers are roses.
□□□ 849 round 形 まるい The table is round.
□□□ 850 rule 名 ルール Our school has many rules.
□□□ 851 run 動 走る Takeru runs fast.
□□□ 852 sad 形 悲しい I was very sad to hear the news.
□□□ 853 safe 形 安全な This building is safe.
□□□ 854 said 動 sayの過去形・過去分詞形 “I'm really happy,” said Hana.
□□□ 855 sale 名 販売、安売り This shirt is on sale.
□□□ 856 salt 名 塩 Pass me the salt, please.
□□□ 857 same 形 同じ Noriko's bag and mine are the same.
□□□ 858 sandwich 名 サンドイッチ Have some more sandwiches.
□□□ 859 sang 動 sing の過去形 Ayu sang the song.
□□□ 860 sat 動 sitの過去形・過去分詞形 Takeru sat down on the chair.
□□□ 861 Saturday 名 土曜日 Saturday comes after Friday.
□□□ 862 save 動 ~を救う Save the earth.
□□□ 863 saw 動 seeの過去形 I saw the famous singer yesterday.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 864 say 動 ~を言う Please say hello to your mother.
□□□ 865 school 名 学校 My school begins at eight o'clock.
□□□ 866 science 名 理科、科学 Science is my favorite subject.
□□□ 867 scientist 名 科学者 Takeru's dream was to be a scientist.
□□□ 868 sea 名 海 We go to the sea every summer.
□□□ 869 season 名 季節 There are four seasons in Japan.
□□□ 870 seat 名 席 Let's have a seat.
□□□ 871 second 序・名 2番目(の)、秒 This is my second trip to Japan.
□□□ 872 see 動 ~を見る、~に会う See you tomorrow.
□□□ 873 seem 動 ~に見える、思える Everything seems easy.
□□□ 874 seen 動 seeの過去分詞 Have you ever seen a UFO?
□□□ 875 sell 動 ~を売る They sell vegetables in this store.
□□□ 876 send 動 ~を送る Please send me a letter.
□□□ sendの過去形・過去分詞
□□□ 877 sent 動 Takeru sent me a letter.

□□□ 878 September 名 9月 September is the ninth month of the year.
□□□ 879 service 名 サービス The service in that store is very nice.
□□□ 880 set 名・動 セット、セットする I set the clock for six.
□□□ 881 seven 数 7 My favorite number is seven.
□□□ 882 seventeen 数 17 Takeru will be seventeen next month.
□□□ 883 seventeenth 序 17番目(の)
□□□ 884 seventh 序 7番目(の)
□□□ 885 seventieth 序 70番目(の)
□□□ 886 seventy 数 70 He is seventy years old.
□□□ 887 several 形 いくつかの Kurio has been to America several times.
□□□ 888 shall 助 ~しましょうか Shall I show you some pictures?
□□□ 889 share 動 ~を分ける Konatsu shared the cake.
□□□ 890 she 代 彼女は She is Ayu.
□□□ 891 ship 名 船 Manjiro went to America by ship.
□□□ 892 shirt 名 シャツ Ryo wears a blue shirt.
□□□ 893 shoe 名 くつ Takeru wants a pair of new shoes.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 894 shop 名 商店 We'll meet at the coffee shop.
□□□ 895 shopping 名 買い物 I'll go shopping next Sunday.
□□□ 896 short 形 短い、低い Ayu's hair is short.
□□□ 897 should 助 ~すべきである You should go home now.
□□□ 898 shoulder 名 肩 I put my hands on her shoulder.
□□□ 899 shout 動 叫ぶ Ayu shouted at me.
□□□ 900 show 動 ~を見せる、示す Show me how to use the computer.
□□□ 901 shower 名 にわか雨、シャワー I take a shower every morning.
□□□ 902 shown 動 showの過去分詞形 I was shown around the house.
□□□ 903 sick 形 病気の She was sick yesterday.
□□□ 904 side 名 側面 We drive on the left side of the road.
□□□ 905 sightseeing 名 観光 I went sightseeing in Nara last week.
□□□ 906 sign 名 しるし、信号、様子 I can see a sign of spring.
□□□ 907 simple 形 簡単な、単純な These questions are very simple.
□□□ 908 since 前 ~以来、~から I have lived in Kochi since 1987.
□□□ 908 since 接 ~以来、~から We have known each other since we were children.
□□□ 909 sing 動 歌う、鳴く Takeru can sing well.
□□□ 910 singer 名 歌う人、歌手 Ms. Potter is a good singer.
□□□ 911 sister 名 姉、妹 Ayu is my sister.
□□□ 912 sit 動 座る、腰をかける Sit down please.
□□□ 913 six 数 6 I usually get up at six in the morning.
□□□ 914 sixteen 数 16 There are sixteen people in this room.
□□□ 915 sixteenth 序 16番目(の)
□□□ 916 sixth 序 6番目(の)
□□□ 917 sixtieth 序 60番目(の)
□□□ 918 sixty 数 60 This story was written sixty years ago.
□□□ 919 size 名 大きさ、寸法 What is the size of your shoes?
□□□ 920 skate 名・動 スケート(をする) Ms. Potter can skate well.
□□□ 921 ski 名・動 スキー(をする) Let's go skiing tomorrow.
□□□ 922 skirt 名 スカート Ayu is wearing a skirt.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 923 sky 名 空 The sky is blue.
□□□ 924 sleep 動 眠る Did you sleep well last night?
□□□ sleepの過去形・過去分詞
□□□ 925 slept 動 I slept well last night.

