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Paucity of evidence for urinary tract outcomes in

closed spinal dysraphism: a systematic review
Paul W. Veenboer, J.L.H. Ruud Bosch, Floris W.A. van Asbeck* and Laetitia M.O. de Kort
Departments of Urology and *Rehabilitation, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Objectives • Urological complaints were present in 54/79 (68.4%)

• To describe the long-term upper (UUT) and lower urinary patients.
tract (LUT) outcomes in patients with closed spinal • Urodynamic studies (48 patients available) revealed detrusor
dysraphism (CSD). underactivity in 46.5% of the evaluated cases, detrusor
• CSD differs from open spinal dysraphism (OSD) by its long overactivity in 32.6% and normal findings in 16.3% of the
asymptomatic course and consequent later diagnosis. The studied patients.
outcome of UUT and LUT function in adults with CSD is • Symptomatic improvement after surgery for tethered cord
relatively unknown. occurred in 33.3–90.0%, depending on the subgroup
studied. Urodynamic improvement rates ranged from
Patients and Methods 11.1% to 54.5% (but based on three studies with only 24
• A systematic review was performed following the standards patients). Success of surgery depended on the time between
of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and onset of symptoms and operation, and (sometimes) type of
Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. An extensive search was lesion.
made of PubMed and EMBASE.
• Included were papers on adults with any form of primary
CSD that described bladder and/or kidney function. Only • Few data are available on long-term urological outcomes in
English and Dutch language papers were included. Excluded adult patients with CSD.
were papers on patients aged <18 years and patients with • More extensive research on follow-up, including the
secondary tethered cord following childhood OSD repair. functional status of the UUT, is recommended.
International Continence Society terminology was used to • Based upon the little evidence available, we think life-long
describe LUT outcomes. follow-up (from birth into adulthood) of those with CSD
and neurogenic bladder is advisable.
• Eventually, only seven studies (90 patients) were included Keywords
and none of these described renal outcomes. Five of the closed spinal dysraphism, spina bifida occulta,
seven papers were on outcomes after untethering surgery incontinence, bladder function, tethered cord, neurogenic
during adulthood. bladder

Introduction the vertebral arch may be an incidental finding. In fact,

unfused vertebral arches are very common in the open
Closed spinal dysraphism (CSD; also [obsolete]: occult spina population, with a reported incidence of 17.3–23.0% in
bifida) is a collective term for a group of heterogeneous large series of patients undergoing plain abdominal X-rays
congenital disorders of the spinal cord [1]. Dysraphia is [3,4].
derived from the Greek term ‘failure to fuse’ and refers to
Symptoms may arise due to an associated tethered cord
every fusion defect of the vertebral arch. Many classifications
syndrome (TCS). This syndrome, caused by traction and
of CSD have been proposed, but one of the most usable is
subsequent oxygenation failure of the spinal cord, was first
that of Tortori-Donati et al. [2] (Table 1).
described in adults by Pang et al. [5] in 1982. If CSD becomes
In contrast with open types of spina bifida (open spinal clinically manifest, complaints usually consist of pain (back
dysraphism, OSD), CSD may go unnoticed for years. In some and legs), gait difficulties, bowel and urinary tract problems.
cases CSD is accompanied by a subcutaneous mass-like The exact number of patients developing a neurogenic bladder
lipomyelomeningocele and cervical myelocystocele. Clinical is unknown, but we can estimate from larger cohorts with
symptoms are not always manifest, and the fusion defect of both patients with CSD and OSD that 20.7% [6] to 24.3% [7]

© 2013 The Authors

BJU International © 2013 BJU International | doi:10.1111/bju.12289 BJU Int 2013; 112: 1009–1017
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Veenboer et al.

