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2nd Term AY 2023-2024 Practical Research 2 Page | 1


This module has been designed to help you:

1. describe the characteristics, strengths,

weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative
2. illustrate the importance of quantitative
research across field; and
3. differentiate the kinds of variables and
their uses.

Image Source: Data Researcher, Graphics - Envato Elements



2nd Term AY 2023-2024 Practical Research 2 Page | 2

Welcome back again, Young THIS
Researcher! MODULE?

Last term, we were able to lay the groundwork for preparation

and accomplished a qualitative research paper. A job well done  Inquiry vs Research:
for everyone!
A review 4
This time, we are going to explore research that enables you to  Characteristic and Methods
express the true, exact, or definite nature of something which is
Quantitative Research. This is the type of research that makes of Research 8
you obtain an accurate or objective knowledge, rather than an  Types of Quantitative
estimated or subjective knowledge about your sensory
Research 11
experience. It fuels your curiosity by letting you think that each
research leads you to a discovery of knowledge that is not only  Learning Activity 1 7
valid and acceptable to you but also to people in general. Using  Quantitative Research 13
statistical and scientific methods of arriving at the truthfulness
 Nature of Variables 15
of something, quantitative research is apt to measure things
involved in the research and to present the results in numerical  Learning Output 17
forms.  Summary 18
In this course, you will:  References 19
 review the nature of inquiry and research,
 acknowledge quantitative research and its importance in
daily life,
 identifying the inquiry and stating the problem,
 learning from others and reviewing the literature,
 understanding data and ways to systematically collect
data in quantitative method,
 finding answers through data collection,
 analyzing the meaning of the data and drawing
 reporting and sharing the findings, and
 produce a quantitative research paper.

In a nutshell, this course will teach you not only what to learn
and practice, but also how to know and accomplish things in life
with accuracy and precision, allowing you to avoid making
erroneous decisions and instead make the world a more
meaningful and beautiful place to live.

2nd Term AY 2023-2024 Practical Research 2 Page | 3

1. What is the nature of
inquiry and research, its
characteristics and

2. What is Quantitative

3. What are the differences of

qualitative and quantitative

Image Source:

There are many things you want to know in this world. People,
things, places, events—their characteristics or qualities make
you wonder continuously, frequently, or intermittently.
Marveling at them, you tend to immerse yourself in a situation
where you seem to be grappling with a problem or a puzzle.
Questions after questions on the many aspects of the object of
your curiosity prod you to move, act, or do something to find
answers to your questions or to discover truths about your
inferences or speculations on such object. Behaving like an
investigator, asking and
seeking answers to some questions about the thing you find
puzzling indicates the true nature of inquiry or research.

What do you recall about these two words: Inquiry and

Research? Write them freely on the following lines without
worrying about your grammar.

2nd Term AY 2023-2024 Practical Research 2 Page | 4


One goal of education is knowledge acquisition. However,

education is not just stocking your brain with knowledge,
but it also encourages you to use acquired knowledge for a
deeper understanding of the world—an understanding that
inspires you to create, construct, or produce things for the
betterment of not only your own life, but of the whole
world as well. How is this possible?
Inquiry, a term that is synonymous with the word
‘investigation,’ is the answer to this question. When you
inquire or investigate, you tend to ask questions to probe
or examine something. You do this kind of examination
through your HOTS or higher-order thinking strategies of
inferential, analytical, critical, creative, and appreciative
thinking to discover more understandable or meaningful
things beyond such object of your inquiry. Thinking in this
manner makes you ask open-ended questions to elicit
views, opinions, and beliefs of others in relation to your
research. (Small 2012)
Image Source:

Characteristics of Research Sample situation for Inquiry and

Research is a scientific, experimental, or inductive manner Research:
of thinking. Starting from particular to more complex ideas,
you execute varied thinking acts that range from lower- Inquiry:
order to higher-order thinking strategies reflected by these A person wants to know the
research activities: identifying the topic or problem, occupant of one condominium.
gathering data, making theories, formulating hypotheses, Research:
analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. Cognitively driven
terms like empirical, logical, cyclical, analytical, critical, Professor Gomez wants to discover
methodical, and replicable are the right descriptive words the impact of social networking on
to characterize research. These powerful modifiers that his students’ learning abilities
your previous research subject, Practical Research 1,
explained to a certain extent, are the very same terms to
characterize any quantitative research you intend to carry
out this time. (Muijs 2011; Ransome 2012)