□□□ 926 slow 形 ゆっくりとした My grandfather likes slow music.
□□□ 927 slowly 副 ゆっくりと Please speak more slowly.
□□□ 928 small 形 小さい This jacket is too small for me.
□□□ 929 smell 名 匂い I like the smell of this flower.
□□□ 929 smell 動 ~の匂いがする This flower smells sweet.
□□□ 930 smile 名・動 微笑み、笑う Let's smile at the camera.
□□□ 931 smoke 名 煙 There is no smoke without fire.
□□□ 931 smoke 動 煙草を吸う Stop smoking here.
□□□ 932 snow 名・動 雪、雪が降る Snow is white.
□□□ 933 snowy 形 雪の降る、雪の多い It was snowy yesterday.
□□□ 934 so 副 それほど、そのように My father is so angry. / I think so.
□□□ 934 so 接 それで、だから I was tired, so I went to bed early.
□□□ 935 soap 名 せっけん I wash my hands with soap.
□□□ 936 soccer 名 サッカー We play soccer after school.
□□□ 937 social 形 社会の、社会的な We have many social problems.
□□□ 938 social studies 名 社会科 We have social studies in the fifth period.
□□□ 939 society 名 社会 Let's talk about the future of our society.
□□□ 940 soft 形 柔らかい The ground was soft after the rain.
□□□ 941 softball 名 ソフトボール Takeru belongs to the softball team.
□□□ 942 sold 動 sellの過去形・過去分詞形 My father sold his car.
□□□ 943 solve 動 ~を解く、解決する I can't solve this problem.
□□□ 944 some 形 いくらかの、いくつかの I want some books to read.
□□□ 945 someone 代 ある人、誰か Someone is at the door.
□□□ 946 something 代 あるもの、ある事 I want something to drink.
□□□ 947 sometimes 副 ときどき I sometimes go swimming in the river.
□□□ 948 son 名 息子 Mr. Umibe has three sons.
□□□ 949 song 名 歌 Let's sing a song.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 950 soon 副 もうすぐ、間もなく Christmas is coming soon.
□□□ 951 sorry 形 気の毒で、すまなく思って I'm sorry I'm late.
□□□ 952 sound 名 音 I heard strange sounds.
□□□ 952 sound 動 ~に聞こえる His story sounds interesting.
□□□ 953 soup 名 スープ This soup is hot.
□□□ 954 south 名 南 Katsurahama is in the south of Kochi.
□□□ 955 space 名 空間、宇宙 My dream is space travel.
□□□ 956 speak 動 ~を話す、ものを言う Can I speak to you now?
□□□ 957 speaker 名 話す人、スピーカー Ms. Hamabe is a good speaker of English.
□□□ 958 special 形 特別の Today is my special day.
□□□ 959 speech 名 言語、ことば We listened to her speech.
□□□ 960 spend 動 ~を過ごす、費やす I want to spend more time with my friends.
□□□ 961 spent 動 spend の過去・過去分詞 Takeru spent all his money.
□□□ 962 spoke 動 speakの過去形 Takeru spoke about his friends.
□□□ 963 spoken 動 speakの過去分詞形 English is spoken in many countries.
□□□ 964 sport 名 運動、スポーツ What is your favorite sport?
□□□ 965 spring 名 春、ばね Spring has come.
□□□ 966 stand 動 立つ Stand up please.
□□□ 967 star 名 星 We can see beautiful stars tonight.
□□□ 968 start 名・動 始める、出発、開始 Let's start the game.
□□□ 969 station 名 駅、停留所 We'll meet at the train station.
□□□ 970 stay 名・動 滞在(する)、とどまる My father is staying at the hotel now.
□□□ 971 step 名・動 歩み、歩む Watch your step!
□□□ 972 still 副 まだ、なお Ms. Hamabe is still angry.
□□□ 973 stone 名 石 This stone is too heavy.
□□□ standの過去形・過去分詞
□□□ 974 stood 動 Ms. Hamabe stood there.

□□□ 975 stop 名・動 ~を止める、やめる、中止 Stop the car.
□□□ 976 store 名 店 I went to the store to buy some milk.
□□□ 977 story 名 物語、話 Ms. Hamabe read a story to the children.
□□□ 978 straight 形・副 まっすぐな、まっすぐに Go straight down this road.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 979 strange 形 奇妙な、不思議な I heard a strange voice.
□□□ 980 strawberry 名 イチゴ We picked strawberries yesterday.
□□□ 981 street 名 街、道路 I met Ryo on the street.
□□□ 982 strong 形 強い Godzilla is strong.
□□□ 983 student 名 学生 Takeru is a student.
□□□ 984 study 名・動 (~を)勉強(する)、学ぶ Yuzu studies English hard.
□□□ 985 style 名 スタイル、様式 I like the style of your hair.
□□□ 986 subject 名 科目、主題 What subject do you like best?
□□□ 987 such 形 こんな、そのような Don't say such a thing.
□□□ 988 suddenly 副 突然に、にわかに The train stopped suddenly.
□□□ 989 sugar 名 砂糖 I like tea with sugar.
□□□ 990 summer 名 夏 I like summer better than winter.
□□□ 991 sun 名 太陽 The sun rises in the east.
□□□ 992 Sunday 名 日曜日 Sunday comes after Saturday.
□□□ 993 sung 動 sing の過去分詞形 The song is sung by many people.
□□□ 日当たりのよい、明るく日が
□□□ 994 sunny 形 It will be sunny tomorrow.
□□□ 995 supermarket 名 スーパーマーケット I went to the supermarket with my mother.
□□□ 996 support 名・動 支持、~を支持する I support your idea.
□□□ 997 sure 形・副 確かで、きっと~する I'm sure (that) he will be back.
□□□ 998 surprise 名・動 驚き、~を驚かせる What a surprise!
□□□ 999 surprised 形 驚いた I'm surprised to hear the news.
□□□ 1000 swam 動 swimの過去形 I swam in the river yesterday.
□□□ 1001 sweater 名 セーター Ayu is wearing a red sweater.
□□□ 1002 sweet 形 甘い This flower smells sweet.
□□□ 1003 swim 動 泳ぐ I went swimming in the river.
□□□ 1004 swum 動 swimの過去分詞形 My father has swum to the beach.
□□□ 1005 symbol 名 象徴、シンボル Kochi Castle is a symbol of Kochi City.
□□□ 1006 system 名 システム、制度、体系 We should change the system of education.
□□□ 1007 table 名 テーブル、卓 I put some flowers on the table.
□□□ ~を手に取る、~を持って
□□□ 1008 take 動 Take an umbrella with you.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 1009 taken 動 takeの過去分詞形 This picture was taken by my father.
□□□ 1010 talk 動・名 話す、話し My mother is talking on the phone.
□□□ 1011 tall 形 背が高い Takeru is tall.
□□□ teachの過去形・過去分詞
□□□ 1012 taught 動 Ms. Potter taught me English.

□□□ 1013 taxi 名 タクシー Let's take a taxi.
□□□ 1014 tea 名 茶、紅茶 I drink tea every day.
□□□ 1015 teach 動 ~を教える Ms. Hamabe teaches us English.
□□□ 1016 teacher 名 教師 Mr. Kujira is a good teacher.
□□□ 1017 team 名 チーム、組 Ryo is a member of the soccer team.
□□□ 1018 teeth 名 toothの複数形 Brush your teeth.
□□□ 1019 telephone 名 電話 Please answer the telephone.
□□□ 1020 tell 動 ~を話す、教える Please tell me the way to the station.
□□□ 1021 ten 数 10 Misaki's brother is ten years old.
□□□ 1022 tennis 名 テニス Let's play tennis after school.
□□□ 1023 tenth 序 10番目(の)
□□□ 1024 test 名・動 試験、試す We have a math test tomorrow.
□□□ 1025 textbook 名 教科書 Open your textbook.
□□□ 1026 than 前・接 ・・・よりも This building is taller than that one.
□□□ 1027 thank 動 ~に感謝する Thank you for your help.
□□□ 1028 that 代 その、あの、あちらの This is my bag. Is that yours?
□□□ 1028 that 接 (・・・する)ということ I think (that) Ryo will come.
□□□ 1029 the 冠 (その、この、あの) Look at the sky.
□□□ 1030 theater 名 劇場、映画館 I'm going to the theater to see a movie.
□□□ 1031 their 代 彼(女)らの Ryo and his brothers like their dog.
□□□ 彼(女)らのもの、それらのも
□□□ 1032 theirs 代 Your house is bigger than theirs.