Table 1 Radiological classification of CSD according to Tortori-Donati CSD differs from open types of spina dysraphism in that it is
et al. [2].
mostly diagnosed at a later stage than OSD. One could assume
With a subcutaneous mass: on the one hand that the consequences (also for the urinary
Lumbosacral: tract) are less severe than in OSD or, on the other, that they
• Lipoma with dural defect:
• Lipomyelomeningocele
are more serious because of late diagnosis and late start of
• Lipomyeloschisis therapy. One study (children only) showed that CSD might
• Terminal myelocystocele not be as indolent as often assumed, with 7.5% of children
• Meningocele
with end-stage renal disease in a cohort of 65 children
• Cervical myelocystocele followed for 2–14 years [12], compared with a mere 1.3% in a
• Cervical myelomeningocele recent review on OSD [13].
• Meningocele
Without a subcutaneous mass: The aim of the present systematic review was to address the
Simple dysraphic states: following questions: (i) What are the outcomes of neurogenic
• Posterior spina bifida
• Intradural and intramedullary lipoma lower urinary tract (LUT) dysfunction for different types of
• Filum terminale lipoma CSD (i.e. primary tethered cord, lipomatous filum terminale,
• Tight filum terminale intradural lipoma, lipomyelomeningocele) for LUT and upper
• The abnormally long spinal cord
• Persistent terminal ventricle urinary tract (UUT) function in patients aged >18 years? (ii)
Complex dysraphic states: What are the effects of surgery for primary tethering of the
• Dorsal enteric fistula spinal cord in patients aged >18 years on bladder and kidney
• Neurenteric cysts
• Split cord malformation (diastematomyelia and diplomyelia) function?
• Dermal sinus
• Caudal regression syndrome
• Segmental spinal dysgenesis Methods
Eligibility Criteria
For this review, studies were included when patients had CSD,
were aged ≥18 years and when details on urological outcomes
of all younger patients (aged 0–25 years) attending specialised
were presented in a standardised manner.
SD-clinics have CSD.
It is widely assumed that CSD gives less urological problems Data Sources
(incontinence and renal damage) than OSD. Torre et al. [8]
The literature search was performed on 17 July 2012 using
reported on the long-term consequences of caudal regression
PubMed/Medline and Embase; there was no restriction
syndrome (CRS, a subset of CSD) on both bladder and kidney
regarding the year of publication.
functioning. In a group of 398 patients (mainly children, few
adults were included) they found that impaired renal function
was more prevalent in the CRS group than among OSD
patients; also, incontinence was more often present in the CRS Synonyms for various types of CSD (i.e. spina bifida occulta,
group. In that study, most patients were aged ≤18 years (and spinal lipoma, caudal regression syndrome) were combined
those who were older were not separately analysable). In with synonyms for bladder function and kidney function,
patients with OSD, bladder behaviour and renal function and also with terms for diagnostic methods to assess these
may alter during adolescence, influenced by factors such as conditions, i.e. urodynamic study (UDS), ultrasound and renal
secondary tethered cord. In patients with OSD, bladder scintigraphy. Because no other limits were applied, the search
behaviour and renal function may alter during adolescence, was kept as sensitive as possible. Details on the search
influenced by factors such as secondary tethered cord and (including search terms) are shown in Appendix 1.
possibly oestrogenisation of the urethra (in women) and
prostate growth (in men), although controversy exists about Study Selection
this hypothesis [9,10]. Far less is known about the long-term
Results were exported to RefWorks® Version 2.0. Duplicates
fate of the urinary tract in patients with CSD.
were deleted. Title screening was done by one author (P.V.),
Surgical treatment of TCS in adulthood may influence bladder and two authors (independently of each other) screened the
function. An extensive review by Aufschnaiter et al. [11] on abstracts (P.V. and L.dK.). Screening results were compared
outcome of adult TCS describes outcomes with regard to and discrepancies were solved by discussion. Full-text
bladder functioning only very briefly. According to that screening (critical appraisal of validity and relevance) was
review, ‘sphincter problems’ improved after untethering in subsequently performed in a comparable fashion by both P.V.
45.6% of the patients. A more focused review with respect to and L.dK. Only English and Dutch language papers were
urological outcome is required. included.

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Urinary tract outcomes in closed spinal dysraphism

