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# Makefile for the project TransistorTester


## General Flags
PROJECT = TransistorTester
VPATH = ..:../bitmaps
CC = avr-gcc

CPP = avr-g++

CFLAGS = -Wall

# ********************** Änderbare Flags zur Configuration des Transistortesters

# ********************** config options for your Semiconductor tester
# Every changing of this Makefile will result in new compiling the whole
# programs, if you call make or make upload.

# Select your Part-No. for avrdude :

# atmega8 : m8
# atmega168: m168 or m168p
# atmega328: m328 or m328p
# atmega1280: m1280 // see config.h for different port setting
# atmega2560: m2560 // see config.h for different port setting
PARTNO = m328p

# The WITH_MENU option enables a dialog to choose some additional functions.

# Currently a frequency measurement at ATmega Pin PD4, a frequency generator at TP2
# the external voltage measurement and C+ESR measurement can be selected. Of course
you can also return to
# the normal transistor tester function and switch off the tester.
# For ATmega328 the menu function "rotary encoder check" is only enabled with the
# Option NO_FREQ_COUNTER will disable the frequency counter function.

# With the menu item "Show data" the used icons and the font data are displayed for
# graphical displays after the presentation of calibration data.
# You can switch off the presentation of the icons and the font data by setting
# the option NO_ICONS_DEMO to save flash memory and display time.

# The menu function can be easier controlled with a incremental encoder (rotary
# Both switches of the rotary switch can be connected with 1 kOhm resistors to PD1
and PD3.
# The common contact of the two switches must be connected to GND.
# You must also connect both switch contacts with two 10 kOhm resistors to VCC
(pull up).
# The best choise is a incremental encoder with Push Button. The button can be
# parallel to the start key of the Transistor Tester.
# A define of the WITH_ROTARY_SWITCH enable the support for this extension.
# If your encoder has the same count of pulses at any switch as indexed positions
(detent) for every turn,
# you should set the WITH_ROTARY_SWITCH to 2 or 3.
# If your encoder has twice the count of indexed positions, you should set the
# For rotary encoder without indexed position or with an indexed position at every
change of
# the state of any switches (four times the count of pulses) you can set the
# WITH_ROTARY_COUNT to 5 for getting the best resolution.
# You can also use two separate push-buttons for Up and Down instead ot the rotary
# You must set the WITH_ROTARY_SWITCH to 4 for the UP/DOWN push-buttons.
# the option CHANGE_ROTARY_DIRECTION changes the rotary direction by swap of
# The best solution for connecting the rotary switch is PD1 and PD3, because this
setting can be used
# with character and ST7565 LCD. But the first draft has used PD2 instead of PD1.
# To return to the old setting, you can override the PD1 default setting with the
following setting:

# Select your language:


# The LCD_CYRILLIC option is necessary, if you have a display with cyrillic

# This lcd-display don't have a character for Ohm and for µ (micro).
# Russian language requires a LCD controller with russian characterset and option

# The LCD_DOGM option must be set for support of the DOG-M type of LCD modules with
ST7036 controller.
# For this LCD type the contrast must be set with software command.

# Can be used with a 4x20 character display for better using the additional space.
# Additional parameters, which are shown only short in row 2, will be shown in row
3 and 4 with this option.

# Some character display types have a different DD_RAM start adress for line 1.
# Usually the DD_RAM start address for line 1 is 0.
# You can specify a different start address with the option DD_RAM_OFFSET

# The PAGE_MODE activates a moving line cursor for menu function selection together
# Without the PAGE_MODE option, the line cursor is fixed to line 3 and the text

# The LCD_ST7565 option must be set to support a 128x64 LCD graphics display
# with ST7565 controller. It is controlled with a 1-bit interface (SPI or I2C)
# The normal ST7565 controller will be supported by setting the WITH_LCD_ST7565 to
1 or 7565.
# The special action for a simular SSD1306 controller can be activated by
# setting the WITH_LCD_ST7565 variable to 1306.
WITH_LCD_ST7565 = 1
#WITH_LCD_ST7565 = 1306