2nd Term AY 2023-2024 Practical Research 2 Page | 5

Methods of Research
To be a researcher is to be a scientist, who must think
logically or systematically; that is, your research activities
must follow a certain order, like doing inductive thinking that
makes you ponder on specific ideas first, then move to more
complex concepts like conclusions or generalizations. Or, do
the opposite of inductive thinking which is deductive
thinking that lets you start from forming generalizations to
examining details about the subject matter. These are not
the only approaches, though, that you can adhere to in
planning your research work. Depending on your topic and
purpose, you are free to choose from several approaches,
methods, and types of research you learned in your previous
An inquiry is a process of finding research subject, Practical Research 1. (Gray 2011; Sharp
answers to questions and may 2012)
involve different procedures,
epically according to disciplines. Inquiry vs. Research
Research, on the other hand, is One scholarly activity that greatly involves inquiry is
the formal and systematic research. Similar to inquiry that starts from what you are
investigation and study of ignorant about; research makes you learn something by
materials and sources in order to means of a problem-solving technique. Both inquiry and
establish facts and reach new research encourage you to formulate questions to direct you
conclusions. to the exact information you want to discover about the
object of your curiosity. Your questions operate like a
scrutiny of a person’s attire to find out what are hidden
between or among the compartments or folded parts of
his/her clothes. Although the core word for both inquiry and
research is investigation or questioning, they are not exactly
the same in all aspects. Research includes more complex acts
of investigation than inquiry because the former follows a
scientific procedure of discovering truths or meanings about
things in this world. (Goodwin 2014; Lapan 2012)

2nd Term AY 2023-2024 Practical Research 2 Page | 6

Introduction to Quantitative Research
In your Practical Research 1, you have learned that research
methodology is categorized into two (2) main types which are
qualitative and quantitative. Both methods utilize specific data
gathering procedure: (a) qualitative is usually anchored with
understanding phenomenon relating to or involving quality or
kind, and on the other hand, (b) quantitative is grounded on
the measurement or quantity. In this course material, we will
focus on quantitative methods of research and its different
Quantitative research is an empirical approach to scientific
investigation that centers on the systematic collection and
analysis of numerical data. This method employs statistical Quantitative research attains
tools and mathematical models to draw conclusions from large greater knowledge and
sample sizes and structured data collection instruments, such understanding of the social world.
as surveys or experiments. The primary goal of quantitative Researchers use quantitative
research is to quantify relationships, test hypotheses, and methods to observe situations or
make predictions about populations. As defined by Creswell events that affect people.
and Creswell (2017), this approach is characterized by its Quantitative research produces
emphasis on measurement and the use of statistical objective data that can be clearly
procedures to analyze data. communicated through statistics
Numerical data is analyzed statistically, it is imperative that the and numbers.
data obtained must be numerical and quantifiable, hence its
named quantitative research. Information like student’s grades
in different subjects, average number of hours in studying, and
number of social media accounts used are just few examples
of research data expressed in numbers. On the other hand,
there are some data which are not directly countable and thus
require conversion from non-numerical into numerical
information. For example, determining which subject taken by
students is the most suitable for their course to be taken after
graduating grade 12 cannot be expressed in numbers unless
we do a survey using a rating scale. Several forms of rating
scales are available and usually, they come in a selection of
numbers with a corresponding meaning for each choice, for Image Source:
instance: 1 = very suitable, 2 = suitable, or 3 = not suitable at research/
all. Numerical choices convert texts into numbers so the
researcher can perform mathematical operations for faster,
more accurate, and more objective analysis.

2nd Term AY 2023-2024 Practical Research 2 Page | 7

READ Characteristics of Quantitative Research
Height and weight of a person
Quantitative research is commonly used in the fields of biology,
are example of intrinsically quantitative chemistry, psychology, economics, sociology and marketing. With this,
data. Conversely, a rating using a Okit and Luzano (2020) cited characteristics it possesses which makes
scale from 1 to 5 to describe how it suitable on the said fields:
happy you are at the moment is an
imposed numeric structure.
1. Large Sample Size. To obtain more meaningful statistical result,
the data must come from a large sample size.
2. Objectivity. Data gathering and analysis of results are done
accurately, objectively, and are unaffected by the researcher’s
intuition and personal guesses.
3. Concise Visual Presentation. Data is numerical which makes
presentation through graphs, charts, and tables possible and with
Figure 1: Height and Weight better conveyance and interpretation.
4. Faster Data Analysis. The use of a statistical tools gives way for a
less time-consuming data analysis.
5. Generalized Data. Data taken from a sample can be applied to the
population if sampling is done accordingly; with sufficient size and
random samples were taken.
6. Fast and Easy Data Collection. Depending on the type of data
Figure 2: Rating Scale needed, collection can be quick and easy. Quantitative research
uses standardized research instruments that allow the researcher
to collect data from a large sample size efficiently. For instance, a
single survey form can be administered simultaneously to collect
various measurable characteristics like age, gender, socio-
economic status, etc.
7. Reliable Data. Data is taken and analyzed objectively from a
sample as a representative of the population, making it more
credible and reliable for policymaking and decision making.
8. High Replicability. The quantitative method can be repeated to
verify findings enhancing its validity, free from false of immature