Exclusion criteria were spinal cord lesions other than CSD (i.e. outcomes after untethering in adults with primary CSD
traumatic spinal cord lesions, myelomeningocele, secondary [15,17,19–21], one on adult patients before surgery [18], and
spinal cord tethering after myelomeningocele), and patients one long-term follow-up after surgery in childhood [16].
aged <18 years (unless data were reported separately). Studies Figure 1 shows the selection process. All were retrospective
not describing either UUT or LUT function were excluded. cohorts and case series, and are discussed below. Outcomes
Studies describing a mixed neurological population in which are also shown in Table 2 [15–21].
patients with CSD could not be properly separated were also
excluded. Case reports describing fewer than five patients were All studies together included 90 patients. Of the seven studies,
excluded. Both studies with operated and non-surgically five (with 52 patients) described surgery of CSD during
managed patients were considered. If patients underwent adulthood with a mean age at surgery of 35.8 years. One study
surgery during childhood but were adult during the time of described long-term outcomes of surgery for CSD during
study, they were included. childhood [16]; the mean age at surgery in this study was 12.7
years. Findings at physical (neurological) examination were
only properly reported by one author [19]. Five studies
Data Collection Process and Data Items described LUTS at baseline (before surgery), whereas five
For all studies the following data were extracted: number studies described baseline/preoperative urodynamic findings
of patients, age (range), the treatment protocol followed, (Table 2).
type/level of the lesion, method of bladder emptying, previous One study briefly assessed the presence of VUR and impaired
surgery of the kidneys and LUT, renal functioning, renal functioning, without specifying any further [21]. No
urodynamic parameters (if provided), VUR, and use of GFR or outcomes of renal ultrasonography/nuclear studies
antimuscarinics/α-antagonists (if data on the latter were were given by any paper. Bladder pressures were never
provided). provided. Methods of bladder emptying and urological
Dryness or ‘complete continence’ was defined as completely management were only briefly mentioned in most studies,
dry both day and night with no need to wear pads. For LUT and described in 38 patients only (two studies) [16,19].
outcomes (both LUTS and urodynamic outcomes), the 2002 Clean-intermittent catheterisation (CIC) was performed in
ICS Standardisation of Terminology of the Lower Urinary 12/38 patients, 19/33 patients voided spontaneously, two of 33
Tract were used to standardise outcomes [14]. Parameters of used abdominal straining, and two of 33 did the Credé
filling cystometry (if presented in the study) that were manoeuver.
analysed were bladder capacity (mL), detrusor overactivity
Urological symptoms during adulthood in patients with
(DO) or detrusor underactivity (DU), compliance and
CSD were reported in 54/79 (68.4%) patients, whereas
incontinence. Also, if possible, details on sensation during
abnormalities on UDS were found in 36/43 (83.7%). Urinary
the filling phase of cystometry and the presence of
incontinence was the most frequent symptom (32.9%),
detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia (DSD) were noted.
whereas DU was the most frequently found abnormality with
Urodynamic improvement after surgery was defined as the
UDS (46.5%). When excluding the study of Fukui et al. [16] (a
disappearance of DSD, DO or any lowering of detrusor
study that describes patients who were originally operated
pressures. Improvement of compliance was also considered to
upon during childhood and had been followed into
be improvement. For renal functioning, papers were screened
adulthood), symptoms were present in 78.3% of non-operated
for reporting of GFR, ultrasonography of the UUT and
patients. Urinary incontinence was present in 26.1%, voiding
nuclear studies of the kidneys.
difficulty in 26.1%, frequency in 10.9%, urgency in 21.7%, and
other complaints in 39.1%.
Summary Measures and Synthesis of Results
The presence of UTIs was given by two studies [15,16]. Of the
Means were primarily used to report outcomes in the various 41 patients in these studies, UTIs at baseline were present in
groups (i.e. different neurological level, treatments, UDS 13 (these were all patients from the study by Fukui et al. [16],
parameters); differences in means (for treatment outcomes) so during childhood; Düz et al. [15] reported no UTIs). Of
were used. Harmonisation of results according to the these 13, eight improved postoperatively, three remained
above-mentioned standards (Good Urodynamic Practice) was unchanged and two deteriorated.
done as much as possible to enable pooling of results. Means
were calculated for the pooled study results. Five studies described in which patients a substantial
improvement was to be expected after surgery [16,17,19–21].
Two studies reported that the longer the symptoms existed,
Results the smaller the chance of improvement after surgery [20,21].
After applying all inclusion/exclusion criteria, seven studies A similar finding was presented by Satar et al. [19], showing
were eligible for inclusion [15–21]: five studies on urological worse outcomes after surgery in adult patients than in the

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Veenboer et al.

Fig. 1 Search strategy and selection of studies

PRISMA PRISMA 2009 Flow Diagram for the present review (n = 7).

PubMed n = 3124 Embase n = 1975

Records after duplicates removed

(n = 3248)

Abstracts screened
Abstracts excluded
(After title-screening):
(n = 159)
(n = 217)

Full-text articles assessed

for eligibility

Full-text articles excluded due

(n = 58) to:

Patients < 18 years not

Studies included in analyzable separately (n = 28)
qualitative synthesis
Case report (n = 1)
(n = 7)
No urological data (n = 12)

Full text not available (n = 1)


Studies included in
quantitative synthesis Open spinal dysraphism
(meta-analysis) included, not analysable
(none) separately (n = 9)

children. Many factors played a role in success of surgery, early age, and if these are found, these are often unrelated to
including age and surgical techniques [17]. Both LUTS and the neurological function of the lower extremities [23,24].
urodynamic abnormalities were found to be irreversible in However, it seems that these lesions progress with advancing
most patients [17,19]. In one study, bladder function improved age; up to 25% will eventually develop DSD, which is
after surgery [21]. In a study where patients were operated possibly harmful to the kidneys [25]. In a group of 40
upon during childhood but evaluated during adulthood, the children (28 neonates and infants [mean age 8.7 months], 12
type of lesion influenced outcome [16]. Higher improvement older children [mean age 11.7 years]) evaluated by Keating
rates were found in patients with tight filum terminale (TFT) et al. [24] in 1988, it was shown that older children had more
compared with those with cauda equina adhesion syndrome severe neurological deficits and complete denervation with
(CEAS) [16]. acontractile bladder than the younger patients in the cohort.
In patients with sacral agenesis, neurogenic bladder
Discussion dysfunction will eventually develop in 90% of all patients
(with DO/DSD arising in 50% and 50% suffering from
There is a paucity of evidence on urological outcomes in adult
complete denervation [26,27]), although the more subtle
patients with CSD. For the present review, most papers were
forms of this condition are often missed at an early age due
excluded because they were written from a neurosurgical
to the lack of neurological deficits. Close monitoring during
point of view, without addressing urological outcomes.
the entire youth of all children with CSD is therefore
If CSD is diagnosed at birth, evaluation of the LUT and UUT mandatory. Treatment of the neurogenic bladder in CSD is
should take place within 1 year [22]. This initial evaluation the same as in OSD: antimuscarinics and self-catheterisation,
should consist of ultrasonography of bladder and kidneys. with surgery if these cannot achieve low-pressure bladders
Findings at UDS will often not reveal any anomalies at this with continence [22,25].