# Normally the ST7565 controller is connected with a SPI 4-wire interface, but
# you can enable a I2C interface with address 0x3c for the SSD1306 controller
# by setting the LCD_INTERFACE_MODE to 2.
# The SCL signal is available at PD5 (LCD-E, LCD-6), the SDA signal at PD2 (LCD-D6,
# A pull up resistor of about 4.7k is required for both signals to 3.3V.
# Please check, if your display module can also tolerate a 5V signal level.
# For the ST7920 controller you can select the serial interface by setting the
# ST7920-RW <--> PD2 , ST7920-E <--> PD5 , ST7920-PSB <--> GND , ST7920-RS <--> VCC
, ST7920-RST <--> VCC
# For the PDF8814 controller you can also select a 3 for the 3-line serial
interface with RS (D/C) as first bit.
# The RS (data/command) signal at PD1 is used as chip enable SCE.

# With the option LCD_SPI_OPEN_COL the data signals of the SPI interface are not
switched to VCC.
# With option LCD_SPI_OPEN_COL the signals are switched to GND only, for high
signals the pullup resistors
# of the ATmega are used. For the RESET signal a external pull-up resistor is
required, if the
# option PULLUP_DISABLE is set. For the other signals the internal pullup resistors
of the ATmega
# are temporary used, even if option PULLUP_DISABLE is set.

# The I2C Address can be preset to a address of 0x3d instead of 0x3c by setting the
constant LCD_I2C_ADDR.

# If LCD_ST7565 option is used: Set the resitor ratio for the internal
# voltage regulator. Supported value range: 0..7.
# Good values are e.g. 4 or 7. If unsure just have a try.

# If LCD_ST7565 option is set to 1: Flip the display's horizontal direction.

# With LCD_ST7565_H_OFFSET you can specify a horizontal pixel offset to the display
# The controller knows 132 horizontal pixel, the window shows only 128 pixel.
# OFFSET values can vary for the connected display type to 0, 2 or 4.
# If LCD_ST7565 option is set to 1: Flip the display's vertical direction
# The contrast value can be predefined with the constant VOLUME_VALUE
# for ST7565 controller the value can be between 0 and 63, for the SSD1306 0 to 255
can be selected.

# You can specify a Y start line (vertical address) for the display output with the
option LCD_ST7565_Y_START.
# If your output start in the middle of the display, you can specify a Y_START of

# If option WITH_LCD_ST7565 is present one of the following fonts should be

# choosen. With a font width below 8 more than 16 characters can be shown in one
display line.
#CFLAGS += -DFONT_8X12thin
#CFLAGS += -DFONT_8X16thin

# There are also different 24x32 pixel icons for presentation of the transistor
symbols available.
# you can select a special type with setting the ICON_TYPE.
# Currently you can select 1 or 3 for one of two thin layouts for the icons.
# You can also select two thick layouts for the icons by setting the ICON_TYPE to 2
or 0 (0=old style).

# option BIG_TP makes the 123 for the test pins (beside the icon) bigger
# option INVERSE_TP inverse the 123 for the test pins (black on white)
# the option INVERSE_TP disable the option BIG_TP because a frame is required

# Option STRIP_GRID_BOARD selects different board-layout, do not set for standard

# The connection of LCD is totally different for both versions.

# The WITH_SELFTEST option enables selftest function (only for mega168 or mega328)
including the calibration.
# Normally the mega168 uses selftest without T1 to T7 to enable both hFE
# You can enable the extended tests T1 to T7 for the atmega168 by selecting the
# The T1 to T7 tests are usefull to find problems with your tester.
# You can also disable the extended tests T1 to T7 with the option NO_TEST_T1_T7 to
accelerate the calibration
# for the atmega328 and atmega168.

# FREQUENCY_50HZ enables a 50 Hz frequency generator for up to one minute at the

end of selftests.


# AUTO_CAL will enable the autocalibration of zero offset of capacity measurement

# also the port output resistance values will be find out in SELFTEST section.
# With a external capacitor a additionally correction of reference voltage is
figured out for
# low capacity measurement and also for the AUTOSCALE_ADC measurement.
# The AUTO_CAL option is only selectable for mega168 and mega328.

# The tester reports the uncalibrated state with a message after testing a part.
# Normally a long text is shown, which explains the steps of calibration.
# You can prevent the long explanation by setting the SHORT_UNCAL_MSG option.
# With this option set, only a hint of one line is shown.

