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Website: www.afroel .

com Phone: 0911918269/0924181462

E-mail : Tin No: P.O.Box : 32881

Short project description for:

Backend, API and Management Dashboard

Development of E-Booking System

Website: www.afroel .com Phone: 0911918269/0924181462
E-mail : Tin No: P.O.Box : 32881

We propose an e-Booking system that will provide a comprehensive solution for
businesses to manage your booking processes. The system will be designed with a
user-friendly interface and will include backend system and API development. The
backend system will provide central businesses management with a management
dashboard, language translation, and automation features.

We propose the development of an advanced e-booking system that includes a

robust backend system and API. The system will provide essential features such as
a management dashboard, language translation capabilities, and automation to
streamline the booking process.

Objective: The objective of this project is to create a comprehensive e-booking

platform that offers users a seamless booking experience while providing
administrators with powerful management tools.

Website: www.afroel .com Phone: 0911918269/0924181462
E-mail : Tin No: P.O.Box : 32881

Management Dashboard:
A user-friendly dashboard for administrators to manage bookings, user accounts,
payments, and other system settings. Real-time analytics and reporting to track
booking trends, revenue, and other key metrics. Customizable dashboard layout to
accommodate the specific needs of each administrator.

Language Translation:
Our eBooking system will provide language translation capabilities to ensure that
businesses can cater to customers from different regions. The system will support
multiple local and international languages and will allow businesses to translate
your booking pages, emails, and notifications into the desired language. This
feature will help businesses reach a wider audience and provide a more
personalized experience for your customers.

Integration of language translation services to support multiple languages for both

user-facing interfaces and administrative tools. Automatic detection of local and
international language detected by user location preferences and dynamic
translation of content to improve accessibility and user experience. Customizable
language settings to allow users to choose your preferred language.

The eBooking system will include automation features that will streamline the
booking process for businesses. The system will automate tasks such as sending
confirmation emails, reminders, and follow-up emails. This will save businesses
time and ensure that your customers receive timely updates about your bookings.

Automated booking confirmation emails and reminders to users, reducing manual

effort and improving communication. Integration with calendar systems to
automatically update availability and synchronize bookings across platforms.

Website: www.afroel .com Phone: 0911918269/0924181462
E-mail : Tin No: P.O.Box : 32881

Smart recommendation engine to suggest relevant services or products based on

user preferences and booking history.

Backend Development:
The backend system will include a management dashboard that will allow
businesses to manage your bookings, view reports, and track your performance.
The dashboard will be designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for
businesses to access the information they need quickly. It will also include features
such as calendar integration, automated reminders, and real-time updates.

Development of a scalable and secure backend system using modern technologies

and best practices.Implementation of robust data storage and retrieval mechanisms
to ensure high performance and reliability. Integration with third-party services
such as payment gateways, SMS authentication providers, and mapping services.

API Development:
Creation of a RESTful API to allow seamless integration with third-party
applications, websites, and services. Well-documented API endpoints with clear
instructions and examples for developers to easily integrate the e-booking system
into your platforms. Authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure secure
access to API endpoints and protect sensitive data.

Our eBooking system will also include API development, which will allow
businesses to integrate the system with your existing software and applications.
This will enable businesses to streamline your booking processes further and
provide a seamless experience for your customers

Website: www.afroel .com Phone: 0911918269/0924181462
E-mail : Tin No: P.O.Box : 32881

Project Timeline and Budget

The project timeline will be divided into the following phases:

E-booking system backend development project time line and budget

No Project Task Descriptions Time Price

in days in Birr
1 Planning and Requirements Define project scope, gather requirements, and 2 4 900
Gathering: create a detailed project plan.
2 Backend System Develop the backend system architecture, 10 29 900
Development implement core features, and perform rigorous
3 API Development Design and implement the API endpoints, 10 13 900
document the API specifications, and conduct
thorough testing.
4 Integration and Testing Integrate the backend system with the API, 5 13 900
perform end-to-end testing, and optimize
performance and reliability.
Total 30 days 62,600

Development environment

Backend : Node.js, the fastest java script framework that would be a best fit for
this e-booking system in order to avoid loading delays.

Front end(dashboard): React ; provides state-of-the-art functionality and is an

excellent choice for an easy-to-use and highly productive systems.

Database : PostgreSQL: is a powerful open source database that supports many

SQL and advanced features. It can handle various types of data, such as JSON,
geospatial data, etc, and also allows full text search. PostgreSQL is suitable for
data analytics, geospatial applications, and complex queries.

Payment terms
The payment is in two terms
1. 50% should be paid up on the agreement
Website: www.afroel .com Phone: 0911918269/0924181462
E-mail : Tin No: P.O.Box : 32881

2. The remaining 50% shall be paid after successfully developed, deployed and
training all staffs about the system Project durations. The project development will
be completed maximum of 30 days.

Our responsibilities:
▪ We will develop the management dashboard with its API.
▪ Host the system to the server
▪ Provide training
▪ Provide update, upgrade
▪ Provide continues support

The proposed e-booking system with backend development and API will provide a
comprehensive solution for businesses looking to offer online booking services. By
incorporating features such as a management dashboard, language translation, and

Website: www.afroel .com Phone: 0911918269/0924181462
E-mail : Tin No: P.O.Box : 32881

automation, the system will improve efficiency, enhance user experience, and drive
business growth. We look forward to working with you to bring this project to life.

In conclusion, our eBooking system with backend system and API development
will provide businesses with a comprehensive solution for managing your booking
processes. The system will be designed to be user-friendly, intuitive, and
customizable to meet the specific needs of each business. With features such as
language translation and automation, businesses can reach a wider audience and
provide a more personalized experience for your customers. The API development
will also allow businesses to integrate the system with your existing software and
applications, making it a seamless experience for both the business and your

Please let us know if you have any questions or require further clarification on any
aspect of this proposal.

Website: www.afroel .com Phone: 0911918269/0924181462
E-mail : Tin No: P.O.Box : 32881

Thank you!

Afroel Technolgoes

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