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Table 2 Study outcomes.

Reference N Type of lesions (n) Mean (range) Mean (range) LUTS, LUTS at baseline, (n) Postoperative Preoperative/baseline Postoperative UDS, (n or
age at postoperative n/N (%) urological UDS, (n or n/N) n/N)
baseline*, follow-up, symptoms
years months

Kondo et al. 15 Own classification grades I–IV: 32 (16–66) 20 (3–54) 14/15 VS (6) N/A DU (11) 11 had surgery + UDS:
(1986) [21] I. Tight filum terminale, not Daytime frequency (5) DO (1) Improvement in 6/11:
thickened (3) Urinary incontinence (5) PVR (5) DU → normal bladder (3)
II. FT, conus at normal level (6) Urgency (2) Urgency (1) DO → normal bladder (1)
III. FT, conus at lower level (1) PVR (5) DU and DO (2) Mixed → DU (1)
IV. Conus trapped at bottom dural Normal UDS (1) Resolution of urgency (1)
sac by lipoma or FT (6)
Satar et al. 6 MC (1) 30.3 (22–46) (3–84) 3/6 Incontinence (2) N/A DU + DSD (2) 4 had surgery + UDS:
(1995) [19] LMMC (1) mean N/A Urinary retention (1) DU + open sphincter (1) Improved in 2/4:
Primary tethered cord (2) Normal UDS (2) DU + DSD → normal (1)
Not specified/unclear (2) DO + normal sphincter (1) DU + DSD → DO + OS (1)
DU + OS → DU + improved
sphincter (1)
Normal UDS → normal detrusor +
DSD (1)
Giddens et al. 13 DM (4); 44.0 (20–61) N/A N/A N/A N/A UDS available in 12/13: Improvement (DO → normal UDS)
(1999) [17] LMMC (1); (12.5)† Normal UDS (2/12); in
Epithelialised MMC (1) DO (7/12); 1/9 evaluated patients.
PTC (2) DO, ↓sensation (1/12);
FT (2) DO + crede (1/12);
IL (2) DO + ↓compliance (1/12)
EL (2)
LSL (1)
Sakakibara 5 Not specified 28.2 (19–41) N/A‡ 5/5 Nocturia (2) N/A‡ Poor compliance (2) N/A‡
et al. (2003) Daytime frequency (3) DSD (1)
[18] Urgency (2)
Incontinence (3)
VS (3)
Urgency and PVR (2)
Haro et al. 10 According to the Kondo 43.9 (18–66) N/A 10/10 Daytime frequency (3) Improvement: 6/10 Normal detrusor (2); N/A
(2004) [20] classification (see above); cannot Hesistancy and slow stream (2) <5-year wait before DU (6);
be determined for adult patients Incontinence (2) surgery: 5/7 DO (2)
with CSD separately [21] PVR (2) ≥5-year wait before
Slow stream (1) surgery: 1/3
Duz et al. 8§ DM (1) 20.8 (19–24) 9.6 (6–144) 4/8 Urgency (4) Improvement: 2/4 N/A N/A
(2008) [15] DS (3) Urgency (2)
SCM (2)
SM (1)
LMMC (4)
Fukui et al.¶ 33 FT (10) 35.7 (25–77) 276 (240–348) 18/33 (54.5) TFT: Improvement per group N/A N/A
(2011) [16] CEAS (23) Incontinence (0) (compared with
VS (1) childhood baseline):
Both (0) FT: 9/10
CEAS: CEAS: 10/23 (43.5%)
Incontinence (7)
VS (3)
Both (7)
TOTAL 90 Cannot be pooled; different 35.8 (16–66) (3–348) All: Incontinence¶: 26/79 (32.9%) Improvement 27/47 DO: 14/43 (32.6%) Improvement 9/24 (37.5%)
definitions of lesions used. 54/79 (68.4) VS: 23/79 (29.1%) (57.4%) DU: 20/43 (46.5%)
Excluding Fukui et al.: Urgency: 10/79 (12.7%) Normal UDS: 7/43 (16.3%)
36/46 (78.3) Frequency**: 5/79 (6.3%) DSD: 3/43 (6.9%)
Urinary retention: 3/79 (3.8%) Low compliance: 2/43 (4.6%)
Other: 18/79 (22.8%) Other: 8/43 (18.6%)