□□□ 1033 them 代 彼(女)らを、に Yuzu and Ryo are very kind. I like them.
□□□ 1034 themselves 代 彼(女)ら自身、それら自体 My friends are enjoying themselves at the party.
□□□ 1035 then 副 その時、それから He was cooking then.
□□□ 1036 there 副 そこで、そこに I found the key there.
□□□ [there is (are)…]の形で「…があ
□□□ 1036 there 副 る、いる」 There is a book on the desk.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 1037 these 代 これらの These were famous pictures.
□□□ 1038 they 代 彼(女)らは、それらは Yuzu and Ryo are my friends. They are kind.
□□□ 1039 thing 名 もの、こと I have a lot of things to do.
□□□ 1040 think 動 ~だと思う、考える I think (that) Mr. Bonito is a good man.
□□□ 1041 third 序 3番目(の)
□□□ 1042 thirsty 形 のどの渇いた I'm thirsty. I want something to drink.
□□□ 1043 thirteen 数 13 She is thirteen years old.
□□□ 1044 thirteenth 序 13番目(の)
□□□ 1045 thirtieth 序 30番目(の)
□□□ 1046 thirty 数 30 I get up at six thirty every morning.
□□□ 1047 this 代 この、ここの This is my friend.
□□□ 1048 those 代 それらの、その、あれらの Those are my books.
□□□ ・・・だけれども、にもかかわ
□□□ 1049 though 接 Though it was cold yesterday, I went out.
□□□ thinkの過去形・過去分詞
□□□ 1050 thought 動 We thought and thought.

□□□ 1051 thousand 数 1000 This bag is three thousand yen.
□□□ 1052 three 数 3 I met him three years ago.
□□□ 1053 threw 動 throwの過去形 I threw a ball into the sea.
□□□ 1054 through 前 ~を通り抜けて、貫いて The cat got into the house through the window.
□□□ 1055 throw 動 ~を投げる Don't throw stones.
□□□ 1056 thrown 動 thrownの過去分詞形 The ball was thrown by Tom.
□□□ 1057 Thursday 名 木曜日 Thursday comes after Wednesday.
□□□ 1058 ticket 名 切符、券、チケット I have two concert tickets.
□□□ 1059 time 名 時間 What time is it now?
□□□ 1060 tired 形 疲れて、飽きて I am so tired.
□□□ 1061 to 前 ~の方へ、に向かって My grandfather is walking to the park.
□□□ 1062 today 名・副 きょう(は)、現代 Today I'd like to talk about music.
□□□ 1063 together 副 共に、一緒に Let's go to see a movie together.
□□□ 1064 told 動 tellの過去形・過去分詞形 My mother told me an interesting story.
□□□ 1065 tomato 名 トマト This tomato is delicious.
□□□ 1066 tomorrow 名・副 あした(には) See you tomorrow.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 1067 tonight 名・副 今夜(は) We'll have a party tonight.
□□□ 1068 too 副 ・・・もまた同様に My mother is ready. I'm ready, too.
□□□ 1068 too 副 あまりに~すぎる This house is too old.
□□□ 1069 took 動 takeの過去形 My father took me to the park.
□□□ 1070 tooth 名 歯(単数形) The dentist pulled out a bad tooth.
□□□ 1071 top 名・形 頂上、一番上の We are on the top of the mountain.
□□□ 1072 touch 名・動 接触(する)、触る Don't touch it.
□□□ 1073 toward 前 ~の方へ、に向かって I walked toward the door.
□□□ 1074 town 名 町 Show us around your town.
□□□ 1075 traditional 形 伝統的な My grandmother likes traditional Japanese music.
□□□ 1076 traffic 名 交通、往来 The traffic is heavy on this street.
□□□ 1077 train 名 電車 The train has just arrived.
□□□ 1077 train 動 ~を訓練する My uncle is training horses for a race.
□□□ 1078 travel 名・動 旅行(する) My dream is to travel around the world.
□□□ 1079 treasure 名 宝物 This is my treasure.
□□□ 1080 tree 名 木 People cut down many trees.
□□□ 1081 trip 名 旅行 Have a nice trip.
□□□ 1082 trouble 名 心配、困難 I want to help people in trouble.
□□□ 1083 true 形 本当の Is that true?
□□□ 1084 try 動 努力する、試す Try hard.
□□□ 1085 Tuesday 名 火曜日 Tuesday comes after Monday.
□□□ 1086 turn 動 曲がる Turn left at the second corner.
□□□ 1087 TV (television) 名 テレビ I watched a baseball game on TV.
□□□ 1088 twelfth 序 12番目(の)
□□□ 1089 twelve 数 12 There are twelve months in a year.
□□□ 1090 twentieth 序 20番目(の)
□□□ 1091 twenty 数 20 His sister became twenty years old.
□□□ 1092 twice 副 2度、2回 I have met him twice.
□□□ 1093 two 数 2 I'm going to stay here for two days.
□□□ 1094 type 名 型 I want a new type of car.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 1095 umbrella 名 傘 You need an umbrella today.
□□□ 1096 uncle 名 おじ I have two uncles.
□□□ 1097 under 前 ~の下に A cat is under the table.
□□□ 1098 understand 動 ~を理解する Do you understand me?
□□□ understandの過去形・過去
□□□ 1099 understood 動 I understood the reason.
□□□ 1100 uniform 名 制服 Japanese students wear school uniforms.
□□□ 1101 university 名 大学 I want to go to university.
□□□ 1102 until 前・接 ~までずっと I must wait until four o'clock
□□□ 1103 up 副 上に It's time to wake up.
□□□ 1104 us 代 私たちを(に) Mr. Bonito teaches us English.
□□□ 1105 use 動 ~を使う Use your dictionary.
□□□ 1106 used 形 中古の、使い古しの My father bought a used car.
□□□ 1107 useful 形 役に立つ Computers are useful.
□□□ 1108 usually 副 たいてい、ふつう Hama usually gets up at five.
□□□ 1109 vacation 名 休み What are you going to do during the summer vacation?

□□□ 1110 various 形 いろいろな I want to visit various places in the world.
□□□ 1111 vegetable 名 野菜 Ms. Potter only eats vegetables.
□□□ 1112 very 副 とても We must study very hard.
□□□ 1113 video 名 ビデオ I like to play video games.
□□□ 1114 view 名 眺め、景色 The view is beautiful.
□□□ 1115 village 名 村 I lived in a small village.
□□□ 1116 violin 名 バイオリン He plays the violin very well.
□□□ 1117 visit 動 ~を訪問する They visited Kyoto on a school trip.
□□□ 1118 voice 名 声 His voice is big.
□□□ 1119 volleyball 名 バレーボール She is in the volleyball club.
□□□ 1120 volunteer 名 ボランティア Will you join with us in volunteer activity?
□□□ 1121 vote 動 投票する We voted for him.
□□□ 1122 wait 動 待つ I was waiting for you at the station.
□□□ 1123 walk 動 歩く Matsujiro walks in the park every morning.
□□□ 1124 wall 名 壁、へい The picture on the wall is beautiful.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 1125 want 動 ~をほしい、~を望む Takeru wants a new bike.
□□□ 1126 war 名 戦争 We are against war.
□□□ 1127 warm 形 暖かい It's warm today.
□□□ 1128 was 動 am/isの過去形 Noriko was busy yesterday.
□□□ 1129 wash 動 ~を洗う My father washes his car every Sunday.
□□□ 1130 waste 動 ~をむだにする Don't waste your time.
□□□ 1131 watch 動・名 ~を見る、腕時計 My mother watches TV every morning.
□□□ 1132 water 名 水 I want to drink water.
□□□ 1133 way 名 道、方法 Could you tell me the way to the station?
□□□ 1134 we 代 私たちは(が) Yuzu and I often talk on the phone. We are good friends.