# You can extend the measurement feature by use of a sampling mode for the ADC
# to extend the resolution of capacity measurement to about 0.01pF.
# Setting the WITH_SamplinADC to 1 enables this feature for capacity values below
WITH_SamplingADC = 1

# Option WITH_XTAL enables additional Xtal / Ceramic resonator tests.

# Option can be set only together with SamplingADC=1 and OP_MHZ=16
# Option WITH_UJT enables additional tests for UJT (UniJunction Transistor)
# Option WITH_PUT enables additional tests for PUT (Programmable Unijunction
# Option FET_Idss will measure the Idss parameter for FETs, if not estimated >

# The WITH_AUTO_REF option enables reading of internal REF-voltage to get factors

for the Capacity measuring.
# REF_C_KORR corrects the reference Voltage for capacity measurement (<40uF) and
has mV units.
# Greater values gives lower capacity results.
# REF_L_KORR corrects the reference Voltage for inductance measurement and has mV
# C_H_KORR defines a correction of 0.1% units for big capacitor measurement.
# Positive values will reduce measurement results.

# The WITH_UART option enables the software UART (TTL level output at Pin PC3,
# You can set WITH_UART to 2 to enable a special mode of serial output with line
number in column 1.
# If the option is deselected, PC3 can be used as external voltage input with a
# 10:1 resistor divider.
# With option TQFP_ADC6 or/and TQFP_ADC7 you can use the additional pins of the
# the QFN package for external analog input. You should install a 10:1 voltage
# on the selected pin(s).
# If both pins are defined, both voltages are measured with the voltage measure
# But for zener diode measurement the ADC6 pin is used, if both pins are defined.

# For ATmega8/168/328 processor the option WITH_VEXT can only be set, if the PC3
# is not used for serial output (WITH_UART option).
# For ATmega644/1284 processor the UART has a separate pin. Therefore the external
# at pin ADC3 can be enabled separate by setting the WITH_UART option.

# If you want to measure Inductors with the resistance meter, you must specify
# the RMETER_WITH_L option. The measurement cycle time slow down with this option
# for resistors below 2.1kOhm. Resistors below 10 Ohm are measured additionally
# with the ESR measurement methode, which takes also a longer time.

# The CAP_EMPTY_LEVEL defines the empty voltage level for capacitors in mV.
# Choose a higher value, if your Tester reports "Cell!" by unloading capacitors.

# The AUTOSCALE_ADC option enables the autoscale ADC (ADC use VCC and Bandgap Ref).

# The ESR_ZERO value define the zero value of ESR measurement (units = 0.01 Ohm).

# NO_AREF_CAP tells your Software, that you have no Capacitor installed at pin AREF
# This enables a shorter wait-time for AUTOSCALE_ADC function.
# A capacitor with 1nF can be used with the option NO_AREF_CAP set.

# The OP_MHZ option tells the software the Operating Frequency of your ATmega.
OP_MHZ = 8

# Restart from sleep mode will be delayed for 16384 clock tics with crystal mode.
# Operation with the internal RC-Generator or external clock will delay the restart
by only 6 clock tics.
# You must specify this with "CFLAGS += -DRESTART_DELAY_TICS=6", if you don't use
the crystal mode.

# The USE_EEPROM option specify where you wish to locate fix text and tables.
# If USE_EEPROM is unset, program memory (flash) is taken for fix text and tables.

# Setting EBC_STYPE will select the old style to present the order of Transistor
connection (EBC=...).
# Omitting the option will select the 123=... style. Every point is replaced by a
character identifying
# type of connected transistor pin (B=Base, E=Emitter, C=Collector, G=Gate,
S=Source, D=Drain).
# If you select EBC_STYLE=321 , the style will be 321=... , the inverted order to
the 123=... style.

# Setting of NO_NANO avoids the use of n as prefix for Farad (nF), the mikro prefix
is used instead (uF).

# With graphical displays the layout of pins is usually shown in long style " Pin
1=E 2=B 3=C"
# With the NO_LONG_PINLAYOUT option the short style "Pin 123=EBC" is used

# The PULLUP_DISABLE option disable the pull-up Resistors of IO-Ports.

# To use this option a external pull-up Resistor (10k to 30k)
# from Pin 13 to VCC must be installed!

# The ANZ_MESS option specifies, how often an ADC value is read and accumulated.
# Possible values of ANZ_MESS are 5 to 200 .