DM, diastematomyelia; DS, dermal sinus; EL, extradural lipoma; FT, thickened/fatty filum terminale; IL, intradural lipoma; LMMC, lipomyelomeningocele; LSL, lumbosacral lipoma; MC, meningocele; MMC, myelomeningocele; N/A, not available; OS, open sphincter;
PTC, primary tethered cord; PVR, post-void residual; SCM, split cord malformation; SM, syringomyelia; VS, voiding symptoms. *Baseline evaluation is equal to the preoperative situation in studies describing surgery (all but Sakikabara et al. [18]); in the case of
Sakikabara et al., this should be read as ‘at time of study’, as these patients had been in follow-up longer but childhood characteristics are not given in this study. The age given of the study by Fukui et al. [16] is in fact the age at time of follow-up, as all children were
operated during childhood. †Follow-up in entire cohort. ‡Only pre-surgical evaluation was given in this study; surgery was later performed in all patients but results were not described. §Although the entire study included 22 patients, of the 12 patients not operated the

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urological complaints of those with primary and secondary tethered cords could not be separated. ¶Data from the study of Fukui et al. are included in this column, although they were operated in childhood. **Both nocturia and daytime frequency.

Urinary tract outcomes in closed spinal dysraphism
Veenboer et al.

CSD is not always visible by cutaneous stigmata [28], and Improvement after untethering in case of TCS was seen in
many cases will go undiagnosed for years. This, in 11.1–54.5%. Because of the heterogeneity of results, it was not
combination with initial normal evaluation during childhood, possible to pool data regarding success after untethering
might lead to the assumption that follow-up is not necessary. surgery. As far we can conclude from the retrieved data,
This could lead to both patient’s and doctor’s delay. In the untethering does not seem to harm bladder function. The
case of CSD one could say: the later the treatment, the worse question as to whether untethering should be performed with
the prognosis. It is known from children that successful the aim to improve bladder function cannot not be answered
untethering surgery is more likely when these patients are based on the available data. The various authors present
operated upon on an early age rather than an older age conflicting points of view regarding this matter: there is an
[19,24,29]. Hence, although no data exist on the consequences ongoing debate whether neurogenic bladder dysfunction
of undiagnosed SD, we can assume that the effects of secondary to tethered cord is reversible or not. Most authors
unrecognised CSD can be severe. seem to agree that when time between onset of symptoms and
surgery increases, outcomes of surgery are worse.
In those children operated upon, the risk of re-tethering exists,
especially during growth spurts [29,30]. Therefore, during the The urological outcome was worse in cases with a long
entire childhood up until the age of 18 years, urological interval between onset of symptoms and untethering surgery.
follow-up is required. However, although all these Unfortunately, only two studies (with few patients) addressed
recommendations are clear for childhood, close monitoring this topic. Neurological damage, if present, may be irreversible
often stops after the age of 18 years. It is not clear if loss to [31]. For this reason, paediatric neurosurgeons tend to
follow-up of those with CSD can be allowed, whereas the perform preventive surgery for CSD, e.g. before the onset of
current consensus is that those with OSD should be followed symptoms [32]. In adults, CSD will manifest with neurological
for their entire lifetimes. Without follow-up, patients or urological symptoms instead of a skin lesion [11],
might discontinue their life-long regimens of CIC and rendering preventive surgery impossible.
antimuscarinics. One study showed that a 12-month The different types of lesions are poorly described; the main
adherence to CIC of 76.7% in adults with neurogenic bladder, problem being that each paper uses its own classification of
implying that almost a quarter of all these patients had CSD. Neurological impairment was poorly specified. When
stopped catheterisation themselves. It is known that adherence differentiating between TFT and CEAS (as done by Fukui
to antimuscarinics are very poor, although this has not been et al. [16]), patients with CEAS showed markedly poorer
studied extensively in the neurogenic bladder population. One outcomes than in those with TFT. In the study of Kondo et al.
may therefore not automatically assume good adherence to [21], outcomes were worse in high-grade tethering with a very
therapy in these adults. low medullary cone, which has similarities with CEAS. This
Although children with CSD discovered during childhood do suggests that the lower the medullary cone and the more
require follow-up, CSD can also manifest during adulthood detethering required the worse prognosis is after surgery.
(‘adult-onset TCS’). The patients in the present study who Surprisingly, renal outcomes were not addressed in the seven
were operated upon during adulthood had a mean age of 35.8 studies. Only Kondo et al. [21] mentioned ‘vesico-ureteral reflux
years; they presented their symptoms only shortly before and moderately impaired renal function’ in two of 15 patients,
surgery. An important question is how a congenital condition but without further clarification. It is known that certain
can manifest itself for the first time at an adult age. One theory urodynamic observations such as DSD, DO, poor compliance,
for this is that at a more subtle degree of tethering, CSD will high leak-point pressures and VUR are predictors of renal
remain asymptomatic during childhood. Cumulative damage damage in patients with OSD [13]. In the studies of adult CSD,
due to repeated microtraumata throughout life (i.e. during detrusor pressures were not described properly. DSD was
spinal flexion) can cause adult onset TCS [5]. Other described in two of the studies, and was found in two of 11
contributing factors could be age-related changes to the patients. DO was seen in 14/43 preoperatively available
vertebral column, i.e. spinal cord stenosis [11]. Thus, a once UDS. According to this, the LUT of patients with CSD may
asymptomatic, mild tethering can grow into a symptomatic be harmful to the UUT. In these patients, results of
one over the years. ultrasonography of the UUT would be useful, but are currently
lacking. In future studies, a combination of renal outcomes and
In the relatively few papers found, 68.4% of adult patients with
proper reporting of urodynamic parameters is recommended.
CSD appeared to have urological symptoms, mostly urgency,
frequency, incontinence and voiding difficulty. Normal UDS Although case studies ( ≤5 patients) were excluded, they do
were rare (16.3%), but this could be biased because most present incidental cases of advanced renal problems in
patients also presented with urological complaints. The most patients with CSD [33,34]. However, as these are case reports
frequently found urodynamic outcomes were DU or DO, they probably reflect the worse end of the spectrum and are
consistent with the symptomatology. exceptional. However, it should be stressed that in the