□□□ 1135 weak 形 弱い He said in a weak voice.
□□□ ~を身に着けている、着て
□□□ 1136 wear 動 Ayu often wears the red shirt.
□□□ 1137 weather 名 天気 How is the weather?
□□□ 1138 Wednesday 名 水曜日 Wednesday comes after Tuesday.
□□□ 1139 week 名 週 See you next week.
□□□ 1140 weekend 名 週末 I play soccer every weekend.
□□□ 1141 welcome 間・形 ようこそ/ (人が)歓迎される Welcome to our school. / You are welcome.
□□□ 1142 well 副 上手に She played the piano well.
□□□ 1143 went 動 goの過去形 They went to the park.
□□□ 1144 were 動 areの過去形 Were you busy yesterday?
□□□ 1145 west 名 西 The sun sets in the west.
□□□ 1146 whale 名 くじら You can enjoy watching whales in the sea.
□□□ 1147 what 疑 何の What color do you like (the) best?
□□□ 1147 what 疑 何、どんなもの(こと) What are you doing now?
□□□ 1148 when 疑 いつ When is your birthday?
□□□ 1148 when 接 (~する)ときに When I came home, my mother was cooking.
□□□ 1149 where 疑 どこに(へ) Where is my ticket?
□□□ 1150 whether 接 ~かうどうか I wonder whether Takeru will come or not.
□□□ 1151 which 疑 どちら Which is easier, math or English?
□□□ 1152 while 接 ~する間 My father came home while I was having dinner.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 1153 white 名・形 白色(の) Pochi is a white dog.
□□□ 1154 who 疑 だれ、だれが Who is that boy?
□□□ 1155 whole 形 全体の The whole class agreed with the plan.
□□□ 1156 whose 疑 だれの、だれのもの Whose bag is this?
□□□ 1157 why 疑 なぜ Why do you study English?
□□□ 1158 wide 形 広い The street is wide.
□□□ 1159 wife 名 妻 Kurio's wife works for a supermarket.
□□□ 1160 wild 形 野生の You can see wild animals in Africa.
□□□ 1161 will 助 ~するつもりだ、~でしょう It will rain in the afternoon.
□□□ 1162 win 動 ~に勝つ He will win the game.
□□□ 1163 wind 名 風 There's no wind today.
□□□ 1164 window 名 窓 Will you close the window?
□□□ 1165 windy 形 風のある、風の強い It's windy today.
□□□ 1166 winter 名 冬 We enjoy skiing in winter.
□□□ 1167 wish 名・動 望み、~を望む I wish you a happy New Year.
□□□ 1168 with 前 ~といっしょに Takeru plays video games with his friends.
□□□ 1169 without 前 ~なしに Sugio drinks coffee without sugar.
□□□ 1170 woman 名 (大人の)女性 My aunt is a nice woman.
□□□ 女の人たち(womanの複数
□□□ 1171 women 名 Women live longer than men in most countries.
□□□ 1172 won 動 winの過去形・過去分詞形 I won the game.
□□□ 1173 wonder 動 ~かなぁと思う I wonder what happened.
□□□ 1174 wonderful 形 すばらしい I had a wonderful time at the party.
□□□ 1175 wood 名 木、木材 My house is made of wood.
□□□ 1176 word 名 言葉、単語 Look up the word in a dictionary.
□□□ 1177 work 名 仕事 Kurio has a lot of work to do.
□□□ 1177 work 動 働く Mr. Umibe works very hard.
□□□ 1178 worker 名 働く人 My father is an office worker.
□□□ 1179 world 名 世界 I want to travel around the world.
□□□ 1180 worried 形 心配して I'm worried about the result of the test.
□□□ 1181 worry 動 心配する Don't worry.

チェック欄 No. 単語 品詞 意味 例文
□□□ 1182 would 助 willの過去形 I would like a cup of coffee.
□□□ 1183 write 動 (~を)書く I often write letters in English.
□□□ 1184 writer 名 作家 Miyao Tomiko is a famous writer from Kochi.
□□□ 1185 written 動 writeの過去分詞形 I'll give you a book written in English.
□□□ 1186 wrong 形 まちがった Your answer is wrong.
□□□ 1187 wrote 動 writeの過去形 Mr. Bonito wrote a book about Japan.
□□□ 1188 year 名 年、年齢 Sugio visited Tokyo last year.
□□□ 1189 yellow 名・形 黄色(い) Bananas are yellow.
□□□ 1190 yes 副 はい Are you happy? Yes, I am.
□□□ 1191 yesterday 名・副 昨日(は) It was rainy yesterday.
□□□ 1192 yet 副 まだ・なお(・・・ない)、もう I haven't finished my homework yet.
□□□ あなたは(~が)・あなたを
□□□ 1193 you 代 How about you?
□□□ 1194 young 形 若い Momoko looks young.
□□□ 1195 your 代 あなたの Is this your bag?
□□□ 1196 yours 代 あなたのもの This is mine. That is yours.
□□□ 1197 yourself 代 あなた自身 Make yourself at home.
□□□ 1198 yourselves 代 あなたたち自身 Enjoy yourselves.
□□□ 1199 zero 数 零、0 We won the game five to zero.
□□□ 1200 zoo 名 動物園 Ayu went to the Noichi Zoo last summer.