2nd Term AY 2023-2024 Practical Research 2 Page | 8

Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantitative Research
Based on the readings from Okit and Luzano (2020) and Atieno (2009),
we can know identify the advantages and disadvantages of quantitative
research. The following are the advantages or strengths:
1. It is objective. Since it utilizes numerical data, it can’t be easily
misinterpreted. Thus, it is more reliable in concluding results, building
up new hypothesis, or dispoving hypothesis. The results when
generalized are more reliable and valid with sufficient number of
sample from the population.
2. Statistical techniques can be utilized. Thus, it allows the
research to analyze and comprehend a huge amount of vital
characteristics of data.
3. Tabulating, processing, and interpreting numberical data can be
done quick and easy. By employing appropriate sampling technique
and statistical tools, findings can be generalized to the population
about which information is necessary.
4. Studies which are quantitative in nature can be replicated. Thus,
it allows researchers to adapt the same approach, modify certain
variables, and/or apply or relate the same concept in different field
of specialization or area with formulation of comparable findings.

However, the disadvantages or weaknesses of quantitative research

1. It requires a large number of respondents so that it is more
statistically accurate. Thus, it is costly. Expenses will be greater in
reproducing questionnaires or in reaching out to your target
2. It lacks the necessary data to explore a problem or concept in
depth since respondents are confined from the given responses
enumerated on the questionnaire. It does not give the respondents
the opportunity to share and elaborate further information unlike in
qualitative research.
3. The respondents may tend to provide inaccurate responses if
not done seriously and correctly. Thus, numerical data may be
incomplete and inaccurate.

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Kinds of Quantitative Research
Quantitative research methodologies require the collection and analysis of
numerical data from measurements of research subjects or participants.
They are often used to test theories, hypotheses, assumptions, or ideas to
determine their validity and accuracy. These can be categorized into two (2)
An independent variable is research designs: (a) experimental and (b) non-experimental research
what we expect will influence designs.
dependent variables. While
extraneous variable is any Experimental research is a scientific method where researchers change one
variable that you are not
thing (independent variable) to see how it affects another thing (dependent
investigating that can
potentially affect the outcomes variable). By doing this in a controlled way and using random assignment,
of your research study. they can figure out if the change caused the effect. It's like a scientific
experiment with a clear setup to understand cause-and-effect relationships.
There are classifications of experimental design which are (a) true
experimental and (b) quasi-experimental. Both intends to determine the
effects, examine the differences, compare the results, or analyze the influence of
variables but the primary difference between quasi-experimental and true
experimental research is the level of control. In true experiments, researchers
have full control, including random assignment of participants to experimental
conditions. Quasi-experiments lack this random assignment, relying on existing
Figure 3 groups or conditions due to practical or ethical constraints. While both explore
cause-and-effect relationships, true experiments offer higher internal validity,
If you study which is more effect
from feed A and B to a chicken in ensuring that observed effects are more likely a result of the manipulated variable.
its growth, then feeds A and B are Quasi-experiments provide valuable insights in real-world settings but with less
your independent variables. But if experimental control.
there are variables which you are
not interested but might also affect On the other hand, non-experimental research is more about observing and
the growth of the chicken in some
way then you have your extraneous understanding things as they naturally happen, without researchers actively
variable. changing anything. In other words, it investigates current status of variables and
their relation with other variables. In addition, it does not involve manipulation of
variables. For example, in correlational studies, researchers look at how
things are related without manipulating them. In descriptive studies, the
goal is to simply describe what's happening. While these designs may not
prove cause and effect as clearly as experiments, they help us understand
real-world situations and patterns in a less controlled but more natural

2nd Term AY 2023-2024 Practical Research 2 Page | 10

Types of Quantitative Non-Experimental Research
Non-experimental quantitative research involves collecting and analyzing
numerical data without manipulating variables in a controlled setting. Here
are some common types:

1. Descriptive Research. In the realm of non-experimental quantitative

studies involves the collection and analysis of numerical data to describe
specific characteristics or behaviors without actively manipulating variables.
Through methods such as surveys or observational studies, researchers aim
to quantify and present a comprehensive snapshot of the subject under
investigation. This type of research is valuable for portraying the
quantitative aspects of phenomena in a clear and detailed manner.