© 2013 The Authors

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Urinary tract outcomes in closed spinal dysraphism

presence of unfavorable urodynamic outcomes, the kidneys patients. Practically no data are available on renal function of
are at risk. Therefore, we suspect that there are more patients adults with CSD. More extensive urological follow-up of this
with CSD with renal damage than are currently reported. patient group is recommended. Based upon the little evidence
available, we think life-long follow-up (from birth into
This is the first systematic review to examine urological
adulthood) of those with CSD and neurogenic bladder is
outcome in adult patients with CSD. Advantages of the study
are that it was conducted following Preferred Reporting Items
for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
guidelines (Appendix S1) and used standardised outcome Funding
measures. However, there are a couple of limitations to This study was funded in part by Hoogland Medical, the
acknowledge. First of all, the paucity of articles and the Netherlands.
heterogeneity of data made pooling and statistical analysis of
data impossible. For instance, the median age and interquartile Conflict of Interest
ranges of the included patients could not even be calculated. None declared.
Biases, inherent to retrospective cohort studies and case series,
are omnipresent in the included studies. Although we chose to References
take 18 years as a threshold value for adulthood, some could 1 Özek MM, Cinalli G, Maixner WJ eds. Spina Bifida – Management and
argue that physical adulthood has been reached earlier than Outcome. Milan, Italy: Springer-Verlag Italia, 2008
legal adulthood, and that we could have included patients aged 2 Tortori-Donati P, Rossi A, Cama A. Spinal dysraphism: a review of
>16 years, so that we would have had more results to present. neuroradiological features with embryological correlations and proposal
However, as 18 years is generally the age from which patients for a new classification. Neuroradiology 2000; 42: 471–91
visit adult outpatient clinics and stop paediatric follow-up, the 3 Fidas A, MacDonald HL, Elton RA, Wild SR, Chisholm GD, Scott R.
Prevalence and patterns of spina bifida occulta in 2707 normal adults.
inclusion criterion of >18 years is appropriate. Clin Radiol 1987; 38: 537–42
It is clear that outcome on bladder function in this patient 4 Boone D, Parsons D, Lachmann SM, Sherwood T. Spina bifida occulta:
lesion or anomaly? Clin Radiol 1985; 36: 159–61
group remains largely unknown. More striking is the lack of
5 Pang D, Wilberger JE Jr. Tethered cord syndrome in adults. J Neurosurg
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Urodynamic parameters improved in 11.1–54.5% of the syndrome. Neurourol Urodyn 2011; 30: 1333–7