5 英単語グルーピングチェック

英単語グルーピングチェック 単語のグループを作ろう!

cap brother mother shirt aunt

sister sweater uniform father mom
shoes coat uncle baby dress
skirt parent wife grandfather grandmother

(例)hat, jacket

家 族

(例)son, daughter

英単語グルーピングチェック 単語のグループを作ろう!

birthday arm nose week leg

face holiday head brain Tuesday
Wednesday Christmas hand neck shoulder
Thursday date ear Saturday hair

(例)eye, mouth


(例)Sunday, Friday

英単語グルーピングチェック 単語のグループを作ろう!

classroom library boat car street

period science traffic taxi bus
bike homework notebook train teacher
lesson class road exam math


(例)brass band, dictionary

交 通

(例)plane, ship

英単語グルーピングチェック 単語のグループを作ろう!

basketball rice banana racket cake

strawberry soccer bread football cheese
potato tennis volleyball apple skate
baseball egg run orange lemon
sandwich ski tomato badminton onion


(例)playground, ball


(例)hamburger, ice cream


英単語グルーピングチェック 単語のグループを作ろう

snowy sun Korean snow Japan

international flood cloud rain sunny
cloudy rainy Korea wind Italy
Indian Japanese windy national Italian


(例)Italy, national



英単語グルーピングチェック 単語のグループを作ろう

cow bird yesterday horse week

whale dog monkey tomorrow year
bear lion today rabbit tonight
weekend everyday fish century noon
afternoon evening cat night month
動 物




英単語グルーピングチェック 単語のグループを作ろう

fire nurse earth dentist mountain

lawyer moon river singer farmer
sun stone writer light air
doctor job bakery water worker




仕 事


6 自己診断チェックシート
回 診断日 ○の付いた語数
1 年 月 日 /100語
10回 自己診断チェックシート 2 年 月 日 /100語
3 年 月 日 /100語
チェック欄 チェック欄
単語 品詞 意味 1回目 2回目 3回目
単語 品詞 意味 1回目 2回目 3回目

sugar 名 砂糖 grandmother 名 祖母
bath 名 風呂 soccer 名 サッカー
chicken 名 鶏肉 cooking 名 料理
cake 名 ケーキ、お菓子 guitar 名 ギター
uniform 名 制服 pet 名 ペット
aunt 名 おば juice 名 ジュース
grade 名 学年、等級 hi 間 やあ、こんにちは
jacket 名 上着 lend 動 ~を・・・に貸す
borrow 動 ~を借りる supermarket 名 スーパーマーケット
vegetable 名 野菜 shower 名 にわか雨、シャワー
hungry 形 空腹の beef 名 牛肉、ビーフ
junior 形 下級の、年下の tomato 名 トマト
cheese 名 チーズ dictionary 名 辞書
orange 名 オレンジ exam 名 試験
brush 名 ブラシ ours 代 私たちのもの
brush 動 ~をブラシでとく excited 形 興奮している
shirt 名 シャツ monkey 名 猿
contest 名 コンテスト、競技会 treasure 名 宝物
lonely 形 ひとりぼっちの banana 名 バナナ
potato 名 じゃがいも sandwich 名 サンドイッチ
flood 名 洪水 pencil 名 鉛筆
pen 名 ペン soap 名 せっけん
cow 名 牛 photographer 名 写真家
rice 名 米 calendar 名 カレンダー、暦
o'clock 副 ~時 delicious 形 おいしい
airport 名 空港 recycling 名 リサイクル
drama 名 劇、脚本 cheerful 形 陽気な
tennis 名 テニス textbook 名 教科書
cap 名 帽子、キャップ umbrella 名 傘
taxi 名 タクシー math 名 数学
ceremony 名 儀式、セレモニー bye 間 バイバイ、じゃあね
classroom 名 教室 onion 名 タマネギ
piano 名 ピアノ poster 名 ポスター
tooth 名 歯(単数形) vacation 名 休み
baseball 名 野球 violin 名 バイオリン
whale 名 くじら pardon 動・名 ~を許す、許し
castle 名 城 later 副 あとで
lion 名 ライオン used 形 中古の,使い古しの
musician 名 音楽家 Internet 名 インターネット
everyday 名・副・形 毎日(の) living room 名 居間
fishing 名 魚釣り clothes 名 衣服
comic 形 喜劇の、おかしい shopping 名 買い物
bike 名 自転車 Africa 名 アフリカ(大陸名)
goodbye 間 さようなら am 動 ~である、いる、ある、なる
soup 名 スープ America 名 アメリカ(国名)
hers 代 彼女のもの American 名・形 アメリカ人(の)、アメリカの
singer 名 歌う人、歌手 April 名 4月
photo 名 写真 are 動 ~である、いる、ある、なる
grandfather 名 祖父 Asia 名 アジア
skirt 名 スカート Asian 名・形 アジア(人)の
Let’s Read!

7 Let’s Read !
Let’s Read !


This is one of the four seasons. The weather becomes

warmer. We see many green trees and many beautiful

flowers again. The school year in Japan usually starts in

this season.

(31 words)


When does the school year usually start in Japan?

Let’s Read !

Breakfast is important!

Now there are many students who don’t eat breakfast.

They often go to bed late at night. They say,“We don’t

have breakfast because we want to sleep a lot.”

But everyone, let’s have breakfast! If you eat breakfast

every morning, you will feel fine and do well at school.



Do many students want to sleep longer?

Let’s Read !

What’s on the moon?

Ken: Hi Aki, look at the moon. It’s so round, beautiful

and bright. In Australia, when we look at the moon,

we see a face. We call it ‘the man in the moon’.

Aki: Oh wow! In Japan, when we look at the moon, we

see a rabbit making mochi.

Ken: Really? That’s interesting.

(54 words)


What is interesting to Ken?

Let’s Read !

Computer Games

Computer games are not only for children. Now men

and women of all ages enjoy doing many things

through computer games. Some students study

English or kanji at school. Some women learn how to

cook in the kitchen. Some old people play sports in the

living room. These games give them a lot of fun.

(55 words)


Do some students study through computer games?

Let’s Read !

Names for Boys

Many years ago, names like John, Henry and Charles

were popular in England. But in 2008, Jack was the

most popular name for boys and 7,612 boys were given

that name. In Japan, Makoto and Hiroshi were favorite

names among fathers and mothers 50 years ago. But

now, names like Haruto and Yuto are very popular for


(58 words)


What was the most popular name for boys in England

in 2008?
Let’s Read !


Maria is from a small town in France. She is going to

live in Japan. Her father has a new job in Tokyo. She is


“Have you put all your clothes in your bag?” asked

Maria’s mom.

“Yes, mom!” said Maria.

“Do you have your little brother’s toys?” asked her


“Oh! I forgot.”

There are so many things to remember when you

move house.

(64 words)


Why does Maria move to Japan?

Let’s Read !

My Robot

I bought a robot last week. It was big and red. It could

fly, so I went to the moon in my robot. It was great! But

when I got home, the robot was too big to go with my

house. So my mother said to me, “Take it back!” I was

very sad. I want to buy a big house because I can have a

big robot.

(68 words)


Why does the writer want a big house?

Let’s Read !

Nobuyuki and New Year’s Cards

On January first, Nobuyuki got many New Year’s cards

from his friends. He was happy to see those cards. There

were a lot of interesting words and beautiful pictures on

their cards. He enjoyed reading and looking at them very

much. Nobuyuki just sent e-mails to his friends because

he had no time to write New Year’s cards.

Now he thinks that he will write New Year’s cards by

hand next time.

(72 words)


Why did Nobuyuki send e-mails to his friends?

Let’s Read !

The Lost Ticket

Yesterday, I went to a baseball game. I was so

excited. But when I arrived, I couldn’t find my ticket. I

lost it. I was so sad. I was about to go home. Then,

something wonderful happened. My favorite player,

Ichiro, arrived! He asked me, “Why are you crying?” I

said to him, “I lost my ticket”. Then he said, “It’s okay.