2. Survey Research. This research revolves around the systematic collection

of numerical data from a sample to make inferences about a larger Non-experimental
population. Through structured questionnaires or interviews, researchers quantitative research types
focus on numerical data
gather quantitative responses to assess opinions, behaviors, or preferences.
analysis to describe,
Survey research offers a quantitative lens to understand and generalize
explore relationships, or
findings within a broader context.
identify trends without
 Correlational Research. The focus is on exploring relationships actively manipulating
between variables without intervention. By employing statistical variables in a controlled
techniques, researchers quantify the degree and direction of environment. They provide
valuable insights into
associations between two or more variables. For instance, this
various aspects of the
approach might involve analyzing numerical data to understand the
world, allowing researchers
correlation between study habits and academic performance,
to draw conclusions based
providing insights into potential connections without manipulating on quantitative evidence.
the variables.
 Cross-Sectional Research. Cross-sectional research involves the
quantitative collection of data from participants at a specific point in
time. Through methods such as surveys, researchers gather
numerical information to gain a snapshot of a population's attitudes,
behaviors, or characteristics. This type of study provides a
quantitative perspective on the current state of affairs, allowing for
the analysis of diverse variables at a particular moment.
 Comparative Research. Comparative research within the non-
experimental quantitative domain focuses on the quantitative
analysis of data to compare different groups or conditions.
Researchers use numerical measures to assess variations between
groups, such as analyzing test scores to identify performance
differences in students exposed to different teaching methods. This

2nd Term AY 2023-2024 Practical Research 2 Page | 11

type of research provides quantitative evidence for
Descriptive Research: making comparisons and drawing conclusions.
Describing characteristics or
behaviors without manipulating  Longitudinal Research. Researchers track changes in
variables. variables over an extended period using quantitative
Correlational Research: measures. This approach involves repeated
Examining relationships measurements to capture trends and patterns over time.
between two or more For example, a study might quantitatively assess the
variables without cognitive development of individuals from childhood to
manipulation. adulthood, offering valuable insights into developmental
Cross-Sectional Research:
Collecting quantitative data  Panel Study. It involves the repeated collection of
from participants at a single quantitative data from the same group of participants
point in time. over time. This approach allows researchers to track
changes and patterns within a specific sample, providing
Longitudinal Research:
valuable longitudinal insights. For example, a panel study
Studying changes in variables
might quantify and analyze spending habits within a
over an extended period with
consistent group of consumers over several years.
quantitative measures.
 Trend Study. These studies focus on the quantitative
Comparative Research: analysis of changes in data over successive time periods.
Comparing quantitative data Researchers use numerical measures to identify trends
between different groups or and patterns, offering insights into the evolution of
phenomena. An example could involve analyzing annual
Survey Research: Collecting crime rates to identify quantitative trends and inform
quantitative data from a decision-making over time.
sample to make inferences
3. Ex-post facto study. Also known as causal-comparative, is
about a larger population.
where the researcher observes and analyzes the consequences
Panel Study: Repeatedly or outcomes of a naturally occurring event or condition. This
collecting quantitative data design is often used when it is unethical or impractical to
from the same group of manipulate the independent variable. While it allows for the
participants over time.
examination of relationships, it does not establish causation, as
Trend Study: Examining the researcher cannot control the independent variable.
changes in quantitative data
over successive time periods
Ex-post Facto Study:
Understand the outcomes
based on pre-existing