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Urodynamic findings in adults with the tethered cord syndrome. J Urol tethered cord syndrome; TFT, tight filum terminale; UDS,
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19 Satar N, Bauer SB, Shefner J, Kelly MD, Darbey MM. The effects of
Appendix 1 Search Strategy for the
delayed diagnosis and treatment in patients with an occult spinal Present Review
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bladder in spina bifida. Pediatr Nephrol 2008; 23: 889–96
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MM, Cinalli G, Maixner WJ eds, Spina Bifida: Management and Outcome, OR dry [Title/Abstract] OR continent [Title/Abstract] OR
1st edn. Milan, Italy: Springer-Verlag Italia, 2008: 445–75 incontinent [Title/Abstract] OR dribbling [Title/Abstract] OR
33 Jimenez Caballero PE. Renal failure as a first sign of tethered cord
syndrome in the adult. Neurologia 2011; 26: 566–8
dribble [Title/Abstract] OR dryness [Title/Abstract] OR wet
34 Zimmern PE. Tethered cord syndrome in adult. A rare presentation. [Title/Abstract] OR wetting [Title/Abstract] OR bed-wetting
J Urol (Paris) 1994; 100: 93–6 [Title/Abstract])
35 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About the National Spina
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#3 (‘lower urinary tract’ [Title/Abstract] OR ‘bladder function’
36 Thibadeau JK, Ward EA, Soe MM et al. Testing the feasibility of a
National Spina Bifida Patient Registry. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol [Title/Abstract] OR ‘bladder capacity’ [Title/Abstract] OR
Teratol 2013; 97: 36–41 urodynamics [Title/Abstract] OR ‘urodynamic’ [Title/Abstract]
OR ‘bladder pressure’ [Title/Abstract] OR ‘leak point pressure’
Correspondence: Paul W. Veenboer, Department of Urology, [Title/Abstract] OR ‘bladder pressure’ [Title/Abstract] OR
University Medical Center Utrecht, Room 04.236, PO Box ‘intravesical pressure’ [Title/Abstract] OR ‘intravesical’
85500, 3508 GA Utrecht, The Netherlands. [Title/Abstract] OR vesical [Title/Abstract] OR ‘detrusor
sphincter dyssynergia’ [Title/Abstract] OR ‘dyssynergia’
[Title/Abstract] OR ‘dyssynergic’ [Title/Abstract] OR bladder
Abbreviations: CEAS, cauda equina adhesion syndrome; CIC, [Title/Abstract] OR ‘urinary bladder’ [Title/Abstract] OR
clean-intermittent catheterisation; (C)(O)SD, (closed) (open) ‘pressure flow studies’ [Title/Abstract] OR ‘pressure flow study’
spinal dysraphism; DO, detrusor overactiviy; DSD, detrusor [Title/Abstract] OR PVR [Title/Abstract] OR ‘post void

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1016 BJU International © 2013 BJU International
Urinary tract outcomes in closed spinal dysraphism