Take this ticket.” He gave me a free ticket! What a great

day! I lost my ticket, but I met my favorite player!

(85 words)


Why was the writer sad?

Let’s Read !

Pochi’s Trip

Konatsu and Ayu were waiting for a bus. It was

Monday, the sky was blue and it was a sunny day. They

were going to the movie theatre to see a movie. They

were talking when the bus came. Suddenly, a dog

appeared and jumped on the bus.

“Oh, no!” said Konatsu. “That’s my dog.”

Pochi wanted to go, too.

“Let’s go with Pochi.” said Ayu.

So they watched the movie with Pochi, but Pochi didn’t

enjoy it. “Next time, let’s go to the park.” said Konatsu.

(87 words)


Will Konatsu and Ayu go to the movies with Pochi again?

Let’s Read !


It was Takeru’s birthday. He was very excited because

he was going to have a party. He invited all of his friends

and they were going to bring presents. Takeru hoped to

get some comic books and a new bike.

When his friends arrived, they sang Happy Birthday to

Takeru and everyone ate a lot of cake.

Next, it was time for Takeru to open his presents. He

decided to open the biggest box. He was surprised to see

that inside was a small brown dog. Takeru was so happy!

He called the dog ‘Pochi’. Pochi and Takeru became the

best friends.

(103 words)


What was there in the biggest box?

Let’s Read !

Small Trip to the Shimanto River

Last weekend I went to the Shimanto River with my

family. I went with my father, mother and little sister
We left at nine in the morning. We drove for an hour.
The Shimanto River is very beautiful.

At the river, Ayu and I went swimming. Ayu can swim

very well. She goes to swimming class after school. My
father went fishing. He caught many fish.
In the afternoon, we had dinner by the river. My
mother cooked the fish, with meat and vegetables.
After dinner, it started to rain. We ran to the car and

drove home. On the way home, it stopped raining. Then

we saw a beautiful sky. It was a good weekend.


Why can Ayu swim very well?

Let’s Read !

A Surprise Birthday Party

A month ago, my friends and I gave a surprise
birthday party for our friend Jack. I had to take Jack to
the party at 6:00 on Tuesday evening without telling
him about the party.
So, a week before the party, I said to Jack,“How
about going to a movie on Tuesday night?” He
On Tuesday evening, I went to Jack’s house by bike.
I told him that I had to stop at a friend’s house to get
some things on our way.
At first, Jack wanted to wait in front of the house, but
I told him to come in and meet my friend.
When he walked into the house, he was surprised
because his friends were waiting to give a birthday
party for him. The party was wonderful.


Why was Jack surprised?

Let’s Read !

The Case of the Missing Guitar

Every Friday, Akane and Hotaru have brass band club

after school. Akane plays the guitar and Hotaru plays the
One day, they walked into the music room. They both
went to practice playing music, but something was wrong!
“Oh no!” Akane shouted.
“What’s wrong?” Hotaru asked.
“My guitar is missing!” she answered.
“Did you forget it at home?” Hotaru asked.
“No, I didn`t! I brought it this morning.” Akane
“Is it in your classroom?”
“No, we were just there.”
“Did you leave it in the library?”
“I didn’t go to the library today.”
“Hmmm…..” They both wondered.
“What’s that?” Hotaru shouted.
“It’s… a basketball?!” Akane said, and picked up the
basketball. When the two girls looked at the ball, Shota
entered the room. He was holding Akane’s guitar.
“My guitar! Why do you have my guitar?” Akane was
“I’m sorry! I was playing basketball, and my ball went
into the music room. It hit your guitar! So I just checked
the sound of the guitar. I think your guitar is ok. Here you
are.” Shota held out the guitar to Akane. Akane was so
happy to have her guitar back. She forgot she was ever
“Thank you, Shota!” Akane said. “And here’s your
“Thank you. Do you both want to play basketball?”
Shota asked them.
“Ok!” They said and walked to the gym.
(227 words)
Who had Akane’s guitar?
Let’s Read !

Lonely No More
Konatsu was very lonely. She had no friends and her
parents were always busy. She spent most of her time
On a rainy Thursday, Konatsu heard a noise in an old
factory by the road. She went inside and found a cat. He
was very cute. She decided to take care of him. She took
him home and named him Tama. They were happy
together. They played together every day. Konatsu was
very happy.
A week later, Konatsu and Tama were playing in the
park. Then a man stopped near them and looked at them.
“Hello, my name is Tom. I think that is my daughter’s
cat.” said the man.
“No! This is Tama. Tama is my cat!” said Konatsu.
Konatsu held Tama close to her, but he jumped down
and ran to Tom.
“Please,” said Tom. “I am sure this is my daughter’s cat.
She has been sick and lonely without him.”
“Oh,” said Konatsu. She knew that feeling.
“I understand. Let’s take Tama to your daughter.”
So they went to Tom’s house. Tom’s daughter Emily was
very happy. She smiled for the first time in a week.
“Goodbye, Tama,” said Konatsu.
Emily saw that Konatsu was sad.
“Please visit me and Tama if you want.”
“I will,” said Konatsu with a smile.
Konatsu and Emily played together with Tama every
day. The girls were never lonely again.
(231 words)

Did Konatsu and Emily become friends?

Let’s Read !

Maria’s first day

Maria is a new student in Yamada International High
School. While she is eating lunch, Jonny sits next to her.
“Hello, my name is Jonny. What is your name?” he
“My name is Maria. I am a new student.” she said.
“Where are you from?” he wondered.
“I am from France. Where are you from?” asked Maria.
“I am from India. Would you like to sit with me and my
friends?” asked Jonny.
“That sounds great!” said Maria.
Maria and Jonny went to meet Jonny’s friends.
“This is my friend Jacob. He is from America. Jacob this
is Maria.” said Jonny.
“Nice to meet you Maria.” said Jacob.
“And this is Kurumi, she is from Japan.” said Jonny
“Hi, Maria. It’s very nice to meet you.” said Kurumi.
“Maria, what are you eating for lunch?” asked Jacob.
“I am eating vegetable soup.” said Maria.
“Would you like some of my chicken?” asked Kurumi.
“No, thank you, Kurumi, I don’t eat meat.”
Everyone was very surprised.
“You don’t eat meat?!” they asked.
“No, I don’t.” said Maria.
“Why don’t you eat meat?” asked Jonny.
“I like animals.” said Maria.
“Oh. Well, would you like to come to a movie with us
tonight? It’s a story about a dog called Hachi!” asked
“That sounds great! I wanted to see that movie. What
time should we meet?”
It was the first time Jonny and his friends met
someone who didn’t eat meat, but they liked Maria. Maria
was happy to make friends on her first day.
(255 words)
Did Maria have a good first day at school?
Let’s Read !