# The POWER_OFF option enables the power off function, otherwise loop measurements
# until power is disconnected with a ON/OFF switch (CFLAGS += -DPOWER_OFF).
# If you have the tester without the power off transistors, you can deselect
# If you have NOT selected the POWER_OFF option with the transistors installed,
# you can stop measuring by holding the key several seconds after a result is
# displayed. After releasing the key, the tester will be shut off by timeout.
# Otherwise you can also specify, after how many measurements without found part
# the tester will shut down (CFLAGS += -DPOWER_OFF=5).
# The tester will also shut down with found part,
# but successfull measurements are allowed double of the specified number.
# You can specify up to 255 empty measurements (CFLAGS += -DPOWER_OFF=255).

# Option BAT_CHECK enables the Battery Voltage Check, otherwise the SW Version is
displayed instead of Bat.
# BAT_CHECK should be set for battery powered tester version.

# The BAT_OUT option enables Battery Voltage Output on LCD (if BAT_CHECK is
# If your 9V supply has a diode installed, use the BAT_OUT=600 form to specify the
# threshold voltage of your diode to adjust the output value.
# This threshold level is added to LCD-output and does not affect the voltage
checking levels.

# To adjust the warning-level and poor-level of battery check to the capability of

# low drop voltage regulator, you can specify the Option BAT_POOR=5400 .
# The unit for this option value is 1mV , 5400 means a poor level of 5.4V.
# The warning level is 0.8V higher than the specified poor level (>5.3V).
# The warning level is 0.4V higher than the specified poor level (>2.9V, <=5.3V).
# The warning level is 0.2V higher than the specified poor level (>1.3V, <=2.9V).
# The warning level is 0.1V higher than the specified poor level (<=1.3V).
# Setting the poor level to low values is not recommended for rechargeable
# because this increase the danger for deep discharge!!

# You can set a upper battery voltage limit in mV units for battery operation mode.
# The operation time of additional functions is limited with the battery operation
# Above the voltage limit "DC_PWR" the tester changes the operation mode to the
# "DC_Pwr_Mode", where time limits of the additional functions are switched off.
# The "DC_Pwr_Mode" is also started, if the battery voltage is detected below 0.9V
# regardless to the state of the DC_PWR option.
# CFLAGS += -DDC_PWR=9500

# Voltage divider for battery voltage measurement 10k / 3.3k = 133/33

# Voltage divider for the external zener voltage measurement 180k / 20k = 10/1

# The sleep mode of the ATmega168 or ATmega328 is normally used by the software to
save current.
# You can inhibit this with the option INHIBIT_SLEEP_MODE .

# Select your programmer type, speed and port, if you wish to use avrdude.
# setting for DIAMEX ALL_AVR, Atmel AVRISP-mkII
# setting for USBasp
# setting for ARDUINO MEGA, requires bootloader
#PORT = /dev/ttyACM0
#AVRDUDE_BAUD = -b 115200 -D
# ********************** end of selectable options

include ../

########### Compile only Assembler source available

lcd_hw_4_bit.o: ../lcd_hw_4_bit.S $(MKFILES)
$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

wait1000ms.o: ../wait1000ms.S $(MKFILES)

$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

swuart.o: ../swuart.S $(MKFILES)

$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

########### Compile Assembler source only, is time critical

GetESR.o: ../GetESR.S $(MKFILES)
$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

########### Compile C or Assembler , Assembler saves more than 400 bytes flash
GetRLmultip.o: ../GetRLmultip.S $(MKFILES)
$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

UfAusgabe.o: ../UfAusgabe.S $(MKFILES)

$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

RvalOut.o: ../RvalOut.S $(MKFILES)

$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

PinLayout.o: ../PinLayout.S $(MKFILES)

$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

RefVoltage.o: ../RefVoltage.S $(MKFILES)

$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

i2lcd.o: ../i2lcd.S $(MKFILES)

$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

ReadADC.o: ../ReadADC.S $(MKFILES)

$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

sleep_5ms.o: ../sleep_5ms.S $(MKFILES)

$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

wait_for_key_ms.o: ../wait_for_key_ms.c $(MKFILES)

$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

get_log.o: ../get_log.S $(MKFILES)

$(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

include ../

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