residual’ [Title/Abstract] OR ‘post void residue’ [Title/Abstract] agenesia’:ti:ab OR ‘caudal regression’:ti:ab OR ‘closed spina
OR ‘post-voiding residue’ [Title/Abstract] OR urodynamic bifida’:ti:ab OR ‘dermal sinus’:ti:ab OR ‘spina bifida
[MeSH]) occulta’:ti:ab OR ‘neural tube defects’:ti:ab)
#4 (‘Renal Insufficiency’ [MeSH] OR ‘Renal Insufficiency, #2 (‘urinary incontinence’:ti:ab OR ‘incontinence’:ti:ab OR
Chronic’ [MeSH] OR ‘Kidney Failure, Chronic’ [MeSH] OR ‘enuresis’:ti:ab OR ‘urinary loss’:ti:ab OR ‘urine loss’:ti:ab
kidney [Title/Abstract] OR CKD [Title/Abstract] OR ESRD continence:ti:ab OR ‘urinary continence’:ti:ab OR dry:ti:ab OR
[Title/Abstract] OR dialysis [Title/Abstract] OR ‘renal continent:ti:ab OR incontinent:ti:ab OR dribbling:ti:ab OR
replacement’ [Title/Abstract] OR ‘renal substitution’ dribble:ti:ab OR dryness:ti:ab OR wet:ti:ab OR wetting:ti:ab
[Title/Abstract] OR ‘chronic kidney disease’ [Title/Abstract] OR bed-wetting:ti:ab)
OR renal [Title/Abstract] OR kidneys [Title/Abstract] OR
‘renal function’ [Title/Abstract] OR ‘renal functioning’
[Title/Abstract] OR ‘renal disease’ [Title/Abstract] OR #3 (‘lower urinary tract’:ti:ab OR ‘bladder function’:ti:ab
creatinin [Title/Abstract] OR creatinine [Title/Abstract] OR OR ‘bladder capacity’:ti:ab OR urodynamics:ti:ab OR
kreatinine [Title/Abstract] OR kreatinin [Title/Abstract] ‘urodynamic’:ti:ab OR ‘bladder pressure’:ti:ab OR ‘leak point
OR GFR [Title/Abstract] OR eGFR [Title/Abstract] OR pressure’:ti:ab OR ‘bladder pressure’:ti:ab OR ‘intravesical
‘glomerular filtration rate’ [Title/Abstract] OR MDRD pressure’:ti:ab OR ‘intravesical’:ti:ab OR vesical:ti:ab OR
[Title/Abstract] OR Cockroft-Gault [Title/Abstract] OR ‘detrusor sphincter dyssynergia’:ti:ab OR ‘dyssynergia’:ti:ab OR
DMSA [Title/Abstract] OR renography [Title/Abstract] OR ‘dyssynergic’:ti:ab OR bladder:ti:ab OR ‘urinary bladder’:ti:ab
renogram [Title/Abstract] OR MAG3 [Title/Abstract] OR OR ‘pressure flow studies’:ti:ab OR ‘pressure flow study’:ti:ab
hydronephrosis [Title/Abstract] OR renal scintigraphy OR PVR:ti:ab OR ‘post void residual’:ti:ab OR ‘post void
[Title/Abstract] OR ‘nuclear studies’ [Title/Abstract]OR ‘renal residue’:ti:ab OR ‘post-voiding residue’:ti:ab)
scar’ [Title/Abstract] OR ‘renal scarring’ [Title/Abstract] OR
‘renal damage’ [Title/Abstract] OR ‘upper urinary tract status’
[Title/Abstract] OR ‘upper tract’ [Title/Abstract] OR ‘urinary #4 (kidney:ti:ab OR CKD:ti:ab OR ESRD:ti:ab OR dialysis:ti:ab
tract’ [Title/Abstract] OR ‘upper urinary tract’ [Title/Abstract] OR ‘renal replacement’:ti:ab OR ‘renal substitution’:ti:ab OR
OR ‘ultrasound’ [Title/Abstract] OR hydronephrosis ‘chronic kidney disease’:ti:ab OR renal:ti:ab OR kidneys:ti:ab
[Title/Abstract]) OR ‘renal function’:ti:ab OR ‘renal functioning’:ti:ab OR ‘renal
disease’:ti:ab OR creatinin:ti:ab OR creatinine:ti:ab OR
kreatinine:ti:ab OR kreatinin:ti:ab OR GFR:ti:ab OR
#5 (‘Vesico-ureteral Reflux’ [MeSH] OR VUR [Title/Abstract] eGFR:ti:ab OR ‘glomerular filtration rate’:ti:ab OR MDRD:ti:ab
OR reflux [Title/Abstract] OR ‘urinary reflux’ [Title/Abstract] OR Cockroft-Gault:ti:ab OR DMSA:ti:ab OR renography:ti:ab
OR ‘urine reflux’ [Title/Abstract] OR ‘renal reflux’ OR renogram:ti:ab OR MAG3:ti:ab OR hydronephrosis:ti:ab
[Title/Abstract] OR ‘vesicoureteral reflux’ [Title/Abstract] OR OR renal scintigraphy:ti:ab OR ‘nuclear studies’:ti:ab OR ‘renal
‘micturating cystogram’ [Title/Abstract] OR cystogram scar’:ti:ab OR ‘renal scarring’:ti:ab OR ‘renal damage’:ti:ab OR
[Title/Abstract] OR cystography [Title/Abstract])) ‘upper urinary tract status’:ti:ab OR ‘upper tract’:ti:ab OR
‘urinary tract’:ti:ab OR ‘upper urinary tract’:ti:ab OR
#1 (Spina-synonyms), #2
‘ultrasound’:ti:ab OR hydronephrosis:ti:ab)
(incontinence/continence-synonyms), #3 (bladder function),
#4 (upper tract function), #5 (reflux-synonyms) OR
#1 AND (#2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5) → 3124 results (PubMed) #5 (VUR:ti:ab OR reflux:ti:ab OR ‘urinary reflux’:ti:ab OR
→ imported into Refworks 2.0 on 17 july 2012 ‘urine reflux’:ti:ab OR ‘renal reflux’:ti:ab OR ‘vesicoureteral
reflux’:ti:ab OR ‘micturating cystogram’:ti:ab OR
cystogram:ti:ab OR cystography:ti:ab)
#1: (‘spina bifida’:ti:ab OR ‘spinal dysraphism’:ti:ab OR
#1 And (#2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5) → 1975 results, imported in
lipomyelomeningocele:ti:ab OR lipomeningocele:ti:ab OR
RefWorks on 17 July 2012
lipomeningomyelocele:ti:ab OR ‘lumbar lipoma’:ti:ab OR
‘lumbosacral lipoma’:ti:ab OR ‘intradural lipoma’:ti:ab OR
‘spinal lipoma’:ti:ab OR ‘tethered cord’:ti:ab OR ‘tethered spinal Supporting Information
cord’:ti:ab OR ‘sacral lipoma’:ti:ab OR ‘occult spina bifida’:ti:ab
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
OR ‘occulta’:ti:ab OR ‘filum terminale’:ti:ab OR ‘terminal
online version of this article at the publisher’s web-site:
filum’:ti:ab OR ‘split cord malformation’:ti:ab OR
diplomyelia:ti:ab OR diastematomyelia:ti:ab OR ‘sacral Appendix S1 PRISMA 2009 Checklist.

© 2013 The Authors

BJU International © 2013 BJU International 1017

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