Jack and flute

There was a boy called Jack. He lived in a small town in

Germany. He was 16 years old. One day when he was walking
home from school, he met a strange old woman. The woman was
standing next to a tree. She called him over.
“Excuse me, please help me! A bird took my flute and now it’s
up in the tree. Can you get it for me?”
“Ok”, said Jack.
Jack climbed the tree and got the flute.
“Here you are”, Jack said, and he gave the flute to the old
The woman said, “Thank you, you are the first person to help
me. Please keep this flute. It’s a present.” Jack said, “Thank you”,
and continued walking home.
When Jack went home, nobody was there. He went to his room
and started to play the flute. While he was playing, he thought,
“I’m so hungry. I want to eat ten hamburgers.” Suddenly, there
was a bright light and then ten hamburgers appeared.
“Wow, where did they come from?” said Jack.
Jack ate all ten hamburgers and discovered a letter. He read the
letter. It said, ‘This is a special flute. It gives you three wishes. Now
you have two wishes.’
“I’m so lucky. What should I wish for next? I want to be the most
famous baseball player in the world.” said Jack.
He played the flute and then he suddenly appeared in a baseball
game. He was wearing a Hanshin Tigers uniform. The score was
equal and it was his turn. But he couldn’t hit the ball. The people
were angry. So he ran away and decided.
“I don’t like being famous. I want to be just a boy again. I will
play my flute and use my last wish.”
He picked up his flute and was going to play when he saw a baby
cat on the road. There was a car coming.
“Noooooooo”, said Jack. “I wish to save the cat and …”
The car stopped just in front of the cat. The cat was safe.
“The cat is safe, but now I have no more wishes.”
He looked up and saw the strange old woman.
“You are a very good boy because you are kind and saved the
cat. I will give you one more wish.” said the woman.
He said, “I want to be Jack again … .”
(395 words)

What was Jack’s last wish?
Let’s Read !

Let’s Read Question の答え

Spring 答え It usually starts in spring.

Breakfast is important! 答え Yes, they do.

What’s on the moon?

答え In Japan, when people look at the moon, they see a rabbit making mochi.

Computer Games 答え Yes, they do.

Names for Boys 答え It was Jack.

Maria 答え Because her father has a new job in Tokyo.

My Robot 答え Because the writer can have a big robot.

Nobuyuki and New Year’s Cards

答え Because he had no time to write New Year’s cards.

The Lost Ticket 答え Because the writer lost his ticket (of a baseball game).

Pochi’s Trip 答え No, they will not.

THE BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER 答え There was a small brown dog in it.

Small Trip to the Shimanto River

答え Because she goes to swimming class after school.

A Surprise Birthday Party

答え Because his friends were waiting to give a birthday party for him.

The Case of the Missing Guitar 答え Shota did.

Lonely No More 答え Yes, they did.

Maria’s first day 答え Yes, she did.

Jack and flute 答え It was to be Jack(just a boy) again.


No. 原形 意味 現在形 過去形 過去分詞 ing形

79 be なる am, is, are was, were been being
85 become ~になる become(s) became become becoming
91 begin ~を始める、始まる begin(s) began begun beginning
119 break ~を壊す break(s) broke broken breaking
123 bring ~を持って来る bring(s) brought brought bringing
132 build ~を建てる build(s) built built building
139 buy ~を買う buy(s) bought bought buying
161 catch ~を捕まえる catch(es) caught caught catching
183 choose ~を選ぶ choose(s) chose chosen choosing
207 come 来る come(s) came come coming
223 cost ~の費用がかかる cost(s) cost cost costing
236 cut ~を切る cut(s) cut cut cutting
273 draw (絵など)を描く、引く draw(s) drew drawn drawing
278 drink ~を飲む drink(s) drank drunk drinking
279 drive 運転する drive(s) drove driven driving
295 eat ~を食べる eat(s) ate eaten eating
349 fall 落ちる fall(s) fell fallen falling
362 feel ~だと感じる feel(s) felt felt feeling
379 find わかる find(s) found found finding
394 fly 飛ぶ、飛行機で行く fly, flies flew flown flying
402 forget ~を忘れる forget(s) forgot forgotten forgetting
~を得る、着く(get to
434 get ~) get(s) got got, gotten getting
436 give ~を・・・に与える give(s) gave given giving
440 go 行く go(es) went gone going
459 grow ~を育てる,育つ grow(s) grew grown growing
476 have 食べる have, has had had having
480 hear ~が聞こえる、~を聞く hear(s) heard heard hearing
497 hit る hit(s) hit hit hitting
498 hold ~を持つ、保つ hold(s) held held holding
515 hurt ~を傷つける hurt(s) hurt hurt hurting
560 keep ~を持ち続ける keep(s) kept kept keeping
567 know ~を知っている know(s) knew known knowing
584 learn ~を学ぶ learn(s) learned, learnt learned, learnt learning
586 leave ~から去る、出発する leave(s) left left leaving

No. 原形 意味 現在形 過去形 過去分詞 ing形

590 lend ~を・・・に貸す lend(s) lent lent lending
611 lose ~を失う lose(s) lost lost losing
624 make ~を作る make(s) made made making
638 mean ~を意味する mean(s) meant meant meaning
641 meet ~に出会う meet(s) met met meeting
757 pay ~を支払う pay(s) paid paid paying
809 put ~を置く put(s) put put putting
822 read ~を読む read(s) read read reading
840 ride ~に乗る ride(s) rode ridden riding
842 ring ~を鳴らす、鳴る ring(s) rang rung ringing
843 rise 昇る rise(s) rose risen rising
851 run 走る run(s) ran run running
864 say ~を言う say(s) said said saying
872 see ~を見る、~に会う see(s) saw seen seeing
875 sell ~を売る sell(s) sold sold selling
876 send ~を送る send(s) sent sent sending
900 show ~を見せる、示す show(s) showed shown showing
909 sing 歌う、鳴く sing(s) sang sung singing
912 sit 座る、腰をかける sit(s) sat sat sitting
924 sleep 眠る sleep(s) slept slept sleeping
956 speak ~を話す、ものを言う speak(s) spoke spoken speaking
960 spend ~を過ごす、費やす spend(s) spent spent spending
966 stand 立つ stand(s) stood stood standing
1003 swim 泳ぐ swim(s) swam swum swimming
1008 take 持っていく take(s) took taken taking
1015 teach ~を教える teach(es) taught taught teaching
1020 tell ~を話す、教える tell(s) told told telling
1040 think ~だと思う、考える think(s) thought thought thinking
1055 throw ~を投げる throw(s) threw thrown throwing
1098 understand ~を理解する understand(s) understood understood understanding
1136 wear いる wear(s) wore worn wearing
1162 win (~に)勝つ win(s) won won winning
1183 write (~を)書く write(s) wrote written writing