2nd Term AY 2023-2024 Practical Research 2 Page | 12

1 I-Know!

Directions: Identify the most suitable research design for the

given situation
1. A researcher wants to understand the relationship between
the amount of time students spend on homework and their
academic grades.
To know more about the
Nature of Inquiry and 2. A study aims to investigate the impact of a new teaching
Research, read on method on student performance by comparing two groups of
students in different classrooms.
4884/Nature_of_Inquiry_and_Res 3. Researchers want to examine the changes in consumer
earch preferences for a particular product over three consecutive
4. An educational researcher is interested in studying the
effectiveness of a new reading program by comparing the
reading abilities of two groups of students before and after the
program implementation.
5. A researcher wants to explore the prevalence of a health
condition in a specific population at a single point in time.
6. A company wants to compare the sales performance of two
different marketing strategies over the course of a year.
7. The researcher wants to understand the relationship between
employee training programs and job satisfaction.
8. A study aims to investigate the impact of a policy change on
environmental conservation efforts by analyzing data collected
before and after the implementation of the policy.
9. A researcher wants to explore the relationship between sleep
duration and stress levels in a sample of college students without
manipulating any variables.
10. A researcher wants to examine the impact of a new health
intervention program on a group of participants. However, due
to ethical considerations, the researcher cannot randomly assign
participants to treatment and control groups.

2nd Term AY 2023-2024 Practical Research 2 Page | 13

Importance of Quantitative Research READ
The importance of quantitative research lies greatly in the production Smartphones are also products
of results that should reflect precise measurement and an in-depth of quantitative studies. It took years of
research to establish compliance to
analysis of data. It is also useful in obtaining an objective, standards and marketability, find cost-
understanding of people, things, places, and events in this word; effective material, and enhance data
saving and processors for better use.
meaning attaching accurate or exact meanings to objects or subjects,
rather than inflated meanings resulting from the researcher’s bias or
personal attachment to things related to the research. Requiring the
use of reliable measurement instruments or statistical methods, a
quantitative study enables people to study their surroundings as
objective as they can. This kind of research is likewise an effective
method to obtain information about specified personality traits of a
group member or of the group as a whole as regards the extent of the
relationship of their characteristics and the reason behind the
Figure 4
instability of some people’s characteristics (Mujis, 2011; Gray 2012).

Additionally, quantitative research paved way in finding meaning

solutions to problems faced by the society. For instance, the
development of vaccines for Corona Virus Disease of 2019 (Covid-19)
underwent through clinical and experimental trials. Also, baseline data
from results of quantitative study influenced the implementation of
protocols and laws crafted by lawmakers and country leaders. Cities
with less or zero Covid-19 cases went under General Community
Quarantine where some public and private offices were allowed to
operate while other cities with more cases are directed to be under
Enhanced Community Quarantine where essential businesses are
allowed to operate.

Correlation studies also help us determine and better understand

relationships between variables like study habits and academic
performance, age and health, demand and supply of goods, and
motivation and achievement of students.

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Researchers should observe and measure the quality and/or
quantity of the subject or object of the study to get an answer
to a research question. Therefore, understanding and carefully
defining variables are crucial steps in designing a quantitative
study, as they influence the research questions, hypotheses, and
the appropriate statistical analyses to draw meaningful
conclusions. Variables are empirical characteristic of sample or
population that could vary in quantity or quality. These variables
can be categorized as independent and dependent. The
independent variable is the variable that the researcher
manipulates or controls in an experiment. It is the presumed
cause or predictor that is expected to have an effect on the
dependent variable. The independent variable is what
researchers alter to observe its impact on the dependent
variable. The dependent variable is the outcome or response
that researchers measure in an experiment or study. It is the
variable that is influenced, affected, or changed by the
independent variable. The dependent variable is what
researchers observe, measure, or record to assess the impact of
the independent variable. Also, these variables can also be
classified according to their nature:

Diagram 1: Classification of Variables

Quantitative variables (also known as numerical

variables) are types of variables which are numeric in nature or
can be measured. It can be categorized into discrete and
Image Source:
continuous variables. Discrete variables are countable whole quantitative.html
numbers. Hence, it numerical values take positive integers only.
Examples are number of chairs inside the classroom, class size of
a certain section in a grade level, and frequency of students who
are male. On the other hand, continuous variables take fractional
(values between two integers). Examples are weight and height
of students, and dimension of an object in centimeters.