a / an area bird cap coat describe eighteen family forest grandfather homework job
able arm birthday car coffee desk eighteenth famous forget grandmother hope join
about around black card cold develop eighth fan forgot gray horse joke
above arrive blood care collect dictionary eightieth far forgotten great hospital juice
abroad art blue careful college did eighty farm form green hot July
accident as boat carry color die either farmer fortieth grew hotel jump
across Asia body cartoonist come difference elementary fast forty ground hour June
act Asian book case comic different elevator father forward group house junior
action ask born castle common difficult eleven favor found grow how just
activity at borrow cat communicate dinner eleventh favorite four grown however keep
actually ate both catch communication discover else February fourteen guess human kept
add August bottle caught company discussion empty feel fourteenth guest hundred key
address aunt bought cause computer dish end feeling fourth guitar hungry kill
adult Australia box CD concert do energy feet France gym hurry kind
advice autumn boy center contest doctor England fell free had hurt kitchen
afraid away brain century continue does English felt French hair husband knew
Africa baby brass band ceremony control dog enjoy festival fresh half I know
after back bread certainly cook done enough fever Friday hall ice known
afternoon bad break chair cooking door enter few friend hamburger ice cream Korea
again badminton breakfast chance cool down environment field friendly hand idea Korean
against bag bridge change copy drama equal fifteen from happen if lady
age bakery bright character corner drank eraser fifteenth front happy imagine lake
ago ball bring cheap cost draw especially fifth fruit hard important land
agree banana Britain check could drawn Europe fiftieth full has in language
air bank British cheerful count dream even fifty fun hat increase large
airport baseball broke cheese country dress evening fight funny have India last
all basketball broken chicken couple drew event fill future he Indian late
almost bath brother child course drink ever finally game head information later
alone be brought children cover drive every find garden health inside laugh
along beach brown China cow driven everyday fine gave hear interest law
already bear brush Chinese create driver everyone finger German heard interested lawyer
also beautiful build choice cross drop everything finish Germany heart interesting lead
although became building choose cry drove exam fire gesture heavy international leader
always because built chopsticks culture drunk example first get held Internet learn
am become bus chose cup dry exchange fish girl hello interview least
America bed business chosen cut during excited fishing give help into leave
American beef busy Christmas cute e-mail exciting five given her introduce left
among been but church dance each excuse flew glad here invite leg
and before buy city dangerous ear exercise flood glass hers is lemon
angry began by class dark early expect floor go herself island lend
animal begin bye classroom date earth expensive flower goal hi it less
another begun cake clean daughter easily experience flown gold high Italian lesson
answer behind calendar clear day east explain flute gone him Italy let
any believe call climb dead easy express fly good himself its letter
anyone belong came clock dear eat eye follow goodbye his itself library
anything best camera close December eaten face food got history jacket lie
appear better camp clothes decide education fact foot gotten hit January life
apple between can cloud deep effort factory football government hold Japan light
April big Canada cloudy delicious egg fall for grade holiday Japanese like
are bike Canadian club dentist eight fallen foreign graduation home jeans line

lion mind ninety park problem run shower sorry sweater thousand university which
list mine ninth part produce sad shown sound sweet three until while
listen minute no party program safe sick soup swim threw up white
little miss nobody pass promise said side south swum through us who
live mistake noon passport public sale sightseeing space symbol throw use whole
living room mix north past pull salt sign speak system thrown used whose
local mom nose pay purpose same simple speaker table Thursday useful why
lonely moment not peace push sandwich since special take ticket usually wide
long Monday notebook pen put sang sing speech taken time vacation wife
look money nothing pencil question sat singer spend talk tired various wild
lose monkey November people quickly Saturday sister spent tall to vegetable will
lost month now percent quiet save sit spoke taught today very win
lot moon number period quite saw six spoken taxi together video wind
loud more nurse person rabbit say sixteen sport tea told view window
love morning o'clock pet racket school sixteenth spring teach tomato village windy
low most ocean phone radio science sixth stand teacher tomorrow violin winter
luck mother October photo rain scientist sixtieth star team tonight visit wish
lucky mountain of photographer rainy sea sixty start teeth too voice with
lunch mouth off piano raise season size station telephone took volleyball without
machine move office pick ran seat skate stay tell tooth volunteer woman
made movie officer picture reach second ski step ten top vote women
magazine Mr. often piece read see skirt still tennis touch wait won
main Mrs. oil pilot ready seem sky stone tenth toward walk wonder
make Ms. old place real seen sleep stood test town wall wonderful
man much on plan really sell slept stop textbook traditional want wood
many museum once plane reason send slow store than traffic war word
map music one plant receive sent slowly story thank train warm work
March musician onion plastic record September small straight that travel was worker
market must only play recycling service smell strange the treasure wash world
marry my open player red set smile strawberry theater tree waste worried
math myself opinion playground remember seven smoke street their trip watch worry
matter name or please repeat seventeen snow strong theirs trouble water would
may national orange pocket report seventeenth snowy student them true way write
May natural order point rest seventh so study themselves try we writer
maybe nature other police restaurant seventieth soap style then Tuesday weak written
me near our poor result seventy soccer subject there turn wear wrong
meal necessary ours popular return several social such these TV (television) weather wrote
mean neck ourselves population rice shall social studies suddenly they twelfth Wednesday year
meat need out possible rich share society sugar thing twelve week yellow
medicine never outside post ride she soft summer think twentieth weekend yes
meet new over poster right ship softball sun third twenty welcome yesterday
meeting news own potato ring shirt sold Sunday thirsty twice well yet
member newspaper P.E. power rise shoe solve sung thirteen two went you
memory next page practice river shop some sunny thirteenth type were young
men nice paint prepare road shopping someone supermarket thirtieth umbrella west your
message night painting present rode short something support thirty uncle whale yours
met nine pair president room should sometimes sure this under what yourself
might nineteen paper pretty rose shoulder son surprise those understand when yourselves
milk nineteenth pardon price round shout song surprised though understood where zero
million ninetieth parent prize rule show soon swam thought uniform whether zoo

10 協力者・参考文献
この単語集の作成に際し,Kochi 語彙研究プロジェクトの先生方にご協力をいただき
・山中 由香 (土佐町立土佐町中学校・主幹教諭)
・中河 敬子 (いの町立神谷中学校・教諭)
・森 佳奈子 (高知市立城東中学校・教諭)
・上岡 真理 (高知市立三里中学校・教諭)
・加藤 有理子 (土佐市立戸波中学校・教諭)
・水野 淳介 (香美市立鏡野中学校・講師)
・中馬 剛 (高知県立高知西高等学校・教諭)
・山田 憲昭 (高知県教育委員会事務局高等学校課・指導主事)
・上田 妙 (高知県教育委員会事務局高等学校課・指導主事)
・長﨑 政浩 (高知工科大学・教授)
*平成23年度 所属

・Kochi 語彙研究プロジェクト(2011) 『高知県高知県中学生必須英語語彙リスト(中
英単 Version-01)』※高知大学教育学部「教育コラボレーション研究プロジェクト」

・相澤一美,望月正道(編著) (2011)
テスト作成まで[CD-ROM 付]』大修館書店

・高知県教育委員会事務局小中学校課(平成 23 年)『英語ライティング・シート』

・高知県教育委員会事務局小中学校課(平成 23 年)

『JACET8000 英単語「大

・望月正道,投野由紀夫,相澤一美(著) 『英語語彙の指導マニュアル (英語教
育 21 世紀叢書)』大修館書店
中学校でこれだけは身に付けてほしい基礎英単語 1200



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