2nd Term AY 2023-2024 Practical Research 2 Page | 15

Understanding whether a variable is discrete or continuous is
crucial for selecting appropriate statistical methods for analysis.
Discrete variables often involve counting, and common
statistical techniques for them include frequency distributions
and counts. Continuous variables, on the other hand, require
statistical methods like means, standard deviations, and

Numerical data have two levels of measurement which are

interval and ratio. Interval scale is one where there is order and
the difference between two values is meaningful. Examples are
temperature and score in a quiz. Similarly, ratio scale has all the
properties of an interval scale but the zero point in this scale
the independent variable is the indicates the absence of the quantity being measured. Examples
variable that is manipulated, while the
are age, height, and distance.
dependent variable is the variable that
is measured. The relationship between
them is a cause-and-effect Qualitative variables (also known as categorical variables) are
relationship, where changes in the expressed as descriptions or categories. It can be further divided
independent variable are into nominal or ordinal variables. Nominal variable simply
hypothesized to cause changes in the defines or describes groups of subjects. For example, a student
dependent variable. This relationship is
number is used to distinguish each student in a school. Other
fundamental in experimental research
examples are sex (male or female), eye color (brown, blue or
to understand the effects of
interventions or changes in one green), and size of shirt (small, medium or large). On the other
variable on another. hand, ordinal variable denotes that a variable is ranked in a
certain order. For example, a questionnaire may have rating
scales of 1, 2 and 3 with verbal descriptions of disagree, neutral,
and agree respectively. Other examples are result of a car race,
and top 10 hits on Spotify.

Qualitative variables are essential in research for understanding

and categorizing non-numeric characteristics. They play a
significant role in descriptive statistics, as they help classify and
summarize data. Analyzing qualitative variables often involves
the use of frequency distributions, percentages, and bar charts
to present and interpret the distribution of categories.

2nd Term AY 2023-2024 Practical Research 2 Page | 16

My QuantiQuestion!

Directions: With your group, identify the variables out of the

given research problem and problem statement and classify its

1. The Relationship Between Sleep Duration and

Academic Performance in High School Students
2. Does the number of hours high school students sleep
each night correlate with their academic performance,
as measured by standardized test scores and GPA?
3. Assessing the Impact of a Nutrition Intervention on
Body Mass Index (BMI) in Elementary School Children
4. An Investigation into the Factors Affecting Customer
Loyalty in the Hospitality Industry
5. Can a school-based nutrition intervention program
effectively reduce Body Mass Index (BMI) in
elementary school children
6. Examining the Influence of Online Learning Platforms
on Student Engagement in Higher Education
7. Trends and Patterns in Smartphone Usage Among
Young Adults: A Longitudinal Study
8. What factors significantly influence customer loyalty
in the hospitality industry
9. How do various online learning platforms impact
student engagement in higher education
10. What are the longitudinal trends and patterns in
smartphone usage among young adults?

2nd Term AY 2023-2024 Practical Research 2 Page | 17

Quantitative research encompasses
experimenta l, quasi-experimental, and non-
experimental designs . Quasi-experimental
research emerged as a method seeking to
explore cause-and-effect relationships, albeit
without the complete control characteristic of
experimental designs. Non-experimental
research types, including descriptive,
correlational, and cross-sectional studies,
Comparison were highlighted for their emphasis on
Data observation and description without active
Dependent Variables variable manipulation. Variables, specifically
Hypothesis independent and dependent v ariables, were
Inquiry examined, along with an overview of different
Independent Variables types of quantitative variables like discrete
and continuous. The discussion extended to
Interval Scale
key research terms, covering hypotheses,
control groups, and ethical considerati ons
Nominal within the research pr ocess and dependent
Numerical variables, were examined, along with an
Ordinal overview of different types of quantitative
Population variables like discrete and continuous. The
Qualitative Data discussion extended to key research terms,
Quantitative Data covering hypotheses, control groups, and
ethical considerations w ithin the research
Ratio Scale

2nd Term AY 2023-2024 Practical Research 2 Page | 18


Atieno, O. P. (2009). An Analysis of the Strengths and

Limitation of Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Paradigms. Problems of Education in the 21st Century.
(13), pp. 13 – 18

Baraceros, E. L. (2016). Practical Research 2. Manila,


Leedy, P. D. & Ormrod, J. E. (2019). Practical Research:

Planning and Design. New York, Hudson, USA

Ojanola, R. J. (2020). Quarter 1 – Module 1: Nature of Inquiry

and Research. Philippines.

Okit, K. C. L. & Luzano, R. A. (2020). Quarter 1 – Module 1:

Nature of Inquiry and Research, Philippines
Quijano, M. R. & Samar, G. L. (2019). Practical Research.
Manila, Philippines.
Paul D. Leedy, J. E. (2019). Practical Research: Planning and
ERIKA GIN C. CONSTANTINO- Design. New York, Hudson, USA.

Kaye A. Valila

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